#An ass load of Gay Stickers
emile-hides · 2 years
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Happy December 26th y’all I hope everyone gets to rest well until the new year comes along. I know I will be.
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joshslater · 4 years
A little rewrite of The Durag by bodilychanges.
“Ella! Where the fuck is today’s mail?” David shouted before even having sat down at the breakfast table. He was firm in his view that vigilant scrutiny and immediate punishment was the source of his wealth, allowing him to have a maid in the first place. David had many other firm views. “Homosexuals are all gay” he often joked, but he was an equal target offender. Homosexuals, Muslims, people of color. Although he would call them “the blacks” and the gays “people of color”. It often got a laugh at the club or at parties. In truth it didn’t really matter how poorly made his jokes were, people would laugh anyway. That’s the thing with money.
“I’m so sorry Mr. Cohen, but this just arrived.” Ella came rushing as quickly as she could, without running, from the front part of the mansion with a few small letter envelops and a larger DHL plastic envelope.
“What is it?” “It must be from one of your secret admirers, sir.” Ella suggested. “Good save.”
David snatched the bunch of envelopes from her hand, and she left almost as quickly as she entered, knowing David hated seeing any service personnel around. It had to be a secret admirer as no one would ever admit to like you, she mused on her way out.
David downed his ginger-lemon-honey booster shot and looked at the DHL envelope. It was more of a plastic pouch than a real envelope, big as a pocketbook and with something soft inside. There was no corporate sender on the address sticker, but just said DHL dropoff service point and “Tristan″ as sender. Sounded to him like some of the new ad companies with their hip names. Perhaps it was some T-shirt or something someone wanted him to have. He started to pull the plastic, which only stretched from his efforts. “Fuck!” he exclaimed and reached for a fruit knife from the bowl of exotic fruits, cut open the envelope and reached inside.
The shock was far worse than a normal static electricity shock. He dropped the knife on the floor and involuntary sent the envelope with its content across the room. All of his right arm hurt, and he could feel tingles as if the arm had fallen asleep and was waking up. “Motherfucking what the hell!” he shouted, and stood up. He walked a few steps to the envelope on the marble floor, grabbed one corner of it, and shook out its contents. Something black and glossy landed on the floor. The arm didn’t hurt as much, but the tingling sensation was spreading and he started to feel hot.
Carefully he gave the piece of cloth a quick pat with his hand. Nothing. He grabbed it and twisted it around in his hands, working out what it was. It took him a while to recognize it as a durag, though he had never heard that name. He was boiling with rage. Who the fuck would send black paraphernalia as some kind of sick joke, he thought. Was the electrocution also intentional?
He didn’t want to drop it back on the floor for Ella to pick up, or throw it in the trash himself. He wanted to incinerate the shit out of it, right now. The outdoor grill, or fire pit, or the ballroom fireplace, or the kitchen burner, all good options. He decided for the gas burner in his study, where he got rid of documents and USB sticks he didn’t just want to shred.
Somewhere in the stairs though he did something that he wouldn’t be able to explain. It was like an involuntary reflex, or a compulsion. Almost without knowing it himself he put the cloth on his head over his grey hair, put one of the smaller bands in his mouth, and pulled the other one flat around the front of his head. Then he took the first one out of his mouth, pulled it the other way around, and quickly tied them both behind his back. Finally he pulled everything tight, twisted the neckcloth, and tied it into a knot in the back.
As he entered the study he was almost surprised his hands were empty. He was breathing heavy, sweating profusely, and feeling like he had gotten a fever. He stepped over to the art deco mirror from 1922 he bought at an auction. He looked different, tanned like he had been out sailing all of last week, but somehow different in other ways. For a brief moment the thought “Why is there a fucking rag on my head?” caught his attention, until just a moment later he was more concerned about what was happening with his body.
He lifted the front of his black tank top and stared aghast. He had tried to take care of his body, it’s simply a matter of discipline after all, but there is only so much you can do to prevent skin from aging. But the skin, his skin, looked nothing like it did mere minutes ago. Glistening from sweat, the now hairless, young skin was slowly turning darker and darker, as if someone was pouring coffee into milk. He didn’t care if it so made him immortal. If it made him look this filthy it wasn’t a trade he wanted. Without noticing he lifted the front of the tank top over his head and placed it behind his neck.
His lean body was visibly gaining weight. His pecs grew and he could see abdominal muscles filling out his midriff. His arms and legs were also stacking up pounds. The tingling sensation in his arms didn’t diminish at all, and he did a few muscle flexes, which made the veins pop and sent a wave of relief through his body, along with a massive dose of testosterone. The low key itching that had been growing in his groin and armpits crescendoed into feeling like a rash, as wet hair visibly grew out under his arms.
All his senses were bombarded with an onslaught he couldn’t cope with. There was too much information to sort through. He scratched his armpit and looked at disbelief at his wet fingers as the testosterone boosted armpit stench reached his nose. He was confused, revolted, scared, and just wanted all of this to stop, whatever was going on. Something inside of him cracked and he moved his hand up to his nose and took a deep whiff of his armpit sweat. It was like his brain decided to like what was happening as a coping mechanism. Right there and then David believed the scent from his pits to be the most arousing thing he had ever experienced in his 54 years on earth. He took another deep breath and felt his dick stir.
He unbuttoned his Eddie Bauer shorts and started to climb out of them. It was a struggle to get out of both them and his briefs, and looking at his lower body it wasn’t a surprise why they were getting tight. His legs and feet had undergone the same transformation as the rest of him and were slowly settling in its new shapes and sizes. His ass was a pair of round basketballs of a bubble butt. Massive athletic thighs led down to hard calves, which ended in a set of size 16 feet.
His dick and balls were however of the same size as before, but now the same dark color as the rest of him. He let his left hand fingers run through the wet pubic hairs. He started to masturbate with his right hand while inhaling deeply from his sweaty fingers. It was good, but not as good as the armpits. He coated the back of his left hand in the sweaty right armpit. How he wished he could stick his nose in there, or lick it. He moved his gaze up in the mirror and saw a young, muscled man who looked anything but David. Alluring dick sucking lips, the strong bone structure of African descent, strong, muscled, sweaty. He could not think of anything he wanted more than to be fucked hard by the man in the mirror.
He let a moan slip from his lips. It was the deep rumble of an African American bull in heat. The sound he made made himself even hornier. What if the hot man in the mirror was a sex-addicted jock who wanted nothing but fucking him as deep and as hard and as long as he could as often as he could. But he wanted him to have a monster of a cock. To his delight he could see that every stroke made the cock in the mirror a little bit longer and a little bit thicker, but it also became more and more difficult to resist to climax. He wanted both to enjoy it more and enjoy it for longer. He shut his eyes and tried to think of something else, but all he could think of was dark, sweaty skin from different parts of the body.
The first thing he felt was a sharp tug on his nutsack as his balls suddenly exploded in size and mass. It didn’t hurt, but it surprised him, and made him unprepared for wave after wave of pleasure as he shot load after load of cum on the mirror, screaming in ecstasy as he did so. Exhausted but euphoric he just stood there with his eyes shut, trying to not think of anything but just savor the moment when a shriek knocked him out of his trance.
In the mirror he saw Ella by the door, her face completely drained of color. She was in by the desk, pressed the panic button, and out again before Darius had time to react. It felt like syrup to think. What was the response time for the police again? He couldn’t remember. He should go, but where? Away. He should bring something. He looked at the too small shorts below him he was dripping cum on. He had cash in the safe. No, you can’t open it when the panic alarm is active. What was the response time for the police again? He couldn’t remember. Was his name even Darius?
“FUCK!” he shouted and almost in panic ran down the stairs, out the patio, passed the pool, rounded the pool house, went past the BBQ area, around the smaller pond, rounded the hedge, came around the tool shed, down the access road, and ran to the garden entrance.
“Perhaps he split the front.” Malcolm thought out load. “Relax man. He’s still David inside. He just can’t get enough black cock, that’s all. He knows he can’t come runnin out the white folk side.” Tristan was sitting in the driver’s seat in the City Gardening truck they’d lent as a favor. They hadn’t seen any security driving up the access road, but they came prepared with excuses. “Perhaps cops shot him” “You just jumpy, man. We talked all this before. Police wont shoot nobody out here. Goes on public records and fucks with the value of the hood. Besides, we’d hear if... There!”
Stumbling out through the gate was an athletic man wearing nothing but a durag and a tank top pulled over his head. His eyes were wild and he was staring at the car like a deer in oncoming traffic and his mind was a jumble of contradictions. Why the fuck did those black fuckers park here, he thought. The police will have to deal with them. I want to suck them off, both of them. I want one to fuck me while I blow the other, and then have them swap places. No, why the fuck would I even touch them. The police is on their way. I wonder what they smell like. It looks hot in that truck.
“Remember, we need to get it on him before he clears up.” Tristan told Malcolm. “On it.” he lowered the window, waved and shouted. “Hey borther! Hurry! Come here before anyone sees you. There are clothes in the back!”
Darius was shaken into action and quickly ran and entered the truck.
5 months later.
Darius looked at the purple stud. It would look so good on him. Perhaps he could ask Tristan to buy it for him, since he didn’t have any money himself. Every time he raised the question with Malcolm and Tristan they just brushed it off, saying it was too early. He needed to take care of himself and focus on remembering anything from before his memory loss. Besides, if he worked he wouldn’t have time to have sex around the clock. They did have a point there. There probably wasn’t a black dick above 5″ in town that he hadn’t had inside of him. All of the squad, and Malcolm in particular were regulars, but Tristan had a way to get almost anyone, straight or gay, to fuck him. He once asked Tristan what he tells people to have sex with him, but he just smiled and said it was a secret.
