#Alex and Henry do drag
futureseaempress · 7 months
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like look at you
Percy gives Henry a look that says he’s both regretting the decision to bring him here and that he should have known this exact scenario would play out. His eyes drift back to Liberty, like it’s painful just to look at her. “Quite the… salient name.”
“I wanted to go with Liber Tatas but my sister didn’t have a chest plate that fit,” she says with a shrug, illuminating just how broad and muscular her shoulders truly are. Henry wants to bite them. “Plus she said no one would get it.”
“Lady Liberty’s real name,” Henry supplies.
Liberty Belle smiles, big and toothy and it goes all the way to her eyes and she has a dimple in her chin and Henry is going to expire.
do you watch drag race and think: ha ha I could do that? well do I have the fanfic for you! this fic has EVERYTHING: a remix of butterfly & the national anthem. pez flirting with the bouncer to skip the line at a gay bar. henry dressed as ginger spice. alex being horny for lipstick. shattered whiskey glasses. judgmental dogs.
a cheeky little first prince drag au written by yours truly and @hypnostheory based entirely on a joke we made about Henry looking snatched to the gods and Alex looking gut bucket rotted in drag.
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totaly-obsessed · 11 months
Baby Fever
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Leah Williamson x reader
-> reader experiences Baby fever for the first time and does not know what to do with herself
-> Based on about a thousand pictures of Leah with Kids
➳ Masterlist
•─────⋅☾ ☽⋅─────•
Tearing her ACL in April had been horrible – and Leah knew that. But she also knew that she was mentally prepared to deal with it – she was in a good place and would come out even stronger. That was the plan, and now in June, just two months in, she had her surgery done and started rehab. 
The blonde found herself having a lot more time on her hands now and she loved spending it with you and her family. While most of the world saw her go out with her best friend Alex, she came home to you – her wife for over two years now. She would not change her busy schedule for the world, even though there was a World Cup that she could not attend. 
The defender relished the time she had with her family. 
Together with her cousin Jordan, she had been working on a book, her second one but the first fiction book for children. While the beginning was slow, Leah busy with Match after Match a mountain of training in between – the process sped up rapidly after her injury. 
In June they announced the release date – the 31st of August. Which was just a little bit short of three months away, plenty of time to finish writing it. 
You had a couple weeks off as well – it was the summer holidays and the schools were closed, and you were bored out of your mind. Leah could not take your whining anymore, so she dragged you to Jordan’s house to babysit. Her husband, Rob, had to work and their one-year-old son was just as bored as you were. 
The beginning was hesitant. While Jordan was lovely, how much fun could a one-year-old be? 
Turns out, a lot of it. It had been hours by this point, from when Leah and Jordan removed themselves from the living room and moved into her office. Leaving you with little Henry. 
When the two blondes emerged from the office, two more chapters done it was dark outside already – the cousins having lost themselves between the pages. Where Jordan expected complete chaos, she found a clean home with you resting on the couch, her little boy asleep on your tummy. 
Leah’s heart melted. 
She loved kids, especially the ones in her family, and while she knew that you wanted them as well – this was new. Usually, it was her holding the kids with you watching her with wide eyes, eager to see her in such a maternal role. 
But now it was her turn to stare – and she could not help herself but imagine having a child with you. The drive home was calm with Leah’s heavy hand resting on your thigh while she drove – both of you deep in thought. 
While Leah had a busy week coming up, you had a lot of time and you found yourself watching a bunch of TikToks of adorable little babies. All of a sudden, your usual shopping trip took a different route when you stumbled upon the kid’s section. Looking at one fuzzy romper after the other – tears in your eyes as the pregnant women were met with jealous stares from you. 
You were lying in bed when Leah returned home from a night out celebrating with Alex, who promised you that she would look after the blonde. “Baby? Why are you still awake?” To your surprise, the blonde was completely sober and changed into comfy clothes before joining you under a soft blanket. 
“Look at them, Lee!” You excitedly showed her your phone, a video of a baby meeting a cute little kitten. 
“Very cute baby. But that is what kept you up?” You hesitated for a second before showing her video after video of little kids and babies until you finally fell asleep, the blonde gently took the phone out of your hand. 
While your wife had no clue what had gotten into you, she loved it. 
Aston Villa had beaten Arsenal 2-0 in one of the last games of the season. And while it had broken Leah's heart she was still there, supporting her girls. 
Once the match was over the two of you had joined the teams on the pitch when a little blonde girl caught your eye. She was heading straight to you, making grabby hands with her tiny fists at you – so without much thinking, you hoisted her up onto your hips. “Leah!” 
“I’m not Leah baby. You wanna go see her?” Big blue eyes stared into your soul and with just a little imagination you could see a little Leah in her. 
You did not have to look very far to find your wife as she limped her way over to you. “And who are you, little lady?” The toddler however did not care about formalities and went straight to business 
“Faster tan you!” A fake gasp left Leah’s lips at the words.
“I don’t believe you! I think we will have to race!” 
And with that, you were made the race official, moving back a good distance, as you clapped into your hands. 
The tiny blonde started making her way to you, Leah following her on her as well as she could. You could see in your wife’s face that she was in pain, yet she tried to make this as fun as possible for the young girl who she just knew had taken over your heart. 
To no one’s surprise, it was the toddler who ran into your arms – winning the race. “Good job girlie!” With the girl back on your hips, you made your way over to Leah, rewarding her valiant efforts with a kiss. 
About a million pictures were being taken right now but neither of you minded. 
“Kimie!” The toddler in your arms had found her aunt, so the two of you said ‘bye-bye’ to Leah. 
Katie just had to tease her vice-captain “Careful Lee, your eyes will glue themselves to ya missus!” The nudge to the blonde's side nearly made her fall over after the exhausting sprint. “Shut up McCabe.” 
