#Alien Grays Hybrid Agenda
Warning : Long ! ! !
I thought I wanted to get back to my planet
Every time I tell people the truth that, I'm not human being and then I'm actually an alien hybrid I'm just a really high quality looking humanoid they would just hear the words schizophrenic over and over again.
But, I'm at the point where I don't need to Care Any More, not that I don't think I don't need to care I know I don't need to care anymore cuz all the things that this life force me to see despite it was despite all the shit I want to is extremely extremely painful
love, happiness, Spirituality all the more wonderful things that make up reality and Existence
I always talk about going back to Fairyland and Fairyland is not code, if not slang, it's not even a fucking metaphor it's quite literally I come from Fairyland and Fairyland is Hive world.
I explained in grandiose detail what my world is like when people read my Shit of the internet they see either someone's doing a lot of drugs or they see mental illness un hinged.
I'm not a fucking liar, I'm not bullshiting, I'm an alien hybrid at a many other alien hybrid and our souls are completely an absolutely not fucking human.
We were made by the Gray's,
the only thing I just wanted to say is I don't think this lifetime despite they forced me into this through necromancy not bringing a ghost back of the old dead body bringing a ghost into a new body they don't fucking want, and then put your microchip into their fucking brain an implant.
Either Way, I thought the Goddamn point.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .
This life has showed me that all is nothing, This life has given me ultimate dark wisdom ultimate dark forbidden knowledge, you can call it nihilism, I call it seeing clearly.
I know that there is deities and shit I know about the Divine realm that paranormal and all things spiritual and I don't care.
I can understand that they're all shit.
all of them are pieces of shit's.
Nothing in existence fucking matters.
Honest to God I don't even think I want to go back to Fairyland anymore.
I don't even think I want to see our divine Mother Titania.
I don't think, I want anything back anymore.
A big part of me wondering if I even want to see my people again ?
if I've gone through all this shit God damn I wonder what the hell they've gone through ?
All, I want to do is just die.
All I want to do is go back to the void to which I came, Alone.
All I want to do is rest in peace if I can even rest and if I can even find any God damn peace.
this life is giving me the ultimate truth the truth so hard and so great I'm able to see so clearly he'll just help everything that nothingness.
I can see how hollow everything is empty everything is shitty everything is bad everything is I can see how fucked up the gods and goddesses really are and see what a worthless pile of fucking shit that universe is I understand happiness is a fucking illusion  & so with love.
I understand any positive feelings we have for anything is deep confusion.
I can see if I can see the evil that makes up the world makes up the universe makes up every creature out there and everything in existence.
I see clearly where others can simply cannot other people are blind to the Dark Truth of reality but I can see all that is evil and all the darkness and all the falsehoods and I can see how the whole universe of all life is built off, Pure Evil.
( Life is Just, Like The Great Universe, it's Nothing But Darkness ! )
I can see all the fools that say life comes from the light but these dumb fucks don't even study Life they don't understand that life actually comes from the Dark Side.
if they even understood why for a fucking second they would understand just how overwhelmingly Pure Evil and dark life is look at the animal world look at the aliens look at the world you live in the humans and how fucked up it is it's impossible not to love life or live in life without being a Demon.
Darkness & life go hand in hand for a fucking Reason.
and just like materialism all things are Simple, Hollow at the end, and a void of Meaning and Purpose.
to the point where I understand that purpose is not needed, maybe we should not be hunting for a purpose looking for a purpose and wondering what's our purpose. maybe we don't need to care for the purpose maybe purpose is just fiction ?
if whenever somebody has a fucking purpose all they really do is get a distraction they can feel Good about.
life is fucking meaningless and I don't want to go back to Fairyland.
I don't want to see your damn fucking Goddess that fucked up and got us in this goddamn world to begin with and yes she fucked up it wasn't supposed to happen.
I don't want to see my people ever again.
the other insectoid the other fairies I don't want to see them ever again.
I Don't want to be with my people.
I just want to die.
and I can't.
I know this next part is going to seem completely absolutely super schizophrenic.
but my psyche is complete is constantly monitored by the Grays and I can feel them 24/7, my mind is constantly psychic monitored in my mind and soul are stuck in a psychic prison within this fucking body.
I literally have ESP chains on me like a certain Super Evil fucked up thing on this planet during 1619 ( Year ) a certain cotton field I don't want to talk too much about.
I literally have psychic chains of slavery they literally enslaved me in his body through psychic chains and psychic bonds and a whole bunch of psychic shit.
mainly it's still my soul in this body like a normal person being alive but, I'm not allowed to commit suicide.
if I threaten their Agenda, at all, of my emotions, they were literally they will literally make a drain and make a vamp my feelings and my thoughts out of me like a dementor that scene from Harry Potter and the mentor try to suck Harry Potter's soul out.
They 👽👽👽 will literally psychically vamp my soul, it feels like a hurricane sucking on my soul.
and they will also muddle my thoughts and fight my thoughts of suicide and if I try to fight them and go along with it it doesn't fucking work because they can literally overpower my brain and control me like a damn robot they want to.
and then they really vamped the shit in me almost like they're almost like they're hitting me what ESP Blast or Esp Bolt's, that they're kind of ripping my psychic apart to where they won't let me do it.
They're literally won't I will physically can't commit suicide because of them, 👽👽👽
They literally have psychically enslaved my mind and it's been that way my entire life.
so anybody worried about me committing suicide don't be
Cuz, I'm not allowed to commit suicide unless they fail the agenda and the agenda is a conquer the Earth and wipe out Humanity and turn the planet into our old Planet while they 👽👽👽 try to get a war started on the Earth where it's literally a real alien invasion War.
Again, I know all this stuff sounds like schizophrenic, but I'm being fucking honest.
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more on the possible origin of alien human hybrids 
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Streamed live on 24 Nov 2020
Richard introduces his latest book.
Link for the book: https://www.amazon.com/Alien-Agendas-...
Book description: "Of the many books on UFOs and aliens, this one may be unique. Richard Dolan, one of the world’s leading historians of the UFO subject, has analyzed the different alien types and agendas based on longstanding patterns observed by witnesses. This is both a careful review of the best evidence we have of human-alien interaction, as well as a bold speculation of just who the aliens are and what they want. Dolan’s analysis starts with our ancient pre-history and potential genetic modifications and monitoring by extraterrestrials. He also studies the long history of interaction with perfectly human-looking beings who somehow did not seem as though they were “from here.” Such interactions have continued through the present day. Who are these beings? He also analyzes reports of gray aliens and other types, including reptilian types, insectoid types, hybrid beings, and a range of others. With a view toward understanding their psychology, their technological capabilities, and the nature of their interactions with people, he speculates as to what ultimate plans may be. He argues that the alien presence is especially important now. This is because of the rapid transformation of human civilization into something we have never before experienced. We still don’t have a proper name for what we are going through, but it includes a combination of radical new technologies with a new social order that ultimately might make human civilization much more like the societies that these other beings already have. One that combines a tightly centralized and controlled social order with sophisticated science and technology."
Join Richard Dolan's exclusive website at:
Richard Dolan is one of the world’s leading researchers and writers on the subject of UFOs and believes that they constitute the greatest mystery of our time. He is the author of two volumes of history, UFOs and the National Security State, both ground-breaking works which together provide the most factually complete and accessible narrative of the UFO subject available anywhere. He also co-authored a speculative book about the future, A.D. After Disclosure, the first-ever analysis not only of how UFO secrecy might end but of the all-important question: what happens next?
#RichardDolan #TheAlienAgendas
For the home of exclusive content from author, historian, and radio host Richard Dolan. Join his member site here: http://richarddolanmembers.com/
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Richard has dedicated the last two decades to uncovering the truth about UFOs and, more recently, the dark covert operations known as false flags
Check out books by Richard Dolan at https://www.richarddolanpress.com/
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ganymedesclock · 7 years
If Lotor were to learn that Keith is a hybrid, do you think he'll try to persuade Keith into joining him? Of course it won't work but I can't but feel that at some point Lotor is going to play mind games with Keith (or Lance because he's insecure) in order to tear team Voltron apart.