Jammal was one of them. He wasn’t gay, but something Tristan told him made him make an exception for Darius. Jammal worked in the docks, and every time they fucked he made sure to show up sweaty. Darius loved nothing more than to inhale deeply from Jammal’s armpits, lick them, suck his dick, and finally have him ride his ass for as long as possible. He would like to get the purple stud and wear it next time they met. It was just a piece of glass on a needle, but he would love to wear it for Jammal.
“Hi. Can I help you?” the girl in the store asked. “Yo. I want to... I can’t...” “You want to try it on? It’s no problem. I have disinfectant.”
With a bit of hesitation Darius started to unscrew his stud from its plate. He’d had it in place for as long as he could remember. Just as the needle left the hole of the pierced ear lobe his mind was assaulted.
Everything from before the car ride came rushing in. How he put on the underwear and sweat pants. How he had been sniffing the clothes and Tristan complained that they should have used clean ones. How he had been running from the mansion. How he had transformed from racist, bigoted, multi-millionaire into the hot, dark meat he was now. The old memories mixed with the new ones, how he had lived together with Tristan and Malcolm in their trashy place. How he had spent every hour over the past months sucking, fucking, and working out with anyone willing. He was filled with nauseating disgust for them, what he’d done with them, who he was. At the same time he could feel his large dick getting hard, and it wasn’t despite what he was thinking of, but because of it he realized.
“Are you alright?” the girl said with a concerned look. “I think I... I know what is wrong.” he said and carefully put the needle of the stud back in.
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nicostolemybones · 4 years
Odd One Out
Tw: references of ableism, discussions of consent and boundaries (just to clarify there is not underage sex referenced implied or depicted as a result of this discussion so no worries)
Nico was always the odd one out. No matter what, there was always something about him, always a strike against him. Son of Hades. Immigrant. Gay. Neurodivergent. Disabled. That last one was a relatively new revelation for Nico- it wasn't like he hadn't noticed the pain, hadn't used being lazy or being in the underworld as an excuse for people to leave him alone on days where the pain was so bad he couldn't move- because he didn't want anyone to know. And he didn't want it to be real. All he had going for him was his ability to fight, his freaky powers that gave him the upper hand, his command over the dead. But some days he was in so much pain that he'd lay in bed and cry. Sometimes after using his powers he'd pass out asleep for far too long to be normal. And it was getting worse, because he'd been ignoring it.
It wasn't that he thought less of himself for it. Or that he was ashamed. It was the limitations. And sure, people loved to tell him that he could do anything and he was only limiting himself- but that wasn't true. Sure, today he could go and train with Percy. But he'd probably collapse in pain, potentially cause himself irreparable damage trying to push himself too far. He'd end up in the infirmary with Will having to sit him up whilst he cried out in pain, he'd be unable to stand because the pain would be so bad he couldn't physically load bare.
Simply: he had physical and mental limitations. And Nico was struggling to accept that. 
He was struggling to accept it because yesterday he was running around playing capture the flag, and this morning his hips felt like somebody had a cheese grater on his joints every time he moved, flaring with a sharp and dull burn. His body felt heavy and sore and he felt like he was suspended in a heavy raincloud- he barely had the strength to get up. He hadn't slept last night- he'd tried, but Nico suffered with insomnia. It wasn't abnormal for him to go several days unable to sleep, even with sleeping tablets. It also wasn't abnormal for Nico to flit in and out of long bouts of naps for two days straight unable to eat or move apart from to go to the bathroom. 
He was struggling to accept it because nobody else did.
Today he was using his walker. He'd already had a camper say he didn't need it because he was running just fine yesterday. He'd already had someone chastise him for using the disabled toilet because he wasn't really disabled. He'd already had someone tell him he was useless as a demigod. He'd already had someone say he wouldn't last long because natural selection would pick him off. Not disabled enough to deserve aids, too disabled to deserve respect. Not visibly disabled enough for people to accommodate his needs, too visibly disabled for people to not speak to him like he was an infant- or worse- ask someone else what was wrong with their friend whilst saying what a shame it is their friend is disabled. Nico wished the word used was disabled. Instead it began with an s. Then when Nico yelled at them the next word used against him began with an r. 
He went back to his cabin after that for a shower- he could feel his energy just draining away by the minute and his pain was worsening and he knew he'd probably be unable to shower comfortably soon. He knew he'd probably need his wheelchair for a few days. And he knew camp was absolutely fucking terrible to navigate in a wheelchair. Tables were too low or too high, the apparently flat ground was bumpy and he kept almost tipping out every time he hit a bump, uncut grass kept snagging in his wheels, he couldn't reach a lot of stuff, and the ramps- the ramps were so fucking steep Nico was practically sisyphus reborn but instead of pushing a boulder up a hill it was Nico trying to push himself up a goddamn ramp just to use the bathrooms. Unstoppable force meets immovable object. Nico was scrawny- strong yes, but malnourished and disabled. Pushing himself up those bumpy steep accessibility ramps made him want to tear the whole thing up and scream. And then the doors- wide enough for a wheelchair yes. But not wide enough when someone's arms are at the sides trying to push themselves through it. Nico's arms were so scraped and grazed already from the doors- which were heavy and did not stay open, trying to close and hitting him repeatedly, and then there was so little room to actually manoeuvre anywhere. Nico was losing his mind. And then his cabin- well that was just steps, of course he had to struggle up them.
So despite knowing he should probably use his chair today, he kept to his walker. He was in so much pain and he knew he should be in his cabin or in his chair but it was so much hassle at camp and any time he complained somebody was always there to tell him that camp was fully accessible for people with real disabilities. He was sick of it. Sick of people defining his disability, his accessibility, his capabilities, his limits- sick of people seeing his mobility aids as a burden to Nico. Because no, they weren't a burden to him. They were helping him to fucking move. He needed them and he wanted them. He didn't care if people kept telling him they were unattractive or how much more amazing his life would be if he just tried to walk. Bitch he didn't owe anything to anybody, he didn't have to put himself through pain just to be somebody's inspiration porn. And worse- whenever Nico called someone out, rather than apologising and listening, they'd wax poetic about how much of a good ally they were trying to help and how Nico was being ungrateful.
When Nico emerged from his shower, he was surprised to see Will Solace sitting on his bed- Nico blushed a little, but he was even more surprised to see his walker completely covered in yellow smiley face stickers. "Will?"
"I know people really suck," Will said, "and I know you feel like the odd one out and I know you get insecure because you're tired of everyone's bullshit. So I just- I wanted to remind you that it's all okay. Something to make you smile. Also I wanted you to know that I don't see your mobility aids as ugly or tragic like they all think I do. And I like putting stickers on all my favourite things and- your walker helps you to be in less pain and that's important to me. I don't care if it's bulky or if it's always in our photos. It's a part of you, kind of, and I love and accept all of you, and I hope the stickers don't come across as me trying to improve the walker and make it less ugly and if it does let me know so I can apologise and stuff…" Will trailed off, glowing nervously, in a way that Nico found endearing.
"Thank you," Nico said softly, "for trying to cheer me up, for not- treating me like a burden- for always trying to make me feel like I'm worthy of love."
"You are, Nico," Will said softly, "you're a person, a good person, you deserve to be respected and loved and you deserve the world, okay? And I can't give you the world but I can be cheesy and put my favourite stickers on your stuff to try make you smile. And maybe think of me when you feel sad and you look down at the floor. Because then when you're sad and you look down on the floor you'll see the happy smiley stickers and that's me reminding you that I love you and accept every part of you and assholes can fuck off and shut up. I know a few stickers won't fix everything but I hope it at least makes you feel less alone."
"Will…" Nico knew his angsty demeanor was completely melting. He could feel the heat in his cheeks. 
"I'm sorry if I'm not helping very much…"
"You fucken dork," Nico smiled, making his way to Will. "I love you."
"I love you too, sweetcheeks."
"Call me that again and I'll rip your face off," Nico laughed.
"Sure thing. Sweetcheeks." Nico laughed. If Nico was uncomfortable with a pet name, he'd always say so, seriously. He'd communicated this with Will- threats were playful banter in response to cheesy nicknames, and meant he was okay with them. Will knew Nico wasn't uncomfortable and trusted that Nico would communicate if he was. Will rested his hands on Nico's hips, and Nico moved them up to his waist instead. "Sorry," Will said sheepishly, "is that a no-go always or just right now?"
"I'm not sure, Nico answered honestly, "I just felt a little uncomfortable because your hands were so close to my ass and my junk. I think maybe I'd be okay with you holding my hips when I'm not on edge, but wait until I give you the okay to do so? I'll move your hands where I want them to be."
"Of course, I'm sorry I made you uncomfortable." Nico leaned down to kiss Will softly, and Will still looked guilty. 
"Will, I'm not upset. You haven't crossed my boundaries. I trust you. I know that if you get handsy I can just push you away and I know we'll always talk about it. Relax and kiss me. I'm grumpy and I want to be carried to campfire later."
"You mean you want to feel my muscles whilst I carry you?"
"Shut up," Nico blushed, letting his fringe fall over his face, "but yes. I have a gorgeous boyfriend, why wouldn't I take the time to appreciate that once in a while?"
"I'm jealous of your boyfriend," Will joked, and Nico snorted. 
"Fucking dork. Wanna make my day and take me out for lunch?"
"Of course I do! But out of curiosity how much do my chances of kisses-"
"Sleaze," Nico joked.
"I'm kidding, Neeks. Even if I didn't ever get kisses I'd still love you and go out with you. You don't owe me kisses."
"I know," Nico smiled, "I trust you and your self control."
"What about my intentions?"
"Will. You're a teenage boy. So am I. Of course I don't trust your intentions," Nico joked, and Will snorted and glowed.
"Okay okay I want so badly to tell you you're wrong," he giggled, followed by "but seriously. My intentions are to make you happy, not to get in your pants. I mean I won't deny that my mind is very familiar with being in the gutter but I respect you and your body and your consent and your worth as a person. My dirty mind is my responsibility not yours. We're kids, casual dates and kisses are more than enough."
