#Also if you're wondering Idk if I will draw all the Alphas
colourfulplague · 9 months
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Hitlers family was patriarchy hunter fam.
Hitler had illegit bebe (gerard) w french woman who was an argent during? End of? War
Gerard resented women being in charge over him.
Chris not vicious/bloodthirsty and brown haired.
Kate vicious/bloodthirsty n easily manipulated by daddy n blonde/blue eyed.
Didnt have much to do w allison cuz coloring and didnt display his desired vicious traits.
But was easily manipulated later so worthy of some time n attention when he had no kate. 
Gerard molested kate, turned her to pedo, groomed her
Talia--born 1960
Deaton--born 1963
Marin-- born 1975 (12 yrs after deaton)
I was thinking about your post with human papa Hale/Talia and it turned into a hc about them being the prototype sterek with Talia being this serious, regal alpha-in-the-making and this clumsy disaster of a human boy who's just a big ol' simp and was like "yeah I'm gonna marry that woman and take HER last name" idk i just had to share because your posts make my day
That is my exact hc for them XD Like, Derek takes after his mom in more than just looks, aight?
Papa Hale wasn't even human-but-slightly-to-the-left like Lydia or questionably magical like Stiles, he was literally just Some Dude. Considering the decade in which he and Talia met, he was probably a stoner who was too blazed to be bothered by his gf turning furry. First time he saw her shift, he was just like, "Neato!" And Talia immediately went, "This one and no other."
Cue Nana Hale's well-meant parental despair like, "You're turning down eight suitors from established packs for that?!" Like, no, mom, you don't understand, he said my beta shift was neat and called my eyes pretty, and he thinks it's cool I can pick him up, I want this one.
Obvi, he quit smoking once Laura happened, but even then, he's just Chill. He vibes with the weird. He's like Gomez Addams. His wife is the most awesome wonderful fantastic woman ever and the greatest Alpha and the bestest mom, and his kids are just as incredible as she is, I love them so much, wanna see pictures?
NEMETON: northern California, Greenland, western Europe, Egypt (or Sudan), China, and Siberia in 6x16 map. Greenland, northern Africa, Toulouse in France, Zhengzhou in China, Logashkino in Siberia, and Brasília in Brazil. 
NEMETON--Mikaelsons tree was also nemeton
Nemeton--both deaton and alex argent cut Nemeton down for money and power
Talia's dad fought Alexander at Nemeton n bit but died, making Talia alpha, leading to Deaton able to convince her that if Nemeton was healthy n not corrupted the hunter wouldn't have gotten that far
Alexander argent bitten May 3, 1977
NEMETON--Nemeton a branch of world tree
According to Chris Argent, a Nemeton is a sacred space used by Druids for various rituals.
He says druids picked a large, older tree in a grove to represent the center of the world.
Many believed that cutting or harming the "world tree" would bring severe problems like fires, plagues, strife, “death and destruction of all kinds” to surrounding villages. (Visionary)
Druid Emissary Alan Deaton explains that the power of the Nemeton is like a magnet that draws supernatural creatures to itself like a beacon. (Alpha Pact)
WOLF--Wolves connected to world trees per spellwork from beginning to allow werewolf and not just wolf
WOLF--Full shift wolf is sign of punishment. Spell allowing human shift removed. Most cases.
WOLF--Will eventually lead to all wolf all the time if issues not corrected
WOLF--Wolfs must protect nemeton
NEMETON--Nemton murdered when cut down
NEMETON--Spirit of murdered nemeton is The Hollow. Needs to be moved sometimes. Requires symbolic sacrifice.
NEMETON: the tree should have grown back. It was deliberately NOT ALLOWED to over the years as we see example of when sprout is snatched on screen
What if Weres also came about because some ppl were closer to their spirit animals more than others and they eventually got so good at connecting that they took on traits?
