#Agnes ffxiv adventures
sebille · 3 months
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Oh the little change in his expression
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Day 24: Vicissitude
Agi knows there’s good days while adventuring...and some are just shit.
For Agnes Currai, most days as an adventurer were exciting and full of fun.
Today was not one of those days.
She was traveling with Mauritenne, Brash Waves, and Neila Aliapoh again after a few years apart, and Brash had accepted this awful but necessary assignment. Another adventuring party had ventured into the Tam-Tara Deepcroft and failed to return at their appointed check-in with Mother Miounne a day later. They were asked to go into the Deepcroft and find the party.
And, if possible, retrieve their bodies.
As they entered Tam-Tara, Agnes felt a chill up her spine. Something isn’t right. It’s like the energy in here is off the charts. “Be wary. Something is…off.” She whispered, holding her staff at the ready.
Brash nodded, and the four continued inwards. After fighting a few of the usual beasts, a creature leapt from the shadows and nearly tore Neila’s head off. Timely attacks from Mauritenne and Agnes slowed the creature while Brash hacked at it.
“Voidsent.” Neila gasped, holding the cut on her neck. “Are the cultists summoning them again?”
That’s why things don’t feel right in here. Voidsent always creep me out. “Looks like it.” Agnes said, after healing Neila and picking up an item that fell from the voidsent as it perished. “This appears to be a charm of some sort. From a necklace perhaps…” She examined the charm and noted the symbol. “Azeyma.”
“One of the missing adventurers is said to be a devotee of Azeyma.” Mauritenne muttered. “Then it stands that either they’ve been turned into voidsent or dead.”
“Then let’s move on and find the rest.” Brash grunted and stretched his back. I wonder if he needs me to do some healing on him later? Gods, if I ask now he’s going to all grumpy. Same with Mauritenne if I offer relief to his poor knees.
Instead of voidsent, two of the missing adventurers’ mangled bodies were found deeper within. Brash and Neila wrapped them in cloths (what was left of them, poor souls) and placed them off to the side. “We’ll be back for them when we leave. We made a promise to Miounne, and I don’t intend on breaking it.” Neila said as she gritted her teeth. “We leave no one behind, Agi. Not ever.”
Agnes nodded. Not a one. We bring everyone out, dead or alive. Everyone deserves to be brought home.
In a chamber off the main hallway, they encountered another two voidsent. Mauritenne and Neila, in Agnes’s opinion, were brilliant as always. She had tried and failed spectacularly to copy Mauritenne’s spellcasting process when she first traveled with them. “Agi, I’m a thaumaturge. You can’t possibly do the same as me. Find your way. Let the magic flow through you.”
And boy did the magic flow through her today. A flurry of Stone, Aero, and a new spell Holy barraged the voidsent while she effortlessly cast Regen and occasionally Medica II. And not using the Limit Break ever!
Brash kept their focus on him, taking beating after beating until they faded away like the first. Falling from them were a cultist rosary (fuckers) and a dagger with the words “For J’dotra and J’fir” engraved on it.
“And that’s the party.” Brash groaned, stretching his back again. “Loop back, get the bodies, and return ‘em to the Wailers.”
“Brash, do you—” Agnes began but was silenced by him holding up a hand.
“Nay, lass. Not now. Later perhaps.”
Later, after returning the bodies and personal effects to the Wood Wailers and reporting to Mother Miounne (and receiving a hefty payment from the guild), Brash and Mauritenne allowed Agnes to perform some treatment on them.
“You two realize that you can’t go on forever like this.” Agnes teased, channeling aether into one of Mauritenne’s knees. “You won’t be able to walk if you do.”
Brash rolled his eyes and sipped his beer. “’Course we know. We’ll retire once we’ve enough gil.”
Neila sniggered into her wine. “You mean that gil we keep spending on expensive dinners at the Bismark, lover?”
