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the last looks for the guys! the former Specialists’ armamancer attire and then the morpher magi’s transformations. Helia’s in Altheix, Nabu’s in Onyrix, both gotten during AUS4 and AUS4.5 as y’all might remember (and if not go read them). Below are the thoughts for the designs of the other 5 dudes!
Armamancers, as a fairly new caster class thanks to Saladin taking his sweet time lmao don’t have as much of a defined aesthetic/look like the other classes, but what has become a constant is having a couple pieces of armor of some kind combined with a sort of adventure-esque or warrior-esque clothing, but what is the mainstay is having your own weapon as an accessory in the outfit itself, which is later summoned during battle or magic usage.
They’re all designed based on each guy’s personality - Nex and Brandon are the flashiest of the 5, and so their designs are more a bit more ornate. Nex settled on the sash to showcase his fire magic, while the open shirt is to better showcase the pooling necklaces (and the top surgery scar). Brandon meanwhile was definitely influenced by his girlfriend and so went for a more fashionable look, fluttering shirt and all. Nex’s weapon is a pair of axes that he wears as bracelets over his gauntlets, while Brandon’s is a spear that he wears as a ring, as a nod to how Stella’s sceptre’s hidden form was originally a ring as well.
Timmy is the only one of the 5 guys that understood the assignment and went for clothes that actually protect him. He focused more on leg protection as he’s not the best runner or kicker and knows they’re a weak point of his, and went with a sash stylized like a lightning bolt for similar reasons as Nex’s. His weapon is a sniper rifle, disguised as an earring.
Sky and Riven designed their outfits together as a pair, with matching shoulder guards and brooches in opposite sides, mesh in the upper body and lace-up boots, but still matched to their usual fashion styles and tendencies. Their weapons are swords held as pendants in their chokers, each wearing the other’s sigil as a gemstone alongside their sword.
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Ok, so this was actually the very first attempt on explaining Redwing and how she came to my mind since I read the books Exodus and Exile related to Transformers Prime and following @tyrantofthefirmament tumblr
I am sorry for the level of english if there are some imperfections, because even though I'm pretty apt at reading it, writing my not first language can be difficult.
Buona lettura ;)
The Proud Convictor Warship's main cabin's halls boomed with the loud echo of steel footsteps, working their inevitable, conflictive way through the prepared corridor. A forsaken sigh escaped the roaring lips of the annoyed old ex-gladiator as he walked towards his throne at the head of the table, mostly.
Megatron snorted heavily at the thought of what was incoming.
On the vorn the occasions of an undoubted reunion between the Decepticon's higher officers, mainly dining and absolutely in the First Bridge of the cruiser, were indeed rare and on the palm of one fist.
They also had incurrer in energon deficiency, all of them.
But as first reason, the Last Great War had ended, unrelenting, many captains and commanders he personally knew very well had perished at the mercy of the Autobots, their enemies. Many were lost in the pits of space, including the ones which had fought with him, shoulder on shoulder back in Kaon. He laughed louder and louder imagining his most recents recruits who spent most of their time fearing treason among the ranks if they were to be paired with his old group of killers, the Djd.
Or his medic, Knockout Mirage, who feared a mere scratch on the finish almost more than termination.
He smirked even heavier at the sight of Starscream in his processor. Numberless times the devious Second in Command had betrayed him, searching for his death and his throne following.
Now he was in a state which was very curious indeed thinking about the last of the Skyfire, well, almost the last.
"My liege the provisions you have requested are apt, may I set the table as turned as possible for our little encounter?"
For one of her species, Redwing Supernova Skyfire, the "lovely" young 23 vorn niece of his dear beloved traitorous First Lieutenant, she was surprisingly enjoyable, very clever, sly and most importantly loyal and deceivingly beautiful for a femmecon, actually.
Her height apperead slightly distribuited on a shining miserable ametist frame, with long tight narrowed f16 fighting falcon wings among the small feminine back, yes, exactly as her always damn uncle Starscream but totally in an opposite direction and not only on the physical aspect.
Her flags were lilac, violet, golden and sharp, especially along the marvellous sharpened legs and on the wings, of course.
According to the Commander's witness, she was the first twin daughter of Sunstorm, the seeker's beloved sister, tyrant general of Helix City and ex Iacon Autobot Spy. Apparently Redwing was born in the first two old Wars of Cybertron history, among an abandoned sector of Altheix, near Tarn, but not because she wasn't any princess of sort, no. Because her carrier and sire were an autobot and a decepticon. Logically since Blackout had cursed Sunstorm and cheating left mother and daughter alone, Starscream was in charge of the little promise, as her uncle and guardian.
But many were the secrets among the ranks that even Megatronus of Kaon, the old wretched D-16 ignored about the little Supernova.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
Winx Redux AU - Transformations Overview ver. whatever make this the final one (1) (real).png
Originally I wanted to do a big infographic thing for this but honestly? I can’t be bothered! so you’ll get it all in text. Let’s start! This is long. Buckle up. Also no pictures, sorry lol
Every Morpher magi starts with Charmix, the absolute base form, unlocked either via training or via magical outbursts caused by emotions, and it’s almost 79.9% the latter rather than the former. It offers a higher magic output than normal (though on it’s own it pales in comparison to the dedicated studies and development of Casters), and it’s form is fairly simplistic, consisting of color-blocked outfits and shoes.
Glamourix is the direct upgrade of Charmix, obtained via overcoming a difficult situation that forces someone to grow as a person, be it actively harmful or their own emotions. Glamourix manifests itself as a bag, bottle, pouch or some other container, held around the waist in some form or another, which is filled with Essence Dust - a magical particle that is used in spellcasting and that also coats the wings, as a sort of begginer’s step towards using it. Glamourix unlocks the ability to obtain any other transformation.
Enchantix is considered by many to be the direct upgrade to Glamourix, as its appearance seems to be its logical conclusion, but it’s been highly debated over the last couple years. Its wings are loaded in Essence Dust, rendering them strong, but unstable. Its obtainment method relies on selflessness - performing a sacrificial act to aid someone else, usually in a situation of grave danger, but not always. The nebulous definition of “sacrifice” has made obtaining this form hard, however. Out of the 3 basic higher forms, it’s the most geared for combat.
Harmonix, with its flowy look, offers complete protection against the elements - allowing to breathe underwater or in low-air enviroments, as well as casting elemental magic in places where it shouldn’t be possible, making it ideal for the search of higher elemental forms - it’s true purpose. This is facilitated by the low amount of Essence Dust on the wings. The form is traditionally obtained through forming a pact with a respective magical species for the purposes of searching a higher elemental form, but nowadays it’s granted when accepting a Quest for one of said higher elemental forms when using the Grimoire of Elemental Transformations. Out of the 3 basic higher forms, it’s the most geared for maneuverability.
Butterflix is thought of as the “miscellanous” transformation, as its obtainment method relies on “performing an act that benefits or protects nature”, a concept as nebuluous as Enchantix’s sacrifice. However, this means it’s the easiest to obtain out of the basic higher forms. As its name suggests, Butterflix’s appearance consists of simple shoes, a butterfly bodice with bottoms, and wing-shaped decorations in the hair. It allows someone to connect their magic better with nature, for better or for worse, as well as granting them a resistance to Wild Magic, letting them metabolize it and control it to a degree. Out of the 3 basic higher forms, it’s the most geared for support.
All of the basic higher forms retain the Essence Dust container, looking a bit more elaborate than Glamourix’s own.
These forms are the ones connected to the 14 Elemental Sources of Magic, allowing a deeper connection with them and the power to better deal or survive in them. If the transformation matches the natural Source of the magi, a sort of aura in the magi’s actual Aura color covers the eyes. None of these forms have an Essence Dust container.