I mean, I know it’s certainly a popular fandom idea that Lotor’s going to try and lure someone away from Voltron, but...
On Lotor’s strategy
Voltron is not really Lotor’s target as much as Voltron, to Lotor, is a potential obstruction and a means to an end. He got up in their face to mess with them in season 3 because he was after the comet, and to have that, he needed to know they had Voltron. The Thayserix stunt in s3e3 was basically Lotor wanting to nail down that odd discrepancy and make sure Voltron actually had a chance of succeeding, before he threw them at the rift.
Ultimately Lotor wanted the comet, and as soon as he got it, he shifted focus away from Voltron. The only reason they still engaged after that in s3e6 is that the team came after Lotor and pressed the attack while Team Lotor was trying to steal the giant teludav component.
And what happens after that? Well, according to Keith in the season 4 trailer: “[Lotor] hasn’t been seen in months, this might be our chance to track him down!”
Lotor’s gotten what he wants from Voltron. From here on out, the only way Lotor’s really going to engage with Our Heroes is trying to get them out of his way- or potentially get something else from them. He is seemingly in the market for a teludav so I wouldn’t rule out an attack on the Castle of Lions to try and steal theirs.
Beyond that, though, I could see Lotor picking at Voltron... but potentially because he’s trying to build allies out of them. In which case he might go underhanded and try to pick them away from the group or encourage one of them to act as a spy, but it’d probably be more likely Lotor would actually just want to genuinely appeal to their good nature. Why?
On the history between the two teams
Because people forget- that little shindig between Keith, Hunk, and Acxa in the weblum is something on Lotor’s radar as much as on the paladins. And while we see Keith recognizing Acxa when they cross weapons in s3e6- Acxa doesn’t have that moment of realization, because she doesn’t need to.
She’s known who Keith was this entire time.
There’s no way Acxa, did-you-just-talk-about-my-prince-in-that-tone Acxa, didn’t pass on her experience in the weblum to Lotor. Lotor’s team operates and intercommunicates very closely. Acxa in particular is often one to talk up and explain things. So either Lotor’s team is already aware of everything from the weblum incident, or they’re missing some details that Acxa didn’t think were important, and will offer as soon as they do seem important.
So what went down in s2e9?
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Keith and Hunk saved Acxa’s life.
Despite misgivings about trusting a galra blatantly working for the empire, Keith makes it very clear, within Acxa’s earshot, that they need to help her if nothing else just because she’s a living person and nobody deserves to be left for dead in a weblum. Keith is at times tense and hostile towards her, and harsh when she turns out to ultimately rob him, but it still stands, important takeaways that Acxa, and Lotor, would get from this:
Voltron is honorable. If nothing else they can be trusted to stick to their own creeds and said creeds are about helping people.
Voltron’s Red Paladin some amount of galra heritage, not normally visible. (they also know his name’s Keith because Acxa heard Hunk greet him by that name)
Reinforced by their collaboration with the Blade of Marmora, Voltron does not really have reflexive hard feelings towards the galra as a species.
On Lotor’s personality
Another thing to consider here is that Lotor is not immediately going to hear Keith is half-galra and start tapping his fingertips together because smells like opportunity.
There is a reason Lotor has surrounded himself with, and placed in powerful positions, people who are mixed race galra. This seems, way more than utility or pragmatism, actual genuine empathy, for their situation.
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Lotor likes the generals. He works with them because he enjoys their company, is comfortable around them, and agrees with how they think. We see him happy to give them tasks they’ll enjoy, we see him talking to them fondly, and casually in a way that his ultimately facetious presentation to the main empire was not. And it also stands that overwhelmingly, Lotor spends a lot of time with the generals when he basically ignores most of the main fleet.
In s3e6, him chewing the generals out even fairly lightly by the standards of this show is a big deal because we virtually never see it happen. Furthermore, it’s an unusual situation because we virtually never see Lotor away from the generals in the first place to have that kind of distance.
My point is- these people are Lotor’s friends and the reason why Lotor spends so much time thinking about mixed race galra and their situation is because he has strong personal feelings about this. This is the uniting thread between him and his four closest friends and it’s pretty clear at least part of his utter disdain for “the old way”- Zarkon’s way of operating- is that in many ways that’s something that would want to destroy the only friendships Lotor really has.
Lotor seemingly “passes” as a full-blooded galra- the empire doesn’t know he’s of mixed race himself. But his generals are looked down upon as second-class citizens, and he’s considered improperly close to his subordinates. Racism and classism are not set up in Lotor’s favor.
So Lotor isn’t going to see Keith’s heritage as an opportunity to screw him over. He’s certainly not that desperate for leverage on Voltron that he’d bite his tongue and do something he’s opposed to. His team has so far been able to stay mostly ahead of Voltron. We might see Lotor twisting the knife a lot more if he’s cornered and scared as implied by the season 4 trailer, but I still doubt that he’d go for Keith’s heritage.
Not just because harping on people’s fear or distrust of the galra is Lotor shooting himself in the foot since he’s trying to establish his own foothold in the hearts of the universe’s populace and he’s also half-galra.
But hearing Keith’s got galra heritage and internalized self-loathing is going to actually pluck Lotor’s heartstrings and his response actually might be more of a danger to the team because it might, actually, be fairly heartfelt.
Because the thing about Lotor I keep coming back to is- Lotor, in many regards, is a shade of gray, not really one thing or another but a harmonious blending of allegedly stark and disparate components. We see this in his aesthetic, his strategy, almost everything he does. Fluidity and adaptability- and carving out his own niche in between alleged opposites.
And one of those alleged opposites is that Lotor actually is an empathetic person, and a manipulative one. He’ll lie, but he’ll never be completely facetious. In practice we see that a lot of what he said in his big speech to the empire, he legitimately means and will push even when it doesn’t serve him.
He basically told the empire what he planned to do with new planets, and, that’s the exact content of his recruitment spiel to Puig. He wasn’t there to put the Puigians back in chains, he was there to offer them a seat at the table, and even though he came in very aggressively, and used them to further his own ends... you know what we don’t see? Any implication whatsoever that Lotor went back and hurt the Puigians besides using Narti to control their leader- and Narti definitely didn’t stay there.
So that’s the thing. If Lotor really wants to talk Voltron around- which he might or might not, depending on his situation? He’s not just going to spew whatever they want to hear. That’s not Lotor’s style.
No, I definitely wouldn’t be surprised if Lotor plays on things, with a clear agenda, but also, with a heartfelt angle to it.
Keith’s heritage is one thing, but more importantly Keith’s yearning to relate to people on his heritage was what slipped out interacting with Acxa. Acxa was just a stranger, just some unknown galra, but Keith really wanted that to work out. He wanted them to be friends. He wanted to be able to trust Acxa. Because at that point, Keith was feeling very much like an alien in his friend group.
You don’t think entirely outside of practical pursuits and getting a leg up on Voltron, that’s gonna resonate with Lotor who seems to have built all of his close associates out of people who haven’t really been able to fit where they were? Where, again- Lotor’s whole thing is carving out a niche for yourself in a world that says you have to be one thing or another when you’re not really completely either?
And I come back to, Lotor isn’t always straitlaced, morally, but he seems to at least respect the same ideals Voltron does. In the sense that he actually, scornfully, kind of calls them out on Puig- if the Puigians are in open revolt against the empire, where exactly is their protection that this coalition is supposed to grant them? Lotor and his team are highly skilled but it does say some worrying things for your defenses if a four-man strike team can retake an entire planet in a day.
