#Anagan is too but he's a bit younger
diioss-art · 2 years
I loved the banished valtor hcs you did! I was wondering if you had any just between Val and the black Circle?
Aaaaaa ty!!!
I feel like Valtor and the wizards have an adversarial relationship but with mutual respect in the sense that they are both too driven by their own goals to consistently work together, but they see eachother as a standard to live up to and push eachother to become stronger (especially once Valtor proves his powers infront of them and they realise how strong he actually is). I REALLY want to design Valtor's black circle outfit but I don't think he'd realistically permanently join the team bc there'd be too many fights between him and Ogron.
Valtor would have the most conflict with Ogron, since they're both arrogant leader types. Also, since they're quite similar, he can read Ogron very well and vice versa, so they're really good at strategically pushing eachother's buttons. I feel like he would call Ogron's whole 'I'm sorry, I've changed 😣' bit straight away. However, this also means that Valtor is always pushing himself to improve to one up Ogron, and Ogron is always putting on a show with his powers to rub salt in the wound when Valtor is there.
Duman would take on an annoying younger brother role, where he's always trying to piss Valtor off but in a non-malicious way? He just thinks it's funny when the blonde man starts swearing at him. I haven't figured out anything solid for anagan and gantlos, not that the show gave me loads to work from lol
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Anagan: Why are your tongues purple?
Stella: We had slushies. I had a blue one.
Duman: I had a red one.
Anagan: oh
Anagan: OH
Ogron: You drank each other's slushies?
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