#Ahinmoth weremayhem
nightmaremp · 9 months
Ahinmoth is one of the main villains in the Weremayhem au. Here is his backstory.
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It was a cold night in the woods as skekAhin walked under trees with a dead weredeer in his hand. The skeksis had long black feathers covering his head. His dark orange beak shined in the moonlight. Red eyes that strike fear into anything that lives, skekAhin’s tail dragged on the ground as he walked. His second pair of arms hold his bow and arrow. Drool was running down his chin as he couldn’t wait to head back to the werehunters’ castle to eat some food that their slaves brought them. The black feather male’s clothes were made out of leaves and some fur from wereanimals that he and his hunters killed.
The skeksis walked up a bone like staircase to a castle that was made out of bones, rocks, mud. The sound of his claws on his feet and his tail hitting the bone staircase as he walked to the castle of werehunters. This place put fear into wereanimals, the fear of being killed by these old time hunters that are from the beginning of earth. When he reached the door which was made out of wood from an old tree, the black feather male knocked on the door. “It is the great skekAhin! I brought a dead weredeer for our feast tonight!” snarled skekAhin.
The door opens to reveal the hunter of truth, her white feathers that have few purple stripes at the end of each feather shine in the moonlight. Her clothes were like queens’ dresses in the old time, gold and purple covering the cloth as her jewelry grew like fireflies in the night. Pink eyes that are as pink as the tongue that sits in skekAhin’s mouth looking down at him. Two large tusks stuck out of her beak-like mouth which the tusks had rings around them. It was skekQie, skekAhin’s mate and the leader of the were hunters. “My mate, you have arrived!” skekQie said as she hugged her lover. “My mate, I brought food for our slaves to make into a wonderful feast!” skekAHin chirps happily as he shows the hunter of truth the dead weredeer.
The two walked into the castle with the dead weredeer. A chubby skeksis comes up to the two. It was skekYui, the cook of the hunters. He had short orange feathers that were bright and shiny, a big black parrot beak that could break a human skull in half was most of the orange feather male’s face. His brown eyes were like the bark off of trees. The clothes of the cook were dirty due to cooking food for the tribe of hunters. His second pair of arms were holding a bag filled with nuts. “skekAhin! I see that you brought a weredeer. Do you mind if I take this meal to the cooking den?” asked the chubby feather male before he chopped down onto a nut that his first pair of hands grabbed out of the bag that the second pair of hands were holding.
“Yes, you may” replied skekAhin as he hand skekYui the dead weredeer. “Thank you, great hunter, skekAhin” replied skekYui before he walked off with the meat.
“skekAhin, I have some good news for you, my mate” said skekQie as she led him to the hatching den where the skeksis keep their eggs to hatch. When they arrived, skekTri was in the den. She was holding something. “Nurse Tri, how is he?” asked the hunter of truth as she walked over to the small female. She was the biggest skeksis in the tribe while skekTri was the smallest skeksis due to her father being the smallest skeksis before he died. “Hunter of Truth, he is doing good” replied skekTri as her light brown feathers rose up due to not being ready to see the hunter of truth and the great hunter in the hatching den, her feather soon going down. “Hand him to me” replied skekQie as she opened her hands out to hold the hatchling. The white feather skeksis turns to her mate with a smile on her beak.
“skekAhin, meet your son.” she said as she handed her black feather mate their kid. The great hunter held his son, his boy was the first albino skeksis in history. The hunter of truth wasn’t a albino skeksis, she was the species of skeksis that have white feathers to blend in snow and have purple stripes on the end to get mates attention. The new hatchling opened his eyes which were blood red, his beak was a pale yellow. “What should you name him, great hunter?” asked skekTri. “His name is skekRey” replied the black feather skeksis with a smile on his face. “A beautiful name for our son” replied skekQie.