Sirenix and Lustrix, two of the oldest-known transformations, are very similar - as it relies on befriending a magical being (a Selkie for Sirenix, a Gnome for Lustrix) and going on a quest to find three magical objects (pearls or crystals), obtained after overcoming its respective trials, to later present them to a Source of the forme and have it be granted by Omnia (Sirenix) or Daman (Lustrix). Sirenix is the forme of the Ocean with the element of Water, having fin-like wings and a merfolk-esque appearance, with scaled leggins adorned with sheer fin-like cloth, showy tops and ribbon and pearl décor. Lustrix is the forme of Minerals, with the elements of Earth and Metal, having gem-like wings and a jewel bodice, alongside sheer sleeves and heavy boots. Lustrix is also notable for lightnening hair color.
In the same vein, Anthesix, Ignitix and Glacix (the formes of Flora, Fire and Ice) share similarities, as all of their quest rely on finding only 2 objects (seeds, sparks or prisms), without a trial beyond surviving the landscape they’re hidden in. The magic being to befriend are the Pixies, with Forest Pixies aiding with Anthesix, Arid Pixies with Ignitix, and Tundra Pixies with Glacix. The form is then granted by the reigning Pixie of each type in their respective Villages surrounding their Trees of Life, making them quite accessible. Anthesix shows a notable lack of changes to the hair beyond lengthening, flower-based outfits held with vines, leaves and the like, and its wings resembling the plant they represent. Ignitix consists of a dark bodice, adorned with lighter beads and gems from which streams of fire come out, becoming part of the ensemble itself. Its wings resemble fire, with the hair itself lightening and “coming alive”, like flames. Lastly, Glacix shows a bodice made of ice, usually lined with fluff, with a sheer, sometimes puffy blouse or top underneath. Its wings resemble snowflakes, and are almost imperceptible.
Cosmix, the forme of Space, with the elemental magic of Light and Darkness, is considered the hardest to obtain outside specific circumstances, as its obtainment method happens entirely in Lumenia, the Realm of the Lumens, and to access it to begin with, one has to befriend a member of said species. Its actual method, however, is fairly simple - one has to obtain a part of each of the 7 Rivers of Light and present a smell made with its mixed form to the Lumen Queen, Dorana. Cosmix’s appearance resembles retrofuturism, with mesh starry cloth on several parts and starlight in the hair. Its wings resemble streams of light.
Silvestrix, the forme of the Wild covering the Fauna element, lacks a quest or object-searching than the previous forms, as it relies entirely on establishing a positive bond with a Magic Animal, becoming friends and partners, not unlike pets but something more. As such, Silvestrix’s form varies from person to person as it relies entirely on the Magic Animal they bonded with, but it displays more animal characteristics on them such as ears, horns, tails or the like. Silvestrix also grants immunity to Wild Magic, as well being able to neutralize it, absorb it and destroy it at a level above Butterflix.
Nimbuix, the forme of the Sky that covers both Wind and Electricity lacks aspects of the previous forms, as rather than finding any kind of object, one has to befriend a Myrbasc, creatures of the wind, and be granted a Nimbuix rod. One then has to channel a lightning strike from different storms into it, and once three lightning strikes have “charged” it, it’s presented to Phaesa, their regent, who grants the form. Nimbuix has a simplistic look, composed of frilly skirts or puffy shorts, a trimmed top, and a sash tied at the waist with plain or cut edges. Its wings resemble either air currents or lighting bolts, and are far simpler than others.
Glissandix is also an outlier in many respects, lacking either a quest or a helper companion. As the forme of Sound, it’s obtained via “performing” a voiced spell perfectly as if a song, never falling out of rhythm, cadence or timbre. It’s one of the simplest yet hardest transformations to earn thanks to this. True to form, Glissandix’s appaearance gives the impression of a performer, adorned with belts and mesh details. Its wings are decently-sized, resembling feathers and piano keys.
Last of the Elemental Forms, Altheix and Cinabrix are opposites, as the formes of Healing and Poison. Both share the lack of helper companion or quest with Glissandix, instead obtained after perfoming powerful, complicated spells - the Spell of Renewed Life, for Altheix; the Spell of Purifying Absorption, for Cinabrix. In the former, it relies on using one’s magic to fully revitalize and heal someone on the brink of death, while with the latter, it relies on absorbing as much poison or toxin of a sort to purify an infected object or person. Altheix’s attire is flowy yet structured on top, with big sleek wings, while Cinabrix’s attire is rougher and monochrome to a degree and slightly luminescent, it’s wings being uneven and abstract.
As the name suggests, these are the transformations that don’t require a connection with the Sources, more reliant on either internal values and concepts or more of the generalized ambient magic around everyone. None of these forms have an Essence Dust container.
Valiantix is one of the more common forms one sees, as the forme of Bravery. With it’s armor attire and simple big wings, Valiantix is obtained after performing a reckless yet brave act to save someone else. It’s not uncommon for people in the path of Enchantix to obtain this form instead. One of Valiantix’s signatures is the circlet the user wears on their head, a gem in the middle said to be the true mark of their heroism.
Believix is by far the most common higher forms for groups of magi, true to its title of the forme of Cooperation. It’s the only transformation that can only be obtained in groups, as it depends on their bond being so strong that even in dire situations, they stick with each other, fully loyal and supportive. As such, its look is varied but uniform, keeping aspects that match with the rest of the group that the person achieved Believix with. Its wings are big and loaded with Essence Dust that is shared amongst the group, leading to incredibly powerful convergences.
Onyrix is one of the more recently discovered transformations, and one with a mysterious nature. It can only be obtained while sleeping, and it requires overcoming past traumas in the form of a lucid nightmare. Such form of obtainment means it’s quite the rare transformation to be found in other people. Its appearance is simplistic and elegant, with overlaid wings, sheer sashes and floral or plant decorations that relate to sleeping and dreaming.
For common higher forms however, we have Energix, the forme of Energy. True to its name, Energix is obtained via absorbing copious amounts of ambient magic or some other form of outside-source energy, metabolizing it and adhering it to their aura without the use of a concrete spell or way to channel it. Much like Onyrix, its wings have an overlaid look to them, and their attire involves pendants or necklaces, belts, and long sleeves.
The most recent addition to this list is Mythix, the forme of Legends. Created by the Order of Mana from questionable Earth sources, Mythix is obtained via unintentionally mimicking or playing a similar role to a famous story, fairytale, myth, legend or some such from their home realm, following similar beats and as such connecting closer to their own culture. Due to this, its form is one of the most varied and unique, as it resembles their culture’s traditional or national attires, paired with big, detailed wings. Weapons or items the morpher magi uses when transformed also undergo a transformation when obtaining Mythix, the reason for this is currently being investigated.
This section is short, as it covers 6 Earth-born “transformations”. 5 of these are the White Circle transformations, bastardized alterations of Charmix attuned to different elements that correspond to each head of the White Circle’s council:
Dianix for Diana, attuned to Flora, Fauna and Water magic
Aurorix for Aurora, attuned to Ice, Wind and Light magic
Sibyllix for Sibylla, covering Earth, Sound and Darkness magic
Nebulix for Nebula, covering Fire, Metal and Electricity magic
and Albix for Morgana, covering Healing and Poison magic
These forms were designed to keep their followers in line so they are incapable of achieving further transformations and potentially getting ideas for a revolt; not that that stopped the Black Circle’s insurgence.
The other form is Pleiadix, the forme of the Pleiads - 7 fairies that were part of the initial Black Circle insurgence, that defeated Acheron and sealed him within his own creation. Not an intentionally-created transformation, when they bonded their Aura and Source to seven key-wands, that they used to further seal the Legendarium, they also created Pleiadix, a transformation that allows the user of the key-wands to channel their powers, overwriting their own source and causing erratic changes in the magi’s Aura with prolongued use. It was used as the basis to create Mythix, and in doing so it became unachievable and “merged” with its evolution.
Here we find Psychaix, the very first transformation, formed by the Fae Psyche, from whom the name of the form comes from. Psychaix had no real set form besides a sort of bodysuit or coverage adorned with sheer sashes all over, marked by gigantic, shapeless, “flickering” wings. Psychaix is the Fae form, the original Morpher transformation that later evolved into the modern Fairy, Witch and Sorcerer branches. It allowed a magi to outpour immense quantities of magic at the cost of the user’s overall health, being incredibly draining to maintain.
