#Ami Thomson
estravens-tits · 1 year
I first picked up The Left Hand of Darkness because I saw someone on Goodreads call it a darker version of Amy Thomson’s The Color of Distance. I had never heard of it before then, despite tlhod being way more popular.
Now, having finished both books, I actually think The Left Hand of Darkness is the more optimistic of the two.
The Color of Distance posits that people from very disparate groups can never coexist without pain. That no matter how well they think they know each other they will always cause each other unintentional and sometimes irreparable harm.
The Left Hand of Darkness tells a similar story. We see Genly and Estraven hurt each other through mutual misunderstanding. Genly feels confused and betrayed for most of the book. Estraven gives up everything for Genly and cannot see why Genly so scornful of him. But that’s not where the story ends. Because after months of pain and frustration and loss, Genly and Estraven come to love each other. The pain doesn’t go away. They’re still in the objectively worst scenario possible: doing a suicide march across a desolate glacier in -50 F while starving. But they also find joy in the midst of that. Genly, stranded in time and space and far from his own language and culture, finds a profound self-sacrificial love not in those familiar to him, but in someone he cannot fully know. Estraven, cast out from his own hearth, finds acceptance and community with an alien. There’s something hugely optimistic in the idea that love can can exist between two people who can never fully understand each other.
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phenakistoskope · 8 months
through alien eyes, the sequel to the colour of distance was somehow even worse than its predecessor, featuring further colonial apologism, explicit support for malthusian theories of population, and inexplicably, chicken transphobia by way of mind/body dualism.
the colour of distance had more tendu hijinks to elide its deeply reactionary elements, this is probably why it was short listed for the philip k. dick award. i have a sneaking suspicion that the foundations of this series' problems can be located in the discourse of usamerican liberal ecofeminism, but i think a need to do a spot of reading to confirm it.
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briefcupcakealpaca · 2 years
Outlander. KiCaSS 2023!
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midoristeashop · 9 months
4, 9, 11 🤸🏽‍♂️
ALSO HNY <3 !!!
4. Was thinking of my favorite character(s) I’ve drawn for a while now, and then I was drawing my hijack coded ocs and decided this is the perfect excuse to show them off LMAO (besides jack and hic they are all I think about 🥹)
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9. New art mediums/Styles
Amazingly enough I’ve tried tons of trad mediums this past year (gouache and ink being the newest!) just anything that has the texture I need to replicate my digital style 😭 and ofc you’ve seen all my spiderverse studies those were so so fun to do <3
I did a trad piece for my portfolio (thats eh but whatever it’s progress) w/ watercolor, ink, colored pencil, etc. so here’s a snippet!
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11. Artists that have influenced my style:
Literally tons I could have a whole post dedicated to my inspirations but here are the first that pop in my head…
Ami Thomson, Alberto Mielgo, whoever made that opening sequence to dance central/ love death n robots ice, tomm moore (song of the sea + secret of Kelly’s director!) james r woods, and so so many more!!
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scrunkly-week · 27 days
the character graveyard — a creator's lament
a wall of snow keeps you hidden, it's true.
my hands tainted. I buried you all myself.
some of you live, just barely, breathing through a straw in your graves. an illusion of existence.
some of you never had the chance. your lives extinguished before you could fully form.
your god has not forsaken you, I plead.
though I am god and she is merciless. by circumstance, not design.
I come to acknowledge you. you forgotten ones, the ones I hid, the ones who died by my hand and the ones who fizzled from existence before I could reach them. I gather you here today. to recognise you. mourn you. immortalise you.
I raise my chalice to each of you.
here's to the faceless ones. the ones I never named. the ones who had nothing but a name. a vibe. a role. a disembodied something. you hadn't enough love or care. I'm sorry.
here's to the fleeting ones. ones who existed in passing. to assist another's narrative. to enhance the world.
lindsay, erin bray, lynn clerke, jarrod holman. alli, nicole, cam, daniel, alisha. javin daxar, ellin daxar, dalen daxar, damon daxar, kara quillan, zaiden. daron ferris, charlie reid. lennard rose, elisabeth rose, elli. deyan thomson. lucia. sophie, caleb. jeremiah, chris, lukas, troy jackson, zach, linda, mr. woods. kere lockhart. aric jeweller. andrea, stefano. reece, john, demetrius rodriquez, seth reeves. aria, aaron, william, matthew, gaeldon, jonah. julia. sigrae, cassirean, king pyrest of emberia, hakan. dayell, carr kepnar. conrad, mr. stevens, steph, lilian maxwell, evie, vida, erica, david, olivia, andrew, dexter badd, marianne, charles wickham, katherine wickham, james wickham, raiden, calvin, darlene. therese matton, henri matton, geneve matton, madeline matton, mathieu matton, talon debois, lloyd hawthorne. morgan hawksley, aaron hawksley, marcus walters, cassidy donaldson. evan callaghan, mildred callaghan. arthur drover, sybilla drover, harriet drover, vera dustinborough, victoria darkwood, bethly violet, eliphalet lushington, emma. erysibe, kirkos. guiletta lanese, donato lanese, ottavio lanese, benedetto lanese, pietro lanese, vincenzo lanese, matteo lanese, annetta fornari, stefano fornari, adriana fornari, carlo fornari, francesco fornari, augusto fornari, adele sozzi, bettina aliotti, ciro, salvatore sallucci. edmond wickerman, rosalind wickerman, elias starling, hubert cornell.
here's to the strange ones. the 'I made you just because' ones.
