#And Psyduck which is not new but I found a shiny one on the first route so I'm like *OUGH*
lunarpanda · 1 year
If you need to know what my fav gen 9 Pokemon they are
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jennajayfeather · 6 years
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Before y’all go “IT’S A HACK” or something let me tell you about the hell I went through to get this baby:
So basically in Pokemon Yellow you had glitches known as “Mew Glitch” which allowed players to catch a Mew.  Now they left these glitches in the virtual console games, and while you can send Pokemon over, you can’t send your glitched Mew.
It’s technically supposed to be an event from “GF”  (Gamefreak) with a trainer ID of 22796, and because PokeBank checks for those two, Mew can’t be sent over.  So in other words, unless your name is GF & you were lucky enough to get the trainer ID of “22796″ you were out of luck of getting your glitched into SM game--
However, through a series of glitches, it is possible to change your name and Trainer ID to fix up your Mew to be sent into SM.
So here’s my tale of my sufferings (my friends called me a masochist):
First I had to start a new save file & to make my life easier I named myself “GF”(this was the easiest part), and then I took my first steps straight into the hell of Viridian Forest so I can get a level 100 Nidoking Before Brock and breeze through the early parts of the game.
So for those unfamiliar with this glitch, basically you have to find a long range trainer in Viridian Forest, hit the start button before he walks up to you, use the escape rope (THESE STEPS ARE WAY HARDER THAN IT LOOKS, TOOK ME LIKE 5 OR MORE TIMES JUST TO GET THE FEEL OF WHEN TO HIT THE START BUTTON) and be sure to go into Pewter City, then find a level 4 Caterpie in the forest (not level 5. Not level 6.  Level 4)  Then Growl at the Caterpie 6 times.  However, sometimes Caterpie will only let you Growl at them 5 times, so you gotta search for the right Caterpie which can take time--
Anyway once those steps  are done you go back to Pewter,  have the guy blocking you from leaving Pewter take you to the Gym (<-THIS IS IMPORTANT) and then walk back to the forest & a message will pop up and then if it works right, a Level 1 Nidoking.
I say “IF” because if the Caterpie you growl’d at had a high special or w/e  you’ll get a Voltorb.  Anyway I had to repeat this several times just to get the Nidoking.  Once that was done though, things went smooth, then I used the “Underflow Glitch” to get less than 54 EXP to automatically get Nidoking to level 100--
However when I got to Cerulean, I took a detour.  I had misunderstood the Reddit Post I was reading & used the Mew Glitch.  So before I could do the Mew Glitch I had to catch an Abra (THIS WENT WAY EASIER THAN EXPECTED TBH) and then I had to do the long trainer glitch with a specific trainer by Cerulean.  I used Teleport to go back to Cerulean, battled the Slowpoke Kid (GROWLED AT HIM 6 TIMES FOR A LEVEL 1 MEW) and the glitch went right. Caught Mew, used the Underflow Glitch to level it to 100, like Nidoking.  Then I did the same process again against a dude with a Shellder and got ANOTHER level 100 Mew.  I later found out it was pointless, but that’s for another time.
Anway. THen, after that I had to make it to Cinnabar Island.  This took a while since you have to clear a few gyms, get Surf, which is easily like beating half the game. 
ONCE I DID THAT, it was time to do more glitches.  So first, just to make my life a bit easier, the first glitch I had to do was the Missingno Glitch.  To get a “safe” missingno. I needed to place my nuggets into item slot 6, have a pokemon with a stat 181,182, 183 (MY NIDOKING THANKFULLY HAD THIS!!) and then do the long range trainer gltch like with Mew--
But this time I had to go into Cinnabar Mansion, find a Ditto, have it turn into Nidoking and then fly back to Cerulean and encounter Missingno.  This gave me over 100 nuggets, and then I swapped nuggets with rare candy, it gave me over 100 rare candies after I caught missingno.
But that wasn’t the end--
Then I had to sell some nuggets so I could buy 73 revives. I bought them, did the glitch over again and encountered that same missingno. to give me exactly 201 revives. 
