#Aimee's self-indulgent crossovers
aimeelouart · 6 months
“Nope!” Zack booped his little nose. “Talk to your fellow Little General if you don’t want to nap. And make sure you call Aerith if you need anything!” He straightened up, sword-turned-umbrella slung over his shoulder, and cocked an eyebrow over the rim of his sunglasses. “Come on, you know how this ends. It’s a mandatory vacation.”
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aimeelouart · 9 months
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Hawkequisitor and the Herald of Chaos
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aimeelouart · 6 months
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One of Shinra’s Little Generals meets the other. They should be friends.
Patricide is Harder Than It Looks is a very good fic :)
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aimeelouart · 9 months
The last week of winter break is just going to be nothing but calculus and Hawkequisitor fic, I can feel it
Bull’s words bring Lora’s attention to him, and she gasps excitedly. “Woah!” she says, pointing. “You have horns! And pointy ears!”
“Sure do,” he agrees. “Never seen a Qunari before, huh?”
“Qu-na-ri,” she echoes. “Hmm, nope, and you look way different from the other elves with horns I met. They don’t live here though. And their horns go like⁠—” She makes a gesture sweeping backward over her head.
“Uh⁠—” says the Iron Bull, outright confused for the first time.
“I think he looks a bit more like a dragon, don’t you, Sunshine?” Garrett prompts.
“A dragon! Yeah! Can you be a dragon too?”
“No,” he says slowly, “can… you?”
Sure enough, Lora vanishes into her dragon form and scampers over to the Iron Bull. To his credit, he only flinches a little bit as she scampers up his body to perch on his shoulder. “Yes! Dragons are the best. You should be a dragon if you can.”
The Iron Bull stares. Slowly, his eyes turn to Hawke. He seems to realize that yes, this is very much a test, and looks back at Lora. She has to duck a little to avoid getting bonked by his horn. “...yeah,” he says at length. “Dragons are the best.”
Damn, he passed. “Alright,” says Hawke. “You’re hired.”
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aimeelouart · 9 months
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Hawke needs a nap
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aimeelouart · 9 months
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aimeelouart · 1 year
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More self-indulgent crossover. Yeah technically Gladio’s got a shirt on but we all know it doesn’t count.
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aimeelouart · 2 years
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It’s Kunsel’s turn to hold (and shortly lose track of) the chaos arson child
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aimeelouart · 4 years
I just did the first half of my taxes and now my head hurts, so here: have the very silly but arguably plausible reason (given that I am the god of these universes and I can do what I want) that Calamity Zack was so chill when Cursed!Cloud showed up and started talking about multiple dimensions.
Which is to say, my baby dimension-hopping protagonist introduced Zack to the concept because she’s a nexus of pure chaos and I love her
Between one breath and the next, there was a little girl with a wild mane of red curls standing on their beach. She blinked, a little surprised, and squinted as she looked around, one hand coming up to shade her eyes.
“Ooh, beach!” she said to herself. Then she caught sight of them and her expression lit up. “Hi Unca Se—wwwwait a minute.” She cut herself off, crunching across the sand toward them. For a second they could have sworn her eyes lit up bright gold. “Nope, you’re not Unca Seph. Hi, new Sephiroth! And new Angeal, and new Cloud, and new...hmm I don’t know you,” she said to Zack, sounding as perplexed as they all felt.
“Well hey there, kiddo,” said Zack, who was totally willing to roll with it. “I’m Zack, and don’t you forget it!” He winked over his sunglasses, and was gratified when she giggled and came over to stand in the shade of Cloud’s umbrella. “So, whatcha’ mean by ‘new’ Cloud and Seph and Geal?”
“I know three Sephiroth’s now,” she declared proudly. holding up three fingers. “Ones big like you—“ this she said to Sephiroth, who looked thoroughly bewildered and a little concerned— “and one’s small like me, and the third’s you!”
“Oh yeah? There’s other Clouds and Angeals too?” Zack asked,  interested. This might call for a rescue mission if it was what it sounded like. 
“Three Clouds and two Angeals,” she agreed cheerfully, either oblivious to or ignoring the chaos she was unleashing on them. “One Cloud’s little-little, I got to hold him yesterday! And one Cloud’s my size and he’s mad all the time and the third one is you.” She smiled at Cloud, who looked faintly nauseated. He was, no doubt, assuming that she was referencing some kind of horrible cloning project by Hojo. “And one Angeal is Uncle Ange and you’re the other one.” She paused thoughtfully, tapped her chin. “I guess there’s probably a third one in small Sephiroth’s world, but I haven’t met him yet. Or third Genesis.” She looked around as she said that, frowning, and added, “or second Genesis. I guess I only know Uncle Gen.” “I—what?” Said Angeal, verbalizing the general sentiment.
She blinked at him, confused by his confusion until her face suddenly lit up. “Oh!” she said, snapping her fingers. Trying to snap her fingers. It didn’t quite work and she frowned at her hand like it had betrayed her. “Uh, there’s lots of worlds! And I can go anywhere I want! Watch this.” She stuck out her tongue and vanished.
Even Zack’s jaw dropped a little at that.
A few second later she reappeared holding hands with a startled Angeal. “Haha, see, Unca’ Angeal!” She said to him. “Told you! I’m getting better at it.”
“Honey,” the other Angeal said very calmly. “Put me back, thank you.”
“Okay. Bye!”
The other Angeal vanished, and the girl put her hands on her hips and grinned at them like she hadn’t just demonstrated godlike ability to warp the space-time continuum. Or whatever the hell she was doing.
Zack frowned and tucked one arm behind his head. “Worlds, huh? So...how come you didn’t know me?” He was pouting. Cloud, Sephiroth, and Angeal all gave him identical Looks.