As the feast started, skekAhin was feasting on some alligator ribs as skekQie and his son, skekRey were both sharing some of the weredeer meat that the black feather skeksis brought to the castle. His mind was thinking of a good animal for the ritual of his son being welcome in the tribe of hunters. “A deer should do” he said to himself as a slave brought him another piece of alligator ribs. Slaves are podlings that have been abused by the skeksis and used to run the castle’s systems. They have pale white skin like snow during the winter, gray eyes that shine in the light like silver bullets to kill wereanimals. Their clothes are ripped and covered in dirt, no hair covering their heads as their hair has fallen out due to the skeksis’ stressful nature to them.
When the feast ended, skekAhin and his mate had set skekRey to his nest that sits next to their nest. The hunter of truth covers the albino skeksis chick with a fur blanket from a werebear. The chick happily chirped before going to sleep in his nest. The black feather male laid next to his large female male and wrapped his first pair of arms, skekQie let out a chirp as she rubbed her beak on his forehead. The great hunter smiles as the full moon shone down through the holes of the castle’s wall and on their feathers.
The next morning, the air was nice and thick. That was normal for New Orleans which the skeksis have got used to. The black feather skeksis got up before skekQie did. The great hunter got up and walked out of his and his mate’s den. There was a skeksis with dark green feathers outside his den, holding the hunter’s clothes of fur. It was skekXe, the clothes marker for the tribe. His long dark green feathers cover most of his eyes and beak, he was missing his left arm on his second pair of arms. It was caused by a skeksis trying to take over the tribe years ago, that skeksis was dead now and hanging on the wall of the castle. The dark green feather male’s clothes were fur from a werewolf which are common but recently their species in the area went down. Same with normal wolves and dogs around New Orleans. His clothes also have flowers that he replaces everyday or week. Yellow eyes look into skekAhin’s red eyes, his eyes are like the sun in the sky.
“Here are your ritual hunting clothes, great hunter” said skekXe in a horsey, dusty tone. “Thank you, skekXe” he replied as he took the clothes from the clothes marker. The black feather skeksis put on the clothes. It was a huge fur like cape that was made from the fur of a werecheshirecat which are one of the rarest species in the wereanimals list. The fur was a nice ginger base fur color with brown stripes. He placed the skull of the feline on his head which made him look creepy and fearful. The black feather skeksis puts the spear that the outfit comes with in his second pair of hands. He was ready for the hunt tonight with his son.
As the day went on, skekAhin was teaching his son, skekRey how to throw spears, shoot arrows, and how to use knives that are made from bones, rocks, and wood. The albino skeksis was doing great which put a smile on his father’s face. They continue to practice and have great father and son moments.
The sun started to set when skekQie went out and told her mate that it was time for the ritual hunt. The great hunter put a fur coat over his son that was made from a rabbit which fits well.
They both head out to the woods, far away from their bone made castle. The albino feather male holds onto his father’s hand as they walk. It was as dark as the pits in the ritual room of the castle when night came. The two walk until skekAhin pulls skekRey down to the grass and mud.
His father had spotted some young wereanimals, there were six. One was a weretiger, it had a green fur base color with bright orange stripes covering it. A big pink nose sat on its small face. Short ginger hair covered its head and had too fluffy brown eyebrows, yellow eyes staring at two other wereanimals playing.
One was odd looking, its fur didn’t look like fur but looked like seaweed from the sea. It has two small tusks sticking out of its mouth. It had fins that were covered in brown, white, and black spots. Same with its body having most of those spots covering its small body. It looks like it could be a wereorca but they don’t have spots. A pink little nose was sitting on its small face. A small brown hat sat on its head or was part of its face. Two gold eyes were blinking down at the other wereanimal.
The other was a feline fer sure but what kind is the question for skekAhin. The small feline had green fur with orange stripes like the first one and ginger hair, no brown fluffy eyebrows. A big orange nose sits on its face as it playful bites the seaweed cover one. Two saber-like fangs hang out of its mouth, it was like those of a smilodon. Yellow eyes that look like gold. There were three other wereanimals babies that were watching the two play.
