#Also. The opportunity to assign silly little labels to yourself based on your hobbies and stuff? Hell yeah
toubledrouble · 6 months
Confession time my dearest mutuals (and everyone else):
I actually, genuenly, unironically enjoy omegaverse. Like. The world building? Insane, so full of opportunities and new ideas. The fandom? Unhinged. The concept itself? So fucking funny, but some aspects of it can also be relatable stuff transfered to a fictional setting. The creativity? Absolutely unreal, ranging from creating adorable headcanons, through insane amounts of porn and fanfiction and creating fictional swear words/insults to making a while study about genetics and anatomy. It just has something for everyone and it's such a fun thing and you never run out of ideas. And it's especially funny to watch the horny posts when you're ace. Just cackling from behind my screen.
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