#And I thought about voting for Marianne but-
qqueenofhades · 1 year
Thoughts on Marianne Williamson for 2024? Or her just in general? I don’t know much about her, but the left/progressives claim she holds their moral values and believes in radical change. Is it possible she’ll just be another Bernie, who made ‘preaching to the choir’ statements without actual plans to enact the policy they want? Or can she be a considerable candidate for 2024? I’m planning on voting for Biden for re-election, but I do want to know more about Marianne.
She is a flake, a kook, has no real experience, is anti-vax, anti-depressant, generally completely unfit for being president, and I don't know why the Online Leftists have latched onto her.... okay, yes, I do. It's because they are diehard, pathologically averse to voting for the only candidate who can a) beat Trump and b) has actually enacted progressive and helpful change for real, and not just in their fever-dream fantasies. And because they haven't learned ANY lessons from how badly 2016 was fucked up, they insist on putting us through this "uwu I need a Special Third Party candidate uwu" rather than doing anything useful whatsoever. I will try to control the rant here, but yeah: this is a trigger for me. I fucking hate everyone who still lives in Cloud Cuckoo Online Leftist Land and refuses to acknowledge the damage they did because they "just didn't like" Hillary in 2016 and are guzzling at the teat of Tankie Propaganda about Biden and are still therefore utterly useless (and indeed, actively and viciously harmful) at the project of opposing actual theocratic fascism. So. Yeah.
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odinsblog · 8 months
I just found out about Jasmine Sherman and they look really cool. Like, the policies that they say they’re going to do? The fact that they have an audiobook option for people to listen to what the policies say on their platform? (If people don’t have JAWS or screen readers on their devices, JAWS for computers.) I really hope they get far enough in the presidential race. Although Cornel West is my next choice should he get far.
Yeah, sorry but Hell NO.
I’m all for audiobooks and JAWS readers, but I’ve never heard of Jasmine Sherman before and as far as I’m concerned, Ms. Sherman is just another throwaway vote. She has the same chance of winning the next election as a randomly picked name from a hat. Same goes for Cornel West and for 🤡 RFK Jr., and same for Marianne Williamson, and in fact, same for anyone who isn’t named (I honestly cannot believe that EYE am saying this, but here we are) Joe Biden.
Look, in 2020 I went through the same journey that I think a lot of voters are going through right now: I swore up and down that I wasn’t going to vote for Biden because he had (and still has, tbqh) a lot of conservative policies that I vehemently disagree with—LOL, don’t even get me started on Title 42, okay? But at the end of the day, I carried my Black ass into that voting booth and I begrudgingly did what I had to do.
All I know is, I do not want Donald fucking Trump in the White House. That’s it. Not “lesser evilism” not “he’s the next LBJ” not anything else, except for I’m voting for the person who has the best chance of beating Trump and keeping his racist ass out of the White House. THAT’S just about my only motivation here. Dassit. Periodt. I can deal with everything else later.
And I can live with myself with that vote.
But yeah, I’m Black and I gotta live not only with myself, but I also gotta live in this world and look other people in the eye. People who don’t even have my extremely limited level of privilege.
I’m not gonna go into detail about how a Trump presidency would make literally everything worse than it already is—and yes, sadly that includes Palestine, Ukraine, transphobia, homophobia, immigration, and whatever else is allegedly important to disproportionately ☭ white, online “leftists” 🙄 who keep telling people not to vote, or keep telling people to vote for candidates who cannot win.
As far as I’m concerned, Trump getting back into the White House is an existential threat to everything I hold dear. So no, anon, I will fucking not be throwing my vote away on some random ass person I’ve never heard of before, who has no mf chance of ever winning.
And yes, I still have problems with Biden. Like, a lot of problems. Like, a LOT, lot. But he’s the best chance we got at stopping Trump, and Trump needs to be stopped. That, plus I desperately want to see Trump pay for everything he’s gotten away with so far. Voting for Biden is the best way for me to give that a chance.
So yeah, I am deathly afraid of a second Trump term. And a big part of what is driving that fear is the fact that Joe Biden is vulnerable and super beatable. Like, his winning the next election is not a guarantee—did Hillary Clinton’s completely preventable loss teach you nothing at all??
Anyway, I’m not tryna write a book here. I think I’ve made my thoughts clear on Jasmine Sherman and whoever else is the flavor-of-the-day that can’t and won’t beat Trump. Biden is really fucking up and making himself even more beatable by unconditionally supporting Israel, and if he wins he might continue to fuck up, but I promise you that Trump will do unimaginably worse to Palestinians—and that’s not hyperbole.
Lastly, I really debated long and hard about whether or not to make this post rebloggable. PLEASE don’t make me regret that decision, OKAY??
Like, I know that a lot of people who unconditionally LOVE Joe Biden (that’s not me, btw) and the Democratic Party will be tempted to add, “VOTE BLUE NO MATTER WHO!” to this post, but I am begging you to please resist that urge, okay? I don’t know how to precisely put it into words, but unless you’re already convinced and have decided to vote for Biden, there’s just something about adding that braindead slogan that is incredibly off putting. It’s like an annoying ad that you want to skip and ignore on YouTube; it’s vapid; it’s old + tired; it’s lowkey offensive, and it tells people that you haven’t really given a lot of thought to anything and you’re just another insipid Blue MAGA sycophant blindly hopping on the bandwagon. Please find a better more intelligent way to express your support of Biden, okay?
ALSO, if you just search for Jasmine Sherman on Tumblr, you get a lot of anonymous asks like this
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And sorry, but having lived through the 2016 and 2020 interface elections, yeah, it just smells fishy af. Chipping away at Biden votes is another way to help get Trump re-elected. And Trump supports Putin and Netanyahu
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I’m not a registered democrat, I have campaigned for a progressive before, but I’m gonna be real with you. If democrats are “pro-Democracy” and republicans are the “fascists” than why the fuck do the democrats not have debates this year but do have superdelegates? But the repubs don’t have superdelegates and do have debates (even when RFK Jr and Marianne Williamson are both doing better in the polls against Biden then any of the republicans other than DeSantis are doing against trump)? You can make the case he’s an incumbent but half the democrats want someone new. I can’t be the only one who sees this nonsense
fas·​cism ˈfa-ˌshi-zəm
a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that
exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader
severe economic and social regimentation
and forcible suppression of opposition
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I can't post more than 10 links on a post anymore so I can't provide sources proving that the USA has met all-if not most- of these check marks. But it has. And it has for a long time, before Trump and before Obama. Regardless of party.
Because fascism is fascism. Just like democracy is democracy regardless of which party you align with. Why would which fascist party you like matter? Its fascism.
Like when was the last time any of us Genuinely had a say in anything? We're just now coming out of centuries of genocide, slavery, and systematic abuses against minorities. We all just got human rights within the last generation and not even all of them. And we had to fight tooth and nail, lose family for the ones we do have.
And that's not even talking about how long it took us to get our right to vote and it's still actively & shamelessly suppressed every election.
And we're slipping backwards? Already?
Does our "democracy" think the people suddenly lost interest in the rights and protections our previous generations fought for? Funny that while also adding more laws to make protesting illegal and more funding and protections to police. Did you know Biden labeled people protesting specifically against fascism as terrorists part of a terror group (antifa)?
Who does it benefit to strip us of rights?
Why do it when that's Not what we want?
What could They want for us?
Why are they censoring protests critiquing capitalism?
Do you want people deciding which rights you should have For you when they think you shouldn't have less?
Is the way this country is functioning right now a healthy democracy?
This is something that someone just made in contrast to the above images I'm sure. I can't find any indication online this is a genuine list.
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But it does make a very strong point about the political leanings of the US political climate. And it's certainly not leaning towards any of these things. Always seems to be justifying attacking them or not supporting them instead...which goes back to the scapegoats checkpoint.
The first thing Nazis did was blame minorities for the state of the country. As soon as they had enough support, they started rounding us up.
