#Agnia is that bitch
mila-bee · 8 months
I’m playing SOCN on 2 devices and romancing Agnia and Ash and you wouldn’t think they have anything in common… but after this update I think I might have a type 👀
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fastandcute · 6 months
I'm angry at you and your brother 😤😡Even in games, my closest friends become my enemies.😭
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squishywizardd · 8 months
No one:
Eva’s girly pop urge to fuck around with Amen & Set knowing they probs gonna kill her:
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mayraki · 4 years
The Trained Assassin.
Spencer Reid series. Part 5 (2/2)
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Not my gif! Credits to the owner.
Summary: Life’s not easy when you found out that instead of being trained to be a spy for the CIA, you are being trained to be an assassin, a killer. The people you wanted to stop, they were making you one. That’s when you joined the BAU to become someone new, you didn’t want to be someone’s toy. You wanted your past to be arrased, that’s all. But it’s not easy to hide a past like that.
Warning: graphic descriptions!
“A visit to the past”
“Are you sure of this?” Morgan asked once we stood on the door of one of the classes.
“Yes, I’m sure” you said looking at the students who were focused on the lecture Ms. Smirnov was doing.
“I’ll call Hotch to see if there’s any updates on the new kill.” Morgan said walking outside the door.
“As you probably already noticed, we have three FBI agents in here with us.” Agnia said and all the students turned their heads where Spencer and you were standing.
You noticed that Spencer got a little bit nervous since there was a lot of eyes on him, and you started to hear that all of them were whispering to each other. They were looking at you and some were pointing. You realized that they recognised you. They knew who you were, and not because of your work in the FBI.
Morgan walked up to you two and noticed the tension in the room.
“Everything ok?”
“Silence, now” Agnia regained the attention of her students and everyone turned their heads to her. “Since the FBI is blessing us with their pressence, I think is right for me to show them something special. Everyday we chose a video of the day. And I think we have the perfect one.”
You knew what she was talking about, you remembered it perfectly. You watched videos of women training, reviewing the technique, looking for errors.
“This video, is something very special. It’s the closest we have to perfection. It’s a shame that something like that could go to waist. I have never showed this, because it’s very advance. But I think for this class, it’s going to do just fine.”
You couldn’t understand what she was trying to accomplish, but you knew she was trying to play with you. Like you did before with her. You should’ve guessed it, she wouldn’t just let you walk away. You knew she wouldn’t just change her class like that, she always had her classes planned since the beginning of the year.
“What is she doing?” Spencer asked.
She played the video and you could see on the screen four men standing next to each other, and a girl of probably sixteen years old. She was facing her back to the camera, but you recognised her hair. It was you.
The memory of that day went into your head like a flashback. It was your last day of training before going into your first mission, you, in fact, were sixteen years old. You looked at Spencer who had his eyes on the screen, but he looked confused just like Morgan.
You moved uncomfortably in your feet and locked eyes with Agnia. She had a little smirk on her face and you killed her with your eyes.
The video started and it showed your moves clear as a sunny day. You were so fast you couldn’t see your face in the video, and you were wishing it would stay that way so Morgan and Spencer wouldn’t recognise you.
You watched the video carefully, the way that you moved made you look all grow up. You couldn’t believe that the girl who was there was sixteen. Normal teenagers at that age were going to their first party or having trouble talking to boys, but then there was you, taking four men to the floor all by yourself.
You turned your eyes to Spencer, he looked impressed by the video. He couldn’t take his eyes off of it. He had his moth slightly open and his arms were across his chest. You got lost in the way his eyes were moving following you in the video that you didn’t notice the fight was over.
“Well done, y/ln” the woman in the video said and you turned to it with your eyes widely open. Everyone turned their heads to were you were standing, including Spencer and Morgan.
“What can we say about this video?” Agnia asked to her students.
You couldn’t believe she would do something like that, she knew exactly how you felt when you watched yourself fighting, you felt not real, you felt like a fucking simulation.
