#Also cheerleader Gerard please I need all my girls there
marciliedonato · 1 year
Someone needs to edit slutty little Gucci skirt pearl bracelet, business slut Gerards and Gerard of arc onto the met gala carpet
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khoicesbyk · 3 years
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A Knight’s Return.
Rated: Explicit. | Contains sexual content and strong language. (You know? The usual from me. 😁) | Bolded and/or italicized words are conversations and thoughts of the characters. | Main Characters: Kayden Vescovi (LI) and Queen Kassidy Rosario (MC)
A/N: this VERY SPECIAL one shot is a birthday fic/present for one of the most amazing women I have ever come to know! @shewillreadyou has pretty much become somewhat of a mom/mother figure to me. And God knows I need her. So HAPPY BIRTHDAY KIM! I LOVE YOU! *in my Lennie Williams voice*
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Tag List (my Nanny girls): @shewillreadyou @secretaryunpaid @lucy-268 @txemrn @pixie88 @shannonsaid @shannonwrote @sfb123 @thefrenchiemama @chemist-ana @aussieez @choicesficwriterscreations
Many MANY thanks to @secretaryunpaid for the preread! Since I couldn’t show the birthday girl. I enlisted the help of one of my biggest cheerleaders. And she did NOT disappoint! 😁😁😁😁😁😁
This one shot is rated Explicit. It is NOT reading material that is safe for those under 18. Reader discretion is STRONGLY advised!
TW: Sexual Violence. Again Reader discretion is STRONGLY ADVISED!
Current Word Count: 5,080 words. (more or less. I stop counting after editing and re-editing. 🤷🏾‍♀️) 
Being the Queen of Cordonia was not an easy task. Most women would crumble underneath the pressures of the title and crown. But not Queen Kassidy Rosario-Rhys. She ruled faithfully alongside her husband King Fabian Rhys.
When they married almost 12 years ago, they married based on politics and a shared ideal of peace and prosperity amongst their people and kingdom. Although both cared for one another, neither was in love with the other. Living in separate wings of the palace proved that point.
While Fabian had his mistress named Natalia, Kassidy had the love of her life. She had Kayden Vescovi. Her faithful lover and the dutiful Crown Shield. When she ascended to the throne, it was revealed that he could do magic. Something that hadn’t been seen in Cordonia in at least 500 years. He used his magical powers to save her from an assassination attempt at the Conclave.
Her majesty is madly in love with her fiercest protector. And he is madly in love with her. The only problem was his powers. As the years went on, he found out that he had no true control over them. So to learn how to control them, he had to leave. Something that broke Kassidy’s heart but she also understood that this was something that he had to do. He hated to leave his home and especially her bed but his mind was made up.
She missed him every day that he wasn’t there. During the day she was able to keep a brave facade of the faithful queen and wife but at night, she longed to feel her lovers' strong arms around her again. To feel his lips on her skin and hear his voice in her ear. But he was gone and she had to go on. Her kingdom needed her and she needed something to distract from her broken heart.
She cared for Fabian and always wanted him to be happy. And she was elated that he had found true love but, she couldn’t help but feel jealous, slightly resentful, and lonely. His love was with him constantly, while hers was gone. Until the day he returned.
It had been 3 years since Kayden left to truly harness his powers. And when he returned the news traveled fast.
His majesty was in a meeting with advisors when a young page came running in.
“Your Majesty! Your Majesty! Come quick!”
“What is it?”
“The Crown Shield has returned!”
Fabian exhaled in relief.
A crowd gathered at the palace around the returning Sorcerer. Fabian was delighted to greet him.
“Greetings Crown Shield! It is good to see you.”
Kayden kneeled with his head bowed to his king.
“Thank you, my King. It is good to be home. I come with news.”
“Wonderful! Simply wonderful! Let us enter my chambers and we will discuss what you have learned in your travels.”
Kayden nodded and followed his king into the palace.
After showing Fabian and his trusted Advisor Lord Hunter Fierro how he’d mastered his powers, Kayden was informed of the impending war with Gemmora. A kingdom to their southeastern border.
“Surely you’re joking.”
Fabian sighed.
“I wish but King Gerard is dead set on waging war against us.”
“What would you have me do, your majesty?”
“Take your position as The Crown Shield and lead us to victory.”
Kayden bowed with his head with a fist over his heart.