Kinda like how Mexicans are stealing jobs, Black people steal cuz they don't work, queers are perverting our youth and welfare queens are stealing from taxpayers.
And what are the Dems doing about this rhetoric?
Pushing you right every chance. Like using the pied piper strategy for their nationwide campaigning. Like having superdelegates and not letting progressives participate.... But yeah Republicans will.
At least they listen, right? At least they're honest.
Makes that step right seem way easier than you thought before. Funny, innit?
Democrats are truly personifying the ratchet effect but not just by allowing republicans to pass awful policy while doing Nothing in return. They're also doing nothing at best while the right recruits more and more people (and helping at worst).
I think there are a lot of people in our government who are there for good reason and with good intentions and are "pro-democracy."
I think very few of them are aware enough of the bigger picture to realize they're cogs in a well oiled fascist machine.
That is to say only fascists work in fascist governments.
They're all fash. Not just repubs. Not just Dems.
The only people I have any hope for are progressives and leftists willing to throw a wrench in it.
I'd happily vote for Marianne or Bernie or Andrew Yang if it meant giving fascists a run for their money.
Nothing would scare them more than the people having spare money and time to organize. And we'd have that with higher wages or ubi or universal healthcare.
Voting for a socialist is the best way to beat a fascist. Socialists fundamentally believe everyone deserves rights. There is no greater challenger to fascism than that.
It's why Democrats refuse to push Bernie and Marianne and Andrew Yang. It's why candidates like them with campaigns focused on social programs and increasing life quality are reduced to clowns and radicals nobody should take seriously.
It's all propaganda. All of it.
As long as we still have the ability to vote we should be voting for people like them.
Who cares if they aren't perfect, you know? We're living in the setup stages of another genocide.
Who cares if we lose when we lose either fucking way at this point. Biden is the fucking president and he can't stop what Desantis is doing???? Won't challenge it???
We need someone who will. And WE, together, need to stop settling and putting up with less when we can have So Much More.
Anyone telling you to vote for Biden is a psyop for fascists and I stand by that.
Voting for parties like green party or independents or whatever is not "fascism" because it's splitting the vote. I don't care what Democrats and liberals tell you. It's just you exercising your right to vote for a representative that represents you. Which is what a healthy democracy is supposed function like.
If they call you a fascist/psyop/Russian/bot it's time to start really analyzing what principles and beliefs Democrats stand for in 2023. Do they want you to vote with their beliefs and principles or have they shaped their nationalism to align with their political party which they want you to support without question?
And if they start pressuring you because "the fascists" will win without a unified vote on a democratic candidate then it's time to start considering more aggressive approaches to fascism if we are ONLY ever one election away from it.
If we are One vote away then voting isn't enough to keep it away anyway. And this "warning" coming from the same party year after year that's ALSO promised to "address (voter sticking point) after we win the votes we need" for decades in a row now.
They didn't. In fact we don't have Roe v Wade over it. We're losing human rights over it.
And now Democrats are the Only ones who can stop fascists, huh?
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luciaslullaby · 1 year
I know I don't often make posts on tumblr or talk Americam politics to others but there is a 2024 Presidental candidate, Marianne Williamson ,who I think everyone should research into.
Please , I urge everyone to disregard the party she on, no matter what party you normally side with during elections.
She has a lot of important truths that I have never in my life heard any other political figures say or have the guts to say on national TV.
I will link videos below that I think highlight her thoughts on important matters.
A 1 hour long video about why she is running and her general ideas:
An interview about her stance on the violence that is perpetuated by the system in which we live in:
An interview by ABC:
A livestream/conference about more of her policies uploaded from her offical YouTube channel:
I understand these are just a few videos but these spoke to me on many levels and I hope they reach your hearts as well. I haven't been able to vote for long, and honestly? My choices I was restricted to were not great. Not people who I wanted in office no matter the party.
I urge you all to deeply do research into who we are voting for and the systems put in place that perpetuate the pain we all feel on a daily level. There are ripples in our society that we can no longer ignore , the parties are dividing us for a reason , to create infighting to blind us from what is happening on all levels. We are so used to the dissonance and detachment in our daily lives in America.We deserve better than what we have currently, Americans can honestly do better.
Why would we stop the forward growth for all Americans?
No matter where someone came from, who they love, how they cut their hair, what's in their pants, or what their favorite sports team is all that matters is that we have access to Life, Liberty, and the pursuit of happiness here in this country.
We were founded on people who didn't fit in anywhere else , a land of misfits who will do anything to protect eachother from people who want to tear them down just for existing. Our ancestors or even maybe your recent family members , came to this country for opportunities and the ability to pursue their dreams because where they lived before restricted them so much so that they couldn't meet their basic needs to just be happy as they are. That is the American dream.
You may disagree , that is okay, just respect my stance and do not argue about beliefs because you will not change them unless you have 5 or more credible sources to prove your point. That is all, I hope everyone has a blessed day.
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oldbaton · 8 months
While I will obviously vote for Biden in the general (Trump would take Biden’s war funding and increase it and rank it up further making it easier for me to make that decision) I have a difficult time thinking I could vote in the primary? The only candidates that would be available to me are RFK, Marianne Williamson and Biden? I’d be willing to cast a vote for Stein but if I understand things in New York I can only vote in a Democratic primary meaning she will not be on the ballot in April. But on the other hand it goes against my core values to sit an election out. It’s really important to me to make a decision and be involved. But the idea of bubbling his name as he funds these efforts is deeply hard to stomach. I’m rambling. I don’t know what I will do. And even tho his nomination is a forgone conclusion… it doesn’t make me feel better about not voting in the primary if I choose to do so? I’m train of thought blogging
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qworflordking · 9 months
sorry for getting mad about us politics i forgot it was election year and i swear to jesus i thought we were over precious leftist infants thinking not voting is activisim. i hope uh *glances at smeared palm* i hope marianne makes a good show of it this year im sure she can save us all with the power of love
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letsmovetomoon · 2 years
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phillipcole · 7 months
Post-AGT Appearance 1290: Ontario Today CBC Radio February 13
Man of my Dreams would have dropped to 20th then 21st last weekend. Canadian Wildfires would have dropped out of the top 100 on the country chart last weekend. Toad woman of Tennessee would have been second on the weekend of 2-4 with 9 million, but first last Thursday, then third with $3 million last weekend reaching $227 million domestic, $148 million international.
I would have no messages from the Colbert people regarding Phillip. I would be a legal resident of Nevada and would have returned Monday to vote in the Republican primary while maintaining membership in the Libertarian Party.
Biden would have won the Nevada primary with 82% of the vote with Marianne Williamson the only opponent on the ballot. she would have gotten 12% with None of these Candidates 5%
Despite my efforts the Republicans of Nevada would have held a primary Tuesday and caucus Thursday. None of these Candidates would have won the primary with 42%, Haley 36%, Burgum 14, Desantis 6 and Ryan Binkley 1%. At the caucus Thursday only Trump, Burgum and Binkley would have been on the ballot, Trump 55%, Burgum 42, Binkley 1%.
My agent would have decided it was best for me to keep silent about politics and say nothing about business until there was a clearer future. However he would want to introduce me to the people of Canada as a scholar and would negotiate an interview about the condition of Biden's declining mental fitness and the 25th amendment. This would air on a radio show called Ontario Today which airs at noon weekdays throughout the country. Amand Pfeffer is the host. It would have aired towards 12: 30 eastern time Tuesday
Remember if this was a true story my efforts to gain votes for the Libertarian Party would have resulted in several elections going to different candidates. So Republicans would still have a majority in the Senate and a larger majority in the House of Representatives. Kevin McCarthy would still be Speaker of the House. Also, with less stress Biden would be much healthier than he is now but people would be just as worried because they wouldn't know how bad off we are in the real world.
Pfeffer: To add clarity to the situation in the US I interviewed American writer, humorist and film maker Phil Cole. He is presently negotiating deals to make 3 films in Canada starring Justin Bieber.
