#Ah yes my naegami thesis
Byakuya slowly thawing and becoming soft for Makoto is one of my favorite things no matter what setting cuz like- Him realizing in a moment of silence that he found someone that doesn't want to take advantage of him or his money, he found someone who would truly love him despite his flaws and rocky edges and won't flake away. He broke his armor and when present with his heart Makoto didn't crush it or break it like he thought he would. Makoto like actually loves and cares him like woah??? sorry for the paragraph but they are just sooo 🥰🥰
They are, please it's very okay I love paragraphs. I read this like 3 times because oh my lord I love them.
I love this because Byakuya's whole life has revolved around being great. That he needs to be the best, that others are below him. That there's no need for him to form attachments because they will use him, it's how he got his ultimate title by defeating his half siblings.
And so he keeps that facade up when he attends Hope's Peak, literally just "I'm not here to make friends" thing.
Byakuya has never met someone like Makoto, never met someone who's so earnest and genuine, wears his heart on his sleeve and is just kind. And when he first meets him he dismisses Makoto.
Thinks of him as Makoto is nothing but a naive little lamb about to be slaughtered.
But Byakuya quickly realises that he is wrong, that Makoto is smarter than he seems, that he's very perceptive and helps others without some ulterior motive.
And he wants to know why but to do so he allows himself to get closer to him. And Makoto breaks every wall he's every put, and Byakuya finds himself terrified because he realises he trusts Makoto. Trusts him with his life, that Makoto Naegi is his safe place.
That with him he doesn't have the same pressures as he would usually, he's able to just breathe.
Byakuya seeing the parts of Makoto that he should find annoying or childish because that's what he was raised to see and instead finds them endearing and sweet.
He likes those parts of Makoto, his sheepish smile, the way his eyes light up and when he puts his foot down and makes a stand Byakuya can't take his eyes off him.
He's terrified because he's let Makoto take his heart, and to his utter surprise Makoto holds his heart with the most delicate of hands.
Makoto can read him like a book and he doesn't turn away, he doesn't hate him. He can tell Byakuya is trying to be better which makes Byakuya want to be better. He's utterly smitten and he would fight for Makoto if need be.
Byakuya who iniates hugs, let's himself slowly be vulnerable and Makoto never laughs nor teases him. He's encouraging and kind and he thaws Byakuya's ice cold heart with his warm touch.
In the games this man went against the whole Future Foundation because he trusted Makoto's judgement. (Honestly the relief this man must've had when not only was Makoto alive but innocent, and knowing he shouldn't have doubted him ever... the guilt and just vowing to make it up to him)
In any setting, Byakuya will always end up having his heart thawed by Makoto who holds it like its something to treasure. Byakuya he holds Makoto in such a high regard and he can't deny it. Not that he ever would or could.
Just ahhh them 🥰🥰
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