The first one of the three had brown hair and fluffy brown eyebrows, a big orange nose sat on its face as well. It had brown spots covering its green fur, a short tail sat on the ground. Two saber fangs sticking out of its mouth. It must be a weresmilodon cub. The next one had long brown hair like the other one, a big pink nose as well. It was a werebobcat with some stripes and spots that were orange, covering its green fur. It huffs as it lays down on the dirt. The last one was smaller than the others, must be a runt. It has brown and ginger mixed hair that sits on the ground. Brown stripes cover its green fur coat. It yawns which reveals the feline species it is to the hunters.
It was a werecheshirecat kitten!
This is the first time that skekAhin or any hunters have seen a kitten of a werecheshirecat. It was perfect for skekRey to kill, it would make him the next great hunter of their tribe. “Son” said the black feather male as he looked over to his albino feather male. He leaned in and pointed to the prize kill. “Throw your spear at that kitten” said the great hunter. The little chick slowly pulls out his spear and gets ready to throw it. Then skekRey threw it but it cut some flesh off of its hind leg. It was a mistake, he missed the prize kill.
The kitten cries out as the others come to its cries. The great hunter looked over at his son in shock and disappointment. Before skekAhin could snap at his son, the ground suddenly shook. The trees shook as whatever was making them shake was getting closer. Birds quickly fly out of the trees and fly far away from the source of the shaking. Then it reveals itself.
It was a oversized weresmilodon.
It had brown spots covering its lime green fur. Brown hair that moves in the wind and fluffy brown eyebrows on its face, a big orange nose that sniffs the air. It picks up the scent of its hurt kitten. It was bigger than an elephant! The hunch shoulders and back of the smilodon touch the top branches of the tree. The gold yellow eyes look at the small group of kittens. It lends down and sniffs at the hurt one. Then it smelled the spear that was sticking out of the ground with the kitten’s blood.
It growls as it looks up and over to where the two hunters were at. It suddenly ran over to the area and attacked skekAhin at full force. The black feather male quickly grabbed his knife and stabbed the beast in its shoulder as he was in the jaws of the smilodon. “Run! Run, my son!” yelled the great hunter as he felt his ribs being crushed. The albino skeksis chick quickly ran far away from the danger that got his father.
The weresmilodon throw skekAhin against a tree which caused the old skeksis’ leg to break. The black feather male quickly jumps on its back and starts stabbing it with its spear, suddenly he got hit with a body of somethings. It was the mate of the beast and the mother of the babies, A werecheshirecat. The green fur was covered in orange stripes, it had some scars on its shoulder and back. Long curly ginger hair blows in the wind as the beast chop down on the skeksis’ neck.
The great hunter screamed in pain as the feline ripped off his arm and while the smilodon ripped off his tail. The black feather stabbed the spear into the arm of the female mate which caused it to scream in pain. Suddenly skekAhin felt his neck snap and everything went black when the male smashed a rock over his head with so much force that the skull stabbed through his brain.
His body went limp and cold, blood ran down his black feathers. His eyeball dropped to the ground and got covered in mud and blood. The moonlight makes the skeksis’ blood shine in the light like a ruby.
The great hunter was dead…Killed…By what the hunter was hunting.
The felines and the little ones move away from the death scene as they carry their young to a safer area to get its wounds fixed.
Hours passed before the other hunters from the tribe found their great hunter’s body. His son made it and told them that his father was in a battle with a wereanimal. The group quickly got to their hunter leader’s battle but it was too late. They all look in horror and sadness, some in rage as they see their great hunter’s body covered in blood, bone pieces, ripped limps over the place. “What should we do?” asked skekUio, the spear hunter as she picked up skekAhin’s leg. “A ritual to honor his death” replied skekYai as he picked up the black feather male’s corpse.
They took his body back to the castle and to the ritual room. “My mate!” cry skekQie in tears as she hugged her mate’s dead body, not caring about her clothes getting blood on them. The white feather skeksis held her son as they took the body to the pit that was in the room. The two hunters throw skekAhin’s lifeless body into the pit of fire.
All the skeksis let out sad roars like crows with dead crows to give honor to the great hunter’s death. They all give speeches about the fallen skeksis before leaving for their nest. All but skekQie, she couldn’t go to sleep or bed due to her sadness.