"Will, I love you and I know this," Nico smiled, "It's okay to joke about these things and have these feelings. I don't feel pressured by you at all. It's fun getting you all flustered and riled up. But I do appreciate that you always respect me and I do appreciate that you always clarify that I'm enough. But we've already had these serious talks, it's okay to joke about and talk about it. It's kinda flattering. You're my boyfriend. I'm comfortable with your feelings for me and I'm comfortable enough with you to know how much you respect me and love me."
"Does this mean I can stare at that ass in training?"
"Will. Do you really think I'm not purposely teasing you when you come to watch me train? With the tight leggings and my hair in a bun? Taking my top off?"
"Wait what." Will was staring, dumbfounded. He was bright red to the tips of his ears and glowing. Nico smirked. He liked teasing Will. 
"I know you like it," he admitted, "consider it my treat."
"Neeks you don't have to put yourself on display and wear things for my benefit, my feelings are my respo-"
"Will. Shush. I know you're being respectful and I love that about you but have you thought that I like knowing I make you feel like that? I do it because I want to. Not because you'd like me to. But I like flustering you. I love it when you finally allow yourself to stare at me and you have to excuse yourself. It's fun, it's harmless. We're not crossing any boundaries by flirting. You're allowed to like my body. You don't make me uncomfortable and I'd say if you did. Relax. I like it when I catch you staring at me. When you're eager to kiss me. It makes me feel wanted. I like feeling sexy and wanted. I like knowing that my boyfriend finds me attractive. This is your permission to shamelessly stare at me and think about me. I know you won't cross my boundaries or make me uncomfortable or try to rush our relationship until we're old enough. You're a perfect gentleman but Will please be at least a little selfish sometimes? You can stare at me and you can ask for kisses. It's okay to be needy. It's okay to want kisses. It's okay to want- well, me, things, relationship stuff! I know you're trying to make sure I'm comfortable and happy. But Will. For gods sakes that doesn't mean you gotta act like a monk or something. It isn't a bad thing to be selfish and ask for kisses. You don't need to feel guilty for wanting to kiss your boyfriend. You don't have to wait for me. Just kiss me. Just grab me in the mornings and pull me behind the infirmary and pin me against the wall kiss me silly. Just pull me close of an evening and kiss me slow and hot just the way you like it. I'd tell you if I wasn't in the mood for kisses."
"O-okay!" Will looked like a very radioactive tomato. His blotchy red blush was reaching down his neck and he was glowing like crazy.
"Well w-what?"
"You're dense, Solace," Nico huffed, yanking Will to his feet and kissing him hard. "Kiss me and don't hold back. I trust you won't take it too far."
"O-okay! Yes! I can totally do that! The kiss of your life-"
"Will, stop being adorable! Shut up and kiss me like you mean it-" Will seemed to finally get the message and engage his last brain cell, and gods, Nico could die like this, because Will was a filthy kisser, and gods, Nico loved it. 
Nico didn't feel like the odd one out with Will. Instead, Will made him feel like he was his whole world, one in seven billion. Will made him feel special and wanted and loved. 
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jaxiferfanpage · 5 years
Gold Stars
Jax’s POV
We were bored out of our minds. As I lay upside down on Luci’s thrown, I could see Kyler sitting crisscross on the floor scrolling through Instagram, Gibbs sleeping in a makeshift bed of chairs, Karly drawing on a discarded sheet of paper from the other day, Rachel sitting on the floor while leaning against the wall, one leg bent up and the other tucked under it with her left arm over her top leg lazily, her right hand resting one her phone beside her with earbuds connected, and finally- “Andrew, why are you rolling on the floor?” Rachel asks, staring at him with a raised eyebrow and an amused grin. “Because I’m bored.” He replies, voice muffled by the ground and he suddenly stops rolling and sits up.
After a few minutes of silence, Rachel stands up and slides her phone into her back pocket. She walks over to the table where our weapons are displayed, picking up her pistol and Angel Blade, tucking her pistol behind her back and covering it with her jacket. “Where are you going?” Andrew asks her curiously. “To kill.” She responds calmly. “Oh! I’m going with you!” I say, practically tumbling off of Lucifer’s throne and onto the floor, quickly racing over and picking up my bow and arrows. “Me too!” Andrew shouts. “I’ll go, but I’m gonna be in a different area. I want to kill on my own.” Karly smiles, standing up and walking over to us, picking up her own demon knife she carved a few weeks ago. “Kyler?” Andrew looks down at him, picking up a sawed-off shotgun and filling it with bullets he took from his backpack. “One sec...” Kyler trails off, staring at his phone. “Oh shit, I forgot to load my gun.” Rachel mutters, taking out her gun. “I made devil’s trap bullets last night!” Andrew smiles widely, seeming quite proud of himself. “Loser, I did that the first night we got to this universe.” Rachel laughs. “Oh yeah? Then where’s yours?” He questions confidently. She walks over to her bag and takes out a few cases of bullets. “This one is full of devil’s trap bullets,” she holds up one of the boxes. “This one is full of angel banishing bullets,” she holds up a different box. “And the bullets in this case are filled with holy water.” She smirks as his confidence fades from his face. “Bitch, wake up.” I hear Karly say, followed by the sound of wood being kicked. Gibbs shoots up and falls off the chairs and groans in pain. “Get up, we’re going hunting.” Karly says. “No, we’re killing demons. Nobody’s gonna let us leave until the angels are off of our asses.” Rachel says, putting her gun back in place after loading it with holy water bullets. “Damn angels. Who knew hell could get boring?” I say, smacking Kyler on the head. “Are you going?” I ask. “No, I’m going to s-“ he gets cut off by Gibbs snatching his phone out of his hands and replacing it with his silver knife. “Silver won’t kill demons, you know.” He grunts. “Yeah, but I carved some marking on the handle that affect demons and a few other supernatural species.” Gibbs explains. “Good job, I’m actually impressed.” Rachel smirks and Gibbs bows. “If I’m being forced to go, so are you.” Gibbs says, grabbing the spare Angel Blade. “Here, I thought you might like these.” Rachel says, handing Gibbs a pair of Enochian brass knuckles. “Woah, these are cool!”
As we walk out, we’re greeted by some of Luci’s Watch Demons and Rachel nudges me since I live here. I walk up to the, quite nervous. “...hi” I tell them. There’s a pause before I look back at Rachel and she gives me a ‘seriously?’ look. “please move, I’m gay.” I say in a small voice. They look at me for a few seconds, then look at each other. “Lucifer gave us direct orders to make sure none of you leave, go back inside and wait.” The taller one tells me. I turn around and Rachel mutters something along the lines of “oh my god...” and face palms. She goes up to them and looks them both in the eyes. “What do you want, shorty?” He asks her and I notice her twirl her Angel Blade around her fingers. “Move.” She states and the both laugh until she holds up her blade. “I’m going to kill some demons before the day ends. Now either you move your asses out of the way, or I can add you two as the first kills.” She threatens and they quickly let us through.
“Everyone can go kill whoever and however they want, when do you want to meet back here?” She asks. “In two hours.” Kyler replies. “Alright, go do what you want.” She says and everyone runs off, killing every demon in sight.
The two hours pass and I head back to where we started. I see Kyler, Gibbs, and Karly but no sign of Rachel or Andrew. We wait a little long and Andrew shows up, a few minutes later Rachel appears around the corner of the wall looking super pissed off. “What happened to you?” Karly asks. “The bitch broke my fucking weapon.” She grunts, opening her hand and dropping pieces of what I can only assume to be her Angel Blade used to be.
Suddenly, she whips out her pistol and points it to her right. She pushes Kyler out of the way and shoots a female demon in the shoulder. “Bitch.” She mutters, shooting her again until she’s dead on the ground. “Come on, let’s get back.” I tell her, grabbing her jacket and pulling her down the hallway.
The six of us wait another miserable two hours before Lucifer enters the room with an excited grin. “Hey Jax, I didn’t kill anyone today!” He exclaims. “The fuck you want? A gold star?” I ask him. “Actually, yes.” He smiles. “Well, too bad. I don’t have any.” I say, plopping back down on the floor. “I do!” Rachel smiles, grabbing a sheet from her backpack, ripping off a large gold star stickers, and slapping it onto his face. “Yay!” Lucifer smiles.
“Dude, you’re Satan himself, now act like it.” Dean says, shoving the doors open as always. He looks at us and his face loses all expression. “What the hell did you do today?” He asks us. “We kill demons.” Rachel says, angrily. “You what?” Lucifer asks. “You heard me.” She nods. “We told you to stay here!” Dean shouts. “Dude, when the fuck does she ever listen?” I mutter, taking a bite of my Ramen. “Jax does have a point.” Luci agrees. “That’s not the point.” He groans. Rachel peels off a sticker and sticks it on his mouth. “Accept the gold star and shut the hell up.” She mutters, walking over to me and stealing one of my noodles. “Hey!” I start to complain, but she takes a sticker and boops my nose with it. Gold stars are apparently the new peace maker.
1 note · View note
i just came back from bmc
- jeremy's computer has a steven universe sticker
- jeremy actually put lotion on his hand when he says "im waitin for my porno to load"
- Chloe's little "haha i like gay ppl" in more than survive mcndncbsjgjcbch
- not actually part of the musical but rich was spitting everywhere in the squip song jvjdjcjsjvorhcjdg ur doing amazing sweetie
- apparently the squip song jumps dIRECTLY INTO two player game???
- the way michael and jeremy say "is it really true,,,,, im your faaaaavorite person???" "yEAH!! :DDD we're neeever not gonna be a team" is so cute cjcncjdjvucbf idek why?? it just is and it can't really be explained through text im sorry!!!
