#Amy vanderpool
demdelis · 11 months
The United State Supreme Court adopted its first formal code of ethics on Monday, in response to the months of criticism over the undisclosed gifts and lavish trips received by some of the Justices. This latest release comes after Congressional Democrats threatened to pass legislation that would mandate ethics reform, as members of the Senate Judiciary Committee had planned to hold a vote to authorize subpoenas for two major conservative players with close ties to Justices Clarence Thomas and Samuel Alito.
Congressional pressure has now resulted in a nine-page code, released with five pages of commentary to accompany it, that covers everything from the acceptance of gifts, to recusal standards, to an approach for avoiding improper outside influence on the justices. The document was superseded by the following statement below and was also signed by all the sitting Justices to show an acknowledgment of the new policy:
The undersigned Justices are promulgating this Code of Conduct to set out succinctly and gather in one place the ethics rules and principles that guide the conduct of the Members of the Court. For the most part these rules and principles are not new: The Court has long had the equivalent of common law ethics rules, that is, a body of rules derived from a variety of sources, including statutory provisions, the code that applies to other members of the federal judiciary, ethics advisory opinions issued by the Judicial Conference Committee on Codes of Conduct, and historic practice. The absence of a Code, however, has led in recent years to the misunderstanding that the Justices of this Court, unlike all other jurists in this country, regard themselves as unrestricted by any ethics rules. To dispel this misunderstanding, we are issuing this Code, which largely represents a codification of principles that we have long regarded as governing our conduct.
NOVEMBER 13, 2023
This newly published set of ethical standards does not impose any significant new requirements, and there is no described means for investigating any wrong-doing or any enforcement procedures to correct infractions. The most egregious part of this latest attempt to appear as if Justices are capable of self-regulation, comes from the introduction of the new rules, where the Justices acknowledge public outrage over ethics violations to “dispel” a “misunderstanding” that the Supreme Court is “unrestricted by any ethics rules.”
The condescending prologue continues to explain that these new regulations was issued is basically a codification of the principles that already existed that the members of the Supreme Court have “long regarded as governing our conduct.” It is as if the Chief Justice has said to the American public, “look everyone, you are not smart enough or educated enough to understand this, but we are so superior to any other branch of government that we’ve all been following a ‘scout’s honor’ approach to billionaires throwing large sums of money at us and it has always worked.” But, it clearly isn’t working.
This latest attempt to rectify the public perception of some really bad ethics decisions by sitting Justices fails across the board. It only emphasizes that nothing has really been done to regulate the highest court all along, and that the Justices — who have life-time tenure with no practical way for removal — believe they are completely above any form of ethical rebuke. The fact that Justice Roberts refused to testify before Congress on this very issue only supports this argument.
There is also nothing in this new set of guidelines that explains how some of the recent allegations against Thomas and Alito will be handled, if at all. Under this set of ethics rules, the Justices would have already policed themselves and not engaged in any actions they found to be improper. By not launching any kind of new investigation into the allegations that billionaires have legally benefited from their financial favors, the United States Supreme Court is telling us all that there was no wrong-doing and nothing else will be done to look into the issues.
It is also hard to believe that this new code is something that the Justices have been using as a guideline this whole time, given Justice Elena Kagan’s acknowledgment in September that there were disagreements among the Justices concerning what ethics codes might cover. If this were the case, and there were active disagreements over the unwritten rules, there is no way the Court would have uniformity in their ethics procedures. There would also be no way all of the Justices would be adherening equally to any unspoken guidelines.
“It would help in our own compliance with the rules,” Kagan explained at a Notre Dame speech on the issue of the Court needing a formal ethics mandate. “And it would, I think, go far in persuading other people that we were adhering to the highest standards of conduct.” This last statement represents the crux of the real problem — the Supreme Court is only putting out this appearance of a new set of rules to placate a majority of US citizens that it neither agrees with, nor cares about.
Senator Sheldon Whitehouse (D-RI) has been one of the most vocal proponents of ethical reform for the highest court in the land and is still unsatisfied with the latest solution to impose regulations that are just for show. “This is a long-overdue step by the justices, but a code of ethics is not binding unless there is a mechanism to investigate possible violations and enforce the rules.”
