#Alibu Uniform
dongphucalibu · 4 years
Thêu vi tính – Kỹ thuật thêu được ưa chuộng nhất hiện nay
Trước đây, để hoàn thành một mẫu thêu tay truyền thống thường tốn rất nhiều thời gian và công sức. Đặc biệt, trong thời buổi xã hội ngày càng phát triển, các công ty, nhà máy, xí nghiệp có hàng ngàn công nhân, mà trên mỗi bộ đồng phục họ mặc khi đi làm bắt... from WordPress https://ift.tt/3dPAiZD via IFTTT
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shadowtarot · 6 years
Outsiders Oneshot: Cupid’s Arrow?
The following is an original work. Given that it is not Persona based, I am putting this all in a read more if you do not wish to read it. The world itself is still very much in the works so I cannot answer many questions you might have. Think of this as a preview of sorts. 
The classrooms of Wyvern High begin to fill in with a river of green uniforms, poring from the colorful cityscape of New Fate City. The city itself rests beneath one of the many places known as a Grail society, hovering like a UFO above the original structure. As the sea of teenagers funnel in, a blue haired young man is listening to music on his smartphone. Seventeen year old Shintaro Nyogama, with music blaring from a band not but three cities over doesn’t even seem to notice at first when a hand is slammed down on his right shoulder. He jumps, almost dropping his phone.
“Ah!” He glares, before realizing who it is. “Oh...it’s just you Koda. What’s up?” His blond haired friend, who has to wear an eye patch on his right eye smiles widely.
“Did you find out what powers your cross in your left eye gives you yet? Saiyumi down the street figured out she can walk through fire an-” But Shintaro cuts him off before he can finish, letting out a long sigh.
“I’ve told you before Koda, I don’t think I have powers. And I don’t really want any. I mean you don’t, you’re one of the lucky few to be born blind in one eye.” He shrugs. “Plus, everyone that has powers has some sort of major health drawback...and I don’t want to shorten my life before I do what I’ve been planning for years..”
“Yeah yeah, break into the Grail City above us and try to save the people. But like...you do realize that they might not want to be saved, right?” Koda says, pouting a bit. “If they really were being treated bad up there, you’d think we’d hear a sign by now. It’s been almost Twenty Years.”
“There has to be something! You’ve seen how strange the P.S.S. act! I once asked one of them if they knew what tomorrows forecast was, and they didn’t even know what a TV was! A TV, Koda!”
Heading to history, Shintaro’s class starts talking about the events that have transpired in the last twenty years. While everyone else is taking notes, Shintaro seems extremely displeased with what is being said.
“And so with the proposition given by the man running the Grail cites above to limit the exposure of the Gama Meteorites, The Overseer started watching after the world’s governments to lead us into a constant stream of peace that has lasted us until this very day. Keeping food processing, and general factory work above allows for more freedom down here. We’ve never seen happiness like this in ages.” The teacher states.
Shintaro lets out a long and loud yawn. “Yeah, sure. But what about the families up above? Are they just as happy? And, how come the P.S.S. don’t know about basic things like TV and movies?  Why can’t we join the society above? If we’re at peace why do the P.S.S. need guns? And seriously, a ‘Proposition’ allowed one guy to take over the world’s government? I think that’s a load of bullcra-”
“Nyogama! That’s quite enough of your tinfoil hat theories! We had a unified government before the Overseer took over observations. That’s the end of this conversation. One more outburst like that and I’m sending straight back to Mr. Dolely.” The whole class laughs as Shintaro huffs.
“I know I’m right, you all are just too cozy in your creative freedom to realize that there are people out there who need help!” But all he earns is more laughter and a very annoyed teacher. Koda feels embarrassed for his friend.
As school starts to come to a close, Shintaro is stopped by two girls with braided black hair. Twins Mai and Mei, people who are a constant annoyance to him. The purple eyed one, Mai, gives him a snark filled smile. “Oh look, it’s Shintaro! The hero of the world! Savior of the Grail workers!” She laughs, which is joined by her sister.