She shrugged. “I ‘unno. Maybe you’re too little.”
“You think I could do that? Wandering around worlds?”
The girl blinked at him, and he realized her eyes really had lit up gold before, because they did so now, glowing like molten metal. “Hmmm...maybe. You’re really shiny! And there’s other people who wander around. Lark does. She’s a dragon and my best friend!”
No one could find it in themselves to question that.
“This isn’t where I was trying to go,” she confessed abruptly, apparently remembering just then. “I was trying to get to small Seph and Mr. Vincent. I guess I got lost. Bye!” Then she waved with the beaming force of a sun and was gone.
“Zack don’t even think about it,” Angeal said forbiddingly, which was a little less effective than normal considering he was tied to a chair on a Zack-enforced vacation. “We have enough to deal with in just one world.”
“Sure, sure,” Zack agreed, lying shamelessly as he settled back in his own chair and crossed both arms behind his head. “Won’t even think about it. Not at all. Not at all...”
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aimeelouart · 4 years
WHAT. oh my god diff anon but i loved the snippet with ur protag but also HOW CLD U THROW HER TO HOJO.. UR VERY OWN CHILD /j anyway very excited to see u talk abt ur setting and lora more i like the her
>:3c Shall we have a part two of this self-indulgent SSC crossover, then?
Lora wasn’t missing for long, but she was missing long enough. They found her in the labs, floating curled-up in an empty holding tank⁠. The glass and metal was all melted to slag around her, but she didn’t seem aware. Her whole body was glowing like liquid steel, eyes open wide and mouth slack as bluish-white light poured from the inside of her throat. The bodies of unlucky lab technicians littered the ground around the tank.
Science had finally tried to meddle in something truly beyond their grasp.
They found Hojo, too, burned to near unrecognizability and leaning up against a control panel. He was muttering deliriously to himself, breath rasping like sandpaper down his damaged throat. “Magnif...icent...like...the power...she’s…”
Sephiroth stared at him coldly. He couldn’t put Masamune through the wretch’s body without consequences⁠...but he could leave him to die. So he stepped over the body of his father and moved to the computer by the control panel, pulling up the information he needed. 
The radiation pouring from the little outworlder child was frankly staggering. If it wasn’t for the protective shields around this section of the room, Hojo would have been long dead. More’s the pity, though the shields were also protecting the Firsts at the moment.
“What do we do?” Genesis asked as he looked at Lora’s glowing form. “What did he even do to get her in that state?”
“Is there anything we can do without getting burned to a crisp?” Angeal said, looking between the temperature readout and the molten state of the holding tank.
“At a distance, maybe” Sephiroth replied, leaning away from the screen and tilting his head a little. “Let us start with the obvious.” He flicked on the intercom. “Ameliora Octavia Perdel,” he said, enunciating each name clearly. “Do you remember my voice? It’s Sephiroth. Genesis, Angeal, and I are all here. You are safe now, but we can’t reach you until you calm down.”
The radiation levels dipped slightly.
Genesis bumped Sephiroth away with his shoulder. “Princess,” he crooned. “Princess, what mess did you get into, hmm? That all looks quite exhausting. Why don’t we tone it down a bit more?”
This time, she blinked and uncurled a little, legs dipping toward the floor.
Angeal went next. Maybe hearing all their voices individually was the key factor. “Just listen to my voice, Lora. Can you see where you are? I know it must be scary, but we can’t come get you until you calm down.”
The radiation levels fell rapidly, matched by the way her skin’s unnatural luminance dimmed. Her mouth was moving, eyes blinking rapidly. Steam hissed off her cheeks as she started to cry. Delicately, her feet touched the melted floor of the cage. The second the radiation levels had fallen enough to be safe (safe for a SOLDIER) they left the shielded vestibule behind and ran into the room. 
The air was stiflingly hot, like an oven, and had an odd metallic tang to it. The hairs on their arms stood on end. Sephiroth darted forward as the last of the glow faded from Lora’s skin and quickly pulled her out of the molten tank. Her clothing was gone (taken or destroyed?) , and he wasn’t sure if her unprotected skin would burn against the metal. His boots left thin layers of melted rubber as he stepped quickly in and out.
Wordless, Genesis stripped off his coat and together they wrapped her in it. She still felt unnaturally hot, like a soldier pulled from the desert with heatstroke. Her eyes were wide and blank, irises glowing even when the rest of her didn’t. Odd green sparks danced within her pupils. Her lips were still moving as she murmured fretfully, but the language she spoke was incomprehensible to them.
Angeal glanced at the burned corpses. “Shhh, close your eyes for a minute, Lora.” When she didn’t respond, he frowned and held his hand over her eyes⁠, walking beside Sephiroth. He didn't cover them all the way⁠—didn’t block the light⁠—but he made sure she wouldn’t see the bodies.
And as they passed out of the room, Hojo’s rasping voice stuttered, stalled, and at last fell silent.
Cloud had fallen asleep almost as soon as the Firsts had gotten their hands on him again. He wasn’t too upset, actually—he’d accomplished all his goals this time around. But he was a bit miffed when he woke up with a little girl’s sleeping face just a few feet from his.
He sat up quickly, scooting backward a little. She didn’t wake, and after a few seconds he recognized her as the odd child who’d helped him escape. What the hell was she doing here in—he glanced around—Sephiroth’s bed? 
Gaia, was she here because he’d accepted her ‘help?’ He’d assumed they would just get her back to her parents.
The door opened and Angeal poked his head in, one finger raised to his lips. He gestured to the girl, then motioned Cloud toward him. When they were out in the hallway, Cloud harshly whispered, “why’s she here?” with a suspicious glare.