As generations happened, it was typical for similar spirit-bondeds to become partners/spouses/whatev AND each generation the newest youngsters took the basics from the previous generations and added to it. Expounded upon it until eventually it became a part of their genetics? Like evolution, sorta?? 
Moms carry higher percentage likelihood gonna be born a were than dads do. Like 75 to men's 50? Ish?
Laura--born 1984
Jackson's parents run off road by hunters?
He was human kid of weres?
Peter n the woman in car are bio parents?
Talia chose Malia's name and adoptive family on purpose.
(t)ALIA/(m)ALIA T(ate)
She left what she thought was a clever fucking clue.
Argent pendant is hexed/spelled to enhance natural allure to hide the intensifying and ever increasing corruption of the wearers psyche. A sometimes slow process, the speed at which the malicious infection grows within is dependent on the size of the wearers naturally occurring unhealthy darkness. Also enhances supes naturally occurring desire for wearer but only if supe already has desire for wearer.
Deucalion--took out his 1st pack when marin in last yr college
prompted her choice of councilor/therapist masters while he healed/built new pack
then he killed 2nd pack and is how became alpha of alphas
Gerard placed spell on Deucalion via neurotoxin delivery system that had side effect of blindness when mixed with mt ash
The Beacon Hills Nemeton remained dormant, powerless for many years until Derek Hale killed his high school girlfriend Paige among the tree's roots. This unintentional blood sacrifice powered the tree enough to allow Druid Emissary Julia Baccari to survive after being attacked and left for dead by Alpha Werewolf Kali. (The Overlooked)
Stiles had boa constrictor as pet (mom prolly encouraged/helped)
Stiles n rents til claudia dies. (Second grade ish.)
Noah drinks.
Coworkers get him to stop.
Scott n sm Roxie dog, attacked by rabid doberman.
Roxie died to protect. Bloody leash in hospital.
Asthma attack. Likely had allergies as kid n stressful attack caused. Once happens, avalanche.
Scott n rents til stairs. (Elementary school.)
Stiles knew, so was after met.
McCalls divorce.
Scott lives with rafe.
Stiles n Scott 'bffs'--on stiles' side at least.
Hale wards didn't work against kate n hunters n arson n ill intent. Why not? Deaton's greedy, skeevy butt
Deaton helped hunters at hale fire
Peter hit with spell (while in house as seen in flashbacks) that initiated w/fire and ended w fire
Kept prisoner in his own brain, occasional slip out to plot for survival, reminiscent of stiles while possessed
Puppeteered, not in control, not technically a wolf so is how escaped fire w/mt ash AND why healing didnt kick in
FIRE--Wolfsbane was used in fire and held back healing as well
FLARE--Laura n peter had disconnect b4 fire so easy/relief to abandon peter
PETER--Nurse jennifer was assigned as nurse but practiced magic.
She was Deatons student?
Got peter and started using to power spells because werewolf stamina/energy and connection to Nemeton via hale blood pact with land and tree.
Like a battery
Then spelled his healing to suuuper slow?
tho inhaled wolfabane and mt ash in burns didn't help him either
PETER--Nurse jennifer sold permission for hunters to come trophyphoto peter
Perhaps kept dosed w wolfsbane to slow healing as well. Just to be safe.
Julia baccari did deer spiral to set up her own chess board for revenge
Was still in area all that time, but had to recover and then rebuild magic and sacrifice enough for glamour, but couldn't do in BH or would possibly prevent alpha pack showing up
Deaton alerts laura
Argents arrive for move prep
Argents house hunted (lol even houses aren't safe fr yhem) n xferred Allison before winter break so could start 1st day back of spring semester
Peter kills laura, not cuts in half. Is hunter MO
Argents check out hale property just to be safe
Find female body with werewolf claw marks
Cut body in half to make sure wont yurn
Leave to get Allison n move in
Derek arrives in bh
Jogger finds laura
gogo teen wolf power on!