“The people are shouting for their savior, Shintaro! They’re saying ‘Save us Dumbass Kenobi! You’re our only hope!’ “ Mei the blue eyed chimes in, having to hold her stomach as they both laugh even harder.
“Big talk for a pair of twins who’s only useful power is floating to compensate for being the size of toddlers.” Shintaro retorts. “I guess milk isn’t the cure for everything after all huh?”
The twins look enraged as the blue haired teen smiles and walks away, placing his earbuds in and turns up the volume. Koda walks beside him, sighing.
“Come on, dude...at this rate you’ll never get a girlfriend. The twins are the only girls at school who talk to you and it’s only to make fun of you! That doesn’t really sell you well.” Koda states, but Shintaro ignores him at first.
“Ugh, for the last time I just...I don’t care about romance outside of fiction. No one I have ever crushed on has ever supported my interests in getting into the cities above.” Shintaro mumbles.
“That’s cuz it’s all you ever talk about! You have other passions like video games and music. Why not tell a girl about those? Oh! You could always play Dreamcatcher for one of them.” Koda is practically bouncing with each step he takes as he talks. “You have such a great singing voice and so far only me, Kaido and Alibus know about it! If you shared it with more people then you’d be-”
“Totally embarrassed. I’m not gonna waste my time getting up on stage Koda. End of story.” Shintaro shakes his head, moving faster. “I have to head to work now man, later!”
Slipping into the family owned restaurant Dragon Burger & Suds, Shintaro gets dressed in his Yellow and blue uniform and heads to the cash register, only to be stopped by his rainbow Afro doning manager Foley. She’s a slightly heavy set dark skinned woman, but carries herself with the utmost dignity and pride. She places a ringed hand on Shintaro’s shoulder and gives him a motherly smile. “Shinny, you’re always arriving so gosh darn early to your shifts. Don’t you have like, a girl or anything to at least walk home after school? I’m getting worried for you, boy.”
The teen adverts his gaze, going quiet. Foley simply shakes her head and sighs. “Shin, you gotta at least try. I see you staring at one of our regulars now and then. What’s her name again...Tenshi?”
“Y-Yeah...what of it? I just like the same anime she does...that’s all…” He’s trying his best to change the subject, but it’s not getting past his boss.
“Shin, you need to ask her out. If you don’t at least give it a try...then you might miss your chance.” She’s gone full mother mode now. “I know it’s hard without your folks, but this is precisely why I’m trying to look out for you. If Tenshi stops in today, I’m gonna let you go on break early. Ask her out! Even if it’s just as simple as going to the local arcade.”
“And...if I don’t?” Shintaro asks, still not too keen on wanting to do this.
“If you don’t then I’ll upload that security tape of you singing during closing straight to every streaming site in the world. I have it saved under moments I want to keep.”
“What?! But I thought I timed it right-....ugh. F-Fine...I’ll...I’ll try. If she says no, then whatever.” He starts to head to the register once more, now silently hoping she doesn’t show up today.  
But then she does. Long red hair, braided to the side neatly with a tank top depicting a cat in sunglasses in space. Her purse on her shoulder is neat and clean as is the way she moves. Shintaro is staring once more as she takes her seat. Foley nods and quietly gestures to go to her. With a deep breath, he moves from the register and walks to her.
“I uh….hello...Tenshi. I’m Shintaro...we used to uh...have band together. We were both percussion.” He’s nervous, blushing visibly as he puts both hands in his pockets to avoid the evidence of them shaking.
“Shintaro...Shintaro...oh! You’re that kid that goes on about wanting to get through to the Grail Cities right? Everyone at school talks about it.” She giggles. This doesn’t bode well for him…
“I..I know, it sounds crazy but I really believe it. If you find it weird then I-”
“Oh I don’t. It’s quite admirable actually. I’ve been curious myself. Are they happy? Scared? What do they look like? And why can’t we join?” She places her arms on the table as she talks.