“As you wish my king.”
Fabian smiled.
“Thank you, Kayden. And please no formalities my friend. We’ve known one another for years now.”
Kayden smiled at Fabian as they shook hands.
“I will get started recruiting soldiers immediately.”
Fabian nodded.
Before he left Fabian's chambers, Kayden had to ask about her.
“If you don’t mind my asking…is…is she here?”
“No. She is visiting her House’s lands but will return tomorrow. I’m sure when she hears the news of your return, she will be elated to see you.”
Kayden smiled wistfully.
“Yes, I’m sure she will. I am eager to see her.”
“I know you are. You both have much to catch up on.”
Kayden left the palace and spent the next day reuniting with his crew and recruiting soldiers. When the next night came, he was eager to see his queen. It had been a long time since he’d seen her. Since he touched her. Since he tasted her. And he knew she’d be angry with him. He left her alone for 3 years. She would be a fool to not resent him. But still, he had to see her.
When he got to the palace that night, he was immediately escorted to her private chambers. His chest was tight with anticipation and excitement. When he stepped onto her balcony with the servant he was escorted by, there she stood. She was looking up at the stars, silently praying that he would come back to her. His heart was doing flips at the sight of her.
“My queen…” the servant spoke up.
When Kassidy turned around, she was frozen in shock. Her true love. Her Knight. The man of her every waking dream was home.
“Thank you.”
The servant nodded to her and him before leaving them alone.
“My love…”
She cocked an eyebrow at him.
“So the rumors are true? You are home.”
“Yes, I am. I have missed you.”
“How was your training?”
“It went well. I have mastered my powers. I have so much to show you.”
She stood there with her arms crossed and her emotions warring within her. She missed him terribly but she was also furious with him.
“You are not happy to see me?”
He stepped closer to her. Wanting to feel her in his arms again.
“It’s been 3 years Kayden. What am I supposed to be?”
“Not this.”
“And what do you think this is?”
She chuckled dryly.
“Again, I have not seen or felt you in 3 long years! And you just expect me to jump into your arms the minute you decide to finally return to me?”
“My love…”
She holds a hand up.
“No. You don’t get to call me that. Not after all this time.”
“Please…I have missed you so! I lo—“
She cut him off. She did want to hear him say that he loved her. Not now.
“This conversation is over!”
She moved to walk around him but he grabbed her by the arm and kissed her. He wanted to taste her lips on his. Feeling her this close to him, after all, this time apart, made the magic within him swirl to life and made her knees weak. When their kiss broke both were breathless.
Kassidy kept her eyes closed and when she opened them, she remembered where she was and where he’d been. When he went to kiss her again, she slapped him.
“Don’t you dare touch me!”
Holding his jaw he chuckled.
“At least you remembered what I taught you.”
Her eyes blazed with fury.
“You don’t get to kiss me! Not now! Not ever!”
“You don’t mean that.”
“After not being able to so much as look at you…yes, I do!”
She went to stomp past him but he caught her wrist.
“Do not walk away from me, Kassidy!”
She stiffened before turning to face him.
“Your majesty.”
He stared at her in disbelief.
“Don’t do this Kassidy.”
“It’s your majesty. And you will address me as such!” She hissed at him before jerking her wrist away and going inside to her chambers.
Kayden didn’t blame her for being angry. He’d left her alone. She was hurt. But he was not about to give up that easily. With a sigh and a snap of his fingers, his powers came to life. He heard her gasp and when he walked into her bedroom, she was frozen in place struggling to get free.
“I told you not to walk away from me.”
“Kayden! Let me go this instant!”
He cocked his head to the side with a smile slowly spreading across his lips.
“Of course…your majesty. But first I feel you need an attitude adjustment.”
She was beyond furious at this point.
“LET! ME! GO!”
He just stood behind her watching her struggle. With a wave of his hand, the doors behind him closed and locked. As did her bedroom door. He didn’t want an audience for what he planned to do with her. He could hear her heart pounding in her chest as he got closer to her. Using his powers he turned her around so that she faced him. The scowl she had on her face both broke his heart and turned him on.
“My queen…my love…you have no idea how much I have missed you. How long I have yearned to touch you. To taste you. To take you. It has been 3 long years that I’ve been away, and this is how you greet me?!”
She looked at him with pain and rage behind her eyes.