Angeal rolled his eyes a little and herded him away from the door, not responding until they were in the kitchen. “Her name is Lora, and she’s here for much the same reason you are. No one else could safely keep her.”
“Okay, first off I don’t need to be kept,” he said, glaring as he took a chair. “You just think I do. Second off, why?”
Genesis sauntered in and answered for Angeal. “Because she has strange and frankly inconceivable abilities, Cloud. Beyond that, we are not keeping her forever, merely waiting for her parents to find her.”
“Theoretically,” Angeal muttered, tending to the food on the stove. It smelled like stir-fry.
Sephiroth arrived to join the conversation as well. “Given what we have seen, do you really find it so unlikely that her Grandfather would be capable of similar feats? I am inclined to doubt nothing, at this point.”
Cloud was baffled. Feats? Abilities? He’d given the kid a chunk of his hair in exchange for her providing a distraction—she’d claimed something about ‘needing it for the spell.’ Had she...meant something real by that?
Genesis noticed his baffled expression. “Lora doesn’t need materia to do magic,” he explained succinctly. “There are some other things too, but that’s the gist of it.”
Cloud paled. Alright, maybe it really was better if they kept her here. He didn’t even want to think about what would happen if Hojo got his hands on her.
Sephiroth was staring at him intently. “Hojo is dead.”
Every thought went right out the window. “What?”
“Hojo is dead. He’s never going to hurt anyone else again.”
How? His lips moved, but he made no sound. The damned Professor had been at the top of his list of things to take care of, what could possibly have taken him out before Cloud could even try?
Angeal lowered his voice enough that no one but a SOLDIER had any hope of making out his words. “Lora killed him, and we are not going to tell her that, understand?” For the first time, a very serious, protective look was aimed at Cloud for someone else’s sake. “She’s not like you, Cloud. She was protected from the whole world until she came to Midgar.”
“...right,” he said numbly. “I’d never hurt a kid.”
All three of them gave him Looks at that, but he was spared the commentary by a distressed, high-pitched whine from the direction of the bedroom. Genesis vanished from the kitchen in the space of a breath. When he came back, it was with the girl bundled up in a blanket, sniffling into his shoulder.
“It’s alright, darling,” Genesis was...crooning. Cloud was vaguely glad that particular tone (in that particular intensity) had never been aimed at him. He might have bitten the man’s fingers off. It seemed to be working on the actual seven-year-old though. “Shh...you’re fine. You’re safe. Don’t you want to come out and meet Cloud properly?”
Still sniffling, she raised her head and turned to Cloud. She looked groggy and miserable, eyes red-rimmed and teary, but when she saw him her face lit up.
“D’you do it?” She asked in a sleep-roughened voice, smiling. “Your task?”
“Uh,” he blinked. “Yeah. I did. Thanks for the help.”
She beamed, forgetting her tears entirely. “Welcome. It’s important to always follow your Virtue.”
He had a feeling he was missing a lot of the context of that statement, but he thought he’d gotten the gist. “Yeah.”
When they ate dinner she sat in Angeal's lap, still bundled up in the blanket. Half way through her plate⁠—her proportions were hilariously tiny compared to the four enhanced SOLDIERs⁠—she made a face and pushed it away.
“What’s wrong, Lora?” Genesis asked.
“Hurts,” she said, rubbing at the center of her chest. “Can’t eat any more.” She looked like she was on the verge of tears again.
“Okay, that’s alright. Do you want to go sit on the couch and watch something until we’re all done eating?”
“Yes please,” she said, sliding to the floor and taking Genesis’s hand.
Cloud frowned thoughtfully at his plate as he listened to her settle down on the couch as Genesis turned the tv to some inane children’s cartoon. When the redhead returned, Cloud quirked an eyebrow at him. “Is she okay?” he asked, too low for her to overhear.
His expression sobered. He shook his head. “What she did to...survive the lab...it damaged her in a manner we simply have no way of understanding. She thinks it won’t be permanent, and I suspect she may be right, but for now the pain comes and goes. It would hurt her enormously to use magic as well, though she has yet to slip up in that regard.”
“Poor kid,” Cloud murmured.
That earned him a bit of an eye-roll from Genesis before the man continued. “Healing energy does seem to help her, however. If she’s in pain and we’re unavailable, can I count on you to cast a Cure on her?”
Cloud frowned at him and crossed his arms over his chest. “Listen, I know I fight you guys a lot, but do you really think I’d hurt a kid? Or ignore one in pain?” It made him very uncomfortable that they seemed to think he would.
The Firsts exchanged a glance between themselves. “Cloud, you are absolutely unpredictable to us,” Angeal said eventually. “But you’re right, and I’m sorry we insulted you like that.”
Cloud sighed and went back to his food. “It’s whatever.”
Ugh. He’d been a kid for too long if he was starting to use phrases like that.
They watched a movie after dinner, some mindless family film with a plot that was about as substantial as cotton candy. Cloud didn’t much care, but when Angeal said it would make Lora happy he sighed and relented. He absolutely refused to share the couch, though, claiming one of the armchairs before anyone else could ‘accidentally’ maneuver him into arms reach.
To be honest, he spent most of the movie’s run time watching Lora anyway. She was just so...weird. For one thing, she did everything in her power to make sure she was being held at all times. If one of the adults had to move, or got tired, she shamelessly transferred herself to someone else’s lap.
Sephiroth ended up with her for most of the night, looking about as content as Cloud had ever seen him as he let her snuggle close to his chest. They only had to pause the movie once as she whined and curled around her chest. All three of the Firsts had mastered Cures on them, and it wasn’t difficult to see why they needed them.
“Are most kids like that?” he ended up asking Angeal once the movie had ended. Lora was fast asleep, knuckles curled into her mouth, as Sephiroth got up off the couch and carried her to bed.
