#Also plus sven gets obliterated
jazjester · 5 months
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made a Henry stickmin au buh..idk how to explain shit but where Ellie is the leader and sven is the right hand man (it take places in tcw)
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thesvenqueen · 4 years
Jurassic Park
Rating: M Pairing: Kristanna Also on AO3
Note(s): oops...neglected this for a minute, by bad. hopefully can get back to updating this too. 
Previous Chapters ( One Two Three Four Five Six )
{Chapter 7}
Anna sighed as she placed a new shirt over her head, already feeling much better than moments before.
The storm had hit as Anna and the doctor were half way back to base. Needless to say, they had been absolutely soaked by the time they had returned. Wanting to change & burn sometime as she waited for Kristoff’s arrival, she decided to run up to their room, shower & change. 
It was strange though, Anna realized as she brushed out her slightly damp hair, Kristoff was still not back. Surely it wouldn’t take this long to return. 
Then again, Anna had been able to go well above the slow pace the tour cars were going. Not to mention, she wasn’t obligated to come to a stop at an exhibit if a dinosaur was to approach. So, it was possible that the tour was just going longer than expected due to something actually appearing.
A sudden roll of thunder made her jump, and she turned to face the window. 
The storm was pounding upon them now, the rain heavy and thick. She could make out a few trees in the dark of the night and see the tops bending over slightly at the force of the wind.
The sight made Anna uneasy. If the storm was this bad, there was a chance that could have held up the tour as well. Automated cars or not, they could still manage to get stuck in the mud. 
Not to mention the storm could easily mess with the mechanics that made the cars drive on their own. 
Anna shook her head, shaking away the thoughts.
No, no they were fine. They had to be. They were all probably downstairs in the lab or the control room waiting out the storm and waiting for her to have dinner.
She could see it now, Olaf and Lex going on and on about a mile a minute over the dinosaurs they had saw on the tour. Sven lounging back in one of the chairs, either lost in thought or watching the kids talk with a smirk on his face.
Kristoff, more likely than not, was probably asking Dr. Hammond as many questions as he could about what he saw. 
Still though, Anna couldn’t help the uneasy feeling that sat in the pit of her stomach. 
She’d expect Kristoff to come up to find her if he knew that she was back and in their room. After their moment earlier this afternoon, Anna was surprised he hadn’t taken advantage of more alone time. 
Especially when he owed her a full detailed description of everything they saw, if they saw anything that is. Plus, if it was near dinner time, they surely would’ve sent someone up to grab her, wouldn’t they?
The uneasy feeling quickly grew to concern as another bolt of lightning flashed across the sky. 
Something wasn’t right, she could feel it now.
Wasting not another moment more, Anna threw the towel into the bathroom and bolted out the door.
“Lost contact? What do you mean you lost contact?!” Anna yelled, confused and worried.
“That’s just it.” One of the techs mumbled, a lit cigarette held between his lips, “We lost contact with the cars a couple minutes ago. We haven’t been able to gain it back since.”
“How can that be?”
“We thought it was the storm,” the tech said, Anna catching the name Ray along his coat, “However, looking into it seems one of our other guys decided to cut power to certain areas of the park.”
“What? Why?!”
“Not sure,” Ray said, turning to his computer, “But we haven’t been able to turn the power back on to those areas. Seems our guy was a good hacker, he was able to create a bug that keeps us from doing anything to the areas he turned off. Only he can do it, I can’t. No one can.”
“So...so you’re saying they’re stuck out there?”
“With no communication, no way to reach us?”
“Yes,” Dr. Hammond said, looking to her solemnly, “I’m afraid they’re out on their own for the time being.”
“Ok, so they just sit tight till we can get them. No worries then right?”
Dr. Hammond & Ray shared a look, one that made Anna’s heart sink. “The cars were stuck in a particular exhibit that the electrical fence are...strongly needed. Unfortunately, that exhibit also got hit with the bug.”