“You! Left! Me! For 3 years I have been here. Missing you! Wanting you! Needing you! And where were you? Hmmm? You were gone! That’s where you were! Leaving me to lie in this bed alone! To yearn for your touch and especially your kiss! While you were gone, I had to watch him fall in love with her. He got to go to bed with her in his arms! I watched him be happy! While I…I…I was alone! In the very bed, I was supposed to share with you!”
“You know why I left Kassidy!”
“Yes, I know. You were harnessing your powers as you put it!”
“And I could not do that around you! I was afraid that I would hurt you. So I left. It was safer for the kingdom.”
“It was safer to leave me alone while you went galavanting all over Cordonia?!”
She struggled against her restraints to no avail.
“My love…struggling will do you no good.”
She was frustrated and angry beyond belief. He just stood there watching her with a smirk on his lips.
“Have I told you how gorgeous you are when you’re upset?”
He merely tilted her chin up so he could look into her eyes.
“No, you won’t.”
That is when he kissed her passionately. He wanted to taste her anger while letting his hands trail along her dress. And try as she might, she couldn’t physically stop or resist him. But she wasn’t going to just give in to him so easily. And she proved it by biting his bottom lip.
“I wouldn’t have done that my love…”
She stared him down.
“Don’t you EVER forget that I AM YOUR QUEEN! You will kneel before me!”
He smiled wickedly at her.
“Let me show you something, my love.”
He walked behind her and draped his right arm over her shoulder while resting his chin on her left shoulder. When he opened his hand, magic swirled in it.
“Beautiful isn’t it?”
She stared at the swirling above his hand.
“Not really. It’s still the magic that I’ve casted before.”
“But you could only make barriers!”
“I still do my love but now I can do so much more.”
“But how? Your magic is controlled by your thoughts.”
“Mere concentration and practice. I went from feeling the magic within to projecting it. My powers are endless. For instance, your very beautiful dress. Although it is exquisite, I prefer you without clothes.”
“Well, there’s nothing I can do about it.”
He chuckled and shook his head.
“My love…I don’t need you to do anything but feel.”
“What are you—“
Her words were swallowed when he grabbed her chin and brought her mouth to his. She was powerless to stop him. The more she fought against his restraints, the tighter he made them. He broke their kiss to look into her eyes.
“Why do you insist on resisting me?”
“Because you have not earned the right to touch me!” She hissed.
He ran a finger down the right side of her neck as his lips grazed just below her left ear. His warm breath left her feeling heady.
“You! Are! MINE! I will do with you however I please!”
He felt her heart pound as his finger trailed down her chest then he abruptly stopped and stepped away from her. With him away from her, Kassidy was able to regulate her heartbeat and breathing despite still being restrained. Kayden was impressed with his love.
“Good, very good. You’ve remembered what I taught you about self-control and discipline.”
She glared at the door to her balcony not saying anything to him.
“The silent treatment does not work on me, my love. You know that.”
She continued to stare without saying a word to him.
“So you want to be defiant, hmmm?”
He spun her around so that she was facing him.
“Very well. Since you will not give me what is mine, I shall take it from you. Starting with…”
He trailed off as he swirled his finger. Doing so, sent ribbons of magic swirling. He watched as she thrashed about as swirls of magic took her dress and undergarments off. When his magic finally dissipated she was completely naked before him.
“Much better. This is how I always preferred you to be in my presence.”
He walked towards her, never taking his eyes off of her. She could feel her body heat rising with each step he took towards her. He circled her like a wolf stalking its prey. The sound of his boots going across the polished floor of her bed-chamber was making her lightheaded.
“Look at you, my love. The most beautiful creature under the stars. Baring herself to me.”
She bristled as one of his gloved hands touched the bare skin of her stomach.
“Are you cold?”
He loved watching her shiver at his touch.
“Let me go!”
“I don’t think so. I’m not quite done with you. I have waited years to touch you, my love. I’m going to thoroughly enjoy this moment.”
“I! Am! Your! Queen! You WILL obey me!”
Kayden shrugged.
“Yes, you are my queen. And normally I would kneel before you and carry out whatever it is you wish of me. But tonight I have a mission. It’s quite simple.”
He leaned in close to whisper in her ear.
His words made her shudder. He stood behind her with his hands firmly on her hips. He left a trail of heated kisses from her right shoulder to her neck.