Scott bitten cuz smelled like stiles and was also connection yo stiles
Peter chose lydia for banshee AND connection to stiles
Explains peter offering stiles bite--was lucid moment
Stiles' spark would have burned away yhe strings/the spell
Derek loves 90's alternative
Tyler Lockwood and danny mahealani are cousins
Advanced healing: each healing causes weres to age more, hence satomi's age looking the same and Peter aging so much in 6 yrs and Derek getting older in first season.
Which goes with power thing for mothers per later discussed cuz Malia
Kids didn't hafta drown for LOCATION spell
Power of three blood locator spell woulda worked
Supes can find Nemeton in supe-skin
Juliadarach burned all of spell, n mt ash out of Deucalion
neurotoxin was long gone/was just delivery system anyways 
Noshiko was over 800 yrs old when summoned nogi
Knew better
Doubtful 1st time noshiko did this 
Wasn't 1st time loved in all that time
What if nogi was influencing things before he got loose?
Like how it seemed nemeton was reaching out for stiles.
Deaton and/or Talia's actions/inactions?
It mite explain why nemeton didnt grow until that one tiny sprout that was pulled.
Nogi draining the power reserves
Why was nogi phys form a housefly when is a fox? 
Only oni were lightning bugs (agents of order)
Nogi was oni and she took his spark with way she summoned him, so altered him (Agent of chaos)
It's why he was attracted to stiles
Stiles is Spark
He kept saying 'nevwr trust a fox'
He was never in fox form (sorta makes sense tho cuz inhabited a non-shifter body) or w fox aura
Maybe nogitsune's hungers are determined by those who call them.
Like noshiko called one for fear, chaos and pain.
Maybe someone else would call one for plague-like reasons.
Maybe one is more of a burn it all type.
Maybe the foxes that are called are determined by who calls them.
Not like kira who was born by human ways.
But like noshiko coulda been called down by someone who had lost a kid or had a bunch of miscarriages n wanted to have a child.
One they wouldn't have to fear losing to death
Thunder kitsune level under celestial but related cuz made w human 'lesser' being
If had made kitsune with other celestial, woulda been celestial kira
Sooo what IF... Nogi was seen differently/understood
Fox: mischievous n clever n playful trickster rite?
But even tho they say he was the absurd age he was...
They also said kiras mom made him or summoned him or whatever rite?
So what if the way he was back at the camp and as voidstiles wasn't his natural behavior??
Im seeing a couple possibilities. It could be the WAY she did whatever corrupted or cursed or altered him. (My fave theory so far)
Or she had summoned him one way at the camp, and he woulda been back to himself when released later but absorbed all the negative/polluted magic while trapped?
Maybe by accident or maybe someone set it up that way
And the way he reacted seems rather self protective and kinda pissed off at the hand hes dealt while infected with dirty magic?
Or negative magic that clouds his thoughts or whatev?
So maybe he was trying to keep stiles safe and whole in the only way he could, with that white room?Maybe he needed stiles to figure it out n fix it? Its not like deaton wouldve if he was a reason for it.
And maybe the ones he killed he saw something in them that needed to die? Either because they were bad/evil or because the negative magic felt a threat from something in them?
If it was that he got tainted with the icky magic, maybe thats deaton related?
Like deaton felt the magic/power at the nemeton n thot that's where it came from but he was using nogi as a filter?
Like laundering money but filtering n 'cleaning' magic?
The stump gained further power when Scott, Stiles Stilinski, and Allison Argent performed a druid ritual to locate their parents.
The three students' sacrificial "deaths" fully charged the Nemeton and it is now broadcasting at full power to all the supernatural elements within the Teen Wolf Universe.
In More Bad Than Good, someone pulls out a freshly grown piece of the tree which causes fireflies to form into humanoid beings.
