#All Might: Young Midoriya stop biting him! You don't know where he's been!
gentrychild · 2 years
I'm just imagining AFO frantically shaking his arm trying to get Izuku off of him while the entire world gets a front row seat of the symbol of evil unable to shake off a feral teenager
"That man has just thrown the Symbol of Peace through three buildings and he can't shake off that one kid..."
"What kind of bite strength does this kid even has???"
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dominaecaede · 5 years
Tomorrow Never Comes
Chapter 8 results: 64% chose to save Shouto now
〘 twitter 〙
The following story will have themes such as blood, gore, situations that may cause anxiety and major character death. If you are sensitive to any of these, please do not proceed.
[additional warning: hinted suicide]
Chapter 9: The Young And Hopeless
Midoriya struggled internally. He stared at Bakugou's hand long and hard. He can't just stall time like this, but he knew his blonde friend wouldn't like his choice. The freckled boy gently pushed Bakugou's hand away as he forced himself to stand up. Bakugou's crimson gaze intensified towards him in both anger and confusion.
"Deku, what-"
"I'm sorry, Kacchan," Midoriya interrupted with an earnest yet sad expression. "I'm not risking it."
The greenette turned his heel to begin running towards the direction he remember the helicopter flew towards. Bakugou would throw an explosion in Deku's path if he could. Instead, he grit his teeth in anger as he watched his reckless childhood friend ran.
"Deku, you fucking idiot!!!" He screamed.
Still, the sight of Midoriya began growing smaller and smaller until he was no longer seen. Aizawa furrowed his brows in frustration and looked down. "Such a problem child...," he began. "Someone needs to go after him before he gets himself killed."
Dabi himself understood Midoriya's intentions, and deep down he knew he'd probably do the same thing. The blonde only spat and shoved his hands in his pockets before walking back towards All Might. The injured idol coughed and held his side and gave the most worried expression any father figure would.
"W-Wait...! We can't just let young Midoriya go off on his own like that...!"
"Why the hell should I care?!" Bakugou snapped. "He made his choice. If he gets hurt, it's on him." The blonde took All Might's other arm and gently hung it om his shoulders, helping him and Aizawa as they began walking.
Uraraka knew better, though. Through the explosive blonde's anger, she heard that hint of hurt and worry. The brunette knew she also couldn't go after him, knowing how badly wounded All Might and Aizawa were. She tightened her eyes and forced herself to look away from the direction that she may or may not see that mop of green hair again.
"Please... Be safe, Deku-kun...," She thought.
Midoriya continued to run until he knew they couldn't catch up and try to stop him. He stopped and put his hand on his knees, panting as he wiped the sweat from his brow. There was a sting from one of the cuts he received from fighting those men but he had to run passed it. When he caught his breath and started to run again, something else began to hurt. Something far worse than a sting. He screamed and knelt down, feeling for the source of the pain. That's when he noticed the patch of blood on his hand. He furrowed his brows and slowly lifted up his shirt to notice a bleeding bullet wound on his side.
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"Ugh... I better find something to cover that so I don't bleed out...," he muttered to himself.
He hated to stall even more time, but he had to be cautious. He can't save his friend if he's dying from blood loss. He searched around and came across a trashed liquor store just around down the block. He figured it wouldn't hurt to look. Midoriya endured with the burning pain of the bullet wound and got his gun out as he walked towards that broken down door. He scanned around before entering, relieved there was no akuma or soldiers around. There was however a smell that was so diabolical it nearly made him fall backwards.
"Ugh... What is that...?"
He walked towards the source and found a door just behind the cash register. Hesitantly, he opened it and had to cover his mouth to try and refrain him from puking. Through the massive swarm of flies scattering out of the room, the sight of a female's body hanging by a noose was found and he quickly shut the door. He didn't even take a good enough look at the decomposing body to remember what the woman looked like and he didn't want to find out. He immediately found some gauze and medical tape, along with a key he had no idea where it was to. His curiosity peaked and took it as well, before rushing to get out of there.
The moment he did, he gasped for air as if he was just drowning. The breath of fresh air was such a nice welcome to his lungs. As he knelt down at a safe spot and opened the pack of gauze, sadness rushed into his heart. "That woman... She must've wanted to die as a human and not become one of those monsters...," He began thinking. "She must've been so scared. I hope... I hope she's at peace now..."
He finished covering the wound as best he could but he still winced as he tried to stand up. He began rushing towards the same direction and stumbled upon a certain item. A newspaper looked up at him as if it wanted Midoriya to pick it up. And so he did, and he found something incredibly helpful. It was an article about how Clearnox's center of operations location was to remain confidential but it was revealed to have been in Nagoya. Midoriya sighed heavily. He knew that was going to be one hell of a walk but at least he knew somewhat of the direction. He remembered traveling there with his mom once to see the Nagoya Castle. Back to when the world was peaceful. Was normal. His mom... He felt sad and decided to stop thinking about it. "She's somewhere safe," he told himself. "She's safe..."