Lotor is a fan of teamwork. He’s a fan of solidarity. He wants to appeal to people genuinely and positively, and not just string them along. He sure as hell will, if he needs to, if that’s furthering a goal, but the cutthroat tactics come out either with people Lotor specifically distrusts (like Throk) or people who’ve already spit on the hand of friendship, and even then, Lotor’s got a hell of a lot more restraint than Zarkon’s ever shown.
So I’d say, I wouldn’t even say for sure if Lotor potentially trying to appeal to Keith is necessarily going to be a bad thing! Hell, we might actually see a situation where two of the generals bail out one of the paladins as a kind of- “there, we’re even for the whole weblum thing.”
It’s possible that Lotor might actually warm up to the paladins because he can trust them to have basic standards for potential enemies, like Acxa- and one of the things Lotor has the greatest disdain for is the empire’s whole attitude of “anything besides unmitigated aggression is for cowards and weaklings.”
There’s a reason, even though it would be ‘unpopular’ to his audience, Lotor made a big show of sparing Throk when in Lotor’s personal assessment Throk was too dangerous to keep around.
There’s a reason Lotor showed off his ability to keep ahead of people scheming against him but ultimately spared that person.
There’s a reason Throk’s ultimate fate is delivered at the hands of Haggar, acting on the vicious, cruel, victory-or-death attitude that Lotor’s already condemned.
Because Lotor knows that doesn’t work- that’s why he uses it to cover his own tracks, because the empire’s not going to listen to Throk. And for himself, when he’s running the show- Lotor would just as soon be completely rid of it.
Even when Lotor’s acting cruelly, his contempt for that aggression shines through. He smirks when Throk is taken out because the empire’s bellicose policies are once again nailing them in their coffin and protecting him. After all, amnesia in this setting has been rather porous. It’s very likely if Haggar hadn’t murdered Throk for his inability to cough up an immediate answer, he eventually would have remembered who attacked the base- or set out to figure out who did.
What this means going forward
Ultimately I doubt it’s going to be this simple. Lotor has a lot of things about Voltron he can respect, and a lot of things about Keith’s situation he can empathize with, but, he’s also between a rock and a hard place.
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Everything about the season 4 trailer suggests things are going to go south for Lotor. We see a lot of tense faces out of him, his nervous insistence of “My father’s on his deathbed and I am in control.”
At a glance, that sounds like villainous gloating. But the thing is, Lotor doesn’t say those lines when he’s comfortable and confident and actually sitting on an advantage.
When Lotor’s got an advantage, he’s breezy, cheerful, informal. When he’s talking stiffly about superiority... well, we mostly saw it when he was confronting Haggar in s3e5. “I am the leader!”
That’s defensive snapping because Lotor feels cornered. And that line about “I am in control” sounds very similar to the way he talks to Haggar- that is to say, it suggests, ironically, that Lotor is feeling anything but in control.
And Keith’s comment that Lotor hasn’t been seen in months is another worrying nod to how Lotor’s feeling. Because Lotor is someone who retreats, and withdraws, when he doesn’t like his odds. If he doesn’t like a fight, he’ll try to avoid showing up for it.
If Lotor’s hiding, he’s tense.
What all of this means to me is? Personally, I think Lotor has some respect for Voltron at this point. Practically they agree more on morals than Lotor does with his father (see, the utter contempt Lotor reacts with when Haggar compares him to Zarkon).
But at the same time... Lotor is also pragmatic, and, as mentioned, he isn’t really afraid to push the boundaries of his own values if he’s scared and endangered. So I don’t think Lotor would want to, for example, maliciously exploit Keith’s desire for recognition against him... that doesn’t mean he necessarily wouldn’t, depending on what else is chasing him.
Lotor’s not like Zarkon. His desires aren’t necessarily completely irreconcilable with Voltron’s survival or even victory. But a powerful motivator for Lotor is pretty clearly that he’s terrified of Zarkon and Haggar actually closing their grip on him again. And he cares about the generals as well- who have publicly thrown their lot in with him. Who, as very obvious minorities who are very strongly looked down on within the empire, are going to be in a lot of danger if he gets publicly cornered as a traitor.
If push comes to shove and the empire starts putting pressure on Lotor he’s going to feel a lot less sporting towards Voltron. And that might drive him to go further into nasty, ruthless tactics in order to get results- because he can’t afford to lose. His cozy little strike team with the generals is a nice arrangement but, like Voltron itself... they don’t have any dead weight to toss off.
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monkeyandelf · 4 years
Hybrids among us
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Although the excitement of a UFO visit to our planet subsided a little, still from time to time there is evidence that people are still sometimes abducted.
Why interest in UFOs is fading
The reason for such a sharp decline in interest in newcomers is a no stranger but the development of digital technology. Countless videos on the Internet that even a child can do on a regular home computer have discredited this topic. It is difficult for the average person to understand where the real evidence is and where the usual video editing is. And if ten years ago the public had a real interest in this topic, today the secret governments and an alternative story have replaced the aliens. But the missing interest of the general public does not remove the issue from the agenda. And ufologists continue to study those cases that turn out to be weeded out among a huge amount of "garbage".
Where are UFOs flying now?
As before, representatives of other worlds are of particular interest to: military facilities Nuclear stations places of seismic and geomagnetic activity. Also, as before, farmers find bloodless animals killed in the pastures.
To this day, there have been reports of alien abductions and conducting and crossing experiments on them. It is worth saying that the topic is not new. Throughout the history of mankind, there is evidence of a connection between people and gods, as well as their offspring, which has various inhuman abilities. So it was thousands of years ago, and it is happening today. Every now and then there are victims who are abducted at night from their beds and transferred to their ships, where they sometimes conduct very painful experiments.
Alien race
The most frequent evidence suggests that the so-called race of gray aliens shows the greatest biological interest in earthlings. These are low creatures with gray skin, a large head and huge black eyes. It is this race that appears in almost all the evidence related to abductions. Interestingly, people who believe that they were abducted by aliens tell completely different stories. If you approach the issue soberly, then in a detailed study of such cases, approximately ninety percent are ordinary fabrications. Some of them are associated with the desire to become famous, part is related to mental disorders part is just vivid dreams.
A small part that deserves attention
Those cases that can be considered true are fairly well understood. What the "returnees" say Women who became victims of such abductions talk about how, being paralyzed, they got into a room where there was a bright light, but there was no light source. Then, gynecological manipulations were performed with women, and without anesthesia. After such statements, some victims agreed to be examined and indeed they revealed the consequences of the surgical intervention, in particular, their ovary eggs were removed. If you refer to the opinions of ufologists, then the real percentage of abducted women is many times higher, but many simply do not remember this experience. Why UFOs abduct women According to some ufologists, aliens are trying to create a hybrid of man and an alien, with the goal of subsequent colonization of the planet. According to another version, aliens have long controlled the planet and, using hybridization, create the future ruling elite with their DNA. Why UFOs abduct men Interestingly, men are also the objects of similar hybridization experiments. But in this case, conception occurs in a natural way. “A female alien appeared in my house, seemed to have a strong attraction to me and after intercourse, she left pointing to her stomach,” say all the male “survivors of the encounter”. The opinion of ufologists Those ufologists who are deeply immersed in the study of this issue are sure that a decrease in interest in this topic is nothing more than a conscious intervention of an alien race in Earth control. “It’s possible that already today the key posts in the government are occupied by hybrids prepared several decades ago. They are trying to divert attention from the topic of hybridization by replacing it with other alternative studies. It’s not without reason that the theory of “flat earth” is moving forward so powerfully, and these ideas, multiplied by local conflicts and the global crisis will certainly help reduce the indigenous population of the planet"-ufologists say.