Psychaix then became, over the centuries, into Sorgentix, the original base transformation. Much like Charmix, one simply had to will themselves into the form, and it was completely unique to each magi. Sorgentix was then refined into the Charmix-Glamourix system currently in use, but one can still, theoretically, will themselves into this form instead, and it would count as a sort of “true” direct upgrade to Glamourix. It’s theorized that a magi that obtains Enchantix, Harmonix and Butterflix can access their Sorgentix directly without needing to force it, as one would have all the “pieces” of it to reform it (without losing access to these forms either), but nothing has been proven yet.
Here we find a subset of 4 transformations that have not yet been proven to exist or are in a sort of “trial” period, before the Order of Mana approves its widespread use. These forms are Travelix, a theoretical evolution/fusion of the Zoomix and Teleportia spells that allows someone for instantaneous interplanetary teleportation without the need of canalizing items or portal; Jubilix and Tragedix, a sort of “logical conclusion” transformations for Fairies and Witches respectively when their use of positive or negative emotions reaches a pinnacle; and the tentatively named “Viarix”, after Virtual Reality or VR, based off the idea that it’s possible to obtain a transformation while in virtual reality or online in some form.
These last two are what’s called Pinnacle Forms, considered the most powerful forms that offer a wide coverage of abilities.
The first of these is Ascendix, one of the oldest-discovered forms, obtained after literally overcoming yourself in a sort of trial battle - physically fighting your own flaws and issues. The form’s appearance is fairly simple and color-blocked, mainly a sort of dress or tunic adorned with many metallic elements and big wings. This transformation adds a permanent Aura to the eyes.
The other one is the recent transformation Majestix, discovered by the Winx. The obtainment method is currently unknown, but it seems to require to have the Elemental Transformation that corresponds to the magi’s own Source, as well as a deep bond with other people akin to Believix and some sort of outside magic force like with Energix. Its appearance is similar to Ascendix, but with darker colors, far more metallic details and a sort of “ribcage” design covering the torso attached to long, sheer cloth, as well as simple but very big wings.
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
Winx AU Detailing Part XXII - Morpher Magi and their Transformations
Let’s go over all the transformations again, shall we? Revisioned info for all the forms plus one new!
Transformations are physical manifestations of people’s Sources in and over their body, which allows them to have a better handling of their magic. There are several different levels of transformations, but the 3 basic ones are Charmix, Glamourix and Enchantix, which grant the base energy and capacity for the most common uses for magic.
Wings are covered in a substance called Essence Dust, which is the physical form of magic. Essence Dust is what allows Fairies and Witches to fly, and is generated by the normal absortion of ambient magic mixed with the magi’s own powers, being turned into a powder-like material. Essence Dust is also very susceptible to the elements, however, and can be rendered unstable given the right conditions or in large quantities, to the point of risking undoing the transformation itself. Direct use of the substance is only unlocked after obtaining Enchantix, where it’s now also channeled into a little vial the user has in some part of their transformed outfit. Sorcerers get a better and larger use of Essence Dust, as all of it is channeled into their vial unlike Fairies and Witches, which divide it between the vial and their wings. It’s used for strenghtening regular and convergence spells, and it can also dispel curses. It’s also used for faster healing.
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Charmix is the very first transformation, automatically unlocked when turning 13 and is part of a Morpher magi’s celebration. It’s a fairly simple outfit, with the magi’s sigil somewhere in their form, and tiny wings if they’re a fairy or a witch. As the base form, it only offers slightly heightened magical reach.
Glamourix is Charmix’s evolution, and the form that “unlocks” the ability to go for higher transformations. Its appearance is more elaborate than Charmix’s, with slightly bigger wings and colored hairtips. One obtains Glamourix by overcoming a flaw or emotionally unstable situation, coming out of it stronger. One can stop earning transformations at this point as Glamourix offers enough of a boost, but most people either go for Enchantix or other forms, though trying to earn higher forms is significantly difficult in this level.
Enchantix is considered the final basic form, and it features bigger wings, different hair color and length, and full access to Essence Dust via a vial disguised as a jewel in their ouftits, said ouftits now even more elaborate and flowy. Enchantix is obtained by showing incredible selflessness in a delicate or dangerous situation, and it makes obtaining higher forms easier, as well. While it’s stronger than Glamourix overall, it turns slower than Charmix in exchange for that boost.
Harmonix is a step above Enchantix that not many people bother with, but it’s decently strong, being a better boost to Glamourix than Enchantix was. Its form retains the airy feel of Enchantix as well as adding a cloth trail, with bigger wings that reflect the magi’s Source. It also allows magi to breathe underwater or in low-air/toxic places without issue, helpful for obtaining other forms - which is Harmonix’s main purpose. It’s essentially the “cheat code” transformation, making everything easier on the user. To obtain Harmonix, one has to overcome a dangerous situation without using their magic, even subconciously, not even once.
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Believix is commonly called “the power of cooperation”, due to the fact can only achieve it by having full, almost blind confidence between you and your friends during a dangerous situation. It’s the only transformation that can’t be earned individually - but Believix also creates a powerful magical link between those that earned it at the same time, making convergence spells between them stronger. Believix has the particularity of storing quite the bit of magic on the wings when it comes to fairies and witches, more than any other transformation - acting as a reserve pool for magic by being completely coated in Essence Dust. The amount of magic makes them unstable, however, and attempting to use Believix underwater makes the wings incredibly heavy, to the point of almost undoing the transformation itself. Outfits are uniform between those that achieved, and it has details that tell how many people achieved the form at once. Wings are medium size and look wiry and cloudy. It’s overall a balanced form, but it gets a boost when magic is used alongside another Believix magi, especially if they gained the form together. Hair color changes similar to Enchantix.
Valiantix is the the power of bravery, and it can only be achieved my performing an incredibly reckless yet courageous act, all to save someone close to you. Valiantix grants faster flying movement and a stronger physical resistance by losing defenses and healing capacities. Its outfits share an stylized warrior look, unique to each magi, as well as a tiara with a gem the color of their Aura. Wings are medium-big and ornate, like Enchantix wings. Valiantix is commonly seen in morpher Paladins and military personnel, as it’s very easy to obtain during combat situations. Hair color changes similar to Enchantix.
Energix, as the name suggests, is obtained by absorbing grand quantities of ambient magic all at once, making it one of the accidentally earned forms with Believix and Valiantix. It grants a larger reservoir of energy, allowing for more uses of magic,. It’s wings suffer the same fate as Believix’s do, only with way more energy, however, so they’re considered unstable. Its clothes have very long sleeves, and occasionally are hooded. Wings are medium size and look like each magi’s Source. It’s a pretty balanced transformation, but the extra magic reach can turn the tides in combat.
Altheix is the form of healing, and it’s achieved by using the Spell of Renewed Life, a very dangerous healing spell that can completely revitalize someone heavily injured without the aid of Essence Dust. It’s named after Althea Lucastis, the woman that invented the spell and created the form. It grants an amazing boost to your healing capabilities and a decent cover of defense magic, at the cost of speed and offensive prowess. Its form is flowy and covering, and has an Aura-colored gem in the chest. Wings are medium-big and look delicate and airy.
Onyrix is the magic of dreams, allowing the user to see and interact with other people’s dreams and to get future visions and illusory spells. One earns it by connecting with the subconcious, via either deep meditation or during a lucid nightmare. One must turn it into a lucid dream via realizing it, and then attempt to overcome the nightmare. Onyrix magic is incredibly good at defense and effects, but is rather poor on raw power though not as badly as Altheix. Onyrix’s look is detailed, form-fitting and flowy. Wings are medium size and have a vaguely-insectoid look, reminiscent of Charmix or Glamourix wings. 