Noshiko Yukimura reveals that the ritual done by Scott, Stiles, and Allison did to power up the Nemeton also released the Nogitsune she had imprisoned there. (The Fox and the Wolf) 
Noshiko lied about their deaths powering up Nemeton
Doesn't make sense, as doesn't seem to have gotten any more powerful
Dr. Valack also explained that recharging the Nemeton also brought the Dread Doctors to Beacon Hills.
The Triskelion Box: Wood cut from the tree and objects made of that wood still retain some of the Nemeton's power.
Deaton used wood from the Nemeton to fashion a wooden jar, a cylindrical box, to hold Talia Hale's claws.
further proof he murdered the nemeton for his own gain
If Nemeton had actually been corrupt/needed cut down (even for natural reasons such as rot-tho pretty sure magic would keep healthy), you would NOT make magic powerful containers from it
At some point after that, the box fell into the hands of The Calaveras.
Derek, Peter, and Braeden find it hidden in a large chest made of Mountain Ash and filled with sawdust from the same type tree.
It is clearly stored in such a way as to keep supernatural creatures out.
The top of the cylinder is decorated with a carving of the triskelion (or Triskele) symbol, a popular werewolf symbol.
Inside there are five circular recesses, at the time of its discovery each held a single werewolf claw. (More Bad Than Good)
The box seems designed to be used to apply the claws as well.
Each claw sits in its own recess and when Peter's hand is jammed inside - it lines up perfectly to embed the claws under his own.
Because of the residual power, the box is used to contain the Nogitsune spirit in its housefly form. (The Divine Move)
So noshiko appears young in glashbacks rite? Then older during the show.
Ppl seem to think its weird but i think its cuz she had kira.
Similar to malias bio mom, power or something supernatural happens when they give life to a new supernatural creature
Like injuries that age them
Noshiko a liar 'fox n wolf don't get along'
her bestie was satomi.
She's almost as old as nogi and yet thought she could be possessed?
but if cant possess a werewolf then he cant possess her cuz shes a fox
Doesn't make sense
Had to be a human or non-shift/non-animal supe.
She woulda known that if she knew enuf to summon him
An oni is a kind of yōkai, demon, orc, ogre, or troll in Japanese folklore. Oni are mostly known for their fierce and evil nature manifested in their propensity for murder and cannibalism. Notwithstanding their evil reputation, oni possess intriguingly complex aspects that cannot be brushed away simply as evil. They are typically portrayed as hulking figures with one or more horns growing out of their heads.[2] Stereotypically, they are conceived of as red, blue, black, yellow, or white-colored, wearing loincloths of tiger pelt, and carrying iron kanabō clubs.[2] They are creatures which instill fear and feelings of danger due to their grotesque outward appearance, their wild and sometimes strange behavior and their powers.
They are predominantly male but can be female. Females becoming oni has been attributed to them being overcome with grief or jealousy.
Noshiko n nogi half siblings. He oni prince by parentage. She lesser creature by her parentage. But she has tails, able to call upon oni. Would know the secrets of how to steal his spark.
Plus why call specifically for possession of a 'demon'? Its not like she had never been in that type of sitch before in her almost 1000 yrs because humans are utter assholes.
And she didn't ever fall so hard in lurve before that at her age?
Also? Zero to defcon 100 million? Really?! 
Yes instinct is to survive, but human is supposed to only be a form she takes.
So she woulda been okay.
Plus, u dont automatically bring possession by a demon as ur go-to.
Oh and since she n satomi couldn't n didn't ward the Nogitsune, how did she know he was released?
Its not like the kitsunes are all magically lojacked to each other, which wouldn't matter anyway because he stayed in bh.
So did Deaton tell her he let him out?
Or did she realize how long he could be held for? 
His spark was dimmed n it brightened when he escaped?
Or it moved towards his direction?
And she was scared of him n scared to fight him. Why? Shes almost as old as him n they both in human form.