The white feather skeksis pulled off her necklace that was under her clothes, it was the necklace that held blood from the first ever skeksis hunter. Some say he was from the deepest pits of Hell, others say he was a monster from the deep Earth. The black blood of the skeksis moves as skekQie holds it in her old hands. The gold glows in the moonlight.
“Oh great skeksis, skekXir! Please bring back skekAhin! My mate! The great hunter! Make him alive!” she shouts in tears as she drops the necklace and blood into the pit of fire. Her tears drop down to the pit as well before she leaves the ritual room.
In the pit, the blood of skekXir broke through the glass and went into a bone of skekAhin. The flames of the pit suddenly went huge and turned black. Bones from dead wereanimals and the great hunter’s bones start to form into one big skeleton with black fur, feathers, and quills. Big red eyeballs appear on the body of the beast. The feline skull grew three red eyeballs, its saber-like fangs shining in the light of the full moon.
It let out a loud roar before disappearing through the window in the castle. It ran through the woods and stopped when finding a werebear that was eating some berries. Suddenly the beast went into the bear’s mind, it got into the mind of the bear and started controlling the bear. The werebear suddenly started hitting its head on some rocks before it died due to blood in the brain. The beast exited the mind and looked at the dead bear.
The beast laughed in happiness. It was happy to take control, to killed…again
Ahinmoth was borned.
9 notes · View notes
nightmaremp · 6 months
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2 notes · View notes
nightmaremp · 6 months
Weremayhem: Song of Beasts. Ch 17: Visions of Horror or Hope
   Lips chuckles. “Lips? You okay?” asked Moog. The lion let out a groan. 
“You alright there, buddy?” asked the black haired male. Lips’ pupils suddenly turn into a big black ball. The blonde lion found himself looking up at the sky that was now space. Everything was blue around him. “Spirit in the sky” by Norman Greenbaum starts playing in the background. 
He gasped in shock. “Whoa” Lips said in his mind as he saw spaceships move around in the sky. The lion starts to laugh as he gets up. He exclaims in wonder. The blonde lion laughs non stop. The stars come together to form some words. “Save the world, Lips” is what the stars form. 
Suddenly the stars hit Lips which cause him to grunts and let out a surprise yelp. The lion fell through the ground and landed in some grass. He got up and looked around. The blonde lion was confused, he didn’t know where he was now. Lips took a step forward. Out of nowhere fire appeared around the him, in a circle. 
Fear filled the lion, he starts to breathe heavily. The blonde lion starts to cry when he hears the screams of his parents coming from the fire around him. Lips let out a roar to make it stop but nothing. “Lips?” said Zoot which cause the trip of the lion to stop. 
“Smile for the camera,” the sloth added. The camera lights blinded the world that the blonde lion was in. Tears were running down his fur cover cheeks. His breathing was slowly going back to normal. “Oh, man, you blinked,” said Zoot in a sad tone. 
Lips started to chuckle a bit again after his breathing went back to normal. “Lips is out, but the rest of you can…Wait” said Moog. 
“Oh, no. Where’s everybody go? Where’s everybody go?” he asked in horror as he get up off the log. 
Meanwhile, Janice was looking at the mirror on the driver side of the van. “Oh. Hello. How are you?” she asked the mirror. 
“Oh, thank God. I found you” said the black haired male as he take a breath of relief. 
“Hey, Janice! I’m sorry to interrupt…” he started to say. 
“You look so…” the doe started to say. 
“But let’s get you comfy by the fire” Moog finishes his sentence. 
“Familiar” Jancie finished her sentence. 
“Maybe write some music?” he asked. The deer suddenly fell to the ground, well, her head did since she had to get on her stomach to be eye level with the mirror. “Unless you are out of your mind and all. Where are you going?” the black haired male added in a worried tone. 
Janice found herself in a huge white space. “Whoa, it’s so infinite” she said in wonder. 
Suddenly, she felt a tap on her shoulder. The doe turned around to see another her, there was like millions of her behind the one that tapped her shoulder. “Oh, wow” said Janice in shock and amazed. 
