#Amber u should help him smh
reviseyourclover · 11 months
dming god whenever smth happens like
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strawberryorphan · 5 years
So.. I know the series is over. And I was too much of a coward to join when I first got into the show (which was such a long time ago smh)
But because I am a crackhead, I’m gonna post a few story fragments here. Just in case I decide to elaborate on one of my ocs, Charlotte. These are kind of just a sneak peek of what her character is like in season one (though she does drastically change throughout the events of the series). So if I end up interesting anyone, I might actually be more active on here.
Fragment 1
Ep “Queen For A Day”
“Varian!” Charlotte yelled as her best friend came through the door. Panicking, she looked at him and tried to explain what happened. “I-I tried to stop the amber from trapping him, I..!” Her arms waved rapidly. “I tried a-and I failed and I’m so sorry!” Before Varian could respond, he was trapped in a tight hug.
“Dad!” Varian screamed, breaking out of Charlotte’s arms and running over to him. Charlotte fell to her knees and continued crying. “D-Dad..!” He touched the amber, terror filled his body as he did. Seeing his own father like that, not knowing what to do. Almost feeling entirely responsible for it. These feelings coursed through his being, all at once. What was he supposed to do now? Rapunzel, as well as all of Corona had rejected him. Charlotte couldn’t do anything productive while he was away. No, he couldn’t be mad at her for that. He was the one who left his own father, even if it was to help. It’s not like he expected Charlotte, inexperienced as she was, to be able to do much.
Tears kept running down his face. His breaths kept getting shorter and shorter. He didn’t know what to do. What if this was the end? Everyone hated him now, and surely wouldn’t help him.
‘No.’ he thought, ‘I can’t give up on him.’ Varian stood up, the anger still tensed him up. He vowed to his father that he’d find a way to free him. And anyone who got in his way would pay. He then looked over to Charlotte. She was still crying, only now she was holding Ruddiger in her arms. “Charlotte..?” He whispered, “Did you at least comfort him..?”
She looked at him and nodded. “Of course I did,,” Varian just expected her to keep sitting there and crying, but no, actually, she let Ruddiger go and stood up. She embraced him once more. “We’ll save your dad. I promise.” That word again. It caused his body to tense up for a few seconds, but he quickly let it go. Charlotte was not Rapunzel. If everything went wrong, she’d be all he had left. “Varian..?” She asked.
“Yes, Charlotte?”
“I thought you went out for help.. Why did you come back alone?” Charlotte regretted asking this as soon as Varian’s face started to sink, but he held back his tears.
“Corona has betrayed us, Charlotte.”
Charlotte gasped loudly. “You mean no one wanted to help us..?! Not even Rapunzel?” He didn’t say anything, he just waited for it to sink in. Her body tensed up. “You’re right to be angry,” he instantly said, “When I came to the princess for help, they said I was attacking her.”
“We trusted her..” She muttered. “I should’ve known she’d eventually turn on us.. Everyone hates us.. It was only a matter of time.”
Hearing those words from Charlotte’s mouth were alarming, but she was right. They were the outcasts. No one cared for them. It had always been that way.
Fragment 2
Ep “The Alchemist Returns”
“Charlotte.. Why?” Rapunzel asked, walking closer.
Charlotte tried breaking her wrist free from Cassandra’s grasp, but to no avail. “Y-You betrayed us! Everyone hates us now because you are letting them believe we’re dangerous! Nothing has changed for us.”
“Charlotte, I never said Varian attacked me.. Nigel started that rumor, not me. I want to fix everything, believe me, but when I tried to, Varian ran away with the flower.”
“N-No, he.. he wouldn’t do that..” she mumbled, almost like she was having a conversation with herself. Charlotte knew Varian for so long, and he was so willing to make amends earlier. Did he change his mind? Why would he do that?
“Rapunzel, we should lock her up,” Cassandra suggested, “Varian will come back for her. Then we can end this.” Charlotte panicked and pulled away even more, but she wasn’t getting anywhere.
“No, Cassandra..” Rapunzel hesitantly objected. “I.. I don’t want to put her through that.”