(Tape begins.)
Pfeffer: Phil, thank you for joining us. We just aired a BBC discussion regarding the state of your President Joe Biden and decided it was time to talk to an American to explain this 25th amendment people are talking about. Thank you so much for joining us.
PBC: My pleasure.
Pfeffer: First of all, most people know you for songs and movies. What are your credentials as a scholar?
PBC: I have a master's degree in education and memorized the history of the United States before puberty.
Pfeffer: Good enough, so tell us about this law, the 25th Amendment.
PBC: Well, the first thing you need to know about our Constitution is that the men who wrote it were very proud of themselves and decided to make it a very complicated process to change anything. So it took 178 years to make 25 changes. This one became law in 1967. The first thing it does is say what was always the case. If the President dies or resigns, the Vice President takes over. That already happened 8 times through 1963. The strange thing is that when these 8 Vice Presidents became Vice President, no one replaced them as Vice President.
Pfeffer: 8 times and no one even thought about it?
PBC: Not only that, 7 Vice Presidents also died in office and one reigned with a few months left.
Pfeffer: What did they do exactly-with no Vice President.
PBC: Well, the only thing the Vice President officially has to do is preside over the Senate, recognize speakers, call for votes and so forth, so they have what we call the President pro tempore-temporary-of the Senate. He does that whenever the Vice President is away. The past 100 years or so the President pro tempore has been the longest serving Senator on the majority side?
Pfeffer: Who has that job now?
PBC: His name is Chuck Grassley. He's 89 and he's been there 44 years, a real jerk.
Pfeffer: And your vice President is a lady. How do you say her name. Is it Kam ah la Harris or Kam mell la Harris?
PBC: I don't take chances. I call her Mrs. Emhoff, more respectful.
Pfeffer: Very well.
PBC: So in 1963 John Kennedy was shot and promptly died and for 14 months there was no Vice President. They decided that should never happen again. So they added to this amendment that the President can appoint a new Vice President and Congress, both House and Senate, must approve the new appointee.
Pfeffer: Did that ever happen?
PBC: Yes, you may have heard of Richard Nixon.
Pfeffer: He got in a bit of trouble didn't he?
PBC: He was the very man they were thinking of when they wrote the amendment. He won the 1968 election and was worried about getting a second term, so he broke some laws and covered it up. Now his Vice President was a man named Spiro Agnew. No one wanted him to be President, so they got him first on a tax evasion charge. Nixon picked Gerald Ford to replace him. Then they could chase Nixon out. Then Ford got to replace himself with a rich man named Nelson Rockefeller.
Pfeffer: Heir to the Standard Oil fortune.
PBC: Yes, and qualified enough, former Governor of New York.
Pfeffer: Next we move on to the third clause of the amendment.
PBC: Yes that's a big change. If both the offices of President and Vice President are ever vacant at the same time, the President pro Tempore of the Senate gets bypassed for the Speaker of the House of representatives.
Pfeffer: Who has that job right now?
PBC: His name is Kevin McCarthy and he's hanging by a thread.
Pfeffer: And now we come to the fourth clause.
PBC: This is the scariest part. If the Vice President and the Presidential Cabinet-an unusually inept bunch of characters right now-decide the President is unfit to be President they can tell the Speaker and President pro tempore and throw him out.
Pfeffer: Can that happen?
PBC: Well, ever since this became law people have been daydreaming of ways to make it happen, and...uhh...not the nicest people.
Pfeffer: Ghastly! Well, we'll certainly be watching to see what happens. Thank you so much for sharing.
PBC: Call anytime, if you need me.
Pfeffer: We certainly will.
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speedyposts · 8 months
Biden sweeps South Carolina Democratic primary with ‘loser’ taunt at Trump
United States President Joe Biden has comfortably won South Carolina’s Democratic primary, promising afterwards that he would make Republican rival Donald Trump a loser for a second time in November’s election.
Biden on Saturday defeated the other long-shot Democrats on South Carolina’s ballot, including Minnesota Congressman Dean Phillips and self-help author Marianne Williamson, notching an overwhelming victory in the state that vaulted him to the White House in 2020.
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Kicking off his march to the party’s nomination, Biden secured a massive 96.4 percent of the votes in the first Democratic primary of the 2024 presidential race, US media reports said.
Democrats will now pore over the results to see how well the 81-year-old incumbent, battling low approval ratings, mobilised the Black voters who helped propel him to the White House against Trump, 77, the frontrunner for the Republican nomination to challenge Biden in the election.
As the results came in, Biden was at a campaign event in California, as he turned his attention to the next steps in his fight for re-election.
“Now in 2024, the people of South Carolina have spoken again and I have no doubt that you have set us on the path to winning the presidency again – and making Donald Trump a loser – again,” Biden said in a statement.
He urged people to get out and vote in November, saying the stakes “could not be higher” if Trump manages a sensational comeback to the Oval Office.
“There are extreme and dangerous voices at work in the country – led by Donald Trump,” he said.
Four years ago, it was South Carolina’s Black vote in the state’s primary that helped ignite Biden’s campaign and ultimately propel him to the White House.
Besides campaign fears that South Carolina’s heavily Black electorate might not be energised this time around, there were also doubts about his age and concerns about high consumer prices and security along the US-Mexican border.
South Carolina has not backed a Democrat for president in the general election since 1976. But because Black people make up the state’s more than half of the Democratic electorate, it presented an important test of Biden’s appeal with a voting base that typically supports Democrats nine-to-one in presidential races.
Carrie Sheffield, senior policy analyst at the advocacy group Independent Women’s Voice, said Biden’s victory in South Carolina does not guarantee him a lead in the presidential race.
“The reality is that this is just a primary and he is the incumbent president, so nobody ever thought he was actually going to lose. But the reality is that President Biden is the least popular president since World War II – that is truly shocking,” she told Al Jazeera.
“His approval ratings are only 33 percent. He is also losing in key battleground states that he won in 2020 against Donald Trump so he is losing overall across the seven battleground states by six points to Trump, and in North Carolina, it’s in double digits. No matter who wins the GOP primary, whether Donald Trump or Nikki Haley, both are beating Biden in the 2024 general election.”
Some South Carolina voters were also lukewarm about Biden’s re-election bid.
“Sometimes I wonder, is his presence enough because you don’t see him a lot, you don’t hear him a lot,” Martin Orr, a school administrator from McConnells, South Carolina, told The Associated Press news agency.
“Is it quiet because of his age or his physical condition, or what’s going on? I think that’s what a lot of people are concerned about right now,” Orr added.
Another issue that is dominating Biden’s re-election campaign is the domestic concerns over the war in Gaza.
For nearly four months now, Israel has been waging a “genocidal” campaign in Gaza, killing more than 27,200 people, displacing almost its entire population and triggering a widespread hunger and health crisis in the besieged enclave.
Israel’s latest campaign against Gaza started after Hamas fighters on October 7 stormed communities in southern Israel, killing more than 1,100 people, mostly civilians, and taking about 240 captives, nearly half of whom have since been released.
Michael Fauntroy, head of the Ronald Walters Leadership and Public Policy Center at Howard University, said Biden is walking “a fine line” as he tries to win Jewish votes while also trying to mediate for an end to the fighting inside Gaza.
“He seems to have been working very hard to get the Israelis to slow down and he has not publicly called for a ceasefire, but I think he understands that that is where the US policy will have to go,” Fauntroy told Al Jazeera.
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semi-imaginary-place · 10 months
fe3h misc thoughts
I associate dragon or some bird with Claude. Claude is the only one whose unique classes have wyverns, his route is called Verdant Wind and as explained by Marianne when she title drops the route, she explains that Claude is like the wind beneath a bird's wings lifting them up into the sky, and VW and GW heavily feature themes of freedom (choice, religion, ideas, borders, etc.). Through all this and more Claude is highly associated in the games with flight. Eagles are used in traditional hunting practices in the Eurasian Steppe and by Turkic peoples, from which Almyra draws inspiration from.