scalene, nikia goodrich, ami ruff, riesa gentry and co., zachary bliss, janae lombardi, dawn watts, jay spear, lea cantrell, danny light. cardinal, scar. harmony/chaos. leighton, josh. nick joyce, rosalinda joyce, jasper joyce. emilee, ashli, nadine kathy hemingway.
here's to the old ones. the ones I left behind as I myself grew older.
timothy, kimberly, ash, connor. zoe. gabey mal'lie. raina hardin. zariah mika rose. karli hayes, shaun roberts. bella davis. milaa lockhart. mabel. queen heresa. tāne miller. victor.
here's to the ones who never reached anything past the development stage.
iris. olive. phoenix mars, rose earthen, gem airborne, luna moonbeam, leon king, mattias grey, venus greenwood, scarlet rust, sage bluest, amalthea browner, rialta silverton, jupiter violet. princess seraphine of emberia. the assassin, prophet, serenity. valentino, theokles, fabiola fornari, blair aiden hawksley, james robert callaghan, ruby starling.
here's to the ones I invested my time in, who I write one or two prose pieces and umpteen handfuls of rambles for, only to leave you by the wayside to crumble to dust.
vivian edwards, lucille matton, luciana lanese, alaric joseph drover, alexander wickerman, jinx the kea, hamid, sahar.
here's to my future creations, who may inevitably fall under one of these categories.
the wall of snow may keep you hidden. but I promise, you'll never be forgotten.
Submitted by: our lovely friend, Bee
☆ this is hauntingly sweet and I utterly love it !! What a good way to pay your respects to all of these characters <3 I raise my chalice alongside you, to toast to their lives
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isfjmel-phleg · 6 months
March 2024 Books
Norby, the Mixed-Up Robot by Janet and Isaac Asimov
This one was a lot of fun! I should track down the rest of the series.
The World's Greatest Detective by Caroline Carlson
I was very confused about what era this world was mimicking (are they Victorian? 1920s/30s?), but it was a fun story and I enjoyed the dynamic between the protagonists.
A Dig in Time by Peni R. Griffin
I remember liking this one, but it feels like I read it years ago and I can't remember everything. Time travel with a family emphasis.
The Promise by Monica Hughes
Like Sandwriter, which this is a sequel to, I initially wasn't so sure that I liked this one, and then it went in an unexpected direction that took the themes in a more complex place, and I appreciated that.
The Yellow Fairy Book by Andrew Lang
I generally like fairy tales well enough, but this one was rather a slog to get through, and I ended up skimming a lot of it. There were some familiar favorites, but a lot of the tales were of the variety that consist of an interesting set-up followed by a seemingly incoherent series of events, and I regret I don't have enough interest in folklore to get much out of that.
The Romance of a Shop by Amy Levy
Interesting from a historic perspective mostly, but I didn't connect much with the story.
The Secret Garden of Yanagi Inn by Amber A. Logan (reread)
Reread so it would be fresh in my mind before the presentation. You already know how I feel about this one.
The Humming Room by Ellen Potter (reread)
Same as above. I have a post in drafts with some thoughts on this one that may eventually see daylight.
The Making of May by Gwyneth Rees (reread)
Already discussed this one.
A Bit of Earth by Karuna Riazi (reread)
Beautifully written and very readable and develops its themes well. Does fall into the trap of making the story about grief (Maria's late parents were frequently absent from her life, and she resents this, but she did have relationships with them in ways that her counterpart in the original book never did with her parents, so it's a completely different dynamic). I found this Colin to be somewhat underdeveloped, but I did appreciate the concept of his being fearful about failing to live up to family expectation, which is a reasonable translation of the original character's source of shame.
Charley by Joan G. Robinson
I don't remember much of this one. Didn't have any problems, just didn't have as much impact as other books by this author have for me.
Greenwild by Pari Thomson
A very derivative example of the Child Learns That They Are Magical And Special And Enters A Fantastical World Where They Must Take On The Villain sort of story. I wanted to enjoy it, but everything felt trite.
Doctor Who: A Brief History of Time Lords by Steve Tribe
This was a gift from my brother. I am a very casual DW fan and haven't really engaged with the show in quite a while (really should rewatch and catch up on new stuff but that's a pretty big time commitment right now). I think I would have got a lot more out of this if I were more than passingly familiar with Classic Who and all the lore in general.
Not Quite a Ghost by Anne Ursu
I was interested in this one because it's a retelling of "The Yellow Wallpaper," and the concept of comparing the difficulties of getting difficult-to-trace chronic illnesses taken seriously and diagnosed in today's world to the mishandling of women's medical and psychological conditions in the late nineteenth century intrigued me. However, this book didn't really know what it wanted to be. The young protagonist's struggles with her mystery chronic illness took up most of the book, but there was also a plot about a literal ghost in the wallpaper of her new attic bedroom that needs to be defeated in the end, and neither of these things fitted well together. One or the other of them would have been fine, but the combination left me confused about the nature of this fictional world and the themes of the book in general.
Comics/Graphic Novels
Benevolent Sisters of Charity (Over the Garden Wall)
This is the only one of the OTGW comics that I wasn't able to buy before it went out of print, so I ILLed it and realized that it was for the better that I hadn't. The story was incoherent and pointless and the characters were OOC. The art was much better than the story deserved.
Wayne Family Adventures Vol. 3
I've read these as a webcomic already but wanted it in book form too. These are entertaining; you just have to go into it aware that this is The Fluffy World version of everybody and they are characterized accordingly.
The Flash by Grant Morrison & Mark Millar
Not on a level with Waid's work, of course, but the highlight of this one was the storyline in which Linda dies and Wally manages to bring her back (some good Bart content here) and a delightfully meta short story in which Mark Millar meets up with Wally to figure out what story about him to tell next...and Wally is given a co-writing credit in the end.