“Gods be good!” Agnes laughed. “If you ever want a good meal, then please let me know, and I’ll make it for you for free.” She then switched channeling her aether to Mauritenne’s other knee. “I don’t mind.”
“We know, Agi.” Mauritenne said fondly. Are those…tears in his eyes? “I hadn’t…after a horrible day like today, I hadn’t realized just how much I’ve missed your bright smile.”
Neila grinned and raised her glass. “And her good cheer!”
Heaving a large sigh, Brash raised his mug. “And ‘er healin’! To our Agi!”
“To our Agi!” The other rang out, making Agnes blush furiously.
“I-I…the same could be said of all you. Thanks for having me with you again.” FOCUS ON MAURITENNE’S KNEE, AND DON’T START BAWLING!
Brash shrugged. “We needed an ‘ealer, and ye be the best.”
That was the moment when Agnes burst into tears. Oh well…they’re used to it anyways.
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sebille · 4 months
What zenos feels for the wol is love but since he's not been shown love he doesn't know what it feels like and that's why he is the way he is and therefore even if he's done some awful despicable things he never had a chance to be good to begin with and therefore i think that he should have a chance at rede-[someone steals away my keyboard and unfortunately I'm not able to finish my post]
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sebille · 3 months
"And hungry still for our reunion, I rode the light of the stars to you"
Oh okay so i'm just supposed to be normal about this huh
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sebille · 3 months
I really do think that the ff writers are extremely based for hammering home the fact that Zenos "rode the light of the stars to you" because he cares about the warrior of light. They're his reason for existing in Endwalker.
They're the ONLY person he's ever cared about. Of course he'd do anything to save their life. Of course he told them that in his eyes they're above despair and that they could win any fight. Of course he wished more than anything for them to go on and to live to see another day as they both lay dying - there's no light in his world if the warrior of light isn't in it.
"But then came the light. Blinding and pure and hot─so very hot. Enough to set my soul aflame.
I basked in the afterglow...until the void yawned once more. And then I knew the muck would never claim me again. There was naught for me ahead, so I drew the curtain on all that had come before."
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sebille · 3 months
I wonder what Zenos would have been like, had he grown up under different circumstances? Like, is he just evil/endlessly selfish to the core and that's the way he is as a person and everything about him and his actions were just inevitably going to happen no matter what - or, if given a chance, could things have been different?
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sebille · 5 months
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love this game love being sad it's my favourite hobby
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sebille · 3 months
"I understand that, following thy clash with Zenos, the teleportation device thou had discarded fell to thee from on high.
To return to thee in such a manner... I did confer with Wilfsunn and Bloewyda, yet they insist the device was possessed of no such capability. 'Twas a miracle befitting the nature of that place, where emotion becometh tangible reality. Whence, then, arose this timely wonder? Thine ardent wish...or another's fervent prayer?" Urianger.... are you implying what I think you're implying
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sebille · 3 months
The more I think about it the more unfair it feels that Zenos dies at the end of this. I'm like.....7-10? Quests away from "endwalker" and there is so much we don't know. Why did he dream of the end of Amaurot? Emet-selch experimented on him - why was that never touched upon again once it had been mentioned? What did he do? Why? Zenos can teleport???? Switch bodies? What was all that even for? Zenos yae galvus youre making me insane and I'm tearing my hair out of my head
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sebille · 3 months
honestly huge shout out to square enix for just hiring non english native speakers to play the characters w accents instead of having an english speaker do it
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sebille · 2 months
I see so many memes about how the dungeons and trials in dt are difficult and idk if people are joking or not bc.... no? What are talking about???
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sebille · 2 months
"i'm going to make things better and less awkward " G'raha tia says and then goes on to deepthroat an ice cream
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sebille · 2 months
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sebille · 5 months
now why would the quest text say that
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sebille · 2 months
I want the wol to die and for the scions and the rest of the world to have to live without them for a while.
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sebille · 3 months
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Oh them .............
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