Garreg Mach is like a British finishing school, yeah the students are getting some education and leadership skills but its also about rubbing shoulders with the rich and powerful and making connections. It looks good a resume.
I romance no one personally, but I am collecting all S supports for the hell of it. I do not self insert into Byleth but also the S supports are blatant self insert bait instead of really engaging with Byleth as a character so I can't even say I like them from a character writing perspective.
ahhh yes the writers had to have Edelgard be emotionally dependent on the player character. gotta make the player feel important and involved...
I know Yuri is what most people want for an Ashen Wolves/Church gay romance option but I would have liked to see some diversity in the gay S support options because with Linhardt and Yuri we have 2 pretty boys which is better than 1 I guess but I would have liked to see the addition of character a little different so I'll vote Balthus. Also idk about anyone else but the gay men I've met love beef more than anyone else.
I found a gay gilbert stan wow it's like seeing a rare endangered species
my first thought when I saw Areadbhar was "that looks like a whale's fore fin's bones". Each relic was from a different dragon, that's why they all have different crests. The crest associated with Luin is the crest of Daphnel, so Daphnel got the blood of that dragon and a weapon made of their body. As for what body part, who knows, could have been a fang or a spine or carved out of a large bone.
Why Seteth and Flan look unchanged after 1000 years. If we interpret Rhea calling herself the "last" of Sothis' children as in youngest then she's younger then Seteth, but last could also mean last survivor of Nabatea. Nabateans, well dragons actually in Fire Emblem are a sort of immortal often worshiped as divine existence so they just stop aging at some point. Flayn specifically went into the regenerative sleep unique to dragons that Byleth does during the timeskip so you can think of the pause button being pressed for her life and then unpaused when she woke up recently. Also I think Flayn is just short, cheerful, and ignorant of modern society she's not actually all that young developmentally I think she was telling the truth when she says she's roughly the same age as the other students 16-20. Meta reason is they didn't want to make more character designs and models probably.
I don't really know if Indech ever met Cethlean before the events of the game. We do know that Cethleann fell into a long sleep from overusing her powers, we also don't know when she entered the War, so it is possible she and Indech were active at different periods. Given how reluctant Cihol would have been for her to fight I think it is more likely Cethleann fought in the later part of the war. Indech and Macuil both got fed up with humans eventually so it makes sense if he withdrew early. But all this is a lot of speculation on my part.
Yeah they're still Slithering in Azure Moon lol. Dimitri unknowingly kills Thales which I find hilarious but the Agarthan civilization and Shambhala is still intact and Nemesis and the zombie army is still in cryostasis. It has been debated how important Thales was like I've heard theorizing that he was the only one who could activate the intercontinental ballistic missile system but in the end we don't have a definitive answer about how important he was to Agarthan operations.
Raphael really is quite insightful! Has high emotional intelligence too and one of the healthiest grief responses in the game, offers some pretty good advice too like listen to your body, take things one step at a time, and take care of yourself.
in the original text Lysithea says Leonie would make a good husband.
Don't forget the month where everyone is very somber due to certain events and Lindhardt is like "yo what up I robbed the church"
rizzed up ignatz
The Ignatz quotes… yeah Ignatz has more change than most characters but a lot of people miss it because he isn't a very popular character and gameplay wise he's one of the few characters that gets better on maddening so most people don't use him on the easier difficulties. I find it very interesting that part of Ignatz changes and part of him doesn't its like you said the war hardens him but he keeps his love of the world and I like that about him. This is different than say Marianne where like everything about her changes (especially in VW) as she gets a new perspective on life.
I agree its sad that Caspar's English voice performance doesn't fit his character all that well, or at least not as well as his Japanese one does. Caspar is basically a shounen anime/videogame protagonist and he should sound like one and he does in Japanese but not in English. I love Caspar as a character I just don't like his English voice. The English voices are generally pretty good but there's a couple performances that make he cringe namely Caspar's and Mercedes'. Which is such a shame because their Japanese voices are perfect. In Japanese Caspar sounds like the stupid energetic jock shounen protag that he is, and Mercedes sounds very fuwafuwa exactly like a gently older sister type character which fits her so well. Her English voice sounds so forced.
So due to the open nature of the game there mostly isn't strictly a definitive canon class, just the most probably canonical/intended class. This is easiest to tell for the lords and Byleth as they get unique classes. For the other character look at what class they appear as as enemies although this isn't definitive either. For example Lorenz appears as an enemy paladin but given how his relic extends magic range and one of his best builds is in magic as well as his houses' history in magic and magic knights you could argue that his canonical class is dark knight not paladin. In the end there isn't really a definitive canon class just more canonical and less canonical classes like no one is arguing that war master is Lorenz's canon class. Or Manuela as an enemy appears as different classes on different maps. Another line of evidence is that unique outfits in part 2 for the students can be worn for certain classes that can be seen as their intended classes.
I will never be over how the game won't let me make Hilda a warmaster (or Linhardt a gremory).
With Almyra someone mentioned Turkic but I think it is more broadly central Asian influences with the horse culture and some of the imagery bringing to mind the Mongol Empire, combined with broadly Middle Eastern especially Persian. Faerghus might be Russian in climate but its more medieval Germanic with the warrior culture. I agree with aplumblum that Leicester reminds me most of the Italian Renaissance with it's focus on art and commerce, but with some Dutch and English influence as well, especially in the names. Morfis comes off as stereotypically Arabian/vaguely middle eastern as in magical desert city with the mystique of the height of the Arab empire highly associated with exotic magic, as seen from a European perspective. Brigid is almost entirely based on Southeast Asia (maybe with a bit of Oceania) as seen through the eyes of a Japanese developer. Dagda came off to me as Asian/East Asian as a very large and diverse continent that Fodlan is mostly just confused by and has conflicting accounts of. Plains? Deserts? Jungles? Tundra? Well if it's a continent then it'd be big enough for all of that. Dagda is also big and advanced enough to colonize Brigid and engage is a protracted long distance naval war. Also like how else did Fodlan get samurai???
Fodlan is already fantasy soup chronological hell, don't get too caught up on being historically accurate because the devs sure as hell don't care. Like in Faerghus you have the germanic warrior culture of the 1000s epics, you have chivalry codes of the 1300, Leicester almost looks Italian Renaissance which is like 1500, but there's also themes of the Enlightenment period and hints Fodlan is on the verge of the French Revolution so 1700-1800s. Tomatoes are from Mexico and peaches are from China and Fodlan has a bunch of made up fantasy fruits and vegetables. But yeah maybe the potato would fix Faerghus.
It's pretty obvious the Agarthans are evil I'd even say it goes too far with it, but a lot of people in the fandom tend to downplay either Rhea or Edelgard's agency when in reality they both have agendas that they are unwilling to negotiate on and that's where a lot of the overarching conflict in the story comes from.
The crest of Timotheos is associated with animals and perhaps had some power over them. Cornelia or the Agarthan that crawled into her skin probably experimented with the crest's power, trying to enhance and weaponize it and made it go haywire. The end result of twisting that latent power being Hapi's sighs summoning demonic beasts.
Me first playthough due to JRPG hoarding tendencies I didn't use the relics. Heros' relics are very easy to repair as umbral steel is very common so go ahead and use them at every opportunity, holy weapon materials are rarer but still worth using.
Fire Emblem: Three Houses has really weird gameplay for a Fire Emblem game and I happen to like the gameplay changes more than regular Fire Emblem gameplay. In most FE game level is class level and stats are what really matters but i find the 1-99 system more intuitive because no progress is ever lost, I also think the open sandbox-y nature complements the multiple routes and replay-ability.
Who cares about gameplay or "the meta" or damage when you have FASHION.
Edelgard gets some of the best designs in the game. I also like male Byleth, Dorothea, Petra, and Claude. The others are more situational Ignatz' part 2, Yuri's part 1 (the clown suit is a curse), Marianne's 3 Hopes, and Sylvain's part 1.
