tiry-til443 · 29 days
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I wish you the best. Your interests in Homestuck may wane, but I will still a happy [pre-emptive] 4/13. It was 15 years ago that this silly little webcomic was started and Today*(which is to say in the future)* we celebrate all the joys and frustrations that come out of a old ass comic made on the interwebs. Cheers. 🍻💚
Even if my interest wanes, Homestuck still does hold a special place in my heart, and it has caused irreversible changes to me and my patterns of speech among many other things.
Happy Birthday, Homestuck. 😌
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ebagsbackpack · 10 months
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abbiistabbii · 1 year
I sorta want to find out how many Health and Safety violations I can find in the upcoming Mario Movie. Like the Obvious ones are there but I also wanna watch it with a copy of the Health and Safety regulations and be all "yeah that's not fuckin' legal".
I mean look.
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Hitting those bricks barehanded cannot be good.
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So the Mushroom kingdom has an understanding of PPE but they don't have handrails for lifts?
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Not only does the moving walkways not have handrails, but they don't even cross all the way and the transfer from one to another doesn't even give people time to cross and Mario has to leap across a chasm to transfer to the other one???
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"Ok so these bricks are just floating here?" Correct Mario, they are, they are also narrow, have no hand rails, are floating over a busy pedestrian street and have fuckin' gaps you can fall through or trip over!
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Mario suffers SEVERAL injuries just using these transportation pipes.
The Mushroom kingdom is truly where Health and Safety inspectors go when they die and are considered to sinful to enter Heaven.
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tarachamplain · 6 months
What Is HSE (Health, Safety and Environment)
HSE (Health, Safety and Environment) is said to be an umbrella term for the laws, rules, guidance and processes designed to help protect employees, the public and the environment from harm.
It involves creating organized efforts and procedures for identifying workplace hazards and reducing accidents and exposure to harmful situations and substances. It also includes training of personnel in accident prevention, accident response, emergency preparedness, and use of protective clothing and equipment.  #OHS   #Health and safety  #OSH
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drummuso · 1 year
i think all politicians in power should be required to only use the public health services in their country
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wakraya · 2 years
Going slowly insane and need my favorite homestuck blogger lady to give me her feedback on this. I feel like WP have Valve levels of bad communication. Trying to discern what is actually going on with homestuck and it's drama is slowly turning me into the Joker. Am I the only one who feels like WP needs better PR? please give your take on this because at this point actually liking homestuck with the vitriol going on nowadays is making me feel like i am defending ayn rand or some shit.
Let me preface with this: I am 100% behind WhatPumpkin not saying a single fucking thing and just releasing content at their own rate at this point, and I dislike gossiping about Personal Shit regarding other people like you're gossiping about celebrities. However, let me tell you exactly what led to the current climate of silence.
WhatPumpkin had huge problems to deal with behind the scenes because of the Odd Gentlemen issue, problem which likely led to legal action, and which we only recently learned the full extent of with the full explanation on the Hiveswap Development that we got like, two years back or so? That pretty much confirm what we thought about TOG, and that while they add some nuance and specific times and amounts of money to specific things, are largely what we all thought.
Because of this, WhatPumpkin kept the Bad Stuff Going On behind closed doors, and tried to put out concept art and positive stuff for people to enjoy while dealing with the Mess internally. The mess only grew, and the document about the Hiveswap Development revealed that WPNY was made an unsalvageable working environment because of One Specific Member of the team, who was described as even outright aggressive. This led to the eventual closing of WPNY, and the new house of WhatPumpkin changed gears from trying to salvage the 3D assets of the game, to starting from scratch in 2D. This, of course, meant that the progress of the game was scrapped, and while assets were later reused, it meant using a new engine and taking more time. With the Fandom getting impatient and them already trying to keep the issues with TOG and that one Team Member under wraps to not make a big, potentially legal stink of the situation, this shaped WhatPumpkin's lack of communication with the Fandom.