You stepped outside the classroom as quick as you could and you heard Spencer and Morgan behind you, but you didn’t want to face it. Not yet.
“She was trained here?” Morgan asked once he lost you in the crowd.
“It looks like it” Spencer said still trying to find you.
“I still can’t believe it, I mean, I’m not suprised but... here?”
“What about this place?” Spencer asked him. He really didn’t know about the ways of training of this place. Or what came out of it. He couldn’t understand what the big deal was.
“Man, this is not a normal training academy. They don’t just learn how to fight, they learn how to manipulate you. How to go into your mind and know exactly what your thinking.”
“That’s kind of what we do, expect the... manipulating part” Spencer said trying to not really see the bad of this place. And worst, the bad in you. He couldn’t imagine you in there.
“No, it’s not like us. Be know how to think like a killer, why they do stuff. But they trained them here to be the killer. That makes them more quick, more efficient. If they have a pen, and you a gun, there’s more possibilities of you going out of that situation with a pen stuck in your eye than them coming out with a bullet on their body. They can change their appearance like that, they’re not only trained spies, they are trained assassins.”
You knew that Spencer and Morgan were trying not to ask you questions about it until the case was over, and you appreciated it.
You were looking at the pictures of the new kill and you saw something strange in it.
“Isn’t this woman Ms. Smirnov?” Spencer asked.
“No, but she looks like her.” You said and you avoided making eye contact with him, but you knew he was looking at you. “I think the unsub is going after her.”
“Yeah, me too.” Hotch said.
“But why kill an innocent woman?” Emily asked.
“They’re getting ready for it.” You said almost in a whisper.
Hours later, there was two police cars parked outside Agnia’s house. She insisted that she didn’t want protection, but the team didn’t listen.
The night came into the city and there was a call about a woman who got caught trying to go into Agnia’s house. When you heard the lift came into the floor you were in, you saw the woman and locked eyes with her. She gave you a little smile and the detectives put her in the interrogation room.
“Are we sure is her?” Spencer asked looking at the woman.
“I don’t know...” you said.
“She’s missing” Hotch said when he got in the room. “After they caught her, they went into her house and she wasn’t there”
“Have they tried her work?” Emily asked.
“Yes, she’s not there.”
“So we have the wrong one?” She asked.
“I don’t know” Hotch said looking at the unsub.
Morgan was interrogating her but she wasn’t talking, non of his special tricks were working on her. Until she said;
“I want to talk with Agent y/ln”
You opened your eyes widely and got closer to the glass.
“Do you know her?” Hotch said.
“No, I think I would’ve recognised her by now” you said without taking your eyes off of her.
“Think, maybe on a case, maybe years back” you knew what he meant, but one thing you were good at it was remembering faces, and you haven’t seen this one before.
“I’m going to talk to her.” You said once Morgan walked into the room.
“Why would she want to talk to you?”
“I don’t know, but if I don’t, there’s no possibility that we’re going to find Ms. Smirnov”
“And how are you going to do that?” Hotch asked.
Once you opened the door into the interrogation room, the woman looked at you and smiled.
“Y/n... is nice to see you again.”
You sat down and made sure there was nothing that she could read from your body language, you knew she was capable of doing it.
“Have we met?” You asked and the expression on her face changed completely.
“You don’t remember me?” She was sad, and you couldn’t see if she was controlling it or not. “That’s... not good, because I remember you. I remember when we used to go to that park after every lesson, listen to music or read a book. We used to get coffee after every ballet training, because it made us feel better”
You remembered all those things, but you always did that alone.
“I don’t remember you being there.”
“Oh, I was there.” She smiled. “I was there with you, see how I didn’t say that we used to talk, because we didn’t. We never talked. But I wanted to”
“Why didn’t you?”
“I couldn’t, you were you, I was... me. You were so good. I could never be like you.”