Wish we could toggle the little hats. The female warlock flower hat is cute. Or mortal savant kinda sucks but the mask looks really cool. Or dark knight's ram helmet.
My favorite classes: Falcon knight gives a little horned helmet to the horse, Bow knight because I love hit and run tactics, Dark knight because I like the magic knight concept, Mortal savant because it looks cool, Barbarossa because dragon (also a good class but most dragon and cool outfit). Brigand because what would I do without death blow
I have this pet conspiracy theory that Sothis is from the divine dragon tribe of other FE games (Shadow dragon, gaiden, Awakening, etc). I mean in Fates/IF characters literally get isekai'd and I think it happens in Awakening dlc too so dimension/world travel is an established part of the universe, it's very plausible Sothis is from Archanea.
Why Mercedes's mother ended up in House Bartels if she was the one with a crest. Hard to say, Adrestian House politics are brutal, Nuvelle got wiped as did Hyrm because of the inter-House powerplays. She might have been a commoner with a crest it does happen or someone of a lower class married in so Martriz had a crest. However keep in mind that with the fall of House Martriz she would have lost all power, status, and standing, she also could have been pressured by the remainder of House Martriz. In the end we don't know. Nobles certainly do scout for crest bearing commoners, Mercedes was pressured and harassed into such a marriage with the marriage leveraged by a donation to the church her family had lived in for many years.
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dicapiito · 1 year
🎆🇺🇸US Democratic informational post🇺🇸🎆
The sooner people stop listening to doomsday leftist neoliberals and realize they’re just as much of Hp huge ass grifters as the GOP; the more people will realize that those leftists are mad because eventually it’ll be President Harris and we know that the world hates a Black President.
Plus…I’d think that the past two would’ve woken up people to how much damage the GOP has and continues to do. Or are these anti laws ‘ not your problem’.
🩷Roe v Wade? Damn…all those judges Trump packed in the court and since people can’t take a moment to research how fucked we are. Other overturns have happened and it’s not just the federal SCOTUS who’s fucking around and having long term damage
🇺🇸 Other federal judges in various courts. Trump got to appoint over 200, while Biden is at nearly 200. Oh and for those who bitched about why doesn’t Feinstein step down? Yeah see, McConnell said he’d block her replacement on the judicial committee. Ya know, so the GOP with their leader McConnell playing games again.
🇺🇸Student Debt Forgiveness is up to the SCOTUS to either uphold or stay overturned. Biden never said everyone gets their debt completely forgiven. NO Biden can’t Executive Order this, because ya know, due to checks and balances.
👿 Judge Alieen Cannon. This is the judge who is going to preside over the Trump case in Florida. Will she actually recuse herself? It’s a Trump appointed judge ! You think she’s going to step down?
🌺I don’t need to mention the overturns and the state bans of abortion rights, 🏳️‍🌈 rights, 📚 bans due to the fact that Trump got to appoint judges while he was acting like a buffoon in the media. Which is why it’s always best to keep researching your local politicians because Biden isn’t a damn king ( thank fuck). Biden and Harris have democracy rules to follow.
So anything that you thought you hated about Biden, and Harris as well since she did not lock up a bunch of Black and brown people, then you might need to look at your social media algorithms because frankly, it’s likely screwed because too many can easily lie about Biden since the Main stream Media wants to be up the GOPs’ assholes.
And hell, this is coming from a former leftist who’s Twitter has a bunch of people I follow with receipts about US politics and the receipts on what Biden and Harris HAVE done even though it doesn’t seem like alot due to having such fucking chaos since 2015.
And all because too many yts were and are mad the US had a Black President and we will have one again in 2028.
Don’t listen to the these chaos agents of :
The Squad
Katie Porter
Ro Kanna
Marianne Williamson
Tuisi Gabbard
Bernie Sanders
Liz Warren
Nina Turner
Susan Sarandon
Jamie Lee Curtis
And the fuckhead Cornel West who’s pulling a Jill Stein
Receipts, that’s for another day or if you know my Twitter, there’s a bunch of likes there as well.
🎆🇺🇸And as always, I encourage research, research and more research. The GOP has their voters and they don’t research shit. And vote in your local elections 💙🩵 🇺🇸🎆
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theairborneangel · 2 years
Biden was in town and there was protesting (and partying) in the streets. 🇺🇸 The woman is from Chicago and a long standing supporter of Obama.
That entire family is missed gracing the White House! I also take this moment as a sign my dad knows he should have been more progressive in his politics.
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Not big fans of Biden, the woman and I had a kindred chat about Hillary and my admiration for Marianne while standing near Iranian protesters and Trumpsters. We couldn’t get tickets to hear Biden speak but thought we might catch a glimpse of the motorcade. Yeah, no, only each clan’s cars sounding off at each other because “honk if you hate Biden.” It was ironic: those protesting the death of a woman challenging restrictions imposed on her by her government with those who voted to restrict women’s rights. Evidently, hate unites.
I still believe love wins, because look at that cute little flag in the background:
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The guy is laughing bc I held up two peace signs and looked like Nixon but pulled my hand down before Dory, the woman, took the pic!
Dad voted for Nixon. 😆
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dark-chibidragoness · 4 years
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Alright, Here’s my Ballot in it’s entirety. All 7 votes and 7 Characters that I voted for who I like. 
1-Hrid: Okay, I love Hrid and I’m sad that we’ve haven’t seen any version of him since the second NY’s Banner with him on it. And his sister’s have gotten alts after that! (Bride!Fjorm, Summer!Gunnthra and Summer! Ylgr.) And even the Muspell sisters have gotten alt’s since then, too! They have summer versions and Laevatein just got a Ninja alt! WTH.  
I hate it. I want more Hrid. I want another Helbindi. Give my boys more alts than just one!(Not counting their base forms as alts)
He hasn’t even been in any Forging bonds or ANYTHING and his sisters have been in them. Well, Fjorm and Ylgr at least I don’t know about Gunnthra.
And i’m not hating on the girl characters, I like Fjorm and Ylgr and all them I just wish IS would give the guys more love instead of focusing on giving the girls all of the alts. 
They’re all Simps. That’s what they are. SIMPS.  
I have a lot I want to say about Hrid but this will be VERY long and I don’t want it to be longer than It’s going to be. So..moving on for now...
2-Marth: Really, The only reason I voted for marth is because he’s been down in 3rd for the past few years and I really want to see him get his Brave Alt finally.
And then he’ll be out of the Options for Brave units and there can be a lot of other choices.  
And as much as I love Gatekeeper I don’t want him to get in, but  if he does gets in then he won’t be able to come back next year and the slot will be open for someone else.  
If Gatekeeper somehow doesn’t hold second place then people are just going to vote for him next year. 
Well, Back to Marth..I did diverge a bit...I haven’t played the games Marth is from but I know him from Smash, Although that being said I do like Marth and I actually have all versions of him. Normal, Groom, Legendary and Winter Marth. I HAVE THEM ALL. 
I don’t have Resplendant Marth but I probably never will because I don’t pay for this game. F2P Dangit.
Anyway, I really just want to vote marth not just because I want to but because he deserves a Brave alt and he’s gotten robbed of it the last few times we had CYL.
Moving on to my third and I’m probably the only one who voted for him-
3-Ryoma: I love Ryoma. I’ve married him in both Birthright and Revelations, but when I got to the dreaded chapter 25 of Conquest, I probably cried harder than my in-game character did. 
I played Birthright before playing Conquest and I can say if it weren’t for Ryoma’s existence I probably would’ve gone Conquest first. I did buy Conquest first and played through the first few chapters before the split, but when It came to the split I stopped when I realized I couldn’t choose the Hoshido side, and that was one of the things I didn’t like about the game. 
