#Again we have the two unable to regoznie how to tell the other anything
justalittletomato · 4 years
Maul X Reader Drabble Part 2
A link to Part 1:  
A continuation from the previous installment were sentiments were a clear miss. Here Savage attempts to help, if only Reader would give him a heads up. 
As usual Reader can be seen as Y/N 
Warnings: Maybe angst?
I put the rest under keep reading as to not clutter the dash!  
She was distancing herself, instead of her usual place beside him Maul almost stood up to redirect her as she took a seat next to his brother, Savage. The other sith was also perplexed but did not bring further attention to the matter, mostly as he could already tell everyone present was painfully aware of the situation. 
Y/N did not give it any of her attention; she only  gave Savage  a small smile and greeting before turning back to her work. 
Similar instances would occur throughout the morning, Maul narrowed his eyes as Y/N again went to savage to discuss the new settlement, and instead sending him messages through her data pad rather than speaking directly.  
His brother only tried to cast him a apologetic glance as Y/N followed him out to another co-occurring meeting, she still of course gave Maul his notes that she had written the night prior, “I just want to make sure this one goes well, I know Savage can hold his own and easily snap a few necks but it wouldn’t hurt for me to make sure no one slides anything in,” he watched her walk away beside his brother, she even dressed differently today. 
Her usual black silk gowns were often a compliment of his own tunics, like a matched set of black and red.
Today she favored a slate grey leaning  towards a gray-blue similar to Savages armor, the alteration bothered him as they walked off now Y/N matched Savage instead and followed him along leaving Maul to dwell on his irritation and sadly for the councils without Y/N to calm him. 
The other meeting had ended earlier than expected, Y/N stirred her tea for once not enjoying the routine task.  Likely as to  avoid   the person she shared the ritual task  with as much as she could given her role as advisor. Savage had sat next to her, umber eyes looked over the young woman who had been stirring her tea cup for the past 5 minutes, lost in thought. 
“Y/n, how long do you plan to avoid my brother?” It was an honest question he could still feel his brother glaring at them as Y/N walked behind him. 
“Is it that obvious?” She put down her spoon for once not interested in drinking her tea, of right, it wasn’t even the kind she liked too much, this one was  Maul's favorite. 
Savage would have laughed if it not been for the continued dazed look on Y/N, as if she was barely present, “Glaringly so, we left him in a mood this morning.” 
Savage looked around the room making sure no one else was there, his brow furrowed, “Y/N it may be best to let this feeling go. You’ll only torture yourself.” 
Y/n tugged at her sleeve, maybe the color didn’t suit her at all, she kept pulling at the material  trying to muffle what Savage was trying to explain, a truth she had already realized the other day.
Savage continued, “ you must understand, my brother's upbringing was void of affection, any kinship with others, any positive link that likely did not end with a command to destroy. It was only recently that he and I referred to another as brothers, however.” The yellow Zabrak put a hand on hers, “ With you it’s different, he actually lets you near, he likes your company and often seeks you out but he may not be able to recognize that he feels something for you.” 
The sincerity of his voice made it all the worse , Y/N bowed her head letting her hair fall around her, “I know, why do you think I’ve been avoiding him?” 
The silence that fell between the two was tangible, Y/N felt the need to just curl up and hide. “ I tried to have him tell me what capacity he wanted me for, “ 
“What was his response?” Savage tried. He gave her hand a comforting squeeze,
“ Well I was not outright on what I am feeling,” She recalled the touches and proximity she had with Maul, a hand on his  shoulder and the habit of sitting close together as they worked. Each brush of their hands sending more and more warmth as they sat and worked together. “,But I felt my implications and mannerisms were clear,”
 How many hours had they spent working together? 
More than once has she fallen asleep at the desk with him and had woken up back in her own room.
 Y/N re-evaluated the moments between them, maybe she had looked far too into the situation,
“Again as I have said my brother likely has no reference that you are trying to convey anything of a romantic nature, no matter how glaringly obvious.” 
She looked up at him frowning, but Savage continued, he needed her to understand,
 “I know he likes to be around you, he seems calmer with you, but he may not be able to recognize it not without a real push.You will have to face him soon, this arrangement will only make it worse.”
Y/n couldn’t help but laugh, it was bitter and sad, “ Of course, I’m the official advisor now.” She smiled up at Savage with dulled eyes not a touch of her usual spark, “I’ve been reaching for this for years and I finally have it. I suppose I should be happy right?”
The door to the room had opened, the familiar grumbling from Maul came through, but not slow enough as he saw his brother still holding Y/N hands.  Savage slowly put down Y/N’s hands, “ Just giving her my congrats as your new advisor.” 
Maul felt uneasy at the way the two were reacting, wait...why was he so bothered by this? It was good that the two were getting along. However that proximity was something he shared with Y/N, something meant between them and not the three.
 Y/n was the first to get up ready to just leave the matter again,
“Well our meeting ended early, there’s still some tea left. I’ll be helping Savage again tomorrow.”  She gathered her items taking her data pad with her, “I’ve already sent you my notes for your meetings tomorrow as well so you should be fine without me there.” she didn't meet his eyes, she just looked above him at the windows, the patterned glass was her focal point, she just had to keep it up. 
Savage internally groaned, he could already see his brother getting angered by this, the crimson Zabrak had deepened his usual frown and narrowed his eyes,” You have your duties, Y/N.” 
