#My team was basically all birds because I loved them so much
lunarpanda · 1 year
If you need to know what my fav gen 9 Pokemon they are
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sam24 · 9 months
Man on a Mission
Summary: Apparently, someone called Bucky's girl a whore. He has now made it his life's mission to find out who.
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x fem!reader
Bucky sat at the kitchen island, eyes narrowed, leg bouncing, and the same scene from last night replaying in his head.
Bucky drew random patterns on your bare shoulder, his nose buried into your hair. You were being quieter than usual, but he knew you were awake as he could feel your hands fidgeting.
He didn’t want to press you to tell him about it, so he settled on making you feel as loved as possible, pressing kisses into your hair.
Suddenly, you broke the silence, taking Bucky by surprise.
“Buck . . . do you think I’m a whore?”
“Wha-” Bucky lifted his head immediately, trying to look at you. But you hid your face in your hands, turning away from him.
“God don’t look at me. Fuck, this is so embarrassing,” You groaned into your hands. “Forget I said that.”
“No, honey, look at me please,” Bucky gently pulled your hands down, cradling your face. “Who called you that?”
“No, no, no one,” You shook your head frantically. “I’m sorry, just forget I said anything. I don’t know what I was thinking.”
“No, sweetheart, who- okay we’ll get back to that later. But you are not a whore, okay? No woman deserves to be called that in the first place. Who-”
“No, no one. I was just . . . I just randomly thought of it.”
Bucky wasn’t convinced, but he let it slide.
For now.
“Well, I don’t want you thinking these things about yourself.” He pressed a kiss to your forehead. “Okay?”
You nodded, seeming relieved and a little surprised that he dropped it that easily.
It was now the next morning, and you were at the gym with Natasha, which gave Bucky the perfect opportunity to figure out who to murder.
Steve walked into the kitchen with Sam trailing behind.
“Morning Buck.” Steve greeted. His head stuck into the fridge, trying to look past the shit ton amount of edible cookie dough you had made a couple days earlier.
“How come you didn’t come run with us, you lazy fat ass.” Sam teased, leaning on the island.
“Didn’t feel like it.” Bucky narrowed his eyes.
Suspect 1: Sam Wilson, The Most Annoying Bird Alive
Sam had a tendency to poke fun at people, but some might not take it as well as others. For example, when a barista burst out in tears last week when Sam joked about her being “all over the place” with all the orders coming in. (He came in with flowers the next day)
Bucky wondered if Sam had said something that was supposed to be funny, but you didn’t think it was and got upset.
A part of Bucky wanted to settle on Sam so he had an excuse to beat him up, but the more rational side of him realized that you had gone on one too many missions with him to think he was being serious about anything he said.
Tony then came in, holding a bunch of empty coffee mugs in his hand, practically throwing them into the sink.
“Bruce said my mugs were ‘taking up too much room’ in the lab,” Tony rolled his eyes. “Well why doesn’t he try being the goddamn genius backbone of this team.”
Bucky stared at him intently.
Suspect 2: Tony Stark, The Dick Who Can’t Set His Metal Rock Music Lower Than 98
Tony had a tendency to snap easily, especially when he was low on sleep (which was basically all the time). Everyone usually steered clear of Tony when he was moody, because he would most definitely say the meanest things, but not really mean any of it.
Bucky tried to think if it was logical that Tony would snap at you and say something. However, he came to the conclusion that even if Tony had said something, you had known him for too long to take his sleep-deprived words to heart.
“What are you looking at, Winter Schnitzel?” Tony challenged, noticing Bucky staring at him.
“Nothing.” Bucky replied, his stare shifting over to his best friend, who was grinning in amusement, but still trying to find something to eat that wouldn’t give him diabetes.
Suspect 3: Steve Rog-
Bucky stopped himself, almost laughing at himself for thinking Steve would ever call a woman a whore.
Even though you always kept the fridge full of random items you would make, Steve would never say a single bad thing about you.
For now, Bucky was stuck.
6 hours later, and Bucky was still stuck.