“You want to be like me?” there was something in the way she talked that kept running in your head, something similar, something that you heard before.
“Yes, I even remember the day that I decided I wanted to be like you. It was February, I was fifteen and you were seventeen. It was lunch and some girls were trying to take my book, but you stood up for me.”
And then it hit you. It took you a second to respond because you wanted to be sure, you didn’t want to mess this up.
The woman smiled and her eyes watered “You do remember me...”
“What happend to you?” You asked. This wasn’t Maggie, your old classmate, this was someone different. Her lips were bigger and her nose was smaller. Her hair was a different color and the expression on her face was sad, the Maggie that you remembered was always happy and seeing the positive in every situation.
“I finished the program, like they wanted me to. I erased my identity and I did all of this.” She pointed at her face.
“Oh, I wanted it. I said yes because I wanted to be like you.”
You looked at her and got closer.
“Maggie... where’s Agnia?”
Her smiled turned into anger. “You know what she said to me after my last mission? What that bitch and Ms. Oblonsky told me? They said... that I was never going to be good enough. That I was never going to be the Assassin they wanted, they fired me! After all this years! After everything I did for them! They got rid of me like I was a peace of trash!”
“Maggie, you are smarter enough to not get caught. But you wanted to. Why?”
“I wanted to talk to you.”
“Where’s Agnia, Maggie?” She looked at you and started crying. You felt your heart drop. You knew exactly what she was going through. You were in her position once, you didn’t wish this to anybody, not even your worst enemies.
“She’s at my apartment, street 89. She’s there.” She said finishing her breath.
“Make sure to keep an eye on her, I know that she’s capable enough to get out of here easily.” You said once the whole team went to the lift. “I’ll stay here”
“I’ll stay with you” Spencer said and you nodded.
“You didn’t have to stay.” You said.
“I can’t leave you here alone.” He gave you a small smile.
“I’m not alone, I’m in a room full of FBI agents.” You looked around a let out a little laugh.
“I know...” he laughed embarrassed “But they can’t protect you the way we protect each other.”
You felt your heart skipped a beat. They way he said those words it made you feel like he wasn’t talking about the team, he was talking about you too.
Was he? And if he was, what does it mean?
“Are you sure Ms. Smirnov is going to be there?” He asked making you forget about your thoughts once you both started to walk towards the interrogation room.
“I don’t know. She’s smart, she knows how to handle things like this. And I can’t see if this is all a lie or...” You opened the door and the detective that you told to keep an eye on her was on the floor with just his underwear on.
She took his clothes, she’s gone.
“He’s still alive...” Spencer said once he checked the pulse on his neck.
“Fuck! Spencer call Hotch and tell him that Agnia is not at her place.”
“How do you know?”
“It was all a trap. How could I not see this? She wanted to get caught to by some time and end all of this.”
And it hit you. The thing that was left to finish this world of famous assassins was you.
“What do you want to do?” Emily asked to Hotch when the whole team and the SWAT team arrived at the location you sent.
The park. She was at the park you used to go to relax after class. She gave it to you in the interrogation, she wanted you there. She knew that she was going to be able to escape and that you were going to follow her into the park.
“She wants me.” You said. “I can go in and talk to her, I can convince her to tell me where Agnia is.”
“No.” Hotch said and walked towards the team.
“What do you mean no?” You said and everyone looked at you.
“I’m not going to send you in. End of the story.”
“Put a communicatorin my ear, let me go Hotch. You know more than anyone that I can handle myself.”
“Y/n, I’m not going to discuss this anymore!”
“So you feel fine sending me in to take down six serial killers but not when it’s only a woman?”
“She’s a trained killer!”
“So am I!”
You were angry so you couldn’t control the words that came out of your mouth. You closed your eyes and tried to calm down because this was not the time to think that you just confessed your past to the whole team.
“I’m the only one who knows how to talk to her, I am like her. Please, Hotch, send me in.”
