#Agent 23 is now my fave she's so sweet
catboii · 11 months
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[Day ####]
It’s been several days since there were any markable concerns. No breaches, no alerts, no deaths on the clock... Everything has been running smoothly. As it should. 
The Overseer of the current area leads their Agents through the corridors, writing up directives for the daily observations and handing them to the respective Agent.
The Anomalies here are usually very quiet, although sometimes, one of them will just sort of- change… Wake up… And then they completely flip. You can’t trust them. Sometimes Agents have underestimated what seemed like a normal inanimate object, like the hairbrush that hypnotises people, pulling them with psychic tendrils into its room, so that they'll brush their hair with it, then two weeks later they'll wake up from a coma; or a small animal, like the mouse that turned out to eat concrete and burrowed out by nibbling around the steel reinforcements before anyone noticed. There was so much paperwork...
Most of the chambers look the same, bland, metallic grey inside and out, the only difference being the cautionary and instructional stickers of varying sizes, shapes and colours, on the corridor-side of their doors. Some have more than others, and some seem to tell a story. 'No eye contact', 'No turning your back', 'No auditory interaction', 'Unconfirmed: Inanimate', etc; the list could be endless as more instructions are being discovered and printed every day, although it's not a fast process as the braille needs to be sized and punched correctly. Whenever something is Suspected, they use a medium sized Yellow sticker, with a dashed border for the colourblind. If something is confirmed, then it’s a larger sized Red sticker with a bold border. There are the occasional smaller, Green stickers, with a wavy line as a border; this makes them look more whimsical and friendly, although doesn’t mean that whatever is being contained is safe, just that the action is ‘safe’, such as 'Safe: Eye contact', 'Safe: Slow movement', 'Safe: Liquid exposure'. As it’s quite difficult to confirm that something truly is ‘safe’, there aren’t as many Green stickers as the others, and they’re easy to peel off, in case something turns out to not actually be safe... There are alot of Yellow stickers through the halls, as it’s all too easy to have an unconfirmed suspicion, rather than to prove that something is safe or not. 
After a few Agents are sent on their assignments, the Overseer leads the remaining toward another bland silver door, with the usual square viewing window and several Yellow stickers: the expected, and potentially obvious instructions when approaching any wild animal, ‘maybe don’t touch or feed this thing, it might bite, but we’re not sure’. There are also some White and, some rarer, Black stickers though. The White stickers are confirmed guidelines, Agents normally call the neat little sections of White stickers Biogs, as they’re a bit like summaries, and you need a better name than ‘what do their Whites say?’ when discussing cases with your peers. The Black stickers, however, are important notes to keep in mind if you have to go into the room. These are always very specific, but usually a little cryptic, as if their info is on a need to know basis. Which it sort of is, as they only get explained to you if you’re the one going in. 
Most Anomalies in this section have the White 'Does not eat' sticker, as they’re inanimate objects (less of an instruction, just an observation that it doesn’t need to be fed, although someone must have tried, to be able to confirm it, which summons amusing images of Agents trying to coax mysterious Diaries or amulets to nibble on some fruit or a raw steak), but this one also has this sticker, and it appears to be some kind of small animal. Trying to peer through the door window, Agent 23 thinks it looks like a crow sitting in the middle of the floor, although there are too many layers of thick, toughened glass to get a clear view from this distance. There also appears to be a large, Red, octagonal sticker ,right beside the White one that looks like the 'Do not approach' instruction, based on the size and shape, but it’s covered by a Black sticker frantically scribbled over with what looks like black sharpie? As if someone was trying to take it back, but didn’t have the right sticker to hand. The white text is still easily readable, and says 'Caution level C-3'. The Caution level 'C' stickers are reserved for the Anomalies that have shown cannibalistic traits, which is a rabbit hole of a definition when you consider that these Anomalies aren’t human, and eating other animals is a perfectly normal carnivore activity… for animals. 
But why would a creature that doesn’t eat, according to that White sticker, show interest in eating other creatures..? 
Moreover, the level is a scale, like 1:1 or 1:10 in scale models. 'C-1' is for creatures that will attack and/or eat other creatures the same size as them, 'C-0.5' would mean creatures half their size, etc. So 'C-3' means that it’s 'shown an interest' in attacking and eating something three times its own size. Which, based on how small it is, doesn’t sound too worrisome. And besides, this must have been observed before it was put into containment...
As the Overseer looks over the paperwork left hooked on the door, a couple of the Agents peer through to the chamber. There are three interlock doors, which seems excessive for such a small creature. Two is perfectly fine for most of the other, larger Anomalies. Besides, the extra door space takes away some of the chamber space, leaving it alot smaller, even if the creature inside isn’t very big itself. There aren’t any perches or furniture inside, nothing for enrichment. There are also two chairs outside the doors, one either side, when there are usually just two. Only one is the metal kind with the little document shelf under the seat though, the other doesn’t look like it belongs here, more like it’d been dragged from somewhere else, possibly a staff room on another floor, since the ones on this floor are cushioned. 
