princes-rose · 3 years
30 Utapri Questions: Day 4
Day 4: A character you can relate to in any way
I had to think really hard for this one, but I feel that I can relate to Shion a little bit. We’re both one of the quieter, introverted ones of our friend groups, we are very prone to overthinking when it comes to what is important to us, and most of all, we long for a sense of belonging, where we can be accepted and not turned away.
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princes-rose · 3 years
30 Utapri Questions! Day 3
Day 3: A character that you never thought you would love as much as you do now?
Oh, this is super easy! I still remember the months of my freshman year in college when this happened. Before this had happened, I had all but confirmed that Cecil was my least favorite character, or at least my least favorite of STARISH. I thought that his magic shtick didn’t make sense, his more pompous side showing in 2000% irritated me, and overall I was just not a fan. 
But then in March of that year, I decided to try and tier for the first time in Shining Live during the Happy Hearts: My Dear Doctor event, and spent the most time with Camus and his junior arguably more than I ever had before. As I was taking a break from tapping my phone screen flat, I was looking a little more into Cecil’s character, just to whet my curiosity. Eventually, I went down a rabbit hole involving game and music translations, reading multiple card side stories, and just overall absorbing myself in this prince’s aura.
Now, Cecil is my third favorite character in all of Utapri! He’s one of the cutest boys ever, I love his bright-eyed naivete, and most of all, I now feel he embodies the spirit of Utapri more than anyone else in the entire cast. Not just in the fact that he’s literally from royal blood, but because the music in his soul can be heard not just in my heart, but from everyone around him. 
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princes-rose · 3 years
30 Utapri Questions! Day 2
Day 2: Your least favorite boy?
My least favorite boy? You’ve gotta be kidding me… Fine, I guess there has to be someone at the end of the ranking list somewhere, so I’ll tell you mine. In my eyes, my least favorite boy…is Yamato Hyuga.
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I won’t go too much into this, but I will tell you that this isn’t because his rival in Maji Love Legend Star is my best boy. I know that HEAVENS is desperately lacking in development, but I feel that Yamato suffers the most in this department, even with being directly related to a character in the series. All we get about him is that he’s the younger brother of Ryuya, suffers from middle-child syndrome and always seems to be in his shadow, and that leads him to be dedicated to working out and improving himself to try and beat him through a combination of being in a rival agency and pure strength.
As I type this, I’m not saying that this makes Yamato a “bad character” or that I hate him. This basis of his personality can give him a lot of possible development and growth in the long run, and I know that there are a lot of people who can see this tall, tall boy as their type. However, with what we have in terms of canon material, he needs a little bit more focus and exploration. And until then, he unfortunately takes the last spot for me. I wish him the best in the future, I don’t want him to be here for too long.
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princes-rose · 3 years
30 Utapri Questions!: Day 1
Day 1: Your best boy?
I wish this didn’t have to be so short, BUT there’s another question that relates to this one later on, so I don’t want to give too much away. 
Even so, my best boy? I flaunt him right on my blog: it’s the fun-sized bundle of energy, Syo Kurusu!
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Want to find out why? Stay tuned to find out!
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princes-rose · 3 years
Guess who’s baaaack~?
Yep, after an unfortunate hiatus, Rosy has returned!
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And, I have a lot planned as I take my place back among the flora, that I hope that all of you might like!
1. More one-shots and headcanons are on the way!
In preparation for the revival, I have been working on new ideas to start filling up this blog! Some are very close to being finished, so look forward to those (and lots, LOTS more) very soon!
2. Reblogs from wonderful creators are coming!
It’s such a shame that so many awesome creations from other blogs have many, many likes, but not very many reblogs to spread their talent even further. So, I will be reblogging en mass to try and show what many other people on this platform can create!
3. What does Rosy think?
I had just realized something when planning my return: none of you really know exactly my thoughts and feelings involving Utapri. So, I am using this next month to reveal lots of my opinions and feelings about this series. To do this, I will be using this wonderful 30 question challenge created by @stanreiji, who unfortunately is no longer on this platform. Even so, they get all the credit for all the questions I’m about to answer for you!