THEN after that, I had to do another glitch to get this special item called “W SM.”  This item is magical.  But it also comes with great danger for if you use it wrong, your game corrupts and you’d have to start completely over.
Anyway to get this special item, I had to find another Missingno, but this time with a Pokemon with the stat “194″
Well.  Shit.  I don’t have???? A Pokemon??? With Stat 194????  
I really thought I was screwed here.  But I wasnt, turns out Articuno will have that stat if I use some rare candies--so now I gotta get an articuno.
This would have been easier if I had gotten my Master Ball, but I never did so I’m using Ultra Balls.  Anyway I swim to Articuno, find it in the Seafoam Islands and catch it.
I level it up with Rare Candies praying that I’d get Special stat 194.  I got 195.  So, I had to reset, and try to capture Articuno again. Caught it, leveled it up.  GOT THE STAT 194 HOWEVER--
I forgot my escape rope so I was stuck trying to meander around and get out of the seafoam islands. I was frustrated but I marched on and somehow got out.
Once I got that, I did the Long Range Trainer Glitch w/ Ditto again, this time with an x accuracy (or was it speed? Can’t remember)in like my 8th? Slot, and encountered that Missingno so it could turn my x accuracy into the “W SM.”
This, is not where it ends though.  This was just the beginning really. Then I had to go around getting specific Pokemon.  The first Pokemon had to be a Seel with exactly 233 HP—
So I had to go back to the Seafoam Islands, find a seel, catch the seel, and rare candy it till it got 233 HP.  This was more annoying than it seems because you have to feed rare candies at one at a time and every single time the damn thing kept trying to evolve. Anyway ONCE THAT WAS DONE, I got my first Pokemon in a free box.
Then I had to find as follows:  Parasect, Growlithe, Magikarp, Psyduck, Flareon, Tentacool, FEMALE Nidoran, and then three pokemon of my choice.  Once that was done was where the fun, and paranoia again.
So first I had to buy 43 Burn Heals and 53 Ice Heals.  After that I set up my items as:
ws# #m#
Item to get to 255
Burn heal x 43
Ice heal x 53
Revive x 201
 Which I needed: 89 Lemonade, 12 Repel, 211 Carbos, 88 x Accuracy, 115 Water Stones, TM01.
Once I utilized that glitch to get that, it changed my Trainer ID to be 22796.  
 After that, I needed a Mew with my NEW trainer ID. So I have to repeat that first formula, but this time for
 any item
ws# #m#
Item 3: Repel x21
Item 4: X Speed x14
Item 5: Ultra Ball x64
Item 6: TM05 x89
Lemonade x201
 And successfully got my Mew.
 Then I had to repeat the first formula again, so I could make my Mew shiny.  So I had to have:
Any Item
Lemonade x170
X Accuracy x134
Carbos x209
Pokeball x119
Fresh Water x201
AND THEN, make sure  I had Mew in the front of my Party, use W SM, toss one X Accuracy, then use WS M again.
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cynthiaandsamus · 5 years
Game Blondes Crystal Clear Nuzlocke Part 1!
“Hey I’m blonde!”
“…I’m also blonde.”
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(Game Blondes Logo by @game-overture)
“…okay so what the heck is this?” Samus stared at the screen with a grumble.”
“Okay so remember when we played that Wonderlocke for Pokemon Y? We’ll be doing something similar here, well YOU’LL be doing something similar here, a Champion playing a pokemon game might be a bit overkill. But essentially this is a romhack of the original Johto games.”
“A romhack? Like AM2R? I love that game!”
“Loved, it’s gone now, but yeah, essentially. So the premise is you can freely roam both the Kanto and Johto regions without any roadblocks or plot to get in the way of getting your badges. Battles scale for your number of badges so you can do everything in any order you want. It’s designed to give the maximum freedom possible with playing the Generation 2 games, we’ll get into some of the specifics later.”
“Hmmm, well I’m already a Champion of the Kalos region from playing Y, so this should be easy now.” Samus cracked her knuckles.
