#Akira's got like 500 bandages in his bag too
alphasobek · 7 years
Fic Idea / Recommendation Request?
**Persona 5 Spoilers**
More of a fic idea than anything else really or like a call for recommendations if it’s already a thing
I’m replaying P5 and passed this part a few days ago but it’s been on my mind since then. After Joker is dropped off back at Sojiro’s house after escaping the interrogation room... do you think there’s any potential there for something? Like, if I’m remembering correctly the rest of the phantom thieves probably weren’t anywhere near Leblanc or the house because they had their own operation to help with the escape. So the idea that Joker gets tossed outta the cab and then taken care of by the thieves is a bit of a stretch considering they have to finish their whole thing and get back to Yongen-Jaya. Although I guess if they left right after Sae did depending on train times (which I have 0 knowledge about) they’d get there near the same time.
Either way I highly doubt I’m the first to think of it but considering I spend all my time on AO3 in my specific ships section (give me that Futaba/MC any day) and literally 90% of the hurt/comfort section is full of Akechi fics (which are fine just like.. not my thing really) I’m a bit starved for that type of thing. That and the ideas been in my head since I replayed that part and that was days ago. 
It doesn’t help that one of my headcanons for my MC is that his parent’s are somewhat abusive. So getting back from that interrogation room, probably slipping in and out of consciousness because drugs and getting taken care of by his friends and/or Futaba (or any other romance option.. I mean hell you could even do like Crime boy bonding with Sojiro at that point) is like.. A+ let me tell you.
Not to mention it works with most romance things too assuming that your preferred romantic option is either a member of the thieves, Tae, or stretch it a bit more and get any of the other options involved somehow. Depending on where your social links are / who knows your identity at that point or not they would definitely have seen the news broadcast after all.
Edit: also I realize I put it buried in the tags and who in their right mind is going to read through that so like I’m up to talk about P5 with peeps like heck yeah (although I am at work right at this moment so not really going to use this hell site to much and I’m going to sleep when I get home most likely - yay night jobs - but like still I check the dashboard often enough so like if anyones up for it there by all means hit me up about it)
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