Anna’s eyes widened, “Which exhibit?” Dr. Hammond looked away from her, looking towards the floor to avoid her gaze. “Which exhibit Doctor?”
“The T-Rex.”
The air seemed to rush out of Anna’s lungs all at once. Feeling light headed, she found the closest chair and slammed into it.
No, there was no way. She refused to believe it would end like this. 
They were fine, they had to be fine, he had to be fine.
“How long ago did the power go out?”
“About 20 minutes or so.”
“And how long would it take you to break into the bug?”
“Too long.” Ray said, sighing deeply, the tip of his cigarette lighting as he took a deep breath, “By the time I managed it, there is no way of knowing if the dino is still there or not.”
Anna looked away then, placing her head in her hands.
She wanted to scream, wanted to break down and cry at the idea of everyone, her Kristoff could be gone. 
There was no way, absolutely no chance in hell he would give up like that. He was stubborn as anyone, a fighter till the end no matter what it was. 
But even he couldn’t go against a dinosaur, especially a T-Rex. His favorite Anna remembered bitterly. 
What a cruel twist of fate for him to be taken by the creature that he had loved his entire life, had admired and studied more than any other beast they’d uncovered. 
It was even crueler for an image to appear in her head, of a shocked and scared Kristoff sitting in the car as the creature emerged from the forest. 
Anna grimaced at what could have come once the dinosaur had spotted them.
He’s not gone. Anna thought, We don’t know if they’re gone. They could be fine, they could be just fine. Everyone just waiting in the car for someone to come take them back to base.
What if they weren’t? 
Dr. Hammond had mentioned the power was out in that exhibit, the fences completely useless. Anna bit her lip at the memory of the goat being placed near the fence as bate, to lore the T-Rex out for them to see during their tour. It had cried and struggled against the chain that had held it in place.
No doubt that the goat would’ve lured the T-Rex to the fence at some point. 
Maybe the beast had appeared after they had passed the exhibit. Maybe it had found the goat long before they had started the trek back to base. It was possible, they’d burned a lot of time at the Triceratops. There was a good chance that the T-Rex was nowhere near the fenceline, wondering about somewhere else in the enclosure with a full belly. Leaving Kristoff, Sven and the kids to sit by in the rain safely, bored and waiting for someone to show up.
Anna clung to the idea desperately, trying to not even think about the idea of them being gone. Of him being gone.
“Dr. Hammond.” Anna looked up, recognizing the man from the raptor exhibit. Robert, if she remembered correctly, stood in the doorway. “You asked for me sir?”
Dr. Hammond coughed, turning to him, “Yes, I need you to go to the T-Rex exhibit if you can with the gas jeep.”Anna looked to Dr. Hammond confused. Not even a moment ago, it had seemed the man believed the group was lost. Apparently, he still had a bit of hope left just like Anna.“I need you to go bring our guests back, their vehicles seem to have broken down.”
“Can do.”
“I’m going with you.” 
Everyone looked to Anna then, who now stood tall, a feeling of determination swelling within her. 
Robert grinned at her, “Got plenty of room, may be a bit tight fit on the way back but we can make due.”
“Very well.” Dr. Hammond said, a small smile on his face and Anna could see the slight spark of hope in his eyes.
Anna braced herself for what she may see when they came upon the T-Rex area. She didn’t know what to expect, what could be waiting for them when they rounded the corner.
Would it be perfectly peaceful, the jeeps sitting in waiting, everyone inside just annoyed at how long it took for them to arrive?
Or, would it all be in complete and total disarray? The cars crushed or torn apart, the T-Rex potentially still there or even worse…
She couldn’t bear to think that, not now. 
The idea they were fine, all completely fine & alive was the hope she would cling on to. 
The little sliver completely disappeared, however, when they came to the exhibit. 
“Oh my god.”
It was as they feared, the T-Rex had in fact escaped. 
There was a massive break in the fence, cables broken apart and concrete slabs seemingly crushed from where the massive beast had broken through.