The honor system has not worked for members of the Roberts Court,” Whitehouse said in a succinct statement about how ineffective these new rules will be. Senator Whitehouse had already proposed implementing a system within the Supreme Court that would allow for investigations into complaints by lower-court judges. The motion had cleared the Senate Judiciary Committee without any support from Republican Members, who maintain that this action by Democrats is merely a response to decisions they didn’t like from the conservative-dominated Court, including overturning the right to abortion.
The ethics bill proposed by Democrats would have required that Justices provide more detail about possible potential conflicts of interest, as well as written explanations about any decisions not to recuse. It would have also sought to illuminate any gifts or favors that were being received by Supreme Court Justices.
Although the Democratic bill had little to no chance of becoming law in the Republican-controlled House, or the Senate where Democrats maintain a very slim majority, the pushback was providing leverage to get the Court to finally do something substantial about ethics reform. Senate Judiciary Chair Dick Durban (D-IL) had scheduled a committee vote for Thursday to subpoena billionaire Harlan Crow and conservative activist Leonard Leo about their roles in organizing and paying for justices’ luxury travel.
There is little doubt that quashing the subpoena process was the reason behind this latest public adoption of ethics standards, which should leave us all wondering if the Supreme Court issued these rules to placate the public, or the billionaire benefactors who have seemingly bought a few conservative Court members. The people who face the most immediate risk are not the Justices, but those who would have to testify, under felony penalty of perjury, about their actions and intentions.
This latest acquiescence by the Supreme Court in creating new standards is now the second round of attempting to dispel public outrage over the unethical behavior of Conservative Justices. In April, Chief Justice Roberts refused a request from the Senate Judiciary Committee to testify at a hearing on US Supreme Court ethical standards. Roberts chose to issue a thin statement concerning the ethical obligations of the Court, which was also a massive failure with assuaging public discontent.
Public approval and trust of the United States Supreme Court remains at record lows, according to a Gallup Poll released just before the Court’s new term began on Oct. 2, 2023. Only 41% of adults in the United States currently approve of how the Supreme Court is handling its job. The Court’s approval rating first fell to the record-low 40% in September 2021, after it declined to block a controversial Texas abortion law, which was the precursor to the decision that overturned Roe v. Wade. Republicans may actually be right about one thing — the public distrust in the Supreme Court goes beyond deceptive ethics practices, and includes distrust over a ruling that they believe to be inherently partisan and wrong.
Amee Vanderpool writes the SHERO Newsletter, is an attorney, published author, contributor to newspapers and magazines, and an analyst for BBC radio. She can be reached at [email protected] or follow her on Twitter @girlsreallyrule.
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yasminstudin · 6 years
tag game
Rules: answer 24 questions and tag 20 people (or as many as you want)
tagged by: @thesmallmedic thanks for tagging me :)
nickname: yas
gender: female
star sign: libra
height: 162 cm
time: currently 8pm
birthday: 10/18
favorite bands: fall out boy, 5 a seco, nirvana, artic monkeys, supercombo, queen, imagine dragons (there are probably more but i forgot lmao)
favorite solo artists: kerri, troye sivan, amy winehouse (am i forgetting some? probably)
song that is stuck in your head: dolly dolly guaraná dolly o melhor o sabor brasileiro dolly guaraná (THIS IS A FUCKING SODA ADVERTISEMENT)
last movie: i rlly don’t remember the last one i saw but the last one i remember was in the heart of the sea (yes it was bc of tom holland)
last tv show: i’m currently watching touch
why i created this blog: bc i wanted to motivate myself to study, be healthier and a better person
what do you post/reblog: mostly study related things and self love posts + some marvel/tom holland stuff bc why not?