What do we have today
One can immediately note a sharp surge in various alternative ideas, from cities bombarded in the 19th century to a digital model of objective reality. It is surprising that all these ideas existed before, but only in recent years have become a truly massive phenomenon. Most likely, this is done in order to divert attention from the true state of affairs, as well as depersonalize human history. If we take seriously the theory of a flat earth, then the question of the presence of an alien race on it will immediately disappear. And if we assume that we are part of an advanced computer program, then we can conclude that we are not at all a reality. All these latest hypotheses must somehow prove to us that we are not unique and our existence does not make sense, and our history on the planet is not as long as it seems. Read the full article
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lopezdorothy70-blog · 5 years
“This Planet Will Be Theirs” – Professor Explains His Startling Conclusions About Alien Abductions
Yeah, the title of this article can seem quite scary, but this is one perception and there is a lot to talk about here.
To even contemplate the idea that (some) intelligent extraterrestrials are taking human beings against their will for unknown reasons, subjecting them to several different experiences that will be elaborated on later in this article, and then (in most cases) returning them from where they were taken, can completely destroy one's worldview paradigm.
It seems like something out of a horror movie, perhaps it would be best to take the perspective of all the animals that we take for our own entertainment and scientific purposes, that animal would most-likely have a difficult time comprehending what exactly is going on and would probably assume there is nothing but malevolent forces at work. Furthermore, we ourselves, have a difficult time communicating with that animal, and cannot get through to it due to the fact that it's so extremely panic ridden.
Is this what's going on in abductions? Perhaps there is something greater at play, even for our own good? Perhaps not. Many abductees, although subjected to much trauma, have had a sense of comfort and also telepathic communications letting them know that they'll be alright. What's going on here? Some sort of science experiment? Genetic manipulation? Human/alien hybridization?
Abductees vs Contactees
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Watch our free screening on CETV with contactee Susan Manewich.
Before we get into it, it's also important to mention the fact that when it comes to extraterrestrial contact, of which millions of people have claimed to have had, there are multiple categories. There are abductees, as described above, and there are contactee's, those who are not taken forcefully but rather have encounter(s) with supposed intelligent extraterrestrials, sometimes friendly, and other times a quite fearful experience as well. Then there are those who claim to be 'channeling' extraterrestrial beings, but have not experienced physical contact.
An example of a 'contactee' experience would be when more than 60 school children in Ruwa, Zimbabwe witnessed the landing of a spacecraft by their schoolyard. Two beings apparently came out of the craft and were seen by the children. These beings were also conveying telepathic messages to the children. The messages included the care-taking of our planet, and what would happen if we don't turn it around. Many of them had disturbing visions, and are still speaking about the encounter today, which was made public by Harvard psychiatrist John Mack. You can read more about that story in detail, here.
Mack, now deceased, is a great source for information when it comes to abductees and contactee's, another great one is Dr. David Jacobs a recently retired Professor and historian at Temple University who makes a very interesting point,
Now, let us suppose it is not happening, all those things still remain, and yet it's not happening, there is no such thing as the abduction phenomenon. If that is the case, we have found the most important thing ever in the history of neurology, brain function, cognition…all these people are saying the same thing at their risk, this is not going to bring applause to them , that they say they've been abducted by aliens from outer space. High functioning people say this knowing full well it could destroy their careers, and they say this around the world…And it's not happening then what? (source)
Why Are They Abducting Humans?
Some of what people report as UFOs are extraterrestrial (ET) vehicles. Some of those extraterrestrial vehicles actually have ET crews, and some of those ET crews catch and release humans – Don Donderi, Retired McGill University professor, Department of Psychology (source)
There are multiple theories based on the abductees and those who are actively involved with the research. One common theme seems to be an alien/human hybridization program. Many abductees claim to have been subjected to strange procedures, from having their sperm or egg extracted from the body, sometimes for males this occurs through forced orgasm. Others report being forced to breed with a human-like extraterrestrial.
Many women who are abducted and subjected to these procedures become pregnant shortly after they are returned, and during their pregnancy they experience another abduction event where they are returned without their fetus inside of them. After this, the next abduction usually occurs years later, and involves the abductee inside of a 'meet and greet' with their hybrid child, or children. They spend time together aboard the craft, and are observed during this type of activity by the extraterrestrials.
This is extremely common for women, women have these experiences all the time. – Jacobs
According to Dr. Jacobs, in a recent interview he gave with UFO researcher and historian Richard Dolan (see below), there is some type of 'take-over agenda.' Some of these hybrids return to Earth with their mother, and are, according to Jacobs, currently living amongst us. They do not know our ways, have many questions, and seem to be in 'observation' mode. Dolan describes them as lacking emotion, Jacobs feels that they are very logical and very curious about our ways. He's even been in contact with a supposed hybrid, via the parent. He hypothesizes that “this planet will be theirs.” These hybrids also apparently have the ability to neurologically control humans to some extent, from a close distance of a few feet.
When they come here, I'm making very large claims of course, when they come here, as people have told me, they are naive . There is only so much they can learn being on board a UFO, once they come here to live in human society, they learn that there is a lot more to learn. So, the abductee takes them to the supermarket, and teaches them how to buy food etc…They are amazingly good at remembering things…all information is remembered…Their brains are different than ours. They can  control us, from a few feet away, and that control is, that's a bad one. – Jacbos
Keep in mind, we are talking about the typical Gray alien here. It's important to mention that abductees and contactees have reported multiple beings, from the grey alien, to reptilian beings, insect and animal like beings all the way to human looking extraterrestrials of various sizes, and obviously, hybrid looking type of humanoids as well.
The ability to neurologically control others, is indeed scary, and for a being of those capabilities, you would hope that they are nothing but service to others, as I am sure we all do.
Furthermore, we are talking about regular people, doctors, lawyers, university professors, people who are struggling, living in poverty etc. These abductees are located all over the world, from all walks of life, and all share practically the exact same story when they are hypnotically regressed. We'll get to that point shortly as I want to elaborate on it more.
It does not matter what country they come from, they all say the same thing. -Jacbos
This is amazing, considering the fact that thousands of these people have been regressed by researchers.
It's also interesting to note that hybrids are not only composed of half human, and half alien, but there are also exchanges between hybrids with humans as well. There are multiple generations with varying amounts of alien/human, based on the research of those mentioned in this article.
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Are They 'Good' or 'Bad?'
Obviously, we don't know the answer to this question, but the overall gist from most researchers is that the main idea is the preservation of our planet. This comes from experiences like the one mentioned earlier in the article about the 60 school children in Zimbabwe. Not only that, this narrative comes from multiple credible 'insiders' with very interesting backgrounds.
There is what seems to be a lot of benevolence when it comes to examining the intention of these supposed beings, but there are also hints of malevolence as well.
Colonel Ross Dedrickson is one of many examples I've used in the past. He was assigned to the US Atomic Energy Commission and has had a long service there between 1950-1958 made him privy to some very sensitive information. He eventually decided to go public and tell the world that the “preservation of the planet is their main concern.” He did so in this interview with Dr. Steven Greer.
He was not talking about hybrids, but simply extraterrestrials. Who knows if the group he was referring to is the same group involved with the hybridization program?
Again, we are talking about what could be multiple groups visiting our planet, others with perhaps some benevolent intent, and others, unfortunately, with some malevolent intent. It seems that the Gray alien is most involved with the abduction phenomenon, along with insect like beings and reptilian type beings as well.
But what about this hybridization program? Is it benevolent or malevolent? There are differing opinions here among those who are involved with this research. In the interview with Jacobs, Dolan compares these hybrids to psychopaths who don't seem to have any empathy, at least that's the way it can look sometimes. He claims that some of them are “faking their way,” simply to find out more about what's going and how we operate here, or at least this could be a possibility.
This goes along with Jacobs' hypothesis, that the purpose here is the colonization of the Earth.