“Now comes the fun my love.”
Kassidy closed her eyes and steeled herself for what was to come. He took his hands off her body and whispered harshly in her ear.
Hearing those words was when she decided she’d heard enough.
“I will NEVER kneel!”
“My love…you don’t have a choice in the matter!”
With a finger pointed downward, he forced her to her knees. She was under his control. He walked in front of her and looked down at the woman he calls his queen.
“Never have I seen a more beautiful sight. My love on her knees.”
“Still defiant. Still fighting. Just the way I like you.”
“I bow to NO ONE!”
“You’re right my love. You don’t. But then again I’m not just anyone. I’m the one who will drive you insane!”
At the snap of his fingers, magic swirled around her legs. It slowly traveled up her calves eventually resting at her thighs.
“Look at me, my queen.”
She refused to look up at him.
“Have it your way…”
With a simple pullback of his left hand, he forced her to look at him. When he looked into her eyes, he saw the lust, the rage, the want, and the need behind them.
“I want to watch the look on your face as I make you submit!”
She had to close her eyes and exhale slowly to keep herself from giving him satisfaction. The magic traveled up her thighs and as it got closer to her core, it started to feel warm. And when it split into tendrils, she had to suppress the moan she felt creeping up from her chest.
“You can try to fight my love but I know you and your body better than anyone. You will submit to me!”
“I submit to NO MAN!”
“Not yet you don’t.”
She watched as he opened his balled-up right fist and began flexing his fingers. It felt like his hands were everywhere at once. Her breasts and especially her most sensitive lips between her legs felt like they were on fire. Begging to be touched and kissed. Kayden watched as Kassidy tried to fight him and his powers but she was quickly losing.
“Is this not what you desired?”
She screwed her eyes shut and bit down on her bottom lip to suppress the moans of pleasure that were rising in her throat.
“Don’t fight it, my love. Let it consume you.”
It felt so good. Her resolve was crumbling rapidly.
“That’s it, my love! I know you want it.”
He was right. She wanted it and him but to submit? She was too strong and stubborn for all of that. She held out for as long as she could but, when the magic swirling around her intensified, she nearly lost her mind. Especially when her body began to tremble. The pleasure was beginning to overtake her.
“Good. Very good. I know that it feels good. Doesn’t it my love?”
She couldn’t hide it anymore.
She was going insane and he was loving every minute of it.
“I knew you would never be able to resist me. You love me too much to do so. And now that your attitude has been corrected, I can truly have my fun with you.”
She glared at him.
“Let! Me! Go! NOW!”
He smirked at her.
“Not yet. There’s one thing I want from you.”
He released her from her bonds and Kassidy found herself face first with his VERY throbbing member. She takes her right thumb, sticks it in her mouth for a split second, and begins to circle the tip with it causing him to shudder.
He groaned, desperately wanting to feel her lips on him. But instead, she was going to take her time, the same way he did with and to her. She continued to just circle the tip earning groans and moans of both pleasure and torture.
“My queen…don’t…you…dare…tease…me!” He says between ragged breaths.
She could feel the magic swirl around them.
“So you can torture me all you like, but the minute I give you a small taste of your own medicine…you can’t handle it?” she teased him.
Before he could even utter a word in response, her mouth descended onto him. All he could do was feel her moving against him. She felt so good. Her mouth was warm, wet, and totally in control of him.
At that moment, he would do anything just to keep her mouth on him. She started slow because she wanted to savor this, and wanted him to know what it felt like to be slowly tortured. She wanted him to beg for it, to plead for it, to crave it. She wants him to feel for her what she feels for him.
Up and down and up and down and up and down, she went. Never allowing him a reprieve. Never letting him fall over. She was determined to give it to him, the same way that he gave it to her. She always made sure to swirl her tongue around him just enough from time to time, to turn him from the Crown Shield to a man possessed.
She had him right where she wanted him. At her mercy. His mind racing, his heart pounding, his toes curling, struggling to stay upright, his breaths coming in pants. That’s what she wanted and she was getting it. His hips started to move in time with her mouth, as his hands found their way into her hair as she worked him over.
She used her hands to stroke him real good while her lips stayed on his tip. Just like he loved doing to her, she loved hearing him moan and groan. Every so often she’d glance up to watch the look of pleasure on his face.