“It’s her or the kingdom.”
Rapunzel shook her head. “I think if Charlotte can understand both sides of the story, she can help us come to a compromise. She can talk to Varian, and this whole thing can be fixed.”
Cassandra sighed and released Charlotte. “I hope you’re right.”
“I’ll tell him about what you said. I’m sorry about this whole misunderstanding.” The small assistant nodded and made her way to the exit.
“Stay safe!” Eugene yelled. Just after that, though, a guard spotted her. “There! Varian’s accomplice!” He yelled. Charlotte gasped and dashed out the door.
“Wait!” Rapunzel yelled. “Stop!”
“The princess has given you a command!” Cassandra chimed in.
“Sorry, princess.” The guard paused as the others kept running after the criminal. “If we see Varian or Charlotte, we have to arrest them on the spot. King’s orders.”
Annnnd this one is a bit angsty whoops
Someone in my comments wanted to see what would happen when Varian was overcome with anger, so.. Here’s another fragment (there will be more, I swear)
“We need to talk.”
The alchemist ignored his friend’s request and continued grinding one of the flower’s petals. Discussing anything other than freeing his dad was of no importance to him. He already knew what she wanted to talk about anyway. Rapunzel talked to her; she always believed everything she was told. That’s what made her so difficult to handle sometimes.
Despite being ignored, Charlotte was still there. Just standing there, waiting. She knew there’d be a response eventually. All she had to do was be patient. That’s how dedicated she was. Weakness or strength, that trait was powerful.
“There’s nothing to talk about.” Varian eventually responded. He didn’t even look away from what he was doing.
Charlotte hesitated. But she knew keeping her mouth shut would only make things worse. “I don’t think the princess meant for this to happen.”
“Oh, really?” He finally turned to look at her, still holding the small bowl in his hand. “Why didn’t she come check on us after the blizzard, then?” Varian stood up and slowly walked over to his assistant, “How come it took writing a letter for her to even bother wondering if we were okay?”
Backing away slowly, Charlotte tried talking in a softer tone to console her friend, “So much goes on in that castle, Varian.. Who knows?” she held his free hand, “Maybe she wanted to spend time with her parents. They did almost--”
“That’s your reasoning?” Varian cut her off, “What about my parent, Charlotte?”
“You know I didn’t mean it like that. Come on..” she squeezed his hand, “I know it looks bad, but we can still get her help if we try.”
“You’re right..” the alchemist pried Charlotte’s hand off his, “It’ll be a piece of cake once we uh.. get past everyone trying to arrest us, somehow go through the castle unnoticed, and.. oh right, convince Rapunzel to help two people that just lied to her!” He groaned and painted the crushed petal onto his drill. “Stand back.” Charlotte obeyed. The drill started pushing onto the amber. “Please..work.” Varian muttered. He pushed the drill harder.
Unfortunately, it didn’t work. The drill’s tip exploded, breaking the entire machine. “Ugh..!”
“Shut up!” Violently shaking, he threw the empty bowl at Charlotte, and it smacked her in the face.
“Ah!” She fell back. Charlotte groaned touched her head. Instinctively, she looked at Varian.
He looked back at her. She saw the guilt on his face. Before anything could be said, he turned away. “Go home,” he said, “I’ll let you know when you’re needed.”
Varian had never spoken to her that way before. ‘He’s hurting worse than I thought..’ Charlotte was heartbroken. How could she go home now? “No, I’ll be here for you.” Her head began to ache again. “Urgh..!”
“Y-You just..” Varian felt horrible, of course. But he was too angry to apologize. “Just go to my room. Lay down. I-I’ll check on you soon.”
“I-I don’t think I can get up, Varian..”
The alchemist sighed, but helped her up. He walked her to the bedroom, then sat her down. “You just need rest.. I’ll make you something, but I just need to figure this out first.”
Charlotte nodded and he left the room. She lied down, hoping to be able to rest easily. At first, she was sure she would.. then she heard him screaming.. throwing things. Her head began to hurt worse and worse. This wasn’t how things were supposed to be.
(They get pure again, I promise ;u; )
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