Mythix is a very, VERY recent transformation, nicknamed the “magic of folktales”. For one to earn it, they need to unintentionally mimic or hold a similar role to a famous name of legend. It’s usually from stories they know already, but most of the time it will tie more strongly with their main Source. Their forms are influenced by the themes of the story while still holding the same features of their natural magic, and its strength lies on the folktale it’s “linked” to, essentially absorbing magic from the area most closely related to it. It has decent speed and defences, but it’s attack prowess is average. They can be increased the closest they get to their linked story, however.
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Sirenix is the transformation of water, and it grants access to Infimare, the Infinite Ocean. One must complete the Sirenix Quest to obtain it. It consists of obtaining three pearls (empathy, self-confidence, courage) situated deep into the oceans of the 4 worlds, guarded by dangerous creatures, each way of obtaining them told via riddles and puzzles. Once all are obtained and put into the Sirenix Shell, they are to be brought to Omnia, the Selkie Leader, in Lake Roccaluce. It allows maximun speed underwater, as well as permanent underwater breathing and inmunity to the abyssal pressure. Its appearance resembles merfolk, although without a tail, as well as fin-like wings and colored hair streaks. Strength-wise, it’s pretty decent, with balanced attack and defense.
Ignitix is the transformation of fire. Obtaining it requires venturing into the 4 biggest volcanoes of the system and retrieve from each a spark of the Well of Warmth inside. Once all are obtained, they are to be brought to the Altar of the Red Sun in Pyros, where they will fuse with a spark of Pure Sunlight, granting the form. It increases resistance to heat and cold, but gives a weakness to lunar magic. It’s very fast and with good attack, but pitiful defenses. Its appearance is form-fitting, usually a two-piece, with fire-like wings. Hair is always up and out of the way as well.
Lustrix is the transformation of minerals, covering earth and metal. To obtain it, one must acquire the shards of five different magical gems (the bright tourmaline, the shiny aventurine, the glistening aquamarine, the sparkling spinel, and the red diamond), hidden deep into the cave systems of the different worlds, and guarded by different trials. Once all shards are obtained, they are to be shown to Rhodochrys, the King of Gnomes, at the northernmost cave of Magix. Lustrix increases your defenses against all magic, altough it is a very slow form. It also allows for the body to withstand heavy pressures, like Sirenix. Its appearance is that of jewel-encrusted armor, with lighter hair and eyes and hollow, gem-like wings.
Nimbuix is the transformation of the sky, covering wind and electricity. Its way of obtaining it is vastly simpler than the rest – one has to freefall from a significant height, managing to avoid impact by soaring at the perfect time during a heavy storm in the Overcast Land, in Magix.  It’s easily the fastest of all forms (though at the cost of below average defenses), and it grants total protection against weather. Its appearance is light and flowy, occasionally fluffy like clouds or feathery, as well as decorated with sharp stripes reminiscing of lightning. Wings are lightning-like and sleek.
Arborix is the form of plants, and one has to make a full connection with the Tree of Life of their realm to obtain it, after having tracked down and collected 4 special flowers deep in the biggest green spots in the system. Having properly connected, the Pixie Ninfea will give you the form. It grants full communication with the vegetal world, as well as the ability to use Tree Gates. Its form is light and flowy, reminiscent of leaves or petals, but said link with nature can be harmful, as they can get affected by any negative change to the enviroment depending on how strong the connection was. It’s not the best at offense, but it has great healing powers and decent defenses.
Silvestrix is the form of animals, and it’s also pretty straightforward. One needs to essentially act like a representative animal of their realm during battle, to defend an aspect of nature. Each form is based on a certain animal of their kingdoms, and it’s usually not related to a magi’s bonded Magic Animal, altough exceptions exist. In Silvestrix, one gains different animal parts in their body, but none that compromise their humanity in any significant way, like horns or tails. It’s similar to Arborix in capacity, exchanging good healing for good speed.
Glacix is the form of ice and it’s the foil to Ignitix capacity-wise. To obtain it one has to go into the depths of the 4 biggest glaciers in the system, and from each retrieve a piece of the Primordial Ice inside. Once all 4 are found one has to bring them into the Altar of the Purple Moon in Zenith, where they will fuse with a shard of the Lunar Frost, granting the form. It increases resistance to the cold and heat, but gives a weakness to solar magic. Its appearance is form-fitting and of cool tones, usually fur-lined, with snowflake- or ice crystal-shaped wings. It’s decently fast and with good attack, but very bad defenses.
Cosmix is the form of space and covers light and darkness. One needs to get a drop of each Cosmic Flow, the colored rivers of light in Lumenia. To even get to Lumenia one has to befriend a Lumen, and after that, one has to mix each drop and make a strong spell with the ensuing mixture. Said spell must be approved or be done in front of Dorana, the Queen of Lumenia, and if it proves successful, she will grant the form. Its appearance is bright and flashy with nebula-like wings, and usually covered in star décor, with even having starry glitter in the hair. Cosmix allows to freely fly and travel through space, allowing permanent breathing and the ability to ignore higher gravity in the void. It’s the fastest transformation alongside Nimbuix, but it’s middle of the road in everything else.
Glissandix is the form of sound, covering things like voices, music and the like. To obtain the form, one has to “perform” a voiced spell perfectly as a sung enchantment, never falling out of rhythm, cadence or timbre. It’s one of the simplest yet hardest transformations to earn thanks to this. Once obtained it grants a boost to any voiced or sung spells, though large amounts of silence can weaken the user while in this form. Its appearance is flashy and stylized like music performers, with bird-like wings resembling music sheets. A single colored hair streak will show up in one side of the magi as well.
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Sophix and Agapix were created by White Circle members Diana and Aurora for their subjects, to differentiate them from the rest of the White Circle’s ranks. Sophix is Diana’s form and grants resistance and control over nature and heat, while Agapix is Aurora’s form and grants resistance and control over ice and cold. One must either be a part of their troops or steal the form from their shrines holding the sources for it deep in their lands to obtain this form, but they’re generally considered weaker versions of Arborix and Glacix. Its form is incredibly simplistic to the point of not even showing the signature shimmer or gleam of a normal Fairy or Witch form, and any passive magic is interrupted to help maintain the form. It’s almost purely aesthetical as well, and it’s the one form that doesn’t require Glamourix to obtain.
Pleiadix was a form created by the Pleiades and it’s linked to 7 of the 9 Legendarium Keys. Simply being in possesion of one of these keys will grant you the form. Pleiadix grants access to the pocket dimension inside the Legendarium, a dangerous book-turned prison, by completely overwriting your natural Source magic with the Key’s bonded one, directly linked to the Pleiad’s power. Depending on the Key, one can get a Source of Plants, Fire, Water, Electricity, Earth, Light or Ice, though it’s up to which key chooses you. The form is currently impossible to ever access again, as its essence was used to create Mythix. Its appearance similarly depended on which Source you were linked to, and the wings were big and unstable, with streaks of your signature color covering them as if trying to make sense what’s happening during the transformation.
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Ascendix is the most common highest form, and was considered the second strongest form after Psychaix until Thanatix and Majestix came along. It grants an overall boost to all powers, though its healing is lacking. Ascendix is earned by facing yourself, both the good and the bad, in battle - confronting every decision, every regret, every suffering, all at once. It’s form is long, occasionally covering and flowy, with big wings reminiscent of Energix’s.
Psychaix is the primal morpher form, though it’s currently considered lost to time. It’s currently unknown how to achieve this form, and while theoretically possible, it’s too unstable of a form to really use consistently and might cause horrible damages to the magi. It’s incredibly strong, with gigantic wings and a simple look, covered in sheer cloth.
Thanatix is a corrupted version of Psychaix only registered in Myraria, a magical amalgamation of three Psychaix witches. It shares the same properties as Psychaix, but it’s considered even more unstable, and it posseses a far greater magic range than Psychaix, though its theorized this is due to Myraria being three magi in one. It’s form seems to be entirely composed of dark magic, with the hair and wings seemingly fused together into big energy appendages.
