polar-stars · 7 years
Hisako x Ikumi, Alice x Megumi, Uraraka x Tsuyu for the ship meme? Thanks
Sure ^ w ^
Original Meme
Hisako x Ikumi
How did they they meet?
Trough Erina. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Ikumi, I guess. 
And she was really anxious about it first, because she whole-heartly believed that she could not hold any candle to Erina. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Erina and Megumi probably. Megumi is after all quite close to Ikumi and is defiantly happy to see her all happy and in a good relationship. Same goes to Erina, but with Hisako in her case ofc. 
Alice cherishes their relationship quite a lot as well tough.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Hm, I can imagine that it happens somewhere in the second year. Ikumi just managed to snatch a good internship or something and of course immediately rushes to her girlfriend, who of course is happy for her as well and just so proud…that Hisako actually ends up giving her a kiss on the lips. 
As they at some point break the kiss they just stare at each other, trying to figure out what to say after their very first kiss. 
They just end up to kiss again.
Who confessed their feelings first?
After encouragement from both Erina and Alice, Hisako did. 
What was their first official date?
They went to a v good café with the best of sweets (for Ikumi) and the best of tea (for Hisako). After that they took a walk trough the park, where they shyly hold hands and talk about many different things. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They’re fine with them. 
What do they do in their down time?
They truly love going shopping together or just cal my sitting next to each other, Hisako reading Medicinal stuff while Ikumi reads the Fluffiest Stuff of Fluff to ever Fluff (she basically reads very schmaltzy romance novels, but Hisako finds that so cute actually)
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
(I am going to skip this one…because I have…no idea qwq)
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
(let’s skip this one too alright? qwq)
Which one is more easily made jealous?
My guess is Ikumi. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
The desserts they made together probably.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
They’re both so cuddly! They just love to wrap the arms around each other and hug tightly.
Are they hand holders?
Yep! Hisako most of the time initiates it and Ikumi surely let’s her. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Surprisingly it doesn’t takes them very long. Ikumi confronts Hisako if she actually, well already thought of sleeping together and all that. They then have a long talk and later that night it actually happens. 
Who tops?
Ikumi most of the time, but Hisako is defiantly able to do so too. 
(nsfw over)
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
(woah is this another one to skip?)
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
They do both together. 
However of course it’s Hisako who cooks when Ikumi is sick. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Who proposes?
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
A joined one, planned by Alice. 
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Hisako’s bridesmaids are Alice and Erina, while Ikumi’s are Megumi, Ryoko and Yuki.
Big Ceremony or Small?
The Golden Middle Way.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
I could imagine Greece or Croatia in summer, where they can enjoy the beautiful beach, the fresh sea water, the luxury of the hotel and the warm weather.
Do they have children? How many?
I could imagine them adopting some and being the coolest moms around the block.
Alice x Megumi
How did they they meet?
In Totsuki, trough Soma. 
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Alice probably. She was immediately in love with this girl’s personality. Like…how kind can one person be? A literal angel was standing in front of her! 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Soma and Ryo maybe?
Soma being happy for Megumi and Ryo being happy for Alice. 
Like I can just imagine the two leaving the room at the same time to give the two girls some space. 
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Alice was drunk. (Rice juice and all)
And well, she started to cling to Megumi and mutter over and over how kind, beautiful, astonishing and etc. Megumi is. Megum blushed and laughed nervously at this.
At some point Alice did kiss her (and passed out afterwards). Which made Megumi even more red. 
Who confessed their feelings first?
As Alice heard from Ryo and Hayama about her drunk kiss, she got so ashamed. 
First she didn’t wanted to talk to Megumi, who of course searched for a conversation. At some point she did give in and faced the confrontation.
Megumi entered the room and Alice immediately was like. “I am so sorry!” However to her surprise Megumi actually confesses her love to Alice afterwards. 
What was their first official date?
They made a ship tour together.
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They’re fine with it. 
What do they do in their down time?
I have the feel they really like to visit galleries and museums together, but also to just take strolls around Totsuki. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
It didn’t took Alice long to win Megumi’s parents over with her charm and social skills. She also made it clear how much she loves their daughter and was gladly welcomed into the family.
Same goes for Megumi, who was immediately adored by Leonora. Soe was a little more skeptical first, but hell….who could resist Megumi Tadokoro?
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
Which one is more easily made jealous?
Alice defiantly. 
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Megumi actually starts to try out more and more Danish recipes when dating Alice, at finds great fun in it. Alice loves it.
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
Both cuddlers! They snuggle at every chance they get. 
Are they hand holders?
Yes. Alice loves taking Megumi soft little hand and Megumi loves when she does so. It makes her feel safe. 
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Takes them a bit.
Alice feels the urge more and more but wants to give Megumi her time. However she does start to appreciate Megumi every chance she gets, touches her a little more and is just so close, that at some point Megumi gives her the “ok” to end the suffering. Alice does asks 3 times if she’s “really okay?” with it and Megumi nods every time. So it happens. 
Who tops?
(nsfw over)
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Their kiss maybe? But at the same time..not
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Megumi does most of the shopping and most of the cooking as well. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Who proposes?
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
A joined one
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Alice’s bridesmaids are Erina and Hisako, while Ryo is best man.
Megumi’s bridesmaids are Ikumi, Ryoko and Yuki, while Soma is best man.
Big Ceremony or Small?
Golden Middle Way.
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
To Iceland! It reminds them both a little of home but is still something new to discover. 
Do they have children? How many?
I could imagine them adopting a little girl, who grows into a well-behaved but still very strong and independent woman. 
Uraraka x Tsuyu
How did they they meet?
Who developed romantic feelings first?
Tsuyu probably. 
Who is their biggest “shipper?”
Izuku and Tenya. Anything that makes Ochako happy makes them happy.
When did they have their first kiss and under what circumstances?
Their first kiss happens after some very hard test from UA’s side or an actual battle. The two are just so relieved to make it trough the test/make it out alive, that they immediately kiss each other passionately afterwards.
Who confessed their feelings first?
What was their first official date?
Taking a tour to the city, investigating new places and learning more about each other as well. 
How do they feel about double dates/group dates?
They love them.
What do they do in their down time?
Go swimming. Go shopping. Simply watch movies on the coach. 
What was the first meeting of parents as an official couple like?
(Lets skip that one, because I am not as far with the manga that I met their parents yet)
What was their first fight over and how did they get past it?
(Let’s also skip this.)
Which one is more easily made jealous?
What is their favourite thing to get to eat?
Light and mild stuff, but also refreshing things. Like lemons. 
Who’s the cuddly one? What their favourite cuddling position?
They cuddle 24/7! Mostly Tsuyu rests on Ochako’s chest, while Ochako pets her head. 
Are they hand holders?
How long do they wait before sleeping together for the first time? What’s the circumstances?
Who tops?
What’s the worst first they’ve ever gotten into?
Who does the shopping and the cooking?
Ochako does the shopping and Tsuyu the cooking. 
Which one is more organized and prone to tidiness?
Both like it tidy and they have wonderful fun of bringing everything into order together. 
Who proposes?
Do they have joined Bachelor/Bacheloette parties or separate?
Who is the best man/maid of honour? Any other groomsmen or bridesmaids?
Best Man for Ochako is Izuku and Maid of Honor is (I forgot her name…but you know that Snake Girl! HOW CAN I BE SO DISAPPOINTING?!)
Big Ceremony or Small?
Do they have a honeymoon? If so, where?  
Hm, I could imagine somewhere in America or Canada.
Do they have children? How many?
Yes, they adopt a little boy and raise him very good and with a lot of love qwq
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