“Alright,” the Overseer starts confidently, “have any of you had any experience with this Anomaly?” Two of the six Agents raise their hands, one being Agent 23, a low level Agent who'd been working at the Facility for three years so far. “Perfect. Now please lower your hand if any of those experiences have been negative in any way, if you have verbally expressed any negative thoughts around this doorway, or if you may have been overheard disciplining another Anomaly or member of staff in this hallway, at all”, they slightly raise their voice at the end, as if to emphasise how important this was. Agent 23 keeps her hand raised, but she couldn’t see why any of the staff would do anything like that; however, the other Agent had already lowered his hand, but Agent 23 wasn’t sure at which point of the statement. The Overseer looks down at the clipboard, ‘uh-huh’s to themself a few times, then hangs it back on the designated hook. “Alright. You may lower your hand now. The rest of you, I trust you have jobs to do, you’re dismissed. Agent 23, I’ll instruct you on your tasks for the next…” they pause, as if thinking, “week. If all goes well”. 
The instructions sound like the usual, to observe the Anomaly through the cameras and the door windows, to record everything on the sheet every hour. Although there are also extra, lined sheets to fill in if the Anomaly tries to communicate. Any sign of intelligence should be recorded. It's been reported to react to the verbal greetings given by the Agents through the intercom, and if someone gets close to the glass, sometimes it seems to be looking toward the door. The Overseer has instructed 23 to actually try to get it to respond this time, however she can. If it looks like it’s reacting to the intercom, to continue talking, to see if it’s just the noise, or if it’s the actual speech it recognises. There are the odd notes in the ‘Guide’ that say that it has been observed to obey basic commands such as ‘step away from the door’, ‘stand still’ and such like. 
All of the initial pages in the observation log seem to have been crudely torn out, then the first intact pages have nothing written on them aside from the first boxes having mention of observations being difficult, due to the Anomaly being ‘outside’. 23 decides this must mean before it was put into containment, and was just being observed; because if it had breached containment, then there would be far more paperwork, and more Red stickers on the door. Breachers normally went to a far more secure floor several stories lower, and had their own guards stationed at every checkpoint. The pages documenting the last month or so are all basically uneventful, and nothing of note jumps out at her. 
As 23 turns on the intercom to read the obligatory greeting statement, there’s a slight electrical crackle-buzz as the speaker turns on, and a red LED indicator light at the bottom lights up. The small, crow-like creature turns its head toward the soft sound, its eyes dull and reflectionless, staring slightly off from the main door camera, as the intercom speaker is about a foot underneath. “Greetings. I’m Agent 23,” she begins, trying to sound casual, though professional, as if she doesn’t feel the least bit silly trying to talk to a bird, who probably doesn’t understand anything she’s saying, “I’ll be observing you today. I’ll be here for-” she briefly flicks her eyes down from the monitor to check her notes, quickly counting the start to finish times in her head, “Six hours. Please go about your business as normal.” She lets go of the intercom button, and it makes that same quiet crackle, then silence resumes. 
The creature keeps staring toward the speaker for a moment, then, as 23 observes as instructed, she thinks it glances up to the main camera, but it keeps turning, openly facing one of the side cameras, just staring toward it for what feels like the longest moment. 23 starts to wonder if it can somehow see her, and that its watching her, so she makes a little waving motion with her hand at the monitor to see if it'll react… But then it turns to face the back wall, away from the three cameras pointing toward it, and stays facing that direction.
The rest of the day is relatively uneventful, another Agent nearby makes a breakthrough when they say they got a recording of an inanimate object moving, and they furiously scribble in their observational notes. 23’s ward just sits there, once or twice taking a few slow steps toward one side of the room, a few hours later going to the other side. 
Once it’s time to finish up, she stands, stretching her arms above her head, making a little squeak noise through her nose as her spine pops, and when she turns toward the intercom, she notices the creature on the camera monitor, looking toward the door. Perhaps it could see her shadow move? She pauses briefly before pressing the intercom, there’s no movement at the buzz this time, not even a twitch. “This is Agent 23. I have concluded today’s observations. I will be returning tomorrow. Thankyou for your cooperation.”
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blues-aw · 7 years
Tagged by @systemfailuresunshine
Rules: answer these 85 statements & tag people
the last: 1. drink: Lemon-flavoured water 2. phone call: my team leader at work 3. text message: Domino’s 4. song: Goin’ Back to Hogwarts 5. time you cried: about a week ago have you ever: 6. dated someone twice: no 7. kissed someone and regretted it: yes 8. been cheated on: no 9. lost someone special: not really 10. been depressed: all the time 11. gotten drunk and thrown up: on occasion favorite colors (5):
12. yellow
13. blue
14. black
15. purple
16. green
in the last year have you:
17. laughed until you cried: probably 18. found out someone was talking about you: maybe 19. met someone who changed you: yes 20. found out who your friends are: I think so 21. kissed someone on your facebook list: yes
22. made friends: yes 23. fallen out of love: kind of
general: 25. what did you do for your last birthday: watched Spirited Away before having desserts at Spoons, then went home and played board games and had an MCR jam with my housemate.
  26. how many of your facebook friends do you know in real life: I think all of them.