“Yeah well keep in mind the later games are a bit easier, Generations 1 and 2 are where the big boys play. No Mega Evolutions, no Affection bonuses, most gym leaders have more than three pokemon, we’ll see how you do.”
“…way to fill me with confidence…” Samus sighed.
“As far as the rules, same Nuzlocke rules as the Wonderlocke, you can only catch the first pokemon per new area, and anything that faints is dead to you. Only difference between this and the Wonderlocke is there is no Wonder Trade so you get what you get. Might as well start the game though, there’s a tutorial I believe.”
“Alright so you can start with either Kanto or Johto regions, everyone starts with Kanto so I’ll go against the grain and pick Johto. Next is gender… huh, so you can pick whatever sprite regardless of gender, that’s nice. Think I’ll go with the girl and make her blue, sounds good for me.”
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“Wow! Look at all these starters!”
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(Mun Note: Shuckle is also an option, this pic may be outdated)
“How do I even start to pick?” Samus grumbled.
“Well since you said you want to go against the grain I’d suggest starting with a pokemon that’s not already a starter in any normal game, so that cuts out Bulbasaur, Charmander, Squirtle, Pikachu, Eevee, Cyndaquil, Totodile and Chikarita.”
“Well Magmar and Electabuzz are pretty cool…”
“True, but they’re also babies. You can’t get their third stage in this game and they’re stuck as babies until they evolve at level 30, until then their stats are pretty trash which isn’t great for a nuzlocke…”
“Hmmm true, so I can probably cut out the babies too…”
“Magikarp, Ditto, Shuckle, Unown and Smeargle are mostly for challenge runs so I wouldn’t advise it…”
“So that leaves Psyduck, Slowpoke, Seel, Growlithe, Houndour, Ponyta, Voltorb and Porygon…”
“Narrowing it down to eight’s not bad.” Cynthia smirked and put her hand on Samus’s shoulder.
“Fuck it, Porygon needs more love after the whole seizure thing. It’s a good balanced pokemon to start off with and should be pretty solid.”
“It does have a good movepool, feel free. Plus it comes with the Amulet Coin to get you more money right off the bat.”
“Porygon it is! My god is this whole episode just going to be us picking our characters? What is this a Dark Souls stream?”
“Not yet anyway.”
“…please don’t scare me like that.” Samus shivered. “Anyway, picking blue for the pokegear and item pack, looks like we finally got to the tutorial… oh god who let this guy be a pokemon professor?”
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“What, you’ve never heard of Professor Shockslayer? Shut up, he’s trying to explain the game.”
“So basically what you said about free roaming and stuff scaling with badges, and I can rechallenge gyms if I want too, that’s pretty neat. Some stuff about music settings and shiny rates, that’s all good but not something I need. There’s non-canon secrets tucked away so I’ll have to be on the lookout for those.”
“Some pokemon areas have been shuffled around too so you can obtain all 251 pokemon in some way.”
“Isn’t there like over 1000 pokemon though?”
“This is generation 2, simpler times.”
“Many regular encounters are resettable by beating the Elite Four, good to know but again not something I’ll probably need. And every TM is purchaseable in the TM mart once I get enough badges.”
“Oh yeah, unlike Y TMs aren’t reusable, so you can buy them but they’re one use, sounds like a fair compromise.”
“That doesn’t sound fair to my wallet!” Samus huffed. “Oh! I can have pokemon follow me too, that’s pretty cool! And now we can finally start the game!”
“It’s okay, we’ll make this episode a little longer since we’re just starting out.” Cynthia chuckled, watching Samus dive in.
“Okay so Porygon needs a nickname, I’m thinking… Polly.”
“Polly? You know Porygon are genderless right?”
“Well she identifies as a female okay?”
“Porygon said Trans Rights!”
Samus laughed as she put in the name, shaking her head. “Alright let’s get going~
“So if you have a Porygon named Polly that’s a pokemon, a pocket monster….”
“…don’t say it.”
“Does that make her Polly Pocket?”
“FUCK! Your bad puns are going to get us sued! Lemme just run into this tall grass and shit. Awww look, Polly’s following me, how cute!”
