#Alexandar Soundarrajan
How the journey of Alexandar Soundarrajan has started from scratch to brilliance?
“Success is founded on Success,” therefore let go of all those fantasies and sentiments. A HERO may be created from ZERO. Start where you are, with what you have! Timing, persistence, and ten years of effort will make you appear to be an instant success. Alexandar Soundarrajan is in the same boat. The early stages of any company’s life are one of the most exciting moments. You scrounge together enough money to pay a few staff, fund the business on your own, and work tirelessly to make it a success. Perseverance is something that these entrepreneurs and professionals are well-versed in. They have experienced the financial challenges of beginning a business or overcoming a business difficulty to attain success. This is something that everyone can do. The issue is that many businesses begin with strong intentions of establishing a new mentality system, but ultimately fall short. Making that method a part of your routine is the solution. Don’t put it off any longer. Don’t squander your time longing for a “better” start. Instead, make the most of the current and true starting point you have. Even though I am a young leader, I came to it somewhat late. I have a unique viewpoint, thanks in part to my family and in part, to the work I performed for 10 years: negotiating trade deals and working on aid programs in Southeast Asia. Young people’s voices must be heard at all times. We can’t just sit back and listen to the discussions concerning our future. We must take action and shape the future in the way we choose.
What was Alexandar Soundarrajan’s first occupation?
On November 2, 1985, Alexandar Soundarrajan was born. Dr. Ambedkar Global Law Institute awarded him a BA, L.L.B degree. He is endowed with such a fortune that he acquire a leading role in his only film Vengayam. It’s not about mimicking someone else when it comes to acting. It’s about finding the similarity in what looks to be distinct and then finding myself there. Without curiosity and comprehension, acting is nothing more than a business. As a consequence, it changes into creation. The best acting is done from the heart. It’s not intellectual, mechanical, or mechanical; it’s instinctive.
On the inside, an actor must be heated, yet on the exterior, he or she must be tranquil. Remembering that we have control over our thinking and that everything begins there is one of the things that help us get through difficult situations. This is all about having a good attitude. The performer’s physical appearance must be improved and Alexandar Soundarrajan has a handsome physical appearance. The actor’s voice should be better. However, the actor’s mindset is the most important consideration.
Why did he decide to work for Makkal TV as an anchor?
Alexandar has a strong belief: don’t be angry and resentful about what occurred, even if you have a solid right to be. Put your energy into ideas and actions that will help you in your day-to-day existence. He has been in a few television programs and has served as an anchor for Makkal TV (a Tamil language television station).
What was Alexandar Soundarrajan’s role in the movie Vengayam?
Alexander starred in his debut film, Vengayam, in 2012. Sankagiri Rajkumar directed Vengayam, in which Alexandar played the lead role, and Mr. Cheran Pandian is a Winner of the National Film Award and was released on March 23, 2012. The plot centers on a hamlet full of bogus godmen. The film received positive reviews from critics but was a commercial failure. “The films very much follow the format of vigilante flicks but adds several unique elements to the table — for one, the protagonists are hardly ones you would anticipate in such a film,” the Times of India noted. Nowrunning.com’s Rohit Ramachandran gave it a 3/5 rating, considering it a decent try. It received an excellent rating on Sify’s Moviebuzz. Vengayam, according to Indiglitz, was an attempt to raise awareness. The Behind woods Review Board, on the other hand, termed it “More than simply trivialities.”
What function does Alexandar Soundarrajan have in the business world?
He began assisting his father in the establishment of his family company in 2013. Dr. M. Soundarrajan, his father (chairman of Hijau Group of Companies established in 1987.) Hijau associate Pvt Ltd is a business development consulting organization that provides different outcomes for those strategies as well as the implementation of business approaches that help with business growth.
This organization employs innovative and well-proven methods to provide clients with actionable results in a quick, efficient, and cost-effective manner. In a nutshell, they have a thorough understanding of who their consumer is and what they value; this is how to think about innovation.
Hijau Agro Fresh Food
believes the conviction that the success of small and marginalized farmers is of enormous value is at the heart of Farmer’s Fresh. They had the idea five years ago to create an organization that would empower and enrich the lives of small farmers. They aimed to assist them in increasing output and improving the price of their agricultural commodities. Today, they are happy to have made a tiny difference in the lives of 1200 Tamil Nadu families.
