#Also not super related but I wanna see how Nagito might fee about losing time to being in a coma
hajihiko · 2 years
Ok first off I love you and your opinions are 100% valid BUT I've been thinking for a while and I disagree about hajime and nagito clashing once Nagito wakes up. And this isn't a shipping thing I just want them to be friends. They had some sort of vibe in chapter 1 enough for Hajime to feel betrayed by Nagito's "oops-I'm-crazy" reveal, but even after that Hajime always just wanted to understand Nagito. And yes then chapter 4 happened and Nagito was an ass to everyone especially Hajime, but in the anime they seem like friends now?? Hajime was the only one there when he woke up and Nagito recognized he was Hajime and not Izuru immediately. They even ate on the boat together. Nagito definitely needs to change some of his mindsets thru therapy but the anime made me sad for him, the guy has no friends and he wants to be friends with kaz and fuyu and the others, he just needs help getting there. And he says weird stuff and can be creepy but Hajime accepts every other quirky person on the island so..? Idk I would love your thoughts :)
Ok so a while ago I talked about how I can imagine Nagito either, a) would resent Hajime for choosing his Just A Guy self over Izuru, or b) idolize him (like he idolizes all the Ultimates, but more) for nonetheless being The Ultimate Superguy. I'm not 100% on either, just figured those would be the two most likely scenarios. I also think both would not sit well with Hajime who now has a bit of a complex identity that he might not fully get himself, and having it sorta put in the spotlight all the time might be uncomfy.
I also sort of do-and-dont consider the anime, since I liked a bunch of things about it but some felt rushed, so I think of that ending as like .... thematically accurate but not necessarily how it went down? And I guess that includes the Nagito OVA. Like, thematically yes, Nagito is gonna be friendly with everyone now and it's reinstated how Hajime is himself (including Izuru) and they come a full circle with mimicking each other's poses from the start of the game; thematically YES very good. But i think it kinda happens too easily?
Tbh I just kinda think it's more boring if they're both immediately totally cool with one another, and I think they're more interesting when they clash and make each other think about things differently. Same with like, Mikan and Hiyoko, I don't buy that they're just immediately chill around each other after All That. That's not as satisfying as them having to work on themselves and the relationship. Like, with Nagito specifically digging at Hajime's insecurities and singling him out like he did, causing Chiaki's death (which he had a good reason for but it obviously hurt for Hajime especially), and just generally how Nagito was treated through a lot of the game (badly), and his views on Social Hierarchy being super challenged by Hajime even existing... having them just end as being wordlessly ok with it all is anticlimactic imo.
So like, whenever I talk about post-wakeup dynamics, in my mind I'm kind of thinking they had at LEAST a year together before the scene in the anime where everyone's awake and healthy and working together.
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