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“Anyway the Professor says I need at least one badge before he’ll give me shit, so I’ll just go find some pokemon and start building. …great a Rattata.”
“Hey at least you start with some pokeballs to catch it with.”
“Why do I want a rat!?” Samus growled. “WHAT!? He broke out of the ball twice!? That motherfucking rat get in my balls you little shit!!I only have five pokeballs and I wasted three of them catching a fucking rat!”
“Two pokemon’s always better than one.” Cynthia shrugged.
“I guess… let’s just keep going, what should I name it. It’s purple, so I’ll name it Verde.”
“Verde means green…”
“I’M NAMING IT VERDE!!!” Samus huffed. “Fuck, the very next encounter was a Hoothoot, that would’ve been so much better…”
“Oh hey there’s a route up there, you can try again.”
“Hmmm shit there’s a battle, Polly got two levels from freezing that Ponyta solid, let’s try Verde versus this Pikachu of the same level.”
“…well Verde’s dead.”
RIP Verde:  Lv. 3 – Lv. 3, Route 29- Route 46
“Well that’s great, first battle and I already have a casualty… at least Polly finished it up handily.”
“And this is why we didn’t pick a Baby starter.”
“Oh hey, a Geodude though, that’s a much more useful Pokemon. Alright, a critical hit and a quick capture. It’s a female so what to name it… it’s a female Geodude so “Dudette”.”
“How creative…”
“Are you here to help or make snarky comments?”
“Snarky comments, to much help from a Champion would be cheating.” Cynthia chuckled.
“Well with one dead rat, one living N64 sprite and a boulder, I’ve made it to the next town. I can go anywhere from here huh? I could go back up to Route 46 and see what’s up there or continue from Cherrygrove here along the normal path… let’s keep it safe for now and take the north path, get some more pokemon. I already have one dead pokemon so no time to take risks…”
“Oh wow it’s a Poliwag! That’s really cool for this early on!”
“I love Poliwag! Let’s catch it!” Samus grinned. “Oh fuck thank god, I forgot to buy more balls and Poliwag got in my last one… but that just makes me even more mad that I wasted three balls on a rat that died five minutes later!!”
“Can’t win them all, especially in a Nuzlocke.” Cynthia shook her head.
“Well at least I have a couple good pokemon now, got a good water-type to cover some of my bases. I really need a Town Map though, where’s Gary’s hot-ass sister?”
“…in Kanto.”
“Well your map is built into your pokenav now so you’re fine.”
“Good, well anyway lemme name this Poliwag… it’s got a swirl on its tummy, like a spiral, spiral power… Shimon, yeah let’s go with that.”
“Who the hell do you think he is!?”
“Going back to the Mart and getting some more pokeballs and two antidotes, I’ve heard Nuzlocke horror stories about poisoned pokemon, not taking any chances. OH SHIT IT’S YOUNGSTER JOEY! He’s got the best Rattata in the world! I’ve seen the memes.”
“…he sure went down easy.”
“I guess the best Rattata in the world is no match for a lower-tier Geodude.” Samus chuckled nervously. “Alright, next route up, found a Gastly and caught it! Since it’s a Ghost I’ll call him Danny. And let’s see, going into the Dark Cave right now is possible, but going in there blind would be insane, so let’s not do that and just go to Violet City.”
“Well we’ve got a gym in Violet City, this is where Falkner and Sprout Tower are for you to explore.”
“Yeah, but you know what the fun part of this romhack is? FUCK IT! We’re going straight to Goldenrod! Let’s go! Road Trip! Let’s see, got the Rock Smash TM from this dude, onto Route 35, got a Drowzee, naming it Yume~”
“Yume huh? Doesn’t that mean Dream?”
“Yup! I know some of my languages and stuff!” The bounty hunter giggled. “Got a Spinarak on Route 36 and named it Peter. Man I am just burning through this routes, though feels like I’m running in circles. Oh hey, this dude gave me a Magnet cause it’s Sunday!”
“We’re recording this at like 11:45pm so you almost missed that by like 15 minutes…”
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“Well got a Hoothoot on Route 37, named Hooters of course. I planned to go to Goldenrod but I’m in Ecruteak now, such is the nature of Road Trips.”