Eventually Hiveswap came out! Act 1 at least. Then Friendsim started to come out as well! Some members of the WP Team became better known figures and started to interact with the Fandom- James with the wacky Music Titles and such. This was, however, around the time HS^2 came out, and that changed the dynamic of the game.
When HS^2 came out, people were largely dissatisfied, and soon a climate of spite and hatred towards the work started to bubble up. This led to the direct harassment of figures working in WhatPumpkin, like Kate and Aysha. Because it was policy to kinda, not say much about the behind-the-scenes already, this helped to close off the internal workings of WhatPumpkin even more, and in turn, this made the climate of hatred grow even more. People tried to speculate or unveil details about WP, and went on wild assumptions about the team members, while other members, like Kate, who were vocal about takes that people found vitriolic, were seen as Scapegoats to direct harassment towards.
WhatPumpkin made mistakes and bad decisions, yeah. Because of the reusing of assets between WPNY and Current WP for Hiveswap, it was later found there were missing credits for a few pieces because the original artist had slipped between the cracks- Which was admitted to be a mistake and patched in if I'm correct. In this same vein, because of the, and I cannot stress enough, directed harassment campaign towards anyone working on WP Content, Act 2 was released for the first period of time without Credits, as a misguided attempt to protect people from the initial wave of hate. This was, as well, patched shortly after.
On top of the HS^2 Harassment, there was more going on. Enter: Gio. Allegedly, as said by the WhatPumpkin Team, a straight up stalker trying to unveil exactly what happens behind closed doors in WhatPumpkin. Gio made an article trying to twist the narrative saying that The Odd Gentlemen were innocent victims of WhatPumpkin's bad handling (Many of these assumptions were disproven by the Hiveswap Development document), and that WP were actively malicious. A lot of this information came from an anonymous disgruntled WP Employee. It's not confirmed, but heavily implied by the Hiveswap Document, that this Employee is none other than the member of the team that made WPNY unfixable, and that many of their claims were wild assumptions made on a timeframe that made no sense because they were no longer employed by WP at that point.
Enter Sarah Z: Who while stating that it was all speculation and not confirmed, still drew a LOT of attention to Gio's article which would have, otherwise, barely made the dent it did. As Sarah Z promoted this view of things which led to the release of the Hiveswap Document, WhatPumpkin had a meltdown of how to handle the downfall, and tried to solve things unprofessionally through legal channels, and with demands about the video that went nowhere.
Now, I can not go into details about the following, because I don't want to spread information that isn't out there already, nor talk about Heavy Shit regarding other people without their consent, but I have been privy to a few behind-the-scenes things regarding the mysterious WP Employee that talked with Gio, as well as the issue with Sarah Z. And all I can say is that I understand completely why WP acted they way they did, even if I think it was a badly handled mess, I absolutely understand and empathize with what happened. So I know without being specific, none of this means anything, but I want to put it out there that, my standing with WP comes from a point of having Extra Context about the situation.
Either way- Between the harassment, that led to Kate leaving the Fandom and HS^2 going to work in private, and the later mess regarding the speculation about Hiveswap's Development and the whole Sarah Z Fiasco, I truly, genuinely believe that just going to work on private and sharing Absolutely Fucking Nothing to be the healthiest thing these people can do.
Please remember that the thing that made Kate leave is that she was being doxxed by a stalker and reported to the police for going out to protest.
Please also remember that, as someone with no direct affiliation to WhatPumpkin, just a fan that said "I like the Epilogues", I was subject to a one-and-a-half year-long daily anon hate harassment campaign with more slurs thrown my way than I can remember.
You can not fathom or understand the sheer amount of Bullshit WP have gotten sent their way.
So like. Chill. Don't compare queer indie creators to Ayn Fucking Rand. Really. Not fucking cool.
EDIT: I forgot to add! At one point, during the Hate Harassment Campaign, there was an attempt by Hussie and WP to strengthen ties to the community. The Reddit, with notoriously bad takes about the comic and feeding on a lot of the vitriol of the community, and WP, made a ‘deal’ where WP would communicate more, and, in turn, Makin would step down as boss of the Reddit, and there’d be an attempt to make the Reddit a better community for the Homestuck Fandom.