Hotch looked down and sighed. He grabbed the communicator in his back pocket and handed it to you.
“Be careful” Emily said.
“We will be listening to everything.” JJ said.
“I’ll be fine.” You smiled at them.
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok?” Spencer asked you when you two were alone and the whole team was preparing the machine to listen to you talk.
“Yeah.” You nodded “I’m going to be fine. Don’t worry.”
“I can’t.” He said looking at you lips but the voice of Hotch made you too look at him.
“We’re ready.”
You nodded and Spencer said ‘be careful’ almost in a whisper while you were finishing putting the communicator in your ear. You gave him a smile and started to walk towards Maggie.
“Y/n. I knew you were coming” she said without taking her eyes off the floor.
“You wanted me here, here I am.”
“You remember this park, y/n?”
“Where’s Agnia, Maggie?” You asked trying to walk closer to her.
“She needed to suffer...” she said cracking her voice like she was going to start crying. “Suffer like we did back in the day. She needed to know what I was like to be there.”
You tried to remember all the possibilities of punishment you had back in the academy. And the one that torment you since day one in there appeared on you mind.
“Maggie, is Agnia in the basement?”
“Remember that? They used to leave us there for days, without food, in the dark, nothing but our thoughts.”
“I remember Maggie, is Agnia there? Did you put her there?”
She looked at you and got up. She reached her hand into her pocket and you said quickly.
“I’m not armed” you put your hands in the air.
“I know, you wouldn’t do that.” She said. “I got this picture. They took this on the day of my first mission. Remember it?” She got close and showed you the picture.
Four girls were standing next to each other, you could see two other girls you remembered from your classes and Maggie next to you, with a big smile on her face.
“I had my first mission with you.” She reached into her other pocket and you noticed a big ball coming out of it.
It was a granade.
“Hey... hey, Maggie, you can still change this. It doesn’t have to end like this.”
“Y/n get out of there now!” Hotch said in your ear.
“Maggie, please...”
“It has to end, with me and you. We were the best, and if they can see how we ended, they’re not going to go in there anymore, those innocent girls. It’s going to stop.”
“Maggie, listen to me, it’s not going to stop.”
“Agent, it’s an order, get out of there.” Hotch said in your ear again but you didn’t want to listen.
“Y/n, I don’t want to fight you. I really don’t.”
“Then don’t. Give me that granade and tell me where Agnia is, and everything can stop.”
She started to cry and seeing her like this made you tear up a little bit too. This is what they made.
“Y/n, get out of there, please!” Now it was Spencer talking.
“I can’t, I can’t let her die.”
“Y/n, please, she’s not going to change her mind. Get out of there!”
You could felt he was starting to get upset by his tone, but something made your feet stay in the ground like they were glued. Maggie remind you of yourself when you were younger. You could see the pain in her eyes and it made you feel vulnerable.
“She’s the only one who knows where Agnia is, we need her alive.” You said.
“And I need you alive!” Spencer said quickly and your heart skipped a beat.
“She’s in the basement, she’s alive!” You heard a man say in the back and the voice of Hotch talked next.
“Ok, take the shot.”
“No! Wait!” You screamed and everything went in slowed motion.
You turned your head were you knew the sniper was and you heard the shot. You turned to Maggie and she was on the floor, her eyes were open but there was no longer life in them. You got on your knees and grabbed the photo she had on her hand. Tears started to go down your checks and you felt arms around you.
“It’s ok.” Spencer said kneeling down next to you.
“I could’ve saved her...”
“You did everything you could.”
You touched his arms and felt safe for the first time in months.
taglist: @itsarayofsunshine @whothefuckstolemykeds @haykayhesson @enigma-xlii @introvertedsin @mylovehes @infires420 @uwu-sebastianstan @my-life-is-here-soo @spencersdolore
If you’re not in the taglist It’s bc I couldn’t find you when I typed your name, sorry!
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