The Flash by Mark Waid Books Seven and Eight
An effective end to this run. Waid points out in his Afterword that he's still got another story on reserve, so...anytime he wants to give that to us, that would be great. I'll be waiting.
The Secret Garden on 81st Street: A Modern Retelling of the Secret Garden by Ivy Noelle Weir (reread)
You know how I feel about this one. (I whipped it out at the convention to show somebody who was talking to me about CEN in the present day through leaving one's child to technology that that concept was used in this retelling, and somebody nearby oohed about what a diverse retelling it was as I flipped through pages. Which is, you know, more important than effective storytelling. It should have done both! We could have had both!)
Stephen McCranie's Space Boy Omnibus Volume 5
I've read this in webcomic form already, but it's a pleasure to have a physical copy of the latest omnibus.
Sinister Sons #1-2 plus additional material establishing the backgrounds of Lor-Zod and Sinson
A sort of response to the series Super Sons (which featured Jon Kent at his proper age and Damian Wayne), by the same author. This is going to be about a teamup of Lor-Zod (son of General Zod, was Chris Kent in another continuity, has apparently been Zukoed in this incarnation) and Sinson (a young, apparently orphaned thief who believes that his father must be Sinestro, the Green Lantern's arch-nemesis). So far the boys haven't done much more than fight, but I'm interested to see where this is going. (#3 is in the mail now!)
Lor is a horrid little piece of work, but his parents' recent treatment of him puts him in a more sympathetic situation, and I am hoping he'll get a redemption arc that would move him closer to his original version. Sinson is no angel either, but he's just a child who really, really wants a family and is clinging to the only hope for one that he has--and if that means he's a supervillain's son, then he's ready to follow in those footsteps to gain acceptance.
(Also he drew a mustache on himself with a black marker to look more like his alleged father, and that's so ridiculous and kind of endearing.)
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souldagger · 10 months
hey! so i just finished i, robot as part of my crunch to finish my reading goal by the end of the year. ive loved fiction about robots and synthetic consciousness for a long time, so i was aware of it and the foundation books, but hadn’t actually read it before. i had… a wildly ambivalent time! i was wondering if you had any essays/collections/books/scholarship you would recommend responding to it? im still formulating my thoughts and would love to get other perspectives (including your own, if you want to say anything about it!)
uhhh yknow, funnily enough, for how influential "I, robot" was, i cannot think of anything i've read that's directly in conversation with it, at least not any more than the average scifi robot story is by default. I mean, i think with how strongly the three laws of robotics took hold in popculture any story about robots "defying programming" - which often gets tied to their gaining sentience - can probably be traced back to asimov's robots (Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep/Blade Runner, Ex Machina & Westworld are some more notable examples here, i think). that's all i got though, sorry!
(i can also mention a couple books i haven't gotten around to yet that might be of interest here: When HARLIE Was One by David Gerrold; He, She, and It by Marge Piercy; Virtual Girl by Amy Thomson; Silently and Very Fast by Catherynne M. Valente; Dogs of War by Adrian Tchaikovsky)
also, i personally loved I, Robot! but that's mostly because i really adore a story that revolves around a strict set of rules and finding the exploitable flaws and loopholes in those rules. and that's basically what most of the stories in I, Robot are about lol
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alonewolfr · 3 months
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Il gatto non vuole che il mondo intero lo ami, ma solo quelli che lui ha scelto di amare.
|| Helen Thomson
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idv-news-boi · 2 years
-> IDV OCs and Canons’ Birthdays
{ @/the-oletus-parlor } Yami Kazuichi// January 1st
{ @/idv-sinful-deities } Tae Collins// January 3rd
{ @/askidvcerealist } Samuel// January 5th
{ @/asktheforensicpathologistidv } Louise Harris// January 18th
{ @/idv-ask-optometrist } Rue Leogan// January 27th
{ @/avatar-idv } Brendan// January 28th
{ @/idv-sinful-deities } K. Sewford// February 2nd
{ @/idv-artists-trio } Sonny Latte // February 11th (National Latte Day ☕) *
{ @/idv-intellectuals } Edward Blackwell// February 11th (National Inventor’s Day ⚙️) *