It lasted like a week? Before it was decided that WP had not upheld their part of the bargain of communicating more, and Makin returned.
The emails of what had been discussed between WP and the Reddit were released by Makin, prefaced by a statement of how it made Hussie and WP look bad.
If you actually read the emails, however, you find out a lot of this preamble is actually fucking Fake, but a lot of people didn’t bother to read what was up except for like, hand-picked examples that strengthened Makin’s argument and painted WP in a bad light, when in reality it’d been an earnest attempt at finding common ground.
So yeah.
Honestly? Fuck the Fandom. Just stay silent, WP.
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homestuck-book-club · 11 months
We’re starting homestuck epilogues: candy now that we have finished meat! June 12th  - Candy 1-3 June 13th - Candy 4-5 June 14th - Candy 6 June 15th - Candy 7 June 16th - Candy 8-9 June 17th -  Candy 10-11 June 18th - Candy 12-14
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robsonescobar · 10 months
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O ESG está cada vez mais presente nos conteúdos de gestão e compliance na internet. Mas o que é ESG e como a Privacidade, Resíduos Sólidos, Segurança do Trabalho e Gestão de Riscos se relaciona com estas três letrinhas? ESG é a sigla em inglês para Meio Ambiente, Responsabilidade Social e Governança. São diretrizes que servem de referência na busca e construção de uma sociedade mais justa e mais equilibrada com o ambiente e com as pessoas. Garantindo assim, também e não menos importante a continuidade dos negócios e seus impactos. 1) Privacidade. No quesito privacidade e segurança da informação temos diversos riscos aos negócios, às pessoas e ao ambiente da mesma forma que temos oportunidades de melhorar a gestão destas informações. No quesito SOCIAL existem os direitos dos titulares de dados (LGPD) que devem ser respeitados e garantidos em todo o ciclo de vida dos dados. 2) Resíduos Sólidos. Não é de hoje que o tema é relevante. Pois bem, além do óbvio AMBIENTAL (legra E do ESG) existe a responsabilidade social pois o tratamento deve ser adequado para não impactar na comunidade e nos biomas e ecossistemas onde estes resíduos estão presentes, sendo assim temos o SOCIAL presente nas atividades de tratamento de resíduos. 3) Segurança do trabalho atende a Governança, o Ambiente e principalmente o Social. Garantir que as atividades laborais sejam desenvolvidas de forma adequada, segura e digna está presente em inúmeras normas, em destaque, no Brasil nas NRs - Normas Regulamentadoras (são 36 vigentes no País). 4) Gestão de riscos. Gerenciar envolve conhecer, estudar, analisar. Um conjunto de ferramentas de gestão orientadas a conhecer e gerir riscos diversos é essencial para garantir a conformidade da atividade ou da organização às leis e normas vigentes, bem como alinhamento às políticas e diretrizes, sejam públicas ou privadas. Aplica-se a tudo e todas as fases das atividades. Eu trabalho com Compliance Regulatório na VIKON® há 12 anos e estes são temas que podem ajudar sua carreira e sua empresa. Estou à disposição para conversarmos a respeito. https://linkedin.com/in/robsonescobar/
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pearcaico · 1 year
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Hospital Centenário, Hospital dos Servidores do Estado - HSE, Av. Conselheiro Rosa e Silva, Espinheiro - Recife Década de 1930.
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homestuckexamination · 3 months
It’s very odd to me how the First Guardians are consistently described as “omnipotent” or near omnipotent when that's like….Pretty incorrect, I think. They have a limitless supply of power, but it doesn’t seem like they’re capable of doing much with it outside of teleportation, using that energy offensively, and having invincibility. What do you think? Is there something I’m missing or am misunderstanding?
