ladymatt · 4 years
Alec Lightwood Ask Game
Tagged by the incredible @intangibel to do this unusual Ask!❤ Here goes! 
1. Archer boy - What is a skill that you know you are objectively good at? In other words, what’s your thang?
Writing mildly-humorous poems - with a smutty 35-verse ode to Malec being a personal favourite! LMAO! Idk, maybe I should’ve said untying knots?! 🤣
2. Consul - If you could get some serious life advice from a leader (real or fictional) who you gonna annoy?
King Aragorn II (LOTR) - so I could absorb his hard-earned wisdom (which he’d deliver in that soft, poetic way of his), while also absorbing his beautiful face! 👑
3. Doubtless repellent brat - What is one thing about you other people find annoying? Spill!!!
Asked my eldest this and he says I’m stubborn - he’s not wrong (but being the nearest to me in character, so is he)! Hubby could only come up with my snoring - but that’s out of my control, so I’m basically flawless in his eyes, right? 😉  Anyway, I’ll go with holding grudges - if you’ve passed judgement on me or mine, it WON’T be forgotten - or forgiven! 👿
4. Big brother - What is an inside joke you have with your siblings?
Nothing springs to mind, I’m afraid! 🤔
5. Gay mess - When was the first time you saw someone of the same sex and went daaaaaaayuuuuuuuuuum?
Olivia Newton-John in Grease - that transformation! 👀
6. Fool’s Prince - You have one (1) date to impress your crush. Whatcha gonna do, boo?
I’m a great believer in simple pleasures, so it wouldn’t cost the Earth, involve extensive travel or distract from conversation - maybe try a fun activity neither of us have done before so we’re on a level footing, can talk and if it turns out to be a disaster, you’ve tried a new experience anyway! *Can you tell I’ve been married for 20+ years?*😅
7. Not-Your-Bitch - What is one quality you will not tolerate in other people? What makes your blood boil like maggi noodles?
Just one? Because I’ve got a few pet peeves when it comes to anti-social behaviour! Don’t worry, I’ll spare you my too-old-for-this-shit list of gripes and go with bad manners! Why? Because they don’t cost anything, and when used they invariably show consideration for others that can be priceless in these very selfish times - I’m old-fashioned like that! Sweeping generalisations is a VERY close second though! 😤
8. Gideon - Is there a family member/relative/ancestor you look up to? Whomst is this?
I mean, I love my family and admire their individual talents and traits but there’s no one person I’d single out for hero-worship! 😂 
9. Parabatai - If you can become best buds with a fictional character, which hot piece of ass are you gonna choose?
My bone-deep love of Magnus Bane is the polar opposite of platonic, so he’s ruled out of this one! Instead, I’m going to choose someone who loves music, movies, video games, has a great sense of humour, is loyal, fun, compassionate, a great listener and would see you at your worst and still stick around - and that’s Simon Lewis! Surprised, huh? 💕
10. Alexander - What’s your name and what the fuck does it mean?
Well, I and my fellow namesakes can justify calling ourselves ‘God’s gift’ because Michelle is the feminine form of the Hebrew name, Michael, which means - Close to God, Who is like God?, Gift from God. I’ve been addressed as Mich (Meesh), Mitch and M, but family call me ‘Chelle (Shell) or Mammy/Mamz! 💘 Also, aside from the references to ‘beauty,’ ‘flawlessness’ and being ‘outgoing’ - Urban Dictionary’s top definition for ‘Michelle’ is me in a nutshell! 👍
💜I’m tagging all who are interested in doing this!💜
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