Andrew Kress// February 13th
{ @/experimental-blueprints} Bianca HighTower// February 14th
{ @/voidproject } Rue// February 28th
{ @/idv-intellectuals } Axel Fontaine// March 6th (National Dentist’s Day 🦷)
{ @/idv-sinful-deities} Damien Hardwick// March 7th
{ @/idv-sinful-deities} “Ellis”//March 11th
White Day - March 14th
{ @/idv-artists-trio } Rosalyn Darling// March 21st (World Puppetry Day 🌸)
{ @/manor-tea-time } Sally Day// March 25th
{ @/ask-the-idv-jazz-singer } Harriet Mayweather// April 2nd *
{ @/ask-idv-shepherd } Pearce Whittaker// April 2nd *
{ @/hypnotic-melody} Basil// April 14th (National Gardening Day 🪴)
{ @/hypnotic-melody } Allison Hailey //April 22nd (National Baseball Day ⚾️ )
{ @/voidproject } Phil// April 23rd *
Edgar Valden// April 23rd *
{ @/ask-idv-gas-specialist } Ameillia Thomson// April 29th
{ @/idv-ask-governess } Ellen Wilson// May 1st
{ @/voidproject } Exe Day// May 2nd
Aesop Carl// May 11th
{ @/idv-ask-the-showman } Flynn Smith// May 30th
{ @/ask-archer-idv } Archer & Wendigo// May 31st
Mike Morton// June 1st
{ @/idv-artists-trio } Angel Drew// June 2nd (National Tailors Day 🪡)
{ @/tatya-time } Tatiana Baudelair// June 7th
{ @/idv-intellectuals } Mira Morgan// June 8th (World Ocean Day 🌊)
{ @/manor-tea-time } Wayne Louis Strickland// June 13th
{ @/idv-ask-the-showman } Phineas Smith// June 14th
{ @/idv-sinful-deities} Cole Straub// June 19th
{ @/idv-artists-trio } Eiji Narukami// June 22nd (Dragon Boat Festival🏮)
{ @/idv-asktheconsigliere } Melissa Fair - June 30th
{ @/ask-wraithandmedium } Winifred Abbott// July 1st
{ @/idv-artists-trio } Kitty Nutella// July 7th (World Chocolate Day🍫)
Luca Balsa// July 10th
{ @/ask-idv-thrillseeker} Cleo Day// July 15th
{ @/the-oletus-parlor} Mari Day// July 16th
{ @/ask-wraithandmedium } Cecil Delestre// August 4th
{ @/idv-intellectuals } Peterson ‘August’ Drew// August 12th
{ @/ask-idv-outcast } Carmilla Blackwood// August 13th
{ @/manor-tea-time } Shadowed Man Day// August 19th
{ @/idv-sinful-deities} Amanda MacGurk// August 30th
{ @/manor-tea-time } Ivy Madison Nettle// September 5th
{ @/manor-tea-time } LeRoy Fredrick Smith// September 12th
{ @/the-oletus-parlor } Ellie Day// September 20th
{ @/the-oletus-parlor } Amy Kazuichi// September 23rd
{ @/hypnotic-melody } Heath// September 25th (National Cooking Day 🍳)
{ @/idv-artists-trio } Darcy Daytona// October 14th (Graffiti Apreciation Day 🎨)
{ @/hypnotic-melody } Sam Day// October 20th (National Writing Day ✏️)
{ @/idv-sinful-deities} Jamel Shervet// October 25th
{ @/snow-capped-graphics } Chiaki// November 6th
{ @/ask-idv-baker } Beth Anastazja// November 8th
{ @/ask-idv-philosopher } Theodore Cromwell// November 16th
{ @/snow-capped-graphics } Blake// November 30th
{ @/hypnotic-melody } Jamie// December 2nd (National Basketball Day 🏀) *
{ @/hypnotic-melody} Basil Day// December 2nd *
{ @/hypnotic-melody } Mari// December 4th (National Ice Skating Day ⛸️)
{ @/manor-tea-time } Eleanor Day// December 15th
{ @/askthepianist } Angeline Bianchi// December 16th
{ @/the-oletus-parlor } Zachary// December 25th *
Victor Grantz// December 25th *
{ @/traditional-dancer-idv } Beatriz Fernández// December 29th
{ @/askidv-thesurgeon} James// December 31st
* with color = event buddies!!!
// Laurence’s Birthday? His birthday is everyday :) *dances* Real spawn day? that will be remained as confidential for now- Kinda goes the same for Akihiko- sowwy (nwn
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soulgreys · 2 years
Drag kings
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#Drag kings series#
"When I first started, there was still a lot of people who didn't know what a drag king was or had never seemed to have heard the term before," said British performer Sammy Silver. While drag kings arguably have just as long a past, they have not enjoyed the same level of recognition or popularity - although that now appears to be changing. Male actors cross-dressing on stage have a well-known history going back to William Shakespeare's era and gay men performing in hyper-feminine drag have long been a part of the LGBT+ community. "I think he's really exploring his maleness and what it means to be a man in the 21st century." He's not massively confident, oddly enough, although he does love the stage. "Adam is more flamboyant, he's more cartoony, more fun-loving, dancey. "Once I've got the suit on and the shape looks right and the face looks male, I don't have to change my character very much at all to present completely and believably as male," Powell told the Thomson Reuters Foundation. Powell is among a growing number of drag kings - mostly female or transgender performers playing exaggerated male characters – in a previously niche LGBT+ performance scene that is booming in popularity across much of the Western world.