Majestix was discovered by the Winx and its considered to be on par with Ascendix. Its form is simple and elegant, with halo-like accesories in the head and wings resembling their Source, though more defined than Energix or Ascendix wings. Majestix is earnt via acceptance and search - while to get Ascendix one has to physically fight their worries, fears and regrets, for Majestix one has to accept they happened, accept their every fault, every mistake, every regret, without the want to change what once happened. It’s about letting go of the past and its darkness, and embrace what the future can bring. Its three sashes move on their own, and act as extensions of the user’s Source in the same vein as the wings do.
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drops-of-moonlights · 5 years
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Someone on Discord had asked me what would the “stats” of each transformation in my AU would be like, so might as well post it here too! Let’s go over each row: (sorry in advance for the long ass post)
1st Row (Charmix, Glamourix, Enchantix, Harmonix)
The four base forms, though honestly you’re good with not going past Glamourix. Enchantix and up is only if you want to make getting other forms faster and easier since it’s complicated af as Glamourix. Enchantix loses speed in favor of raw energy and healing prowess but Harmonix restores said speed at the cost of defences.
2nd Row (Believix, Energix, Valiantix, Altheix)
The four common non-elemental higher forms. Believix is pretty balanced, but you get a boost in attack and defense if you’re with the same people you earnt the form with. It’s a decent healing transformation, and was considered the Therapeutic Form before Altheix existed. Energix favors pure raw magic over defenses and speed, so it’s one of the more fragile forms. Valiantix is worse on the defensive side, being almost completely focused on attack and speed and with decent magic. Altheix is pure support, focused on defense and healing at the cost of nonexistent offensive power.
3rd Row (Sirenix, Ignitix, Nimbuix, Lustrix)
The first of the elemental forms. Sirenix (Water) is the most balanced, with extra focus on speed, being fast on land and faster underwater. Ignitix (Fire) focuses on attack and speed, with somewhat weak defenses. Nimbuix (Wind and Electricity) is almost pure speed, the fastest transformation of all in fact alongside Cosmix, decent attack, poor defense. Lustrix (Earth and Metal) goes the opposite way being super slow but super defensive. Sirenix and Nimbuix have slightly better healing properties than the other two.
4th Row (Arborix, Glacix, Silvestrix, Cosmix)
The rest of the elemental forms. Arborix (Plants) lacks attack but favors healing, Glacix (Ice) is a mirror of Ignitix with good attack and speed but poor defenses, Silvestrix (Animals) is a jack of all trades, doing well in most situations but with slight favoritism to raw magic, and Cosmix (Light and Darkness) favors speed with decent attack and weak defenses.
5th Row (Pleiadix, Mythix, Onyrix, Ascendix)
Both Pleiadix and Mythix are all-around average. Pleiadix grants unstable control over a completely different source of magic to yours without letting you use your own, while Mythix pulls a small dose of magic from the surroundings and from legends that mesh well with your own magic, offering a decent boost. Onyrix lacks attack, but makes up for it with defenses, speed and magic potential, tapping into subconcious magic a lot. Ascendix is an overall boost to everything, but can be found lacking in speed.
6th Row (Sophix, Agapix, Psychaix/Thanatix, Majestix)
Sophix and Agapix are almost purely cosmetic aside from letting you use a small part of Diana and Aurora’s power, somewhat overtaking your own powers but not to the same extent as Pleiadix. Psychaix is the original transformation, Thanatix is a corrupted form of it and is only applied to Myraria. It’s incredibly strong but incredibly unstable, and greatly favors destruction over anything else. Majestix, found by the Winx, is stronger and faster than Ascendix but lacks defenses.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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The Winx’s parents in the AU, re-redrawn! Because their old art was very crusty and I re-redesigned a couple transformations since so they were outdated anyways. Copypasted information below!
Michael “Mike” Peters and Vanessa María Florinda-Peters: Vanessa’s Mexican-American and works as a florist, managing her shop and making arrangements for events and parties. Mike has worked as a firefighter since he was 20 and has always made sure Bloom knew the dangers of fire, which ended up helping when it turns out she has fire magic. After the whole Princess deal gets discovered Bloom resorts to spending her winters with Mike and Vanessa (who she always considers her “parents parents”), and the springs at the Domino Castle. Bloom teaches them both the most basic of spells whenever she visits, and it has helped in their respective jobs.
Oritel Silvanus Ferreaum-Drazul, Marion Celosia Drazul, and the late Linus Xavier Lissen-Drazul: Linus’s Daphne’s dad and Marion’s original husband, who were an arranged marriage. They got along incredibly well and they were best friends, but it was never a full-blown love. Linus died during an avalanche when Daphne was 11, and 5 years later Marion married Oritel, who she met as a member of the Company of Light. After 4 years of marriage they had Nina (Bloom), and were shortly after imprisoned in Obsidia as statues. Marion is the Queen Regent, Oritel and Linus were/are consorts. Bloom is still awkward around them, and sticks to calling them Mother and Father. Oritel ends up kind of a mess at seeing his daughter being a young adult when they properly meet and Marion has to somewhat reign him in sometimes. Marion is an Altheix Sorceress, her title being the Sorceress of the Dragon’s Roar (Source of Sound with auxiliary Wind), while Oritel acts as the head of the military, hence the armor details in his formal king outfit. He has a Metal Source, while Linus had an Earth Source but was never formally trained in magic.
Anthonius Lixtro-Smith and Audra Smith: Original names were Electronio and Magnethia, changed to be a bit more human. They both work as freelance industrial designers and engineers, usually working for the bigger companies and are very well off as a result. Tecna takes most of her looks from her dad but her natural hair color - her original dye attempt was green, but her spell failed and got pink instead, and liked it enough that she kept it. Both of them know a bit more magic than the average non-Caster, but it’s not enough for them to go get a proper license and as such they skate by technicalities.
Alyssa Benedetta-Robledos and Rodolfo Ernesto Robledos: Rodolfo’s original name was Rhodos, changed for personal reasons. They work at the Lynphean Magiwolf Sanctuary, with Alyssa acting as the ranger and Rodolfo the veterinarian. Rodolfo is the Fairy of Wolves, and uses his Silvestrix magic to enhance his medical training when tending their patients. They homeschooled both Flora and Miele until they were 11 and 8 respectively, and teached them both ways to defend and heal themselves if they ever got in trouble. Amarok acts as both pet and help, acting as “ambassador” for any wolf that enters the sanctuary to help them acclimate to the place. Alyssa also assists via potion-making, and has a passive Poison Source.
Lu Huan (formerly Xun Huan) and Lu Marina: Ho-Boe and Matlin/Wa-Nin were terrible racist puns I am disposing of them they fucking suck okay? okay. Marina worked as a singer for private and public events and Huan helped her with instruments, as well as running an instrument shop on the side. They met by accident during one of Marina’s events and started dating shortly after. They had two kids, a boy named Jian and five years later, Musa. They never were rich but they had enough to live happily with some frivolities sprinkled in once in a while, and they always got to play music together. Marina died when Musa was 14 of a magic-resistant virus, who ate away her Aura and made her inmune system fully collapse, her own magic unable to sustain her. Her death threw the family in dissaray, and while Jian got a job shortly after to make ends meet, they went through some rocky years. They managed to stay afloat, and started to stabilize shortly before Musa left for Alfea. Huan and Marina loved each other very much, and while he knows she would encourage him to seek out love again, he doesn’t feel ready. Marina was an Enchantress, the Enchantress of Music, and wore her sash in her casual attire as a belt often. Musa carries her title as a Fairy in her honor.
Teredor Bahari van Amstel and Niobe Saran van Amstel (née Citrone): Aisha’s parents, they’re very strict and stick to the Androsian traditions, which ends up as an accidental source of strife for their daughter. Niobe is more lenient with her, but does want her to be married to Nabu as fast as possible and has a hard time when both Aisha and Nabu reject the arrangement. Teredor is far more strict, but mellows out after Aisha comes back from the Siege of Alfea, and starts trying to understand her daughter better. Teredor is Ligea’s twin brother, and is a Caster, more specifically the Druid of the Coast, with powers over sand and wind, shown in his formal King attire.