- "what does it even taste like???" "G H O S T S"
- also squip's outfits are all white vhjfjcsjlcdng that man is really out here lookin like rk900
- tbh i like jeremy's eminem shirt in this version better than in the og
- squip looks so disappointed when jeremy tells brooke he has to meet up with michael
- ngl brooke is kinda,,,,, hOT when she dances in do you wanna ride cjcghcslchrhcb my bi ass was sweating the whole time
- i expected the beginning of be more chill part 2 to be more angsty but jeremy just sounded so confused ckjcjrghckeixehb me too jeremy
- "ohhhhhhh everything abt you is so terrible" "everything abt me is so terrible???"
- jeremy tucking himself into bed with his school clothes still on is a mood
- "jeremy are you talking to yourself???" "i,,,,,,, guess i am"
- squip kills eminem what the fukc
- i love my son michael sm
- i want jeremy's halloween costume
- jeremy and christine making sounds at each other on the couch is a big mood and also thats something i have done irl
- rich having actual s l o b b e r coming out of his mouth while screaming abt mountain dew red
- "i know abt everyone but no one knows abt me,,,," "cool drink this!!"
- jeremy yelling at his dad makes me go :(((
- jeremy's fight with michael (while he tries to get the mountain dew red) looks so fake cncjdhcjdbgbcfg thanks i love it
- "oh my god im totally bi" RICH YOU BICON I FUKCING LOVE YOU BBY
- squip dying is just,,,,,, top 10 saddest amine deaths
- vOICES IN MY HEAD IS GOOD SHIT I LOVE MY CHILDREN (and squip,,,, my husband) SM!!!
- my friend and i got to sit in the second to first row so we had the Full Experience™
- that included watching everyone on stage sweat and spit everywhere jgjchsclwhcrbcgh
- jeremy doesnt say kinky vjdbcjdgkchf this is so sad squip play michael in the bathroom
- my playbill was signed by everyone except christine and rich aND IM RIOTING
- jk pranked vjxghcgdhfgit it isnt their fault or anything!!! i just couldnt get to them in time
47 notes · View notes
12 Tales of Christmas: Setting Todd Straight
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“It’s shameful, how Christians are under attack in this country,” Charlotte proclaimed as she passed the potatoes. “And that poor woman down in Kentucky, thrown in jail for standing up for her beliefs.”
“Like a criminal,” Todd nodded, as I stared at them. “It’s persecution, what was done to her, and all the others.”
“Exactly,” Charlotte nodded vigorously, looking around the table at the rest of us. “Her faith is protected speech, and her faith forbids her from playing any part in those sham marriages the activists are trying to shove down our throats.”
There were a lot of reasons why I didn’t like my sister-in-law. She was religious, which was fine - each to their own, and all that - but she was one of those sanctimonious types, literally holier-than-thou. But what I disliked most about Charlotte was how she’d rubbed off on my big brother, the ways she’d made him change to conform to her ideas of how the world should be. This was their first Christmas with our family - their first Christmas as a married couple was with her parents, of course, and I’m sure that was a real fun time - and they already had two babies with them. Cute kids, shame about their mother.
Shame about my brother, too. Todd had always been a big, easygoing, friendly kind of dude. Not real talkative or forceful a personality, pretty laidback. Popular with the girls, with his sweet nature, big football-player build and boy-next-door looks. We’d been pretty chill brothers, had a lot of great times together, but all that was history now. BC - Before Charlotte. Now, he was pretty much her yes-man, her bag-carrier, the strong provider. He didn’t curse, rarely drank, even had one of those stupid “Real Men Love Jesus” bumper stickers. Talked about the Promise Keepers a lot. I barely recognized him anymore.
“‘Sham marriages’?” I said. I looked at Mom and Dad, Mom giving me a subtle head-shake, Dad looking at the ceiling with great interest, staying right the hell out of it. Charlotte gave me a glittering, blood-in-the-water smile. I was no one-man pride parade or anything, but I’d never made any bones about the fact that I was a gay dude, and it was never a problem for Todd or our folks. But for Charlotte, it was A Problem. A Big One.
“It’s the law of the land,” I said. “That woman swore to uphold it, not pick and choose. She doesn’t get to decide who gets equal rights.”
“Oh yeah, equality, right, the big buzzword,” she said, actually using air quotes, rolling her eyes. “What about equality for people of faith, Spencer? Don’t we get our equal rights too?”
“We really should be able to live out our faith in our public lives,” Todd said. “It’s our constitutionally protected right. Unlike gay marriage.”
I just stared at Todd, who was doing his best to avoid my eyes. I knew who Charlotte was, alright, but who the fuck was this guy? What happened to the big, live-and-let-live dude who’d gone to the gay bar with me a few times when we were both in college, danced with his shirt off, high on all the free drinks he’d scored from thirsty gay dudes? The one who’d beat some kid’s ass my junior year in high school for calling me a faggot?
The one who’d gotten high the night of my high school graduation, dragged me out of the party to his car, and sucked a load out of my cock, telling me he’d always been curious ,and it was cool because we were brothers?
The one who’d moaned my name when I arrived at UVA after that summer, bucked his big, thick-muscled ass up in the air, and let me fuck a load into him as we rutted on his frat house bed?
I missed that guy. We’d had a lot of good times together, before he married this bitch. I didn’t know this guy, but I was bitterly disappointed in him all the same.
“You’ve got to be kidding me,” I said in disgust. “Really, Todd?”
He just shrugged weakly, looking fixedly down at his plate, as Charlotte kept smiling that sharklike fake smile of hers.
“He’s right, Spencer,” she said. “It’s not even settled law. Just a decision by a group of unelected activist judges, caving in to the loudest voices in the room. Your people’s voices, Spencer. The vocal minority.”
“I think maybe we should talk about something else,” Mom said, but I was already done. I tossed my napkin down and pushed my chair back.
“Nah, I’ve heard enough from her,” I said. “Apologies to you, Mom and Dad. Todd, I’m sorry you’ve got to live the rest of your life with this sanctimonious bigot. And I’m sorry you changed. I miss you, and I hope I see the real you again sometime.”
I wasn’t trying to be dramatic, or disappoint my parents, but I hadn’t driven 250 miles for this shit. Most of all, I couldn’t stand the sense of disappointment and betrayal I felt in my big brother.
Instead, I pulled up Scruff on my phone, found an old fuckbud I hadn’t seen in awhile, and went over to his place to smoke a bowl and fuck his tight little ass. And the whole time, I thought about Todd, the big muscles flexing under the smooth, sweat-glowing skin of his back, the way his thick, ex-linebacker’s ass had jiggled as I fucked it. The way he’d moaned my name, and feasted on my cum-slicked tongue, tasting his own seed on it as I fed it to him.
“Fuck dude,” my buddy said as we sprawled out on his bed afterwards. “I’d almost forgotten how good a fuck you can throw. You’re definitely in the holiday spirit,” he chuckled, passing me the bowl.
“Family, man - they can drive you nuts sometimes,” I said before hitting it. He was already running his hand up the muscles of my stomach and over my pecs as I exhaled the smoke.
“Well fuck, feel free to take that energy out on me anytime, bud,” he grinned, leaning in to suck on my nip. “In fact, why don’t you bring that fine rugby-player ass of yours back over here, and we’ll see if we can’t ease that tension some more.”
So I did, and we did, and still I wound up jerking out a half-angry load back in my old bed when I got home, remembering very clearly the night I copped Todd’s ass cherry in it, the summer before college. Well, those days are gone now, I thought as I swiped the cum off my stomach with my discarded boxer briefs. Or so I thought.
Dad knocked on my bedroom door the next morning and poked his head in.
“Taking your mother and Charlotte to the mall for the sales,” he said, with the air of a condemned man. “There’s fresh coffee on. Your brother’s staying back to look after the babies. Maybe you guys can find some time to catch up.”
“Maybe,” I shrugged. At this point, I’d rather dive into the chaos of Wal-Mart and the post-Christmas frenzy. Dad looked disappointed, but I knew he understood.
Instead, I slipped on my crusty boxer briefs and went for a long, sweaty run. Did some bodyweight exercises on the kids’ play gym down at the park. Jogged home the long way. Anything to avoid spending time with my brother. I slipped in through the back door, straight upstairs to shower, already thinking I should hit Scruff again and see what was up. I guess I had a lot of pent-up energy to expend. I got a hit back, decided to go meet the dude for coffee, and put on my best hookup Calvin briefs. I was just slipping into my jeans when I heard the knock on my door, followed by Todd poking his head around it.
“Oh… sorry, Spence,” he said, seeing me with my jeans at half-mast, shirtless. But he didn’t look away, and I sure as hell wasn’t going to pretend modesty and cover myself for him. Let him chew on the sight for a minute.
“Uh-huh,” I said disinterestedly, pulling my jeans most of the way up but leaving them unbuttoned as I looked in my bag for a shirt. I knew my ass was popping over the top of my jeans, and I knew Todd liked my ass. It was thick and powerful like his, but unlike him, I still played sports, even if it was just club rugby, and I knew how I looked.
“Kids are lights-out,” he said after a minute staring at my back, watching me dressing. “Figured maybe we could catch the Bond marathon on Spike or something. Always was the best part of Christmas, right?”
I turned to look at him, the half-hopeful smile on his face. Goddammit, he still looked good, even wearing all that Brooks Brothers bullshit Charlotte made him put on, with his blond hair cut all conservative and churchy, a little bit of new-dad thickness happening around his waist. Even a fucking Christmas sweater, for Christ’s sake. But underneath all that, still those big shoulders, the deep chest, the thick thighs, the high, round muscular ass. I’d still fuck him, if he wasn’t such a goddamn sellout little bitch.
“Think I’m gonna go see a friend, actually,” I said, tugging my jeans the rest of the way up over my ass, still leaving them unbuttoned.
“Oh… a friend, huh,” he said, looking disappointed.
“Friend, fuckbuddy, whatever,” I said. “Gonna go get laid. With another dude. Fuck around with him. Have a whole lot of hot gay sex, just like I did last night, bro. Like I like to do, as a gay man. You remember what that’s like, right Todd?”