#Drag kings series#
But they have also performed on TV in the Starz show Vida, the Amazon series Transparent, and American Horror Story: 1984.Carefully painting in sharp cheekbones and heavy eyebrows before applying a moustache and a final sprinkling of glitter, Jen Powell slowly transforms into male alter-ego Adam All ahead of a performance at a London club. Vico has performed as Suave in clubs through LA. When I am performing Suave, it is me in the most raw way.” When Ortiz created Suave, they cited men like Ricky Martin as inspiration.įor Ortiz, performing Suave brings a feeling of completeness: “I found within my performance the intersection of all of me: my culture, my music, my dancing. In many ways, Suave is a tribute to Hispanic/Caribbean culture. He wears loose-fitting floral shirts that are open to the waist, tight pants, and gold jewelry. On his upper lip, he sports a delicately pencilled-in mustache. He sports a foppish haircut with short sides and long black curls that drape over his forehead. And he doesn’t take himself too seriously: goofy is the new sexy.” His hips don’t lie and will make love to you silly all night. Vico Ortiz describes their drag king persona best: “Passionate! Dramatic! Romantic! He’s the sensitive Latino lover you dream about. In 2021, you’ll be able to watch Murray Hill on several TV series: Amy Schumer’s Life & Beth on Hulu, Bridget Everett’s Somebody Somewhere on HBO, and Paul Feig’s This Country on Fox. Murray Hill takes his role as a trailblazer for the community seriously, and encourages those who have come after him, “If you don’t see yourself represented then go out and represent yourself.” Instead he says, “I’m Murray, just Murray.” In so doing, he has become a symbol of nonbinary and genderqueer performance that transcends drag. No, Murray rejects all pronouns and identifiers that would put him in a box. But here’s the rub: Although he is a leader in the drag king community, Murray Hill does not consider himself a drag king. With slicked-back hair, windowpane suits, horn-rimmed glasses, and polyester ties, his persona recalls not the drag kings of the present but male impersonators of the past, such as Stormé de Larverie. He’s a fast talking, magnetic ad-libber with such control over his audience that he can take them from silent to rolling in the aisles and back in seconds. The legendary Murray Hill looks and behaves like a mid-century old-school comedian in the vein of Don Rickles, Shecky Greene, and Shelley Berman, who frequented resorts in the Catskills. In addition to performing internationally, Adam All hosts the drag king cabaret BOi BOX and co-hosts the drag king competition MAN UP. Jen Powell, who created Adam All 12 years ago, tells them., “He’s a gentle man who can charm and alarm with equal appeal, bringing live vocals and cartoon realness to his dashing geek-chic cabaret.” He moves with gusto from one punchline to the next, enchanting his audience and giving them an experience that is at once lighthearted and profound. Adam’s performance is a watertight, high-energy act. Known as the modern “Godfather” of the UK drag king scene, Adam All is arguably the most influential drag king presence east of the Atlantic, both as a performer and an advocate. I hope to encourage others to do the same and find freedom in expressing who they truly are.” - Jen Powell, creator of Adam Hall As an androgynous individual and as someone who considers themself to be gender-neutral, Adam allows me to embrace my masculinity and through him. “He has allowed me to embrace aspects of my personality that, since my childhood, I had felt forced to ignore.
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brookstonalmanac · 13 days
Birthdays 9.11
Beer Birthdays
Vince Marsaglia (1908)
Geno Acevedo (1961)
Martin Dickie (1982)
Five Favorite Birthdays
Brad Bird; animator, actor (1957)
Harry Connick Jr.; singer, actor (1967)
Elizabeth Daily; actor, pop singer (1961)
D.H. Lawrence; English writer (1895)
Tommy Shaw; rock musician (1953)
Famous Birthdays
Bernardo Accolti; Italian poet (1465)
Juhani Aho; Finnish author (1861)
Hiroshi Amano; Japanese physicist (1960)
Philip Ardagh; English author (1961)
Richard Ashcroft; English singer-songwriter (1971)
William Boyce; English organist and composer (1711)
Paul "Bear" Bryant; Chicago Bears coach (1913)
Stefano Cagol; Italian artist, photographer & director (1969)
Jesus Christ; religious leader (3 BCE)
Cathryn Damon; actress and dancer (1930)
Roxann Dawson; actress (1958)
Brian de Palma; film director (1940)
Pierre de Ronsard; French poet & author (1524)
Betsy Drake; actress (1923)
Andre Dubus III; novelist & short story writer (1950)
Lola Falana; singer, actor (1942)
Gianluigi Gelmetti; Italian composer (1945)
Richard D. Gill; English-Dutch mathematician (1951)
Tony Gilroy; screenwriter, film director (1956)
Mickey Hart; rock drummer (1943)
O. Henry; writer (1862)
Taraji P. Henson; actress (1970)
Elizabeth Henstridge; English actress (1987)
Thomas Hill; painter (1829)
Earl Holliman; actor (1928)
James Jeans; Engllish physicist (1877)
Leo Kottke; rock guitarist (1945)
Tom Landry; Dallas Cowboys coach (1924)
Ludacris; rapper (1977)
Amy Madigan; actor (!950)
John Martyn; English-Scottish singer-songwriter (1948)
Virginia Madsen; actor (1961)
Kristy McNichol; actor (1962)
Jessica Mitford; English writer (1917)
Moby; pop singer (1965)
Vjenceslav Novak; Croatian author & playwright (1859)
Mungo Park; Scottish surgeon and explorer (1771)
Ariana Richards; actress (1979)
Ed Sabol; film producer, co-founded NFL Films (1916)
Mick Talbot; pop musician (1959)
James Thomson; Scottish poet & playwright (1700)
Mary Watson Whitney; astronomer (1847)
Carl Zeiss; German lensmaker (1816)
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wankerwatch · 2 months
Commons Vote
On: Finance (No. 2) Bill: Third Reading
Ayes: 215 (98.6% Con, 0.9% Ind, 0.5% DUP) Noes: 19 (94.7% SNP, 5.3% PC) Absent: ~416
Likely Referenced Bill: Finance (No. 2) Act 2010
Description: A Bill to grant certain duties, to alter other duties, and to amend the law relating to the National Debt and the Public Revenue, and to make further provision in connection with finance.
