#An Arrows Illumination | Lux & Varus
light-puns · 7 years
Kiss for @nihil-remedium and the rest of their muses since I know they do your Varus as well
// Someone is painfully unaware of how many muses Birdie has. Or they know perfectly well and just want to torture me? Hard to tell, not gonna tag every single one of Birdie’s blogs just gonna link [X] this post which has a full list while also tagging. @nihil-remedium I’m going to attempt the whole list, we’ll see how far I get. 
Lux is finding it hard to breath with how tightly Cassi is coiled around her. She’d known the other’s tail was flexible, but she hadn’t expected to be nearly crushed in it. It wasn’t that it hurt, not really, it was mostly just making her dizzy. Thankfully the other didn’t seem to mind when Lux rested her head against Cassi. How she’d ended up sitting in the serpents nest of pillows was a little beyond her at the moment. It’d started out simple, something about letting Cassiopeia play in her hair and now? Lux glanced up at the other woman, eyes a little dazed. There was the softest little sound, almost like a hum from Cassi, as if she was debating something. Lux wasn’t sure what she was debating, and didn’t care either as she leaned up slightly to nuzzle under Cassiopeia’s chin. The snake stilled, but didn’t pull back even when Lux pressed feather light kisses to her throat. Was she losing her mind? Possibly. Was this a terrible idea? Most definitely. 
He didn’t look angry, as she’d thought he might. It had been a cheeky move on her part but self defense training wasn’t something she was keenly interested in. Not at least in the way Varus had planned for them. His pace was grueling, and she was reminded once again that he just liked to fight. Combat for him was fun, exciting, even if it was tiring for her. She’d tossed out a flash of light followed by tackling him to the ground. The resulting scuffle had ended with him pinning her with an almost bemused look. His expressions were always minimal, and she’d had to learn how to read the slightest change. She still didn’t get it right all the time, despite how hard she tried. 
“Sorry, just needed a break.” Maybe it was pride then, at her doing something unexpected? Lux had a habit of surprising him after all, despite his attempts to understand her. She lifted her hand to play in the strands of silver that had tumbled over his shoulder during their fight. He stilled for a moment, waiting, before relaxing into her touch. He always did that, tensed as if ready for an attack or a threatening motion before relaxing when he realized it wasn’t. 
He was about to pull back, likely to insist they pick back up where they’d left off when she stopped him. His skin was always warm under her touch but his lips were fire on hers. It had her stomach fluttering, and him freezing in place, if he put an arrow through her a few moments from now at least it’s be worth it. 
You’d think meeting a dragon would be easy for her. What with Shyvana living in Demacia. It wasn’t like she’d never seen a dragon, but she’d never seen one quite this large before. She’d also never seen one that shimmered like the stars either. The fact that he’d done nothing more than lazily spoken with her was an even stranger occurrence. He was sassy and hilarious, and she found his company quite enjoyable. Thus the parting kiss to the tip of his snoot as she promised to return had seemed entirely natural. At least until she remembered that he was a dragon and he might find it offensive. Ah well, hopefully he liked her enough not to smite her. 
Lux has rarely in her years of travel met someone shorter than her, or quite as fascinating as Orianna. The young woman has been decidedly pleasant throughout their entire conversation. She’s answered as many of Lux’s questions as she can but there just seems an overwhelming sense of loss about her. She seems confused about her place in the world, and Lux can understand that. The offer to dance is a random one, but Orianna accepts it with grace and Lux can’t help the kiss she places to the back of the other’s hand. It’s silly, it’s not her place, but she doesn’t care because it just felt right. 
The feeling of his nose pressing into her stomach has her heart fluttering in her chest. The flick of his ears indicates he’s heard the sudden increase in her heart rate. Lux forces herself to calm as she reaches out a gentle hand to rub one of Warwick’s ears. Her small hand vanishes into the fluff around it as she smiles at him gently, though he can’t see it. 