I did eventually finish Conquest, but that’s only after I played through Birthright and...I actually liked the route a lot. Now, Originally I wasn’t going to go with Ryoma, I was actually originally going to marry Kaden or Kaze, but ended up with Ryoma because of his Honor and the way of the Bushido.
I don’t know what it is about characters that have the Honor and Bushido trait, but..I guess that’s my type?? Which is probably why I like 2003′s TMNT Leo a lot.  
Alright again I could go on and on but I don’t want to make this a too long of a post so moving on-
4-Alfonse: Okay, Alright..This one could be long too but I’m going to restrain myself. 
 Well, I’ll say it. I like Alfonse. Especially in book 3 when he stood up to Hel. That was amazing! I hope he does that as well in this Book with Fafnir or..Otr? I guess whichever one. (I did like Otr when he was first shown but now I’m not so sure...)
I really want either a Legendary or Brave Alfonse, and I would love to see what they would do with him.
And this will probably never happen but a Duo alt with Hrid would make me very happy. (Like a Summer Beach Volleyball alt with Alfonse holding a beach-ball and Hrid holding Ice-cream to cool themselves off. Oooo I’d draw that but I’m not a good artist, sooo.)
Okay Okay, I said I would restrain myself and I am. I’m moving on before I rant about Alfonse some more.
And the next vote goes too...OH. The other character I could rant all day about.
5-Grima: Yes, GRIMA. Not the Female Robin Version but Male Robin. 
This is another type I like but It’s nice character’s who’ve been possessed by evil beings, or give themselves to darkness? (Like Jesse/Johan from Yugioh GX?? Or Riku from Kingdom Hearts?!)
Although I actually like the actual Dragon form of Grima more than the Robins and would like him to have his own human form instead of possessing Robin, but i’ve never played Awakening and don’t know if there’s a reason for that.
Having them come out with a Halloween Alt for the Female version makes me a bit hopeful for a Male alt but not a lot because apparently IS just likes to make all the alts for girls and not guys?? Like please I want more of my favorite guy characters with alts. How am I supposed to Simp for my favorite boys when the don’t even give them alts?? Like Hello?? There aren’t just guys in the world who play FEH there’s girls, too??
But let’s be honest, Even if we get another Male Grima will he even have the exposed Tid? I don’t know and that scares me. 
Once again, Just give me my boys, IS!
6-Scarlet: Hoooo Boy Scarlet. So I was a bit jealous of Scarlet in Revelations when she was talking about Ryoma, and then I felt bad a few scenes earlier. 
Which made me wish I had completed her bonding events in Birthright, I only ever got up to C rank.
Uhh, So I voted for Scarlet because I realized I’ve just been voting all guys and even though Eirika and Byleth are in the lead I’m still voting for the characters that I want. 
And scarlet is one of them. I know it wouldn’t be enough to get a brave alt but I wouldn’t mind if IS gave us normal Scarlet or a certain other Alt that comes later in the year but before Brides and Summer that I won’t talk about. 
I did like Scarlet in Birthright and in...Revelations...and after what happened in Revelations I felt really really bad for her? 
I hope she gets in at some point. I would actually summon for Scarlet if they put her in. However she gets in. 
And the final vote iiis(I don’t know why I’m doing this I have the whole battle ballot screenshot shown, so everyone can already see who I voted for)
7-Orochi: Orochi. Needs. To. Be. In. The Game.
Out of all the fates Characters we have, I’m surprised we still don’t have Orochi. I don’t remember well but I think she’s one of Mikoto’s retainers?? It’s been a very long time since I played fates so I don’t know. 
Umm...That’s pretty much the only reason I voted for her. I love Orochi and I’m sad she’s still not in the game yet. 
This is one of the few times I want IS to give me a female character, the other would be Scarlet and probably Nyx if I had another vote. But..well...Hmm..
Okay, That’s all the votes and the rough and hopefully short enough explanation of why I voted for each character. 
I’m tired of writing, my hand’s getting cramped so if there’s something I need to add I’ll do it later. Gotta rest my hands for now and probably watch people try and Summon for Seiros. 
(Who I did not get but I got Legendary Dimitri so I’m happy)
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sigurdjarlson · 3 years
Thinking Greg, Ewan and Marianne (also Tom)
Also me rambling about a few takes I see here and there on Greg that I (respectfully) don’t really agree with.
Generally just me making things a lot deeper than they probably are, a lot of speculation and headcanons, blah blah.
Disclaimer: if you disagree that’s perfectly fine. None of this is an attack on anyone. Or even aimed at anyone in particular.It’s more just rambling and getting thoughts out.
Oh and the usual “I don’t condone what these characters do and they all suck” disclaimer because if you don’t put that people assume ur like lusting after Bezos bc you like fictional capitalists
Tw: abuse mentions (I’m regards to Ewan and Logan’s childhood and Tom and Greg. Also brief Tom/Shiv mention too)
First off I think Ewan is more similar to Logan than he thinks. I don’t actually like Ewan very much. I think he’s generally an unpleasant dude.
His morals come off performative. It seems more like he wants to find a way to be superior to Logan (being clearly bitter about Logan getting more than him) and has settled into believing he’s morally superior.
But he still backs Logan when the vote of no confidence happens. You know, the guy he claims is singlehandedly my destroying the world? It’s a selfish decision based on his own sense of familial loyalty rather than trying to make the world better.
He’s sitting on millions himself after all (and not just the inheritance he’s dangling over Greg’s head and later donated to Green Peace) so frankly he’s not exactly the voice of the people over there.
His relationship with Greg in particular is..sad. There’s no emotional warmth there from Ewan. None at all. Even when Greg tries to be affectionate he’s immediately rebuffed. He treats Greg with same disdain and annoyance as everyone else.
It’s possible he’s disappointed in how Greg turned out even before he dug his heels in and refused to leave the company. Greg didn’t exactly seem like he had a lot going from him lmao.
Maybe he’s just incapable of genuine selfless affection much like his brother. Whatever abuse they went through has clearly left them very..dysfunctional to say the least .
Ewan isn’t as outright cruel to Greg as Logan is to his kids. He doesn’t and hasn’t hit him to our knowledge. He just..has no emotional warmth and affection. Something Greg clearly wants.
He’s manipulative like Logan though. Greg does something he doesn’t like and he dangles his inheritance over his head as a threat. When Greg refuses to comply he donates it.
And then we have Marianne who we know almost nothing about.
It’s hard to say because we no absolutely nothing about Marianne’s mother but from what I can see she seems about as distant as Ewan is with Greg.
It could be that she’s simply annoyed with him and maybe she doesn’t act like that with him all the time but honestly i think she probably is emotionally distant like her father.
I mean I get that Greg probably asked for money a lot but her refusing to give him anything was kind of cruel. Dude had to sleep in a church and steal food from work. Like you sent him there and he actually is trying to get in so maybe idk support your son?
We know she racked up a ton of credit card debt that Greg pays off for her. Which is hmm interesting and again kind of shitty for her to do that? I mean I know he’s got money now but who’s mooching off who now LMAO
We know she’s got some of that Roy cunning and predisposition for manipulation. She’s the one who encourages Greg to use nepotism to get what he wants, she tells him to strategize and decide who’s more important [Shiv or Roman].
But she does tell her father to make sure Greg eats when he’s in town so she clearly cares about him somewhat.
I’ve seen people headcanon she’s got a drug problem given that she’s shown taking pills but those could be anything. (Health problems, mental health problems, some pain meds because dealing with Greg gives her a headache lmao)
Also she has a dog so that’s nice. I like to think Greg is a dog person.
We also know she was married at one point to Greg’s father who from what we know is basically an absentee slutty gay dad.
Nicholas mentions Greg comes from a “broken family” and says his father isn’t around and his mother feels far away. They also refer to Greg as being raised by his mother. So we can assume Mr Hirsch took off on them at some point
Nicholas really focused on that it isn’t just about the money for Greg. He wants a family. He wants to be a part of something.
