#Also If Bernie hadn't gotten that Winter alt I would've voted for her too
dark-chibidragoness · 4 years
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Alright, Here’s my Ballot in it’s entirety. All 7 votes and 7 Characters that I voted for who I like. 
1-Hrid: Okay, I love Hrid and I’m sad that we’ve haven’t seen any version of him since the second NY’s Banner with him on it. And his sister’s have gotten alts after that! (Bride!Fjorm, Summer!Gunnthra and Summer! Ylgr.) And even the Muspell sisters have gotten alt’s since then, too! They have summer versions and Laevatein just got a Ninja alt! WTH.  
I hate it. I want more Hrid. I want another Helbindi. Give my boys more alts than just one!(Not counting their base forms as alts)
He hasn’t even been in any Forging bonds or ANYTHING and his sisters have been in them. Well, Fjorm and Ylgr at least I don’t know about Gunnthra.
And i’m not hating on the girl characters, I like Fjorm and Ylgr and all them I just wish IS would give the guys more love instead of focusing on giving the girls all of the alts. 
They’re all Simps. That’s what they are. SIMPS.  
I have a lot I want to say about Hrid but this will be VERY long and I don’t want it to be longer than It’s going to be. So..moving on for now...
2-Marth: Really, The only reason I voted for marth is because he’s been down in 3rd for the past few years and I really want to see him get his Brave Alt finally.
And then he’ll be out of the Options for Brave units and there can be a lot of other choices.  
And as much as I love Gatekeeper I don’t want him to get in, but  if he does gets in then he won’t be able to come back next year and the slot will be open for someone else.  
If Gatekeeper somehow doesn’t hold second place then people are just going to vote for him next year. 
Well, Back to Marth..I did diverge a bit...I haven’t played the games Marth is from but I know him from Smash, Although that being said I do like Marth and I actually have all versions of him. Normal, Groom, Legendary and Winter Marth. I HAVE THEM ALL. 
I don’t have Resplendant Marth but I probably never will because I don’t pay for this game. F2P Dangit.
Anyway, I really just want to vote marth not just because I want to but because he deserves a Brave alt and he’s gotten robbed of it the last few times we had CYL.
Moving on to my third and I’m probably the only one who voted for him-
3-Ryoma: I love Ryoma. I’ve married him in both Birthright and Revelations, but when I got to the dreaded chapter 25 of Conquest, I probably cried harder than my in-game character did. 
I played Birthright before playing Conquest and I can say if it weren’t for Ryoma’s existence I probably would’ve gone Conquest first. I did buy Conquest first and played through the first few chapters before the split, but when It came to the split I stopped when I realized I couldn’t choose the Hoshido side, and that was one of the things I didn’t like about the game. 
I did eventually finish Conquest, but that’s only after I played through Birthright and...I actually liked the route a lot. Now, Originally I wasn’t going to go with Ryoma, I was actually originally going to marry Kaden or Kaze, but ended up with Ryoma because of his Honor and the way of the Bushido.
I don’t know what it is about characters that have the Honor and Bushido trait, but..I guess that’s my type?? Which is probably why I like 2003′s TMNT Leo a lot.  
Alright again I could go on and on but I don’t want to make this a too long of a post so moving on-
4-Alfonse: Okay, Alright..This one could be long too but I’m going to restrain myself. 
 Well, I’ll say it. I like Alfonse. Especially in book 3 when he stood up to Hel. That was amazing! I hope he does that as well in this Book with Fafnir or..Otr? I guess whichever one. (I did like Otr when he was first shown but now I’m not so sure...)
I really want either a Legendary or Brave Alfonse, and I would love to see what they would do with him.
And this will probably never happen but a Duo alt with Hrid would make me very happy. (Like a Summer Beach Volleyball alt with Alfonse holding a beach-ball and Hrid holding Ice-cream to cool themselves off. Oooo I’d draw that but I’m not a good artist, sooo.)
Okay Okay, I said I would restrain myself and I am. I’m moving on before I rant about Alfonse some more.
And the next vote goes too...OH. The other character I could rant all day about.
5-Grima: Yes, GRIMA. Not the Female Robin Version but Male Robin. 
This is another type I like but It’s nice character’s who’ve been possessed by evil beings, or give themselves to darkness? (Like Jesse/Johan from Yugioh GX?? Or Riku from Kingdom Hearts?!)
Although I actually like the actual Dragon form of Grima more than the Robins and would like him to have his own human form instead of possessing Robin, but i’ve never played Awakening and don’t know if there’s a reason for that.
Having them come out with a Halloween Alt for the Female version makes me a bit hopeful for a Male alt but not a lot because apparently IS just likes to make all the alts for girls and not guys?? Like please I want more of my favorite guy characters with alts. How am I supposed to Simp for my favorite boys when the don’t even give them alts?? Like Hello?? There aren’t just guys in the world who play FEH there’s girls, too??
But let’s be honest, Even if we get another Male Grima will he even have the exposed Tid? I don’t know and that scares me. 
Once again, Just give me my boys, IS!
6-Scarlet: Hoooo Boy Scarlet. So I was a bit jealous of Scarlet in Revelations when she was talking about Ryoma, and then I felt bad a few scenes earlier. 
Which made me wish I had completed her bonding events in Birthright, I only ever got up to C rank.
Uhh, So I voted for Scarlet because I realized I’ve just been voting all guys and even though Eirika and Byleth are in the lead I’m still voting for the characters that I want. 
And scarlet is one of them. I know it wouldn’t be enough to get a brave alt but I wouldn’t mind if IS gave us normal Scarlet or a certain other Alt that comes later in the year but before Brides and Summer that I won’t talk about. 
I did like Scarlet in Birthright and in...Revelations...and after what happened in Revelations I felt really really bad for her? 
I hope she gets in at some point. I would actually summon for Scarlet if they put her in. However she gets in. 
And the final vote iiis(I don’t know why I’m doing this I have the whole battle ballot screenshot shown, so everyone can already see who I voted for)
7-Orochi: Orochi. Needs. To. Be. In. The Game.
Out of all the fates Characters we have, I’m surprised we still don’t have Orochi. I don’t remember well but I think she’s one of Mikoto’s retainers?? It’s been a very long time since I played fates so I don’t know. 
Umm...That’s pretty much the only reason I voted for her. I love Orochi and I’m sad she’s still not in the game yet. 
This is one of the few times I want IS to give me a female character, the other would be Scarlet and probably Nyx if I had another vote. But..well...Hmm..
Okay, That’s all the votes and the rough and hopefully short enough explanation of why I voted for each character. 
I’m tired of writing, my hand’s getting cramped so if there’s something I need to add I’ll do it later. Gotta rest my hands for now and probably watch people try and Summon for Seiros. 
(Who I did not get but I got Legendary Dimitri so I’m happy)
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