He blushed hard, and got this stern look on his face that I’d never seen before. A total Dad look. One our actual Dad had used on us a whole lot.
“Look, Spence, I know you’re probably still upset about last night, but there’s no need to-”
“Upset?” I spat, in disbelief. “Doesn’t even begin to cover it, bro. I’m fucking pissed, Todd. Pissed at your wife for throwing that shit in my face, and pissed at you for sitting there and letting her. Fucking joining in with her on it. Turning your back on me, your own brother, for some fucking born-again church hypocrisy. The kind of thing we used to roll our eyes at, and laugh about. You and me, together.”
“Spencer, you don’t understand. My life is different now, I’ve renounced all of that -”
“Here’s what I understand, bro,” I growled, stepping around my bed and close to him. “You remember the night before your wedding? When you came to the door of my hotel room, scared of what you were about to do? Of who you might become?”
“Of course, that’s just typical pre-wedding jitters, you wouldn’t unders -”
“Don’t you fucking dare tell me what I would or wouldn’t understand, Todd,” I seethed, remembering there were sleeping babies in the house, and my on-the-pitch bellow would be a little much for them.
“You became that person, Todd. The one you were so scared to be. Even though you knew that wasn’t you. And before you did, you came to me, to my arms, to my fucking bed. You came to me to hold you and kiss you and tell you I’d always be there for you. That we’d never change.”
He stared at the floor, silent, a look of pure misery on his face.
“And then you begged me to fuck you, brother. Begged me to put my cum inside you again. And you loved it, Todd. You always did. Swallowing it, taking it up the ass, putting your fucking cock inside of me. I loved all that too. You were my first for a lot of that shit, and you’re still my fucking gold standard, bro.”
“I’m not that person anymore, Spence,” he said in a quiet, miserable voice.
“No, you’re a person I don’t recognize. A person I don’t really like very much anymore, Todd.”
I stepped up closer to him, so he could hear the low, angry intent in my voice.
“But you seemed like that person when you came right back to me after your honeymoon. You drove your ass all the way to Charlottesville just to have it stuffed by your little brother, just like old times. And when Charlotte was pregnant and you were blueballing it, you came to me again. And again. Yeah, I get why we had to stop. I figured it had run its course.”
He looked up at me now, and there were tears in his eyes. Shame too. Shame for what, I wasn’t sure. Either way, he was hurting, and though I prided myself on being a decent, stand-up dude, a big part of me relished that. But shit, there was that old needy spark in his eyes too, the one I remembered so well…
“And now, here you are again, knocking at my door. Wanting to hang, just like old times. Just you and me, Todd. Just like you didn’t renounce everything about me last night, to side with your fucking wife.”
He got these twin spots of red on his cheeks, the sign he was getting pissed.
“Don’t you dare talk about my wife that way, Spencer. You’ve never bothered to get to know her, really, so I don’t think -”
“Dude, fuck your wife!” I spat. “She’s not my family, you are, but you made it pretty clear last night that you don’t care about that anymore. So don’t you fucking dare come to me to lecture me about shit, bro. Don’t say another fucking thing. Unless you’re gonna get down on your fucking knees and apologize to me, you can get the fuck outta here, Todd.”
He stared hard at me, his chest heaving slowly, like mine was. We could look like two sides of a mirror sometimes, and I bet we did right now. Like we did when we fucked. His O-face was a lot like mine. Thinking of that, of his face mirroring mine as I fucked us both to a hard cum, really got to me. Sneaked in there, with all the anger and hurt. I was already starting to get keyed up to go fuck around with this Scruff rando, so the telltale tingling in my balls, groin and cock was no big surprise. I knew I was starting to fill the pouch of these little CK briefs even better. And when Todd’s eyes flicked down at it, and he blushed because he knew I’d seen him do it, just like he always blushed when I caught him scoping me out, I knew what I wanted out of this whole deal.
“Are you here to get down on your knees, Todd?” I said, my voice low and deep and insinuating. The voice I used to use in his ear when I wanted to get him riled up to fuck around.
“Come on, Spence, don’t start with that, I can’t-” he protested weakly, but I cut him off by clamping my hand hard on his big shoulder. exerting a little downward pressure on the thick, beefy, muscle-dense mass of it.
“You telling me you don’t miss the way your little brother’s seven inches feels in your mouth, Toddy?” I said, reverting to my old name for him. “How it tastes? That you’ve forgotten how to open your throat up and take me all the way down to the root, big bro?”
He gave out a helpless little noise, kind of like the noises he used to make when I thrust my cock up into his ass real deep. I leaned in close to murmur directly into his ear.
“You telling me you can’t remember how it feels to have my tongue up your ass, getting you all wet and ready to get fucked, bro? How hard that big dick of yours gets when I get my cock all the way up inside of you?”
Seriously, Todd’s got a big dick like mine, and it always hardened up like a piece of rebar when I slid mine into him, mouth or ass. He was a legitimate born bottom. Becoming a born-again religious fool didn’t take that away. Once a bottom, always a bottom.
I looked down between us, past the gentle swell of his little paunch in that stupid red Christmas sweater, and saw that yes, he still had it in him. Or more to the point, he wanted it in him. Because that big big-brother cock was thickening up the front of his fancy jeans very nicely indeed. So I pressed down a little more on his shoulder, and felt him starting to give, starting to sink to the carpet.
“Are you saying you don’t remember how it feels inside to look up into my eyes, take my cock in your hand, and say to me, Feed me your cum, Spence?”
Todd whimpered again, and now he really was kneeling, his eyes big and blue and hungry and tormented all at once. I was hard as fuck, my cock tenting the little pouch of the CKs, my fly wide open. So I reached down with my free hand and tugged my jeans down past my knees. Let my big bro see me in all my hard, fit glory. I knew he liked the dirty-blond hair that had started to thicken up real nicely on my stomach and chest. The way my whole body had thickened up real nicely, come to think of it. How substantial I looked now. A lot like he did at my age. But most of all, how substantial and thick I was in my CKs, because his eyes moved down over my bare chest, down my stomach, and zeroed in on my bulge. So I reached down, hooked my thumbs inside of my briefs, and tugged them down to join my jeans, watching his eyes get all big as my cock snapped out, thick and hard and ready to play.
“Tell me you don’t remember all the times it was you and me, just like this, big bro,” I said in a quieter voice, because he was there now, right where I wanted him to be. Where I needed him to be.
“I do,” he whispered softly, staring at my big dick with naked yearning.
“I can’t hear you, bro,” I said.
“I do!” he said more forcefully, looking up at me with big, shiny, hungry eyes.
I reached out and cupped the back of his head, fingers digging into his dorky church-boy haircut, and pulled his handsome face closer to the proud jut of my cock.
“So show me how well you remember all of that, bro,” I said, and he moaned and lunged at me, grabbing hold of my cock and stuffing it into his mouth like a starving man going after a piece of cake.
Damn. He sure hadn’t lost his touch, and I wondered what all those Jesus-loving bros of his at his Promise Keepers meetings could say if they could see him now, swallowing his own little brother’s thick, hard, gay cock all the way to the root, his nose buried in my bush, slobbering and slurping and grunting and moaning to himself as he serviced me.
“You’re too good at this to ever give this up, bro,” I said, looking down at him, and for the first time in my life, I was kind of getting off on the hot mix of shame and hunger and adoration in his eyes. So I took hold of both sides of his head, locked eyes with him hard, and started to fuck his face.
I’d had ideas about Todd and his internal complexes and how much he loved fucking around with me, especially the first time I ever really face-fucked him, in that crappy-ass fraternity house of his on Rugby Road. Big Todd on his knees on the dingy living room carpet while his brothers and their dates were all at the Cavs game, with a mouth full of his teenage freshman brother’s ex-wrestler dick, his big hands holding tight to the flexing muscles of my ass and helping me to facefuck him until I got the hang of it on my own. Man, that had been a hot time, the risky thrill of it, that one of his stupid frat brothers might wander his drunk ass back to the house early, like we had, and find us there, committing one of the ultimate sexual taboos all over the living room floor. Nobody had, though, but we were so charged up from all of that that I bent him over the back of the sofa and fucked another load into him, slapping his big, beefy ass for good measure, and filing it all away for future reference.
Generally, I’m more of a lover, a pleasure-oriented dude, a sensualist. But right now, I was feeling the cold, hard steel of that vibe, and I guess it really clicked for me, what draws people into that side of sex. Power. Control. Riding the edge, and then pushing it further. So I let Todd slobber enthusiastically on my cock for a little while there, and then I yanked him up by the collar of his stupid festive sweater and pushed him in the direction of my bed.
“Pants off, now,” I said, as I pushed my jeans and briefs off and kicked them aside.
“C’mon, Spence, I don’t -” he protested weakly as he stared at my naked body, my hard, spit-shiny cock leading the way as I moved towards him.
“Fuck you, Todd,” I barked. “Today, you do. So do it. Get those jeans down.”
I had my best poker face on, but inside, I was surprised and fascinated by how quickly he complied, shucking his designer dad jeans and his boxer briefs down his thick, powerful thighs. He’d always gotten super-excited with me, so the hardness of his big wife-fucking dick was no surprise. Neither was the quickness with which he turned around and showed me his ass, still as big and thick and hard-muscled as I remembered it, with a thicker layer of beef coating the muscles beautifully. I love good ass. It’s one of the fringe benefits of playing rugby. Todd’s was one of my favorites, and as he bent over my bed and turned it up for me like he always used to do, I went in for the kill.
Usually I’d take my time and really munch on his big ass, get him good and loose and moaning and leaking for me as I ate him out, but today wasn’t about pleasing him. He’d taken something from me last night at the dinner table, and now I was going to take something back in return, here on my bed. So I gave my big, angry dick a coating of lube, thumbed some over his pulsing, hairy hole, and then clapped my hands on his big, beefy, blond-furred rump and slid all the way home inside of him in one long, solid thrust.
