#Also lmao deactivating reblogs because if people find this and decide to make fandom drama on va pas s'en sortir 🤙 please people
pigeonneaux · 2 years
Wanna know about Reylo ? 👀
(Spoilers ahead)
So, in the new trilogy, the main character is Rey (no last name), an feral gremlin of an orphan who lives ona desert planet and has learned about the rebellion in ancient texts and loves them. One day she meets Finn (ex stormtrooper) and bb8 (adorable nb droid) and they both say they have to bring bb8 to The Rebellion. Rey, being an adorable nerd, absolutly beams with joy and does this, with adventures along the way. There's also Poe Dameron, super cool pilots and best bud with bb8, who keeps doing heart eyes to Finn and has helped him escape. The bad guy of the story is Kylo Ren aka Quiche Lorraine aka the poser emo son of Han and Leia, who idolizes Darth Vador and wants to rebuild the Space Nazi Dictatorship (it's not subtle : theit logo is black thing in white circle on a red background).
So what kind of ship do we have, here ? Rey(white woman) with Finn (black man), about overcoming what you're born into and being your own hero. There's Finn (black man) and Poe (latino man), about being bickering best friend and saving eachother. Or, there's the white man (Kylo Ren), and you can ship him with Rey to make the Heterosexual White Couple where the woman has to redeem the man.
Please note that during the first film, Kylo tortured Rey (and Poe), and they fought a lot. And Kyle was like "uh maybe i can be saved... SIKE it was a ruse to kill my dad".
In large, the internet flocked to FinnPoe... or to Reylo. The Reylo stan were *unsufferable*, attacking people who were saying that the SpaceDictator was a bad man (one unironically said that people should be nicebeing seeing his dad die in frontof hiseyes surely traumatized him, forgetting that he *killed* him) and making up Tumblr Fake Stories about recieving free crepes by a fellow Reylo shipper, The Most Opressed Group Of All time. Dont get me wrong, there was definetly a large anti-reylo movement, because of the inherent mysoginy of the "she can can save him from himself" trope, the "shipping a woman with her abuser" and the obvious need to thirst on the single white man when John Boyega and Oscar Isaac here here, but the Reylo were sooo much more vocal.
The 2nd movie was super divisive for a lot of reasons, mostly that it didnt look like any other star wars film and subverted a lot of expectations. I wont get into,but i really liked it. There was this whole thing about a secret bad guy forming a mental bond between Rey and Kylo, and Kylo trying to manipulate her to come to the dark side and Rey thinking "Leia is nice, i will do all i can to bring her son back to her and save him". But at the end of the film she realizes he can't be saved if he doesn't *want* to be saved and she cuts the connection bc she's badass. She has empathy for him but she cares about *the million of people he opresses and kill* more. The reactionto the film were EXPLOSIVE, and the Reylo shipper kind of harassed everyone (to be fqire they werent the only one, Mary Tran, the only asian woman of the whole star wars universe, had to delete her social media in part bc he character kissed Finn and in partbc she dared to be an asianwomanin a star wars)
The the 3rd film arrived, and it was... a shit show. Jj abraams retconned all the interesting bits of the 2nd film, Mary Tran character basically disappeared, the latino man was revealed to be a drug dealer, palpatine (bad guy from trilogy 1 and 2) arrived out of NOWHERE, i cant emphasize enough how he was dead and not even metionned before that film, Rey was revealed to be a Super Special hereditary mc guffin and she can bring people back to life now, Finn says "Rey i have something to say to you!" and never says what it is, and Kylo Ren said "mh maybe palpatine is evil, i should repent and be a good guy now". So him and Rey join force in a (granted, impressively choreographed) fight scene, and he dies and she kisses him (which does not bring him back to life despite the tchekov's gun before) and the good guys whin. Jj abraams said later that they should have written a 3 movie scenario instead of making things up as they go. A lot of people theorize that the retcon and the reylo change of heart/redemption arc had come bc of the reylo stan outcry online.
So, there. A brief history of Reylo and why a lot of people (me included) think it sucks. I'm gonna be honest, the Reylo stans are a big part of it.
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