I'm not sure if I agree with the empathy comments by Dolan. These are things we do not know, we do not know how they feel towards others, how they would react if they saw someone in a helpless situation. It's also important to keep in mind that Dolan could be correct, they are after all half alien, and an important part of some sort of unknown agenda that's going on that's been conducted by this ET group. How do we know if ET's have the same emotional capacity as us? Does that make them bad or good? It's our human perception in the end that filters what we see.
Perhaps the 'abductors' are 'working' for someone else? Another group? Who knows.
Are they seeding the planet with a hybrid population? Is this simply another step in our evolution and how it's happened all along? Is this some sort of take over agenda for self serving purposes, or have human beings messed up so much that the preservation of the planet requires a completely new race? We don't really have many answers yet to be honest. At this point, we can't really draw any conclusions.
I do not believe feelings and intuition should be used to decipher mass truth about the phenomena at this point, but I personally feel there is an important role to play for hybrids, and that they will know this role when the time comes. But again, who knows, everything at this point, for the most part, is speculation, except for the fact that they are here and that they are increasing in numbers.
Perhaps all of us are some sort of hybrid?
We don't know enough yet, and there is still a lot to find out as time goes on. It seems that there is simply a hybridization program taking place and that these hybrids have been walking amongst us for quite some time. If something overly sinister was supposed to happen, I feel it already would have. But then again, there is a possibility that this phenomenon did not start until after World War 2, at least Dr. Jacobs seems to believe that based on his research (he mentioned that in the interview).
If this is the case perhaps we are looking at some type of military component? I say this because based on my research, some 'alien' abductions may be military abductions that utilize psychotronic weapons.
In the interview, Jacobs mentions a colleague of his who is also heavily engaged in abduction research. He does not seem to share the same 'grim' type of perspective, despite the fact that he is getting the exact same results.
The colleagues name is Young-hae Chi, who also engages in abduction research. He is a professor at the University of Oxford.
Below is a link to the entire interview with Dolan and Jacobs if you'd like to listen to it in its entirety. Later on you will find a lecture from Young-hae Chi.
The Findings Are The Exact Same
We know that the phenomenon is very, very widespread around the world. People think that this is an American phenomenon, it is not. I've worked with people from Africa, and Asia, and Latin-America, and Europe and so forth… All say the same thing all around the world, it does not matter where they're from. People often ask me whether there's any consistency in abduction accounts, the consistency is mind-boggling. – Jacobs. (source)
Chi, Jacobs, and others before them, have regressed and researched thousands of people. Chi, in Korea, and Jacobs in the United States.  They correspond with each other, as virtually all abduction researchers have found. They've found that the stories coming out of hypnotic regressions are the same, with very similar but unique differences, for practically everyone.
How jaw-dropping is this? Either there is some sort of new mental condition, or some type of psychosis happening that's not looked at or mentioned, or, something is really going on here.
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Susan has been involved in extensive contactee research and shares EXACTLY what is similar in contactee experiences. We interviewed her on CETV.
It seems the latter, especially given all of the evidence that already exists for the existence of UFOs that are piloted by an extraterrestrial being.
Jacobs believes that the purpose for these programs is the colonization of Earth, as mentioned. But Young, however, based on his research, believes in the benevolent theory, that this is being done to spark a more compassionate and environmentally aware citizenry who actually care about the planet they live on.
Interesting isn't it?
Below is a full lecture by Chi discussing his conclusions.
The Takeaway
The UFO phenomenon is no longer taboo, and the idea that some of these craft may be piloted by intelligent extraterrestrial beings has, in my opinion, strong evidence behind it. We have statements from thousands of credible people from within the military, intelligence agencies, governments, academia and more that has all been complimented by physical evidence and electro-optical data. The conversation gets deeper into why they are here, what are they doing, how their craft work etc…It leaves no area of humanity untouched.
The abduction phenomenon in particular can be quite 'scary,' but as you can see based on the information provided within this article, there are many unknowns, and it's still hard to determine what exactly is going on. To be honest, I still believe it's something far greater than we may be able to comprehend at this moment.
Based on witness testimony, and the fact that many of these craft have taken, as former Canadian Defence Minister Paul Hellyer once said, “corrective measures to avoid our aircraft,” it seems they are not here to harm. That being said, the protocol still seems to “shoot first and ask questions after,” which is how, possibly, Dr. Edgar Mitchell knew that “there have been crashed craft, and bodies recovered.”
One thing is for certain, we are not alone, and we've never been alone.
Perhaps the preservation of the planet is something more important than WE are…
Related CE Article
We've been writing about this topic in depth for years, below is one article out of hundreds that touches on what's currently happening in the mainstream with regards to UFO disclosure. If you'd like to read more of our articles on the UFO/extraterrestrial phenomenon, visit the disclosure section of our website.
The US Government Just Admitted To Recovering Materials From UFOs – Here Are The Latest Updates
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My entire readers audience
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Well I'm about to tell you it's not going to make a lot of sense to most of you and I wouldn't be surprised that most you read this and you liked it if it's just another crazy post Justin made !
But human beings are constantly spewing blasphemy in society human beings are constantly mocking the gods human beings are constantly being pervert and I don't mean that in a sexual way, human beings are constantly being coming more corrupted and more desensitized to demonic Behavior.
Human beings find murder a good thing when I know it is a bad thing
Also a lot of people in video games have been conditioned by video games and hype that murder is good video games have deeply desensitize them now I know a lot of people can tell a difference between a real murder and fictional murder but still the psychological effects it has on the subconscious are nuclear
Human beings are constantly poisoning the atmosphere the water and the Earth human beings are constantly destroying everything around them with a smile believing they are benevolent in their ways or don't really care for anything not smart enough to understand what they put out come back
Humans live their lives as if there is no tomorrow
Human beings don't give much mind to things and on top of the fact they make things worse for other people not understanding without cooperation things will only get worse within the complications
Human beings are constantly committing major sins and then laughing it off like if they did nothing wrong I know I spoke in a couple posts from this one that there's two kinds of evils
Some evil is Holy and some evil is Unholy most evils on holy
But with this being said a lot of human beings are also committing a sin of this is a very Unholy one a lot of human beings are feeling free to call themselves deities which is a sin in every religion on the Earth
You don't get to say you are kin of the creator
Unless you actually are an incarnated deity on the Earth that is a sin so effing huge there is no way to pay that sin off
There's not enough there's no amount of suffrage that can be done to you to pay that off that is super blasphemy
Humans have also become extremely sacrilegious and they also desecrate everything holy believing is funny and or they're the good guys for doing that
And or they feel edgy and dark and don't care that they are doing it
A lot of humans get away with doing a lot of really bad things in the Earth with zero punishment which indicates that despite all that I said there is a super punishment coming to the Earth
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Human beings are also part of the agenda to wipe out human beings by the secret societies
And no hybrids will not be getting governed by the government of the old world they're all going away with the old world the captain are captains go down with their ships
And to a degree reptiles can be even though they're scumbags, extremely honorable beings
Like I said I didn't expect nor do I expect anyone to understand
And because of all the unholeness on the Earth and or therefore care for what I have to say
But life is a spiritual experience and when all this wickedness this I guess you can say hollow dark wickedness
The false dark, but great evil
It's all over the Earth
I deeply believe this is the ultimate signs of the Apocalypse is appending
And I do believe the end is n i g h
The world is just too Shitty
For any of this to be normal
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The world is too much of a hellscape
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And they're constantly making the more dilapidated degraded and more horrific nightmares experience on this planet The New normal as the sun goes down and the world gets continuously darker it constantly becomes The New normal
As a Humanity is inched its way into Extinction but the reptilians have a huge problem
If the gray aliens do not or cannot fulfill their end of the part of the agenda and actually get some firepower in the sky and Actually do their jobs the actual blue beam project
And the entire agenda falls apart like sorry I'm not trying to be insensitive but I got no better example like 9/11
In video games I don't like to do any kind of competition or fighting I don't want to be that guy to give you pain stress fear angry anything I read a spread, love n Light, Rather than battle n fight
I don't like being competitive I don't like competition
I just want to keep the peace
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I understand humans doubt and alien invasion most humans doubt human extinction, But
The real blue Beam project is not going to be a hologram in the sky
But lasers find out a UFO intending for humans to 💀
This is certain words I can't say I'm here or Tumblr bot's will get to it
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Fairy's ( insectoid's ) We Don't Have an After Life !