“My Knight…I want you to make love to me…”
“Yes, your majesty.”
He raised an eyebrow and smirked. She watched as the rest of his clothes disappeared. He was still as beautiful as ever to her. He grabbed her chin and brought her to her feet. He rested his forehead against hers.
“My queen…”
He knelt before her, his head bowed.
“I am yours.”
“Yes, you are.”
She draped her arms around his broad shoulders and kissed him deeply.
“My Knight. My heart is so full now that you’ve come back to me. Now let me show you how much I’ve missed you.”
He picked her up and wrapped her legs around his waist and carried her to the large canopy bed she always shared with him.
She loved feeling his muscles flex as he laid her down. He pinned her beneath him as he kissed her. He broke their kiss to let his eyes roam her body.
“See something that you like?”
“Only the most beautiful woman in all the lands.”
“And what is it you plan to do with me?”
He chuckled softly.
“Whatever I please…”
With a wink, he used his powers to reposition her so that she hung slightly off the edge of their bed. When he was ready, he threw her legs over his shoulders and went to town feasting on her treasure.
Her body was on fire. His mouth felt like magic. She grabbed the bedding and squirmed as he ate her out like he was starving. Her moans, her shrieks, and especially her screams were delicious and music to his ears. Every time he either licked, nipped, or sucked on her clit, it drove her further and further to her edge. It throbbed from the repeated friction of his mouth and his fingers. And her vaginal muscles clenched and released every time he circled her entrance.
Whether Kassidy wanted to admit it or not, she loved watching his head move in between her legs. Her legs started to spasm so she tried to back away, long enough to calm them. But her lover was NOT having that.
“Ohhh no, my love! You DO NOT move! Not until I say you can!” He growled.
The tone in his voice was so low, it nearly scared her.  He was relentless and animalistic when it came to feasting on her. Her back arched and her toes curled every time he dragged his tongue up and down.
She wasn’t going to last much longer.
She felt him alternate between his mouth on her clit and fingering her. She didn’t think it could get any better than this. But, Kayden was about to prove her wrong. Just as she was about to go over her edge, he stopped cold. She cried out in a mix of shock, disbelief, and anger. But he just chuckled at her.
“My queen, you do not need to worry. You’ll get what you want from me.”
She couldn’t believe it. She was seconds away from seeing the stars and he stopped.
She was having a hard time believing him at the moment. But he was right, he would make sure that she would indeed get what she wanted. He came upon the bed, gathered her in his arms, and covered her lips with his. Letting her savor the taste of her wetness on his lips.
With her distracted by the kiss, Kayden snapped his fingers. Their kiss was broken when she felt her wrists pin above her head. With a wicked look in his eyes, he winked before he plunged his tongue into her mouth then placed the fingers of his right hand that tingled with his powers between her legs.
The sensation from the fingers made her nearly jump out of her skin. She squirmed as he pleased her without really touching her. He nursed on her right breast while pinching her left. She white-knuckled the bedding under her and screamed bloody murder.
“That’s it! Tell me how you like it, my queen.” He told her.
She could barely think, let alone form a coherent sentence. He was torturing her in the most delicious way. He was determined to drive her over the edge and into a sweet oblivion.
She squirmed underneath him as he continued to move his very magic fingers. She was quickly coming undone at the seams. Her body was tingly and on fire. He listened as her breathing became more and more erratic. He was determined to break her in half.
“Let me hear you scream!” He growled in her ear as he closed his fist and sent magic coursing through her.
That was it. That was all she needed. Her back arched, her voice tangled in her throat, her toes curled, her eyes rolled back and her body convulsed as wave after wave of pleasure crashed over her.
She laid there trying to recover from what he just did to her. All she could see was his face just centimeters above hers. He was a sight to behold. He had a very smug look on his face.
With a wicked grin on his face, Kayden settled himself in between her thighs. He circled her entrance, causing her to cry out in anticipation and need. Her cry was all he needed to hear from her. He spread her legs, lined himself up with her entrance, closed his eyes then plunged himself inside her.
It had been 3 long years since he’d made love to her. He was determined to enjoy every second together.
Hearing her scream his name as she took him spurred him on. So there they were. Together in bed with her feet to the ceiling and him going deep inside her. His Queen. The love of his life. She belonged to him. And he confirmed it with every thrust of his hips into her.