It’s very telling Logan gets him to stay against his grandfather’s wishes with “I like you, Greg. I do.” I doubt that was genuine but pretend affection worked like a charm with Greg because his grandfather doesn’t give him that. (I don’t think Ewan DOES like Greg lmao)
So Greg’s dad took off and his grandfather is about as emotionally intelligent as a worm. Not exactly the best father figures eh?
Or Tom getting Greg to open the cruise files with “You’re family.” And Greg just says “thank you.”
And the Roys are fucking insane but “there are enough good moments with these people that he feels like he’s a part of something” - NB
And I find it interesting they say he wants family when his mother and grandfather are family but I think it’s fair to assume they’re both emotionally repressed so Greg looks elsewhere for the approval, guidance and affection he wants so badly.
(And ended up looking in the worst place possible)
We don’t know how many times Greg has seen his cousins and uncle before this. Caroline says they knew him as Greg the Egg and Shiv knows enough to correct Logan when he calls him Craig
(I assume Marianne and Greg were cut off when Ewan and Logan became estranged, if they weren’t already I mean. Although Marianne was able to contact Marcia to tell her Greg was coming so she must keep in contact to some degree)
If I’m not mistaken Connor says something to Greg in the background “your mother is funny” at the dinner table so they know who she is.
We also know they weren’t particularly wealthy. I’ve seen the (it was either a show runner or Nicholas Braun) where they say he’s never had a pair of nice leather shoes and never had a nice fitted suit in his entire life.
Greg is absolutely awed by their lifestyle. (Makes me think maybe if he did ever see his cousins it was when he was younger). He clearly didn’t have his cousins’ lavish lifestyle.
Which is odd because Ewan has money. He could share it with his daughter and grandson but he doesn’t. Why? Out of principle? Did she give him a reason? (Like racking up credit card debt lmao) Despite all his preaching he is seemingly fine with letting his daughter and grandson struggle.
But my conclusion is I think Greg came from a fairly emotionally detached family and that’s why there’s this part of him craving attention, affection and approval.
That’s a part of Greg I don’t see many people discuss and Nicholas Braun keeps emphasizing it. He’s lonely and he’s scared. He doesn’t have anyone except Tom and Tom is volatile and abusive to him sometimes.
(Don’t get me wrong, I love the ship, I love these dysfunctional maniacs but in the end that is what a lot of Tom’s aggressive behavior is. Abuse. I won’t deny that because that would be doing a disservice to both the characters and the ship. It’s so interesting because it’s messed up. Same with Hannibal and Will. Nothing wrong with shipping problematic things because well, they’re not real so no one is getting hurt)
Yes Tom’s behavior is a result of Shiv’s emotional abuse but that doesn’t really excuse it. It just explains it. I love both Tom and Shiv btw
But yeah Greg is thrust into a world he knows nothing about and he has to adapt. He’s trying to emulate the people around him and unfortunately they all suck lmao so he’s becoming a progressively worse person as he adapts to this lifestyle.
Tom praises him for blackmailing him, Gerri praises him for snitching on Tom, Kendall praises him for blackmailing him as well. Every time he lights up like a Christmas tree
Is Greg greedy? Hell yeah but I think his greed comes from a different place than the Roys greed comes from.
Greg has been a rock bottom before, he had nothing when he arrived. Why wouldn’t he want security? And then why wouldn’t he want luxury? (His cousins have it and they didn’t do anything to earn it other than being born into the right family)
He’s desperate to not to end up sleeping on church pews and scrounging food from offices again.
(I wonder if there ever was or is any lingering bitterness/resentment that they get all this and he got so very little. If there was I’m sure Ewan was the source)
Nicholas Braun says a lot of things boil down to being about survival for Greg and that tracks.
He jumps sides and blackmails and manipulated because he’s trying to survive in this cutthroat world and he needs to be on the winning side to keep himself afloat. (Is that not what they all try to do?)
It’s not out of malice or cruelty. It’s necessity. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone intentionally but he’s looking out for himself. Self preservation.
If Shiv, Connor, Roman or Kendall fail they usually still have obscene amounts of money to fall back on because for all his threats Logan won’t let them stay gone for long. He’s too controlling.
Greg does not have that. Especially after Ewan takes away his inheritance.
(No one else is looking out for him after all except Tom and that’s a volatile, rocky and confusing relationship for him. Also Tom did fuck him over by implicating by in the cruise scandal and was originally planning on using him as a scapegoat)
He’s watching them all stab each other in the back every other day and he’s also being praised for shitty behavior. Is it really a surprise he’s got progressively “worse”?
Also frankly no one is particularly nice to him? He’s constantly mocked, berated, humiliated and dismissed by everyone. They were so ready to sacrifice him and Tom “Tom sundae with Greg Sprinkles”
There are enough nice moments as NB said that Greg feels like he’s a part of this messed up family but..he’s really not. Like by blood yes but in their eyes? He’s not really a Roy. Neither is Tom. They’re not on the same level.
So..sometimes I ask myself why do people act like Greg owes any of them loyalty? Because they’re family? Bullshit, that doesn’t matter. I hate that shit. If family treats you like shit you don’t owe them anything. No matter what material things they give you.
Also hm maybe I’m an ass for this but I don’t care that Greg is a bit of a mooch when it’s the Roys he’s mooching off of. They are billionaires. They’ll survive Greg being a bit of a parasite (might as well get something out dealing with that family) it’s not like he’s going to hurt their feelings either.
I see a lot of “Greg acts entitled to stuff because of his family it’s disgusting. Nepotism at its finest” and this one makes me laugh because yeah I can see a few times where acts like that…but so is every single character on this fucking show? The Roy children more than any other characters.
The Roy kids didn’t earn their dad’s fortune. They are living off their father and if he didn’t own the business none of them would have a job there because none of them know what the fuck they’re doing or how to interact with other human beings (Roman especially LMAO)
Connor literally lives off his dad’s money and does pretty much nothing else until he decides he’s going to try to be president (Connor my beloved..you are so dumb)
I’m not saying he’s better than them either. Just that they’re both shitty and I don’t see how Greg doing the same things the Roys do makes him the most evil character on the show (no joke I have seen people say that and not in a joking way)
There’s a weird very aggressive double standard for people who just HATE greg for some reason (which is fine) and I think that’s a failing in the writing because Greg doesn’t have nearly as much material for the audience to sympathize with and get to know him like we do the Roy kids.
So when he does dick things it’s like “wow what a dick” rather than “oh he did that because ____ and he’s still a dick but I get it now”
I mean I’m looking for those things because I’m deranged but the average viewer I mean.
(Tom gets a lot of these same takes about not being worthy, being too entitled, needing to be knocked down a peg, etc or whatever but he gets a lot more sympathy than Greg and again that’s a flaw in the writing for Greg. Or maybe it’s on purpose who knows.)
Anyway we were talking about Greg not owing loyalty to the Roys.
Kendall gives him an apartment but it’s not a completely selfless gesture lbr. He needed a place for his parties. He needed Greg to get him coke and wanted to keep him on his side.I love Ken but he doesn’t seem to care much about Greg as a person.
He doesn’t owe Tom anything either because frankly Tom owed him for getting him into the cruise situation in the first place. Also considering the abuse Tom has consistently flung at him… (both physical, emotional and mental) it makes sense he feels a mix of resentment and a desire to get the fuck out of there
Sometimes I get the feeling people think Greg like owes Tom love back? (You can’t owe someone love just because they were nice to you a few times for that matter but that’s a whole other conversation) like because Tom loves him so much he’s a terrible person for not feeling the same way? (If you’re assuming unrequited in Greg’s part)
If I was Greg I’d fucking hate Tom. I would have called HR a loooooong time ago. (It wouldn’t do anything with that shit show of a company but I digress)
The fact Greg willingly sticks around after his attempts to leave are foiled is insane.
The fact he even seems to genuinely like Tom is a strange miracle. Yes, Tom has done truly good things for him but he also abuses him. That does not disappear or become magically forgotten just because he’s doing something good for him now.