The idea of an afterlife is purely alien shit from you eldrick creatures called human. <- and before you ask, No ! - I'm Not Acting, Nor am I Playing a Creature, I'm an Actual Hybrid of The Gray's ! - And, Yes, I'm Non Human !
I go through I I wrote this damn blog and gave all this data so I can help better inform the world but it basically did no good, no one listened no one pay attention everyone thought I was full of shit most people called me schizo but I swear to God everything I told is true I don't know how much longer Tumblr exists and I don't know how much longer my blog will exist at one time banned my ass, Fuck, could be banned tomorrow all of a sudden my information be gone again
Back, to the Point !
When I was with God, I agreed to be a part of his creation of that I agreed to be non-human as there are 99% of his creation are not human.
Link :
I remember being with God I remember a lot of shit with God and one of the things I agreed of God that kept telling God I wanted to be a fairy and God kept trying to correct me and kept saying you mean insectoid I said no I want to be a fairy and God said insectoid I showed God the fairies and God said insectoid Even louder
God had to force me to have the understanding cuz I just I guess I just couldn't fucking understand him I wasn't getting it, got force me to understand that fairies are insectoid's !
I swore Val in an oath to his creation then and I swear to forever be a fair in his creation God said that this is eternal and cannot be undone I agreed to God and God said you first have to show me a grandiose amount of love for this and yes God gave me the knowledge of English to speak to him
Apparently English is existed eons before Humanity came up with it
Cuz I spoke English in fairland ( hive world )before I was reborn
I'm on the earth because the grades want to conquer the Earth and they were forced into the hydro agenda I don't want to get into I want to talk about how fairies don't have an afterlife
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You see you in fairies die we get reincarnated there's no other dimensions we go on to there's no other higher planes that we have in all achieved at once to go to fairies don't die and go to like an Elysian Fields or Heaven there's no Heaven For Fairies ( Insectoid's )
There is no heaven for us there is a hell but it's not like you'd understand it's more like a punishment around a torch around for sinning it's ruled by Titania, titanium is really everything that comes with Fairyland but she's not the only super goddess
There are many more on the far-long path that we have lost and we've lost contact with them there is so much to our hits where we need to repair but I don't think I'll Get it done because the Grey's, are a bunch of fuck UP's !
Long story short with fairies die there's no pearly gates for us, that's purely human alien bullshit that belongs to humans only it's only a human thing strictly a human Thing !
What Fairies get is, Fairies Get Reincarnated !
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So just keep that in mind when somebody kills a ferry we go back to the high to be reincarnated from an egg or at this point live birth because the Grays and there's and the mantises and all their stupid fucking experiments fucked up the insectoid world so bad that they had to use alien DNA also known as Humanity to start creating hybrid insectoid hybrid so they can slowly make bug people again
And that's the truth of the hybrid agenda it's not that the Grays or who are servants and they will they're basically psychic Frankensteins made by the mantises it's not that the mantises want to create are trying to turn us human quite the opposite they don't want us human
! And, We don't want to be human - 😡
The mantises are using the human DNA is kind of like a storage for the bug DNA that thus making it a hybrid so that next generation they become more bugged in the last So eventually turn into complete insectoids some way somehow
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When a fairy dies we're just reincarnated that's all there is to it we don't go to heaven we can go to hell if we were sinful but hell is not permanent it can be permanent but it's not permanent
Hell is Extremely Different for an insectoid, how often is a place to wear the soles are destroyed, that was often a place where you are spiritually destroy but the place where souls go to be tortured for being bad fairies we're fucking up in the hive for fucking over the Fairyland for fucking over insect toys not to say these being competitive just fucking over the insectoid spirit and fucking over the nature of the hive
For breaking your oath to Fairyland or to God to be an insectoid
That's what it means to go to hell hell is also a place where titanium is popped up a couple of times where she's devoured Souls there in a non-loving way and there she destroys their souls where she digests them and converts them toxic shit
That is the last thing that sold will ever experience and that's always cease to exist at that point at that point she doesn't she doesn't even fucking use as nutrients she just converts all the toxins and all the poisons into literal Shit or Muk Cum
Long story short sorry line is an incredibly dark place and those Souls you chose God to become a fairy who went to God that they want to be a bug for eternity anything in God's creation you have to Forever support forever be that God damn thing for an eternity
Eternity is not a Trillion Year's Eternity is eternity That it has no fucking end attorney goes on so fucking long to God Coronas will die of old age and God's ( or Goddess ) Never Die ! ! ! ! !
And I still want to say that attorney is not long enough to be a fairy 🧚🏻‍♂️/🧚🏻‍♀️
Hell is not just for a place for the soul to be destroyed entirely it's also a place of grandiose torture and grandiose destruction for a soul it's supposed to a place where titanium is also goes to Super punish fairies super torture them also sometimes eat a part of their spirit that they'll never get back as punishment for fucking over Fairyland and when they leave hell they're cursed for hundreds of thousands if not sometimes millions of lifetimes and are just millions of years
Fairyland is a place you don't fuck around and when you're a fairy you truly are a fairy you give your mind body heart and soul to Fairyland also known as high world you are eternally an insectoid there's a lot of War on the bug world with a lot of fighting and a lot of sex and a lot of death a lot of chaos but ultimately the end of God damn day a bug is a bug and a bug is trying to support bug world you'll be reincarnated as a maggot over 100 trillion times and you'll die so many fucking more
There is so much Death in Fairyland you can't even conceive of it
That's a fucking truth, fairies don't have an afterlife when humans die they go to a different place when we die was sent back to this place we can go to the other dimensions if we want to but usually we just come back as we don't want to stay there we don't like it over there we don't like heaven we don't like the Elysian Fields we don't like other dimensions very much
And most of the time we fucking hate outside the hive
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And quite a few insect or I just want to bathe in the sewer system, it almost all of us male ferries are eager to be too to mate with a female and become eaten by her purified by her spirit rebirth and the cycle grow the goddamn High get rough house play with a female eating all over again and start the cycle again all over and over and over
Ferry just want to live in Fairyland but we're not shy to grow The Hive on other planets Fairlane does not turn its nose up to the idea of conquering other worlds and converting them in the hive worlds The Hive is always consuming The Hive is always growing The Hive is Greedy The Hive is gluttonous and the hive with Wrathful ! ! !
A river of blood flows out of the door of the hive and bugs crawl out of it as well
A hive is always Growing, There's so much more to be knowing
If you invade a hive you'll never Get out alive
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I hate the Christians, ( All of Abraham ) I Hate the Pagan's, I hate The Atheist and I hate the Buddhist
! I, Hate, Hate, Hate
I, Don't List Satanist's, And I Don't Like luciferian's !
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The hybrid agenda is an Evil Agenda, Because, it's forces Souls who don't want to be alive to be forced them to be alive in an alien world they don't belong in the alien world is your world, human
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To make things even worse we hybrids are not allowed to say we're not human because then Society has a very evil social mechanism where if something sounds absurd or ridiculous it automatically flagged as mental illness or schizophrenia and if you can prove that you're not human well then you have a problem with the Men in Black
Human, Societies are inherently Evil !
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Along, With Being Stupid
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Amanda says in the Grays want to conquer the Earth and turn into their own they have some belief whether maybe political or religious that the Earth belongs to the hive
What you call fairies the Grays believe that the world belongs to Fairyland and is the property of the hives or the insectoid family, Kingdom of the Bug's !