“Good boy. I brought you something.” Her voice is soft, her tone the most gentle and calming thing as she pets his ears. His breath is warm against her abdomen as he huffs against her. He can smell the meat she’s brought him, carefully devoid of blood lest he frenzy. This isn’t their first meeting, but this is always how it goes. It’s as if each time he has to acclimate himself to her scent. He’s clam today, more himself, less feral but still just as sad as he always is. She runs her other hand along his maw encouraging him to lift his head, across his cheek and into his neck ruff, all her motions slow, calming, but deliberate. There can be no fear, no trepidation, so the kiss she places on the side of his muzzle is firm, but shows no hesitance. 
“Missed you.” 
“Kayle.” Lux has dropped to the floor at the angel’s feet, exhaustion finally kicking in. She can feel the arms around her, the wings draping over her gently. Too much energy, too much effort, and yet somehow Kayle doesn’t seem to be the least bit tired as she gently lifts Lux into her arms. The tiny mage curls up easily, tucking herself small against the other woman who’s lifted her wings to shield them. There is no need really, other than the fact it makes Lux just feel safer in general. 
“Sleep.” It’s a bit of a command but Lux doesn’t mind all the same. She leans up slightly missing her mark and ending up kissing Kayle’s jaw instead, close but not quite where she was aiming. If the angel is shocked she doesn’t show it, just continues to hold the tiny mage without complaint. 
She doesn’t want to believe it, even when he stands there before her cigar between his lips and shotgun in hand. To his credit he looks just as shocked as she feels, at least in the way his eyes widen at the sight of her she perceives it as shock. Tears spring to her eyes and she drops the piece of wood to the ground next to the other member of his group. The man is unconscious and bleeding but at least he’s breathing. She holds her hands up and takes a step forward. 
“Malcom, he... I.. . I’m sorry.” He’d attacked her, pretty ladies didn’t walk alone at night in these parts. Especially not ladies of rich families, but she’d come to warn him. Her brother had picked up his trail, asked her questions about him being a member of the mafia. Lux had denied it, every word, she wouldn’t believe it. That wasn’t her Mal. He was an honest man, sweet, shy about some things, not this, never this. 
“It’s alright Lux, go on.” He puts the cigar out on a nearby wall and motions to the door with is head. Graves shouldn’t let her go, should end it quickly but he doesn’t have it in him. Doesn’t have the heart. He half expects her to flee out of the room. To run past him, and for a moment that looks like what she’s going to do. He’s got a few moments to consider his options before he’s got an armful of sobbing blonde who’s peppering his face with kisses until she finds his lips. 
“Please don’t hate me.” Her voice is a broken little whisper against his lips as he carefully moves the shotgun out of the way. Gods this was a mess he’d never expected to find himself in. 
It had started simply enough, stroking his ears had been a simple process. The soft sound of his pleasure at such menstruation, the feeling of his arms around her. Of being pulled into his lap, his hands on her hips as she’d moved her fingers through his hair. It had all seemed so natural at the time. She loved the feeling of his feathers, and Rakan had never begrudged her petting him, touching him. She wasn’t sure how it had gone from simple petting to the feeling of his nails digging into her hips and her lips on his. It had been a very strange turn of events. It was a dizzying display of lights behind her eyes, and electricity along her skin wherever his fingers touched. Really, how had it ended up like this? More importantly, why was she still kissing him, and even more than that why as he letting her? All questions she supposed she could answer later, after she’d finished drowning herself in the bird below her. 
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light-puns · 7 years
Sinday drabble for Varus/Lux? I love your thread with them!
// Oh anon why you do me like this? After discussing with Birdie I’m passing this off to them. @arrow-of-retribution!! Sinday smut drabbles just, I’m not good at them. However! I might get the inspiration to write something cute for them and plop it up here. Since I’ve done so many drabbles for others and not a single thing for Birdie! D: /Terrible friendo I am 
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