Well. Bec is a dog and so he uses his powers in very basic ways, and Jade spends most of the time she has her powers actually entirely disconnected from her power source. Bec Noir himself, too, is like, very powerful, but VERY... Generally... Murder-minded.
Scratch is the one we should be looking at here. He's able to warp around, yes, but he's also able to predict events with near-omniscience, he was the one to somehow pull an Eldritch Horror out of the Furthest Ring to control Alternia, and if we count the Friendsim Canon, he's actively capable of deeper manipulation of the narrative and reality as a whole to iron out wrinkles along the way.
Lord English, too, who inherits this omnipotence as an unkillable Demon, literally bends Reality to favor him by virtue of existing, can kill that which is already dead, and completely shatter reality around him. It's just a matter of the people we see with this kind of power, how they operate, and in the end, the fact this IS a story featuring MULTIPLE Gods with Reality-Bending Powers. Like Jake defeating Grimbark Jade. Jade has the insane output to tear through planets with ease, just like Bec Noir. But she can't defeat Jake. Why? Because Jake's Hope Bubble is conceptual. It's power of belief, in a fugue state boosted by a Light Player. This is two different types of Pure Divinity Clashing. It's like...
Y'know how in math you have different, bigger and smaller Infinities...? Yeah. Yeah it's that. Which is fine. Because HS has never been a story about 'Power Levels' and Fighting. These are all secondary things to the primary exploration of their character and interpersonal relationships and their relationship to the world around them.
So the issue here is, this isn't a story about "This character is Literally Omnipotent and Unbeatable." It's. "This character has unlimited power. This character controls the narrative. How does this affect the characters? How do characters find an escape from the predestination of the world around them? How does it affect them when THEY become something akin to Gods themselves?" And at that point, 'Omnipotence' is a hollow label.
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homestuckexamination · 3 months
okay, you do homestuck, right? ive got this project idea in the works. basically, its homestuck, but thematically inverted. i havent actually finished homestuck, but I made it a long way in, to around Dirk's Derse Coup. i have some questions if you dont mind.
first of all, ive observed thus far that Homestuck id about discarding yourself. characters gradually lose defining traits and get closer to the platonic ideals of their classpects. strife specibi seem to represent that which ails our heroes. to become a god, you must sacrifice your earthly waking body on a magic bed, succumbing to an endless sleep to live forever within a dream. for my version, I wanted to do the opposite, having characters become more of themselves instead of less, and kill their dreamselves to truly "wake up," but first i need to know if these observations are actually valid if you read the whole story, and more generally, how valid is this idea?
any help would be appreciated, thanks!
Now let me preface this by saying: You can do anything at all. You're not restricted by anything other than your own creativity, and largely speaking, so long as you think it's cool/works, any approach is valid. Similarly, Death of the Authro, yadda yadda, there's all manner of divergent readings on a text. So anything regarding personal projects is really largely up to the taste of the author.
That being said, if you're asking me on my take on this theme in the text of Homestuck, I'd say that while you've definitely noticed one of the Big Themes of Homestuck, I'd argue the way Homestuck goes about it is the inverse- Taking the 'Platonic Ideal' of a character, while some characters that achieve Ultimate Self status are in fact better off, namely the Sprites or those sidelined in some way, the loss of self that comes with it is largely showcased as a Bad Thing in the instance of those who already were more important/relevant to the main cast. Even then, and while intrinsically tied to their Classpect, the characters still have their own particular spins on the Classpects- A Classpect is too broad a concept to have a singular 'Platonic Ideal', just as often times the Platonic Ideal of their character can contain contradictions in the 'whole' of their existence!
Homestuck is, first and foremost, a Coming of Age story about Teens growing up into Adulthood, with all the pain, trauma and baggage of carrying the legacy of their world, and their families, on their shoulders, in one way or another. SBURB wants the characters to go through an Arc, develop, and become worthy gods, but as we see time and time again, this is not always necessarily in a character's best interest, and the idea of the Self, what makes you You, if you're still You as time passes, as your body changes, as you become something metaphysically completely detached from what you used to be, and how this affects your interpersonal relationships and your relationship to the world around you, is far more complex than simply 'discarding traits to become closer to your Classpect's Platonic Ideal'.