Originating house: Commons Current house: Unassigned Bill Stage: Royal Assent
Individual Votes:
Conservative (211 votes)
Aaron Bell Alan Mak Alberto Costa Alec Shelbrooke Alex Burghart Alex Chalk Alicia Kearns Alok Sharma Amanda Milling Andrew Griffith Andrew Jones Andrew Lewer Andrew Murrison Andrew Percy Andrew Selous Andy Carter Angela Richardson Anna Firth Anne Marie Morris Anne-Marie Trevelyan Anthony Browne Antony Higginbotham Ben Everitt Ben Spencer Ben Wallace Bernard Jenkin Bill Wiggin Bim Afolami Bob Blackman Bob Seely Brandon Lewis Caroline Ansell Caroline Nokes Charles Walker Cherilyn Mackrory Chris Clarkson Chris Grayling Chris Green Chris Philp Conor Burns Craig Tracey Craig Williams Damian Hinds Daniel Kawczynski Danny Kruger David Davis David Duguid David Jones David Rutley David Simmonds Dean Russell Dehenna Davison Derek Thomas Desmond Swayne Duncan Baker Edward Argar Edward Leigh Elizabeth Truss Elliot Colburn Esther McVey Felicity Buchan Fiona Bruce Gagan Mohindra Gareth Bacon Gareth Davies Gareth Johnson Gary Sambrook Gavin Williamson Geoffrey Clifton-Brown Gillian Keegan Graham Brady Graham Stuart Greg Hands Greg Smith Guy Opperman Harriett Baldwin Heather Wheeler Helen Whately Holly Mumby-Croft Huw Merriman Iain Duncan Smith Iain Stewart Jack Brereton Jack Lopresti Jackie Doyle-Price Jacob Rees-Mogg Jacob Young James Cartlidge James Cleverly James Davies James Duddridge James Sunderland James Wild Jane Hunt Jane Stevenson Jeremy Quin Jerome Mayhew Jo Churchill John Glen John Howell John Lamont Jonathan Djanogly Jonathan Gullis Julia Lopez Julian Lewis Julian Smith Julian Sturdy Justin Tomlinson Katherine Fletcher Kelly Tolhurst Kemi Badenoch Kevin Hollinrake Kieran Mullan Kit Malthouse Laura Farris Laura Trott Lee Rowley Leo Docherty Lia Nici Liam Fox Lisa Cameron Louie French Lucy Frazer Luke Hall Marcus Jones Mark Fletcher Mark Francois Mark Garnier Mark Logan Martin Vickers Matt Hancock Matt Warman Matthew Offord Mel Stride Michael Ellis Michael Fabricant Michael Gove Michael Tomlinson Mike Freer Mike Wood Mims Davies Neil O'Brien Nick Fletcher Nick Gibb Nicola Richards Nigel Huddleston Paul Beresford Paul Holmes Paul Howell Pauline Latham Penny Mordaunt Peter Aldous Peter Bottomley Philip Dunne Philip Hollobone Priti Patel Ranil Jayawardena Rebecca Harris Rebecca Pow Rehman Chishti Richard Bacon Richard Drax Richard Fuller Rob Butler Robbie Moore Robert Buckland Robert Courts Robert Goodwill Robert Halfon Robert Largan Robert Syms Robin Millar Robin Walker Royston Smith Sajid Javid Sally-Ann Hart Saqib Bhatti Sara Britcliffe Sarah Dines Scott Mann Selaine Saxby Shailesh Vara Sheryll Murray Simon Baynes Simon Clarke Simon Fell Simon Hart Simon Hoare Simon Jupp Stephen Metcalfe Steve Baker Steve Brine Steve Tuckwell Stuart Andrew Suzanne Webb Theo Clarke Theresa May Theresa Villiers Thérèse Coffey Tobias Ellwood Tom Hunt Tom Pursglove Tom Randall Tom Tugendhat Tracey Crouch Vicky Ford Victoria Atkins Victoria Prentis Wendy Morton Will Quince William Cash
Independent (2 votes)
Mark Menzies William Wragg
Democratic Unionist Party (1 vote)
Jim Shannon
Scottish National Party (18 votes)
Allan Dorans Amy Callaghan Angela Crawley Anne McLaughlin Brendan O'Hara Chris Law Chris Stephens David Linden Deidre Brock Joanna Cherry John Nicolson Kirsty Blackman Marion Fellows Owen Thompson Peter Grant Philippa Whitford Richard Thomson Stewart Malcolm McDonald
Plaid Cymru (1 vote)
Hywel Williams
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phenakistoskope · 8 months
the color of distance was exceptionally frustrating to read; its meat is in the retelling of the colonial encounter, but the themes of difference and harmony between humans and the tendu, and the tendu and the forest, completely obscured the possibility of meaningfully exploring the colonial encounter through science fiction in the mid-1990s, in the wake of a century of critical scholarship on colonialism. it's not a novel thematic for science fiction at all, the least the author could do is address it critically instead of apologetically. not to mention, that while “tendu” might sound appropriately alien to readers outside the subcontinent, my bidi is wrapped in tendu leaves!
