#Agrasen Ki Baoli
halidays · 11 months
Top 10 Famous Historical Places in Delhi
Delhi, the capital of India, is a city that has witnessed the rise and fall of many empires and dynasties over the centuries. It is a city that has preserved its rich and diverse heritage in the form of numerous historical monuments and sites. Delhi is a city that offers a glimpse into the past, present, and future of India through its architecture, culture, and lifestyle. Here are the top 10…
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Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour #agrasenkibaoli #videotour #stepwell #delhi 
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escortedtoursindia · 2 years
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour #agrasenkibaoli #videotour #stepwell #delhi 
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luxurytoursindia · 2 years
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour #agrasenkibaoli #videotour #stepwell #delhi 
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private-tours-india · 2 years
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour #agrasenkibaoli #videotour #stepwell #delhi 
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luxurytours-india · 2 years
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour #agrasenkibaoli #videotour #stepwell #delhi 
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group-tours-india · 2 years
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour #agrasenkibaoli #videotour #stepwell #delhi 
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toursfromdelhi · 2 years
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour
Agrasen ki Baoli Delhi - Video Tour #agrasenkibaoli #videotour #stepwell #delhi 
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travels-india · 11 months
Delhi, the vibrant capital of India, is known for its rich history and architectural wonders. While famous landmarks like the Red Fort and Qutub Minar often steal the limelight, there is one hidden gem tucked away in the heart of the city that holds a fascinating tale waiting to be discovered - Agrasen ki Baoli.
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greenudon · 2 years
Auf Entdeckungstour in Delhi
Nach unglaublichen 8 Stunden Schlaf startete der erste Morgen in Delhi mit neuer Kraft. Nach einem kleinen Frühstück mit selbst gemachten Joghurt und Kartoffel Pfannkuchen vom Vater machte ich mich alleine auf zur Metro. Dort löste ich einen Fahrschein in Form einer digitalen Münze - für umgerechnet 0,33 €.
Danach erkundeten ich ein paar Touristenmärkte, wo ich hätte Teppiche, Kleidung und Bilder kaufen können. Zu diesen Märkteb kam ich durch Zufall, da mir ein Passant abgeraten hatte, zu meinem eigentlichen Ziel zu gehen, da es zu dieser Zeit überfüllt wäre. Nach einem kurzen, skeptischen Gedankengang ließ ich mich auf seinen Vorschlag ein und er organisierte einen Tuktuk-Fahrer, der mich zu zwei Märkten und einen Tee/Gewürzhändler brachte. In diesem Laden überzeugte mich dann die Verkäuferin, überteuerten Assam-Tee zu erwerben, welcher aber wirklich gut und sogar Bio sein sollte. Danach ging es mit dem Tuktuk-Fahrer zu einem speziellen mittelalterlichen Brunnenbauwerk - Agrasen Ki Baoli. Zahlreiche Stufen verlaufen tief bis zu einem Wasserbecken. Die schmale, aber tiefe Bauweise hatte ihren besonderen Reiz. Am Nachmittag traf ich wieder JD zu einer Street Art Tour durch das Lodhiviertel. In dieser sehr grüne Nachbarschaft wurden zahlreiche ehemals britische Bedienstetenhäuser mit einem Mural (großes Wandgemälde) versehen. Sämtliche Kunstwerke waren ein Blickfang und die vielen (gesunden) Katzen in der Umgebung hatten mich an Athen erinnert.
Zum Abschluss des Tages fuhren wir dann noch in den Lodhi-Park - ein sehr grüner Park mit einer Moscheen-Ruine und einigen Grab-Dome, die für ein perfektes Foto herhalten müssen.
Hier noch ein paar neue Erkenntnisse:
- Sikh-Gläubige schneiden oder rasieren ihre Haare nie. So auch mein Gastgeber, der unter dem Turban lange Haare trägt. Der Bart ist unter dem Kinn auch zusammen geknotet.
- Vor allem jungen Männer halten hier oft Händchen und fotografieren sich zusammen. Dies ist aber meistens kein Pärchen, sondern ein enger Freundschaftsbeweis.