“Aww – grouchy. You jealous that it's not yours?” Leah knew that her friend referred to the toddler who did not want to leave her wife's arms, but she could not face that right now. “At least I still have a wife.” 
Ouch. That hurt. 
Back at your joined home, you could not stop talking about Kim’s niece, showing her picture after picture you had taken with the little girl. “What’s gotten into you baby?” 
You knew it was coming, but you still tried to play dumb. “What are you talking about?” Leah took hold of both of your wrists in one of her hands, keeping you sat on the couch, stopping you from fleeing. The other hand found its way to your hair, stroking it gently, hoping to calm you down. 
“Don’t play dumb baby. I found tiny shoes in our closet this afternoon. Shoes that are much too small for either of us.” 
Your eyes roamed the room, desperate for an explanation when you found the first copy of ‘The Wonder Team’. “They’re for Jordan!”  
But the blonde did not even have to say anything, already seeing your eyes tearing up. She pulled you on her lap, as you sobbed into her shoulder. “I- I don’t know what’s wrong with me. I jus couldn’t help myself.” 
You were slurring your words together, making it hard to understand. Your wife however pulled out her phone and opened the period tracker she had for you. “Baby, you are close to ovulation. Your body is ready for a baby.” 
But your crying did not stop, it just got worse. 
“Yeah, b- but I don’t usually get like this.” Leah did not know how or what to answer, the last week had been exhausting on your mind so she just leaned back, positioning you in a way that you could hear her calming heartbeat as your swollen eyes started to droop. 
“I jus wan a baby with you.” The footballer could not help herself but coo at your sleepy confession as she rubbed your back. 
“I know baby – me too.”
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firstprinceofhearts · 2 months
Weirdly, I actually picked out this little clip for Alex's hand (his right hand - I'll discuss the left in another post), because I really like the way he drags it back down Henry's chest.
It's so casual and comfortable, yet so intimate at the same time (I mean, seriously, I don't normally mention it, but full props to Taylor and Nick and basically everyone who had a hand in choreographing this whole scene, because even after watching it dozens of times, it still feels so beautifully natural and unchoreographed).
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Only when I watched it back to cut the footage for this gif, I realised Henry has his hand in Alex's hair again and now I don't even know how that wasn't the first fucking thing I noticed.
I mean, sure, I've been consciously looking for the less obvious recently, but that doesn't mean I should be missing the really fucking obvious.
Hand! Hair! FFS.
But I do still love the way Alex touches him.
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pinkamour1588 · 28 days
Firstprince Sticky Notes
I had the headcanon last night that Alex leaves and hides sticky notes all over their home. It starts when Henry is going through a depressive episode. Alex “breaks into” the brownstone. (He has a key. He just shows up uninvited and when Henry is sleeping or has managed to drag himself to work.) He puts sticky notes all over the brownstone with things that he loves about Henry, many of them come off the Incomplete List. After he sees how much Henry loves them, it becomes a thing. He starts putting the date on when he wrote the note. (Though they have a playful argument over the correct way to write the date.) He starts not only does he just stick the notes places like countertops and cabinets, he also hides them. He’ll stick one in the bottom of Henry’s sock drawer, under his laptop, inside his favorite mug, in the book Henry’s reading, in the pocket of his coat, etc. Alex takes it as a challenge to hide them as well as he can. He hides one so well that Henry doesn’t find it until they’re moving out of the brownstone. It’s dated as late Fall 2022. (As in, it’s been hidden for over three years.) It says something like “I love waking up next to you every morning. I want to do it for the rest of my life.”
Early on, they're pretty basic and just include things from the incomplete list or just say “I love you”. Over time, they become more elaborate. Some of the notes are quotes from historical love letters, like they had put in their emails. Some have song lyrics. Some have inside jokes. Some have reminders of things they’ve done together (spicy and not spicy). Some have puns Alex tries to make. The first time he stuck to Henry's favorite mug just has the description of how Henry likes his tea (how long he brews it, what he puts in his tea and how much, etc)
The notes also become color coded. 
Red is spicy things. 
Light yellow is things directly from the Incomplete List. 
Light blue is observations, like the tea or noting which sweater is Henry's favorite.
Hot pink is David related. 
Light pink is future pets. 
Purple/lavender is future child(ren)/fatherhood related. 
White is boring adulting (like reminders of appointments).
Novelty sticky notes (like taco shaped sticky notes) are mostly just “I love you” notes (written in glitter gel pen when Alex is feeling particularly extra). 
Of course, Henry eventually gets in on leaving sticky notes for Alex.* His are written on mint green sticky notes. (The date is written on those ones too.)
*This morning, I realized this is somewhat canon based on Casey’s Threads post...
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Also tagging @starkfridays cause she contributed to the discussion of this headcanon (and it seems the wonderful other people--Ellie, Ishita, and Barghav--who also contributed don't have Tumblr).
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cha-melodius · 3 months
firstprince + 💘 please and thank you kindly ☺️
💘 fake relationship / mutual pining / dared to kiss  (HI ROOP. please enjoy some fake relationship silliness, inspired by the fact that it's a million degrees outside. read all the kiss ficlets)
“Hey, you wanna fuck with my homophobic soon-to-be-ex boss?”
In theory, yes, he’s always up for fucking with homophobes, but the wicked grin on Alex’s face should have told him that this would be a bad idea.
So of course, Henry agrees.
It’s a pool party. It’s a bloody pool party in the Hamptons and Henry is not going to survive Alex Claremont-Diaz in his ridiculously tiny swimming trunks. Those shorts are criminal, actually. He’s especially not going to survive Alex plopping down on the lounge chair next to him and passing a bottle of sun cream over his shoulder.