“You have no idea where you’re going and you have a fucking map, open world exploration was a terrible idea for someone like you…” Cynthia sighed.
“Well wherever I’m going I found the National park and caught a Psyduck named Headahce.”
“Watching you burn through this game with no regard to story and just catching things left and right is hurting my heart…”
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“Hey who’s this guy feeding the ducks in the national park? DOOM? That doesn’t sound like a normal name… This must be one of those non-canon secrets the tutorial was talking about… does he have a super strong pokemon that’s gonna take my team out?”
“Only one way to find out…”
“Apparently if I lose I have to pay for his lunch. He says he only has Ponyta… HOLY SHIT HE HAS A SHINY PONYTA!!”
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“I can’t catch that right?”
“That would be stealing.”
“FUCK! I want it! It’s a blue flaming horse! That shit’s so cool! It’s not very strong though… he says he’ll pay for my lunch instead now and there’s a place in Goldenrod he goes to for lunch… guess that’s where we’re going next! We’ll go to Goldenrod after all!”
“Better go stop off at Ecruteak again to heal up before you go, you’ve walked like halfway across Johto and you’ve only been playing an hour, this is fucking with my head.”
“Alright, gonna make a pit stop and then we’re heading to Goldenrod to check out this restaurant… NEXT TIME ON GAME BLONDES!”
Samus’s Journey So far:
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Samus’s Current Team:
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How the Pokémon Came Into Our Pokeballs
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How the Pokémon Came Into Our PokéBalls. 10/30/99 (Intro.)
For my English class in late September of this year, I had to write my own myth. So, I figured "Why not make a myth about how Pokémon came to be."
My English teacher thought that it was a great story. So did my mom and a few other people. Since it was so good, I thought I'd feature it on this website. Click Here to read my story. Enjoy. :)
9/22/99 Page 1. Some people say that the Pokémon came from the sky in a giant rock known as the Moon Stone. Others say that they originated from the depths of nature's elements. But, they are all not true... this is the true story.
A long, long time ago in the heavens above, there were such powerful gods as Zeus, Maheo, and many more. But, it all started with a rookie god, known as...Mewchu. He had thepower to help provide for the animals, plants, minerals, and to keep track of the seven natural powers of the universe: Fire, Grass, Lightning, Water, Fighting, Psychic, and the power of the Colorless Star.
Mewchu made sure that the animals and plants were fed from natures natures good foods. He made sure that nature's minerals, such as rocks, dirt from the ground, and the mucky messes were used for their purpose.
One day, Mewchu said to himself, "There must be a way to allow the animals, small and big, to do these tough chores, so that I may be able to be a little clean." Then, he thought, "Why not give some of the natural powers to a new type of creature." So, he went down to earth with the power to absorb the natural powers of earth, and share it. So, he stood... in the middle of the Pacific, surrounded by islands of seven and water.
He decided to start with making a powerful animal to assist him in his great task. Then, he found a weird creature on an island. It was mostly white, blue eyes, short arms, big feet, and a long tail with a pink fpsy tip. Mewchu has never seen such an animal, so he absorbed the power of Psychic from the stars, gave the creature a gentle rub on its back, and picked it up. And Mewchu said to the creature, "You, rare creature, have received the supernatural power of the Psychics from the stars above us. But you would need a name for you will be my assistant to make a new type of elemental creatures. I shall call you...Mew." And the Mew jumped for joy, then set him down with some wise words. "Mew," Mewchu said, "I want you to pick some animals that are here now, and share with them the Psychic power. For I would not be able to, because I may only share each elemental power only one time for one creature or more. I trust that you can share this power, while I handle the other six elemental powers." Then he set the Mew down, on its island and it went on its way.