27. do you have any pets: a dog that lives with my parents
28. what time did you wake up: about 7:00 am although its usually a bit longer before I get out of bed. 29. what were you doing at midnight last night: watching videos on the internet 30. name something you can’t wait for: Thor Ragnarok
31: what are you listening to right now: Rick and Morty
32: have you ever talked to a person named tom: unfortunately yes :p 33: something that’s getting on your nerves: work 34. do you want to change your name: na
35. hair color: brown 36. long or short hair: short 37. piercings: none 38. tattoos: none so far 39. blood type: I have no idea 40. nicknames: a couple 41. relationship status: single 42. zodiac: Virgo 43. pronouns: he/him 44. most visited website: youtube 45. right or left handed: right 46. surgeries: nope 47. sports: quidditch, not NFL :p
48. favorite tv shows: Yowamushi Pedal, Samurai Flamenco, Cowboy Bebop, Psych, Monk, Agent Carter 49. vacations: went to Newport on Saturday 50. sneakers: walking shoes atm
more general: 52. eating: peanut butter cups
53. fave drink: alcoholic is White Chocolate Martini, non-alcoholic is chocolate 54. what you’re up to: doing this ask 55. waiting for: sweet embrace of death 56. want: see above 57. get married: hell if I know 58. career: fundraiser Which is better : 60. hugs or kisses: hugs 61. lips or eyes: eyes 62. shorter or taller: shorter 63. older or younger: older 64. nice arms or stomach: arms
65. hook up or relationship: relationship
66. troublemaker or hesitant: so hesitant
have you ever: 67. kissed a stranger: yes 68. drank hard liquor: yes 69. lost glasses/contacts: yes 70. turned someone down: nope 71. sex on the first date: nope 72. broken someone’s heart: doubt it 73. had your heart broken: once or twice
74. been arrested: nope 75. cried when someone died: don’t think so 76. fallen for a friend: definitely do you believe in : 77. yourself: on occasion 78. miracles: sometimes
79. love at first sight: yes 80. santa claus: always and forever 81. kiss on the first date: depends on the date 82. angels: nah other : 83. current best friend’s name(s): Helen because she made me cookies 84. eye color: brown 85. favorite movie: Spider-man Homecoming
Tagging @paperzandra @cranberryclockworker
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swearronchanel · 8 years
Kicking off the hiatus with 5.04
A few people have requested that I continue my commentaries™ during the hiatus & after all the positive feedback, I couldn’t say no! But I expected to have an awful day & it actually went well so I thought I’d go ahead and do it now. You know since I’m going to avoid all my responsibilities anyway it might as well be for a good cause🙃
I watched a lot of shameless on Netflix today so it’s nice to watch something wholesome for a change of pace 😂
“The world was shifting on its axis in 1961, strides were being made, decisions taken, questions asked..” Vanessa’s narration is always on point like I wish I had the patience to post all her quotes 😭😂
Aw sister Mary Cynthia! I hope she’s in the Christmas special
My bby trixie looking flawless while riding a bike, goals
But who is this nun they’re having a service for lol ??
Like it’s kinda irrelevant oops,  r i p & dios te bendiga but why do we care? at least I don’t
Isn’t this girl from something? She looks so familiar
i remember saying this before .. oh yea she’s from game of thrones I think. I don’t watch it though haha
“Angel? I could get used to that!” Aw my bby is so cute like yes trix ur an angel
yikes that cough lady, I have a stuffy nose rn and I’m hoping I don’t start coughing 😭cause then I wanna be in a coma cause I hate being sick
Aw he'a so excited! He got into university👏🏼 that was legit me though 😂 I’m so irrational and literally only applied to one university (well I filled out many applications but didn’t submit any others because you gotta pay so I tried to wait and see if I got accepted to where I wanted first😂) I found out in English while on my phone instead of doing work & I screamed and just ran out the classroom 😂 I went to my guidance councilor and told everyone in the main office and then called my parents who *were nervous I wouldn’t get in* but also were literally going through security in the airport on their way to Dominican Republic .. ah, I was full of excitement and hope. Look at me now 3 semesters in &I’m over it 😂😂 it’s so stressful and mentally/emotionally draining and sometimes I’m just like how do I become a trophy wife asap?
My bby SHELAGH! 😍 she is so precious in her suit aww, but lets be real the navy suit is the best™ one she owns. But I still like her best in uniform at the clinic though 💁🏼
she’s over here giving a talk on giving birth at home & Im just like holy shit SHE JUST HAD A BABY IN THEIR NEW HOME, I STILL CANT BELIEVE IT😭!!!!