“Like what?” the dark-haired man asked, cocking a brow.
“...touchy?” Because he couldn’t remember Marlene ever being quite so demanding, and Denzel certainly wasn’t.
In the kitchen, Genesis stifled a laugh. Angeal looked amused as well. “Ah, no,” he said. “I wondered too, but after asking around a bit it turns out you and Lora are just on polar opposite ends of the spectrum.” He grinned a little. “You…avoid touch and distrust everyone; she demands touch and trusts implicitly.”
Cloud frowned. He could get away with being extreme because he wasn’t actually what he appeared, but the way Angeal described the kid’s tendencies sounded downright dangerous. “That’s not safe.”
Angeal sobered abruptly. “She’s starting to learn that too.”
Cloud winced. Yeah. Hojo would have that effect, wouldn’t he. Poor kiddo.
Today was the first day since Cloud had gotten back that all three of the Firsts would be busy, which meant that he and their cross-dimensional princess house guest would be dropped off to be babysat (ugh) by the entire Turk department.
Yes, the entire department. That one was his own fault.
He wasn’t all that upset, actually. He had some snooping to do for his next task, and Veld was a very strange and accommodating person to Cloud’s...eccentric behavior. He swore the man was using him as a training program, but had yet to find definitive proof.
Lora, on the other hand…
Cloud walked straight into Tseng’s office and flopped down on the couch, pulling out his handheld gaming system. Sephiroth had to be well out of range before he could begin his kind-of-sort-of extended espionage battle with the Turks. Lora lingered half-behind the silver-haired man, clutching his hand with both of hers as she looked around nervously.
“Come on,” Sephiroth coaxed, looking down at her. “Don’t you want to go play with Cloud?”
“No,” she mumbled, pressing against his leg. She eyed Tseng, who was watching the proceedings with an expression of (to Cloud’s eyes) carefully curated warmth.
“Yes,” he countered. “Besides, you like Tseng. You’re going to have plenty of fun with him and the other Turks, and I promise they’ll keep you safe.”
She looked up at him and adopted puppy eyes that would have put Zack’s to shame, huge and pleading. “Can’t I just come with you? Please?”
Sephiroth visibly wavered, and Cloud had to press his lips together hard to keep from laughing outright. What was it about big, tough soldier-types being the weakest to little girls’ puppy eyes? He’d been an absolute sucker for Marlene’s before Barret had finally let him in on the secret to resisting (physically looking away, apparently).
But Sephiroth, to his credit, gathered his resolve and told her, “no, you can’t come with me on mission. It’s not safe.”
Her pleading stare turned to a pout. “But I have a lot of magic! I could help!”
“I’m sure you could,” he said, which was probably actually true though Cloud had yet to see a firsthand demonstration, “but your parents and grandfather would be very upset if they found out, wouldn’t they?”
She narrowed her eyes a little. “Papa’s taken me on campaign before.”
He arched his eyebrows. “On the front lines?”
Lora’s scowl was answer enough. Sephiroth released her hand and plucked her up off the floor, carrying her over to the couch. Very, very reluctantly, she released her grip from around his neck and let him put her down beside Cloud.
“You’ll be fine,” he promised, patting her head briefly. “Tell Tseng or Veld when your chest starts hurting, alright?”
She nodded sullenly, curling up into a ball on the couch, and he left. She huffed sulkily when he was out of sight. Eventually, she leaned over to watch Cloud play his game and he obligingly tilted the screen so she could see easier. He kept half an eye on her and half an eye on the clock.
Maybe thirty minutes after Sephiroth left, around the time Cloud was certain he had also left the Tower, Lora crossed her arms over her chest and hunched her shoulders up around her ears. He was familiar with that tell by now⁠—her chest was starting to hurt. But instead of asking Tseng for a Cure, she shot him a single nervous look and didn’t say anything.
Aw, kid, he thought.
Lucky Tseng wasn’t an idiot. “Lora,” he called with a deliberate gentleness.
She looked up, lips pressed into a wary line. “...yeah?”
“Does your chest hurt?”
“...no.” She curled up into a ball, mumbling the denial into her knees. “Doesn’t hurt.”
It was a bald-faced lie. Tseng looked, for a second, genuinely sad, then his expression shifted as he considered how to respond. Cloud paused his game, curious how this would play out. Would he call her on the lie? Trick her into being honest?
“Alright,” he said eventually, “tell me when it does.”
Cloud scowled at him. Lora would have to say something eventually, once the pain grew too much, but that also meant letting her hurt until she caved. He would have accepted that tactic against himself, but Lora was little. She didn’t deserve that.
When Tseng quirked a brow at his glare, Cloud rolled his eyes and heaved an inaudible sigh. Why was it he had to do everything around here?
He switched the game off and set it aside, pulling his legs up so that his position mirrored Lora’s, then lowered his voice to a level that Tseng would still be able to hear, but Lora would think was too quiet. “Hey,” he said. “I know your chest hurts.”
“Doesn’t,” she said, raising her face just enough so that her eyes peeked over her knees.
“What are you scared of?” he asked. “Sephiroth said you could trust Tseng, right? And you trust Sephiroth. They wouldn’t hurt you. It’s safe to tell them.”
She narrowed her golden eyes a touch, spine straightening, and Cloud suddenly remembered youth and naivete were not the same as stupidity. “You don’t trust them,” she accused. “You don’t trust anyone.”
He bit back a groan. “I...don’t,” he agreed. “But you should.”
Lora looked outright irritated now, one hand rubbing absent-minded circles over her sternum. “Why? Why, if they wouldn’t hurt us?”
“You and I are...different,” he said slowly. Gaia, he very much regretted getting into this conversation, but it was too late now. "They wouldn't hurt me, but they don't understand what I am, and that means that even if they mean well...I can’t trust them to do what’s best for me.”
