#Akiyama's always very apologetic for being so demanding afterward
ridiasfangirlings · 8 years
Power bottom Akiyama and Hidaka? How would that go? What about Akiyama enjoying being treated roughly?
Ooh I usually go for top!Akiyama (because secret dom side) but Icould go with power bottom Akiyama too, like maybe he just prefersbeing on the bottom but he also likes to maintain control as much aspossible. I imagine him being very demanding during sex and thenbeing embarrassed about it afterward, like he can’t believe he forgotto say ‘please’ when he was ordering Hidaka to let Akiyama climb intohis lap. Actually my first thought for power bottom Akiyama would beAkiyama tying Hidaka’s wrists to the headboard and then just climbingonto him and riding him, not allowing Hidaka to even touch him asAkiyama basically does all the work and Hidaka’s just achingwaiting for release. Akiyama always likes to take it slow at first,like he preps himself right there while straddling Hidaka and thenthere’s lot of running his hands along Hidaka’s body and kissing himand caressing him, all while Hidaka squirms because he’s just dyingto grab Akiyama or touch himself but of course he can’t because he’stied (and if the bonds aren’t tied tight enough maybe Hidaka gets onehand free and starts trying to take control of the situation, Akiyamajust stares at Hidaka with his best superior officer 'fuck thepolice’ gaze and Hidaka just starts gripping the bedsheets as hard ashe can in order to keep himself in check). Afterward Hidaka’s alwaysa little insecure, wondering if the reason Akiyama did all the workthere was because he thinks Hidaka’s too rough or inexperienced andAkiyama just pats his shoulder and tells him not to worry, Akiyamahas a tendency to try and take control of a situation after all.
Akiyama who likes to be treated roughly, I think that would bedifficult at first because I could definitely see Hidaka beinghesitant at doing so, worrying that he might hurt Akiyama onaccident. I imagine when they first start their relationship Hidakathinks that Akiyama’s just this sweet gentle guy and Hidaka wants totreat him carefully, probably assuming that Akiyama’s the sort ofperson who doesn’t sleep with someone unless they’re serious andtherefore Akiyama’s a lot less experienced than Hidaka himself is.Plus since Hidaka’s a lot taller than Akiyama (their heightdifference is actually greater than Fushimi and Yata’s, why do youhave to be so tall Hidaka) he might see Akiyama as someone morefragile who Hidaka has to be careful not to hurt. He’s entirelysurprised then when Akiyama keeps trying to goad him into being morerough, Akiyama’s a little embarrassed at actually asking Hidaka totreat him roughly so he keeps just trying to hint at it using bodylanguage and such, like he’ll grab Hidaka and kiss him roughly andfor just a moment it looks like Hidaka’s going to manhandle himproperly, and then Hidaka pauses and pulls back and Akiyama swallowshis frustration and smiles, telling Hidaka that this is fine. At somepoint though they have the awkward conversation with Akiyama askingHidaka to be rougher with him and Hidaka voicing his concerns,Akiyama’s a little miffed at being considered fragile since he wasafter all in the defense force before this (also imagine Hidakamaking comments about Akiyama being small or weak and finally Akiyamagives this fond sigh and promptly pins Hidaka to the bed in an irontight grip, like 'I wasn’t made fourth in command because I’m themost polite, Hidaka’).
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