#And I miss riding too. But honestly mostlt just being around horses
pawsitivevibe · 7 months
Someone give me $4000, and then ... Many more monies for boarding ... So I can get this super cute Percheron cross yearling filly.
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Bit wonky right now but she's a yearling.
One day. One day I will get a cute Percheron X mare. My absolute dream would be to start one from this sort of age, almost completely positive reinforcement trained (some things would have to be done more traditionally for safety if other people are handling her).
Everyone always thinks it's weird that my dream horse is a Percheron X mare ... But my two absolute favourite horses were that. So. I don't want the fanciest jumper or whatever. Just a sweet, reliable lady whose comfortable to sit on and can play around with different disciplines. I'm a larger person, so I do need a bigger horse, and I have been the most comfortable on draft crosses in general. I'd do a Clydesdale X instead of Percheron, since I've ridden and loved some of those too. But I think Percheron X would still be #1. Heck I'd go straight Percheron, but doubtful I'd find a quality affordable one.
If I'm ever in the position to actually buy a horse, it will really come down to the individual horse though, more than breed. I will probably only look at draft crosses, ideally mare but I could go gelding if I found perfection. The personality and conformation are going to be most important. And good feet. Drafts have trash feet in general. I want a pleasant horse whose going to stay sound.
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