#And I figured Mayuri as the antagonist had some fun implications
returnofaion · 2 years
[Post] || @reservedhealer
From the Vulnerable Sentence Starters meme | accepting
Having handled the most serious case of the day, Isane was tired. Consequently, she decided she needed some rest and announced that her sister was in charge of the rest of the cases, which were little more than the usual scrapes and injuries on officers who had been in unfortunate personal accidents or on patrol, missions and reconnaissance.
Perhaps she would finally get some peace to work on the month's allocated budget given to each Division as part of the reconstruction effort. She had just entered her quarters with plans for the expansion of the hospital wing when she was accosted by a voice declaring that something wasn’t as bad as it looked and requesting assistance.
Instinctively, she sucked in a sharp breath of surprise, tightened the hold over the handle of her medical chest and retreated backwards until she felt her back against the display cupboards with her floral arrangement. There were foxgloves rather than hemlock flowers in the display, and she decided she would have to make do with them if push came to shove and she needed to buy time before drawing her blade. For the moment, she wondered if she had forgotten to lock the sliding doors to her engawa. That was unlikely when she had locked the doors to her quarters.
She scrutinised the young man and felt no malevolent intent. His reiatsu was unusual. It appeared to be a combination of certain beings she had come across, yet different at the same time. She had recalled reading about such anomalous reiatsu in past reports when she and her late captain had to patch up certain parties, but getting a sense of it for herself in the flesh was different. She would theorise on the hows and whys of that later. If he was lurking about in Soul Society, chances were he was one of the dead ones. She hummed and pursed her lips in disapproval at whoever it was that wouldn’t leave the young fellow alone. Surely, even souls needed peace. If a live and let live principle could be adopted with some of the arrancars, why can’t it be applied to souls as long as they minded their own business? She sighed at the thought and critically assessed his physical condition.
The more pressing matter was what she ought to do with his wounds. If he was still standing, even with his hunched posture, that could mean he was most likely not bleeding from any large veins or arteries. If he was sufficiently lucid to ask for help, it meant there was no altered mental status. That was a very good sign in a patient but could possibly be a very bad sign for her. Yet, if he had meant her harm, he would have done so from the outset as he had caught her off guard, she told herself. Still remaining where she was, she considered her options. It had not escaped her notice that he had known where to go for medical aid. Here was someone au fait with the Gotei, which was unsurprising for someone who had had dealings with Shinigami. But possession of knowledge on the exact duties of each Division and the whereabouts of her quarters within the Fourth was something else altogether. He was either very well-informed, cunning or perceptive.
Outrage at this invasion of her private space would have been a natural reaction, though it was not her nature to scream and faint like the annoying secondary character in the novel she was presently reading in her downtime at night. Any such feeling was shelved at his profuse bleeding and the clear plea for help. Isane did not like to see unnecessary suffering as a rule and since the young man was losing more blood than was good for anyone, she would have to do something. A dead body had its uses, of course, but she did not want to explain why there was a carcase in her quarters if it came down to it. She liked mysteries to unfold in novels, not in her life. That settled things, she sighed to herself, shuffling sideways with her medical chest until she was at the low table in the centre of the living room. She would have to treat him and hopefully direct him home - wherever that was.
Popping open the chest and kneeling at zabuton of one of the seats, she gestured for him to sit on the table. "You don't have to tell me the who, how and where that resulted in your... condition. No one has to know you’re here," she began not unkindly as she made her cursory diagnosis. There was evidence of more than one traumatic wound - a clear sign he had been involved in a skirmish and had elected to make a tactical retreat. It was likely an unpleasant encounter. No unilateral weakness that she could see and no indication that he was feeling nauseous, which ruled out intracranial injuries. So far so good, she decided, giving her patient an encouraging smile as she performed diagnostic Kaido to determine how badly he had been knocked about. "Where exactly are you hurt? Depending on the wounds and their extent, I may have to use a combination of treatments that may sting a little. I'll do all I can to make sure you're all right as I think any follow-up is out of the question, given your penchant for slipping in and out unnoticed."
Waiting on the healer and trying to ignore his injuries gives Tsukishima plenty of time to ruminate on how he ended up hiding and injured among enemies. The knowledge he had gleaned from Byakuya’s memories - full of extensive studies and training - guides him into and through the Seireitei towards potential aid. The reconstruction and massive damage leaves many holes in the security, but it also leaves many frustrating and unpredictable changes to work around while injured. 
It’s a painstaking journey, requiring stealth and focus, and it takes all the energy he has to avoid detection. But the Rukongai has very few accomplished healers, and they would no doubt have them monitored. If memory serves, it’s no guarantee that the SRDI isn’t also monitoring the 4th Division, but the odds of his pursuers meeting resistance are higher among shinigami. And in the heat of escape, Tsukishima places his bet for survival with Isane Kotestu. 
Breaking in is almost trivial once he actually arrives, Book of the End cuts cleanly through the lock. But that last bit of Fullbring drains his final reserves of stamina. Once inside, he slumps against the wall, breath heavier than he cares for. Unsteady fingers press over the deepest laceration in his sword arm; it is that damage that had driven him to flee. In his list of priorities, surviving to be free to help Kugo lists far above pride. Breathing and suppressing his reiatsu steal his attention for the long minutes while he waits.
When the source of potential aid arrives, he does his best not to cause alarm, but Tsukishima acknowledges to himself that it’s a lost cause. So as he waits for Captain Isane to complete her risk assessment, he is patient, observing her in turn for any signs of hostility. He’s exhausted, and he hopes it won’t come to more running. But every sigh and sign of displeasure winds the tension tighter. He tries not to show the rush of relief he feels at her eventual acceptance. 
Instead, he focuses on forcing his heavy body to move slowly over to the table as directed. The pain is manageable; it’s the exhaustion of over-extending himself with Fullbring that has him sagging without grace onto the surface. He musters up the energy to return the smile. “I appreciate your willingness to help discreetly, Captain Isane” he sighs, finally loosening his grip on his shoulder. “However, I believe it would be in both our best interests if you’re forewarned.”
“Do what you must. You’ll find I’m a tolerant patient,” he consents easily, “Most of the injuries are to my back and right shoulder.” Kugo had been a horrible nurse, and the diagnostic Kaido is already a pleasant improvement from past treatments. He hesitates a moment, eyeing the Captain warily. He’s already here, and there’s not much he can do if she decides to turn him over at this point. Taking a deep breath, he lets his eyes close and continues tiredly. “You may want to check for poisons or… well, I should say that Mayuri Kurotsuchi was involved. I haven’t noticed any unusual symptoms, but I’m aware of his reputation.”
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