A nearby building, assumed to be a bathroom of sorts, was completely obliterated. Wood and broken cement were all over, as though an explosion had occurred within the building itself. 
That’s not what made Anna’s heart begin to race, what made her eyes wide in worry and fear.
There was only one jeep, it’s doors now wide open and she could tell before they pulled up beside it that there was no one inside.
The other car was completely gone.
“No.” Anna whispered, scrambling to get out of the jeep as soon as it came to a halt, “No no no, Kristoff?!” Anna cried, moving quickly to turn on her flashlight.
The rain had stopped, a brief break in the storm but the wind howled around them. The thunder still rolled above her as Anna ran quickly to the abandoned car.
The doors left open as though someone was in a hurry to get out. Bits of what seemed to be plastic covering & some brochures were scattered along the back seat. Anna tried to fight back the tears as she looked over the inside of the car again and again. Hoping, pleading that Kristoff would appear at some point.
But he didn’t.  
The light of her flashlight caused something to flash, and Anna looked towards the source. There, sitting in the cupholder, were a pair of sunglasses. 
Kristoff’s sunglasses.
With shaky hands, Anna reached out and grabbed them. Biting her lip, she tried desperately to not think about the fact that this may be the only thing she managed to find of her husband. 
What would be left of him.
The realization suddenly hit her. If this was the jeep Kristoff was in, then that meant the one that was missing was the kid’s.
“Dr. Arendelle!”
Anna looked over to see Robert moving towards the wreckage of the bathroom. She stuffed Kristoff’s sunglasses into her pocket as she ran to catch up to him.
There is a roar off into the distance, bringing Anna to a sudden halt at the sound. Looking towards the surrounding trees, she shines her flashlight towards the echoing roar. “I...I think it’s ahead of us.” 
“It could be anywhere.” Robert said, looking towards the trees with her, “With the fences out, it can go in and out of any paddock it likes.” 
He was right. The beast could be anywhere, not to mention if the doctor was right from that morning, it could do so very, very quickly. 
Suddenly, a loud moan came from the wreckage of the building. Anna looked back, shining her light across the broken bits of wood and brick to try to find the source of the sound. 
Taking careful steps, Anna looked over the destroyed bathroom slowly, making sure not to miss anything. There is another moan, and Anna turned quickly to the source.
The light catches an injured, bloody arm. Moving her light, she sees a familiar face.
“Sven?!” Anna cried, scrambling over to him. “Sven, can you hear me?”
Together, Anna and Robert are able to remove the bits of wreckage from on top of Sven. As Anna moves the last piece, Robert stands to shine his light down upon the scene, giving them a better view of Sven’s body.
There are a few scratches here and there but Sven seems to be completely intact. That is, till the light hits Sven’s left leg.
Anna gulps at the site. His ankle is bent at a strange angle, completely turned opposite of his leg. There is a large rip along the side, revealing a deep cut going from his mid-calf to his thigh. His pants are completely caked in mud and blood. 
A belt is wrapped tightly around the top of his thigh, no doubt a last stitch effort to stop the bleeding while he can. 
“Shit, he may have passed out from blood loss.” Robert murmured, kneeling back beside Sven, “Oi, Sven, can you hear me?”
There is another groan, Sven’s brows furrowing, and then, “Remind me to thank John for such a great weekend.”
Anna can’t help but to smack her forehead, “Damn it Sven, now is not the time for jokes.”
Another roar made Anna jump, the sound much closer than the one from before. She looked to Robert, who kept his eyes on the trees. 
“Can we chance moving him?” Anna asked.
“Please, chance it.” Sven groaned, his eyes barely open now. 
They move quickly, each putting one of Sven’s arms over their shoulders and moving him to the back of the jeep.
“What happened?” Anna asked, not able to hide the desperation in her voice.
“The T-Rex.” Sven said, groaning slightly as he moves to make himself comfortable. “It broke through the fence, guess the power was out?” Anna nodded, “Figures. Anyways, it broke through and the kids caught his attention.”
