minyooong-blog1 · 5 years
Aloe as a Potential Organic Toothpaste in treatment for Oral Health Problems
Hygiene is one of the most important priorities of an individual because it completes the overall health of that individual. Hygiene is commonly defined as the practice in which an individual maintains healthy lifestyle while preventing diseases through bathing, washing hands, brushing teeth and many more. Hygiene can be recognized in different parts like oral, hands, and nail. Oral Hygiene is the umbrella term for teeth and gums hygiene. It purposely maintains the overall oral health of a certain individual while reducing the risk of having oral problems (Weatherspoon, 2018).
           A clean and healthy mouth, clear from disease and other complications in the teeth and gums is important in order to maintain the overall health. Shortly after birth, dental health initializes and continues throughout the rest of life. Every individual has his/her own way of taking care of his/her personal hygiene especially of the mouth. Most people are experiencing different kinds of diseases and other conditions of their teeth and gums due to poverty wherein they cannot afford to buy cleaning materials. Diseased tooth, tooth decay, misshapen jaw and many more can affect an individual’s speech, smile and may cause bad breath, which leads to a certain problem if untreated, such as difficulty in cutting and crushing items of food because of the pain and severe bacteria (Shiel, 2018).
In terms of having problems of teeth, this includes the cavities that are located inside the teeth which are very painful, where decay has eaten through the enamel and exposed a tooth’s root. Cavities are holes or damage in the outer surface of the teeth known as the enamel, due to the millions of bacteria located inside the mouth (Shiel, 2018); dental plaque is a substance that is sticky and colorless film which occurs between teeth and gums. It is also referred as rough and fuzzy bacteria (Szalay, 2014). It can be categorized if the teeth are aching when drinking or eating hot and cold liquids and solid foods. This condition on the teeth cannot be easily known until the decay damages the tooth. Having an unusual feeling inside the tooth must have early consultation to the professional orthodontist for the betterment of the personal hygiene particularly to the mouth. Filipinos are exposed to different kinds of dental and oral diseases such as gingivitis, periodontitis, sensitive teeth and oral cancer, because Philippines does not have enough budget in buying dental health care tools for maintaining good oral. (Weatherspoon, 2018).
According to the National Monitoring and Evaluation Dental Survey conducted by the Department of Health (2011), 87% of Filipino residents suffer from tooth decay and 77% have never visited an orthodontist. Most Philippine-related issues lack oral care among the Filipino youth and adults. Studies show that 98% of children aged 3 to 5 years have dental cavities and 20% of aged 6 years have never been to orthodontists.  
           The cause of losing or having a severe problem in teeth is smoking, because usually smokers develop more tartar in their teeth than non-smokers which can lead to periodontal gum disease. Smoking triggers and irritates the gum tissue causing the gum to loosen the corners of the teeth where bacteria easily settle in and develop more decay. People who are not regularly brushing teeth causes plaque to build up and attack the contact of the teeth. Most individuals frequently consume sugary foods and drinks because it is unavoidable, but eating foods leaves carbohydrates to an individual’s teeth that tend to cling on it which result to cavity. Brushing teeth and flossing every day, visiting a dentist once a month, limiting sugary foods and drinks, avoiding smoking or chewing tobacco, and moderately drinking alcoholic drinks could help people in maintaining the cleanliness of their mouth without having costly procedures and long-term health problems (Weatherspoon, 2018).
Oral health is one of the top priorities of every individual because it is considered as one of the primary foundations of the human body since it involves the health of the teeth and gums that help in food digestion. Due to different problems individuals encounter in their everyday living, most especially in terms of oral health, human lifestyle and maintaining of oral health become innovative through the creation of toothbrush. Also, due to its importance, it does not matter whether an individual is aged 8 or 60 years; what really matters is their oral health (American Dental Association, 2019).