You and Peter were out (God knows where), which was another perfect chance for Bucky to think.
But the problem was he couldn’t think of anyone.
Everyone in the compound adored you, so Bucky couldn’t figure out who the hell would deliberately say something to make you upset.
He dragged his shoes across the floor, cursing Steve in his head for making him go on a “stroll” because he apparently looked “pent-up”.
There was no way in hell Bucky would walk around outside, so he opted to take a walk inside, using Mother Steve’s demand to his advantage to scout out potential targets.
He halfheartedly glanced around the floor, stopping when his gaze landed on you.
He immediately grinned, not caring about the fact he probably looked crazy, and started his way over to where you were.
You were talking to someone with a bag in your hand. Bucky remembered you saying something about picking up a dress from the store for your friend. Peter was next to you, and for some reason, puffing his chest out?
But, as Bucky got closer, he realized you were talking to Jacob, the little dickwad who couldn’t take no for an answer,
“How many times do I have to tell you? Get out of my way. I’m trying to get this to someone.” Bucky heard you snap, tuning in with his enhanced hearing.
Bucky stopped, trying to assess the situation and figure out if you would appreciate him stepping in or not.
He knew you didn’t need anyone to stand up for you, but his overprotective side rippled through his body, his jaw clenching and fists balling.
“Baby, stop acting- “Jacob was cut off with a sharp slap.
The little bastard was taken by complete shock.
Meanwhile, Peter was still trying to look as intimidating as possible.
“Jacob, what the hell is your problem? I’ve told you to leave me alone more times than I can count. How fucking thick is your skull?”
Jacob was about to reply, with probably something bitchy, but he caught sight of Bucky in the corner with the most murderous glare and stopped himself.
He instead looked down and stepped to the side, giving you and Peter room to go.
“Yeah, that’s what I thought. Beat it.” Peter growled in the most non-threatening way possible as you two left, giving Bucky the perfect chance to slide in before Jacob could hightail out of there.
“Barnes.” Jacob greeted, clearing his throat.
“Callaway.” Bucky’s blood boiled at how differently he treated other men than how he treated women. “Didn’t your mother ever teach you to respect a lady?”
Before Jacob could reply, his equally dumb friend, Brody, walked past the two men.
“Damn, Jake. Barnes finally here to beat you up for calling his girl a whore?”
Bucky and Jacob both stared at Brody.
Jacob looked sickly pale, and Bucky looked calmly terrifying. Clear sign he was fucking enraged.
“Oh shit-” Brody finally put the pieces together, practically sprinting away.
Bucky turned back to face a petrified looking Jacob.
“So,” Bucky reached out, fixing Jacob’s tie and smoothing down his collar. “It was you, huh?”
Jacob tensed under Bucky’s touch.
“Chill pal, I just wanna talk.”
A bruised cheek, wet underwear, and hurt ego later, Jacob’s talk with Bucky was over.
Bucky threw his feet up on the ottoman, but not before telling Friday to make sure Jacob was apologizing to you, as instructed by Bucky himself.
He patiently waited for you on the couch, a wide grin appearing on his face as you walked in and cuddled up next to Bucky, but not without pressing a kiss to his lips first.
Halfway through the movie, you turned to look at Bucky.
“Thank you,” You smiled.
“For what, doll?”
You turned back to face the movie, a smile playing at your lips. “C’mon. I know that was you. He would never apologize on his own will.”
Bucky laughed, turning you around once again to pepper kisses all over your face.
“I love you, my little smartass.”
“I love you too, pops.”
Mission accomplished.
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should-be-sleeping · 1 year
Tough day today... and friendly reminder that being human is easier when we help each other.
I saw one of our neighbors, an older woman we sometimes talk to in passing, sitting outside of her house. I don't know what exactly made me look twice, but on second glance as we drove by I realized her walker was in the grass. She was otherwise just sitting there, like she had a thousand times before, so it would have been easy to assume she was fine and go on with my life as normal but something told me to go check in on her anyway.