“Where are the kids? Where’s Kris?” 
“I’m getting there.” Sven said, but Anna sighed with impatience. “The T-Rex started attacking their car, so Kristoff found a flare and got it distracted.”
Anna stopped then, hands frozen in place on the side of the jeep. 
“But me being an idiot, I lit a flare and got it’s attention which is how I ended up over there.” Sven leaned his head back, running his hand down his face, “It followed me to the bathroom and tried to snag me but missed, completely destroyed the building. I was conscious long enough after to tie off my leg but, I couldn’t see anything else from beneath the rubble.”
“So...the kids? Kristoff?”
Sven looked to her, sadness in his eyes, “I’m sorry Anna, I really don’t know I--” He sighed, looking down to his lap, “I heard the lawyer scream...I’m guessing you haven’t found him?” Anna shook her head. “Figures. He hid in the bathroom before, when the T-Rex first broke through. Completely abandoned the kids and took off...it must have found him. Serves him right...As for Krisotff and the kids I...I really have no idea. I’m sorry, I really am. I can only assume that--”
Anna shook her head, fighting back the tears that were threatening to spill over. “They have to be here.” Anna said, picking her flashlight back up and walking towards where the other car would’ve been. 
“Dr. Arendelle, I must insist. We have to get going.”
“No!” Anna yelled, “I’m not leaving without them.”
“Dr. Arendelle,” Robert called once more, “I’ve seen plenty of animal attacks before.” Anna scanned the road, managing to spy a few tire tracks mixed with strange marks. As though something large had been dragged nearby. “People just disappear.” The marks seemed to go towards the fence line, along with what Anna soon realized were the T-Rex footprints. “No blood, no trace. That's the way it happens.”
Continuing to ignore Robert, she moved towards the crumbled remains of the cement fence, stepping over the fallen cable lines as she came to the edge.
Looking out, she realized that the track and fence were up on a hill as she was facing the top of a very large tree. Shining her flashlight, she directed it slowly down the tree, noticing a few branches broken along the way.
Curious, she continued going down till she spotted it.
There, lying at the bottom of the hill and upside down, was the other car.
“I found it!” Anna screamed, “I found the other car!”
Not bothering to wait, Anna scrambled down to the bottom of the hill. 
“Kris!” Anna cried, tears in her eyes as she came up to the beaten up jeep, “Kris, can you hear me?!”
There was no answer. 
Anna immediately got on her hands and knees, looking inside the jeep. “Kristoff? Olaf? Lex?”
The vehicle was empty. Mud and glass from the shattered windows were the only things inside.
“Did you find them?” 
Anna turned to Robert as he came up behind her, trying to fight back a sob, “No. No they’re not here.” 
Robert sighed, his brows furrowed. 
Another roar echoed through the trees from above, closer than the last.
It was coming, it was heading straight back towards them.
“We have to go.” Robert said.
Anna wanted to fight back, wanted to refuse to leave until she found them but she knew she couldn’t. The T-Rex was drawing ever closer, would be upon them in only a few minutes and they didn’t have any more time to keep searching. She looked down to the ground in defeat. 
They were gone. Her worst fear, the one she had dreaded since the moment she was told they hadn’t returned to base, was coming true. 
This was it, she had to accept it now.
Anna began to look back up to Robert, but something caught her eye. Tilting her head, she raised her flashlight, pointing the light at the mud just beside Robert.
“Wait,” Anna said, standing slowly, trying to get a better view. “Is that..?”
As she came over, Robert looked down, shining his light where hers currently shown. Looking down at the mud, she could see clear as day a set of shoe prints. 
“Footprints.” Robert said, surprised. He moved his flashlight slightly, “Three sets by the look of it.”
Anna let her tears spill over then, huffing a laugh in utter relief. “They’re not here.” She said, following the trail with her flashlight as the footprints led away from the crash site & into the forest. 
They were alive, they were ok. 
For now at least, there was hope.
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