And that the goddess Titania is the true goddess and queen of the planet Earth, or Gaia or Jesus
? ? ?
! We 🧚🏻‍♀️/🧚🏻‍♂️ had a world and they took it to this one
. . .
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The more I think about sex the more I realize that I don't want to be happy because sex it's just like candy it's sweet in the moment and then it's over except you Got a Bitch Screaming at you and you don't have a
🍀 Four Leaf Clover 🍀
It's better to be alone than crying At Someone 😭 very The Phone
I often wonder why God created life or any deity or even the Big bang whatever the fuck you want to say I often can't stop wondering what the fucking point of life cuz there has to be a point there has to be some kind of fucking intention
I really refuse to believe that there is no intention for creation there has to be some fucking intention
Whatever the intention was I'm not sure we got fucked up always going according to plan but I can tell you Mike this is was a fake worse than anybody in actual hell
And I would know I was sent the hell a few times to see what it was like and I guess why they comparison to my life is fucking worse than hell
I don't care if you think I'm a little bitch they try to live one God damn day of my God damn fucking life and they won't survive to the next day it's that God damn bad you experience a goddamn pain I experience your heart will explode all your brain will Die
I don't care how mentally ill this sounds when I find the tall Grays I'm going to fucking put eliminate them I can't say buzz words I guess I got to care for my threatening buzzwords
When I find those God damn tall gray motherfuckers that put me on this earth when I find a society I'm going to do things to them so God damn bad that even an all-knowing deity will still be traumatized when they see me do it nothing fades of God nothing scares God but I think I might so much to face him a little bit when he sees what I'm going to do to them when I get my hands in the tall Grays and the mantises and all those motherfuckers that put me through this shit in this lifetime when I get to them I'm going to do things to them so God damn bad I'm going to scare the devil
I'm going to traumatize fucking Satan when he sees how much destruction I do to those motherfuckers all I wanted to do is he left alone the spirit around why couldn't I just stay a fucking ghost why do I have to go through this bullshit
Because aliens have a very Evil government that do whatever the fuck they want
I warned you motherfuckers I don't care how mentally all that fucking sounded but I'm telling the fucking truth the aliens Harvest your soul from the land of dead and they bring that bitch into the world they bring that picture into reality they're fucking hybrid agenda
And then you're fucking bitch ass is forced to survive this motherfucker if I try to end my fucking self that I ping I succulate ping them 👽👽👽
I can always steal them watching me intensely I'm under extreme psychic surveillance from them there's always at least one watching it all times
I always always have at least one of those motherfuckers some dimensions Sometimes some place I have no idea but I know they're always watching me and they also put an implant in my fucking brain
I hate being their best what the fuck I ever do to piss God off to the point where I have to live this fucking life
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I think deep on time and death
Not time of death but time and death
I think deep about it because time takes everything away from us
Time takes away experiences time takes away emotion time takes away people time slowly corrodes and rust things
Time slowly kills you time is the great change of the universe and time only steals everything from people it robs the knowledge of the future of the past
The most evil force in the universe is not the darkness it's time
Time is true evil time is evil personified time is pure evil
If you think about it everything goes away in time
Loved ones, experience, proof of things you're talking about.
Even your memory goes in time and eventually so will you 💀
Time is the most horrible thing there is I mean in time you're giving wisdom knowledge but how long until you forget that ?
Constantly pushes things moves things changes things corrode things build things up just to break them down and kill them
Time turns the seed into a tree then the tree into a pile of Ash
Time turns the baby into a man and then a man into a pile of bones
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Time makes it rain and then a disaster happens time is what happens right before someone gets struck by lightning
Time is what happens work before someone gets raped or shot a couple seconds ago it didn't happen and a couple seconds later it did
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Time turns into a puppy into a dog, a dog into someone's best friend and then takes it away from you
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Time destroys civilizations destroyed planets and even deities die within time
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Time is truly the most evil force in existence it's not the darkness, it's Darkness exist within time
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And bits of time you will have pleasure and then all you will go extinct at one point
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And you wonder why I don't take life so serious you wonder why I take not even spirituality is here if you wonder why I don't even take God serious even though I met him on multiple times
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I'm broken, I'm more beyond hurt I'm dead inside I'm a red dead on the inside I suffered so much in my existence I don't know anything is anymore ?!
I don't know how to do anything anymore because I've gone so far beyond I'm trying to send it nihilism
nihilism is the first stepping stone to understanding all that is shallow
Even all the companies in the world will be destroyed at one point think about 10 to 20 years ago all the companies that were they just seem like permanent permanent Staples in society and other dead where's my space that thing with planting with effing huge 10 years ago
Or was it 15 years ago ?
I know it one time Hot topic was one of the most popular stores in America now it's almost dead
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Time changes Everything time shifted everything time Brith's you grows you kills you and moves on
Time don't Give a Fuck
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Time is colder than a sociopath and you don't get one feeling than a sociopath or a robot and time is colder than ice
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There are places in time that are magical and wonderful but we'll never know them because they're all dead
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At one time the universe had a bunch more energy but those experiences are all spent and now it's all dead
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Most of the human race is dead
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The vast majority Humanity all those experiences warm moments magical moments holy moment deep moment spiritual moments are gone
And soon the alien agenda will take full swing and the rest last for the humanity will be completely dead
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I'm just a messenger
From the Grays, I'm just a messenger the vast majority of us are hidden Society
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There are many of us but we're closest Society they who made Humanity know how to close their hybrid to make them look very blendable
Camouflage, hidden
And I liked my Gray skin but the Grays wouldn't let me have it it was beautiful but I had to lose and have this ugly white skin
I was beautiful keyword "Was"
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Year 2045
Along with Humanity being gone one very confusing thing that I experienced on the ship was I experienced the gray aliens, and one of them was looking at a screen and being extremely serious and they gave all of us a vision of all of them being dead I mean like all gray aliens were extinct all mantises were extinct out all gray aliens were completely extinct in all reptilians in this section of space and no more coming Where extinct
I just wanted to let you know that they took that very seriously in the same time they also were trying to denying and they kept saying no older one getting no no hurry hatefully very angry that must be they kept calling a glitch a psychic glitch computer glitch is some kind of glitch that that can't be real they can't go extinct to keep saying it is no way but what I fell from that was a creepy mystical paranormal extreme eeriness
It was like a missing 411 case of all the gray aliens in the universe just suddenly just not existing sometimes they didn't even show me anybody just seem like they just vaporized !! ? ! ??
In the world was on fire and I know a lot of you shake your head at my quote on quote crazy posts
But I swear my words in the whole world's on fire humanities long dead before that happens and/or the whole world is covered in monsters I don't know where the hell the monster come from it's like it the Grays told me that someone literally open a gateway to Hell literally on the earth and a bunch of monsters start pouring out
Somewhere around the year 2023 and 24 and then portal start opening up all over the planet and then basically becomes like a real life Pokemon world but they're not cute cartoons or horrific hellacious monsters
Then they don't they make the most scariest horror movie look like a kid cartoon like the Telly Teletubbies
Or Dragon quest what are the F game you want to talk about
Is that Not, the point
All the Grey aliens are dead
And so will be there hardly agenda and what will be left is just us on the Earth as hybrids what's left of us the few of us and they'll be it on a dead , Lonely, burning planet
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But after the fire gets started all the monsters die and this is Earth this is not this is not a sci-fi movie I'm talking about this is not some futuristic crap it's not some mystical shift I'm not hiding any drugs - nor did I take any nor do I do any !
Listen man I swear my words apocalypse has happened they're the rarest things in the universe but they happen
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Asshole Alien, Stupid Mother Fucker's !