Bonus: Happy Pride Month!
For the month of June, I’ve changed the profile picture a little bit, while still keeping the image of our blonde ball of energy. You may be wondering why I have chosen the bisexual flag as the background. Well...I have been doing a lot of thinking during the reign of what I will refer to as “Big C”, and I’ve been realizing a lot of things about myself. One of these things was who I was attracted to, and...I realized that I may be attracted to more than just men. This month of Pride is something that is very new to me, but I want to embrace who I am, and who all of you who are reading this, as well.
So please just know, no matter what you identify as, your preference of sexual orientation, or your preference of romantic orientation, I want you to know that this is a blog that is accepting of all of you. You are important, you are valid, and you are loved.
I hope to see you all soon.
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princes-rose · 4 years
Rules for Requests and Commissions!
It’s a little lengthy, so it’s under the cut. If you want to request something or help me out through college with commissions, please read through these~
So, who exactly will you write about?
As this series has many, many characters, here’s the ones that I will write for:
Quartet Night
HEAVENS [Nagi is SFW only]
Please note that there are certain exceptions to these rules, but these will be explained further down (see What are the no-no’s for requests/commissions?).
What can I request?
I can write short headcanons and one-shots.
For headcanons, please keep in mind that there are rules to how many characters can be included per request. For Utapri, it’s up to 5 per request (exceptions include requesting all of STARISH or all of HEAVENS)
For one-shots, requests will be shorter than commissioned works, having a maximum of 1000 words.
How many requests will you take?
I will take 15 requests before closing the box. Once I close it, I’ll delete any request received before reopening. Once the box has 5 requests or less, I’ll reopen the box for requests. If you really want me to write something...there’s always commissions!
What can I commission?
I take commissions on longer one-shots! (See also How long can my commission be?)
What do you charge for commissions?
The prices are very simple for my works.
SFW: $0.50 USD for every 100 words
NSFW: $0.75 USD for every 100 words
The baseline is as simple as that! I do have minimums and maximums for word counts you can request, but if you want to know how much you need to pay for a certain amount of words, just use this for reference. I specify lengths of commissions you can request and their respective prices in How long can my commission be?.
How do I request a commission? How do I pay?
You can send in a commission request one of two ways. If you have a Tumblr account, all you have to do is DM me! If you don’t have one or can’t DM, that’s okay! Just send your request to my email, [email protected], and we can work through it there. I strictly work through PayPal for payment. Further details will be given during the commissioning process.
How long can my commission be?
 have a minimum of 1000 words for any commission, with a maximum of 6000, in theory. 
For simplicity, I have created three “tiers” you can ask for when sending in your request and the respective price ranges for each:
Length: 1,000-2,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $5.00-$14.99 USD, (NSFW) $7.50-$22.49 USD
Length: 3,000-4,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $15.00-$24.99 USD, (NSFW) $22.50-$37.49 USD
Length: 5,000-6,000 words
Price Range: (SFW) $25.00-$30.00 USD, (NSFW) $37.50-$45.00 USD
What are the no-no’s for requests/commissions?
While I am open and willing to many types of requests and commissions, there are a few subjects that I refuse to write. It is nothing against the requester. The list of “no-no’s” are simply subjects that I do not feel comfortable with writing about. I ask that you do not send commission requests with any of the following:
Any request involving Nagi is restricted to SFW only
I am willing to write Otoya and Cecil as a platonic pairing, but I will not write any request depicting them as a romantic pairing.
The Ootori brothers have a great dynamic that I would love to write about, BUT I will not write them romantically.
I prefer not to write for the romantic pairing Eiichi x Otoya. It is a very sensitive topic within the fandom regarding this “couple”, and I don’t want to approach it with this platform.
If you have a request involving a reader/OC insert, please specify pronouns and/or gender. I will default to gender-neutral and use they/them pronouns, so if you would like a m!reader or f!reader and/or he/him or she/her used, please specify this in your request (see also Can I request “x Reader” or OCs?).