Mewchu decided to start with the power of grass, so he rubbed the grass of another island's ground, and he waved his hand over the trees. A triceratops began to lose its horns, and it turned into a creature called Bulbasaur. A caterpillar lost its fuzz; it grew a little bigger; it turned green, and it got the name of Caterpie. Another caterpillar's fur only shortened; it grew a small horn; it grew a little, like the Caterpie did; it turned orange, and it became a Weedle. A rattlesnake turned purple, and grew a single yellow stripe; it became an Ekans. A rat grew small horns, turned blue, and became a Nidoran (female). And, another rat grew bigger horns, turned pink, and became a Nidoran (male). A bat's legs turned to two tails as thin as a blade of grass, its ears grew bigger, and it became a Zubat. A tiny bush sprouted out of the ground, grew eyes,and became an Oddish. A fuzzy bush grew two teeth like a vampire; it became a Venonat. A bell-shaped palm shrunk; it became a Bellsprout. A mud puddle grew into a Grimer. Six eggs bounced and said, "Exeggcute." A puff of smoke became solid, and mentioned, "Koffing." A bunch of vines gathered around another Oddish, it was Tangela. A dragonfly grew, and said, "Scyther." The rocks got a body of armor, and said, "Pinser."
Then Mewchu dipped his hand into the firey volcano of another island, pulled it out, and waved his hand over the volcano. Many animals were below. A baby tyrannosaurus got fire on its tail, and yelled, "Charrrrmander!" A fox's tail split into six. Maybe, it's now a Vulpix. A dog turned orange, and growled, "Growwwllithe!" A pony got burned, and neighed. A chunk of ash was revived and turned into a Magmar. And, a big bird flew out the volcano, it was a Moltres.
Mewchu then dipped his hand in the ocean's waters, and gave another wave over another island with a big lake in the middle. A baby turtle and a squirrel on an island joined together to make a Squirtle. A fat duck turned yellow with a headache; it became a Psyduck. A tadpole got bigger with a swirl on its belly, a Poliwag came to be. A jellyfish's arms shrunk into two. It was then a Tentacool. A Slowpoke was formed when a baby hippopotamus grew a tail. A seal turned white, and grew a horn on its head; it was Seel. A shell opened up, and stuck out a tongue, hello Shellder. A Krabby came when a crab got crowned. A seahorse started to spit oil, a fish grew a horn on its head, and starfish grew a jewel. Here were a Horsea, a Goldeen, and a Staryu. A crown from a treasure grew onto a hard-shell fish; here was a Magikarp. A rare lochness monster grew a spiked shell on its back; it became a Lapras. A fossil was revived; it was an Omanyte. Out of an arctic ice berg, an Articuno broke out.
Meanwhile, Mew shared its Psychic power with a Psyduck, and a Slowpoke. When Mew shared it with a rat, it fell asleep, and grew into an Abra. When Mew came across the body of a dead lizard, it summoned its spirit, and shared some "Gastly" secrets with it. Later, Mew met an anteater; Mew put it to sleep, and the anteater became a Drowzee. Mew found two monkeys, with an evolution. One turned into a Mr. Mime, and the other became a Jynx. Later in the night, Mew gave birth, and the baby Mew looked different. The new Mew gave its mother a psychic attack, and thrown it up a tree. Suddenly, the new Mew grew to the size that of a man with many years, It was a Mewtwo.
Meanwhile, Mewchu found a barren island with sand and rocks. He punched it, and out of the ground came the fighting and ground type creatures: Sandshrew, Diglett, Mankey, Machop, Geodude, Onix, Cubone, Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, Rhyhorn, and a Kabuto.
Then Mewchu summoned a thunderstorm, and lightning struck another island. The lightning hit a little mouse, and the mouse grew into a Pikachu. Metallic minerals rose out of the ground of a small area of the island, and it formed to make a Magnemite. A coconut was struck with a piece of the metallic material carrying some of the electric power; the coconut turned metallic; it became a Voltorb. A wild cat was struck, and it became an Electabuzz. And out of the thunderous clouds came a Zapdos.
   And finally, Mewchu planted a transparent star in the middle of the other island. And from the star came the Colorless creatures: Pidgey, Rattata, Spearow, Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Meowth, Farfetch'd, Doduo, Lickitung, Chansey, Tauros, Eevee, Porygon, and Dratini.     Before Mewchu bid farewell, he waved his hand over all seven islands, and most of the creatures evolved into more powerful creatures. And, then He shouted out, "May these creatures be helpful to the earth, and may they use their abilities wisely." Then, he said with a tear of joy, "Farewell,... Pokémon." And Mewchu flew back into the heavens.