If u only have 9 tails and takes u more than 1000 yrs to get them (her box of tails only about half full) then why would u use up 2 at the beginning of a problem, especially to only get 4 oni
Plus the fact that all other kitsune seem to be both good n bad, so why wouldn't nogi?
There cant be a purely bad entity without there being a totally good entity.
Nature (even supernatural) doesn't work that way.
There is a balance.
Equal and opposite.
And we only have HER word she is celestial/heaven kitsune, which humans equate to good.
She didn't display much good tho soooo...
Claudia had magic
Her FTD a result of being born or newborn when Nemeton cut down?
1977 when cut down
Sheriff did 2 tours n was army ranger? I think?
They say his bday 65/75
1965 would mean he was 11 or 12 yrs older than her, but he seems guy who would've waited yo be older n settled before marriage/kids
Also works with the abuse he suffered. Lots of abused don't want kids or not sure they do
Def went to college after army tho
Is where/when met Claudia
She woulda been legal (if barely) when she n sheriff met n married
Then 26 when died, when stiles 7? 8?
It reached out and her gift activated
But it also damaged her n caused FTD or what looked like it. Whichever.
Maybe her power was linked to it? 
OR, when we think of how the nemeton reached out for stiles, it reached out for claudia, and in draining her magic or tainting her magic somehow (maybe because she didnt know she had magic) thems the results.
Claudia's "disease" and then death, and then the fire.
Would also explain why sheriff (deputy at the time)wouldn't look into fire further. Distracted by grief n drowning his sorrows
Unfortunately, FTD is also associated with a shorter lifespan. Average life expectancy is 7 to 13 years after the start of symptoms.
So its likely she already had symptoms when they met n he just thought of as quirks or never actually realized the difference cuz didn't know her before symptoms
According to the Sheriff in Alpha Pact, she died 8 years ago.
According to the file seen in Silverfinger, she died in 2004.
These two combined don't match up with the fact that it was still the autumn of 2011 in Beacon Hills when this information was provided.
If she had died at midnight on January 1st 2004 it would be just 7 years, 9 months at the time the Sheriff was talking to Melissa McCall and Chris Argent under the Nemeton.
+++(altho maybe sheriff rounded the time up, and maybe is why stiles was so eager to go out n look for body that night...was around that time)
We’re going with Claudia’s death happening roughly seven years before the events of Season 3, placing it sometime in 2004.
She died after suffering from frontotemporal dementia.
According to the Sheriff in Alpha Pact, she was hospitalized and Stiles was with her when she died.
According to the file seen in Silverfinger, she was suffering symptoms similar to those her son was experiencing during the first half of Season 3(b).
In Riddled - Stiles explains that she suffered from frontotemporal dementia, a shrinkage of the brain that leads to dementia and death.
If noah conjured claudia, does mean he has magic too?
Just unaware?
Maybe is part of reason his dad was alcoholic too? Magic they didn't know about n it had negative effects
Would also explain stiles' adhd if wanted to
Natalie (Lydia's mom) n Claudia bffs in school?
Claudia Gajos, the daughter of Mieczysław Gajos and an unnamed mother, who attended Beacon Hills High School in the same class as Natalie Martin. ("Relics")
She met Noah Stilinski and was engaged to him while they were still in college.
In 1995, they gave birth to a son, named after her own father and nicknamed Stiles after Stilinski's father, Elias Stilinski. ("Sundowning")
However, in 2003, Claudia was diagnosed with frontotemporal dementia, a fatal disease that caused her perception of reality deteriorate rapidly.
She soon began suffering from insomnia, an inability to distinguish dreams from reality, sleepwalking, sleep paralysis, irritability, and paranoia.
STILES--Claudia had gift.
Got sick, still got visions.
Saw stiles as nogitsune in future.
Is also why didn't always recognize him
This put a great deal of strain on both Claudia herself and her husband and son, especially when the dementia caused her to believe Stiles was trying to kill her. ("Required Reading")
What if claudia n the sheriff weren't on best of terms?