I think Greg cares for Tom but I also think there’s a lot of resentment there over how he’s been treated. He doesn’t like how imbalanced their relationship is. He wants them on equal footing.
Tom is so many things to Greg no wonder he’s completely baffled by him. (I see people say three don’t understand how Greg can’t see it but uh the hostile behavior would throw me for a loop too. Just because it’s obvious to the audience doesn’t mean the characters themselves are being written with the same knowledge we have)
He’s all these conflicting wonderful, horrible things.
He’s safety, he’s danger, he’s affection, he’s scorn, he’s a helping hand, he’s the hand holding him down, he saves him, he purposefully implicated him in his crimes, he says trust me, he says never trust anyone, he’s a kiss on the forehead and bruises from water bottles flung at him in a rage.
He’s all of these things at once and I think that’s really fucking confusing for Greg.
I think Tom does realize he needs to put them on more equal ground for their relationship to improve in Greg’s end. (Greg’s less than pleased reaction to being offered the position of “Tom’s attack dog’ is very telling. He doesn’t want to be under Tom’s thumb anymore. He resents that power imbalance)
Will Greg betray Tom? I don’t know. Only time will tell if all those lessons on being ruthless have truly sunk in.
Tom kicked that dog [Greg] a hell of a lot and petting him now won’t make him forget. He shouldn’t be surprised if/when Greg turns around and bites him too.
Do I think losing Tom would devastate Greg? Yes, regardless of how you interpret their relationship. Tom is really the only person he has. He’d be completely alone. So, betraying Tom would ultimately ruin him too because the rich life won’t be so much fun with no one to share it with. It’ll be empty and pointless.
Logan is gonna play the same mind games with these two as he does his kids. (New kids who dis) and ultimately whether they end up screwing each other over or not (hopefully just screwing part heh) there’s no way this will end well
Another point I wanted to touch on is Greg’s complete disinterest in sex up until it’s suggested he can use Comfrey or the Contessa to climb the social ladder. (He expresses clear discomfort at the idea at the bachelor’s party being a sex party and doesn’t even respond to Tom’s “we should talk to some girls”)
And he loses interest the moment a girl seems to return his affection.
This could be interpreted as closeted Greg or at least Greg who’s willing to play straight to get better social status.
(But also bi Greg is a possibility but he just isn’t interested in them beyond social climbing apparently)
I for one like the idea of gay closeted Greg? Because I think seeing him struggle with the idea of becoming his father (gay homewrecker) would be really very interesting.
There’s a lot of potential here. Internalized homophobia even? Where he unconsciously sees being gay as something bad, as something that destroyed his family? Or just being terrified that his mother will look at him and think he’s just like his father.
Just daddy issues galore because not only did he lose his father but he has no stable father figure in his life. (I think he sees Tom as one in a twisted way, but also a potential lover. Daddy issuessss)
Like he needs someone to guide him and love him.
He can chase riches all he wants and that may keep him living in the lap of luxury but it doesn’t mean he’ll be happy.
In fact Nicholas B says that Greg just needs someone to ask him if he’s okay? Because he’s not. “Everything feels bad in this world all the time for him”
Greg is greedy. He’s..starving for a lot of things. For love, family, security, money, power, all of it. He wants all of it and he wants it all at the same time. (Who doesn’t want these things to some degree)
And I think it’s because he’s never really had any of those things in the first place.
I also think at this point he’s very lonely when it comes down to it. Tom is all he has and that’s probably half of why he tolerates Tom’s behavior at first (also he didn’t really have a choice) before he genuinely starts to care about him too
And he does show genuine concern for Tom at times. I think it’s just a very complicated relationship, maybe even more so on Greg’s side because of how volatile and wishy washy Tom has been to him.
“I wonder if she’d still be there if she knew the real me?” (Who is the real you, Greg? Because honestly we don’t know at this point and I really hope we get to know him 😉)
I just really wanna know more about Greg and his family okay. Let me get to know Greg the Egg
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your-lady-star · 4 years
4th Anniversary FEH Channel Thoughts
Now that the Feh channel has aired, I'll give my thoughts on it.
If my previous Fe fandom vs IS post didn't make it clear, I find the whole Gatekeeper discourse to be f*cking stupid. And it all boils down to one reason: you are free to vote for whoever you want.
Whether it's the main character or a character who has 3 lines of dialogue, if you want to vote for them, you can. They're your votes, do whatever you want with them. And this might come as a shock to you, internet, but not everyone has the same exact opinions as you, nor do they have to. People can vote for characters you don't vote for, and that's OK. You don't have to agree with who they vote for, but they are free to do what they want, as do you. Opinions are valid.
They aren't worth openly harassing, bullying, and threatening people over when they've done nothing to offend you. And they especially aren't worth openly attacking the voice actor for appreciating those who like his character. I know I'm asking for a lot, but would it kill you to not turn a simple popularity contest into an excuse to act like a piece of sh*t who clearly has nothing better to do?
Anyway, onto more positive discussions, I am really curious what they will do with Gatekeeper. I saw someone joke about making him look like Heimdal, and I kinda love that. But I'm leaving that up to IS, cause you know they're gonna have fun with this. It would be cool if they found a way to incorporate Abysskeeper into him, like with Jorge and his merchant friend (I don't know what the f*ck his name is). I'm glad Marth finally got his win, poor boy has been getting shafted for years, Eirika is a neutral positive, and I'm happy Marianne is here.
Oh, and on a side note, I checked the overall ranking to see where other characters I like ranked, so I'll rapid-fire some thoughts on that.
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Can we also please get an Ashen Wolves banner? Yuri and Constance are in the top 20 of their divisions, and Hapi and Balthus both ranked in the top 100 overall. People clearly love them, please put them in, preferably after adding gauntlets. Also, another TMS banner, I want my Yashiro.
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I like them giving certain legendary heroes a boost, especially more older ones since some could use the boost to survive in today's meta. And I love the newly added chance of a 4-star upgrading to a 5-star, that is genius.
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Seriously, why did it take this long to let us customize Kiran? I guess it kinda fits now that they're more involved in the story, but still! Also, yes for allowing us to make them dark-skinned.
And to end it here are my favorite anniversary art pieces.
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burr-ell · 3 years
If its community voting event, of course there's going to be a way to cheat. I've honestly learned to take it in stride, it's a bunch of pixels. It's not actively hurting anyone and I'd be lying if i said the results didn't make me laugh evey now and then. It looks like ppl bots for votes for the characters that have like an impossible shot at winning, so let them have their shot. It's not like the Lord characters wont have their 5th alt or something anyways. Let em have this, they ain't gonna get their favs in any way else, lol
i'm not sure that "of course there's going to be a way to cheat" is a justification for simply allowing people to cheat. what's the point of even having a voting system if everyone just cheats it?
i mean at the end of the day it's a gacha game, it's designed to suck people in to get them to whale for Ultra Rare Jpegs, but like...this can be actively hurtful because of the attitudes people have about it. gatekeeper fans were incredibly spiteful and nasty toward chrom and marth fans last year, and there's evidence that both he and marianne were botted. and this year, we've got redditors voting for abysskeeper—who's even more of a nameless, faceless npc than gatekeeper—just to spite chrom fans. this thought process absolutely is toxic and harmful to communities. the point of this is to have fun rallying support for your fave, and when entitled people are petty and nasty about it, it's no longer fun and part of the audience is alienated.
and cyl isn't just a "get your fave in the game" competition, it's "which of these characters deserves to have a super busted brave alt that every player can pick for free". that's why it's literally called "choose your legends". random new characters get in the game all the time, but can you honestly tell me that marianne of all characters deserved a brave alt more than eirika or byleth? that gatekeeper deserved a brave alt more than chrom or marth, two mainstay lords of the series?
i mean look, if you don't care, fine, but don't come into my inbox telling me not to. and "just be okay with cheating to make other people feel better" isn't the hot take you think it is.
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