last thing you googled: the name of the last movie i saw in english lol
other blogs: none pfff
why the url: well it’s kinda obvious but yasmin is my name and it’s a studyblr so studin and yasmin and studin have the same ending that’s why it’s not studying
i follow: 313 blogs
followers: currently 2724
lucky number: 1.618
instruments: i used to play the flute and the piano when i was a kid but i forgot lmao
what are you wearing: jeans, a long sleeved cropped and black all stars
dream job: astronomer/astrophysicist and writer
last book you read: i’m currently reading navigating early by clare vanderpool
top 3 universes: this is hard™️ but i guess i’ll have to go with mcu (obviously), dc comics (yes i’m a big fan of dc too) and six of crows/crooked kingdom
i tag @selenethecontumacious @esthety @charmingoceans @marissas-notebook @rheinstudy @leafwatr @stormy-rains @euphcric @sionnaich @caramel-study @maxsstudyblr @bulletjournlinspo @cryminology @mango-tea @stubborn-studies and everyone else who wants to do this
pls don’t feel obligated to do this if you’ve already done it or don’t want to :)
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I'm so blessed for my clients like Richard Suarez and Susana I got banana cupcakes and cheese mini cakes. Yummy Michael Erbst and mikey Michael Erbst got to eat some. They were so good I had to share with Keller Williams Victor Valley Maisie Bean and the agents Missed Jennifer Marks but i left you a gift. Got a hug from Amy VanSlogteren Saw Brian Puccio , Jeanette McDonnell Vanderpool and team leader Robert Patterson The wind was insane in Victorville but clear blue skies in Oakhills Some of the gift i get from my friends and clients. I'll spend on my nails 💅 I love banana cupcakes 🧁 😋 😍 Tomorrow is a very special day we are driving to Duarte to meet our newest client for a probate sale. Joint Tenancy vs Community Property is going to be a 23,000 cost to sale for probate fee. Not including our real estate fees. Theresa Shellenbarger will be my driver and partner in crime. I can't wait I wish people knew on how to hold title. So that's they are not stuck paying so much money out Living Trust is your friend. (at Nina Erbst Realtor) https://www.instagram.com/p/CU6Y5PvFhRF/?utm_medium=tumblr
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mongoose232323 · 4 years
‪I Am The Least Racist Person ‬
‪There Is Anywhere In The World‬
‪~ Donald J. Trump ~‬
Former Trump Official Miles Taylor Revealed That Donald Trump Said He Wanted To Trade Puerto Rico For Greenland Even Though They Are Americans Because They Were "Dirty And Poor."
He Also Confirmed It Was Obviously Not A Joke.
Amy Vanderpool
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artsleaderuh · 4 years
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@Glasstire : Registration for TAM 2020: Virtual on May 12-15 is open! Development Symposium by Carl Hamm, James Jillson of Nasher Sculpture Center, Cliff Vanderpool of Amon Carter Museum, and Amy Marks of Space Center Houston. Early bird registration ends May 8 https://t.co/9owrV0hkYi https://t.co/DhNcuuxfv9 (via Twitter http://twitter.com/Glasstire/status/1258094738730889218)
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aldeiadelivros · 4 years
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Em meio a pandemia do Coronavírus e tempos de isolamento social, trago para vocês algumas indicações de livros para incentivar a leitura dentro de casa. Tudo é hábito, então, quem ainda não tem o costume de ler, pode começar agora. Fiz uma lista de gêneros literários bem variados com o meu top 5 de alguns dos melhores livros lidos da minha estante e vim compartilhar com vocês. 1 - O Morro dos Ventos Uivantes | Emily Brontë 2 - Em Algum Lugar nas Estrelas | Clare Vanderpool 3 - Pó de Lua | Clarice Freire 4 - Todos os Pássaros no Céu | Charlie Jane Anders 5 - Amy & Matthew | Cammie Mc Govern Tem indicação para todos os gostos: clássicos da literatura, romance, ficção e fantasia, além do bonus que são os poemas. E aí, gostaram? Compartilha aqui se você já leu alguma dessas obras. Venham acampar em nossa tribo e não esqueçam de trazer as suas histórias! #aldeiadelivros #leiaemcasa #fiqueemcasa #booksconnectus #bookstagram #books #leiamais #literatura #livrosemaislivros (em Aldeia, Pernambuco, Brazil) https://www.instagram.com/p/B-QWH-YDQhl/?igshid=wsctw58aotkb
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blackkudos · 8 years
Sylvia Robinson
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Sylvia Robinson (née Vanderpool; March 6, 1935 – September 29, 2011) was an American singer, musician, record producer, and record label executive. Robinson was best known for her work as founder/CEO of the hip hop label Sugar Hill Records. Robinson is credited as the driving force behind two landmark singles in the genre; "Rapper's Delight" (1979) by the Sugarhill Gang, and "The Message" (1982) by Grandmaster Flash and the Furious Five; which dubbed her as the "Mother of Hip-Hop". Robinson received a Pioneer Award for her career in singing and being the founder of Sugarhill Records at the 11th Annual Rhythm and Blues Awards Gala in 2000. Robinson died of congestive heart failure on September 29, 2011 at age 76.