You succumb to sleep in the Quest Bed, but simultaneously, you do wake up as your Dream Self. Whether you take this as being taken by this Platonic Dream, or truly Waking Up to the true nature of your existence, that's a matter of taste and views. Likewise, this doesn't make the characters that didn't God Tier or die and become their Dream Self any less likely to undergo changes to their Self and 'wake up' in their own right.
It's a complex story! It tackles a lot of themes of the self, agency, growing up and the like, and that is always messy. Some are happier becoming something else. Some cling to what they were. Some were always hiding what they truly were. Some are still figuring out. And that's fine. The metaphysics of SBURB are a device to explore the different ways all of this affects the characters! So the most important thing I'd say is less the validity of the observation in regards to an Inverted Version of Homestuck based on your views, and more:
How would this scenario affect the characters differently, and what new hurdles/feelings/predicaments would this create in their development and the story?
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homestuckexamination · 2 months
I think many fan analysis forget the fact that Equius and Vriska where neighbors. which might mean their meteors crashed together or something. but they built their houses close by for a reason. with Spidermom being the dividing line between Equius and Vriska.
Equius saw Vriska feeding lowbloods to Spidermom from his window all the time.
Equius is also the person who gave Vriska her prostheses. Equius also hides the cue ball from Doc scratch.
i think their Lusues are also a contrast. Author is a butler who assists Equius in his things including donating his blood for Aradiabot ,while Spidermom forces Vriska to feed her trolls.
i think this also has to deal with their aspects. Equius is a void player, or someone defined as irrelevant while Vriska is relevant as fuck.
some people think relevancy and information are always good, but they are not. Homestuck is about characters escaping their story.
Vriska emersed herself in a story where she was the protagonist, Equius to emersed himself in a hemospectrum narrative. but there he wasn't the protagonist
This is a fair analysis! Honestly I don't see that much like, necessary parallel or comparison between the two, other than the stated here, but admittedly I don't think of Equius in general much sooo...
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Are you on hiatus? Is everything ok on your end? I hope you’re ok
Hi! I should've said something but man my motivation and drive has been through the floor-
I exist and I am alive, yes. Sadly, however, I've hit a new low of weariness regarding HS stuff, so I do apologize for letting so many asks pile up in the Inbox without response or without saying anything. I'm trying to see of I feel better about getting back into it, soon, but also I've just been on a steady decline when it comes to interest in continuing this blog, I'll admit...
So yeah, sorry for like. Being in this limbo rn-
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homestuckexamination · 4 months
Psssst, to the person who sent me an ask about the Princess from Slay The Princess a while back, I'm posting this without answering the ask to be the least Spoiler-y possible because I think this is a very fun game for people to experience blind, but-
The Princess and the Main Character are very likely a Muse and a Lord respectively, with the Princess likely being the Lord to the Main Character's Muse. Ironically there's a certain mirror to the case we have in Homestuck, how Lord English just has things fall into place passively despite being Active, while Alt Calliope actively draws the curtains on the story- There's a part in particular where the MC's Passivity and the Princess' Activity are very explicitly mentioned, so that fits quite well.
As for the Aspect, that's a more difficult one but... Honestly maybe actually Space and Time. Time as Pacing, Change and Death, and Space as the Setting, Creativity, I think- Wait. Wait.
Heart/Mind Duality could also probably work, and to some extent, Void/Light is also compelling, but... I think I'm really gonna go for Time/Space.
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homestuckexamination · 4 months
honestly the funniest part about carapace fans are how small their demands are. like people who dislike wv being drawn short, you'd think it means they want him to be tall in other cases. but no, it turns out they just don't want wv to be drawn like he's two feet tall.
I like seeing it called 'demands' like they're protesting @ Big Homestuck to have WV recognized as a war veteran.
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