“Ah FUCK!” he bellowed, and it was the first time I’d heard him curse in nearly two years. I stifled a laugh, then remembered the sleeping kids, and that’s when my eye fell on the sweaty, cum-crusted boxer briefs I’d cleaned my load up with last night, then worn on my run this morning. I grinned to myself as I reached down for them, and before he knew what I was doing, I’d stuffed them into his moaning mouth. He grunted and moaned, his face flushed with a mix of shame and pleasure that told me everything I needed to know about my big brother.
“Fuck yeah, suck on my fucking old loads, bro,” I growled, giving his ass a smack that set off a sexy ripple in the beefy flesh, and set to fucking him hard and deep and fast.
This was no pleasure fuck, this was pure aggression and heat, all business. But there was a kind of pleasure in that too, and when Todd’s big ass started to buck back as he got into fucking himself on me, just like the old days, I gave his ass another sharp smack.
“Fuck yeah, you haven’t changed a bit, Todd, you fucking bottom slut,” I growled, sort of amazed at how easily I slipped into the tone and the language. “Still love a big gay load up your thick fucking ass, don’t you, bro?”
“Mmm-mmmmmph,” was all he could manage around my soiled shorts. And damn if he wasn’t actually sucking on them like a baby with a pacifier.
“Think about this the next time you want to run your fuckin’ mouth about some anti-gay bullshit, big bro,” I grunted, starting to really sweat now, and definitely feeling the intensity of the fuck in my lower body. Fucking like this was a hell of a workout. I’d have to remember that.
“Think about how good it feels getting your big ass stuffed with some hard, gay cock,” I went on, leaning over his big, powerful back. “Hard, gay, little brother cock, Todd.”
He growled at that, reached up and yanked my spit-soaked boxer briefs from his mouth. His face was flushed and sweaty and alive when he whipped his head around, that intense look of need and lust and pure manly fuck-heat I remembered so well. That I’d really missed, honestly.
“Dammit Spence, I need you to cum in me, bro,” he panted.
“Oh yeah?” I grinned maliciously. “You want my cum, big brother?”
“Fuck, you know I do, bro,” he moaned.
“Tell me you’re sorry,” I said, pausing my thrusts. Which was good, because I really was going to cum. It had snuck up on me, quick and hard and aggressive, like the fuck I was throwing him.
“I’m sorry, dude,” he half-whimpered.
“Tell me you’ll fucking get right, Todd,” I growled. “That you’ll remember who I am. Remember who you are.”
“I will, Spence, I will… you’re my brother. You’re my little brother, and I was wrong, and I fucking love you, dude.”
“Good boy,” I said, giving his ass another hard slap, making it jiggle and making him grunt. Making him push back on my cock even more, too.
“You want my cum now, Toddy?”
“Fuck, I do, Spence, you know I do, please…” he moaned.
So I yanked my cock out of him, throbbing and slick with lube and precum and not happy to give up its warm, tight, familiar home. Todd wasn’t happy either, giving a little howl of frustration, but he didn’t have the wits about him to resist me when I slid my arms under his big, powerful torso and flipped him on his back. He stared up at me, stunned and lusty, his cock leaking precum as it arced in the air. I climbed up, straddling him, and knee-walked my way up to his crotch, my cock throbbing in one hand, and reached down to take hold of his in the other.
“Here, since you want it so bad… since you’ve always wanted it so bad, bro,” I grunted, and doubletimed my stroking with both hands. I watched his body tighten up, his O-face coming on, all sweaty and flushed and alive. He didn’t have time to stop me as I growled, grunted and finally unleashed a torrent of cum from my cock. Even with three loads shot last night, it was a big one, real big, thick pearly jets of hot cum arcing out of my cockslit, hitting his cock, his face, and best of all, painting that stupid, ugly sweater Charlotte had no doubt been delighted to give him.
“Oh no,” he moaned, seeing the mess I was making of him, and so I gave his big dick the slick-handed corkscrew that I knew would bring him over the line, every time, and I added his own pent-up cumload to mine.
When he was finally done blasting off, nearly ten shots later, his sweater looked like a Jackson Pollock reject. I was very pleased with my work, as I sat back on my heels and pushed out a deep, satisfied breath. Looked over at my bedside clock.
“They’re probably gonna be home soon, bro,” I smiled, clambering up off him and slowly milking the last drips of my load from my cock, into my palm. When I presented it to him, he only hesitated for a moment before ducking his head in to lick my palm clean. Jesus - I think I’d broken him.
He could barely look at me as he hauled his big, sexy ass up off my bed, collecting his jeans and underwear from the floor as he headed to my bedroom door.
“Hey, I think you forgot something, bro,” I said, stepping over to meet him. he looked at me, confused, but when I leaned in and pressed my lips to his, there was only a moment’s hesitation before he parted them and let my tongue inside his mouth, meeting it with his own.
I kissed him for a solid couple minutes, loving the little whimpering moans he was starting to give off, and then I broke the kiss, put one hand on his freshly-fucked ass, and pushed him out the door. I leaned my arm up on the door jamb as I watched him head down the hall to his old bedroom.
“We good now, bro?” I called after him - softly, so as not to disturb the babies.
He turned in his doorway, giving me a long, quiet look that I couldn’t read. Then he slowly smiled, blushing bashfully, and nodded.
“Yeah, we’re good, little bro,” he said. “Thanks. I’m sorry.” Then he closed the door behind him, and I heard the shower in his bathroom starting up.
The Scruff message icon was showing on my phone when I went back to my own bathroom.
Running a little behind, we still good? the message read. I smiled. Thought about it for a second. Then started typing back.
Yeah bud, got held up myself, jumping in shower now. See you in 30?
Amazingly, my cock was already starting to show a little interest. What I needed now, after that, was a nice, slow, deep session. Something to take the edge off, a little. After all, I knew now that I could get that edge back, any time I wanted it. I was pretty sure Todd would be game to help me out with that, now. And once we got the harder, edgier stuff out of the way, we might be able to start getting back to the longer, slower, sweeter stuff we’d always done so well together. Fuck Charlotte. I was going back to fucking her husband again. I couldn’t wait to see her hateful little shrew face, and know that I’d just blasted her husband’s with my cum.
This Christmas was really starting to look up.
More stories like this at https://talesfromunderthemattress.tumblr.com/tagged/story+time
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scarletjedi · 8 years
Do all the fanfic asks you haven't yet! (And for ones that require a specific fic, go with your original stor ♡)
Cut for length
things that inspire you: Good writing in other people
things that motivate you: panic, fear, love
name three favorite writers: Terry Pratchett, Neil Gaiman, Gail Simone
name three authors that were influential to your work and tell why:  J K Rawling was a real inspiration as this book, loooooong ago, began life as a HP fanfic. Samuel Delaney was a major influence mostly because he was my graduate advisor and gave me some of the realist writing advice that I'm only now coming to understand. PG Wodehouse taught me how prose could be like poetry--and be cutting and funny at the same time. (Pratchett did the same thing, but I read Jeeves first)li>
since how long do you write? I’ve been writing since I was very wee, with a dedication to writing for publication since I was 16, and a dedication to improving my craft since I was 18 or so. 
how did writing change you? It gave me a greater appreciation of script, and a greater appreciation of the way language works. Anything other than that, I’m not sure because it’s been me for so long. *shrug*
I’ve already answered this :P
what time are you most productive? Morning, which means vacations are not productive because I sleep in. 
do you set yourself deadlines? Nope. When I do, I don’t meet them and it spirals. 
how do you do your researches? google, usually. For something more complicated, I have access to several different academic libraries :D
do you listen to music when writing? I do and I don’t. I do when I need to focus, and I don’t when I can’t focus. I try, and if it doesn’t work I shut it off. 
favorite place to write: My office
hardest character to write: My protagonist, Chris. He’s the main focus, so he has to be perfectly executed, and there’s a lot of pressure. 
easiest character to write: Jamie, his romantic interest. He sprang fully formed into my brain, and he’s a delight. 
hardest verse to write: 3rd? 
easiest verse to write: 1st!
favorite AU to write: TIME TRAVEL AU
favorite pairing to write: Jamie/Chris (my main pairing)
favorite fandom to write: right now, I’m diggin Star Wars - it’s been a love for so long. But I miss LOTR, and I’m trying hard to get the next chapter of WAMW out. 
favorite character to write: Katie, the protag’s little sister. (she’s 16)
least favorite character to write:  Pat, the dad. 
favorite story you’ve ever written: fanfic - Comes Around Again, though Old Man Luke is creepin’ in and I have a fondness for Pineapple. Original fic, I’ve got a porn ficlet called “Thanksgiving” that may see light sometime soon. 
least favorite story you’ve ever written: It’s not that it’s my least favorite, but I posted “Love Letters” before I was completely happy with it, and it twitches sometimes. 
favorite scene you’ve ever written: In fic: Bilbo recounting the Winter in CAA. In my book: interviewing The Beast. :D
favorite line you’ve ever written: “Everyone in the room wants to fuck me,” Jamie said airily, his smile sharp. “Lesser mortals use Tinder, now.”
story you’re most proud of: Comes Around Again, the BEAST
best review you ever got: I was told my fic, “Drowned in Moonlight” said *exactly* what someone wanted to say, they just couldn’t find the words. 
worst review you ever got: i was told CAA moving towards the movie ‘verse was lazy writing and they “thought better of me” 
favorite story/poem of another author: Sansukh - god, that last chapter killed me. 
hardest part of writing - getting it out initally. 
easiest part of writing - Revision
alternate title for (insert story title) - My book has had several titles, all terrible. It’s currently “The Beast” but it has been both “Weather Magic” and “Breaking” 
alternate ending for (insert story title) the original ending of the book involves a cross-country escape and a full-scale battle. it’s scaled back now, and better for it. 