Radius Solaris Oriol and Luna Azura Argentis: Their marriage was arranged by their parents, and while they were in a similar situation to Marion and Linus, their friendship turned into spite as the years went by. They divorced when Stella was 14, and remained single for a few years. Luna still acts as the Queen of Solaria, per their arrangements, and even if Radius remarries they will only act as supportive consort. Luna starts dating Allan Damarte around the time Stella starts her original first year at Alfea, and they have been a stable couple since. Count Alessandro Mirthos of Vespero, in contrast, had been secretly courting Radius a few months after the divorce, originally just Radius’s rebound before it developed into love. When Stella’s Princess Ball arrives, they announce their engagement, and will end up marrying in a few years. Alessandro has a daughter from a previous marriage, a somewhat spoiled girl called Carmilla, nicknamed Chimera. Luna is the Cosmix Witch of the Winter Moon with power over ice, while Radius is the Cosmix Fairy of the Summer Sun with power over fire. Alessandro is also a Caster, shown through his sash, and his title is Caster of Relaxation, focusing on potion-making aided by his Healing Source.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
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Cloud Tower’s staff, re-redesigned once more! because most of them REALLY  needed the update. Info below is copypasted but edited, so check it out fully! I’ve added two new teachers this time to make it an even number across all schools.
Headmistress Gwendolyn Griffin, Ascendix Witch of Dark Waters. Teaches Magical Defenses and History. While her stature and appearance are imposing, she’s actually quite nice and understanding. Her patience runs short, however, and her punishments can be harsh yet just. Her Source covers water and poison.
Vice-Headmaster Francis Bittersmoke, Professor of Potionology and Alchemy, Energix Witch of Thorns. While his memory’s fogey and has somewhat of a hard time keeping his students in check, he’s the quickest teacher in pinpoint issues in any technique the students practice. He’s in charge alongside Discorda to keep Cloud Tower healthy, as well as to guard its Heart.
Zarathustra Rivére, Professor of Biology and Combat Magic, Onyrix Witch of Winter Foliage. Hard on deadlines and assignments, as well as punctuality, but knows her students can do better and wants to give them the push they need. Her Sources cover Ice and Flora, and uses Onyrix mainly for aesthetic.
Ediltrude Rivére, Professor of Healing, Hexes and Counterhexes, Altheix Witch of Pulsations. Her approaches to teaching go more experimental, and while her classes are sometimes known as relax time, her way of testing the students depends a lot on attention. She’s generally more jovial than her twin sister. Her Sources are Sound and Electricity, and purposefully went for Altheix to teach Healing better.
Hecate Rusthrough, Professor of Convergences, Ritual Magic and Crafting, Cinabrix Witch of Starlight. Hecate’s one of the newer teachers at CT and an alumni, and as such has a better relationship with the students than the others due to only having graduated around 18/19 years ago, same time as Daphne. She’s chipper and more cheerful than her colleages but by no means less capable or less strict. Her Sources are Light and Poison, and uses Cinabrix to deal with some of the materials used during crafting.
Markus Hino, Professor of Spell Specifications, Magic Circles and Passive Magic Usage, Hexer of Clear Smoke. While Hecate’s senior, Hino is also a newer-ish teacher at CT (having started while she was still a student), he’s usually a bit more nervous while teaching than the others, but still holding his ground as the authority in class. He’s not a Witch but a Hexer, a fact that sometimes makes him think he’s not as qualified to teach compared to the rest of the faculty. His Sources are Fire, Poison and Wind.
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drops-of-moonlights · 2 years
Our convo on Discordix got me wondering. If the Holy Quintet (plus Nagisa and Any if the MagiReco girls if you feel like it) lived in your Winx AU and used your magic system, what magi class would they be/transformation they used/source they had/etc
another question I've been waiting for ages! Will only focus on the Holy Quintet plus Nagisa (and Hitomi as an added bonus just because lmao) because I never got a good handle on the Minazuki Villa girls the way I did with the Quintet.
Madoka is a no brainer, she's the Fairy of Hope (Sources of Healing, Flora and Fauna, she has a focus on organic life in general). She would probably get Enchantix and use that solo and she would be selfless enough to earn Altheix to heal a random cat, also getting Butterflix in the process.
Sayaka is also a no brainer, she would be a Specialist, later part of a Guild dedicated exclusively to helping others, and while she would dabble in Fairy magic she prefers her armor and doesn't go past Glamourix until meeting the others. Her Sources would be Water, Sound and Healing, and she would use the title of Knight of the Sea.
Mami, as we said on Discord, would be the Fairy of Ribbons (Light and Metal Sources, also dabbling a bit in Flora), and her magic would work the same as in canon. She would actually be way stronger if she was a Witch, but she'd rather not put herself through the emotional hassle that that entails. She would definitely get Enchantix, and I can see her getting Onyrix on the side. dunno why, it's just a vibe.
Kyoko was the Fairy of Miracles, but she changed her title to Witch of Speed later on (Metal, Fire and Darkness Sources) once she realized what her power actually was and was a bit unnerved by her own illusory power. She definitely got Enchantix in a kind of stupid way and like Mami, I can see her with Onyrix.
Homura is the Sorceress of Distortions (Light, Darkness and Metal sources), her power in the AU manifesting as being able to distort the enviroment to "stop" time in a sense (more accurately, casting illusions that make everyone around her super slow while she gets to still move normally). Like Mami, she would be way stronger if she was a Witch, but chose Sorceress to confine her potential a little bit. She would OBVIOUSLY go straight to Valiantix saving Madoka, let's not kid ourselves here, and other than that like the last two she has Onyrix vibes.
Everyone would later obtain Believix after some time of acting as the Holy Quintet.
as for the other two:
Nagisa would be a simple Caster I feel, and she hasn't chosen a title yet due to being so young. However, I can see her becoming an Enchantress. Her Source would be Fire.
Hitomi is the bonus here, and I can also see her as a Caster, specifically a Conjuror. Dunno why, but like with the last members of the Holy Quintet, it's the vibes. Her Sources would be Light and Wind, and her title would probably be Conjuror of the Skies.
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
Could we have some information about Sorgentix like its obtaining / its abilities please? (I take this opportunity to ask if you have a transformation masterpost since I sometimes have the impression of missing information)
if you have the impression of missing information that's becuase I'm a bastard that changes everything on the fly so every transformation masterpost I've ever made gets outdated in two days. Plus now I'm waiting to see what the fuck S9's gonna do to get stuff down so it's A Thing™️ rip.
As for Sorgentix, it doesn't have an obtaining method! It was the original base transformation after Psychaix mutated (its first mutation, if you may), so the act of unlocking transformation itself (which is just Thinking Really Hard You Want To Transform) was enough. It's abilities are a fusion of the three base forms Charmix, Glamourix and Enchantix, meaning it has the good parts of each, though unlike Enchantix having an Essence Dust vial all the dust is just on the wings.
Right now for transformations most I can say is that I have divided them into:
Base - Charmix to Glamourix to Enchantix/Harmonix/Butterflix
Elemental - Sirenix (water), Ignitix (fire) , Glacix (ice), Arborix (flora), Nimbuix (wind and electricity), Cinabrix (poison), Silvestrix (fauna), Lustrix (earth and metal), Cosmix (light and darkness), Glissandix (sound)
Situational - Believix, Valiantix, Onyrix, Energix, Mythix, Altheix, Ascendix, Majestix
Illegal: Dianix, Aurorix, Sibyllix, Nebulix, Albix
Outdated/Nonexistent: Psychaix, Sorgentix, Pleiadix
It also doesn't help that I may want to like. try my hand at the comic forms and see if I can shove them into the AU somehow (outside of Greenix and Magic Rock since that's essentially Arborix and Glissandix now respectively). idk about it quite yet tho so who the fuck knows.
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
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The 7 main guys have been fully retouched now! Hooray!