FTD has early symptoms years ahead of diagnosis rite?
And they are often wrongly called by other names til eventually they figure it out.
It can be pure forgetfulness, which can be a hundred tiny annoyances piling up.
Mood swings which are annoying and stressful.
And lead yo a diagnosis of bipolar, which is SO OFTEN a death knell for a relationship.
So it makes sense stiles was only kid.
Besides the fact that it turns out folks with higher iq scores tend to have fewer kids
Makes sense for them to have had him 1st and then all this comes more and more prevalent b4 they r ready to have 2nd, if theyd wanted. Which i kinda feel they wouldve.
So maybe they were on the outs, maybe considering splitting, maybe just going thru several rough times. Whatev. I mean, stiles doesn't get his ignore prob yil goes away from nobody.
And noah didn't go yo hospital when he was told to. Yeah, maybe he coulda pushed it away or vlown it off, but he also would've likely accepted it as a possibility and reacted, especially when his reaction to supernatural reveal is considered. 
It would also be another reason he would hit the bottle so hard.
Anger n guilt n frustration, along with grief n love.
All of that is more than enuf to drown out his kids needs.
Plus hes such a reminder.
Especially if he had found solace in the rough times by working more. So it had already become a coping mechanism.
She ended up dying in 2004 with her young son Stiles at her bedside while her husband, Stilinski, was dealing with a car accident victim at work; though the victim, a Banshee, warned Noah that he needed to leave right then if he wanted to be with her when she passed, he was a skeptic about the supernatural at this time and guessed that she was just delirious.
When he returned to the hospital, he found Stiles sitting in the hallway with his face in his hands, indicating that Claudia had in face died while he was at the crash site, just as the Banshee had predicted. ("Alpha Pact")
Stiles was 8 when she died
That hallucination of him accusing stiles coulda been all made up by stiles being so young n all the feels involved.
Or something that happened where Sheriff misplaced the blame he felt onto stiles cuz he couldn't face his own overwhelming feels.
Or a combo of the two.
It could explain why took him so long to move on. Also why he froze everything pertaining to claudia. Also why he holds her as perfect, tho she wasn't. 
Stiles would've seen her as a little kid sees their parent. Perfect and amazing. So not reliable.
And that sheriff had that version of claudia dreamed up when stiles was forgotten?
Especially when u remember most ppl r not perfect, even when they r dead n u dont wanna talk smack about em or u miss em.
Magic Stiles:
They let him play with mountain ash one (1) time and then DROPPED IT AND I'M SO SALTY.
Cuz he showed up WEREWOLVES by being cooler and more badass than they were when he was "just" a human. Now he can flex a magical Spark muscle based on *belief*?! Yeah, naw. They could not allow that to be followed through because obviously Stiles would have whooped the ass of whatever stupidfuck monster came by to fuck with HIS pack and HIS town... aaannnddd stoopid-dead-but-dont-know-it-yet said *what* about his boo and his dad? Smirking Stiles has 2 words for you: "Let's play." After all, have baseball bat and attitude, will travel.
Let's face some reality. Stiles believes he can protect all these supernats he has claimed as his...and He Does. He believes he can surpass human requirements for sleep and caffeine and superbraining with his fuckton sexy brain...and. He. DOES.
Do not doubt the Stiles. The writers Knew. Stiles woulda whipped the monsters and the town and the nemeton and the werewolves into shape and Derek woulda had no choice but to be Even More Blatant about his desperate NEED for some Stiles-lurve. God damn but I miss what an amazing damned show that would've been.
Stiles: This character is a f*king angel.
Sometimes comforting.
Sometimes protective.
Sometimes avenging.
Always beautiful.
Always luminous.
Always knows how to save your ass after he leads you to temptation.
Built completely out of "you may not understand my morals, but if you are Mine, you will always benefit from them."