Hearing her moans drove him insane. He wanted to please her. He wanted to feel her vaginal muscles clench around him as he slammed into her again and again. He wanted her cries of pleasure. And he wanted to stake his claim to his queen. He watched her body flush and tremble under his touch. Feeling her unleashed his powers.
He went from bracing himself against her headboard to snaking his left into her hair and pulling her head back. Doing so, exposed her neck to him. He couldn’t keep his lips off her skin. He HAD TO taste her. And to be honest, she loved it even more than he did. He dragged his tongue across her neck which caused the fire inside her to burn hotter. Every stroke made her dizzy yet always left her craving more. She needed him. She wanted him. She craved him.
Kayden had turned her out and didn’t even realize it.
He was incensed by her. Her skin. Her scent. With both of his hands on the headboard behind her, he continued to go deep into her. Relentlessly pounding her, giving her everything he had to give. He would bury himself to the hilt, deep inside her just to pull almost all the way out, then thrust himself back inside her. Again and again and again. And with her unable to move her hands, she was powerless to stop him.
“KAYDEN! TAKE! ME!” She screamed as he pushed her further and further towards her climax.
She needed him. She wanted her release. She teetered on the edge. As much as he wanted to hold out, he too was close to his own climax. And there was only one way that he’d achieve his goal of breaking her.
He pulled out of her, despite her cry of protest just to flip her over onto her stomach. With her wrists restrained by his magic binds, she was at his mercy. He tapped the side of her left ankle before spreading and keeping her legs apart.
He leaned down to slowly leave a blazing trail of kisses up her spine. The kisses raised goosebumps on her skin, made her shiver and bite her bottom lip. He was deliciously wicked and she loved every second of it.
“My queen…this is how I break you…”
She was about to find out that those words were more than a wicked promise. Especially when he mounted her.
“Don’t blink my love.”
When he grabbed her hips and slid inside her, her body went still. He robbed her of her voice and took her right then and there. All she could was whimper. Feeling her clenching around him, caused a low growl to reverberate in his chest. She felt like he was going to rip her apart.
“Tell me you love it!”
She stopped as he thrust himself into her.
“I! LOVE! IT!”
She felt drunk off him.
“Tell me you want it!”
“I! Want! It!”
“Tell me you want me!”
”I! Want! You!”
“Tell me you need me!”
“I! Need! You!”
He let out a satisfactory growl.
“That’s right my queen! You will always need me! You will always want me!”
The truth was that he needed and wanted her just as much. When she was at her most vulnerable, is when she was the most beautiful to him.
She belonged to him. And he belonged to her. When her muscles clenched around him one last time, that was it for both of them. She screamed to the heavens above and he buried his face in the crook of her neck and shuddered as he let go inside her. When it all was said and done, they were extremely exhausted and thoroughly satisfied.
He pulled out and curled up with her in his arms. He covered them both to keep them warm.
“I love you my queen. Never forget that.”
“I love you too my knight. There will never be another man for me. My heart belongs to you.”
He held her close as they drifted off to sleep.
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laurakinneywrites · 7 years
hi this is an updated list of all my tags so hmu if i’ve missed any?
belle (in play)
ship: books and cleverness (belle/livvy; friendship)
ship: i don’t deserve you (belle/g*ston; romantic/friendship)
ship: that’s my girl (belle/artie; romantic)
ship: roses and golden flowers (belle/rae; friendship/i also ship this lol)
ship: girls don’t like boys they like books (belle/katherine; friendship)
ship: you’re just as sane as i am (belle/jefferson; friendship)
ship: still it’s a mystery how you ever came to me (belle/adam; romantic)
benjamin (in play)
ship: jolly holiday (ben/poppy; romantic)
ship: i am yours; i am terrified (ben/g*ston; romantic)
ship: you’re in glad company (ben/dimitri; friendship)
ship: paint the town red (ben/holly; friendship)
ella (in play)
ship: i was enchanted to meet you (ella/kit; romantic)
ship: waving through a window (ella/floyd; friendship)
ship: have courage and kick ass (ella/kim; friendship)
fionn (in play)
ship: fight your fears and smile your smiles (fionn/joy; family)
flynn (in play)
ship: you were my new dream (flynn/rae; romantic)
ship: men are such babies (flynn/anya; friendship)
ship: thou shalt not get caught (flynn/artie; friendship)
ship: surrounded by enormous piles of money (flynn/dimitri; friendship)
gerard (in play)
ship: take me or leave me (gerard/bertie; romantic)
ship: why grumpy! you do care! (gerard/niamh; friendship)
ship: you are perfectly cast in your life (gerard/katherine; friendship)
gigi (in play)
ship: the reckless and the brave (gigi/jim; romantic)
ship: welcome to the nerd lab (gigi/hiro; friendship)
ship: woman up (gigi/holly; friendship)
ship: need for speed (gigi/sam; exes/friendship/hookup?)