NRI Legal Services (Needhi Foundation which is the largest foundation in South India) and Hijau Associates Pvt Ltd are managed by Alexandar Soundarrajan. NRI Legal Services is a premier global legal management organization that specializes in providing services to Non-Resident Indians and persons of Indian ancestry living abroad. They specialize in providing specialized legal services to the Indian diaspora located overseas on matters relating to immovable and moveable properties. After two decades of dedicated service to the Indian diaspora in the United States on land/property/finance issues, they are now considered “experts” in this subject. Their staff is well-versed in all elements of the law, giving us an advantage over other legal experts who may be equally trained but lack expertise solely dealing with NRI or abroad Indian concerns.
He is also the Managing Director of Glube.In Southeast Asia, Glube is a well-known brand name and a well-established participant in the specialty oil and lubricants market. Specialty oils and lubricants are available from us. Lube cam Traders Sd Bhd made it, and Hijau Associates Pvt Ltd powered it. We import raw materials (i.e. base oil) mostly from the Middle East, additives are purchased locally from select multi-national organizations, and waxes are procured locally and imported from other nations for our specialty oils and lubricants products. He is also a board member of the Food Corporation of India, Ministry of Consumer Affairs, Food and Public Distribution.
What have you taken out of Alexandar Soundarrajan’s struggles?
There is one thing that must be done for a business to be successful. Without it, one is doomed to fail. That is a job. I haven’t given you any new information. Everyone understands that you can’t be successful in anything without putting in the effort. Why isn’t everyone employed? Because some guys lack the one quality that motivates them to work: zeal. No one can provide you with it. You must obtain it for yourself, and the only way to become passionate about something is to have a complete understanding of it. You’ve never encountered a man who was eager yet sluggish. Alexandar Soundarrajan’s life is a magnificent life lesson. Life owes you nothing since you already own all you require. But you owe it to yourself to make the most of the situation.
Alexandar Soundarrajan’s success hack is as follows:
The secret to having a happy life, according to Alexandar Soundarrajan’s life, is to pay more attention to the beginnings than the ends. So many people claim to want a new life, but then take the one they have for granted every minute. Do not subject yourself to this. Don’t cling to things that aren’t there anymore. Don’t wait till the end of your life to know how valuable the current moment is. The wonderful life is here, and it starts right now when you stop wishing for anything else. Three simple words can set you free from your problems and lead you ahead. These are the words: “From now on…”
                             “When We Give Someone Our Time
                       We Give a Portion of Our Life that We Will Never Take Back”                 ________________________________________________                                            The Great Alexander
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What function does Alexandar Soundarrajan have in the business world?
On November 2, 1985, Alexandar Soundarrajan was born. Dr. Ambedkar Global Law Institute awarded him a BA, L.L.B degree. He is endowed with such a fortune that he acquire a leading role in his only film Vengayam. It’s not about mimicking someone else when it comes to acting. It’s about finding the similarity in what looks to be distinct and then finding myself there. Without curiosity and comprehension, acting is nothing more than a business. As a consequence, it changes into creation. The best acting is done from the heart. It’s not intellectual, mechanical, or mechanical; it’s instinctive. On the inside, an actor must be heated, yet on the exterior, he or she must be tranquil. Remembering that we have control over our thinking and that everything begins there is one of the things that help us get through difficult situations. This is all about having a good attitude. The performer’s physical appearance must be improved and Alexandar Soundarrajan has a handsome physical appearance. The actor’s voice should be better. However, the actor’s mindset is the most important consideration.
Needhi Foundation was founded by our Chairman, Dr. M. Soundarrajan, in response to the difficulties faced by non-residents who must go back and forth to India due to a lack of money or time. The Managing Director is Alexandar Soundarrajan. Management has to transmit the message of leadership in a compelling and motivating manner. Not only in meetings but also through setting a good example. Good teams make cooperation a part of their culture, laying the groundwork for success. It’s all about planning and telling in management. Nurturing and improving people is what leadership is all about. The majority of management consists of making it difficult for employees to complete their tasks.
Needhi Foundation is a boutique firm offering aid and resolving concerns surrounding your administrative and legal affairs inside and beyond India, with a team of highly skilled and licensed legal counsels specialists and the leadership of our Chairman Dr. M. Soundarrajan. It only takes work after doing a thorough analysis of the client’s needs and its capacity to meet them.
A law is enacted by authority rather than intelligence. It is best not to watch laws form since they resemble sausages. We must first make the law respectable if we want it to be respected. Laws operate like cobwebs, capturing little flies while letting wasps and hornets through. The ultimate goal of the law should be to safeguard the people. Justice? You will discover justice in the next world; you will find the law in this one.