She was not fine. She was the polar opposite of fine. Just diagnosed with terminal cancer not fine. No next of kin not fine. A veteran facing eviction from her house for missing rent while in the hospital not fine. In constant debilitating pain not fine. Only semi-lucid not fine. She was extremely alone not fine.
I thought, at most, she might be bored while unable to pick up her walker not fine. A five minute detour from my day not fine. A help her back into her house and say "see you later!" not fine. Instead I spent the last three hours with her because she was so scared and alone and no one should be alone.
We talked a lot while I was there. She's actually two years younger than my mom (who also has cancer but slightly better luck, I guess). I helped her into her house and got her a drink and we talked about what all is going on with her. None of it was good. I was as reassuring as I could be, but there's only so much of this I can actually help her with.
"Why did you come?" she asked through tears.
"Because you looked like you might need some help."
She called me an angel. I told her I was just doing my best. I told her that kindness should never be rare. That we should all try to make the world just a little bit better than it was.
She offered to pay me but I told her I was just there as a friend. Before today we were basically strangers. No need to repay me with anything other than her company, I assured her. She cried, a lot. I managed not to somehow. Something tells me she had needed to cry long before this but in being Strong she never had the chance to.
She needed to get her mail, which is a long walk when you're disabled because it is not at all handicap accessible (across a parking lot, over a bridge, across a small field). So I helped her get her mail. We stopped every three feet because her pain was so bad, but she was determined to be able to go do this with me and not just send me on an errand. I patiently stayed with her and reminded her, through her apologies, it was fine to take our time: there was a nice breeze and birds were singing. She appreciated this. She loves nature.
Halfway back she said she wanted to go to the pool. To put her feet in the water. She loves water, and has not been able to even see the pool in a month. Neither of us were dressed for swimming, but I took her to the pool anyway. There is a stair leading down to it, meaning she couldn't bring her walker, so I offered her my arm.
We went to the pool. She put her feet in the water and then, with more energy and enthusiasm than I'd seen the whole time, she jumped in. In her fancy dress! She was instantly ten years younger at least, clear and happy, floating in the sun. Dress and all. She grew up with a pool and had been on a swim team.
I sat by the edge of the pool while she swam, keeping her company and also making sure she was okay. When she got tired I took her back home and then had to help her get undressed and redressed. I made sure she felt no shame. Getting out of wet clothes is hard for anyone, let alone someone with like twenty pounds of tumors racking them with constant pain.
She was so fucking happy to have gone swimming.
She is trying to "make everything right" before she goes. Trying to repay her debt to society and her debts in general. She couldn't understand why the corporation that owns our houses wouldn't take her money. She was genuinely distressed -- not to be homeless on her deathbed but to not leave this world with a clean slate. I told her intent matters. She can only do her best.
This company not letting her repay her debt was their fault, not hers.
When I finally needed to go, I told her to let me know any time she needed a hand or just wanted company. She told me she was going to die tonight. I told her I hoped not, so I could see her tomorrow. I offered her a hug, we hugged and she sobbed for a solid ten minutes into my shoulder. I told her she was okay. That it was okay.
When I got home I cried myself, because I could not believe she was going through all of that alone. I cannot even imagine how isolated she must have felt. Once I pulled myself back together I sent her a text reminding her to reach out any time and I'd do my best to come over. Like, any time at all.
I hope she is here tomorrow.
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boxbugdotcom · 4 months
poo poo pee pee oooohh you wanna tal;k about mumscarian asooooo bad ouuhohhhhh you wanna discuss tehem and tyour headcannons on them SOOO ABADDDD
(guys, obviously this is not about the content creators, those are real people. this is all about the characters!! ty 🫶)
guys literally ENOUGH trying to chose between Grumbo or Scarian or Redscape. they all have two hands. And it’s not Just Grumbo + Scar or Scarian + Mumbo, THEY ALL HAVE WONDERFUL CHEMISTRY!!
