#Amphitrite Takowasa
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"We've come a long way, haven't we?"
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gaydiation-poisoning · 8 months
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My babygirl and his baby girl
(courtesy of the endlessly talented @for-a-new-life)
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gaydiation-poisoning · 7 months
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THIS IS AMP ^ (art by @for-a-new-life)
Age: 14
Height: 4'8
Full name: Amphitrite Takowasa
°She was born a little less than a year after the events of Splatoon 2 (we have a slightly altered timeline)
°She will BITE you if you call her Amphitrite
°Amp's mother Ashta disappeared when she was about 7 years old, ever since she's been growing up on the streets of Inkopolis alongside her best friend/little brother Sammy.
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(pictured here, by @redginaldusrooiakker)
°She does not know her own full name
°She has faint memories of Off The Hook playing on the television when she was little, this inspired her dream of becoming a big time DJ. (cus there's not enough of these Octo DJ bastards running about)
°She made her way to Splatsville at age 13 looking to make it big, although having no money and no home took to crashing on the couch in the Lobby.
°Despite practically living in the Lobby, Amp does not play much Turf War or any other sport. She tends to find them limiting and aggravating, as she's not much of a team player and tends to prefer an aggressive solo charge over working with others. As a result she turns to working at Grizzco for cash.
°She is very reckless on the job, with a tendency to charge in headfirst with a seeming lack of self preservation, most coworkers dislike her for her behavior and think she's a liability. She is, however, effective, and thus Grizz keeps her on and assigns her 'mentors' to keep her focused. (At least until they burn out and she's passed to someone else)
°Mains Octobrush
°After about four months of working for Grizzco, she had a falling out with her favourite mentor and wound up meeting Craig Cuttlefish and joining the Squidbeak Splatoon
°She just wants to feel useful
°Amp has a very casual way of speaking, very rarely using honorifics. Some find this rude, but it's typically a sign that she likes someone a great deal and feels comfortable. She doesn't typically gel well with Authority figures for this reason. (Albeit this is not intentional on her end.)
°She takes to calling Cuttlefish 'Uncle' not long after meeting him.
°Also has very little in the way of a filter with profanity, and tends to cuss a lot when the urge strikes her.
°Very fidgety, tends to chew on wasabi sprouts or tug on her tentacles to keep her mind occupied. Hates sitting still.
°Has very little sense of aim, her method with a splattershot essentially comes down to 'Can't hurt me if you're atomized'
°Almost shoots Octavio after he fell out of the Octobot, Craig had to knock the gun upwards to deflect the shot.
°Prefers baggy clothes
°Will eat anything. Not picky at all.
°Has a love for spicy food, the hotter the better.
°Sometimes eats things with her hands that really should not be eaten with one's hands
°VERY loud for someone her size
°Has no concept of an 'inside voice'
°If you do so much as give her a sandwich she'd probably be willing to die for you.
°Runs very warm
°Very heavy sleeper, can sleep in almost any position.
°The notch in her ear is from a Grizzco Charger by her mentor turned nemesis turned best friend Mono
°The scar on her forehead comes from accidentally bashing her forehead against the Octobot's control console during the fight with Grizz
(on that note)
°If you have talked to me about her or simply read her name, you'd probably have figured out that Amp is the granddaughter of DJ Octavio
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(This charming fella. Art once again provided by @for-a-new-life)
°Neither of them are aware of this connection until post Splatoon 3's story (although there are a couple AUs where that's not the case)
°Her mother is named Ashta, she is Agent 8 and a Clone of Octavio (if you're wondering why she came out female well the answer is 🏳️‍⚧️)
°Amp's lack of knowledge of or contact with her grandfather comes from her mother's distaste for her father (to put it lightly)
°She looks up to her grandpa a lot, she definitely sees him through rose tinted glasses in her younger years. (Honestly the Takowasa family drama will probably get a reblog dedicated to breaking it down)
°She wouldn't have even been accepted by him if Craig hadn't basically reverse psychology-ed Octavio into actually being a grandpa to her
°Amp is close with Octavio but the relationship is...complicated to say the least
°Despite this she is very determined to upkeep a relationship with him
°When she eventually starts her DJing career, she does so under the stage name of DJ ANG3LFISH, a mix of her title as Agent 3, and of Octavio's occasional nickname for her, Angelfish.
°She keeps up this stage performance until one particularly traumatic performance scares her into silence for a time
°She later comes back onto the music scene in a somewhat fishing themed band called The Reel Deal, with her once again as the DJ, and her friends Mono and now much more grownup Sammy as vocalists.
°Amp would not start singing in their songs until some of their later albums.
°She has a lot of vocal fry which can be very good for their harsher tracks
And finally (for now)
°Amp is a Virgo
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(doodle by @redginaldusrooiakker)
(Second part breaking down the Takowasa Family Issues will be out soon!)
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