#Alas there is no further context 'x3
massivementalitynut · 5 months
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My Pool comm of Adam from @iwanttobeaseme
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To the Miraculous anon, I have actually classpected the characters! Marinette- Witch of Mind Ladybug- Maid of Space Multimouse- Bard of Space Adrien- Knight of Heart Chat- Bard of Time Aspick- Maid of Time Alya/Rena Rouge- Rogue of Light Nino- Heir of Breath Carapace- Knight of Blood Kagami/Ryuko- Prince of Heart Lila/Volpina- Theif of Void (Light?) Gabriel/Hawk Moth- Page of Rage Nathalie/Mayura- Maid of Hope (Explanation continued)
There isnt enough room to list each one, and these are the only one's that I've been able to pin down. I feel like some people, when they use their powers, start roleplaying other classpects, while others respond to their powers as more of an extension of themselves. Mari and Adrien in particular put up a front to protect their secret identities! I actually planned on making a discussion post about this on r/MiraculousLadybug in the near future if you're interested in discussing these further!
Ooooh, I really would like to have more context on these, alas, I am slow when getting into new Fandoms. X3 I’ll bookmark it to look back on it when I do.
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