Robinson was born as Sylvia Vanderpool (aka Vanterpool) in 1935 in New York City. Robinson attended Washington Irving High School until the age of 14, and began recording music in 1950 for Columbia Records under the billing, Little Sylvia.
Early Career
In 1954, she began teaming up with Kentucky guitarist Mickey Baker, who then taught her how to play guitar. In 1956, the duo now known as Mickey & Sylvia, recorded the Bo Diddley and Jody Williams-penned rock single, "Love Is Strange," which topped the R&B charts and reached number eleven on the Billboard pop charts in early 1957. After several more releases including the modestly successful "There Oughta Be a Law", Mickey & Sylvia split up in 1959 with Sylvia later marrying Joe Robinson that same year. Sylvia restarted her solo career shortly after her initial split from Baker, first under the name Sylvia Robbins. In 1961, the duo reunited and recorded more songs together for various labels. They are most noted during this period for singing background on Ike & Tina Turner's hit single, "It's Gonna Work Out Fine". In 1964, frustrated with the music business, Baker moved to Paris.
In 1966, the Robinsons moved to New Jersey where they formed a soul music label, All Platinum Records, the following year, with artist Lezli Valentine, formerly of the Jaynettes, bringing the label its first hit with "I Won't Do Anything". In 1968, the duo signed a Washington, D.C. act named The Moments, who immediately found success with "Not on the Outside". Within a couple of years and with a new lineup, the group scored their biggest hit with "Love on a Two-Way Street", which Sylvia co-wrote and produced with Bert Keyes and (uncredited) lyrics by Lezli Valentine. Other hits on the label and its subsidiaries, including Stang and Vibration, included Shirley & Company's "Shame, Shame, Shame", the Moments' "Sexy Mama" and "Look at Me I'm in Love" and the Whatnauts/Moments collaboration, "Girls". Robinson co-wrote and produced many of the tracks, although later she was supported by members of The Moments, Al Goodman and Harry Ray, as well as locally based producers, George Kerr and Nate Edmonds.
Solo Career
In 1972, Robinson sent a demo of a song she had written called "Pillow Talk" to Al Green. When Green passed on it due to his religious beliefs, Robinson decided to record it herself, returning to her own musical career. Billed simply as Sylvia, the record became a major hit, reaching number-one on the R&B chart and crossing over to reach Billboard Hot 100 (#3), while also reaching #14 in the UK at the beginning of 1973. She was awarded a gold disc by the R.I.A.A. in May 1973. Robinson recorded four solo albums on the Vibration subsidiary and had other R&B hits including "Sweet Stuff" and "Pussy Cat". "Pillow Talk" has been called an early example of prototypical disco music and went on to sell two million copies. The vocals are replete with moaning and heavy breathing, predating Donna Summer's orgasmic moans on "Love to Love You Baby".