“Do my back, would you?” Henry follows Alex’s line of sight over to where his soon-to-be-former boss is frowning at them disapprovingly, and Alex tosses a cheeky grin back at him. “Baby?”
Absolutely no survivors, to be certain.
Henry dutifully takes the bottle and smooths the cream over Alex’s back, careful not to miss any spots, and if he lingers a little long in doing so, well, it’s just to sell the deception. He almost thinks he feels Alex shiver a little as Henry’s fingers brush along the waistband of his trunks, but that’s impossible—it’s ridiculously warm out. Then he allows Alex to put sun cream on his back, which is horrible, terrible, the worst thing that’s ever happened to him, in fact.
(He never, ever wants it to stop.)
Somehow, Henry lets himself be dragged into the pool and talked into a game of chicken. He’s led to understand that usually it would be a woman sitting on a man’s shoulders, but one of Alex’s coworkers is a terrifying woman with long, dark hair pulled back in a ponytail, and she’s very confident she can take Alex and Henry down. Her husband—a lovely chap and fellow Brit, who Henry spent quite a bit of time talking to earlier—gives Henry an apologetic look for what is about to happen. Alex is, of course, undeterred.
The battle is hard fought and, look—Henry isn’t opposed to being strangled by Alex’s thighs, but he didn’t imagine it would be like this. Eventually Zahra is victorious, sending Alex crashing into the pool, and of course he drags Henry along with him. They come up spluttering, and Alex loops his arms around Henry’s neck, pulling him close as they bob in the water, catching their breath.
“Hey,” Alex breathes, his face way too close to Henry’s. “Kiss me?”
Henry swallows hard and glances around, but he can’t see Alex’s boss anywhere. “Because your boss is watching?” he asks.
���Because I want you to,” Alex says, as if it’s that simple.
Maybe it is. Henry doesn’t let himself overthink it, for once; he leans in, wrapping his arms around Alex’s waist, and kisses him. Slides their mouths together, sweet and slow, restrained but just heated enough to promise more.
“Can I tell you a secret?” Alex asks when they part.
“I didn’t just ask you to this to fuck with my boss.”
Henry’s heart is in this throat. “No?”
“No, baby,” Alex says laughing a little. “I want this to be real.” He pauses, his eyebrows crinkling uncertainly. “If… you do, too?”
Henry kisses him again, which he figures is answer enough.
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I’ve seen someone else mention this, but I also wanted to talk about this
The erasure of queerness in the movie is something I definitely did not expect.
Sure, it’s a love story between two men, but grab Alex and Henry and make them a man and a woman, the movie doesn’t change much. Maybe monarchy instead of being homophobic and racist now it’s only racist, and they hate Alex not because he’s a man but because he’s brown. They kept it a secret because of monarchy’s racism, but love triumphs at the end. That’s why the movie didn’t hit as hard as the book. The movie is just some forbidden love movie, rwrb is a book where the main characters are in a forbidden relationship, but it’s not the whole point of the book.
Alex discovering his sexuality, Nora being bisexual, whatever Pez had going on, whatever June and Nora had going on, Alex learning about queer history, the historical lgbt love letters at the ends of their e-mails, all the references to queer history and literature, THE SHELTERS, monarchy’s homophobia (yes, it appears on the movie but it’s really glossed over. It doesn’t show just how homophobic they actually are in the book), Alex stating how he knows more about himself the more intimate (both in the sexual and non sexual sense) he is with Henry, Luna being gay and unapologetic about it and being exactly Alex’s queer role model, even before Alex knew he was queer himself, THE FUCKING SHELTERS
I’m so so mad about the shelters being missing.
Henry and Pez made shelters for lgbt youth, so they can never feel as alone as Henry once felt, so they can always have a safe space so they know there’s nothing wrong with them no matter what the adults in their life might say, no matter what the preacher or their classmates or the right wing politicians in their tv might say, where they can find hope, and friends, and a home if they never had one before, or at least, one where they could truly be themselves. The shelters are, I would say, crucial to Henry’s character development. He went from hiding, believing being gay was “the most unforgivable part of him”, not even trying to come out because he just succumbed to live an unhappy life in the closet, to someone who’s out, living with his boyfriend and running lgbt shelters with his best friend so young queer people can move past all the things he felt and believed time ago, so they know they are perfectly normal and loved and safe in there, as long as Henry and Pez are there they’re safe, they don’t have to hide anymore.
Henry became the queer elder he needed in his life when he was younger. The lgbt adult who could tell him than it would get better, no matter how bad it was at the moment, no matter if he couldn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel, because it was there, he just had to hold on a bit more. Than there was absolutely nothing wrong with him.
Another thing than I seen changed than a normal person might not notice, but I did, because im obsessed, is the karaoke scene.
In the book, it takes place in something resembling a gay bar (maybe not exactly, but it’s full of queer people), and look at this
Three rounds of shots appear —one from a drunk bachelorette party, one from a herd of surly butch chicks at the bar, and one from a table of drag queens. They raise a toast, and Alex feels more welcomed than he ever has before, even at his family’s victory rallies.
Look again
and Alex feels more welcomed than he ever has before, even at his family’s victory rallies.
This book is about about finding community, finding yourself, finding love and letting yourself accept that love.