The End.
This piece of prose was written by Chris during September of 1999, as an assignment for his twelfth grade English class, and is believed to be the earliest surviving piece of prose (though Bionic the character predates this by three years, his prose story wasn’t written until 2000). Tasked to come up with his own myth for his own mythology, Chris created an origin legend for the original 151 Pokemon. Apparently it got a solid grade (to be fair, its juvenile premise aside, this is one of Chris’s most grammatically correct works I’ve seen.) It was quickly uploaded to CWC’s Pokesite 2, where the Christorical community found it, and can be found here if you’re interested in reading it against a bright yellow backdrop. Despite the title, the story is not a history on the origin of Pokeballs, nor is it an explanation about how any specific Pokemon entered any specific Balls.
The cover, shown above, is an uncentered collage of pictures of Pokemon surrounding Chris’s name and title. I believe these pictures are from the N64 spinoff Pokemon Snap, where your job was to take photos of Pokemon in their natural habitats (this explains why they’re strangely, often poorly, framed - Chris took these himself.) From left to right, top to bottom, they are Charizard, Dragonite, two Starmies, Scyther, two Bulbasaurs, a flock of Charmanders, two Pikachus, Mew, Moltres, Zapdos, Articuno, two Dratinis, Magmar, three Jigglypuffs, Porygon, two more pictures of Mew, and one last Pikachu for the road. For some reason, those Starmies have a weird purple, yellow, and green color scheme that they never have anywhere in the game (normally they’re purple, gold, and red, and the at this point unreleased in the west shiny form is blue, red, and dark blue). Maybe Chris’s printer was running low on ink?
Chris’s first sentence seems to refer to one episode of the anime wherein Clefairys and Clefables are seen worshiping a giant Moon Stone, which in the games is what they use to evolve, and a scientist travelling with Ash and team theorizes that all Clefairy and their evolutionary relatives came on the giant Moon Stone meteorite from space. This is apparently the case for the Clefairy family (at least in the anime, the games are a bit more coy about stating whether or not they’re actually from space), as later they are shown operating spacecrafts. But never is it suggested that all Pokemon came from space at one point, especially not on the giant Moon Stone, at the time only the Clefairy family, Staryu and Starmie, and sometimes Mew had been said to be extraterrestrial in origin.
Chris invokes Zeus, the Greek thunder and sky god who also served as head god, and Maheo, the Cheyenne creator deity responsible for the earth. I imagine that these were the examples Chris’s English teacher gave him for creator gods, though Zeus really wasn’t much of a creator god so much as its current ruler (he was of the third generation of Greek gods).
Chris sets out an OC as the creator of the Pokemon universe - Mewchu. Obviously this is meant to tie in to what was at the time considered the highest of Pokemon Mew, but the -chu suffix implies some sort of close connection to the Pikachu family that’s never really expanded upon. Notably, about eight years after Chris made this, Mew’s role as top Pokemon was superseded by Arceus, who has something of a similar origin story to this Mewchu - at the beginning, Arceus was the only being in the void of nothingness, until he decided to create Dialga, thus creating time, and Palkia, thus creating space, and Giratina, thus creating antimatter. After creating the Lake Trio of Uxie, Azelf, and Mesprit, knowledge, willpower, and emotion respectively, Arceus disappeared, his job for the time completed. Notably, Mewchu’s design is never explained, so Chris’s creativity is limited to the name alone.
The elemental division in this story seems to draw solely on the elemental system of the TCG game, which uses an abridged system of types, which at the time consisted of just seven, Fire, Grass, Water, Lightning (or Electric), Fighting, Psychic, and Colorless (their term for Normal), while the reference to the Clefairy story and the Pokemon saying their names (which they don’t do in the video games or the card game) would imply that there are some anime influences in this story as well.