Sugarhill Records
In the 1970s, the Robinsons founded Sugar Hill Records. The company was named after the culturally rich Sugar Hill area of Harlem, an affluent African American neighborhood in Manhattan, New York City, known as a hub for artists and performers in the early and mid-1900s. The song "Rapper's Delight", performed by The Sugar Hill Gang, brought rap into the public music arena and revolutionized the music industry by introducing the technique of re-using existing compositions, a practice that became known as "sampling". Later acts signed to Sugar Hill Records included all-female rap/funk group The Sequence, featuring a teenage Angie Stone (recording as "Angie B"), who had a million-selling hit in early 1980 with "Funk U Up". Sugar Hill folded in 1985, due to changes in the music industry, the competition of other hip-hop labels, such as Profile and Def Jam and also financial pressures. Robinson, who had by now divorced Joe Robinson, continued her efforts as a music executive, forming Bon Ami Records in 1987. The label was noted for signing the act The New Style, who later left and found success as Naughty by Nature.
Death and future biopic
Robinson died on the morning of September 29, 2011, aged 76, at Meadowlands Hospital in Secaucus, New Jersey from congestive heart failure. On August 19, 2014, The Hollywood Reporter reported that producer Paula Wagner had acquired the rights to the life story of Sylvia Robinson, the influential rap pioneer and producer known as the "Mother of Hip-Hop." Wagner acquired the rights from Robinson's son, Joey Robinson, who will executive produce and serve as a consultant on the project along with rapper Grandmaster Melle Mel. Music executive Robert Kraft will co-produce the film. The film will cover Sylvia Robinson's four-decade career in the music business, her turbulent love life and the mark she made on popular culture at a defining moment in the evolution of hip-hop.
In a statement, Wagner says Robinson's life story has all the elements of a great film, "It is not only the story of female empowerment at a time when the world of music was male-dominated, but it's also a story of the origin of hip-hop and how this woman's determination, immense talent and savvy business sense fostered an entire musical movement." Joey Robinson said of his mother and father, Sugar Hill Records co-founders, and of the upcoming film, "This movie is going to show how my parents were able to remain independent, keep control of their publishing and master recordings and how they later dealt with the major record labels and mob associates. Sugar Hill paved the way for a new genre of music that the industry had no knowledge of back in 1979. You will see the struggles of what Sugar Hill went through to keep hip-hop music alive when the industry wanted to bury it." On October 21, 2015, The Hollywood Reporter announced that Warner Bros. had picked up the untitled Sylvia Robinson story, and that Malcolm Spellman and Carlito Rodriguez - the writers on the hit Fox TV show, Empire - had been tapped to tell the story of Sylvia Robinson and Sugar Hill Records.
Little Sylvia
1952: "Drive Daddy Drive/I Found Somebody To Love" (Jubilee 5093)
1952: "A Million Tears/Don't Blame My Heart" (Jubilee 5100)
1953: "Blue Heaven/The Ring" (Jubilee 5113)
Mickey and Sylvia
1957: Mickey & Sylvia
1957: New Sounds
1957: Love is Strange
1973: Do It Again
1996: The Willow Sessions
1997: Love is Strange: A Golden Classics Edition
Sylvia Robbins
1960: "Come Home/Frankie & Johnny" (Jubilee 5386)
1964: "Don't Let Your Eyes Get Bigger Than Your Heart / From The Beginning" (Sue 805)
1964: "Our Love/I Can't Tell You" (Sue 106)
1973: Pillow Talk (US #70)
1976: Sweet Stuff
1976: Sylvia
1977: Lay It On Me
In popular culture
In the Drunk History episode "American Music" (2014), Sylvia Robinson was portrayed by Retta.
Sylvia Robinson is allegedly one of the inspirations for the character Cookie Lyon (portrayed by Taraji P. Henson) on the popular Fox television show Empire.
Robinson is featured on the documentary series Profiles of African-American Success.
In a March 2015 piece in The New York Times debating U.S. copyright laws, writer MK Asante cited the need for artists to return to Mrs. Robinson's mantra of "Don't copy things that are out there... come up with something new, something different."
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litupfest · 7 years
Just for teens! Check out Emery talking about why she started the LitUp Festival and how you can get involved! Follow us on social media and visit LitUpFestival.org to learn more. Transcript below. 
Hi, my name is Emery Uhlig and I’m a 15-year-old high school student at Shawnee Mission East in Prairie Village, Kansas.
With my amazing partner, the Mid-Continent Public Library, I’m starting a book festival that’s called LitUp that’s specifically designed for teenagers and young adults.
