#Also you know... I'm scared of being hatecrimed
glittercleric · 10 months
At this point I probably should consider what I'd rather be misgendered as, guy or lady. And which gendered outward presentation and perception I'd prefer. And yeah honestly I don't even need to think about it, I'd rather pass as man than as woman.
Like ideally nonbinary genders would be accepted of course, but I know they're not here and you can't change your gender marker to diverse either unless you're intersex afaik. So taking the less bitter pill, so to speak, would be the only way to accessing trans healthcare.
Much to think about. I should see if there's any local queer orgs that could give me some advice.
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i'm so tired of cis women going "do you KNOW how terrifying it is to be a cishet white woman in a first world country and have to potentially share a bathroom with a MALE???"
like my nemesis in hell i can get hatecrimed, harassed or even killed at any time by anyone for any reason at all just because i exist as a trans man. i have to deal with dirty looks being thrown my way because i'm not closeted but also don't pass, people throwing slurs at me and calling me a dirty tranny on the street. i have to listen to a hysterical transphobic weirdo shouting "TRANNIES ARE TAKING OVER THE WORLD! WE HAVE TO STOP THEM!" in a middle of a busy shopping mall. i have to see my trans friends come to me with bruises from assault.
so my answer is, do YOU know how terrifying it is to be trans in a fucked up transphobic society that wants you gone? because i think sharing a bathroom with a stranger who wants to piss isn't as bad as being scared for your life every time you go outside.
Yeah like
a) they do not understand misogyny is not The Only Oppression and that oppression isn’t some competition. They can talk about their experiences, sure, but don’t use them to take away from other people’s experiences.
b) I have literally told one of them before that people like them make me as an afab butch human they would claim is a woman kind of afraid to use the women’s bathroom. More so than any trans woman ever would make me afraid. I was told I needed to seek help basically.
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enzombie · 1 year
Ranking the commanders of FG properly:
⁽ⁿᵒ ʳᵉᵃˡˡʸ ᵗʰᵃᵗ ʳᵉᵈᵈᶦᵗ ᵖᵒˢᵗ ᵈᶦᵈⁿ'ᵗ ᵘᵖˢᵉᵗ ᵐᵉ ᵒʳ ᵃⁿʸᵗʰᶦⁿᵍ⁾
Disclaimer I am ranking them as fictional characters because that's what they are, obviously real-life would rank wildly different. Audience likeability comes into it. The biggest crime a fictional character can commit is irritate the audience, and the murders didn't actually happen. Anyway,
Vivian - the perfect commander to introduce FG actually. she was cool, she was charming, everyone loved her. she made good decisions and dealt with shit well I think. good commander all round. what more do you need. ALTHOUGH my issues with zombie island do impact her ranking because she was a believer in it and I have so many issues with zombie island so overall 8/10 because she was epic and a good leader but her long-term plan was extremely shaky
Chase - I liked Chase. he had to deal with a lot more than he bargained for honestly and that's Carey's fault. also I've said this before but Major didn't help. Major complicated a lot for Chase and he's also the one that gave him the advice that made him go ahead with the OG Renegade execution that made him a villain. honestly I don't have any big issues with Chase. I think he tried his best. I think the circumstances got to him a bit but I don't think he did significantly worse than anyone else would've. I'm giving him a 7/10 because he did the best he could and I can't hold that against him
Major - listen. as a character, I like Major. when he's interacting with Liv and Ravi I'm like 'this guy :D' the moment he's at FG tho. brother. this guy not cut out to be a commander. you cannot lead a military government just because you're the most popular with the bros. Hobbs did a misjudge on that. Major doesn't DO anything. there are actual hatecrimes happening and he's like "we cant do anything about it or it'll look bad :/" like DUDE. like CMON. some of his men were killed in action because of his lax policies and he's like "I can give you their backstories. no justice only backstory." sir I know you're in over your head but a little effort. also I think FG just brought out the worst in Major even before he was commander. not even talking about the child soldiers, just his general character. like go home and play video games with Ravi man you're scaring me :( but yeah that's why we're here at 2/10 because he was too worried about being as uncontroversial as possible to actually do he job
Enzo - READ MY USERNAME AND WEEP. THIS MAN CAN DO NO WRONG AS FAR AS IM CONCERNED. IF HE WANTS TO DO A LITTLE KILLING SOBEIT. HES EARNED IT. but in seriousness I'm not fully convinced he knew what he was doing. props to him for wanting to stick up for zombies and put an end to the hategroups tho. but his way of going about things was.... perhaps terrible? but like he tried to get anyone else to do it. finally decided "be the change you want to see in the world new seattle" and then proceeded to stumble and fall on his face. the effort was there. the civil war didn't help his public image either. in terms of leadership, solid 4/10 because his heart was in the right place, he had potential, but he definitely could've done a lot better (sorry bro)
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angelinthefire · 3 years
thinking about alternate deancas timelines.