The look she gave him was highly skeptical, so he sighed and added, “I would definitely trust them to cast a Cure on me, okay? So you should too. Everyone is sad when you’re hurting.”
“What if I’d rather hurt?” she snapped. “This hurts less than⁠—” she cut off, blinking rapidly against sudden tears, and yeah, he knew that feeling. Poor kiddo. At least he’d been almost an adult when Hojo had gotten him into the lab.
“No one wants to hurt, Princess,” he said, patting her knee. “C’mon, it’s not that big a deal. I’d be right here the whole time.”
“You want to hurt,” she said, but it looked like he was finally starting to wear her down. “You hurt all the time and you never tell anyone.”
Cloud blinked at her in surprise. “What?”
Lora looked uncommonly serious in that moment. “You hurt all the time. I can tell. I can’t look at the Strings without hurting⁠—” she was still rubbing at her chest “—but my pa...passive? My passive sight still works and you’re like…” She brushed her fingers against just over his heart. “...jagged. Jagged black and purple thread, fraying all over.” Her voice dropped to barely a breath of sound. “It hurts to look at.”
Cloud jerked away, startled and alarmed, and brought his hands close to his chest. “I⁠—”
She sniffled, the pain finally getting to her. “If you get to hurt, I get to hurt,” she insisted stubbornly. He suspected it had more to do with sticking to her guns by this point than any actual desire to endure pain.
“I...Lora, you don’t...have to hurt. They can help you. That’s...that’s why you should ask.”
“But you do?” she fired back, swiping at her eyes. “You have to hurt? They can help you too!”
“No,” he whispered, briefly shutting his eyes against her innocent, righteous indignation. How had the argument shifted around on him, especially given that he was a twenty-three-year-old gown-ass man and she was seven? “No, Lora. They can’t help me.” He took a deep breath and blew it out slowly. Too much dangerous information to be discussing while in Tseng’s office. He was stupid to have let it get this far. “Would you let me cast a Cure on you?”
She looked at Tseng, who was going his level best to fade into the paperwork and pretend he wasn’t even there. Then she looked back and narrowed her eyes at him. He recognized that look as the ‘I’m going to dig in my heels until you give in’ look that Marlene was so fond of. “No,” she said. “Not unless you stop hurting too.”
This time he did groan aloud. “I⁠—Princess, that’s not…” She folded her arms across her chest, knees shifting to sit criss-cross on the couch cushions. He tossed his hands up. “Fine, I’ll let Tseng cast a Cure on me too, okay? Would that make you happy?”
She offered him a watery, triumphant smile and immediately flopped over to curl up in a ball. “Yeah.”
He got up, jaw clenched, and stalked over to Tseng’s desk. The man looked up, expression betraying nothing. “What is it, Cloud?” he asked, as if he hadn’t heard every single word.
“Lora will let me cast on her if you cast on me first,” he ground out, irritated. “Not that it’ll do anything since I am fine.”
“Of course,” Tseng agreed, that lying motherfucker. He pulled a Cure out of his desk, then checked to make sure Lora was watching before casting...a full Curaga. Overkill. Cloud snatched the materia up and went back to the couch, irritation cooling as he saw the way the kid was shaking and trying in vain to blink back tears.
“Here,” he said, laying a hand on her head of wild red curls and casting a Curaga of his own. “Better?”
She rolled onto her back and smiled at him. “Yes. Thank you.” Then she frowned. “But...you’re still…?”
“I told you, kiddo,” he said with a shake of his head. “They can’t help me like they can help you.”
Cloud got up shortly after that exchange and said “I’m going to the bathroom,” which everyone except Lora knew by now was the opening salvo of their espionage battle. He handed his gaming system to the Princess so that she’d be entertained and left, several Turks following after him.
Here we go, he thought, a little smirk curving his lips up.
Except, less than thirty minutes later, when he was squirming through the vents, he heard Reno yelling, which was...not usually part of their game. Puzzled, he stopped and listened.
“Hey! Cloud! Listen, I know you’re having fun, but little Princess is freaking out and you need to get to Tseng’s office ASAP! She’s⁠—listen, she thinks we did something to you and we’re all worried she might try to use her magic and hurt herself. Please.”
Cloud groaned and let his head thunk down onto the metal beneath him. He should have anticipated this. With a sigh, he squirmed around and quickly reversed course, popping out of a vent near but not right in front of where Reno had been shouting.
“Alright, I’m going” he called, loud enough for the redhead to hear, and ran for Tseng’s office.
He burst in to find Lora perched on the back of the couch, staring down Tseng, who was sitting on the floor trying to placate her. She gasped when she caught sight of him and promptly lost her balance, falling onto the cushions with an oof!
“You’re okay!” she said, scrambling up and launching herself at him.
“I’m fine,” he said, staggering a little as she cannonballed into his torso. “What, were you worried about me?”
“Yes!” she said, upset. “Where were you? I thought they’d...that they’d…”
Cloud sighed, unable to hold on to his irritation in the face of a little girl on the verge of tears. Damn his daddy instincts. He picked her up and carried her back to the couch, well aware of how ridiculous that must have looked. He had to deal with this now, for her sake and everyone else’s. Hopefully the conversation wouldn't veer into dangerously exposed territory this time.
“You were scared I’d been taken away, right? Lora, I’m...very hard to take. By anyone. I got away from Seph and Ange and Gen the first time you met me, remember?”
She looked uncertain, keeping hold of one of his wrists. “I...know,” she said. “Where were you?”
“I was⁠—” inspiration struck. He knew exactly how to fix this, or at least begin to fix it. “Well, I was breaking the rules.”