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tamarovjo4 · 4 months
OpenAI pauses the use of the Sky voice in ChatGPT after users said it sounded too much like Scarlett Johansson, says voice was not chosen to be an "imitation" (Amy Thomson/Bloomberg)
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daimonclub · 6 months
Aforismi sui cani
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Aforismi sui cani Aforismi sui cani, citazioni, massime, pensieri, frasi celebri e riflessioni di autori e scrittori famosi e non sui nostri amici più fedeli e affettuosi. Smise di fumare allorché notò che al suo cane dava fastidio. Giuseppe Mazzini Chi non ha avuto un cane non sa cosa significhi essere amato. Arthur Schopenhauer Quando l'uomo si svegliò, disse: "Cosa sta facendo qui Cane Selvatico?". E la Donna rispose: "Il suo nome non è più Cane Selvatico, ma Primo Amico, perché sarà nostro amico per sempre e sempre e sempre." Rudyard Kipling Non esiste lealtà promessa e mantenuta in fondo, eccetto quella di un cane veramente fedele. Konrad Z. Lorenz Che il mio cane mi ami più di quanto io ami lui è un atto innegabile che sempre mi riempie di un sentimento di vergogna. Un cane è pronto in qualsiasi istante a sacrifgicare la sua vita per te. Konrad Z. Lorenz Quanto più brutto è un cane, tanto più i suoi padroni gli vogliono bene. Martyn Lewis Più gente conosco, e più apprezzo il mio cane. Socrate L'ideale di vita di Montmorency e mettersi tra i piedi della gente e farsi ingiuriare. Se riesce a introfularsi dove non è particolarmente ben voluto... allora avverte che la sua giornata ha avuto un senso. Jerome K. Jerome Il commissario Rex è un cane, perché gli altri cosa sono! Carl William Brown
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Aforismi celebri sui cani Chiamarlo cane non sembra fargli giustizia, sebbene ammetto che in apparenza lo fosse in tutto, avendo quattro zampe, una coda e abbaiava. Ma per quelli di noi che lo conoscevano bene era un perfetto gentiluomo. Hermione Gincold Ho scoperto che, quando sei profondamente turbato, è maggiore il conforto che ti da la compagnia devota e silenziosa di un cane di tutto quello che puoi trarre da altre fonti. Doris Day II piacere primo, il più precoce, è quello che deriva dal contatto fisico. Ed è il contatto fisico che rende un animale da compagnia così prezioso per le persone sole. Dilys Powell I cuccioli sono il rimedio naturale alla sensazione di non essere amati... e per numerosi altri dolori della vita. Richard Allan Palm Il genere umano è attratto dai cani perché sono così simili all'uomo - affezionati, confusi, facilmente delusi, avidi di divertimento, grati per ogni gentilezza e per la minima attenzione. Pam Brown È dolce sentire l'onesto abbaio del cane da guardia che ci lancia un profondo benvenuto quando ci avviciniamo a casa; è dolce sapere che c'è un occhio attento che cura il nostro ritorno e si illumina quando arriviamo. Lord Byron Hai visto quello sguardo. Il modo in cui un giovane pittore contempla un Rembrandt o un Tiziano. Il modo in cui Liz Taylor guarda Richard Burton. Il modo in cui Zsa Zsa guarda il visone. È così che un cagnolino da compagnia guarda il suo padrone. Jacqueline Susann I nostri cani amano e ammirano anche il più meschino tra di noi e nutrono la nostra colossale vanità con il loro atto di deferenza privo di critica. Agnes Repplier Nessuno apprezza il genio molto speciale della tua conversazione quanto un cane. Christopher Morley Non dobbiamo guadagnarci la sua fiducia o la sua amicizia: è nato per essere nostro amico; quando i suoi occhi sono ancora chiusi, lui già crede in noi: prima ancora di nascere, ha già dato se stesso all'uomo. Maurice Maeterlinck Signore, io faccio la guardia! Se non sono qui io, chi curerà la loro casa o sorveglierà il loro gregge? Essere fedele? Nessuno oltre a me e Te capisce cos'è la fedeltà. Loro mi chiamano "Cane buono!", "Beel cane!" Parole… Anonimo Dietro ogni terranova, boxer, danese c'è un cucciolo che desidera solo accoccolartisi in grembo. Helen Thomson Se mi siedo su una panchina, me lo trovo improvvisamente di fianco, prima che si sdrai su uno dei miei piedi. È tipico infatti del suo modo di fare correre intorno quando anch'io sono in movimento, mentre quando mi siedo, mi imita subito. Thomas Mann II cane comune rivolge un'unica richiesta a tutto il genere umano: amatemi. Helen Exley Un cane ha un unico obiettivo nella sua vita: donare il proprio cuore. J.R. Ackerley
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Frasi famose e ciotazioni celebri sui cani Un cane è l'unico essere su questa terra che ti ama più di quanto non ami se stesso. Josh Billings - Enry Wheeler Shaw I cani sono gli animali più socievoli, affettuosi ed amabili dell'intero creato. Edmund Burke Visitare un canile è un'esperienza estenuante - tutte quelle creature disperate che abbaiano a gran voce per catturare la tua attenzione. Per chi è tenere di cuore non è difficile venirsene via con una muta intera. Jilly Cooper La libertà individuale è la maggiore benedizione per un uomo, per un cane è l'ultima parola della disperazione. William Lyon Phelps Lo sapete che cosa hanno in comune un cane ed un ginecologo miope? ma è semplice, tutti e due hanno sempre il naso umido. Carl William Brown Lo sguardo fisso del lupo penetra nelle nostre coscienze. Berry Lopez Non sarà per molto non vuol dire nulla per un cane. Tutto quello che sa è che te ne sei ANDATO. JANE SWANLo spettacolo più triste del mondo è un cucciolo sperudoto che con la cosa tra le zampe se ne va in tondo. Arthur Gutterman No, Bobi! Non ho voglia di andare a fare una passeggiata - non mi sento in forma: preferirei starmene seduto a chiacchierare, o starmene seduto a leggere, o semplicemente starmene seduto. Fa molto caldo: c'è un sacco di polvere - non penso davvero di poter… beh, se fai quella faccia