It’s going to be held on May 12 at the North Independence Library in Independence, Missouri, and we would love your help in spreading the word to your students.
I’m really excited about LitUp for a lot of reasons.
First, there’ll be something for everyone. We’ll not only have fiction and non-fiction writers, but also poets and even illustrators. Instead of giving speeches, the authors will be interviewed by a local teenager and a teacher or librarian. That way it will be more interactive and more fun for everyone. We’ll also have workshops so kids can work directly with some of the best writers and illustrators in the country, ask them questions, and even get advice on their own work.
Our list of authors and illustrators is incredible. Ishmael Beah, who wrote A Long Way Gone about his life as a boy soldier in Sierra Leone, will be there. And so will Clare Vanderpool, the Newbery-Award-winning novelist of Moon Over Manifest. And Amy Ellis Nutt, a Pulitzer-Prize-winning journalist and author of Becoming Nicole, which is about a transgender girl, her identical twin brother, and their parents’ journey towards not only understanding their children but celebrating them for who they are.
And that’s just the tip of the iceberg. We have a lot best-selling and award-winning authors and illustrators, which you can see on our website at litupfestival.org.
We’re also going to have a writing and art contest with great prizes, an awards ceremony, and printed anthology, as well as music, food trucks, and a poetry slam at the end of the day.
LitUp is unique for a lot of reasons but mostly because it’s not just for teenagers—it will be run by teenagers. We really want your students to get involved and there are a lot of ways they can do that. They can enter the writing and art contest or they can even help judge it. They can sign up to be an author host, which will give them even more one-on-one time with authors or illustrators. Or they can be festival hosts, wearing our super cool LitUp tee shirts and helping people find their way around the festival. Or they can just spread the word to their friends and family.
You have a lot of really smart, really creative kids at your school. And LitUp is a great opportunity for them to learn, grow, and create. We would love your help in reaching out to them. I promise you that LitUp will make them even more excited about books, art, and what their future could hold.
Thank you so much for your time.
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ltlredx · 5 years
via Twitter https://twitter.com/LiberalFenix
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femmesfollesnebraska · 13 years
Adelle Burk, Keri Hawhee, Amy Vanderpool; community organizers
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Adelle Burk
Nebraskans Adelle Burk, Keri Hawhee and Amy Vanderpool recently launched the Nebraska Feminist Network, an organization aimed at bringing together feminists from across the state of Nebraska so that they may meet with other like-minded feminists and help support feminist causes in Nebraska communities.  The trio (via Keri Hawhee), who work out of Lincoln and Omaha, shares with Les Femmes Folles about how they met, the point when they realized they were feminists and being open feminists, why they started the organization and what they hope to do for the community...
Tell me about your background.
We were all born and raised In Omaha. We spent most of our lives in Millard, but Amy spent her early childhood in south Omaha living near her mother’s extended Mexican-American family. The three of us met through school and all three of us graduated from Millard South High School in 2008. I currently attend UNO where I’m pursuing a degree in Women’s and Gender Studies. Amy and Adelle both attend UNL, where Amy studies Political Science and French and Adelle studies History and Women’s and Gender Studies. Amy and Adelle will be graduating this spring.
Tell me about the work you do.
We see the Nebraska Feminist Network as an intrinsically collaborative effort; what we do as organizers is connect existing resources and organizations in a way that will be useful to citizens of Nebraskan communities. We’re currently developing an online presence, and we’re looking towards creating a physical presence in communities through meetings with community members. One of our biggest goals is to create a centralized feminist resource to help guide people in seeking businesses with feminist-friendly practices, organizations promoting feminist goals, feminist activities, events, and programming all throughout the state, and complete and accurate educational resources on things like birth control/pregnancy, sex education, civil freedoms laws/regulations, domestic/sexual violence, LGBQ/sexuality concerns, transgender/gender identity concerns, poverty reduction, immigration reform... to name a few.
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Keri Hawhee
How/when did you realize you were a feminist?