Tom’s so excited for Ian it’s so cute and sweet
And Tom is so cute and attractive ugh, he could get it
oh damn wait Mrs Cottingham has the baby with no limbs
aw yea and she wanted a girl
I agree though little boys are gremlins 😂😂 from ages like 7-14, get them away from me 😂
Ian all hopeful for their future and then boom he’s a dad. That went from 0 to 💯 real quick
Phyllis!! & lol sister W giggling
But damn why they all acting like Sister J is too old and incapable 😂 she wants to go to St Cuthberts, let her
Sister Monica Joan upset aw😭 don’t worry sister you’re Help is needed
Pats and Deels look cute “tanning” outside
“You want to see Anita Ekberg in that fountain just as much as I do”  Lmaoo 😂😂 for real though have u ever seen La Dolce Vita? Like Anita Ekberg was too hot to handle. I wish I looked that good damn
Trixie came to thirdwheel even though she isn’t unaware she is lol
But Trixie is serving summer looks™ I love it 😍
Damn though Patsy’s legs are pretty pasty 😂😂
Trixie wondering what the hell kinda magic bra Anita had on, literally same cause I want it. Always need good quality strapless bras for summer👍🏻
Patsy inviting Trixie and Delia gave the side eye omg 😂
Here comes Babs lmao
ugh this is when Babs first got with Tom and they were annoying lmao, I got over it though
If I was Trixie I’d be lowkey mad too like that was her ex-fiancé but I’m glad they got over it and are friends despite that 💕 cause I know petty girls that would just cut the other off
WHY DO THEY PRONOUNCED SCHEDULE LIKE THAT? And honestly How?? Like I can’t even lol it’s hard. Oops is my American showing
Sister J out here
Ohh yea this matron is a bitch lmao, vete ya
What is the correlation between going to grammar school and getting pregnant ?? @ Ian’s mom
Lol Trixie’s just like pls don’t ask me
ugh get this nurse/matron or what ever tf she is off my screen before I smack her
I swear Jenny Agutter has such a relaxing voice, like she really can calm you down & tell you all will be well & you’ll just be like “yea you right”😭
Tom is so rational and sensible because if I walked in I’d immediately start screaming and all that like “calm tf down people" 
Pats and Deels sneaking around in a convent lol it gives me anxiety always thinking “oh shit u think someone will walk in?”
Damn Tom you just made Babs feel like a rebound™
“Who’s to say we won’t carry on” ya will be fine & get married next year chill out
So Babs is only 23, how old are the other nurses *well how old do you think*??
WHEN WILL WE SEE A NONNATUN BIRTHDAY?? *I preferably want to see Trixie or Shelagh have one* but I’d take anyone really, like these people literally celebrate every other damn holiday/event but no one has had a birthday?? Except for Jenny and Chummy but they’re both gone lol
yikes emphysema, one of my grandfathers died from that. 70 odd years of tobacco smoking 😬 he did someone love to be 85 yrs old though. Idk how, he couldn’t breathe for so long
I love Phyllis just saying again for the millionth time
Aw Trix 💔 you will be happy soon💕😭
See! She said w/o Sister J she’d be screaming! Her presence is calming
Emergency c-section aye dios
Turn up at the pub
Lol funny how the dad gave Tom orange juice bc he’s a vicar but he was drunk af the night before his wedding 😂 drunk enough to have little memory and to be hungover the next day
we’ve all been there tho I don’t judge
Is it really CtM if there’s not at least one mention of babycham a series?
c-sections are wild omg
also I’ve never been under anesthesia so I’d be scared af
LOL & also I’ve never had a kid so that’s scary too duh
“Oh God another one” ahh omg
Do you think that was a doll ??
Again this show makes everything look real af so I never know
Is the doctor here the Mr Kenely that I hate??
They really left that baby there to die like o m g
Sister J praying/blessing the baby 💔💔 my freaking heart omg
again this nurse is on my screen and I need her to go, preferably to carajoland
“may the lord bless you and keep you”!! 💔😭
the third deformed baby and they didn’t report it??
“I’m not drunk” I mean you’re sitting on the floor in the bathroom so I’d think you were too 😂
Lol remember.. *cringes* no wait lets not
Tom worked in a record shop that’s cute
damn Tom do you really think telling them to just settle is the best way to comfort him
Aw sister J needs a hug😭😢💕
and yes prayer you’re right sister MJ
Sister MJ, Sister MC & Sister J comforting each other is so pure, all the they have scenes together wash my sins away for a second
wait where tf is sister Winifred lmao, did she just scadaddle after compline? snuck out to see a heathen movie i bet  jk jk I’m sure she only sneaks to quality films
but then I say dumb shit like that ^ or even worse/more inappropriate & the sins return😂😂
There’s my bby Shelagh! And in uniform, love it. 😭😍
Whenever Shelagh goes back to work next series I hope we see more of her being a nurse cause I love it
Wild that the hospital was just not saying anything about the deformed babies
Sister J coming to the best detective in Poplar, Dr Watson aka Shelagh Turner aka secret agent Shealgh Turnova™ 😂😂 *forever one of my fave lines of hers*
Lmao Tim helping out old ladies, being a good seed & too perfect of a teen
But damn boy comb your hair!
“I haven’t boiled any urine today, nice to have a change of pace” Lol Babs😂😂
oh no she’s bleeding 😢
I’m having flashbacks to Shelagh’s threatened miscarriage like lets not go down that painful memory lane  
Sister J told Ruby it was a girl bc she knew she wanted a girl ughhh 😢
Ruby thinks it was a punishment 💔 ugh my heart & ugh again makes me think of when Shelagh thought she was being punished/greedy when they told her she couldn’t have a baby 💔
Stop the sadness I say, stop it now
“We haven’t got a fairy godmother between us” WHERE IS PHYLLIS WHEN SHE IS NEEDED?
And Poor what’s her name 💔💔
oh yea it’s Linda omg how could I forget that’s my Gram’s name
But Shelagh and Trixie are interacting!!