I won’t repost the descriptions of them again since I don’t think it’s necessary so for now I’ll go over each design.
Team 3Q (the five Specialists) have their Red Fountain uniform, their way more personalized “Guild” armor that they wear from S7 onwards, and the two basic morpher forms - Charmix and Glamourix. I’m still not sure when I’ll make them use said forms (either at some point during S8 or in a side-story for them pre-S9), but might as well have them designed! Brandon, Sky and Nex chose Fairy, Riven and Timmy chose Witch. their titles are on their image descriptions!
As for Helia and Nabu, their powers remain the same (Metal and Darkness), and their outfits changed a bit, but not much. Their earnings are still the same (Helia gets Glamourix by facing his family mid S2-S3, his Enchantix off-screen in early S4 and Altheix by saving Nabu at the end of said season; Nabu gains Glamourix at the end of S3 by cancelling the marriage, Enchantix in S4 via saving everyone from the White Circle’s trap, and Onyrix in S4.5 by facing his coma-induced nightmare)
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
WINX AU DETAILING REDO: The non-transformative magic classes
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Updating an old post on the different classes of magic users that don’t rely on transformations!
Caster is the general term for every single magic user who has more than a passing interest in the use of magic, dedicating their time to learn how to use it in a myriad of ways. Many specializations exist, but the “uniform” of casters is the simple use of a sash or cloth, sometimes adorned or tied, marking their role as a formally-trained magic user.
Enchanters are essentially the same as fairies, using their positive emotions, thoughts and memories to fuel their magic. Their “uniform” consists of a sheer and sparkly sash or cloth, and their outfits tend to be flowy and long.
Hexers, similarly, are the equivalent of witches, using their negative emotions, thoughts and memories to fuel their magic. They’re characterized for a satin-esque, metallic-looking sash or cloth, and their outfits tending to be simpler, or at least less elaborate, than Enchanter clothes.
Cicatrizers are basically magic doctors, focusing their magic purely on healer arts, and can be considered a rough equivalent to users of Altheix and Onyrix, experts at physical and mental healing. They’re known for their sheer, billowy veils and long, trailing clothing.
Conjurors are more combat-focused than the other classes. They use their magic to create and control small creatures made out of their Source as well as other elements, which they control and summon them via their gloves, holding special gemstones that are connected to the creatures. Outside of the gloves, Conjurors are characterized by their long outfits, usually including coattails or the like, as well as metal decorations.
Druids specialize in the magic of nature around them, usually with matching Sources, and work as what is essentially a park ranger - watching over and protecting said nature around them, as well as ensuring there is enough of a symbiotic relationship between the land and its inhabitants - not in a “don’t enter the woods” way, more in a “don’t take more than necessary”. True to their connection to nature, they go barefooted, wearing flowy but plain clothing and wear adornments related to their Source and living space, usually made of metal.
Lastly, Alchemists are the “mad scientist” class, focusing primarily in the making of potions, spells and items geared towards scientific development, as well as warfare and generalized uses of potions and magic in general. They’re characterized for their hooded clothes, various color-coded vials, and protective gear.
Several mixes of these categories exist, and holding multiple licenses is relatively common, but they tend to lack any kind of “official” name for these hybridizations, and are simply hyphenated instead, such as “hexer-cicatrizer” or “conjuror-druid”. The term “Wizard” is also commonly used for these mixed branches, as sort of a catch-all term, usually appointing some sort of prefix or adjetive before the word to denote their more conceptual specialization (such as Forest Wizard (a druid-enchanter with a Plants source) or Forging Wizard (alchemist-conjuror with a Metal source), as examples). Earth magi have also taken a liking to refer to themselves as the different types of nymph or spirit that exist in their mythos, which kind of drives the Order of Mana mad given what Nymph means to them, but has been begrudgingly accepted as long as they don’t use the actual word Nymph.
Characters in the AU that are casters would be Knut (a Conjuror), Macy (a Druid-Enchantress in training, calling herself a Dryad), and Teredor (a Druid).
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
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Club Winx, vamos! En misión una vez más Nunca vayas a rendirte - como el fuego quemarás carrera contra el tiempo, mas allá de los sueños Onyrix!
Onyrix retouches! I honestly didn’t change much either here. Decided to pick up the flower concept canon!Onyrix had and apply it, making everyone associated with a flower or plant that helps with sleep. Bloom gets gardenias, Musa passionflowers, Stella jasmine, Flora peace lillies, Aisha valerians and Tecna chamomille.
One gets Onyrix after overcoming a lucid nightmare (either born out of trauma or magically induced), usually being forced to face your fears. In Onyrix, it’s easier for a magi to deal with memory and mind spells, as well as illusory magic. An Onyrix magi, if strong enough, can eventually create ways to make other people gain the form while they sleep, intentionally or not. This requires a lot of training, concentration and knowledge of the mind, so it’s not a common sight. Thanks to this, however, Onyrix is usually classified as one of the healer forms, alongside Altheix, Enchantix and Believix.
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
If the sailor moon characters lived in your au what would they be like. (specifically: Magi class , Transformations if they had any , source ect.)
I’ve been waiting for this ask for so long. Thank you, I’ve actually thought about this a L O T. Only going with the main 10 senshi plus Mamoru for this:
Usagi is hands down the Fairy of the Silver Moon. Like come on now, it fits too well. Source would be Light obvs with auxiliary Healing. I’m between Usagi probably sticking with Glamourix and Usagi earning Nymph of Altheix status just because she would have speedrun that on pure accident lmao. (Bonus: Serenity being the Witch of the Silver Moon instead, Light source with auxiliary Metal.)
Ami would probably be the Alchemist-Cicatrizer of Sleet, main source Water with auxiliary Ice. She would focus a lot on the development of healing and health-related potions. I can’t see her pursuing the morpher classes, but if she did, she would probably be content with earning Enchantix and calling it quits there.
Rei is a sorceress, she would absolutely go the “harder” path to prove she can do it (and of course she manages, she’s Rei Fucking Hino), plus she would find wings a bit tacky lmao. Sorceress of Fire Divination, obviously, main source Fire and auxiliary Darkness. She would probably pursue Onyrix.
Makoto would become a Fairy completely on accident, simply because of her nature. Like I don’t see her particularly caring between morpher and non-morpher she just wants to defend what’s right. She would be the Fairy of Trees, main source Plants with auxiliary Electricity and Healing. She would probably struggle a bit with getting Glamourix, but once that’s over she immediately gets Valiantix on pure accident, Makoto is not a strategist but she WOULD risk her life to save a random person, and so warrior form for her.
Minako is the Enchantress-Alchemist of Love, expert maker of love potions for one and all. OR SHE WOULD BE IF LOVE POTIONS WERE LEGAL, which immediately cost her her Alchemist license when she tried it. Minako is then the Fairy of Glamour, still a specialist in all things love and beauty. Her source is Metal with auxiliary Light, and she would pursue either Energix or Lustrix purely on aesthetics alone. Oh, she’s also known for being vicious in fighting, so watch out for that.
Mamoru would be the Conjuror of Roses, doing exactly what you think he would. He is not a creative person. His main source would be Plants with auxiliary Healing.
Chibiusa is the Witch of the Spring Night, having a Darkness Source with Auxiliary Plant, using a lot of plants that only bloom at night. Chibs is very different from her mother, being far more offensive and more dedicated in fighting. She would have taken a long time unlocking Glamourix, but once that’s done she would be notable for becoming the Nymph of Cosmix, having earnt it in record time. She also dabbled in both Light and Healing in an effort to be like her mom, but while she does well with them she stopped pursuing them seriously after becoming a teenager.
Hotaru is the Conjuror of Space, having a Healing Source with auxiliary Darkness. Her constructs tend to have a galaxy-esc pattern, hence her title. She’s probably one of the more tranquil Conjurors (as the class is mostly a fighting one), but she can be terrifying if properly motivated in a fight.