Lora’s eyes widened. For a second, he saw exactly what he was hoping for: curiosity and longing. A split second later it was eaten away by anxiety, but now that he knew it was there, he could draw it out again. “You shouldn’t break the rules,” she said. “What if they’d taken you?”
“I’m hard to take,” he repeated patiently. “And you know what? If you broke the rules, Lora, it would be okay, because you’re hard to take too.”
She blinked at him, uncomprehending. “But...no, he...it was easy to take me,” she whispered, trying to blink back tears.
“Only because you didn’t know you couldn’t trust him,” Cloud said. “Look, you trust Gen and Seph and Ange, right?” She nodded. “Okay, why?”
“Because...they got me out,” she said slowly, tense and miserable as she re-lived that memory.
“They saved you, which is proof that they don’t want you hurt and proof that you can trust them,” he summarized. She nodded again. “But they told you that you can trust Tseng, right? Why don’t you trust him too?”
Lora stared at him helplessly. He knew this was a lot to ask of a seven-year-old (a real one) but she was smart. She would get it if he helped her along a little bit.
“Is it because you don’t have any proof that they’re like our Firsts?”
“Yeah,” she whispered, throwing a glance at Tseng, who was holding absolutely still and carefully not looking at them.
“Do you want to trust them? Because Seph said so?” He suspected she did, at least. He suspected she wanted to go back to trusting everyone, but didn’t know how.
“Okay. You want to trust them, but you don’t have any proof, so you feel scared because they might try to take you. Lora, what if I told you that they couldn’t take you even if they tried?”
She blinked at him, head tilting in confusion. “What do you mean?”
“If you had known that the Frog-Faced Bastard⁠—” she cracked a little smile at that “—was going to take you, would you have gone with him?”
She recoiled. “No!”
“What would you have done?”
“I would have⁠— I would have frozen him solid and ran away!”
“That’s right. You would have defended yourself. So if Tseng tried to take you, would you defend yourself?”
The light of realization dawned in her eyes. “It...it would hurt,” she said, rubbing her chest with her free hand.
“But you would do it?” he prodded. “And you have a lot of magic, Princess. Magic that they don’t understand. Even if it hurt you could get away, couldn’t you? And then Seph and Gen and Ange would come kick Tseng’s butt, right?”
He smiled as he watched the anxiety drain out of her eyes, a kind of relieved joy taking its place. “Yeah,” she said, smiling back at him. “Yeah!”
“So you don’t have to trust the Turks yet,” he said. “You can just act like you do until they prove that you can trust them, because even if they tried to hurt you they couldn’t.”
Angeal was the first back and thus the one to pick up Cloud and Lora from the Turks. He was directed to Veld’s office, which was something of a surprise, and was told that Cloud was currently out ‘playing’ with some of the others, which was not a surprise. Tseng had been keeping them all more or less abreast of the kids’ activities, including two very interesting and concerning conversations.
Despite hearing about the progress Cloud had made in teaching Lora about trust and self-defense, Angeal still found his eyebrows arching when he entered Veld’s office and found the little princess dozing in the Turk’s lap. That wasn’t just progress⁠—that was nearly a full recovery back to the fearless child they first met.
“Hewley,” Veld said without looking up from his work. He was writing with one hand, the other arm wrapped around Lora.
“Veld,” he said back, smiling. “I hope she wasn’t too much trouble?”
The Turk didn’t smile, but something in the corners of his eyes gave him away. He was pleased. Very pleased. “Oh, I’m afraid she was,” he said. “Very troublesome. She and Cloud raised quite a ruckus before he tricked her into coming here and pinning me down.”
Angeal laughed. “Did he? That does sound like Cloud.” He grinned, knowing that they⁠ (and the whole of the Turks, probably⁠) were both pleased by the knowledge that Lora had been a handful. Cloud was just...Cloud, and he would always do what he wanted.
He rounded the desk and Veld passed Lora off to him. Unsurprisingly, she didn’t wake⁠—the girl slept like a rock, even after the lab when her hours asleep far surpassed her hours awake. “How many times did she need a Cure.”
“Twice,” said Veld, looking at his PHS. “Cloud cast one this morning, I cast the other near lunch.” Which meant she would probably wake up hurting again before dinner. Angeal nodded, shifting her on his hip. “Cloud’s back with Tseng,” Veld added before he could ask, checking his PHS.
“Of course. Well, thank you.”
“My pleasure. Really.”
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aimeelouart · 4 years
Ok I've spent a few months lurking and just being a lil too nervous to ask about The Royal House Perdel, but now that I've read the premise ohmygod I love it. I would pay actual money to read it as a book one day.
WHAT. You’re my favorite now. I love you. Take my firstborn.
Since I assume you’re also here for FF7, have a little gift writing of my protag at age 7 hopping dimensions and interacting with the SSC Firsts.
They should have known something was off when they were able to corner Cloud so quickly, but they definitely figured it out when he started giggling.
“Cloud…?” Sephiroth asked cautiously, crouched a short distance from him.
“Pfft, ahaha, your faces!” He said, pointing and covering his mouth with the other hand. Bright orange-red bled out from the root of his hair, spreading down as the strands lengthened and curled. He grew a little taller, a little ganglier, and his face…
Not his face. That wasn’t Cloud at all, though how the laughing girl had accomplished such an effective disguise was a question for another time.
“Who the hell are you!” Genesis exploded. “Where is Cloud!”
“He’s busy,” the little girl said, breaking off her laughter to stick out her tongue at them. “Meanie. He’s following a Virtue! You can’t interrupt that!”
Sephiroth growled, standing up. “Genesis, with me. Angeal, start a conference call. We will begin where we lost Cloud.” He and Genesis darted off, leaving Angeal with the strange new child.