“Are you, like, totally here to help me?” asked the female deer. 
“For sure” they all said. 
“Aw, I’m feeling so much love right now,” Janice replied. 
“So much love, one true Janice” they all replied. 
“And you need to love you, too,” they added. 
“Wow, like, totally loving myself?” she asked. 
“Like, totally,” they replied. 
“We all know you’re gonna get there with your band, but the secret to writing music is to love yourself first” said the one that tapped her shoulder. 
“For sure” they all added. 
“For sure,” replied the doe. 
“Hey!” said Zoot who appeared out of nowhere. “You two make a great couple,” he added. All Janice posed for the picture as a bright flash filled the space. 
“Gonna get there” mumbled Jancie as she lay on the sand covered ground. Moog look up and sees Animal on a huge rock. 
“Animal?” he asked. 
“You wanna come down and make some music?” he added. 
“Baby” said Animal. 
“You alright there, bud?” asked the black haired male in a worried tone. The drummer had a puppy version of himself in his lap. 
“Yeah. Baby.” replied the newfoundland. 
“We’re quite fine, my fine gent. Down in a jiff” added the puppy. Animal looks at his younger self. He noticed there was no arrow scar on his shoulder that he has now. 
“Baby,” said the hound. 
“You’re quite the nurturer, aren’t you? Just like our deaf friend Nora” replied baby Animal. 
“Nora” replied the drummer. 
“In fact, from moment one, you’ve felt a powerful kinship to the woman” replied the puppy. 
“Perhaps it is innate, or perhaps you share a deep-rooted connection of both over you both being abandoned at a young age” he added. 
“Nora’ replied the newfoundland. 
“Point is, because of that unbreakable bond, it is your duty to protect her.” the newfoundland puppy replied. 
“Nsy, guide her,” he added. Suddenly bright lights blinded them both for a second and a sound of a camera shutter. 
“You two make a great couple,” said Zoot. 
“Everybody! Look up there in the sky!” said Floyd as he looked up. A bunch of purple, white, orange, yellow, and red clouds appear in the sky in front of the werewolf. “Ooh” the wolf said in wonder. 
“Doesn’t get any weirder than that, am I right?” asked Floyd Pepper. Suddenly Weird Al appears in the middle of the clouds, like the scene in Lion King. 
“You know it. I’ve come to help you, Floyd” replied Weird Al. 
“By convincing me to take back the Pride Lands and reclaim my rightful throne?” asked the pink fur werewolf. 
“No, no, no, that’s Lion King” replied Al. 
“No, I’m here to tell you to stop being so precious and start writing music again,” he added. 
“Says the guy who only writes parody songs. Got you!” Floyd replied as he laughed. His laugh kinda sound like a husky’s scream. 
“Hey! I’ve got original songs on every album” replied Weird Al. “I’ve done, like, 80 of ‘em,” he added. 
“Dang! That is so many” replied the wolf. 
“Almost too many,” replied Al. 
“Yeah, I just…” Floyd Pepper started to say. He shook his head. 
“No, I just don’t wanna let everybody down” the werewolf said in a bit of a sad tone. 
“You know I mean, it’s gotta be perfect. Know what I’m saying?” said Floyd as he looked up at the male. 
“You really think I care about what people think?” asked Weird Al. 
“Clearly not,” replied the wolf. 
“Exactly,” replied Al. “So, stop worrying about what the world thinks,” he added. 
“You tell them what to feel” said Weird Al. 
“Right on, Mr. Weird” replied Floyd. 
“Remember who you are, Floyd. The one true king. Don’t let them put you down” replied Al. 
Suddenly “King of Pride Rock” by Hans Zimmer starts playing. “Remember” prolonged Weird Al as he very slowly disappeared in the clouds. “Goodbye, “Weird Al” Yankovic!” said Floyd as he waves. 
Suddenly a black shadow of a huge feline jumped out of the scar on his back. He looks at the beast. The gold eyes stare at him, it growls at him. It had a necklace made from the teeth of dead animals, even some earrings. The werewolf started the shadow feline down. 