• Its singularly focused approach to every legal problem is to get an effective and timely settlement without jeopardizing the client’s interests in the least. • It is useful in determining the worth of a customer’s time and money. • In some situations, full-fledged legal representation in courts is supplied as an effective solution to all of its customers, and it tries to rescue them from protracted litigations through mediation or reconciliation. • It takes a professional and proactive approach to court matters
11 years of dedicated service to the Nri’s (Indian diaspora) on property rights issues.
We received awards from the Telangana Government as a leading law firm in 2017.
A tried-and-true solution. Our staff has successfully handled issues on several occasions.
Before taking any issue, we give a candid and free appraisal.
Our payment mechanism is based on a flat price.
All aspects of land and property regulations that influence any of our teams are thoroughly understood by our teams.
Working for over a decade in a specialist market dealing with island and property concerns for NRIs and abroad Indians.
There aren’t many scenarios or cases that we haven’t heard of or dealt with previously.
Keep clients out of a weak controversial topic if they aren’t currently involved in one.
In short, it takes sweat, perseverance, and hard work for a goal to become a reality; it needs magic. I’m a firm believer in luck, and I’ve discovered that the more I work, the more of it I have. Doing your best at this moment puts you in the best possible position for the next. If talent does not work hard, hard labor wins. Leadership is doing the right things; management is doing the right things. Management must have a unified voice. When it doesn’t, management becomes a little stumbling block to the team’s purpose. As a result, Alexandar Soundarrajan is a firm believer in not being deceived by the calendar. You may only utilize as many days in a year as you like. One individual gets a week’s worth of value out of a year, while another gets a year’s worth of value out of a week.
“To me, a lawyer is basically the person that knows the rules of the country. We’re all throwing the dice, playing the game, moving our pieces around the board, but if there is a problem the lawyer is the only person who has read the inside of the top of the box.”
-Jerry Seinfeld
What is Glube India?
In Southeast Asia, Glube is a well-known brand name and a well-established participant in the specialty oil and lubricants market. Lubecam Traders Sd Bhd manufactures and Hijau Associates Pvt Ltd powers its line of specialty oils and lubricants (the Chairman is DR.M. Soundarrajan and the Managing Director is Alexandar Soundarrajan). The art of leadership is persuading someone else to do something you desire because he wants to do it. Make sure you hire the correct personnel. After that, no matter what else you do wrong, the people will come to your rescue. That is the essence of management.
It began operations in 2013 as a manufacturer and marketer of specialty oils and lubricants. It imports raw materials (i.e. base oil) mostly from the Middle East, additives are purchased locally from chosen multi-national firms, and waxes are procured locally and imported from other nations for its specialty oils and lubricants products. To become a market leader by focusing on long-term growth to maximize value for all stakeholders. Its strategy begins with its long-term vision. It states the company’s mission and acts as a benchmark against which to measure its activities and choices.
Maintaining a competitive edge in the industry it serves.
To add value and have a positive impact.
Its Mission acts as the foundation for our road plan, guiding every part of our business by outlining what has to be done to achieve long-term, high-quality development.
To be truthful in all interactions and to have a beneficial influence on society and the environment.
To supply technology-driven and high-quality products;
To respond to changing client demands and give optimum value;
To preserve simplicity and friendliness.
The company’s devoted people to support our customers/partners around the clock, financial stability, product inventories, and fast delivery are the company’s strengths. Glube Motor Oil Lubricant is an ISO 9001:2015 certified corporation with plants in India and Malaysia, as well as a corporate headquarters in Malaysia. Glube wants to prosper in business by offering high-quality services and products in a timely and cost-effective way that meets both ISO 9001:2015 and client criteria.
The organization is dedicated to maintaining a Quality Management System, and all employees are expected to embrace this duty and follow the system’s specifications. This policy is communicated to all workers through the company’s orientation program, individual distribution, and conspicuous display on the company’s notice boards, and it is reinforced regularly during internal training programs.
Reduce non-conformities and rework, hence lowering internal quality losses;
Build on our reputation for quality, dependability, and dedication while fulfilling our customers’ objectives.
Make resources available to fulfill immediate requirements and to encourage continual development inside the company.
Goals are aspirations with a time limit. A dream is nothing more than a vision without action. Action without vision is nothing more than a waste of time. Action with Vision is changing the world for the better. Be open to cooperation as you navigate through the rest of your life as Alexandar Soundarrajan has done. Other individuals and their ideas are frequently superior to your own. Spend a lot of time with a group of individuals who challenge and encourage you, and your life will change.