Do you think Alex in the movie has felt “more welcomed than he ever has before, even at his family’s victory rallies” at any point? Has he been with another queer person in the whole movie, except Henry, at all?? Because Nora’ sexuality was not mentioned at all no references nothing and with the whole Pez thing everyone could see Nora as just straight
Henry and Alex in the movie are kind of without community, alienated from it, they are, in my personal opinion, the kind of gay people republicans would consider “good gay people” who “don’t shove it on everyone’s faces and just wanna be left alone” (in the rwrb universe where they exist and are real not actual republican people watching the movie). They don’t really take a role on the community, in the book, Alex and Henry being queer is an important part of themselves, again, Alex feeling like he knows himself better, Henry whole internalized homophobia, their shared interest for lgbt history and literature, Henry and Pez making the shelters, etc etc meanwhile in the movie Alex and Henry just happen to be gay and bisexual, but it’s no deeper than that.
And don’t get me started on creating Miguel, a queer character, and making him the one to leak the e-mails or smth instead of a republican candidate
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recently the rwrb quote that has been most resonating with me is "'[it's] fine. it's all very deeply fine. a whole lifetime of fine. ... that's not good enough for me.'" and it got me thinking that even though henry is the one who says this, who has been more explicitly struggling with believing that his sexuality was a bad thing, arguably alex has been suffering some of the same issues.
even though in a lot of ways alex is very unapologetic about himself, largely gained from being half mexican in america, during his sexuality crisis he comes to realize that he largely tried to avoid the epiphany of being bi because of how it got in the way of his "universally appealing" public persona of fsotus, especially since his race already feels like one strike against him.
and i guess i just find it so compelling that both henry and alex are struggling with the same things of wishing for that sort of acceptability and trying to avoid some part of who they are, despite being very different people who deal with that issue in vastly different ways, yet through their growing relationship they decide that they don't want to hide forever and try to be acceptable to the entire public. yes, they were forcibly outed and that was horrible, but even before that they decided that they would tell people eventually.
alex is the one to decide first when he chooses henry over that universal acceptability—he could have simply let henry go after he fled the new years party. but alex didn't. he cornered henry at the correspondence dinner and dragged him into the red room to finally resolve months of tension between the two of them.
henry makes the choice later: after alex flies across the atlantic ocean to call him an obtuse fucking asshole and then he sees philip the next day who is the outcome of looking for that universal acceptability. and that's when henry decides it's actually not good enough for him, not after a lifetime of already doing that. regardless of how terrifying being honest and trying for happiness is, maybe the alternative is just as, if not more, terrifying
ultimately at its core rwrb is a story about two people who have been told/made to believe that some part of them, of their identity, is wrong and bad but through meeting and getting to know each other they slowly unravel that belief and choose to be themselves and to be happy, regardless of what the rest of the world says. and given the legislation that's been sweeping through america in the last few years, i think that that's really beautiful and special and kind of what a lot of people deserve to hear.
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Sexy Saturday
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You know what I find incredibly sexy? Confidence. And people who give me a reason to use one of my favorite words in the best way.
These little assholes have the AUDACITY to stand in front of The President and Prime Minster fully erect, without shame. And make and laugh at jokes about them being better against walls and the night being young, so who knows if they'll wind up doing something crazy again. And no holding back in their reactions or facial expressions. Like what the fuck? Who does this?
Alex Claremont-Diaz and Henry Fox. Sexy little fuckers. I love them.
I'm fully aware that Alex is the one who said what he did. And he dragged Henry into it, gave him the push, and the man remains confidently standing beside Alex. I think the movie did a good job of taking into account how Alex viewed Henry's confidence, and this scene made me think of this from the book.
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nhasablogg · 4 months
Lace shirt
Fandom: Red, White and Royal Blue
Characters: Henry/Alex
Anonymous said: I had a little prompt where maybe Alex and Henry are getting ready for an event and one of them is tying the others tie and fixing their collar and discover that the other is ticklish ??
A/N: Changed it up a little bit!
Words: 800
Alex is wearing a lace shirt which leaves little to the imagination and all Henry can think of is that he wants to rip it off of him right now. It’s all black, collared and loose on him, the perfect size for Henry to easily slip his fingers beneath it which he’s done one too many times since Alex tried to start getting dressed.
“We’ll be late,” Alex says with a laugh as Henry once again pushes up the hem of it to splay his fingers over his lower belly.
“The parade isn’t going anywhere,” he replies, although he knows it will be in poor taste to arrive late to their own makeshift pride parade, which they have worked tirelessly on the past few months. It was Alex’s idea to play around with their usual suits for the occasion. Henry’s attire is much more tame than Alex’s, with illustrations of oil paintings where men are kissing all over it. Alex says it’s more fun and creative, but Henry is too blinded by how hot he looks in his to see it that way. 
“What tie should I wear?” Alex asks and redirects Henry’s attention to the two on the bed.
Henry reluctantly lets him walk away, hands slipping out of his shirt and hanging hopelessly by his sides. “I still think you should wear a collar.”
Alex snorts, although Henry can see the heat rising on his cheeks and grins at him. “I need to look somewhat put together, you know.”
Henry approaches him, eyeing the options. One is dark green, a color that looks incredibly good on him. The other is light pink, a color which coincidentally matches some of the hues on Henry’s shirt.
He picks it up and beckons Alex over, wrapping it around his neck wordlessly. Alex stays still, eyes glued to Henry’s face, although Henry makes a point to keep his own on the tie as he works the knot. Alex had been surprised that he knew how to tie a tie so well. “I reckoned you had people doing that for you,” he said and Henry had rolled his eyes before kissing him silly.
He’s tied Alex’s tie for him before. He had a theory that Alex wasn’t as bad at it as he pretended to be, but who was he to complain? He leans closer now, Alex’s scent so intoxicating, and he lets his finger brush over Alex’s throat mostly as an attempt to regain his composure, because he knows Alex will recoil with a whine and look at him with that stupidly beautiful grin. Henry grips the tie tighter to keep him in place and watches the flicker of panic on Alex’s face as he tries to determine whether Henry will do that again.
“Don’t,” he tries, even though Henry knows he doesn’t mean it. “We really can’t be late.”