“I’m not scared of you!” growled the wolf. The shadow beast hissed at him. “I will not let you stop me!” he barked at the feline. Without warning, Floyd runs toward the shadow feline and bites down on it. A hiss of pain filled the air but it wasn’t from the feline but the pink fur werewolf himself. 
He wasn’t biting the shadow feline but a cactus. Floyd Pepper got the small spikes in his mouth. The werewolf whimpers in pain. Zoot suddenly took a picture of the wolf. “You two make a great couple,” said the sloth. 
Moog went to Floyd and he could tell the wolf was in pain. “Wow” the black haired male said in shock. 
“Okay, um, hey, how are you doing? It’s me” said Moog as he removed the plant from the werewolf’s mouth. 
“Hey Moog” replied Floyd as he whimpered in pain. 
“How are you doing?” asked the mayhead. 
“Great. How are you doing?” replied the pink fur werewolf. 
“Don’t you worry, all right?” replied Moog as he slowly and carefully removed the spikes of the cactus. 
“Cause an Eagle Scout is always prepared. I got tweezers in my backpack. I’mma be right back” he added. 
“What?” asked the wolf. 
Suddenly Teeth appeared but he was different, he was in a stop motion style from old monster movies. “Hey, man. Making new friends?” asked the doc. The wolf growled in pain and at the comment by the oversized feline. 
Teeth’s trip was bright in colors and looked like a hippie’s van. Tippy music was playing around him. He wandered around. The trees suddenly fly out the ground like birds. “Well, far out” said the Cheshire smilodon. 
The good doctor moved his hand and it was so blurry to his eyes. Suddenly his head came off with no blood or pain. The feline quickly grabbed his head with a laugh. “Maybe too far out,” he said. 
Suddenly piano keys fall, trapping him in a circle. “A piano trap” Teeth said as he looked at the keys. 
“Perhaps the way out of this jam is with a jam” said Dr. Teeth. The cheshire smilodon starts to play but all the notes sound discordant. Suddenly, all the notes fall down to reveal a bigger circle but it was made out of…bones. 
His breathing becomes heavy as he looks around. “Where the hell am I?” he asked. 
“Get me out of here!” The doc shouts at the top of his lungs. A loud footsteps filled the air as something came to the wall of the bones. 
“It looks like the bird had caught the cat,” said a ghost, deep like a voice. Teeth turned around and horror filled him as he saw who. It was Ahinmoth. He had dealt with this demon since the night of being kidnapped by wereanimal hunters. 
Ahinmoth’s head was like the skull of a crow and a komodo dragon mixed with long saber-like fangs. Black feathers cover its body and red eyeballs cover his body as well. Its legs were long and needle-like. A long tail moves freely in the air. Ahinmoth laughs.
“I see you’re still weak” it said with a hissed. 
“I’m not weak!” roared Teeth in anger. 
“Yes you are. You can’t commit to anything. Not even to your lovers nor kids” Ahinmoth snaps. Dr. Teeth were silent. For once, the demon was right. 
“Soon they will be dead because you can’t commit to them. Can’t protect them” hissed the bird demon. 
“No they won’t! I will not let that happen to them!” roared Teeth in anger. Ahinmoth starts to laugh and as it laughs, the sound of it’s laugh fades away. 
Suddenly, the good doctor felt blood running down his head. He touch it and realized it was his own. 
“Teeth!” yelled Moog in horror. 
The doc shook his head and saw that he was hitting his head on some rocks. “Hey, look at that. I’m here” said the cheshire smilodon. 
“Teeth! How did this happen?” asked the black haired male in horror. He took out a first aid kit and crawled on to the band leader’s back. Moog carefully fixes up the wound on the feline’s head. “There” he said as he slowly climbed down Teeth’s back. 
Zoot took a picture of them. “You two make a great couple,” said the sloth. 
“What? Zoot, this is one of your boyfriends” replied Moog. 
“Oh! Right” replied the saxophonist. 
“Janice! Janice. A little help here, please!” said the black haired male as he looked at the deer. 