“Wonderful,” he sighed, pulling out his PHS and doing as Sephiroth had commanded. “Another one.” He caught the girl’s arm when she nonchalantly tried to waltz past him. “And where do you think you’re going?”
She blinked. “That way,” she said, pointing.
“Not when you’ve⁠—is that Cloud’s hair?” There was a tuft of pale golden hair clenched in her hand.
“Duh,” she said, “that’s the rule for the spell. ‘A dear thing, freely given. Closer to the skin, more power riven.’”
Angeal struggled to parse through the bewildering statement. “Because Cloud gave you his hair, you were able to...cast a spell to look like him?” He tilted her arm, looking her over for materia, but saw nothing. “Where’s your materia?”
She blinked at him. “What’s materia?”
He decided to abandon the line of inquiry entirely. “Where are your parents?”
Her expression turned sheepish. She scuffed the toe of her sandal across the concrete. “Umm...Granda’ is gonna come find me soon...I’m probably in trouble.”
For the first time, Angeal noticed the glittering jewels held in the intricate lacework of her sandals. They certainly weren’t materia, but they did tell him that her parents must have been very wealthy. “And why are you in trouble?”
She flushed and looked away. “I’m not s’pposed to go through the Gates…” she mumbled.
“The gates?”
“The Gates Between. The ones that cross the Empty Spaces.” She stared down at her feet, and nervously plucked at the hem of her skirt. “Granda’ can open the Gates cuz he’s Imperator, and I can cuz I’m a Mage but he says I’m too little. I’m not supposed to be here, but...but it was calling me! I had to!” She looked up at him with wide, unnatural golden eyes and a pleading little pout.
He had absolutely no idea what she was talking about.
Genesis took one look at the little redhead sleeping contentedly against Angeal’s shoulder and said “no, no, we already have one, put that back.”
Angeal looked tired and a little defeated, leveling Genesis with an unimpressed glance. With Cloud in the wind, all they could do now was wait for some sign of his whereabouts—probably in the form of demolished ShinRa property. Which left them to deal with everything else for a while instead.
“Believe me,” he said, “I’m not particularly happy about this either. But her parents are impossible to find. She doesn’t exist in any records—and I do mean any records. Even the Turks can’t find anything. And I can’t exactly just leave her with someone.”
Genesis narrowed his eyes. “Why not?”
“She has...abilities. You saw the disguise earlier, but there’s more.” He looked vaguely disturbed, glancing down at the kid like she was a ticking bomb. “A lot more.”
Sephiroth sighed. “Naturally. That seems to be the theme lately, strange children with inexplicable abilities showing up on our doorsteps.”
Finally, a hint of humor broke through Angeal’s tiredness. “Well, look on the bright side. At least this one actually trusts adults.”
“Too much, if she’s sleeping in your arms two seconds after meeting you,” Genesis scoffed.
“The polar opposite of Cloud,” Sephiroth observed, a little bit of humor entering his tone as well.
Angeal shook his head. “Her parents have the resources to keep her very sheltered, from what I’ve gathered. She seems to think that all adults are inherently trustworthy, especially if they, and I quote here, ‘look like they belong in Mama’s First Legion.’”
Genesis and Sephiroth both paused.
“That...makes it sound as if her parents have a personal militia at their disposal,” Genesis said.
“Yeah,” Angeal agreed wryly, “it does, doesn’t it?”
She was like a spot of sunshine in the interview room—not an interrogation room, though it did have a one-way mirror and an attached observation space—beaming up at Tseng as she sat on her knees in the chair across from him. Unsurprisingly, the Turks hadn’t exactly had a booster seat handy with their typical interview equipment.
“What’s your full name?” Tseng asked, soft and polite. It was only Angeal’s familiarity with the young man that allowed him to detect the very slight edge of unease in his smile.
Angeal could understand. It wasn’t often that even he was presented with such unconditional trust and guileless curiosity, and the Turks certainly must have experienced it much less.
The little girl opened her mouth and proceeded to deliver an extremely well-rehearsed answer. “Ameliora Octavia, First Mage of the House Perdel, Blessed of the Thirteen,” she rattled off cheerfully, “Crown Princess and heir to the Perdelesian Throne, granddaughter of the Virtuous Emperor Celsus Caesar Perdel and the Virtuous Empress Julia Atossa Perdel, daughter of Caius Julius Perdel, High King of the West, and Fera Tullia Perdel, High Queen of the East.” She gasped in a breath, having spent her entire lung capacity on the extended answer. “You can call me Lora, though, I don’t mind.” She resumed beaming at him.
Even Tseng didn’t seem to know what to say to that.
Then Lora frowned abruptly. “Oh wait, I wasn’t supposed to tell you that.”
Tseng managed to get ahold of himself. “Why is that, Lora?”
She looked up at the ceiling as if trying to remember something. “Granda says that, uh, if I’m ever with strangers I’m supposed to...uhm...tell them ‘Lora’ but nothing else and wait until one of the Praetorians comes to get me.”
“I see. Lora, do you know where you are?”
“Nope!” she said, apparently unbothered by this fact.
“Do you know how you got here?”
“Uh-huh, I opened the Gate in the Archive because it was calling to me in the Strings, and then I walked the Empty Spaces until it felt right and now I’m here.”
Angeal glanced discreetly at the other Turks in the observation room. None of them seemed to know what the hell she was saying either, which was very reassuring.
Tseng looked like he wanted to sigh but restrained himself. “Do you know how to get back home?”
For the first time, Lora flushed crimson and ducked her head. “Umm...nooo…”
“‘S why I’m gonna be in trouble...I know how to walk through the Empty Spaces but I dunno how to walk back yet…Granda will come find me, though.”
“How will he know where to find you?”