Midoriya continued to walk until he came across a motorcycle. He began having wishful thinking. He rushed towards it and felt the leather seat and gripped the handle and only became astonished by the decent condition it's still in. Wait, he's never ridden a motorcycle or even driven one. Is he crazy? He must be, because even though his mind knew how insane this idea was, his body would not cooperate. His leg swung over the seat and he gripped the handle. He actually began grinning, before noticing there was no key in the ignition. His eyes lit up and pulled out the key he found in the liquor store, and put it in.
"A perfect fit...!" He gasped.
He turned it and the engine began turning on before stopping. He kept trying, and on the third time he twisted it, the motorcycle was running. He tested out the handles before a huge smile spread across his cheeks. Luck must've been on his side today.
"H-Holy crap, it works...? It works...!" He chuckled.
He took a deep breath and began driving it before stopping abruptly out of panic. "Oookayokayokay, deep breaths... You can do this...," He muttered to himself. He tried again and had to grip the handles tightly so he wouldn't fly off. After driving it for about a few minutes to test it, a surge of confidence flowed to through his veins. Midoriya looked ahead with determination and gripped it.
"Just hold on, Todoroki-kun. I'm coming."
He kicked off the ground and began making his way to Nagoya.
Cold. Dark.
Those were the exact words Shouto would use to describe the setting he was in right now. His mismatched eyes slowly opened and he made a pained grunt as he slowly sat up. His head turned to look at his surroundings and noticed that it wasn't actually too dark in here, much to his relief. He was in a cage, though. That's when he noticed what he was wearing, too. A hospital gown? He reached up and felt something cold and heavy on his neck, too. What the hell is this? A collar? Panic began settling in but most importantly, he needed to find a way out. He began gripping the bars and using whatever strength he had to make them loose. Of course that wouldn't work. He's not that dumb. He did need more light though.
Shouto began reaching outside of the cage and began feeling around to see if there was anything useful. He only found a small rock but that was good enough. He looked at the small source of light and carefully aimed, before throwing the small rock onto it. It knocked what was revealed to be an incredibly small light bulb onto the ground. The bulb shattered upon impact and Shouto wanted to blast a giant iceberg into these damn bars.
"Fuck!" He growled.
That's when the lights suddenly flickered on. A man came in and Shouto immediately recognized who he was. He was the guy with a scar on his face that also happened to have been with Yuna when they rescued their teachers.
"I see you're awake now. Enjoy your sleep?" The man chuckled. Shouto glared daggers at him as a response. "Oh, no need for hostility, Todoroki Shouto. You can trust me."
"And why the hell should I believe you?" The mismatched haired boy snarled.
The man sighed. "Look, if I wanted you to die, I would've killed you while you were knocked out."
Shouto grunted in irritation. He had a point, but still, trusting this guy would be stupid. When there was a small moment of silence, the man began walking towards the cage, causing the boy to jolt back. That was when the man pulled out an apple and slid it inside the bars.
"You must be hungry. Here."
Shouto looked at it and raised his eyebrows in return. Was this guy serious? That was when the man chuckled. "Relax, sonny. It's not poisoned or anything. Here, look."
He took the apple back and took a bite, then smiled. "See?" He then put it back through the bars.
Shouto looked at the now bitten apple and shakily took it, not denying that yes, he was very hungry. The growling in his stomach couldn't be contained even if he tried. How long was he out? He took a bite and tried his hardest not to make a sound of satisfaction.
The man pulled up a chair in front of the cage and say in front of Shouto, watching him as the boy chowed down on the fruit. The boy looked at him with a confused and irritated expression.
"What?" He spoke out, not caring if his mouth was full.
"That scar...," The man spoke again. "How'd you get it?"
Shouto instantly became angry. "That's none of your damn business."
"Okay okay, you don't have to tell me if you don't want to-"
"I don't." Shouto began eating the apple more, now with fire in his eyes.
The man sighed. "Look, see this scar on my face?" He asked, pointing to the scar that was made down his cheek and passed his lips. "This was when Yuna got so angry with me when I first began that she split my face open. Apparently, I made a mistake so huge that it nearly caused her to lose the company." He began laughing at the memory. "I'm not gonna lie, I hate her guts, but she does make things interesting."
Shouto listened to him, knowing that deep down his story was bullshit but a part of him wanted to believe him. No no no, he can't be afford to be stupid right now.
"Interesting," the boy responded, clearly sarcastic as he set the now finished apple outside the cage.
The man sighed. "Hey, boy... I know you're not exactly comfortable where you are right now but if you try your best and behave, I can guarantee you'll be okay. I'll make sure that bitch doesn't touch you. You have to trust me, okay?"
Shouto wanted to roast him alive... But even if he still had his quirk, there's no way he could try anything without getting shot to death.
What should he do?
• Refuse his help?
• Or trust him for now?
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