This makes Shintaro grin ear to ear, and he speaks his next words without thinking. “Well how about we talk more about this after my shift ends? We can go to my place and I can show you what I’ve observed so far.”
“That...sounds really fun actually! I’ll take you up on it Shintaro.” She smiles back at him. “What time?”
“Say about uh...six? It’s not a school night so it’s no big deal.” He shrugs.
“Great, then it’s a date.” With that, Tenshi gets her food to-go and leaves.
Shintaro watches her walk out, Foley placing a hand on his shoulder as the realization of what he just did finally sinks in. He takes off his hat...and screams into it.
He finally managed to ask a girl out..one that didn’t find his dream weird!
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
In lụa trên vải là gì? Những điều cần biết về in lụa trên vải
Hiện nay, với sự phát triển không ngừng nghỉ của ngành dệt may trên toàn thế giới mà nhiều kỹ thuật in mới đã được ra đời. Trong đó, kỹ thuật in lụa trên vải đã nhận được sự quan tâm tương đối lớn từ người tiêu dùng bởi sự đa dạng, phong phú trong... from WordPress https://ift.tt/3cRZCNH via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Quần áo sơ mi hawai bãi biển lá kim 437
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 105k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3bXGTBr via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Áo sơ mi hawai bãi biển lá cọ 436
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 105k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/32sMBYO via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Áo sơ mi họa tiết quả bãi biển lá cọ xanh 434
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 105k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/33vaApt via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Áo sơ mi họa tiết qu��� bãi biển cây dừa vàng
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 105k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Fw1yjZ via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Áo sơ mi họa tiết quả bãi biển lá cọ 433
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 105k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2H1yzFk via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Áo sơ mi họa tiết quả bãi biển cây dừa xanh
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 105k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2Fvf5sb via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Đồng phục đi biển gia đình sơ mi họa tiết lá kim 418
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3htkJbn via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Bộ quần áo sơ mi họa tiết quả dứa 417
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 99k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/3hw6aDK via IFTTT
0 notes
dongphucalibu · 4 years
Bộ quần áo sơ mi họa tiết 416
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 99k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/32tHzeE via IFTTT
0 notes
dongphucalibu · 4 years
Bộ quần áo sơ mi họa tiết hoa cúc 415
M: dưới 55kg.
L: dưới 65kg.
XL: dưới 75kg.
XXL: dưới 90kg.
XXXL: 110kg
Áo: 99k Quần: 55k Chất liệu: Vải Kate thấm hút mồ hôi tốt, thoáng mát ngay cả trong điều kiện thời thiết nóng bức cho form áo đứng, sang trọng. from WordPress https://ift.tt/2FHYVLC via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Điều khoản sử dụng
Ngày cập nhật: 12/09/2020 Website này (https://alibu.com.vn) thuộc sở hữu của CÔNG TY TNHH MAY MẶC VÀ XUẤT KHẨU ALIBU (Giấy phép kinh doanh số: 0601181304). Các điều khoản sử dụng và chính sách bảo mật được áp dụng cho việc bạn sử dụng website bao gồm tất cả các dịch vụ và chức năng... from WordPress https://ift.tt/3kcF4Dp via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Chính Sách Công Ty
from WordPress https://ift.tt/2GKhGi8 via IFTTT
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dongphucalibu · 4 years
Vải Tweed – Đại diện hoàn hảo cho sự thời thượng, đẳng cấp
Trong những năm gần đây, những sản phẩm từ vải tweed đã khiến giới mộ điệu săn lùng ráo riết bởi vẻ đẹp tuyệt vời mà chúng đem lại cho người mặc. Chất liệu này rất đặc biệt bởi không mềm mại, mịn màng mà lại thô cứng, bề mặt vải sần nhưng lại ẩn... from WordPress https://ift.tt/3ijq5qD via IFTTT
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