2. THAY FORCED YOU TO W8 32 FUCKING YEAR'S FOR A GOD DAM MAYBE ! - A MAYBE ON WE MIGHT GET THE WORLD OR WE MIGHT NOT .... ... if we fail, kill your self or we'll kill you ....  Me : WTF ! ??? ... them : OHHH ! BUT WE SWEAR WE'LL NOT FAIL ! But there is a Slight Chance .... Now : Witch Equal's 100% you Piece of fucking Shit ! 
3. thay Keep u from you kin ! your entire life and them from each other ! So  u are to suffer on a Level no Human can Understand even to the slightest degree ... i'm talking about the life ! thay give you .... thay Give you the Greatest of Hell's of life in a alien world Called HUMAN'S !!!!! YOU FUCKER'S READING THSI !!!!!!  ... thay give you the Most alien of alien + toxic Live's for a god dam Maybe ! a fuk'n maybe ! ... OH ! THERE SO HIGH N MIGHTY !!!!!! SHIT FOR BRAIN RETARD'S ! 
7. COULD OF PEOPLE IN THE DEEP STATE TO TAKE CARE OF US AND Let us Live LAVISH LIVE'S ! n Secret ! .... also NOPE ! Suffer in the Poorest of Getto's Ever ! - Mean wile thay tell Us going to do a world wide At .... WHERE IS IT, WHERE IS IT YOU FUCKER'S ! WHEEEERRRREEEE ! YOU PIECE'S OF FUCKING SHIT ! WHERE ! - also saying your Responsible for your own life BULLSHIT ! U PUT ME HERE ! FUCK FACE ! 😡 
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Ghost talk !
Ok, if you Gone threw My Blog i bet you Went threw a Rolla Coaster of Confusing and ... what Look's to be the Hight of true, Insanity ... i swear ... i am Not. I'm taboo as fuck but i'm Not Insane !
Listen i Wanted to tell you all the Str8 up Truth. About the fae ( Insectoid )  us when we where dead n and the Million's of us, from the Grave. aka Ghost. Void Paradise. WE WHERE HAPPY ! DEAD !!! thsi is why i be Saying this Agenda is selfish, it is Based Solely, 100% on the Gray's  WILL for the dead to Live, NONE OF THE OTHER FAE Aka Bu's aka Insectoid's. 
WANTED OT BE ALIVE !!! it is 100% just the Gray's forcing the dead to rise ... maybe to Cover up some Guilt. 
idk, The Entire Story of What Happen, i was a ... ah hem, A Ghost, Chill'n with the other dead fae keep other soul's NOT kin away. but .... 
Becuz it Would Piss of the, Ghost Hive or the Ethereal Hive, you'd Hear Angry Bug's Buzz there Wing's it's just the sound coming from the dead but you can feel there hatred, there anger and how thay wanted them gone and i'd wake the fuck on up and be hella, Pissed, Catering to my Kin. and Protecting them bagging the Mother fucker's for .. Sum, SLEEP !!!! Plz Muta fuk'a .... Can Some 1 Else be Doing dis Shit, i Too Dam Weak ! 
But 9 out of ten i be Be fighting and it be Some other of Mine be fight’n becuz odd soul's get attracted and Can't under stand ! FUCK OFF YAH !!!! GET THE FUCK OUT !!! BItHC !!!! U AIN'T A BUG THEN FUCK OFF !!!! FOREVER !!!! GO ! FLOAT ELSE WHERE ! Now ! 
We all Had a Bad feeling, and some of Our Kin be Saying, there was "Light's" and i be Like ...in the Spirit world .... Da fuq .... but i feared thay where right becuz in this Land of the dead there be Light all over the place in the Black and foggy void. 
Sooner then i thought i S a w - what we call the Ufo .... thay Came And was Abducting us from the dead thay Literally Pulled is from the grave Stuck us to a Crystal that Strapped our Soul's from getting out AND ! forced us into Body's thay forced them to SYNC ! 
all for an Agenda ! 
WE ! DIDN'T ! AGREE ! TOO !!! 
thay want us alive for there own reason's .... 
thay want us all to be alive and we all just wanna die. i wanna fine my kin and Get there end of the Story, but i can't find them and if i die before my time the Little Gray's fucker's are Going to re-abduct me and Put me back threw the Cycle. i'll be forced back at the shit but i bet they'll fuck the body up on Purpose just to torment me Further ! 
Like i Said the gray's are Pure evil, heartless Soul less Little shit's ! 😡 There Just Pure evil ! with Out a Care in the world ! ... of Course thay are a Soul .... ya Get my Gist, thay Monster's i Kno i Go on n one about Humans Being Monster .... ya Are. but ya Not Nearly as evil as the Gray's ... even tho you More Evil then demon's ..... take that into Account ! NOW ! 
We be Alive and i Almost 30 ... i'm 29 Now and it be 2021 ! dead Line THAY SAID ! is 2023 and i be thinking the Entire thing is bullshit and there full of Shit. but thay still made me, ANNNNNND there inter locked into soem kinda of Mystery War ? My Point is, this Agenda is DUMb It's fucking Str8 Retarded, Da fuq is the PoinT of Making baby's of the Soul's ! DON'T WANNA BE ALIVE ! No Soul not Powered Body, we are the Power that fule's the body NOT ! the fucking Food we eat .... we just do it becuz the Body also Need Chem Energy not just Soul Energy ! 
the Body Will Brake down with it's Chem's ! My Point is, THAT MEAN'S THERE IS GOING OT BE A TON A FUCK OF A FUCK TON OF DEAD BABY'S AKA ! STILL BORN'S ! becuz Soul's DON'T Want to be Born, are HAPPY ! with there Ghosty Ness AND don't WANNA BE ALIVE ! Like me ! you idiot's ( not the Human's the Gray's ! ) So WTF !
See My Point ! there Just Making shit to MAKE Shit ! and there Pissing off all of the fae, none of us NONE Of us wanted to be alive if Soul's Wanted to Come back THAY'D FOCK'N Come back. We where tired, Weak and Worn out. we Wanted that Peaceful rest and thay freedom to Go where we want ... n all of a Sudden HERE COME'S SOME RETARDED CUNT'S ! 👽👽👽
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the 2 Gif’s of Alien’s is REAL there Real footage ! 
Either thay you get the Gist. the Gray’s Forced us here FOR THEM ! 
WEEEEEEEEEEEEEE Don’t. Want. to. be. here. 
this entire reality is a forced one. aka We are Slave’s of them, We “Hybrid’s” are Slaaaaave’s !  
Why the rest Don’t talk .... 
A. there Most Likely  fucking Coward 
B. the Gray’s Probably Wiped there Memory ! 
C. there not able to go online and thay So Can’t talk or there in a different real becuz of C.E.R.N or something made the realm’s split and time get all fucked up or something idk. aa the Mandell effect. 
D. There Being Held Underground - ( Never Put Anything Past the Gray’s ) - ( there More Evil the the devil, i Promise you That ) 😡 
i Hope you Could read all of that And Wasn’t Too Painful on your Eye’s ! 
but i Just Wanted to tip ya off, THAT is the True Story, on We “Hybrid’s” are Here. Partly. the other haft is becuz of the Gray’s are Editing Humanity a Already Generically dying race thay Created. TOO  Save there own dying race but Editing there gene’s and  humanity is Control by the Puppet show that is the Government by the secret Society’s and the reptilian’s. aka the Pet’s of the Mantid’s and HOW And WHY ? Thay Work for them, I . DO . NOT . KNOW ! 
i Don’t get it, i don’t Understand why thay fiercely obey ? aka the Reptilian’s to the Gray’s ? ... maybe it’s fear, idk, maybe thay Promised to Aid them in there IDK ! 
and in Short, i really do. not give a fuck ! 
all i want is my kin, to Know what ! is Going to Happen Next and if i can a easy death and to GET THE FUCK OUTTA HERE ! aka Earth and rest in Peace. THAT ! IS ALL I WANT. to rest in peace and to be Left ! the fuck, Alone. ..... forever. 
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