#Although it'll be an adjustment keeping sheep you can't just fucking pick up when they're ornery
rederiswrites · 1 year
So in order to do this pasture improvement program thing we'll probably need to have more than two sheep. And in order to have more than two sheep we'll probably have to keep like, almost any other breed than Soay, with the exception of maybe some crazy Tunisian breed or something from, I dunno., Laos. And there are a TON of other awesome sheep breeds, and as much as I love Soays, it would be nice to keep a breed that was maybe actually a little friendly.
But even so, I've been resisting doing the research because, well, I really love Soay. (Not that we're giving up on Soay! Just supplementing.) So I thought it'd be fun--hit me with your favorite heritage sheep breeds! Show me something cool!
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