We all have very different reasons for when we realized we were feminists. Amy reached the realization first; she says that in her freshman year of high school after she joined her debate team she realized feminism was something she could be involved in. After she learned about the ideals of social justice, being a feminist just felt natural. Adelle grew up with three sisters and parents that encouraged her to work hard, so she knew women were just as capable and intelligent as men. Her self-identification as a feminist didn’t develop until she met a friend who identified as a feminist in her junior year of high school. I’m a little embarrassed to admit that I don’t think I self-identified as a feminist until college. I didn’t think feminism had much to do with me, even though I had always held very feminist views. By the end of the first Women’s Studies class I took in college, I knew I had to change my major to Women’s and Gender Studies and that I was a feminist.
Why start a feminist organization?
We recognize that Nebraska isn’t the most liberal state. It’s still our home, though, and we know that the people of this state are capable of providing a wonderful sense of community. We’re just as confident that Nebraskans have the capacity to make this a more just and equitable place for everyone. The Nebraska Feminist Network was born out of our combined desires to be part of a larger, more active, and cohesive feminist community. There are so many organizations doing great work all over the state, but there is a lack of connection between these organizations and those who support them. We want to bridge that gap by educating Nebraskans and collaborating with organizations to fuel real, live change.
What will you do/what goals do you have for the organization?
We’re all very excited about creating a compendium of resources for feminists in Nebraska that will have everything from reproductive health resources to recommendations for GLBT-focused medical care services. We know that Nebraska still has some knots to untangle in terms of equality. There are some larger goals we’d like to see come to life, such as achieving marriage equality and smaller ones like creating the database of information that we just mentioned.
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Amy Vanderpool
Do you think being a woman impacts your career?
We all have really different experiences with gender and work. What we can all agree on is that presenting as a woman has an impact on how others expect you to act. Adelle mentioned that her opinions have been seen as less serious or intelligent than those of men.  Of the three of us, I’ve spent the most time in the workforce, and I’ve experienced my share of sexual harassment and gender discrimination from coworkers. A lot of the ways in which gender has affected us personally has to do with social expectations from others.
Do you think being an "outed" feminist changes people's thoughts about you?
We’re all generally outspoken about issues that matter to us, so it can’t be much of a surprise when others find out that we’re feminists. Still, bearing the label can result in some sour looks. We all believe that the term “feminist” still has certain negative connotations, but we hope that choosing to identify as feminists in our search for equality at all intersections will help to illustrate why those connotations are false. Do you think Nebraska is a good place to be a working woman?
Nebraska isn’t a terrible place be a working woman, but there are improvements that could be made – especially in regards to enforcing policies about harassment and discrimination. The one time I have ever experienced egregious sexual harassment at work it was handled appropriately, but the verbal harassment was rarely confronted. We’d like to see greater access to employer-provided childcare and efforts to close the wage gap. ___ Check out the Nebraska Feminist Network blog at nebraskafeministnetwork.tumblr.com or fan them on Facebook here!
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Turbulent thankful Thursday Sign my own escrow paperwork with Amy VanSlogteren and Michael Erbst Saw our new office. Thank you Jeanette McDonnell Vanderpool for the tour. Saw Mark Hollander , team leader Bob Patterson Jennifer Marks Jim Keese Brian Puccio Stefenee Hollander Taylor Carbone with baby she so cute. Xoxo hugs and kisses. Raced to meet buyers for appointment in pinon hills. ( the view was breath taking and no wind) Next houses phelan... it was so windy my hair was all over. PS the market is so crazy the previous buyer on their way out.... they were mad dogging. It was like a face off or maybe they were wondering about my hair lol 😆 😅 😂 🤣 Met Patti Komorita at a house in escrow in Spring Valley. She has not changed, she looks the same, she has not aged at all. We talked about the past. We laughed about our past. Text and driving is no bueno but Agents request are coming like crazy. 5 listings is no joke .... 2 house more coming up next week. Buckle up buttercup Next I checked out our New construction coming up on the market in Hesperia... we will host grand opening soon. Come let's open California for open houses (at Nina Erbst Realtor) https://www.instagram.com/p/COkw8OFgmMv/?igshid=1of7iufa2jgaw
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