He wanted Y/N at his side, he wanted her to say her biting remarks at the council as she knew she would win. He missed her touch to his shoulder when she had found yet another scheme underway. 
“I am well aware, but Lord Maul if you recall I am an advisor to you both, and if that is the case I should also help Lord Savage as well. It’s only fair.” She was technically right, but he couldn't give her that. 
She walked past him, feeling  his golden eyes looking back at her, “ I’m turning in early today, I’m afraid I won't be joining you tonight.” There would be no accidental touch, or falling asleep near the other just solitude once more. 
She didn’t stay to hear him call her back, she just looked at the window and left into the halls.  
The stained windows showed her Sundari, maybe she should linger back to the library. 
She missed the books and silence, maybe the pages would fill her thoughts with something new, rather than linger on the crimson Zabrak that haunted her.
 Maybe she should listen to Savage and let go of this feeling. 
The library was always empty it’s only occupant was Y/N,she let her fingers run over the histories and tales of old. These were her constant companions, the ones who stayed when everyone had gotten what they needed from her. Maybe she should be blunt with Maul about what she felt, maybe this time someone would stay or maybe she would just still be here in the library chiding herself for being in love with such an impossible person.
She  takes a book from the shelf uncaring of its contents and opened it up, “it is without saying that Mandalore will fight until the end....” ah one of the classic histories of the civil wars from 20 years ago, she curled up in her old nook the pillows soft as she laid back and drowned her thoughts with the old tales, no more golden eyes, or intricate tattoos, or glancing at a crown of horns. 
“You seem troubled brother.” Savage watched as his brother had ripped apart one of the targets in the training room. Its contents strewn over the floor, the polymer fiber now littering the mats as Maul took out his frustrations. 
“She’s hiding something. She has to be.” Maul hissed, “What did she tell you?” his tone was accusatory and slightly panicked. 
Savage thought of what he was going to say, “She isn’t trying anything against you, it is complicated to say the least but it isn’t really my place to tell you.” 
It was all he could come up with, and it didn’t help the situation. Maul was already going at another target with a wooden staff, the impact of a strike ripping through the cover.  
“So you know.” Maul began, “Withholding information from me isn’t wise.”  His voice has lowered, and the staff now pointed at Savage, “Best to tell me.” 
What did savage know? What was it that Y/N would divulge to his brother rather than him? 
Savage just stared at his brother, “Answer me this first, what did you feel when Y/N went with me this morning?” 
Maul glared at his brother, “What does that have to do with the information I asked for? Did I not make it clear?” 
Savage persisted, “ You didn’t like it, did you?” 
“Y/N and I  have worked well together of course I’d want her there.”  
“ But she  wore my colors today.”  Savage added, Maul gripped tighter onto the staff
“ They don’t suit her at all, they dull her out. You’ve seen her in black and red,” He let himself linger at that thought, the silky material would sometimes graze against his side, the dresses suited her, she looked every bit regal and at his side,   “She was ethereal.”
Savage mentally checked off the question and again commented, “So I’ve heard, even some of the council have mentioned similar comments.” 
Maul clenched his jaw at that, “Which ones?” 
“Y/N has already turned each one down, that also seemed to bother you. Y/n is young,she’s brilliant, it might not be too long before she does end up with someone.” 
Splintered wood snapped onto the mat, “ Enough with this! ”, Maul snarled, “  What did she tell you?” 
“Why do you want to know? What is it that brings you to grow so angry about the thought of Y/N.”  Savage was truly playing with fire at his point, his brother’s eyes almost glowed. 
Maul scoffed,“I need her there, with her with us we can quickly work this plan through.”  Y/N taking notes late into the night, her face lit up by the candles she brought in refusing to use the lights as they would interfere with her ability to sleep. 
“And then move on, Y/N will be set for life.” 
No more of Y/N coming in late at night with a new idea or some of the tea he enjoyed. No more of the almost brush of lips to his cheek when she reminded him to sign the data pad on his desk.
 “Why would she go?” Y/N turning away from him, her eyes no longer looking at him, but to some figure who took her hand. 
The notion began to eat away at him, it was already happening. 
Savage shook his head, “ What reason would she have to remain?” 
Maul was at his wits end, “ I want her at my side! I want her there!” He wouldnt have that, Y/N couldn't just leave him..them..what was that thought just now?  
Savage merely nodded,” It’s a start. If you must know, it appears that Y/N has tried to demonstrate her affections but the sentiment was not understood.” 
“To who?!” the crimson Zabrak demanded already tugging on his tunic he had tossed aside earlier and moving towards the doors, 
The yellow Zabrak internally sighed , “Go ask her, she’s probably at the library. “ 
This was up to the two now, he had helped to hopefully establish that his brother wanted Y/N with him and that she had tried to show him her own affections. 
He just hoped the two could explain what they felt and meant no more of this implication and confused reactions. 
* Preview for next time 
Maul had never been too deep into the library, but it was the  place Y/N would retreat to. Deep into the shelves of real paper and ink, Y/N had curled up in her nook. 
Her hair cascading across the pillows she had there and fast asleep. She would look almost serene if it had not been for the tear streaks down her cheeks. 
“It seems like her sentiment was not understood.” 
The lingering touches and the way she listened to him and argued with him. His knee jerk reaction at the thought of her leaving his side, and the loss he felt when she left this morning. 
“Y/N, what have you brought upon yourself?” 
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