It's the same s4-6, maybe with a bit more explicit will-they-won't-they.
Dean realizes he's in love with Cas after Cas dies in s7.
Dean doesn't say anything during s8 because first they're in Purgatory and it's not the time, and then there's something off about Cas, and then the crypt scene, and then in s9 he has to kick him out of the bunker, and then feels guilty about that.
Meanwhile, it doesn't quite click with Cas what he's feeling, he just knows that Dean is special and important, and he feels this broad, generalized want regarding him. But he doesn't quite put the pieces together until Dean is killed at the end of s9.
Dean actually says something in s10. I didn't watch much of that season, and it's kind of a blur to me. But the idea is that Dean tells Cas how he feels during a very low point during the MoC arc, in an I'm-so-messed-up-I-don't-deserve-to-be-happy-or-get-what-I-want kind of way. But then Cas kisses him, and things snowball quickly and they have sex. After which, Dean's like, that can't happen again, we should stay apart. But the plot keeps throwing them together. So they don't really spend normal time together, but every time they see each other, they argue about the mark, and about their relationship, and they end up having angry sex. The Prisoner still happens.
s11 Dean feels deeply guilty and insists on keeping things platonic. Which Cas is very sad about, and it adds to his general depression. Casifer still happens. Maybe he hatecrimes Dean. But while Cas is possessed, Dean just regrets not taking things further with Cas.
s12 when Dean comes back, he throws caution to the wind, and this is the season where Dean and Cas become an offical item. But at first Dean is very bad at communicating, and instead of telling Cas that he wants them to be in a full-on relationship, he just has sex with him, thinking that makes things clear enough. It doesn't. At a certain point, Cas asks him, "What is this?" which throws Dean off, and throws off his confidence as to how on-board Cas is. He's like, "What do you want it to be?" and Cas, very sincere, answers, "Everything. Anything. Whatever you give me, I'll take." And it's kinda sad, but it also makes Dean feel better. So when Cas asks him what he wants it to be, he's like, "Same. I'm a selfish son-of-a-bitch. I want whatever we can get, as long as we can get it." And Cas tells him he loves him, and Dean is like, "Yeah. Yeah. Be my... be my guy." Plot and season finale happen the same.
s13, Dean is overjoyed when Cas comes back, but then he feels like he's too fucked up to make himself vulnerable to that kind of loss again, and he tells Cas he can't take it being in a relationship with him.
s14 Dean gets back, and as soon as Cas is alone with him, he pins Dean against the wall and kisses him. Dean's like, wtf, and Cas is like, last year was utterly stupid, we both want each other, and we're not doing anything, why? Because you're scared? How is not being together and losing each other better than being together and losing each other. From now on, we're in a relationship. Dean is stunned, and then just like, yeah. Yeah, okay. Plot is the same.
s15 Divorce arc happens, but more intense. There's no Empty deal and no 15x18 because deancas being explicit all along supercedes the need for it. There's a lot more tension in their relationship over the question of whether any of their feelings are real. Happy ending when Chuck is defeated.
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teddy-arts · 3 years
Final takes on the prom movie: OKAY I JUST LOVED IT.
Is it flawed? Yes, definately. But being someone who has seen the stage show, I really enjoyed this adaptation. Here's just some opinions
(Note: I am gay, enby, and was alienated for me sexuality in the 8th grade so this is one of the most relatable pieces of media to me.)
One of my favorite parts of seeing the live musical was the lesbian couple in front of me, laughing and sobbing and loving the show (very sweet people, we talked at intermission 🥺🥺)
I loved seeing that because I saw people SEEING themselves on stage. Unpopular opinion, but while Emma and Alyssa's relationship was WAY better in the musical, I still feel like they did a lot. I imagine so many LGBTQ+ people seeing themselves in Emma or in Alyssa. It could've been better, but they'll help so many people feel seen.
Second, James Corden. I am of the opinion that any actor can play any character, regardless of sexuality. Honestly, I feel like so many people are being over the top about Corden's portrayal of Barry. I don't see him as a characature at all like, don't know where some of you are coming from with that. I think this is easily one of his best roles, he was pretty adorable tbh. BUT I do still consider him the low point of the adaptation: the accent and just comparing his performance to Meryl Streep, Andrew Rannells, and most other actors.