ALSO: I’LL KEEP SAYING IT TILL I DIE, ALL I WANT IS A TRIXIE & SHELAGH FRIENDSHIP! 😭😭💕💖💖 they’re my bbys and I’ve been asking nicely
shit ¡¡ @beatrix-franklin wrote a damn essay as to why we need/want it !!
Shelagh’s grey cardigan is actually cute *she just doesn’t need anymore lol*
“What the poor pet really needs is a good cry, a bottle of aspirin and a hug in no particular order..but the hug is of prime importance”  you see. We could’ve have a cute scene of Trixie visiting Shelagh in the hospital & a little parallel of when she visited her in the sanatorium
or Just give me Trixie hugging Shelagh and I’ll cry of joy 😭💕
omg wait
shit I forgot Ian put his head in the oven
Angela playing on the floor !! So precious 💖
“..Don’t think they’d thank you for that Patrick, they’re both younger than me”  Lol I always laugh at that, it’s kinda cute. I like when Shelagh has funny lines , why didn’t Patrick say anything back 😂 there could’ve been cute playful banter. Even this series we could’ve heard him call her an elderly primigravida is a joking/playful banter context ..BUT at least we know now Shelagh is 36!
Yea man those bombs impacted multiple generations
“So World War II is history now is it?” I seriously love these little lines of Shelagh’s lol. Also funny how she prob sees her self as old, and she was what, like my age, when the war needed?? 18 or 19 depending on her birthday (We’d know but nonnatuns apparently don’t ever have birthdays)
Shit. Wait..I feel. Kinda strange and scary to think my future children will learn in school the events I’ve lived through so far ??
okay lets not think about that
what’s the sluice? I know he washes instruments but what exactly is the sluice? The room ? Idk
Aw Angela crying, one of the the only times we’ve heard her make a sound lol
“How long have we been broken off?” “A year. To be precise a year and ten days”  I know they weren’t really a good match but aw 😭 it was nice while it lasted
Trixie Bby 💔💔 happiness is coming your way I promise
“I never know when I love you the most. But I sometimes think these are the times I love you best..”😭😭 BYE IM DEAD AGAIN & MY HEART EXPLODED AGAIN😭💔💕💕
thinking about it though, they’ve never actually said I love you properly, have they??
See Patrick’s little med school anecdote, can Shelagh share one anytime soon? About anything from her past, I’m just curious.
Was that just a piece of “in the mirror” or is it playing in my head? Honestly it happens quite often, I’ll swear I hear a song and it’s actually in my head
alright Ian so why were you marrying her? you switching it up kid
I’m calling him kid like he’s not probably older than me lmao
Phyllis in her robe I love it
Trixie serving yet another look™😍
I’m so glad Trixie gave Babs her “blessing” & became good friends. So pure, we don’t need any more women being put against each other
“Fuzzy felt apostles” WHY AM I LAUGHING AT THAT? It’s not even funny?
Now the service for a nun we never knew, filled with extra nuns we will never know or care about.
I love that the nurses are at the service lol, like they probably don’t have to be but still there for fam
& Shelagh there wearin a mantilla, so sweet😭💕
“God hugs you” aw sister MC 😭❤️
You gotta admit even if you aren’t religious this show does make you feel some type of faith
“We knew so little then, in a world that seems so filled of opening doors and bright horizons. We thought only of what was new and better because it was new and better. And it would take us to places we had never been before.” VANESSA😭 she never fails with the narration, never.
Trixie helping Babs fix her bracelet bc there’s no hard feelings and she’s happy for them aw
“..We couldn’t see what was coming or understand yet what had already come to pass, yet so much still to learn”
Oh shit that foreshadow was heavy, especially because it ends with a shot of baby cottinghams body in the box.
I don’t think I picked up on that the first time ..                                     Anyway it’s 1:15am I should go to bed I have class in the morning 😭😂
The End.🙃
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pafsins2 · 7 years
Every Episode Sin Tally + More!
Now that we've sinned all 223 episodes and a movie, it's time to look back. By that  I mean, we're looking at the sin tallies for all the episodes and seeing which has the most/least, and other stuff. I've been holding on to these, adding each eps sin tally as I covered them. Even had the ones for Seasons 1-3 up on Deviant Art, so let's look at them overall.