Henry tilts his head. “Let me fix your collar.”
Alex scrunches up his shoulders as Henry slips his fingertips between the collar and his neck, dragging them gently over the skin in a way he knows tickles like crazy. “Oh my god, wait-”
There go the giggles, giddy and high pitched and making Henry want him even more. Alex grips his elbows, but doesn’t push him away, and so they sway on the same spot, back and forth depending on how Alex tries to evade him. He’s doing a poor job of it, but Henry doesn’t call him out on it. Instead he zeroes in on that spot on his right side, insisting that he needs two hands to fix it and curls his fingers repeatedly over the whole area.
Alex tries a new tactic and leans his head forward, so close that their foreheads are touching now. Henry can feel his laughter in his bones. Can feel Alex’s hands nearly crushing his elbows as his grip keeps tightening. That stupid lace shirt. This ridiculous pink tie.
“Let me fix the back too,” he says, grinning when Alex whines and shivers as he runs his fingers over the nape of his neck. He leans back to try to block him which leaves his throat perfectly exposed. Henry has never once resisted the opportunity to press his lips to it thus far, and today was no different.
“Henry, please,” Alex finally begs, pushing at his chest, his laughter melting into something different. “I don’t have time to be horny.”
And Henry laughs only because he knows it’s true and because he knows he will tear this stupid tie off of him in approximately eight or so hours. Henry has always been the patient one of them, although he carries that badge quite reluctantly now.
“The pink one,” he says as he straightens, straightening the tie all the same. “It looks quite good with the shirt.”
Alex clears his throat. “Thank you.”
“Oh, my absolute pleasure.”
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ninzied · 11 months
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his hands are in my hair, his
in which henry’s hand in his hair just does things to him, okay?
He’s not the big spoon all the time.
When they’re pressed for space (the limo in Berlin, for example), he somehow ends up with his head tucked into Henry’s shoulder—blissed out, fuckstruck, arm draped over Henry’s torso, Henry’s fingers in his hair.
Or when Alex falls asleep in other places Henry would call inopportune (listen—the Met Gala ran late and it’s a long train ride back to their brownstone), it’s always to Henry’s body wrapped warmly around his, the soothing feel of Henry’s fingers lightly dragging through his curls, against his scalp down to his nape, and…mmm…Alex can’t help but nod right off.
All right, so, maybe he’s starting to see a pattern form here.
Henry has a thing for his hair. Alex knows it. Alex likes it. (More than likes it—can be very vocal about it in fact—and it’s not not partly because of the way Henry flushes pretty pink when they’re dancing in front of a statue of Venus and Alex makes how much he enjoys it known directly into Henry’s ear.)
Alex is also learning that under the right circumstances, he likes it to the point where his brain short-circuits by shutting off altogether—which, whether it happens while they’re at June and Nora’s or on the couch in their own home, so entirely not his own doing.
Alex can’t help if his boyfriend’s obsessed with touching his hair.
Anyway, case in point: tonight they’re sprawled out on said couch, Alex with a textbook, Henry with David curled up on his other side, the two of them engrossed in their third episode of Bake Off. Alex is so content that he feels warm with it, even halfway to drowsy, even though he still has another chapter or four to get through before bed.
It’s a valiant effort, staying awake, considering Henry’s wound his hand through Alex’s hair yet again, his elbow resting on Alex’s shoulder, and he smells like home when Alex buries his face into his chest, just breathing him in, breathing in this, and—wait. Wait a minute.
Alex leans back, though not far enough to pull Henry’s hand away from his hair. Not that, never that. “How dare you try to lull me to sleep with your hand in my hair right in the middle of biscuit week?” he demands, suitably indignant for someone who’s just yawned so loudly that even David looked reproachful.
Henry levels him with a bemused expression. “Darling,” he says, like Alex is being a little bit slow. “You’re the one who put my hand there.”
“You put my hand there,” Henry repeats. The corner of his mouth twitches up in the slightest hint of a smirk, which Alex resolves to do something about momentarily. “You literally reached over about five minutes ago, wormed your way beneath my arm and then bodily forced my hand in your hair.” Almost a full-blown smirk now, and yep, Alex is definitely going to kiss it right off his face in a second. “Wouldn’t be the first time, either, in case you happened to wonder.”
Lies, Alex thinks.
“Lies,” Alex tells him. “That is not a thing.” At Henry’s look, which is altogether too smug for his liking (another lie, thinks Alex again, he actually likes it a hell of a lot), he leans back in, pressing his nose against Henry’s jawline. “But I do like it when you talk dirty to me.”
Henry’s breath gives the tiniest hitch, fingers tightening almost reflexively in Alex’s hair. It sends a full-body shudder down his spine, driving all rational thought from his mind as he presses even closer, and, well—even if it is a thing that he does (it isn’t (oh, it so, so is)), Alex can hardly be held accountable when this is the state it leaves him in, can he?
also on ao3 because why not.
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kiwiana-writes · 4 months
Six(ish) Sentence Sunday
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I've already shared a few snippets from my trans!Alex Fandom Trumps Hate fic, which I am SO fucking excited about—but I've also taken my usual batshit chaotic approach of 'just write stuff as inspiration hits and fit it all together later', and I realised a not-insignificant period of time into doing this that I'd written some stuff that was inherently contradictory. But I also LOVED it all and didn't wanna give anything up... so long story short, now I have TWO trans!Alex WIPs 🤣 One is the longer, more Big Feelings fic for FTH... and the other is this, which will be a bit shorter. And pornier. I mean, they'll both have porn and feelings, because I am who I am, but... you know. Let's fucking go. (I might try to smash this one out for @rwrbgenderfunkyfest if I can!)
