adorablemew · 4 months
Airbrush's BIO
I would suggest that you read the embedded links, a majority of them will be extra references <3 (Ones that I think are more important than others will be ORANGE and in BOLD.) (any info that I update will have a * on it unless I deem it unimportant)
⬇ References ⬇
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New way I draw him! (old ref is still accurate though)Bone colors
Details that are intentional & ones that are purely style
Airbrush's soul Old ask blog @askairbrush
⬇Biological Information⬇
Name: Airbrush Nicknames: Cappuccino, Coal (came from one of my friends lol) Age: 14 Birthday: March 2nd Gender: Male (He/Him) Sexuality: Asexual, Demiromantic (Pan) Height: 4'4'' (132.07 cm) Weight: 21 pounds (9.5kg) + Clothes Weight Parents: Ink sans & Error sans (NOT created out of love.) (Ink belongs to @comyet and Error belongs to @loverofpiggies)
Airbrush is a character who's fairly distant, and hard to talk to as most of the time he is fingerpainting/busy, he is a fairly "on the task" person and does not like to be interrupted. He will not go out of his way to talk to a stranger and Airbrush generally comes off as pretty rude, even though he doesn't mean to. However, while he is around friends Airbrush generally is a bit more laid back, and happier! Airbrush in reality is just a kiddo who's really curious about things and very passionate about fingerpainting! However.. In the deepest parts of Airbrush's personality, he is a VERY locked up person, Airbrush is TERRIFIED to show weakness, so he locks away a majority of his negative emotions, you will almost never see Airbrush cry or look nervous/anxious, Airbrush tends to let his emotions build up until he lets them all out when he is alone. Airbrush does not wish to be comforted when he is breaking down, because it will make it worse if he knows somebody is seeing him vulnerable like this. but Airbrush does really wish to be a good person! He wishes to be kind and compassionate to others, the only reason he can't is that his insecurities hold him back. ⬇Miscellaneous Personality traits. ⬇ Airbrush will straight up ignore somebody if they're rude to him, he's a very no-bs person. If Airbrush doesn't understand something and finds it's not important to his survival, he might just straight up think it's stupid and not bother with it. (such as Technology and Property Laws) Airbrush gets flustered very easily (platonically) as he is not used to receiving compliments. Airbrush is very non-judgmental, he understands what it's like to be judged and try his best not to judge others, he will apologize if he realizes he has judged you unfairly, the only time he cannot help but express disgust is towards things that are sexual Airbrush cares for the only friends that he has VERY deeply, as they are the only people that gave him a chance. Airbrush is a very independent person. He is okay with being alone for long periods of time, even if he does get lonely it isn't something that bothers him too much. Relationships aren't too important to him, he'd much prefer friends. (however, he isn't against being in one.)
Airbrush's abilities are more so defensive rather than offensive, as he is much more a person who runs from danger rather than confronts it. Unfocused
If Airbrush lets himself become unfocused his body will become blurry and he will lose his eye lights, in this state Airbrush is essentially spaced out/passed out, and at his most vulnerable, he will not be aware of his surroundings while in this state. Airbrush does not like to show this side of himself often, so to combat this he tries to always busy himself with things, which is one of the reasons he's such a distant person. Blurring
I would suggest for this ability that you read THIS POST, as it explains the ability in detail. Airbrush's blurring ability is when he chooses to blur a part of his body (ex fingertips), if he touches another person/object with it the part he touched will become blurred, and that blurred spot will be a weak spot that can be abused. Portal paint (more so an item rather than ability but I thought I'd include it here) In one of Airbrush's pockets, he has a special tube of paint, the paint is a bright translucent sparkly paint until he uses it, when he uses it its colors will change with his thoughts, and open to a portal to wherever he imagines an image of. it was gifted to him by his father Ink.
Multiverse Viewing
Airbrush can choose to become unfocused in reality and in his mind look into the multiverse, In this state, Airbrush can look into windows of Alternative Universes, as seen 30 seconds into this video which is how he can actually travel to other AUs with his portal paint as he needs to have an Image of where to go, If Airbrush doesn't think of anywhere to go he will end up in the anti-void, as seen in his discontinued askblog
(Please remember that Airbrush's Ink & Error are variants of the original Error and Ink, this stuff does NOT apply to the original Ink & Errors canon.)
(Airbrush's Ink & Errors abilities work a bit differently than canon Ink & Error)
Airbrush's Ink & Error one day had a battle, and during the battle, Error had attacked Ink, during this Attack bits of Errors CODE imprinted loosely onto Ink's Humerus, after the long battle Ink returned home, but during the return trip.. when he was in between the both of the portals- Bits of Ink's own dust & code as well as Errors dropped off into the void. From that moment, over the time of 4 months formed a child from those bits of code and the material of the portal, after the 4th month Ink felt as if there was a strange presence there.. going to investigate he found the child, and, feeling a strange bond to the child.. he decided to adopt the child as his own, and named him Airbrush. at 12 Airbrush found out that Ink was soulless, feeling scared and unsure of his true intentions, he ran away from his ink, and throughout the ages of 12-13 he figured out how to survive in the world.
Well, that's about all I had written down, I think I was gonna write more for the backstory, but honestly I think that was a pretty alright stopping point :) the only thing I could mention is that closer to the end of the year of him being 13, he meets Frisk and the two become friends!
for context of those who don't know, this is a pretty old draft of Airbrush's bio I made around Nov 22, 2021, but I felt it was complete enough to post, so.. enjoy! :)
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adorablemew · 3 years
Okay, so I was gonna do this abit ago- but on Aggie.io with my friend @glitchysquidd helping with lineart I finally did it! X'D Here is some stuff I've seen people confused about on Airbrush that I decided to compile into some images to explain what is style, and what's intentional and whatnot, hopefully this helps! <3
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adorablemew · 3 years
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Alright so, I made a visual example of what Airbrush's blurring ability looks like! (+ the difference of His Unfocused STATE and Blurring ABILITY) I forgot to include the fact he can also blur his feet, so.. He could blur somebody with a kick too if his hands were unavailable XD In general, his ability doesn't really hurt anybody. Airbrush is much more of a person to flee from danger rather than to fight back, but I'd imagine if he had to fight back he'd have to use some form of weapon or physical combat/martial arts. (Btw if you guys want to illustrate him using this ability you can use the regular blur tool! I just used the frosted glass tool on Ibispaintx since I feel as though it'd make more sense to look like that.) I also had a lot of fun drawing him in Monochrome :) (Monochrome isn't a part of the ability I just thought it'd be fun to draw it like this)
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adorablemew · 3 years
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I decided to try and make an illustration in Drawpile to show abit more of what Airbrush's house looks like- and incase I wanted to try draw roleplaying in it X'D while I might change it up- for now here's the best drawing I can do to kinda show what Airbrush's room looks like! yeah no.. it's very run down X'D I'd imagine the building wasn't even complete before being abandoned, so there's probably parts of the building where you can literally fall to your death PS. please don't use this background for anything without my permission! <3
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adorablemew · 3 years
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completely random thing, but I found some good examples of what Airbrush's gloves look like- so incase anybody is curious, here ya go!
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adorablemew · 3 years
OK SO I'M JUST LAUGHING SO MUCH CUZ I JUST REALIZED LIKE- I'm not very good at working these things out so it'd defo need some tweaking but.. Airbrush's bones are VERY light, Lighter than normal skeletons So I put some things together to the best of my ability and added some weights together (such as clothes) and..
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