Stiles is the person who will stand up to derek and argue and then immediately turn around and fling himself in front of the wolf without hesitation to save him
Also: i know what the stiles triplets would be nicknamed. Mischief menace n trouble
Further proof stiles is a supe? When he was forgotten he and peter and 1 other person (prolly another supe) weren't mindless zombies like everyone else
Paige n stiles related? Via Claudia? A cousin? Paige supe is why rejected?
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yamatossideboob · 10 months
Spoilers for One Piece 1101!
Thoughts this week!
COVER PAGE GOOD I love seeing the colour schemes by Oda's hand!!!!
man Dragon better be up to something good all this time
just how busted IS Kuma...
Bonney is small.
This is comically nefarious and only OP could pull it off, jfc.
That bit with the fake medicine is so... Alpha really is a wholehearted nurse huh...
That Conney is canny, always keep your cards to your chest lads
hiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Stussy
I feel the same as Vegapunk whenever I get a haircut lmao
"Stop that Stussy. You ARE a human being!" Oda planting his little seeds here and there lmao. Fr I would be very surprised if this isn't foreshadowing the Seraphim breaking their figurative chains and turning on their creators.
YAY PIZZA PARTY!!!! Oda's always been good at drawing food, but this pizza looks especially good. I wonder if his kids like it...
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I'm wondering just how Kuma is getting away with these little diversions... clearly the WG are aware to some extent that he's assisting the Rev Army, so either he's popping away before any WG/Marines can spot him, or they're more concerned with keeping him with Vegapunk to really build up stocks of Buccaneer DNA before he becomes too much of a liability.
CONNEY IS CANNY and also a total dote, what a good old lady ;-; I really hope she wasn't punished for this manoeuvre...
I fucking love the room kept for gags even in the midst of something wondrous or serious
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I fucking love this sequence so much. Alpha getting a belt right into the puss is SO satisfying, normally we have to wait whole arcs for this kind of payoff.
But ALSO uhhhhhhhhhh Bonney is also kind of busted it seems?? Like her DF already had much more versatility than expected, but now she can pull off Gear 3rd style shit?! Idk if this is her genuinely commandeering the Nika fruit but still! Just how far can she go in hijacking other DFs from other timelines? I wondered if hers is another case like Luffy's where its a mislabeled fruit, but then why would it just be lying around in the Sorbet church.... mysteries still....
Thankfully we get one more chapter this year in 2 weeks! Maybe we'll finish this flashback? Get back to Egghead Island? Kuma will land there too at long last? Only time will tell before Oda does!
Til then! 💪✖️
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lillupon · 4 years
What if Wonwoo had a tattoo? Like, a tattoo at his side thats really big and you can see when he lifts his arms up? I've also been thinking a lot about that ask about them meeting outside of school. And I've been wondering if there's gonna be "another alpha" 🤔
Say it's a library. Mingyu is there helping his sister shop for things she needs for school. (How old is she supposed to be in the story? Like, as long as she's above 7 I think it's fine to let her wander off on her own? Lmao idk) Then, in the distance he spots a familiar figure.
He could hardly believe his own eyes. It's Mr. Jeon. Mingyu blinks, hoping his eyes aren't messing with him. But he's still there. And fuck he's so pretty.
He wants to call out to him, start a conversation, ask him about his day, tell him he looks cute, maybe even risk asking for a coffee date. But he hesitates. Shit. Wasn't there a silent rule that you're not supposed to disturb teachers if you see them outside of school? Especially during their time off.
Mingyu sighs. As much as he wants to fuck wonwoo against the bookshelves, it would have to stay a fantasy. He's here with his sister fantasizing about screwing his teacher. Granted a very hot teacher but a teacher nonetheless. He should stay on track.
Still, against his better judgement, he watches wonwoo browse for a few minutes more. Staring in wonder as the moves from book to book, pouting all the while as he scrutinises the literature in his hand before putting it back.