“Jesus fuck, sweetheart.” Alex buries one hand in his own curls as he comes down, the other resting on the top of Henry’s head, who has only moved far enough away to press soft kisses to Alex’s thigh. Henry’s face is a fucking mess, and he looks… well, he would say Henry looks unduly proud of himself, except for the fact that his knees currently have the approximate consistency and weight-bearing capabilities of a particularly booze-heavy jello shot, so really, Henry’s earned the smugness that’s radiating out of every pore. “That was—” “Yes, it was rather.” Henry smirks, his eyes locked on Alex’s as he flattens it, dragging it up towards his hip before planting a hard, toothy kiss there. His hand slides up Alex’s other leg until his thumb is resting at the edge of the scar above Alex’s pubic bone, and Alex reads the question in his eyes half a second before he voices it. “May I?” Alex blinks. In his experience, people tend to ignore his scars completely during sex, even if they have practical questions about the equipment. But Henry’s already sucked him off until he saw God—if he gets any better at it, Alex might die. “If you want.” Henry’s smile softens into something sweet and hopeful and breathtaking, and then he leans forward to press an almost unbearably gentle kiss to the raised skin there. “Christ, you’re beautiful.” It’s so quiet, Alex isn’t sure he was meant to hear it at all.
Tagging @agame-writes @affectionatelyrs @anincompletelist @blueeyedgrlwrites @cactusdragon517
@celeritas2997 @cha-melodius @clottedcreamfudge @cricketnationrise @dumbpeachjuice
@everwitch-magiks @firenati0n @getmehighonmagic @happiness-of-the-pursuit @heysweetheart-writes
@hgejfmw-hgejhsf @indestructibleheart @inexplicablymine @jellibuns @junebugclaremontdiaz
@leaves-of-laurelin @littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @matherines @myheartalivewrites
@ninzied @nocoastposts @nontoxic-writes @notspecialbabe @orchidscript
@piratefalls @read-and-write- @rmd-writes @sherryvalli @ships-to-sail
@sparklepocalypse @stereopticons @thesleepyskipper @tintagel-or-cockleshells @welcometololaland
@whimsymanaged and, as always, anyone who wants to play! (If you take the open tag please tag me so I can see!!)
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loveindomitable · 4 months
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@princonsort: plotted starter
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Henry breaking up with him is one of the worst possible things that have ever happened to Alex. No, he’s not being dramatic. And actually, Henry didn’t break up with him to his face, he ghosted him after Alex told him he loved him. Just left him there on that dock and then left the next morning after claiming a headache the rest of the day. He had a feeling HE was Henry’s headache and now, well now Alex felt like a fool. A heartbroken fool at that.
Alex almost wished he hadn’t said anything. If he hadn’t said anything, Henry would still be answering his texts, they’d still be arranging to see each other whenever they could. But now, now he felt like he was drowning and Alex didn’t know how to get back up. June and Nora tried their best to cheer him up and he loved them for it, but it wasn’t enough. He just wanted Henry. And being home didn’t help matters because even there everything reminded him of him.
He was in his room, moping when he should be doing classwork, when Zahra burst into his room asking him what he did. He stared at her, having no idea what she was talking about when she told him to look online. Confused, he looked up his name and saw that the emails had been leaked. Every last one of them, every private thing between himself and Henry out on display for the world to see. Alex felt like he was going to be sick and he did and then when he was dragged to the office with his mom, he had a panic attack on the way there. He hadn’t had one of those since high school, but now, he felt like the world was closing in. And the person he wanted most wasn’t there and he didn’t want him and … and … and.
When Alex wasn’t freaking out so much, more he was zoned out and unsure about everything and let everyone else handle things, he was given a choice. No, it wasn’t really a choice. Mary had some crack pot idea to make them put on a show, to show the commonwealth that they were in love as much as they appeared in the emails. If they didn’t, Henry would have to go it alone, which didn’t help matters either. Even though anger boiled in him, Alex agreed to go, because he wasn’t going to let Henry handle that on his own. He was afraid of seeing Henry again though. It had been a couple of months since Henry had left him and he wasn’t sure how the other would act around him. They’d been able to put up an act before and deep down, Alex knew he just wanted to see Henry again even if he was also afraid to. So, now here he was, on the plane and off to London. When he arrived at Kensginton, Alex was led to his old guest bedroom, but where he wished to be more than anywhere else was at Henry’s side instead.
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iboatedhere · 5 months
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After over 40,000 words they're finally kissing in my @aroyallybigbangrwrb fic.
Thank you for the tags @lemonlyman-dotcom @maxbegone @orchidscript @suseagull04
Unlike the sterile vibe of the kitchen, Henry’s bedroom is soft and cozy; more like a cottage in the English countryside than a townhouse in Georgetown. 
There’s an oversized leather armchair in the corner by the window with a stack of books on the table beside it. A dog bed on the floor and photos hanging on the wall. Alex wants to stop and study each one. He wants to listen to Henry tell him the story behind the landscapes and have him put names to the faces. He wants to know what Henry thinks about the book that’s on the nightstand and why the others that fill the bookcase against the adjacent wall were chosen to live up here instead of downstairs in the living room. 
The questions disappear when Henry pushes him back onto the perfectly made bed and all he can think about is the feel of Henry’s weight as he settles above him, warm hands beneath his sweater, and teeth dragging against his throat.
“You are not what I was expecting.”
“In a good way, I hope,” Henry says, teeth catching on Alex’s earlobe.
Alex shivers. “You’re all prim and proper with that fancy as fuck accent.”
Henry huffs a laugh against his neck.
“But really you’re just a regular horny guy who wants to hear me beg while getting me naked as fast a possible.”
Henry sits back on Alex’s thighs and arches his brow. “A regular guy?”