“Here I come,” she sings. “Totally” Janice added. 
“This is gonna be a long night” groans Moog. 
Later, Moog was sitting at the fire as Nora came over and sat down. “Some road trip, huh?” she said. 
“Hey, you feeling better?” he asked with a chuckle. 
“Yep,” Nora replied. “Fully back to my normal self again” she added. 
“For better or worse” said Label Lady. 
“Oh, come on,” replied the black haired male. “You’re too hard on yourself,” he added. The black haired female scoffs. 
“Am I?” she asked. “Not only did the band refuse to face their fears, but I ended up admitting all of mine.” Nora added. 
“I heard you don’t think you’re life’s taking off” Moog suddenly say before in Nora’s eyes, he turns into JJ. 
“But from where I’m sitting, I’d say you’re flying high,” said JJ. 
“You think?” asked Label Lady in shock. 
“Oh, yeah,” replied the male.��
“Thanks, JJ” she replied. 
“Wait, huh?” asked Moog in confusion. 
“Oh” replied the black haired female as she shook her head.
 “Sorry, no. Guess that guy really got in my head” she added. He nods his head. Suddenly a camera shutter click filled the air. 
“You two make a great couple” said the sloth with a smile on his face. 
“Yeah” said Nora as she saw JJ again. “We really do,” she added. 
“Yeah, you’re definitely not back to normal,” replied Moog. 
“Please. I’m fine. Now if you don’t mind, it’s time to fly” she replied. The black haired male’s eyes got wide as Label Lady stood up and starts flapping her arms like a bird. 
“Oh, my… All right” he said. Nora starts chirping like a bird. “Oh, wow,” Moog added. 
“Okay, have a good flight,” he said as he clears his throat. 
“Yeah, I’mma go pack up the van” Moof said as he got up. 
The next morning, the van was heading down the dusty roads. “I bit a cactus last night” said Floyd as he held his bass guitar. Teeth look at him with the side eye.
 “More like kiss it” he mumbles to himself. 
“I met a lot of mes” said Janice. 
“Baby,” said Animal. 
“Who knew that the greatest advice could come from the weirdest of Als” said the red haired male. 
“Yep. We all saw things. But it didn’t help” replied Nora. Floyd Pepper starts messing with his guitar. 
“When we get back to town, I’ll go tell Penny that we got nothing” said Label Lady in a tired and sad tone. 
“Well, if you ask me, Label Lady, nothing is still something” replied Floyd. 
“Don’t think we can put “nothing” on a record and sell it, though” replied the black haired female. 
“Well, that luscious lick’s not nothing. You just came up with that new beginning?” asked Dr. Teeth as he looks over to the red haired male. 
“Yeah. It’s actually getting good” replied Floyd. 
“Allow me to croon to your tune” replied the good doctor. 
“Yeah, do it” replied the red haired male. The doc starts singing a song. “I like that,” said Floyd Pepper. 
Teeth kept singing. The band slowly joins in the singing and music. “This is not bad, you know?” said the red haired male. 
“Yeah” replied the ginger haired male. 
“Now all we need’s a middle and an end.” replied Floyd Pepper. 
“Ooh, I, like, totally got a chorus” replied Janice. 
“Let’s hear it,” he replied. The blonde female starts singing. They all start singing. 
“Wait, did they actually find a way to get over their writer’s block?” asked Nora in shock. 
“No,” replied Moog with a huge smile on his face. “You found it” he added as he looked at the black haired female. 
When they got back home and after picking up the kids, they recorded the new song for the album. Later, Janice paints the walk of where she and Nora sleep. “Wow, it really is beautiful” said Label Lady with a soft smile. 
“Oh, for sure,” replied the blonde female. 
“Seems my life-long need to help others was just a way to avoid helping myself” she added as she paints. The painting was her in a field of sunflowers. “Nighty-night, roomie,” said Janice. 
“Night, Janice” replied Nora. 
“Night, Animal” she said to the sleeping drummer as she petted his head. 
“Nora,” he said in his sleep. 