alternate pairing for (insert story title) - there has never been another pairing for my original fic. Pineapple could also be Obi-Wan/Rex or Obi-Wan/Qui-Gon/Rex
single story or multi-part story? MULTI
one-shot or multi-chaptered story? MULTI
canon or AU? depends on the AU. GIVE ME TIME TRAVEL
do you reread your own stories? On occasion. sometimes, the story I really want, is the story I wrote. 
do you want to be published some day? VERY BADLY. 
which one of your stories would you most like to see as a movie/series. I’d love to see my book on TV. My wife and I talk about fancasts all the time. I think Netflix could do it - they’d make it gay enough without the gratuitous violence (HBO). That being said, the fact that CAA wont be filmed PAINS me. 
one song that captures (insert story title): Uuuhhhh….
do you plan or do you write whatever comes to your mind? I write from an idea, whatever it is, then I plan a bit, then I write between main points. 
would you ever write a sequel for (insert fic title here) My original work is the first in a series. :D
do you write linear or do you write future scenes if you feel like it? I write out of order. Usually, I have an idea, then a moment later in the work (like the climax) that I write out, then i fill in the blanks. 
share the synopsis of a story you work on that you haven’t published yet: BOY DISCOVERS MAGIC IS REAL, the Gods are real, and the world is about to end. Also, he’s bisexual. 
share a scene of a story that you haven’t published yet: Meet my main boys:
Chris sighed, knocking his knuckles against the car window. “You gonna tell me where we’re going, yet?” he asked. Jamie tapped his lips with his finger, humming, and Chris rolled his eyes. “I will hit you,” he said, mild.  
“Sure, why not.” Jamie said at last, and ran his hands over his steering wheel in a quick, practice move. “We’re looking for Burnt Mill Road.”
“Oh, that’s not ominous,” Chris muttered. He squinted to try and make out the writing on the street signs as they passed, but was hard to see; Mid-August rain had soaked the roads, and now it rose as a lingering, ground-hugging fog. That, combined with what felt like two-hundred percent humidity, meant that the letters of the street signs blurred in the headlights and didn’t come into focus until just as they were passing by.
Jamie grinned, his dimples casting shadows in the scruff on his cheeks. It was too short for a beard, but Jamie made sure to keep the edges trimmed like the vain peacock he was. Fuck him, if it didn’t look good on him. Adult. “Are you scared?” Not that he acted like one.
“No,” Chris said, strangled, and he winced. He wasn’t, really, but there would be no way of convincing Jamie that when his voice cracked. He cleared his throat. “How many time have we done this shit? Have I ever been scared.”
Jamie barked out a laugh. “Every. Time.”
Chris sighed. Every. Single. Time. “I’m not scared, I’m cautious.”
“Uh huh,” Jamie said dryly, chancing a glance over at Chris. “Did caution check the flashlights three times? Did caution make me wait half ’n hour while his phone charged?” HIs voice dropped, like he was in on a secret, and he glanced down at Chris’s lap. “Is caution wearing your lucky underwear?”
Chris’s mouth twisted, and he sucked on a tooth. “It’s practical,” Chris ground out.
“You fucking are,” Jamie said, shaking his head. “I can’t believe you just admitted it. What’s practical about lucky underwear?”
“Not that!” Chris said, rolling his eyes. He was, in fact, wearing his lucky underwear. They were comfortable, okay? But there was no need for Jamie to know that. “I meant the phone.”  
“Yeah,” Jamie snorted. “If we get a flat tire, not for ghosts.”
Chris looked out the window, conceding the point. He folded his arms. “How do you even know what underwear I’m wearing?” he grumbled.
Jamie sighed, overly put-upon. “Hello?” he said, sing-song, and rolled his hand to gesture at himself. “Gay. What do you think gay-dar is?”
“Knowing who in the room would fuck you?” Chris offered, shooting Jamie a lopsided grin.
“Everyone in the room wants to fuck me,” Jamie said airily, his smile sharp. “Lesser mortals use Tinder, now.” Chris laughed, finally, and Jamie’s grin brightened.  
They drove on, and Jamie ended up behind a boxy old Chrysler, its back end covered in bumper stickers that had been bleached white in the sun. One of them was one of those ribbon magnets, but Chris couldn’t tell which cause it supported. Maybe it supported all of them, or none of them. Schrodinger’s ribbon. A street sign caught his eye, and he frowned.
“How many “Pine” streets are even in Jersey?”
“All of ‘em,” Jamie answered without pause.
Chris crocked his head, still looking out the window. They passed a sign that said Welcome to Atco. What was in Atco? He pulled out his phone, and typed “haunted Atco” in the search bar. Loading. Loading. Loading. Fucking 3G. “All of the streets are called ‘Pine’? or all the streets called ‘Pine?’ are in Jersey?”
Jamie hummed. “I stand by my earlier statement.”
“I request clarification,” Chris said, closing the app and darkening his phone.
“Request denied.”
“Ass,” Chris said, with a crooked smile.
how many unfinished ideas/stories are you working on at the same time?: 7!
three spoilers for (insert story title): The boy gets the boy, the Beast Speaks, HE CAN FLY
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ratharee · 7 years
1-104 :3
Oh for fuck sakes 😂This is going to take awhile, you are mean. 1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? Well since you obviously had such a good time last night, can I get a two for one deal on those boas ;) 2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed?He's making me cry at the moment, but I think we are together still I'm not really sure. Shits fucked. 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care?Depends on the drugs and if it was anywhere near my baby then I would have a very big problem with it.4. Is your last name longer than six letters?Yes it is seven letters my dear friend.5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober?Sober, sober, always way too sober.6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up?Uh yes I think I may have.7. What does your last received text say?I can't be at Timmys I'm at the conference from nine until five.8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed?Countless.9. Where was your last kiss at?I don't know, somewhere in my house I believe.10. When is the last time you saw your sister?Yesterday.11. What do you drink in the morning?Greens and water.12. Where did you sleep last night?On the couch and the crawled into my bed later on.13. Do you think relationships are hard?Most of mine have been, some of them were fun and easy though. 14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you?Yes yes I would. 15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems?Yea I think I'm going to punch him in the God damn throat.16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy?Rainy.17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you?Patricia...maybe? Lavaea...no18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants?I am not wearing any pants at all.19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now?More than likely.20. Does anyone like you?I'd sure as shit hope so.21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? I have indeed.22. Is the last person you kissed gay?Not gay no.23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand?There a couple people I wish didn't fucking exist.24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo?I have one and have more planned out but I'm a broke bitch.25. In the past week have you cried?I cry everyday. 26. What breed was the last dog you saw? English setter.27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower?Half and half.28. Have you ever kissed a football player?Not that I know of.29. Do you think you’re old?23 if getting up there.30. Do you like text messaging?Fuck yes I do.31. What type of day are you having?Well it was pretty good, I did my yoga, cleaned, listen to some loud ass music and all that good stuff and then my boyfriend ruined everything. Now I just want to sit in here and cry until I can fall asleep. But thankfully I have this to distract me :) 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced?Oh hunny, I did that at 14. I've had it done four times and then the septum as well.33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather?Cold motherfucker.34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you?My son, he is my everything.35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling?A relationship.36. Are you a simple or complicated person?I'm complicated as all hell.37. What song are you listening to?Kickapoo Tenacious D38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it?I usually don't say it if I don't fucking mean it.39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you?Yes there are one or two.40. What made you start liking the person you like now?Uhhhhh I'm a hoe, I wanted to fuck him? Lol no we had a lot of the same interests and we became good friends. Talking for hours on end about anything and everything! Going on random adventures. Loving life. It was great.41. When did you last receive a text message?8:30pm42. What is wrong with you right now?Well that's rude. I have been diagnosed with BPD, PTSD, ADHD, Major depressive disorder, and a couple anxiety disorders so far....so asking me what's wrong with me is a loaded gun. There are a million and one things at any given time that is wrong. I could fill pages on what is wrong just today. 43. How well do you know the last female you texted?Well enough.44. Does anyone disgust you?The majority of human kind. 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked?I think I still have a boyfriend so probably not lol but I guess that kind of depends on who :P46. Are you in a good mood right now?I'm trying to be.47. Who was the last person you talked to in person?My boyfriend.48. What color shirt are you wearing?Grey deadpool 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear?Uh yes.50. Anyone you’re giving up on?Also yes.51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for?Hmmmmmmmm tricky tricky I'm not going to answer52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t?Oh yes often.53. Do you like rain?I love it!! It's the best when it just pours and pours.54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks?If it's not ridiculous amounts and all the time then of course I do not mind.55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them?Absolutely, many times.56. Do you like to cuddle?FUCKING adore that shit.57. Are you shy?I can be.58. Do you get along with girls?Some of them.59. Have you dated the person you texted last?Nooooo.60. What do you carry with you at all times?The phone.61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you?Obviously 🙄 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months?That's a stupid question. Been there done that multiple times. 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship?Yesssss64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute?Yea it's kinda cute.65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week?My son does cute things every day. Like do the downward dog when I do it or say that the french were opposing Jesus through the 100 year war, or when he dances and sings, literally anything he does is fucking adorable and melts me.66. How old are the last three people you kissed?2423?25? I don't fucking know, those were guesses 67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? Uh fuck that I'll do it myself.68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? Leopard.69. Do you have any stickers on your car? Nopeee.70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? Lil Wayne 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? iPhone72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? Months ago73. Do you like diet soda? Fuck any and all soda74. What color are the walls in your room? A dark beige gold 75. Are you 16 or older? Damn straight 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? No I don't watch trash 77. Do you have a job? Yes I have my own job. I do what I want.78. What are your initials? ZPLH79. Did you ever have braces? Nawwwwws80. Are you from the south? South of what? I live in Canada 🇨🇦 81. What does your last status on facebook say? "There was vermiculite and dirt in my spit, dear lord....what have I become"82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? I don't even remember who my first kiss was.83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? I'm close to my Dad.84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? Uhm no, but I've done a little pole85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? The harry potty beast one idk 86. Do you smoke? I quit over a month ago now D:87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? Depends on the day88. Is your phone touch screen? Uh duh 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? Straight bitch90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? Hahahahhahahahhahahahhahahahahahahahhahahahahahahhahahahahahahahahahhhahahahahahahahahhahahabahah yes 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? River92. Have you ever made out in a car? Many times93. …Had sex in a car? Many many many times. Cars and trucks. With many different guys. Also on the car. 94. Are you single or in a relationship? I'm a little confused actually right this minute as my boy and I had a fight and I broke up with him because he really hurt me and I'm not sure what's happening now....95. What were you doing last night at midnight? Tumblr and Netflix96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? At a family bonfire97. Do you like the camera on your phone? It's decent98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? A few yes99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? Lol 😂 yea I have, such proud moments100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? A couple!!!101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? Yes! I have had a few.102. Name your favorite Kesha song: Uhm idk 103. Do you have any tan lines right now? No I'm white as they come.104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? Maybe? Well no my legs are too fucked for shorts so that questions moot.