(Note I mentioned sin reductions for some seasons, and don't for others. Didn't feel like it until later and didn't want to go back to older ones to check)
Rollercoaster: 45
Lawn Gnome Beach Party of Terror: 37
Flop Starz: 41
The Fast and the Phineas: 25
Lights, Candace, Action: 33
Raging Bully: 24
Candace Loses her Head: 23
I, Brobot:  23
Run Away Runway:  22
The Magnificent Few: 21
S’Winter: 23
Jerk De Solliei: 17
 Are you my Mummy:  22
Ready for the Betty’s:  29
I Scream You Scream: 22
Toy to the World:  24
Get that Bigfoot out of my face: 25
It’s a Mud Mud Mud Mud World: 25
Mom’s Birthday: 22
Journey to the Center of Candace: 31
It’s About Time: 85
Dude, We’re Getting the band Back Together: 43
Tree to Get Ready: 23
The Ballad of Badbeard: 21
Greece Lightning: 18
Leave the Busting to us: 17
Crack that Whip: 15
The Best Lazy day Ever: 22
Boyfriend from 27,000 BC: 14 (26 with Noddy’s sins)
Voyage to the Bottom of Buford: 18
A Hard Day’s Knight: 25
Traffic Cam Caper: 20
Bowl R Rama Drama: 17
Got Game: 17
Comet Kermillian: 19
Put that Putter Away: 17
Does this duckbill make me look fat: 28
The Flying Fishmonger: 21
One Good Scare ought to do it: 36
The Monster of Phineas N Ferbstein: 35
Oil on Candace: 26
Out of Toon; 21
Hail Doofania: 20
Out to Launch: 49
Phineas and Ferb Get Busted: 38
Unfair Science Fair: 17
Unfair Science Fair Redux (Another Story): 19
The Lake Nose Monster: 25
Interview With a Platypus: 13
Tip of the Day: 21
Attack of the 50ft sister: 20
Backyard Aquarium: 19
Day of the living Gelatin: 14
Elementary, my Dear Stacy: 21
Don’t Even Blink:17
Chez Platypus: 19
Perry lays an Egg: 19
Gaming the System:  17
The Chronicles of Meap: 41
Thaddeus and Thor: 24
De Plane, De Plane: 19
Let’s Take a Quiz: 22
At the Car Wash: 17
Oh, there You Are Perry: 19
Swiss Family Phineas: 16
Hide and Seek: 21
That Sinking Feeling: 19
The Baljeetles: 18
Vanessery Roughness: 19
No More Bunny Business: 15
Spa Day: 14
Phineas and Ferb’s Quantum Boogaloo: 40
Phineas and Ferb Musical Cliptastic Countdown: 29
Bubble Boys: 14
Isabella and the Temple of Sap: 19
Cheer up Candace: 26
Fireside Girls Jamboree: 16
The Bully Code: 18
Finding Mary McGuffin: 13
Picture This: 20
Nerdy Dancin: 15
What do it do: 21
Atlantis: 17
Phineas and Ferb Christmas Vacation: 50
Just Passing Through: 14
Candace’s Big Day: 15
I was a Middle Aged Robot: 16
Suddenly Suzy: 14
Undercover Carl: 18
Hip Hip Parade: 17
Invasion of the Ferb Snatchers: 18
Ain’t No Kiddie Ride: 14
Not Phineas and Ferb: 20
Phineas and Ferb Busters: 15
The Lizard Whisperer: 13
Robot Rodeo: 16
The Beak: 38
She’s The Mayor: 18
The Lemonade Stand: 18
Phineas and Ferb Hawaiian Vacation: 39
Summer Belongs to You: 83
Nerds of a Feather: 50
Wizard of Odd: 46
We Call it Maze: 22
Ladies and Gentlemen, Meet Max Modem: 19
The Secret of Success: 32
The Doof Side of the Moon: 33
Split Personality: 25
Brain Drain: 23
Rollercoaster the Musical: 72/118
Make Play: 24
Candace Gets Busted: 29 SEASON 3:
LAST TRAIN TO BUSTVILLE: 17 (1 sin removed)
PHINEAS' BIRTHDAY CLIP O RAMA: 217 (41 without bonus round, 1 sin removed)
ASK A FOOLISH QUESTION: 20 (1 sin removed)
MAGIC CARPET RIDE: 26 (1 sin Removed)
BAD HAIR DAY: 20 (1 sin removed)
MEATLOAF SURPRISE: 15 (1 Sin removed)
A REAL BOY: 16 (1 sin removed)
( ACROSS THE 2ND DIMENSION: 126 (7 sins removed) )
TOUR DE FERB: 24 (1 sin removed)
SKIDDLEY WIFFERS: 24 (1 Sin removed)
MY FAIR GOALIE: 36 (3 sins removed)
PERRY THE ACTORPUS: 25 (2 sins removed)
BULLSEYE: 24 (1 sin removed)
THAT'S THE SPIRIT: 24 (1 sin removed)
CURSE OF CANDACE: 34 (1 sin removed)
REMAINS OF THE PLATYPUS: 26 (One sin removed)
LOTSA LATKES: 18 (2 sins removed)
TRI STONE AREA; 43 (One Sin Removed)
DOOF DYNASTY:28 (One sin Removed)
EXCALIFERB: 42 (1 Sin removed)
AGENT DOOF: 26 (One Si removed)
GI-ANT: 24
Excaliferb: 42
Bully Bromance Break Up: 20
MOM ATTRACTOR: 15 (1 Sin removed)
CRAINUS MAXIMUS: 23 (1 Sin removed)
WHAT A CROC: 1 (one sin removed, started at 0
TRI STATE TREASURE: 27 (one sin removed)
NORM UNLEASHED: 18 (2 sins removed)
WHEN WORLDS COLIDE: 25 (One Sin Removed)
ROAD TO DANVILE: 23 (One sin Removed)
Fly on the Wall: 29
My Sweet Ride: 17 (One Sin removed)
For Your Ice Only: 20
Happy New Year: 20
Bully Bust: 15
Backyard Hodge Podge:18 (One Sin removed)