She blinked at him, and for a moment her unnatural golden eyes glowed like they had a SOLDIER’s mako gleam. “Granda will always find me,” she said. “He swore on the Thirteen the day I was born. ‘Sides, I’m a Mage. Magistra Mara says I look like a supernova when she uses the Strings to see me.” She smiled. “I’m hard to miss.”
“I see,” said Tseng, which was a bald-faced lie. “How old are you, Lora?”
“Seven and a quarter,” she said very seriously.
“Hey.” A little hand tugged on the bottom of his jacket and Reno practically jumped out of his skin. Shiva, it was the tiny unnatural demon child. With trepidation, he half-turned and looked down at her.
She was beaming up at him like he’d just given her the best gift in the world. He was absolutely certain that if he picked her up she would snuggle into his arms without a second thought.
It was hands-down the creepiest fucking thing he’d ever seen in his life.
“What,” he bit out, anxious to get away without looking like he was getting away. He could feel Rude laughing at him silently.
“C’mere,” she said, motioning him down. Reno glanced at her babysitter of the hour—Hewley—whose mako eyes promised death if he dared to scare or upset her. Reno weighed the odds for a long second and then slowly crouched.
Immediately, she buried her hands in his hair and started petting and patting, a puzzled little furrow to her brows. “Hey,” he said, jerking back a little, “what do you think you’re doing!”
“I’ve never seen hair like this,” she responded, peering closer.
“You have red hair,” he pointed out, growing increasingly uncomfortable. He could kill her a dozen ways with barely a flick of his hand and she was playing with his hair?
It was unnatural!
“Nuh-uh, my hair’s gold-red and and curls. Yours is all sticky-uppy and looks like an apple.”
“Well, that’s just how it was when I was born!”
“Oh. Huh.” Apparently that was enough for her. She released his hair and looked to Rude instead and Reno felt exactly zero shame for how fast he got up and moved out of range of her creepy, sunshiny eyes.
She motioned Rude down in the same way. He went, a lot more willingy than Reno had, even though Reno knew for a fact that is partner was also pretty fucking creeped out by her. All the Turks were. There was no one—no one—who had ever treated them with such unconditional trust. The little princess was genuinely happy to see them. Even Tseng was freaked out. Even Veld was, though he took it in stride like he did everything else.
Lora plucked the sunglasses right from Rude’s face and put them on. Her mouth made a little ‘o’ of surprise.
“Why would you want dark glass over your eyes?” She asked, holding them in place and looking around curiously.
Without missing a beat, Rude pulled a spare set of sunglasses out of his suit pocket and put them on. Lora giggled. Reno shamelessly abandoned his partner and speed walked away.
“Hello, my dear.”
Lora looked up, blinking at the strange man who’d addressed her. “Hello,” she said cheerfully. She was, technically, breaking the rules by wandering around like this, but she was just so curious. There were so many strange things in this place! And sometimes breaking the rules led to wonderful things, like coming here.
“Would you like to see something interesting?”
She gasped in delight. “Yes! What is it?”
“Come with me and I’ll show you,” he said, offering a hand. She took it without hesitation. It was weirdly cold. The man reminded her of her uncle Brutus, who stared at her all the time and Mama always glared at. Uncle Brutus was weird.
She remembered that she actually had to introduce herself here, because people didn’t automatically know her name. “I’m Lora, what’s your name?” she said.
The man smiled. “You can call me Professor Hojo, my dear.”
[Part 2]
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aimeelouart · 2 years
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POV: you are a magical seven-year-old who operates by looney toons logic. You find a guy who’s been in a mirror for a decade and hasn’t gone completely insane yet. Do you:
A) Believe everything he says and go yell at a Dragon King for “being mean”
B) Convince the sparkly elf that it would actually be really funny to move everything in his jailer’s lair three inches to the left
C) Further convince the elf that it would be even funnier to take revenge by gaslighting an entire world into thinking they’re going insane hallucinating a notorious prisoner
D) Convince the sparkly elf to teach you how to look like him (because you think he’s cool and also apparently they don’t like humans here so you probably shouldn’t run around looking like one)
E) all of the above
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aimeelouart · 2 years
I need no context to know the answer's E.
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And you’re so right. These are the faces of people who choose chaos
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aimeelouart · 2 years
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Giving Lora a startouch elf form was both the best and worst thing I’ve ever done because now I can’t stop obsessing over this aesthetic.
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aimeelouart · 3 years
Today in fun crossover doodles:
Roche challenges the man with crazy-ass magic and a history of being a gladiator to a spar. Gets knocked on his ass in 0.2 second flat
Flirts even harder
@birdsfortheboobourgeoisie ‘s addition: Roche, knocked flat, a foot choking him: how wonderful you are that you've - ghk - swept me off my feet
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Teenage Lora’s not about to step in and stop this prime entertainment either
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aimeelouart · 3 years
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It’s time for Vi’s Lightning boys to get a dose of Lora chaos! At some point Lightning!Genesis buys her a shirt that doubles as a warning label.
"...explode...them?" Genesis echoed weakly.
“With magic," she informed him, all earnestness and sunshine. "a'cause I'm a mage! So I can do that. I can do anything! Well--" she pouted. "Not anything yet. I have to learn all the rules first, otherwise Granda says I might accidentally explode a continent and that's no good."
“Do you accidentally explode things...a lot?" Sephiroth asked slowly, wondering if he had a tactical nuclear warhead in child form sitting in his lap.
Lora twisted around to frown at him. "No! Only myself, once, because of the Bad Science Man, but then Uncles saved me. I'm *good* at magic, because I'm a mage! That's how I can be a dragon when I want, too, and I'm not allowed to show anyone at home cuz then Granda thinks I might cause a heresy. I dunno what that means," she confessed.
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