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shadeof-sage · 8 years
I gotta do this. Nobody cares but I gotta do it
1. You woke up naked next to the last person you texted, what would you say? • "well, I didn't see this coming. Did you?" 2. What’s going on between you and the last person you kissed? • we don't really talk anymore. I don't really know what happened, but I wish our friendship wasn't ruined. 3. If your boyfriend or girlfriend was into drugs, would you care? • I'm down for them to be into anything except for meth 4. Is your last name longer than six letters? • nope. 5 5. Was your last kiss drunk or sober? • drunk cause New Year's Eve, baby 6. Have you ever wanted to have someone but you messed it up? •ohhh yeah. it's already happened twice this year 7. What does your last received text say? • "psst" 8. How many times have you kissed the last person you kissed? • I can't remember an exact number but it was multiple times 9. Where was your last kiss at? • in my friends front yard 10. When is the last time you saw your sister? • last night when I got home 11. What do you drink in the morning? • tea, water, oj, and beer on a good day 12. Where did you sleep last night? • my bedaroo 13. Do you think relationships are hard? • they can be if the other person doesn't give equal effort 14. If you could go back and change something in the past 5 months, would you? • ohh yeah, the list is too long to type lol 15. You’re locked in a room with the last person you kissed, any problems? • nah. we'd most likely start talking about what happened with us. at least I'd hope that would be what happened. it could also just be silent. or, we'd get drunk and then talk about shit. lol 16. Would you rather it be sunny or rainy? • raining while it's sunny!! 17. Do you know anyone with the same middle name as you? • surprisingly, no. it's such a common middle name 18. Are you wearing jeans,sweatpants,or pajama pants? • boxer briefs that I stole from someone. they're comfy as hell 19. Do you think you will be in a relationship 3 years from now? • who knows 20. Does anyone like you? • I'd like to think so 21. Have you ever kissed someone with a name that starts with an S? • no, I don't think so 22. Is the last person you kissed gay? • haha no. that would be a plot twist 23. Is there a person you CANNOT stand? • Donald Trump 24. Have you ever considered getting a tattoo? • I plan on getting my whole body tatted 25. In the past week have you cried? • yes, in the shower 26. What breed was the last dog you saw? • a gorgeous German Shepard 27. Do you dry off in the shower or out of the shower? • in the shower 28. Have you ever kissed a football player? • 3. unfortunately. those lil fuckboys 29. Do you think you’re old? • my soul is old, but my body isn't 30. Do you like text messaging? •if I wasn't so shy, I'd definitely want to talk on the phone more. text messaging is a good safe zone 31. What type of day are you having? • I just woke up, I don't know yet 32. Have you ever thought about getting your nose pierced? • it's been pierced 3 times. it never works out, although I do want to try it again someday 33. Do you prefer warm or cold weather? • fucking warm as hell, r u kidding me 34. Is there a person of the opposite sex who means a lot to you? •hell yeah, multiple people 35. Would you prefer a relationship or a fling? • depends. some people are relationship worthy and some people are better as flings 36. Are you a simple or complicated person? • I'd like to think I'm a simple person, but I'm not 37. What song are you listening to? • palemote. it's from my sleep playlist 38. When you say you’re sorry do you mean it? • wholeheartedly. That's why i don't say it very often 39. Is there a girl that knows everything or almost everything about you? • yeppers 40. What made you start liking the person you like now? • I don't really like anyone right now. 41. When did you last receive a text message? • 4 minutes ago 42. What is wrong with you right now? • haha, don't get me started 43. How well do you know the last female you texted? • she works with me and I've never seen her out of work, so not much 44. Does anyone disgust you? • Donald fucking trump 45. Would you date someone right now if they asked? • depends who they were and if we have a connection 46. Are you in a good mood right now? • neutral 47. Who was the last person you talked to in person? • my sister 48. What color shirt are you wearing? • a darkish blue 49. Has someone recently told you something you didn’t want to hear? • yeah. this guy asked me on a date to the movies and it made me cringe a lil bit and I don't know how to get out of it 50. Anyone you’re giving up on? • nope. I don't give up on people. unless they want me out of their life completely 51. Do you hate the person you fell hardest for? • no. I'm still in love with him actually. I can't really move on because I haven't had the closer that I need 52. Have you ever thought about giving up on someone but couldn’t? • you have no idea 53. Do you like rain? • I crave it 54. Do you care if your boyfriend/girlfriend drinks? • nah, we'll having drinking competitions 55. Have you ever liked somebody and never told them? • haha yep. but I didn't tell them because I was too afraid that I was going to get hurt 56. Do you like to cuddle? • I love it, I just can't fall asleep when cuddled 57. Are you shy? • depends on who the person is. I try not to be 58. Do you get along with girls? • yessss, all da girls are my friendz 59. Have you dated the person you texted last? • no, and I don't want to 60. What do you carry with you at all times? • haha, this one will be funny. i carry my wallet, 4 lighters, weed, a pipe, rolling papers, makeup bag, 2 chapsticks, something minty, eye drops, naproxen sodium (for nasty ass migraines), a flashlight, phone charger, a water bottle and an old spice container I put tequila in sometimes so I can have a little somethin somethin during the day 61. If you were paid 1 million dollars to spend the night in a supposed haunted house, would you? • GHOSTS! :D :D :D 62. Do you think you can last in a relationship for five months? • I've never even had a relationship in general, but I'd hope so lol 63. Think back to October, were you in a relationship? • nah, single as the pringles I was eatin 64. The person you like kisses you on the forehead, do you find this cute? • yes, I'd cry a little bit on the inside 65. Did anything “cute” happen in the last week? • probably. can't remember anything too special though 66. How old are the last three people you kissed? • hahaha. 21, 20, and 28 67. Would you rather pay to get your nails done or do them yourself? • pay to get them done, I need those nice ass acrylics 68. Which do you like better- Zebra print or leopard print? • sheer print. heh. 69. Do you have any stickers on your car? • if I had a car, I'd have a shit load of stickers 70. Would you rather listen to Luke Bryan or Lil Wayne? • Luke Bryan makes me want to claw my ears off, so lil Wayne it is 71. Blackberry, Anroid, or iPhone? • iPhone. Always. 72. When’s the last time you had pizza from Pizza Hut? • ew. 73. Do you like diet soda? • I don't like soda in general. except for sprite when my tummy hurts. 74. What color are the walls in your room? • boring and white 75. Are you 16 or older? • turned 18 a month ago, boyyyy 76. Do you watch Pretty Little Liars? • I used to, now I think it's been carried out for too long so it bores me. 77. Do you have a job? • I got 2 78. What are your initials? • S.A.B. 79. Did you ever have braces? • yes, and I might need them again because my teeth hate me 80. Are you from the south? • nahh, Texans are hot as fuck though 81. What does your last status on facebook say? • it's a picture of the curly haired kid from Stranger Things pointing to a number on the wall that says "11" and the text above it says " on a scale of 1 to 10, how stressed out are you?" 82. Do you still talk to the first person you ever kissed? • noooo, I don't even think he's alive. sadly 83. Are you closer to your mom or your dad? • I was closer to my mom. Lately, I've been feeling like I'm drifting away from both of them. 84. Have you ever done cheerleading or gymnastics? • I did gymnastics for 3 years when I was little 85. What’s the last movie you saw in theaters? • split 86. Do you smoke? • not cigarettes but hella weed 87. Would you rather wear heels or flip flops? • depends on the occasion because I look good in both 88. Is your phone touch screen? • nah, this iPhone is from 1999. it has a keyboard hooked into it 89. Do you normally wear your hair straight or curly? • since its growing out right now, the only way it looks good is if it's curly 90. Have you ever snuck out of your house? • too many times to count 91. Would you rather swim in a river, lake, or pool? • all of the above 92. Have you ever made out in a car? • yes 93. …Had sex in a car? • nah, but I've given sloppy dick kisses multiple times in a car 94. Are you single or in a relationship? • been single since 1999 95. What were you doing last night at midnight? • fast the fuck asleep 96. When’s the last time you saw fireworks? • New Year's Eve 97. Do you like the camera on your phone? • it's not the bestest of the best. but it does its job 98. Have you ever had a friend with benefits? • yep. it never ends well and I end up losing that friend :( 99. Have you ever passed out from drinking? • ugh. yes. I hate it 100. Are you friends with people on facebook that you actually hate? • no. they're probably blocked 101. Have you ever had a pregnancy scare? • yeah, when I was 14. not good. I know 102. Name your favorite Kesha song: • sleazy. my go to song when I was 13. lmao 103. Do you have any tan lines right now? • yesssss and imma get more today 104. Would you ever wear cowboy boots with shorts? • I'd wear heels or doc martens with shorts. word.
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