Der Kinderlumper: 17 (One  sin removed)
Just Desserts: 18
Bee Day: 33 (20 without bonus round)
Bee Story: 23
Sidetracked: 41
Knot My Problem: 15 (one sin reduction)
Mind Share: 20 (1 sin reduction)
Primal Perry: 26
La-Candace-Cabra: 16 (1 Sin Reduction)
Happy Birthday Isabella: 26
Great Balls of Water: 25 (1 Sin reduction)
Where's Pinky: 21 (1 Sin Reduction)
Cliptastic Countdown 2: 42 (2 Sin Reductions)
Mission Marvel: 64
Thanks But No Thanks: 25 (one sin removed)
Troy Story: 23 (One Sin Reduction)
Love at First Byte: 20 (One Sin removed)
One Good Turn: 25
Cheers For Fears: 25
Just Our Luck: 29 (2 sins removed)
Return Policy: 30 (One Sin Removed)
Imperfect Storm: 36 (One Sin Removed)
Save Summer: 98
Steampunx; 35 (1 Sin Removed)
It's No Picnic: 37 (One Sin Removed)
Terrrying Tri State Trilogy of Terror: 58
Drusselsteinoween: 41 (2 sin reductions)
Face Your Fear: 38 (1 Sin reduction)
Klimaploon Ultimatium: 55
Doof 101: 39 (1 sin reduction)
Father's Day: 25
Operation Crumb Cake: 28
Mandace: 28
Tales from the Resistance: 40
Return of the Rouge Rabbit:24 (One sin reduction)
Live and Let Drive:25 (One sin reduction)
Lost in Danville: 36
The Inator Method: 20 (One Sin Reduction)
Night of the Living Pharmacists: 132
Phineas and Ferb Star Wars: 147
Act Your Age: 69 (
Last Day of Summer: 123
OWCA Files: 98 (2 sin reductions)
Okay, now let’s really look at this data.
Mom's Birthday: 30
Dude, We're Getting the band Back Together: 51
Phineas and Ferb Get Busted: 51
Summer Belongs to You: 88
Nerds of a Feather: 61
Phineas' Birthday Clip O Rama: 41
A Real Boy: 30
Ferb TV: 24
Minor Monogram: 15
Delivery of Destiny: 15
Bully Bromance Breakup:
Meapless in Seattlle: 27
Sipping With The Enemy: 16
Where's Perry Part 1: 31
Where's Perry Part 2: 27
Where's Perry Overall: 58
This is Your Backstory: 19
Sidetracked: 25
Primal Perry; 23
Happy Birthday, Isabella: 16
Mission Marvel: 52
One Good Turn: 17
Cheers For Fears: 24
Save Summer: 69
Terrifying Tri State Trilogy of Terror: 38
Father's Day: 24
Tales from the ResitNCE: 36
Lost in Danville: 30
Night of the Living Pharmacists: 81
Star Wars: 88
Act Your Age: 47
Last Day of Summer: 99
LOWEST WIN TALLY: Minor Monogram/Delivery of Destiny: 15
HIGHEST WIN TALLY: Last Day of Summer (99)
LOWEST OVERALL SIN TALLY: Interview with a platypus/finding Mary McGuffin/The Lizard Whisper (13)
5. Flop Stars (41)
 4. Dude, We’re Getting the Band Back Together (43)
3. Rollercoaster (45)
2. Out to Launch (49)
1. It’s About Time (85)
5. The Chronicles of Meap (41)
5. Wizard of Odd (46)
3. Christmas Vacation/Nerds of a Feather (50)
2. Summer Belongs to You (83)
1. Rollercoaster the musical (118, 72 without bonus rounds, making it 3rd place)
(7. Meapless in Seattle: 38
4, Excaliferb:42
3,Tri Stone Area: 43
2, Where's Perry Overall: 77
1, Phineas' Birthday Clip O Rama: 217 (41 without bonus round, putting it at 5)
(If AT2d Counted: It would 2 with Clip o Rama Bounds round, and  without it easily number one as it has 126 sins)
5.Act Your Age: 69
4.Save Summer/OWCA Files: 98
3.Last Day of Summer: 123
2.Night of the Living Pharmacists: 132
1.Phineas and Ferb Star Wars: 147
5. It's About Time: 85
4. Save Summer/OWCA Files: 98
3. Last Day of Summer: 123
2. Night of the Living Pharmacists: 132
1. Phineas and Ferb Star Wars: 147
(If at2d counted, it'd  3, as again, it had 126 Sins)
Well, there you go. It's weird how Season 4 more or less dominates the top 5, as do the specials as only one was not one. That wouldn't be odd if Mission Marvel and SBTY were not the odd ones out there, not mention both parts of Where's Perry together.
. I think I just got “better” at this given how many 30 plus sin tallies for 11 minute eps we got in Season 4. I've always done these in about the same way but whatever, I've given up trying to make sense of how these turn out. So there you go, all the sin tallies. Have fun with all this data. At some point I may post stuff reeated to this, looking at my top 20 to see how many sins my faves tend to get (for one, the 3 highest counts go to my top 3 of Season 4). Maybe someday.
We're still not quite done yet though. Tune in soon (hopefully over the weekend or so) for something very special, as a very fitting way to really end this. See you them.