Before, individuals just gargle water in order to remove teeth and gum cavities, stains, and excess food parts that are stuck between teeth. Due to modernization, toothbrush, along with toothpaste, tooth gel, floss, and mouthwash, is created because through these innovations, individuals can easily and effortlessly clean and maintain their own teeth and gum health in a short amount of time (Natural Institute of Aging, 2020).
Teeth and gum health are basically maintained through the use of the new tools namely: toothbrush, toothpaste, floss, tooth gel, and mouthwash. Toothbrush, along with toothpaste or tooth gel, is used by placing it on an individual’s teeth. Then it is moved back and forth in short strokes to remove stains and excess food. The outer and inner parts of the teeth and gums are brushed carefully to ensure the teeth and gums’ health and the hygiene of that certain individual. Teeth and gum health or oral health needs certain amount of time and effort in order to maintain it completely without any hindrances. Through the help of toothpaste and toothbrush, which are commonly used, an individual’s oral health is nurtured in way that aside from being clean, it becomes more durable in facing hindrances like food stains (Frank, 2017).
Toothpaste and tooth gel are one of the most common products used in providing better assistance in maintaining oral health. Toothpaste is a thick substance created to combat tooth decay and other oral problems. It actually contains substances like fluoride which helps in slowing down the breakdown of teeth’s enamel and preventing tooth decay, baking soda which helps in removing surface stains in the surface of each tooth, and sorbitol which holds the toothpaste substances together and serves as a sweetener without causing cavities. Toothpaste is said to be safe because it only focuses on maintaining oral health, but due to the substances it contains which are mostly chemical-based, it can change the momentum of how individuals consider toothpaste as a solution for oral health (American Dental Association, 2019).
           Since not all individuals consider toothpaste as an effective oral health solution, there are some who manage to create toothpaste substitute without using chemical-based ingredients. Organic products are mostly considered in today’s era since health is the top priority of every individual and health practitioners. It is one of the most-known plant because of its benefits. It is a succulent type of plant species. It is a perennial evergreen, originating from the Arabian Peninsula, but growing wild around the world in tropical, semi-tropical, and arid climates. It is cultivated for use in agriculture and medicine.
Aloe (Aloe vera) also known as “wonder plant” (WorldHealth.Net, 2019) due to its healing properties, serves as a natural medication for most individuals. It has been used as a subject in past researches due to the claimed therapeutic properties it possesses. Aloe can help teeth and gums by using its “gel” just like the common toothpaste. It is the most common species of Aloe Vera that is used in the field of dentistry. According to Sujatha, Kumar, Muruganandan, and Prasad (2014), Aloe vera, the healing herb in many health functions, is known to be helpful. It is a source of 19 out of 20 essential amino acids that an individual’s body requires and these amino acids allow an individual’s complex enzyme system to function smoothly.
Aloe is proven to be beneficial in dermatological problems and helps in good skin tone by increasing the activity of fibroblasts. These fibroblasts produce collagen and elastic fibers and give the skin its structure. The moisturizing effect of Aloe vera due to polysaccharide components provides and sustains moisture in tissues. These are used in the treatment of gingivitis and periodontitis, having good antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties. It can easily reduce the associated gingival inflammation and pain. Clinically proven studies showed that mouth rinse which is known as the oral mouthwash and dentifrices which are known as the dental term of toothpastes and toothpowders used in cleaning and polishing teeth of individuals containing aloe vera, contain a significant reduction in gingivitis and plaque formation after use due to its anti-stain and anti-inflammatory properties (Sujatha, Kumar, Muruganandan, & Prasad, 2014).
Furthermore, Aloe has many benefits when it comes to the human body, in terms of skin or in oral health. The researchers will create a product which involves its gel in maintaining teeth and gum health or oral health due to its anti-inflammatory properties. Since Aloe is organic, the product that will be created will show results that are less harmful and much more effective than commercial toothpaste in treating oral health problems like teeth and gum swelling.
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minyooong-blog1 · 5 years
A way to a person's heart is through a look in the eye with a perfect smile.
Lanz Angelo Maclang
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