I will not, under any circumstances, take requests or commissions involving the four letter word starting with R.
Other topics that I will rarely write include harming one’s self and deep religious themes. If you really want one of these topics in a commission, I may consider it. However, there will need to be additional discussion before beginning, so keep this in mind.
I hold the right to decline any request or commission offer if I feel I cannot adequately write about the subject requested.
Can I request “x Reader” or OCs?
Absolutely! I just have two requests that you follow, depending on which one you want:
If you are wanting an OC, I would like a description of the character included in the request. Include as much as you can about them; I want to be able to write them in the most accurate way!
For both x Readers and OCs, I ask that you specify the pronouns/applicable gender you want to be used.
What about “OT3s” or polyamorous pairings?
Go ahead! All I ask is that any of the pairings or characters I specified above in the “no-nos” are not included in the group.
Do you have any samples of your work?
As a matter of fact, I do! To show you what your commission may be like, I’ve gathered a few of my works here that fit:
Small Sprout: A work I completed for an Uta no Prince Sama Secret Santa, “Christmas Chicks” (contains 1,688 words) 
Large Sprout: A piece I completed for an Uta no Prince Sama flashbang, “My Charm Point” (contains 2,507 words) 
Medium Bud: A work I completed from the Binan Koukou Chikyuu Boueibu series, “Numbers on the Scale” (contains 3,979 words) 
Can I get a WIP of my commission?
When I have fully written through the commission, I will send it to you as a “first draft phase”. You can ask for any additions or omissions in this phase, and after I will add or delete anything you ask, along with polishing it up and making it just right!
Can I ask for things to be added or removed once you start?
If you ask for any additions or omissions to the work before or during the “first draft phase”, I will gladly make the revisions you ask, free of charge. However, if I am editing the final draft and you ask for any changes, I will add a flat $1 USD fee to the final total.
Will you ever have any sales for commissions?
Funny you should ask…I’m having a system set in place to discount certain characters at certain times of the year, which I call “Birthday Flash Sales”. Which leads to...
What on earth are “birthday flash sales”?
It’s really simple! In order to celebrate the birthdays of the characters I write for, I’ll be having a sale on commissions that include that character! For the day of the character’s birthday and two days before it, the baseline prices of commissions having them will be slashed!
Here’s how it works:
SFW: $0.50 USD per 100 words –> $0.25 USD per 100 words
NSFW: $0.75 USD per 100 words –> $0.50 USD per 100 words
So essentially, SFW works are half price, and NSFW works are the same price as normal SFW works!
The tiers then are altered as follows:
Length: 1,000-2,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $2.50-$7.49 USD, (NSFW) $5.00-$14.99 USD
Length: 3,000-4,999 words
Price Range: (SFW) $7.50-$12.49 USD, (NSFW) $15.00-$24.99 USD
Length: 5,000-6,000 words
Price Range: (SFW) $12.50-$15.00 USD, (NSFW) $25.00-$30.00 USD
Each sale will start at 12:00 AM EST two days before a character’s birthday and end at 11:59 PM EST on the actual birthday.
I will post when the flash sales for a certain character begin, but if you are looking for characters that have a birthday coming up, here are the dates listed below:
Nagi: January 7
Camus: January 23
Ren: February 14
Ai: March 1
Haruka (fanon birthday given): March 3
Yamato: March 30
Otoya: April 11
Kira: May 5
Natsuki/Syo: June 9
Tomochika: July 7
Reiji: July 13
Tokiya: August 8
Eiichi: September 1
Ranmaru: September 29
Eiji: October 20
Cecil: October 31
Shion: November 4
Van: December 12
Masato: December 29
If you made it this far, thank you so much! I hope to see your wonderful ideas and prompts in my box or DMs soon!
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princes-rose · 4 years
Hello there~
If you’re looking for a place for UtaPri writings, you’ve come to the right place!
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Here you’ll find headcanons, one-shots, fabulous reblogs and more!
And if you have any questions, just ask your helpful blog host, Rosy!
Hope you enjoy your time here~!
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