(Also, you can go to any sin s  post via this: https://pafsins2.tumblr.com/post/152327238870/reintroduction-official-sins-post-index )
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agent-of-empathy · 7 years
1: Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora? ...youtube2: is your room messy or clean?messyclean3: what color are your eyes?brown4: do you like your name? why?eh, kinda douchey5: what is your relationship status? in a wonderful relationship with @theoneandonlyaly71376: describe your personality in 3 words or lesssweet but shitty7: what color hair do you have?Brown, currently with some green8: what kind of car do you drive? color?a nonexistant one9: where do you shop?at shops :D (forreal tho usually the rideau center in ottawa)10: how would you describe your style?whatever fits11: favorite social media accountanswerred 12: what size bed do you have? uhi dunno13: any siblings?014: if you can live anywhere in the world where would it somewhere nice andforrest-yprobably somewhere in Europe15: favorite snapchat filter? idk what it's calledthe one that just makes everything a bit smoother and makes my face less ugly16: favorite makeup brand(s)idk man17: how many times a week do you shower?once a day if i can18: favorite tv show?Agents of SHIELD19: shoe size?10 or 11 i think20: how tall are you?5'7"21: sandals or sneakers? thos SNEAKY bois22: do you go to the gym? yeet, every day monday to friday23: describe your dream dateidkromantic shit and/or fun shit24: how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment?i dont carry cash so025: what color socks are you wearing? graey26: how many pillows do you sleep with?3+one mini pillow to hold27: do you have a job? what do you do? I bake at Canadian Coffee Shop Named After A Hockey Player 28: how many friends do you have? many29: whats the worst thing you have ever done? .......you want a list?30: whats your favorite candle scent?dunno31: 3 favorite boy nameshuuuuuh idki like 2 sylable names for some reasonlikekalebmaximtobias (is that 2 or 3? idk)32: 3 favorite girl namefancy sounding names likeIsabellaPersephone33: favorite actor? answerrrrrred34: favorite actress? answerrrrrrrrrrred35: who is your celebrity crush?*vaguely gestures at entire MCU cast*36: favorite movie? uhhhhhhhhhso many37: do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? I do and my fave is either Prisonner of Azkaban or The Hobbit38: money or brains? brains, then i can get a good job and earn money39: do you have a nickname? what is it? ZachMommyPandaGrandmatherDiscourse boiZ40: how many times have you been to the hospital?all of themall of the times41: top 10 favorite songswhat is a music 42: do you take any medications daily? ADHD meds43: what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc)uhdunno44: what is your biggest fear? *vague arm flailing motion*45: how many kids do you want? likeno more than 3 46: whats your go to hair style?uhshort? with a bit of length on top47: what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc) average sized?48: who is your role model? me bitch 😎49: what was the last compliment you received?i do not know50: what was the last text you sent?"ok"51: how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real?SANTA'S NOT REAL?????????? 😭(8 years old)52: what is your dream car? something eco friendly but also badass53: opinion on smoking?bad, but to each their own. Just don't do it near me.54: do you go to college? yeet55: what is your dream job? Lawyah56: would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs? a quiet forrest cabin is rural rightsorural57: do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels? ye58: do you have freckles? so much frecklage59: do you smile for pictures?awkwardly but yes60: how many pictures do you have on your phone? hundreds if not thousands61: have you ever peed in the woods? yeet62: do you still watch cartoons? yas63: do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds?...i dont have enough money for chicken nugget :((idk man i dont go to either one much(64: Favorite dipping sauce? uhranch?65: what do you wear to bed? pajamapants66: have you ever won a spelling bee?nah67: what are your hobbies?anxiety68: can you draw? yell heah69: do you play an instrument?......is mayonnaise an instrument70: what was the last concert you saw? i have not71: tea or coffee?answerrederino72: Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts?Him Tortons73: do you want to get married?eventually74: what is your crush’s first and last initial?AT...does it count as a crush if she's my girlfriend75: are you going to change your last name when you get married? prolly not76: what color looks best on you? black (like my soul) ((aren't I edgy))77: do you miss anyone right now? so mANY PEOPLE78: do you sleep with your door open or closed?closed but with a lil gap for the cats to get in or out79: do you believe in ghosts?not really but ya never know80: what is your biggest pet peeve? all of them81: last person you calledpizza place82: favorite ice cream flavor? all of themmmmmmmm 83: regular oreos or golden oreos? idk havent had em in yearsprobs golden84: chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? bOTH85: what shirt are you wearing? Hblack shirt with ogwarts crest on it86: what is your phone background?my girlfriend87: are you outgoing or shy?shy as FUCC88: do you like it when people play with your hair?meeeehdepends who and how89: do you like your neighbors? i mean im moving rnlast neighbours were loud stompy dicksnew neighbours are my family so :P90: do you wash your face? at night? in the morning?whenever i shower91: have you ever been high? only from meds i got during or after surgeries92: have you ever been drunk? tipsy at best93: last thing you ate? a kiwithe fruit not the small flightless bird94: favorite lyrics right nowdunno95: summer or winter? ...fall96: day or night? nite97: dark, milk, or white chocolate? white98: favorite month? October99: what is your zodiac signGemini100: who was the last person you cried in front of? girlfriend(idk if i was actually crying or just felt lime crying, i dont remember)
0 notes