Apparently Mewchu did not create the earth, all he was in charge of was watching a bunch of animals that some other god created. In fact, in this story, Pokemon were created from real world animals. It is, of course, delightfully in character for Chris to have Mewchu create the 151 original species of Pokemon purely to help him do chores. These seven islands Chris mentions seem to be Chris’s inventions; it’s tempting to compare these islands to the Seven Grapefruit Islands from the Orange Islands arc of the anime but the episode that took place there had been released in Japan but not in the US so unless Chris was really paying attention to the Japanese releases of the anime it couldn’t have been an inspiration.
Mewchu’s first creation is Mew, the Pokemon considered the genetic predecessor of all other Pokemon, at least the original 151. While Mewchu is the master of all seven elements, Mew is only competent at one by Chris’s standards and is apparently only responsible for the Psychic-Type (by the standards of the TCG, which also includes the video games’s Ghost-Types) Pokemon.
The first Pokemon to be created are the Grass-Types (and Bug-Types and Poison-Types since those count as Grass-Types in the TCG), possibly referring to the first Pokemon in the Pokedex being Bulbasaur, who is the first listed here. Mewchu rubs the plant life of one of the seven islands and everything on the island begins mutating. Unlike God, Jesus, and The Bear, who tasked Adam and Eve to name the animals of the Garden of Eden, Mewchu makes the animals name themselves. Scyther is supposed to be a mantis, by the way, not a dragonfly.
To create Fire-Type Pokemon, Mewchu drenches animals in lava and sets them on fire. I guess that’s one way to make Fire-Type animals.
Another island is drowned underneath a tidal wave by Mewchu and the only survivors are those beasts that can instantly adapt (or Chris’s worded the first sentence poorly). Apparently Mewchu also caused some sort of oil spill because it says that Horsea began spitting oil (Horsea’s Pokedex entries mention it shooting ink like a squid, but ink is not oil.)
Next, Mew takes care of its singular duty, creating the Psychic- (and Ghost-) Types. Let it be known that despite the name Psyduck is in fact not Psychic-Type. After creating all the other Psychic-Types, Mew has a random baby (omitted is the sequence where Mew was on Maury trying to figure out who the father was. It was probably Slowpoke.) Said baby attacks its mother immediately after birth, and one of the two ends up getting thrown up a tree (easily this is the most confusing sentence in the piece). If we were to assume that this was Mew attempting to destroy her violent son Mewtwo, it might have been a reference to the birth of Hephaestus, who was deemed so hideous by his mother Hera that she threw him off Mount Olympus, crippling him, but this deep mythological cut is unlikely. Either way this child instantly grows into the canonically man-made Mewtwo. For whatever reason, Chris attributes all of the canonically man-made Pokemon, Mewtwo, Porygon, and the fossils revived by man Kabuto, Omanyte, and Aerodactyl to Mewchu and its little helper.
The Fighting- (and Ground- and Rock-) Types are passed over in a handwave, not even getting specific origins. It’s possible that since many of the Gen I Fighting-Types were humanoid (the Machop line, the Hitmons), Chris didn’t want to imply that any Pokemon were once humans.
In a similarly violent fashion as the Fire-Types, the Electric-Types are electrocuted to transform them into magical beings. Chris also offers an alternate take on the origins of the Voltorb - instead of being a Pokeball that somehow came to life, it was instead a coconut that came to life. Why then it sports the colors and patterns of a Pokeball is left unclear.
Lastly, Mewchu creates the Colorless (read: Normal-Type plus Dratini) Pokemon similarly to the Fighting-Types - in a long list. After giving some Pokemon a crash course on evolving, presumably finishing the complete 151, Mewchu scurried off. Whatever happened to Mewchu in the millennia afterward is left unknown. Did Mewchu create the rest of the Pokemon, the ones that didn’t exist when Chris wrote this? Did Mewchu cease to be? We’ll never know. I’d love it if Chris revisited this story this fall around its twentieth anniversary, have it be fifteen pages full of Pokemon origins. “And then, Mewchu and Mew got super high and said ‘you know what would be super cool? Flying Nazca Lines.’ and then they created Sigilyph.”
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