iris (in play)
ship: i found myself a cheerleader (iris/misty; romantic/friendship)
ship: to you i’d never be cold (iris/violet; romantic)
ship: superhuman girls (iris/pixies; squad)
isabella (in play)
ship: faith trust and cocaine dust (isabella/peter; friendship/unrequited)
ship: i do believe in bitches (isabella/wendy; frenemies?)
ship: guys my age (isabella/g*ston; hookup)
ship: show these hoes how to put on a show (isabella/violet; frenemies)
ship: magic mix (isabella/beau; frenemies)
ship: superhuman girls (isabella/pixies; squad)
ship: she will be loved (isabella/terry; romantic)
ship: get in loser we're going shopping (isabella/katherine; hookup/friendship?)
jp (in play)
ship: fight from the heart (jp/kaya; romantic)
ship: if i didn’t have you (jp/beau; family)
mona (in play)
ship: happiness is where you are (mona/oliver; romantic)
nick (in play)
ship: it’s called a hustle sweetheart (n*ck/j*dy; romantic)
patricia (in play)
ship: and then i saw her (patricia/jefferson; romantic)
ship: your arms still feel like coming home (patricia/adam; friendship/romantic?)
rita (in play)
ship: existing and shit (rita/artie; friendship/lmao i ship ‘em sue me)
ship: once upon a crime (rita/livvy; friendship/can i say romantic?? rita definitely likes her even if it’s not reciprocated)
ship: got no folks to speak of (rita/anya; friendship)
ship: like sugar and spice (rita/marie; romantic)
ship: we’d risk life and limb (rita/oliver; friendship)
ship: sweeter than heaven and hotter than hell (rita/meg; friendship/romantic?)
todd (in play)
ship: you’re giving up your kingdom for him (todd/cooper; romantic)
ship: we’re close but not that way (todd/anna; friendship)
vlad (in play)
ship: we’ll go from here (vlad/anya; friendship)
ship: the rest is history (vlad/katherine; friendship)
angelica (insp)
aria (insp)
ashley (insp)
barry (insp)
ship: moon of my life (barry/nicolette; romantic)
bunny (insp)
ship: i’ll catch you (bunny/bailey; romantic)
cosette (insp)
ship: i’m stuck in the light but you’re my flashlight (cosette/aggie; hookup/friendship))
ship: hey mister she’s my sister (cosette/nicolette; family)
ship: i should tell you (cosette/jay; friendship?)
fleur (insp)
ship: i love my sister more than anything in this life (fleur/freya/maura; family)
fred (insp)
graham (insp)
ship: bring me your heart (graham/niamh; romantic)
gus (insp)
harley (insp)
ship: i’ll walk through hell with you (harley/megan; romantic)
ship: yes i meant boobs (harley/katherine; friendship)
jessie (insp)
ship: girls like girls like boys do (jessie/bonnie; romantic)
ship: you’ve got a friend in me (jessie/andy; friendship)
john (insp)
ship: shoutout to my ex (john/blossom; romantic/friendship)
max (insp)
ship: i have loved you since we were 18 (max/beau; romantic)
minnie (insp)
ophelia (insp)
ship: sweep me off my feet (ophelia/milo; romantic)
parker (insp)
ship: he builds me palaces out of paragraphs (parker/artie; romantic)
paul (insp)
penny (insp)
ship: you’re the obi wan for me (penny/andy; romantic)
philip (insp)
rory (insp)
ship: just keep swimming (rory/floyd; friendship)
ship: darling please rescue me (rory/misty; romantic/friendship)
seth (insp)
taylor (insp)
travis (insp)
ship: the night will weave its magic spell (travis/lily; romantic)
victor (insp)
ship: i can’t make you love me (l*fou/g*ston; friendship/unrequited)
will (insp)
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