lì, devo - Sei il mio cane? No, sono io il tuo uomo. Robert Bell Una porta è quella cosa rispetto alla quale un cane si trova eternamente dalla parte sbagliata. Ogden Nash La creatura più affettuosa al mondo è un cane bagnato. Ambrose Bierce Montemorency arrivava e si sedeva sulle cose proprio quando volevi metterle a posto. Ficcava le zampe nella marmellata, tormentava i cucchiaini di caffè, faceva finta cheilimoni fossero topi e si tuffava nella cesta, uccidendone tre. Jerome K. Jerome Un cane crede che tu sia quello che pensi di essere. Jane Swan La maggior parte dei cani non pensano di essere umani, lo sanno. Jane Swan Qualsiasi cosa sia, è buona" - è il tuo benevolo credo. Il tuo ornamento, la tua gioia di vivere portata come fosse una corona. Dorothy Parker Cuccioli in vendita: l'unico amore che il denaro può comprare. Cartello affisso in un negozio. Compra un cucciolo e investirai il tuo denaro in un amore costante. Anonimo La storia offre più esempi della fedeltà dei cani di quella degli amici. Alexander Pope Il cane esitò un istante, ma quasi subito prese a fare qualche approccio con la coda. Il bambino allungò la mano e lo chiamò. In maniera plateale, il cane si avvicinò a lui, e i due ebbero uno scambio di amichevoli pacche e dondolii. Stephen Crane È così peloso! Gli ospiti si divertono un sacco quando si alza in piedi e si rendono conto improvvisamente di avere parlato all'estremità sbagliata. Elisabeth Jones Un cane è un sorriso e una coda che si agita. Tutto quello che c'è in mezzo e non è poi così importante. Clara Ortega
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Aforismi, massime, citazioni famose sui cani I bassotti sono cani ideali per i bambini piccoli, dato che sono già stati tirati e schiacciati così tanto che un bambino non potrà più fare loro molto male in un senso o nell'altro. Robert Benchley Guardate gli occhi di un cane che dorme e vergognatevi della vostra profonda filosofia. Elias Canetti Fa una vita da cani, dice la gente piangendo - ma perchè... fai tutto il giorno esattamente quello che ti va di fare; dormi prima di ogni pasto, e dopo. La gente dovrebbe saperlo! A.P. Herbert L'uomo era disteso sul pavimento, ubriaco fradicio e privo di conoscenza. Il cane, sdraiato al suo fianco, sembrava guardarmi con occhi tristi, imploranti. Sebbene il mondo intero disprezzasse quell'uomo, il povero animale lo amava e gli sarebbe stato fedele fino alla morte. Robert Service La maggior parte delle persone che hanno un cane alla lunga imparano ad obbedire al loro compagno a quattro zampe. Robert Morley Più conosco gli uomini e più mi piacciono i cani. Madame De Staël Il cane ha avuto raramente successo nel far salire l'uomo al suo grado di sagacia, ma l'uomo è spesso riuscito a trascinare giù il cane al suo livello. James Thurber Se raccogli dalla strada un cane che sta morendo di fame e lo rifocilli, non ti morderà. È questa la differenza fondamentale tra un uomo e un cane. Mark Twain Naturalmente, quello che lui sogna con più intensità è di essere portato a fare una passeggiata, e tanto più ti mostrerai indulgente, tanto più lui ti adorerà, e tanto più la bellezza latente della sua natura trasparirà. Henry James È arrivato un cagnolino! -arrivato a colmare il vuoto lasciato da amici falsi e interessati. Già vedo che è senza invidia, odio o malizia - che non tradirà i miei segreti e non soffrirà se avrò successo, né proverà piacere della mia sfortuna. George Eliot Ogni cucciolo dovrebbe avere un ragazzino. Erma Bombeck Il cane è stato creato soprattutto per i bambini: è il dio del divertimento Henry Ward Beecher Uno degli spettacoli più tristi è quello offerto da un danese malato. I suoi grandi occhi sono l'immagine della sofferenza: un danese fa di tutto, infatti, quando si sente malato, per ottenere amore e simpatia, esageran do i sintomi. Barbara Woodhouse Se fossero esaudite le preghiere di un cane, pioverebbero ossi dal cielo. Proverbio Un cane ben addestrato non tenterà di dividere con te il tuo cibo. Semplicemente, ti farà sentire così in colpa da non riuscire a gustarlo. Helen Thomson Un cane desidera il tuo affetto più della sua pappa. Beh - quasi. Charlotte Gray Forse ci sono dei paesi, nei quali, venendo paragonati a un cane, si acquista in breve maggiore importanza, salendo nella scala sociale. Essere chiamati cani potrebbe rivelarsi una cosa poi non così brutta. John Richard Stephens Durante gli scavi effettuati a Pompei per riportare alla luce le rovine della cittadina campana, investita dalla lava vulcanica nel 79 d.C., venne rinvenuto un cane sdraiato dopra un bambino. L'animale, il cui nome era Delta, portava sul collare il racconto di come avesse salvato per ben tre volte la vita del suo padrone, tale Severinus. John Richard Stephens Il sentimento per i cani è quello stesso che nutriamo per i bambini. Sigmund Freud La facoltà di compatire non è propria del solo uomo. In casa mia v'era un cane che dal un balcone gittava del pane ad un altro cane sulla strada. Giacomo Leopardi Sugli animali domestici potete anche leggere: Riflessioni e pensieri sui cani Aforismi e pensieri sui gatti Riflessioni sugli animali https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7awj63Om8bA Aforismi per autore Aforismi per argomento Riflessioni e pensieri Saggi e aforismi Read the full article
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jungchicago · 10 months
In Memoriam: John Giannani
John Leo Giannini, 95, M. Div, M.B.A.; born in Portland, OR; WWII Navy veteran, former Dominican priest, Jungian analyst, author of “Compass of the Soul”, diehard Chicago Cubs fan; passed away peacefully at home June 16, 2017. Beloved husband of 20 years to Rita Thomson. Devoted father of Amy Giannini Cabrera, Richard Joseph Giannini, and the late Martin Leo Giannini; step-father of John Scott…
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