Meanwhile in the dining area of the Shack. Zoot was looking at the pictures he took as Annie slept in his arms. He smiles as he looks at each photo. “Good times” said the dark haired male. Annie purrs in his arms. 
The next day, they were all at Penny’s office, listening to the new song. Even Zakai was there, next to his lovely wife. “Well, what do you think?” asked Nora, nervous. 
“Well, I wouldn’t call it brilliant,” replied Penny. They all sigh dejectedly. “I’d call it a miracle!” she said in a joy filled voice. Zakai smiles. 
“Nora actually got your butts back in the game” said Mrs. Waxman. 
“Did I tell you, or what? Musical Poetry” said JJ as he looked at the black haired female. 
“Thank you” mouthed Label Lady. He nods his head. Moog’s smile slowly fades a bit. 
“All right, all right, stop your yapping” said Penny. 
“You still got the rest of the album to fill” she added. 
“And I need it tomorrow” said the pink haired female. 
“What?” replied Zoot in shock. 
“Hold on, now” said Dr. Teeth. “If I may, tomorrow is promised to no man” he added. 
“So, let me live for today. Whilst I proclaimiate,” the ginger haired male started to say before he walked over to both Lips and Zoot, also his kids. 
“ I adore my clueless saxophonist and smart trumpet player.” the ginger haired male said as he slowly got on his knees. Lips and Zoot blushes a bit. 
“And hereby commit to our love by sharing it with the world! Also to share that love with our wonderful kids!” Teeth said with a huge smile on his face. 
“Penny, darling. Could you please give them more time?” asked Zakai as he gently took her hand into his. She sighs. 
“Take all the time you need” said Penny with proudness in her voice and heart. 
“Well, all right” said the good doctor with a huge smile on his face. 
“Well, all right!” replied Nora with joy in her voice. Lewis, Lips, Annie, and Zoot hug the doc. 
Later, the band was playing at the table. “So, Dr. Teeth is committing, Floyd is writing, Janice is healing, and I think I heard Lips mumble something about saving the world” said Hannah with a smile on her face. 
“What about you, sis?” asked her sister. 
‘I guess Moog helped me see that I’m flying higher than I thought I was” replied Nora with a smile on her face. 
“Well, at least, the band’s all better,” replied Hannah. 
“Yeah” replied Label Lady. 
Suddenly, the doorbell rings. “Nothing’s gonna stop them now,” added Nora as she went to get the door. The black haired female opens the door which reveal two people standing there. 
One was a woman with ginger hair that had some gray swirls in it and was put up in a beehive hairstyle. She had lime green skin like Dr. Teeth, and have a pink nose kinda like Lips’ nose. She had rose red lipstick on and her eyelids were a light blue color. 
The ginger haired female was wearing a suit-like dress that was gray with a gold fern plant pin, she also had some black high heels on. She was also holding a purse and a white bag that smells like fresh baked goods. She also was wearing some toothbrush earrings that are blue. 
The other was a man. Same skin color as Teeth, actually he looks a lot like the good doctor. His hair was a dark brown and had a bald spot in the middle. On his left cheek, there was a big scar as if a knife cut through his cheek. A piece of his hair sticks up on the right side of his hair. His nose was the same color and shape as the band leader’s nose. 
He was wearing a blue, white, and black striped t-shirt. There was a bit of a scar showing on his neck. The dark brown haired male had a camera around his neck. The man was wearing some black jeans with some old pair of boots. 
“Hi. Can I help you?” asked Nora with a smile. 
“Hello. I hope this is the right place” replied Tina, her voice was loud and had a New Orleans’ accent. 
“We’re looking for our son,” she added. Teeth came over and his eyes got wide with shock. 
“Mama?” he asked then to look over to the dark haired male. “Daddy?” the ginger haired male asked. 
“That’s right, Junior” replied Tina as the band appeared behind Nora and Animal in front of the black haired female. 
“We’re here to take you home,” she added. 
“Yep” replied Gerald. 
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nightmaremp · 8 months
Ahinmoth's Last Breath
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