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Alexandar Soundarrajan Journey with Hijau associate and Hijau Agro Fresh Food?
Hijau associate Pvt Ltd is a business development consulting agency that provides different outcomes for those strategies, as well as the implementation of business techniques that help the company grow. It was founded on December 28, 2017, and the Chairman is DR.M. Soundarrajan and the Managing Director is Alexandar Soundarrajan. Whenever you see a successful business, you can be sure that someone took a risky decision.
This organization employs innovative and well-proven methods to provide clients with actionable results in a quick, efficient, and cost-effective manner. It assists customers in forming and managing strategic partnerships with a variety of organizations, ranging from startups to multinational corporations, research institutes, local governments, and government agencies. A company’s brand is similar to a person’s reputation. You acquire a reputation by attempting to accomplish difficult tasks. In a crowded market, failing to stand out is the same as becoming invisible.
Its mission is to empower customers with a deep grasp of target markets, products, and technology through their Business Strategy, Market Development, and Infrastructure Development skills. Competitive situations – giving you the skills you need to get an early market edge and take advantage of business possibilities. Competition may be frightening since it causes anxiety and increases our fears — what if someone performs your expertise better than you? What if they’re just superior to you? Sure, it’s simple to worry about who we’re up against, but it’s just as easy — if not easier — to become enthusiastic about competition. The competition offers us valuable lessons and motivates us to achieve our full potential. There is the finest contender among all of these Hijau Associates.
More countries, top e-commerce companies, consumer organizations, and international development agencies will be discussing the impact of trade and development on the move to online commerce. It also comprises investment banking solutions for accounting and financial reporting, as well as capital market needs. Project Management, Valuations/Pricing, Equity, Tax Structuring, and Business Plans are among them, as are Accounting, Financial Reporting, and Treasury Issues, New Business Processes and Systems Requirements, and Necessary Corporate Governance, Risk, and Internal Controls Issues. Investment banking and Ipo consultancy provide money-saving accounting and financial reporting solutions. These corporate project management, valuations/pricing, equity, a charge on tax structure, and more benefits for the business plans, accounting, budgetary reporting, and more treasury issues, new business forms, and frameworks requirements, on crucial corporate governance, danger, and inward controls issues.
Their tagline is:
“We are passionate regarding results because our own achievement is driven by helping our clients succeed!”
In a nutshell, they have a thorough understanding of who their consumer is and what they value; this is how to think about innovation.
What is Hijau Agro Fresh Food?
It was established on December 16, 2020, and DR.M. Soundarrajan is the Chairman and Alexandar Soundarrajan is the Managing Director.
They had the idea five years ago to create an organization that would empower and enrich the lives of small farmers. They aimed to assist them in increasing output and improving the price of their agricultural commodities. Today, they are happy to have made a tiny difference in the lives of 1200 Tamil Nadu families.
It sells fresh foods and believes that the grains and milled flours on the market do not have optimal nutritious values since they are kept for months after being prepared for consumption. So you don’t have to create elaborate or difficult masterpieces; just delicious cuisine made with fresh ingredients would suffice. The simplest diet is to consume veggies and fresh foods. Just a smart, nutritious diet, like you, sees on the news all the time. Cooking is an art, and patience is a virtue in the kitchen. Nearly all you need is careful purchasing, fresh ingredients, and a relaxed attitude.
The fact that we’re having a national debate about what we should eat, that we’re debating what the healthiest diet is, demonstrates how far we’ve wandered from the natural conditions that gave origin to our species, from the basic act of eating genuine, entire, fresh food.
The corona virus epidemic has put a stop to regular life, and people all around the world are battling it. It stays steady during this crisis. There are times when a huge disruption occurs, implying that what has worked in the past will no longer function and that a new playbook is required. And 2021 was a year of change, whether it was upending the “normal” 9-5 office schedule, introducing new forms of digital currency, or reprioritizing company values. One of the most powerful magic abilities’ that human beings are capable of is to sit patiently with a need that has not yet been realized and to trust that fulfillment will come. Almost every old wisdom tradition has mentioned it.
Their tagline is:
“At the heart of Farmer’s Fresh, there is a belief the prosperity of small and marginalised farmers is of great virtue.”
In conclusion, I believe that not only what you do on the outside, but also what you put within, is a vital aspect of beauty. Good, fresh cuisine with a variety of veggies, as well as love and concern for others. I devote far more time to assisting others than I do to my daily beauty regimen.
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