“A hot guy,” Alex corrects. “A sexy as fuck guy.” 
Henry hums, his hands dropping to the button of Alex’s jeans, fingers tracing the zipper.
“I’m the same,” he continues and Henry smiles.
“You think you’re sexy as well?”
“I think I need us both naked right now or I’ll explode.” He bites his lip and runs his hands over Henry’s thighs. “Please.”
Henry takes a deep breath and slides off Alex’s lap to stand at the foot of the bed. Alex pushes himself up onto his elbows so he can watch Henry pull his sweater over his head and drop it to the floor. 
Alex has to touch. He has to slot his fingers between the grooves of Henry’s ribcage and trace the freckles and beauty marks that dot his shoulders and chest with his tongue. His head swims when Henry unbuttons his jeans and takes everything off in one smooth motion.
“Is this more like what you were expecting?” Henry asks and all Alex can do is blow out a breath. “If I knew this is what it would take to shut you up,” Henry says with a dangerous grin as he crawls over Alex, “I would’ve done it ages ago.”
Alex touches Henry’s bare skin for only a moment before Henry is gone.
“I’ll be right back,” he says as he gets to his feet.
Alex balls his hands into fists in frustration. “You’ve gotta be fucking kidding me.”
“Take everything off,” Henry instructs as he steps back toward the ensuite bathroom, “I’ll only be gone for a moment.”
“You’re insufferable,” Alex says in a huff as he sits up and shucks off his shirt. “The fucking worst. I’m taking back every nice thing I’ve ever said about you.”
 “I’m certain you don’t mean that,” Henry calls from the bathroom. 
“I’m certain I do,” Alex mocks as he wiggles out of his jeans and boxers, kicking them dramatically off the side of the bed. “Maybe I’ll just jerk off without you.”
“If you’re thinking of me while you do it, is it really without me?”
“Who said I would be thinking about you?”
“Who else?” Henry asks, stepping back into the bedroom with a condom and a bottle of lube in his hand. 
That shuts Alex up. That makes it all real in a way it hadn’t been before.
Tagging: @cha-melodius @jmagnabo92 @anincompletelist @piratefalls @porcelainmortal
@magicandarchery @bitbybitwrites @henryspearl @inexplicablymine @oxfordslutphase
@fullsunsets @sunshinestrand
@cricketnationrise @liminalmemories21 @luainthewild @youcancallmekathyp
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onthewaytosomewhere · 2 months
it's a 7 sentence WIP (work is published!!) day of the week
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so today will be the last day for snips of my lil (15k) dark & cozy fic - CUZ IT'S POSTED!!! so get ur firstprince, southern philanthropy, and even some junora in there
nights at the moonlight coffee shop is done & dusted
thanks for the tags today @jmagnabo92 @henryspearl & @inell (& tuesday 💚)
also thanks for sunday (& tuesday) tags (under the cut cuz there's a few ) and now the last snippet from it *wipes tear*
Alex drags himself from the kiss to ask, “So, what does this require?”
“All that is required is we both ‘spill our seed’ and repeat a few quick phrases. How we do that is entirely up to us.’
“Wonderful,” Alex mutters against Henry’s lips, retaking them and practically climbing up him to get closer. When Henry grabs under his ass and hoists him up the wall, Alex gives thanks for vampire strength. While he wasn’t always as big as now, post-werewolf transition, he’s always been solid from the years of lacrosse and then working out and running while in college and law school to keep himself sane. Being held against the wall while kissing Henry and exploring with his hands makes him feel safe and wanted in a way he’s not experienced before.
sunday tags that i'm tossing back if ya haven't already done this @kiwiana-writes @sophie1973 @eusuntgratie @tailsbeth-writes @thesleepyskipper
@caterpills @adreamareads @firenati0n @run-for-chamo-miles
@stellarmeadow & @blueeyedgrlwrites
& of course @typicalopposite for the tueday tag - thanks luv 💚
and some just plain ole tag ur its (if ya haven't already) to @anincompletelist @bitbybitwrites @catdadacd @cha-melodius @cricketnationrise
@duchessdepolignaca03 @emmalostinwonderland @england-would-fall @everwitch-magiks @firstsprinces
@forever-fixating @getmehighonmagic @heysweetheart-writes @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @inexplicablymine
@littlemisskittentoes @lizzie-bennetdarcy @mikibwrites @myheartalivewrites @ninzied
@nocoastposts @piratefalls @porcelainmortal @priincebutt @softboynick
@sparklepocalypse @suseagull04 @taste-thewaste @theprinceandagcd @thedramasummer
@thinkof-england @tinyarmedtrex @captainjunglegym @bigassbowlingballhead @dragonflylady77
& HUGE OPEN TAG FOR ANYONE WHO WANTS TO DO THIS AND I SOMEHOW MISSED (tag me plz i wanna see ur sentences too)
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anincompletelist · 5 months
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happy wednesday! :D
HELLO I know I have missed at least the last one (if not two) rounds of tags but I have the brain space to share today so THANK YOU @onthewaytosomewhere @welcometololaland @littlemisskittentoes @kiwiana-writes
@suseagull04 @msmarvelouswinchester @priincebutt @itsmaybitheway
@thinkof-england @thedramasummer @nocoastposts @agostobuwan for the lovely tags! I am very much looking forward to reading through all of these this afternoon! <33333
today's snip is a bit longer, so I'll slip it under the cut! I *think* this is the first time I've debuted this guy so.... enjoy? kdjhfkjhsgkfhjg
hope you're all well! xx
“So… I guess you’ve probably seen the news,” Alex says from the doorway, more so to his shuffling feet than to Henry himself. 
“I usually try to actively avoid watching the news,” Henry tells him. “You’ll have to be more specific.” 