I liked how true to the script a lot of it was, all the songs are still in it, and a lot of the scenes that were in the musical were pretty word for word in the adaptation!! (I'm looking at you, phantom, les mis, and rent) BUT I'M SO MAD THAT THEY CUT THE ACCEPTANCE SONG SHORT ABDBSBDBAB!! Rannells was still just hilarious and wonderful. I, like many others, didn't like how most of the attention was on the adults more so than the musical, but scroll back to my previous point.
I've seen so many people criticise this and it makes me so mad: Emma smiling while being hatecrimed and bullied. I said this in my previous post, but some of you clearly haven't had to smile through the hardtimes and pretend like everything is fine. In the eighth grade, I got the award in my Natural Helpers team for being the "smiliest" person. Below the surface, I was sad and stressed and scared. I related so much to Emma smiling through it, breathing, and being optimistic still. Everyone is different, and we should recognize this (also every portrayal of a character is different)
I LOVED MERYL STREEP. who doesn't though, next.
NICOLE KIDMAN!!! Loved it. Loved how they adapted Zazz, next.
ANDREW RANNELLS!!!! Ok, yeah, I stan him. Trent was one of my favorite parts of the original live show. Also, unrelated, I see a lot that The Prom is a movie made for "straight people" and I want to just ask, why is that such a bad thing? We don't hold cishet movies to the same standards as our lgbtq movies, and shit like Holiday-date still comes out. And, if this is made for straight people, I think it teaches some damn good things. Love thy Neighbor? Always a delight (one of my favorite parts of the musical LMAO) and will definately touch some young, straight people who watch it. Also, Kerry Washington is a great portrayal of many Karens that very much exist today. One thing I loved is her coming to support Alyssa. Alyssa doesn't "forgive" her like so many critics are saying; Alyssa gives her a chance because she recognizes her mom's flaws, and recognizes that she loves her and will grow for her daughter. The message of growth in this adaptation is very important I feel.
I love both Alyssas tbh! They are very different portrayals and characterizations, but they are great in their own right. Both coming out scenes are so emotional in their different ways.
Finally, I just want to say: let people enjoy things. I live in a world where criticising art while still appreciating it for what it is/loving it should coexist. Is the prom movie flawed? Yes. Will I still watch it over and over again and cry everytime? Yes. One hundred times yes. I'm so glad that a movie like this is on a very accessible service like Netflix because it will help so many people: people who never got the chance to see the musical live, peopls who don't know musicals, and queer kids in a tough place because of similar circumstances. This movie is so important and should be appreciated.
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redhairandpronouns · 2 years
Whats not clicking for you? You dont experiance TRANSMISOGYNY. Transmascs frankly dont experience the same level of transphobia that transfems do. Transmascs arent the butt of jokes, transmascs dont get hatecrimed nearly as much as transfems, transmascs are safer in our society than transfems. Transmascs already have a word and its called Transpobia. You’re literally bringing this upon yourself by doubling down on being a hardheaded cunt. You do know that misdirected slurs are a thing, right? When you google “tr*nny” you see transfems. Not transmascs. That should give you enough fucking context clues to know that when people say that word they mean transfems. You are literally ignoring valid criticism on your character because “ohhh my transfem friend hasnt said anything” because they’re probably too scared to do so. Tr*nny also is a 🌽 category fetishizing transfems. So until you magically become transfem, you cannot say tr*nny.
transmascs don't experience the same transphobia, but there are no "levels" to discrimination and transphobia. transmascs are the butt of jokes, transmascs do get hatecrimed. i'm not in a place to judge who is safer in our society, but neither group is safe. i don't use the restroom in public (even the women's) because i'm terrified of the reactions it'll bring me. we are never gendered correctly in real life, and too afraid to correct anyone and bring attention to the fact that we're not cis. also, yes, i googled tranny, and i didn't see any sources mentioning which way the person had to be trans to have it used against them or to reclaim it. i do know that misdirected slurs are a thing, i also know these people knew exactly what they were doing, as we tried to come out after they'd seen us as "cis".
why do transfems get a word to refer to the specific transphobia they face, but transmascs don't?
if you saw our irl body you'd know no one would be too scared to "correct" us, lmao. we literally look like a 12y/o girl (unfortunately).
i don't consider a few people on tumblr who i don't know and who don't know me to be "valid criticism", especially since all you're doing is attacking me, and calling me *checks notes* "a hardheaded cunt".
i didn't know about the 🌽 category, and i'm sorry that exists, but that doesn't cancel out my experiences.
y'all need to stop pinning the trans community against itself, this is literally getting us nowhere.
and again- parasocial tumblr hate is getting really fucking annoying.
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