Haruka is very simply the Caster of Speed, with a Wind source and auxiliary Earth. Haruka wouldn’t really bother with pursuing the more complicated branches of magic, and is actually more akin to a Specialist in all but title and outfit.
Michiru is the Witch of the Sea. I don’t have to elaborate more here, we all know Michiru, we know this is true in our hearts. Michiru would have pursued Sirenix, but I can see her also with Energix.
Setsuna, lastly, is the Sorceress of Chemicals, having a Light source with auxiliary Earth. Time magic isn’t a thing in the AU outside of the Tracix spell (meaning you can only see past events, but not actually go to the past or the future), so instead she would focus on the dangerous properties of various elements present in the universe.
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
What are all of your fan transformations?
as for fan FAN transformations, as in wholly invented by myself and not some reskin or redesign of a canon form:
Ignitix, the transformation of fire
Nimbuix, the transformation of storms
Glissandix, the transformation of sound
Altheix, the transformation of healing
Majestix, the ultimate transformation
Psychaix, the original transformation
as for repurposed/redesigned and renamed transformations that might as well be a new form entirely, or based off some other canon concept:
Arborix, the transformation of forests (based off Greenix and Sophix)
Glacix, the transformation of ice (based off Lovix but like, only slightly)
Valiantix, the transformation of warriors (refurbished Bloomix)
Silvestrix, the transformation of the wild (refurbished Butterflix)
Lustrix, the transformation of minerals (refurbished Tynix)
Energix, the transformation of energy (repurposed “Dark Witch” look)
Pleiadix, the transformation of the Pleiades (”beta” AU!Mythix, essentially a different take on canon Mythix)
Ascendix, the transformation of superation (repurposed Major Fairy form)
Sorgentix, the first evolution of transformations (same as the above but with slight basings on the Magic of Joy)
Also, the basic look of Casters was inspired by Travelix.
Not all of these forms have a solid look to them yet beyond basic ideas, but I might actually make a full, actual guide of how each transformation looks at some point
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drops-of-moonlights · 4 years
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The Winx’s parents, retouched! A few updated info bits below:
Oritel Silvanus Ferreaum-Drazul, Marion Celosia Drazul, and the late Linus Xavier Lissen-Drazul: Linus’s Daphne’s dad and Marion’s original husband, who were an arranged marriage. They got along incredibly well and they were best friends, but it was never a full-blown love. Linus died during an avalanche when Daphne was 11, and 5 years later Marion married Oritel, who she met as a member of the Company of Light. After 4 years of marriage they had Nina (Bloom), and were shortly after imprisoned in Obsidia as statues. Marion is the Queen Regent, Oritel and Linus were/are consorts. Bloom is still awkward around them, and sticks to calling them Mother and Father. Oritel ends up kind of a mess at seeing his daughter being a young adult when they properly meet and Marion has to somewhat reign him in sometimes. Marion is an Altheix Sorceress, her title being the Sorceress of the Dragon’s Roar (Source of Sound), while Oritel acts as the head of the military and wears a modified version of his old Red Fountain armor.
Michael “Mike” Peters and Vanessa María Peters née Florinda: Vanessa’s Mexican-American and works as a florist, managing her shop and making arrangements for events and parties. Mike has worked as a firefighter since he was 20 and has always made sure Bloom knew the dangers of fire, which ended up helping when it turns out she has fire magic. After the whole Princess deal gets discovered Bloom resorts to spending her winters with Mike and Vanessa (who she always considers her “parents parents”), and the springs at the Domino Castle. She and Daphne tend to live in Daphne’s apartment in Magix during summer and autumn.
Anthonius Lixtro-Smith and Audra Smith: Original names were Electronio and Magnethia. They both work as freelance industrial designers and engineers, usually working for the bigger companies and are very well off as a result. Tecna takes most of her looks from her dad but her natural hair color - her original dye attempt was green, but her spell failed and got pink instead, and liked it enough that she kept it. She keeps her undercut brown as if she was the “perfect fusion” of both her parents.
Alyssa Benedetta-Robledos and Rodolfo Ernesto Robledos: Rodolfo’s original name was Rhodos. They work at the Lynphean Magiwolf Sanctuary, with Alyssa acting as the ranger and Rodolfo the veterinarian. Rodolfo is the Fairy of Wolves, and uses his Silvestrix magic to enhance his medical training when tending their patients. They homeschooled both Flora and Miele until they were 11 and 8 respectively, and teached them both ways to defend and heal themselves if they ever got in trouble. Amarok acts as both pet and help, acting as “ambassador” for any wolf that enters the sanctuary to help them acclimate to the place.
Teredor Bahari van Amstel and Niobe Saran van Amstel (née Citrone): Aisha’s parents, they’re very strict and stick to the Androsian traditions, which ends up as an accidental source of strife for their daughter. Niobe is more lenient with her, but does want her to be married to Nabu as fast as possible and has a hard time when both Aisha and Nabu reject the arrangement. Teredor is far more strict, but mellows out after Aisha comes back from the Siege of Alfea, and starts trying to understand her daughter better. Teredor is Ligea’s twin brother, and is a Caster, more specifically the Druid of the Coast, with powers over sand and wind.
Huan Lu (née Xun) and Marina Lu: Ho-Boe and Matlin/Wa-Nin were terrible racist puns I am disposing of them they fucking suck okay? okay. Marina worked as a singer for private and public events and Huan helped her with instruments, as well as running an instrument shop on the side. They met by accident during one of Marina’s events and started dating shortly after. They had two kids, a boy named Jian and five years later, Musa. They never were rich but they had enough to live happily with some frivolities sprinkled in once in a while, and they always got to play music together. Marina died when Musa was 14 of a magic-resistant virus, who ate away her Aura and made her inmune system fully collapse, her own magic unable to sustain her. Her death threw the family in dissaray, and while Jian got a job shortly after to make ends meet, they went through some rocky years. They managed to stay afloat, and started to stabilize shortly before Musa left for Alfea. Huan and Marina loved each other very much, and while he knows she would encourage him to seek out love again, he doesn’t feel ready. Marina was an Enchantress, the Enchantress of Music, and Musa carries her title as a Fairy in her honor.
Radius Solaris Oriol and Luna Azura Argentis: Their marriage was arranged by their parents, and while they were in a similar situation to Marion and Linus, their friendship turned into spite as the years went by. They divorced when Stella’s 14, and remained single for a few years. Luna still acts as the Queen of Solaria, per their arrangements, and even if Radius remarries they will only act as supportive consort. Luna starts dating Allan Damarte around the time Stella starts her original first year at Alfea, and they have been a stable couple since. Count Alessandro Vespero, in contrast, had been secretly courting Radius a few months after the divorce, originally just Radius’s rebound before it developed into love. When Stella’s Princess Ball arrives, they announce their engagement, and will end up marrying in a few years. Alessandro has a daughter from a previous marriage, a somewhat spoiled girl called Carmilla, nicknamed Chimera. Luna is the Cosmix Witch of the Winter Moon with power over ice, while Radius is the Cosmix Fairy of the Summer Sun with power over fire.
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drops-of-moonlights · 3 years
you mentioned that essence dust is transferred with every transform and to a differential function like Onyrix making easier to dispel Nightmares, so what are the effects on canon transformations and your oc transformations ?
Silvestrix: makes it easier to metabolize and remove Wild Magic, as well as absorb it
Cinabrix: makes it easier to both add and remove toxic agents from the area, and its dust appearance makes it not conspicuous
Altheix: boosts the SHIT out of the healing properties
Onyrix: helps to dispel nightmares
Arborix and Sirenix: boost the ability to regenerate their respective domains of vegetation and water
Ignitix and Glacix: provide augmented feeling of heat or cold, usually to deal with the opposite temperature
Lustrix: helps to stabilize terrain
Valiantix, Energix and Glissandix: higher boost on offensive and defensive magic
Cosmix: restores fading light and protects it; absorbs fading light and repurposes it
Every other form just has a generalized boost on Essence Dust’s abilities, with Believix (when used in convergence), Ascendix and Majestix providing the highest boost.
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