- Man wirkt wirklich sehr oft nach einem Foto von einem gefragt. So wurde ich heute bestimmt 10x mit jüngeren Leuten und auch Schülern fotografiert.
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colin-ross · 3 months
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Well in the Well are Colin and Dean?
That’s right we are at Agrasen ki Baoli, a stepwell dating from King Agrasen’s time and partially rebuilt in the 14th century. It is supposed to be haunted but who knows… 👻
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planashleygo · 3 months
Agrasen Ki Baoli: Entry Fee, Timing, History
Agrasen Ki Baoli is an ancient stepwell, shrouded in legends and architectural wonders that beckons travelers and locals alike to unravel its mysteries and immerse themselves in its timeless beauty. It stands as a silent witness to the ebb and flow of Delhi’s rich tapestry of history, whispering tales of kings, merchants, and communities who sought refuge within its cool confines. From its…
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genieife · 3 months
In Search of Splendor: Day 2 Explorations in Delhi
Lets Explore Delhi- Delhi Diaries Day 2
Hopefully, exploring Old Delhi left you feeling enthralled, but it’s heading to New Delhi that will have you falling for this city. My second day in town was my favourite — I loved everything I saw on this day.
Up first: Agrasen ki Baoli.
If you’re planning for an extended trip of India, you’ll likely end up coming across stepwells every now and then. They’re exactly what they sound like — wells with steps leading all the way to the bottom, so that you can collect water no matter how far down it is. These days, most of them go unused, and they make for very Instagrammable scenes. Agrasen ki Baoli is right in the centre of Delhi and is supposedly one of the most haunted spots in the city.
This is a place to grab a few seconds of respite — it’s a spot where locals come to chill out with their friends and chat, and it’s a good destination to spend twenty minutes taking photos and enjoying the ambience.
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Next, head on over to India Gate — it’s a 25-minute walk from the stepwell.
Prepare yourself in advance for a huge number of crowds and selfie-requests here, but it’s totally worth the crush to see such a majestic structure with your own eyes.
India Gate is a war memorial, dedicated to the 70,000 soldiers in the British Indian Army who died fighting in the First World War. It’s full of tourists, schoolkids, and families having picnics, as well as tons of street vendors, but it’s an impressive structure nonetheless.
You’re going to want to grab an Uber to take you to the next stop, and you should spend the drive preparing yourself to be wowed.
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Humayun’s Tomb will likely be one of your biggest highlights of New Delhi. I know it was for me. If you have time to see just one thing in this city, it should be this.
The red sandstone tomb was built in 1570 and was actually the inspiration behind the Taj Mahal. It’s such a large complex that you could easily spend several hours there, depending on how keen you are to linger and soak up the atmosphere.
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Within walking distance, you’ll find Safdarjung Tomb, a sandstone and marble mausoleum that was constructed in the 1700s. It has a similar vibe to the complex surrounding Humayun’s Tomb, but attracts far fewer people. It’s really worth visiting.
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Lodhi Garden is a 10-minute walk away, and don’t you dare think about skipping it.
For a city park, it’s so impressive. I mean, just look at all of those structures! I’ve never seen a park have so many cool buildings dropped right in the middle of it.
By the time you reach the Lodhi Garden, the sun will be setting, which will make the experience all the more magical. You could easily spend a couple of hours walking around the old historic monuments, watching families play cricket, fly kites, and picnic on the grass.
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Now, when you think of great street art, Delhi probably isn’t one of the cities that first comes to mind, but there’s plenty of excellent examples if you know where to look.
I suggest rounding off your day in New Delhi with a stroll through nearby Lodhi Colony: an area of the city that’s been turned into a public art district. There are dozens of enormous colourful murals blanketing the buildings around here, and they’re so much fun to hunt down.
This area isn’t often visited by tourists, as it’s not very well-known, but it’s more than worth visiting.
