allaroundworld · 4 months
Unlock the secrets of ancient mastery! 🕰️ Journey through time with us as we unveil the untold stories of timeless innovations that shaped civilizations. 🌍 From ancient wonders to forgotten techniques, discover the roots of innovation that laid the foundation for our modern world. 🚀 Join us in celebrating the brilliance of our ancestors and the enduring legacy of their ingenious creations!
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sliceoflife90 · 7 months
Neolithic pottery
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Neolithic Pottery: Unveiling the Revolution
The discovery of pottery, a revolutionary innovation of the Neolithic era, remains shrouded in the mysteries of ancient times.
Serendipitous Transformation: From Clay to Stone
It is believed that Neolithic communities stumbled upon an extraordinary discovery by chance: the transformation of clay into a stone-like substance when exposed to the heat of fire.
Though the exact circumstances of this discovery remain unknown, what is certain is that this material quickly spread across Europe, enabling the creation of objects impossible to shape with stone.
Evolution of the Ceramics Creation Process
The evolution of the ceramics creation process is fascinating. The soft mixture, molded into vase shapes and left to air dry, was subsequently subjected to firing in a specially designed kiln.
From Trench to Dome Oven: Structural Innovations
This kiln, initially a simple trench with a fire at the center and vases arranged at the sides, transformed over time into a raised dome-shaped structure capable of reaching high temperatures and maintaining heat for an extended period.
The Miracle of Firing: From Clay to Ceramics
Through this process, clay transformed into the marvel that is ceramics or terracotta, taking on a vibrant reddish hue after firing.
From "Coiling" Technique to the Potter's Wheel: Turning Point in Vessel Formation
The oldest method, known as "coiling," involved creating a clay cylinder rolled to form the base of the vessel, later shaped by hand.
However, this technique produced vessels with thick and irregular walls. The turning point towards creating thinner and more symmetrical vessels only came with the invention of the potter's wheel, attributed to the Sumerians around 3000 BCE.
From "Cardial Ware" to Painting: Evolution of Decorations
Ancient craftsmen adorned their early vessels by impressing marks on fresh clay, often using small shell-like cardium shells, hence the term "cardial ware."
Over time, decorations became more intricate, including geometric patterns such as triangles, spirals, straight or wavy lines.
Artistic Expression: Painting on Vessels
The art of decoration further evolved with the introduction of painting, applying natural pigments mixed with animal fats to the still-fresh vessel.
This progression marked a significant chapter in the history of ceramics, making it not only functional but also an artistic expression of extraordinary beauty.
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sliceoflife90 · 7 months
The Mesolithic Era
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Introduction: The Origin of the Term Mesolithic
The term Mesolithic derives from the combination of two Greek words:
mesos: in the middle
líthos: stone
The Mesolithic represents the era of the middle stone, marking the transition between the Paleolithic, the era of ancient stone, and the Neolithic, the era of new stone.
Dating and Duration
The Mesolithic began approximately 10,000 years ago, unfolding over a timeframe that concluded about 8,000 years ago. This period was characterized by significant environmental and behavioral changes.
Glacial Melting and Floods
One of the key events of the Mesolithic was the melting of glaciers, leading to an era of floods. This phenomenon resulted in a significant reduction of vegetation and caused the death of numerous animal species. This condition posed an increasing challenge for humans in sourcing food.
Transition to Agriculture and Animal Husbandry
With the growing difficulty in hunting wild animals and finding plant resources, humanity was compelled to innovate. In response to environmental challenges, humans began practicing animal husbandry and developed early forms of agriculture.
Abandonment of Nomadism and Sedentary Life
Gradually, humans abandoned the nomadic lifestyle, favoring a transition to a sedentary life. This behavioral change was motivated by the need to ensure a stable food supply through agriculture and animal husbandry.
Climate Changes and the Birth of the Neolithic
With the retreat of waters that had previously flooded the Earth, the climate became drier, creating more favorable living conditions. This marked the beginning of the Neolithic, an era characterized by further technological and social developments.
Conclusion: A Period of Fundamental Innovation
The Mesolithic emerges as a crucial period in human history, marked by environmental challenges that stimulated innovation and the transition to more settled ways of life, paving the way for the Neolithic and its subsequent evolutions.
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