But just as he decides he should stop staring like a stalker, wonwoo moves to put a book on one of the top shelves. Despite being quite tall, he struggles, going on his toes to reach even a fraction of the surface.
Mingyu's immediate instinct is to go over there, lift him up by the waist, maybe even "accidentally" brush his fingers along a strip of exposed skin. Speaking of, Mingyu's eyes travel down the length of wonwoo's body, feeling a bit creepy that he's so eager to see even a slither of milky white skin but his thoughts halt when he sees inky black drawing covering the expanse of wonwoo's side.
Wonwoo has a tattoo? By the looks of it, a big one too. That's when his thoughts starts to go wild. Just how far down does the tattoo go? On his thigh? Down to his ankles? Not to mention if it wraps around his legs. Maybe it covers his ass too. Mingyu's mouth waters at the thought. He can already feel his cock twitching in interest at the thought of seeing that milky ink covered ass jiggling with each thrust made against it-
"Oppa! What are you doing there staring off into space. Come help me!" His sister calls.
"Right. Sorry." He mumbles, reluctantly walking away to a place where wonwoo becomes put of sight. But just before he does, out of the corner of his eye he spots someone else approaching wonwoo from behind. Alpha, Mingyu concludes judging by his general posture and aura. He mumbles a few words to wonwoo before holding him by the waist, lifting him up, exactly the way mingyu fantasized he would do himself.
But before he can even assert his dominance, his sister is already grabbing him the arms and pulling him along.
Spoiler alert! It was Bohyuk ;) off everyone within a ten mile radius could probably smell how jealous mingyu was he was reeking so much lmao poor baby. Mingyu going to horny jail with those thoughts. Like seriously, while you're shopping with your sister man? Have some class gyu jesus.
But now the image of them doing the do against the bookshelves are in my head I'm not sure I'm entirely against the thoughts just chilling there.
I feel tattooed wonwoo would definitely be kinkier. Like, anyone who has tattoos on their ass is definitely into spanking just saying.
Anyways, i hope you like this lei. Ily(✿◠‿◠)
re: your question...  I use Chaeyoung (14) as Mingyu’s sibling in my fic.
Ahhh Ana, thank you for spoiling me/us with your minwon writing yet again (っ˘з(˘⌣˘ ) ♡ I love this! And you! Mingyu’s imagination really went crazy at the sight of Wonwoo’s tattoo LOL Now I’m actually imagining Waves!Wonwoo with a tattoo? A tattooed Waves!Wonwoo would no longer be Mr. Jeon, but the thought is still so (✧ω✧)
Wonwoo and Mingyu bumping into each other outside of school would honestly be so fun! I imagine Mingyu tripping over his feet to say hi to Wonwoo, shouting across the street/mall/store, “MR. JEON!” But I like the hesitation Mingyu shows in your interpretation, too. Maybe poor puppy Gyu is thinking that Wonwoo only puts up with him because he has no choice--Mingyu is his student. Maybe he thinks that Wonwoo wants nothing to do with him outside of school and, like you said, that there are unspoken rules that govern out-of-school interactions between students and teachers. 
Mingyu must be so threatened by Bohyuk lmaoo. First Mina and now another challenger?!?! Gyu’s got so much competition.
Thank you for writing and sharing!! I really enjoyed reading this o(≧▽≦)o
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greywick · 8 years
Hi! I was wondering if you use an effect for this purpose(hopefully I can explain it correctly haha): like if you have your layer and make a new layer over it and draw but then make that second layer so it just changes the color of the bottom layer??? Does that make any sense? Like an overlay tool or something? Idk anyways I love your art and you're really awesome, I've been following you for like a year now. :) Keep it up~
im not sure if we’re on the same page but I'm assuming you’re talking about clipping? (also called Protect Alpha or Lock Transparency) 
like when, for example, you want to change the color of some parts of the lineart. or if you want to color within the lines, etc etc
but yea i use that all the time if so!
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