As Day 2 of our Delhi exploration with Geniefie draws to a close, we’ve unearthed hidden treasures, savored local flavors, and immersed ourselves in the city’s vibrant culture. With each discovery, Delhi reveals its rich tapestry of history and modernity. As we eagerly await Day 3, we’re grateful for Geniefie Trip Planner  guidance, making every moment of our journey unforgettable. Stay tuned for more adventures ahead!
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sumeriyaholidays · 3 months
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Most haunted place in Delhi, Within few days the place ruine many life Want to know the most haunted places of Delhi? here are some places to visit to check Agrasen ki baoli, lothian cemetery, sanjay van etc. As per people and local belief the place is haunted you can check visit to read more.
haunted #places #delhi #scary #delhicant #agrasenkibaoli #sanjayvan khooninadi #jamalikamalitomb #khoonidarwaza
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punjabithings · 4 months
Top 10 Horror Places in India
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India, a land steeped in diverse cultures and histories, also boasts some of the most eerie locations that have lured the brave and the curious alike. These spots are not just about the shivers they send down your spine; they're wrapped in tales that touch the very essence of curiosity and fear. Here's a look at the top 10 horror places in India, each with a story that's as intriguing as the next, and a little something that might just interest the explorer in you.
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- Bhangarh Fort, Rajasthan: Often cited as India's most haunted location, Bhangarh Fort is surrounded by chilling tales. Legend has it that entering the fort at night is an invitation to never return. Enhance your visit with the "Haunted India" guidebook available on Amazon, providing not just maps but also the stories behind these haunted sites. - Shaniwarwada Fort, Pune: Famous for its historical importance and architectural brilliance, Shaniwarwada Fort is also known for the supernatural occurrences reported here, especially on full moon nights. The chilling screams of a young prince who was brutally murdered here echo through the fort's walls. - Dumas Beach, Gujarat: This urban stretch of sand is not just known for its scenic beauty but also for its paranormal activity. It's believed that the beach was once a burial ground, and many have reported hearing strange whispers and seeing mysterious apparitions here. - Kuldhara Village, Rajasthan: Abandoned overnight, the entire village of Kuldhara is shrouded in mystery. Legend has it that the villagers left a curse on the village, and anyone who tries to inhabit it faces misfortune. - GP Block, Meerut: This deserted building is infamous for sightings of ghosts of men drinking beer and a woman in red dress. Despite being a popular spot for the brave hearts, it remains one of the most eerie places in India. - Ramoji Film City, Hyderabad: Known for being one of the biggest film cities in the world, it is also famous for its haunted spots where crew members have experienced unexplained phenomena, including lights falling off, strange marks appearing on mirrors, and more. - Dow Hill, Kurseong, West Bengal: The corridors of Victoria Boys High School, located in Dow Hill, are believed to be haunted. Woodcutters claim to have seen a headless boy roaming around and disappearing into the forests. - Jatinga, Assam: This small village in Assam is notorious for its unexplained phenomenon of bird suicides. Most of the migratory birds visiting the area never leave; they die by crashing into buildings and trees. - Agrasen ki Baoli, New Delhi: This historical stepwell is not just known for its architectural significance but also for its spooky aura. Visitors often speak of an unseen force that draws them towards the water. - Savoy Hotel, Mussoorie: Inspired by Agatha Christie's first novel, this hotel is famous for the ghost of Lady Garnet Orme, who was found dead under mysterious circumstances. Guests and staff often report hearing strange noises and witnessing eerie occurrences. These places, with their chilling tales and mysterious aura, continue to fascinate and terrify visitors. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, the stories of these horror places in India are sure to intrigue and perhaps even invite you to explore them. Read the full article
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tookmehere · 4 months
Agrasen ki Baoli is one of the major tourist attraction in New Delhi. It is most famous between college going students as it provides a historical architecture vibe to the modern world people. One of the biggest mind blowing fact about it is that people believed that this is build during the period of Mahabharat. The atmosphere of the place is so old and unique because of its construction made up of old stones. One thing that i most likes about this place is it’s architecture. It directly takes you to the ancient time.
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