“Right. The, uh, Claremont-Diaz-for-2040-thing?” 
“Ah, yes,” Henry nods, his fingers twitching where they’re tucked underneath his crossed arms. “Your dream come true. Your parents must be so proud.” 
Alex’s face twists up into an odd half-grimace, half-smile, a divot between his brows as he surveys his wringing hands. “Anyway. I was kind of hoping that…” 
“If you’re looking for some kind of endorsement or political favor I’m afraid I’m not involved in any of that anymore.” 
His gaze finally snaps to Henry, shaking his head. “Oh, no. I wouldn’t— I just…” 
He sighs, dropping his hands, lifting one to drag through his curls, much longer than Henry remembers and a little silver with age. He’s always been able to tell when Alex was overthinking, even if they were never close. That much, at least, hasn’t changed. 
“I was wondering if I could live with you. For a little while. Here,” Alex says finally. 
Henry blinks. “Sorry?” 
“I was wondering,” Alex huffs, his eyes rolling briefly, “if I could live with you.” 
It doesn’t make any sense. Alex is a well known politician back in New York, the primary presidential candidate for the upcoming election. Henry presumes he could likely stay just about anywhere he’d like, and he has an exceedingly difficult time believing that that place is in the foothills of Finland with the ex-prince he’d made very clear on several occasions he, quite emphatically, disliked. 
The damage control hadn’t worked, because Henry was damaged enough for the both of them. The avoiding was better. He’d thought he could be rid of Alex for good. Could finally put to rest the feelings he’d had in his youth, shove them under the years that have built up between them since then and pretend they never existed in the first place.
Staring into his wide, hopeful, bottomless brown eyes, the same fire in them from years past, Henry thinks he really should have known better. 
“I’m sorry,” Henry murmurs, his throat tight, “it sounds like you’re asking me if you could live here.” 
Alex only shrugs. “Well, I mean. It should, probably. Since that’s what I’m doing.”
no pressure, of course, and OPEN TAG!
@wordsofhoneydew @firenati0n @hgejfmw-hgejhsf @affectionatelyrs
@cha-melodius @anchoredarchangel @rmd-writes @read-and-write-
@magicandarchery @happiness-of-the-pursuit @getmehighonmagic @junebugclaremontdiaz
@bigassbowlingballhead @eusuntgratie @inexplicablymine @whimsymanaged
(here's hoping the tags work friends jshdkjshgkfhjg <333)
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cha-melodius · 3 months
Okay, there are a few on this list that would be very interesting but I thought this one could be fun for firstprince! 💜
Thank you for this, friend!
💜 surprise kiss / impulsive kiss (another one just over my self-imposed limit, oh well lol. I got a few of these purple hearts and so we'll get various iterations. here's a canon divergence one! send me a heart and get a ficlet)
This is not how he thought tonight was going to go.
Not the falling into the cake part. Obviously no one could have predicted that. No, the part that really surprised him was Henry’s reaction in the moment, how the shove that Alex thought was pushing him away was actually Henry putting himself between Alex and the toppling cake. How Henry had curled protectively over the top of him, shielding Alex from the excessive weight and the wooden structure within it.
How, in the heart-stopping silence that followed, he’d stared up at blue, blue eyes—not haughty or irritated but concerned, like Alex was something important to him, something to be protected—with Henry’s body pressed to his from hip to chest, and had the sudden and insane urge to kiss those full, pink lips hovering so close to his.
He didn’t, of course. Then again, maybe it’d have distracted everyone from the cake fiasco.
Now, though—now that they’ve both been shoved in some side room and told to wait here for whatever hell is about to rain down on them, buttercream and cake still coating their tuxes and clumping in their hair and smeared on their skin—now he can’t stop fucking thinking about it.
It doesn’t mean anything, right? It’s just a weird intrusive thought that won’t go away, like the way he wants to lick that streak of buttercream off Henry’s cheek. Everything is so fucked up that he’s having a mental breakdown. That must be the explanation.
“Why’d you do that?” Alex asks instead as he desperately searches for some of the familiar animosity he’s used to when dealing with Henry.
Henry frowns at him. “Do what?”
“Shield me like you were some kind of bodyguard.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” Henry huffs, looking away as his cheeks turn faintly pink. “If I did, it was subconsciously and I haven’t a clue why.”
Nah, Alex doesn’t believe that for a second. Well, maybe the subconscious part, but Henry absolutely knows why. “Bullshit,” he says, stepping forward into Henry’s space to force Henry to look at him again. “No one puts themselves in harm’s way for someone they hate.”
“I’ve never hated you, Alex,” Henry sighs. “You’re the one who’s always seeking me out to antagonize me. Who can’t leave well enough alone. You’re the one who—”
Something in Alex snaps. Before he knows what he’s doing, he reaches out with both hands to grab Henry by the lapels, crumpling the fine fabric of his tux in his sticky fists, and hauls him in. Crushes their mouths together in a furious kiss that tastes of sugar and regret. Because that’s exactly what Alex feels when it happens, when Henry’s already-open mouth goes further slack in shock, when he realizes he just kissed a prince out of nowhere and is probably gonna get locked up in the Tower of London.
Alex jerks back, though he doesn’t let go of Henry’s lapels. Some kind of self-preservation instinct, probably, to keep Henry from decking him. Henry stares at him, his pink mouth still open and tempting—fuck—as his wide eyes rove all over Alex’s face.
“—who kissed me,” he breathes at last, an odd note of wonder in his voice.
Alex winces. “Fuck, I didn’t mean—”
Then Henry’s hands are in his hair and gripping the back of his neck, dragging Alex back in, and oh. Oh.
Henry’s kissing him back, and he likes it.
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