Grian and Mumbo CLEARLY like each other— summoning circles and bothering each other every single day (not so much this season), they genuinely enjoy each other’s company, love being around each other— a good example could be in secret life, Grian’s first task to make bad puns and have no one laugh. And what did he do?? Immediately goes to find Mumbo, despite knowing Mumbo is the world’s giggliest person!! Another one is Mumbo’s complete and total regret when making that deal with Grian for his permits— when he took the bit too far and Grian backed out he felt so bad about it!!
Scar and Grian, I mean. C’mon. We have everything about third life, and then double life— and they have such a fun teasing sort of relationship! They laugh with each other and poke fun and that’s how they are !!! They are NOT bad for each other or mean to each other or anything, they play off of each other and don’t hold grudges for their bits. Like the snails bit, or the on hold bit (all from this season), they’re just ! fun and playful together.
Mumbo and Scar are absolutely wonderful together ! their personalities work well together and they’re so hilarious— i love me a crazy bitch (scar) and the seemingly normal guy said crazy bitch totes around with him (mumbo). That’s not to say Mumbo’s normal, he’s only regular because everyone around him is batshit /j still though! Scar does all his crazy shit, and Mumbo’s along for the ride bc they like hanging out together! Mumbo loves Scar’s builds and takes inspo from them, they based next to each other on magic mountain, they’re just so !!
And let’s not forget !! the buttercups! All of season nine! The fact that they’ve based together every season since Grian’s joined!!!
as for headcanons i. literally could talk for hours about it but my phone is dying and its late,,, so have this short list!!
- Grian falls asleep in the sun SO often and whenever Scar or Mumbo finds him, they just ! join him !
- Scar’s the strongest, Grian’s the lightest, and Mumbo’s the weakest. Grian has hollow bird bones and therefore is really light ! Mumbo just is,,,, such a twink im sorry its gotta be said. He may haul redstone components around but he is NOT buff. Scar is buff okay it just Makes Sense. He can pick both Grian and Mumbo up easy
- Mumbo’s the most easily flustered, and Grian and Scar tag team flirt with him SOOOO OFTEN. It just ends in Mumbo being a red and stuttering mess
- Mumbo also is the worst at flirting— Grian’s the best, and Scar isn’t good at it but his insane demeanor and strange behaviors are so captivating to the other two. Mumbo cant flirt to save his life. He once tried a simple pickup line on Grian and forgot how it went halfway through. He’s tried to flirt with Scar and fell face first into the dirt.
- Mumbo still has insane loserboy rizz and autistic swagger. how??? no one knows! but his nervous demeanor and autistic rizz bagged both scar and grian idk
- The Buttercups was a resistance to Doc, yes, but it was ALSO Grian and Scar inviting Mumbo into their relationship. Mumbo did not realize this until FAR into the buttercups. He was not complaining
- On that note, Grian and Scar were dating first, absolutely. After 3rd life??? there was no way they weren’t. But they saw Mumbo, in all his autism, loserboy, anxiety disorder swagger, and both fell head over heels.
- Mumbo has like. Always been in love with Grian and Scar. Since they became friends, basically. But he was nervous to say anything, and then they were dating, and it was okay! Mumbo was absolutely smitten, but it was manageable. He loved them both so much— it was a bruise that only hurt when you pushed on it. But he loved being around them! He loved being their friend, so it was okay! He was their friend, and he loved them, and he was okay with that
- Of course, they DID love him back. Mumbo just didn’t realize that,,,, for a while,,,,,
I’m sure i could come up with more! but like i said it’s late and i need to sleep lmao
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in1-nutshell · 7 months
Hello again, this is the second part of TFA Bumblebee's twin sibling.
Buddy also become fascinated by earth and, because of that, Prowl invites them to come watch the animals with him and learn more about earth's nature.
During that time Prowl and Buddy get to know each other better, they end up getting closer to the point Buddy's crush on Prowl goes from tiny to big.
Buddy's ends up getting more quiet and shy around Prowl because they don't know what to with those feelings.
Unknow to them, Prowl also returns those feelings.
Bumblebee starts teasing Buddy the moment he finds out they have a crush on Prowl.
Because, come on, he is their brother, it's basically his duty to embarrass them.
Bumblebee: I can't believe it, your first crush and is on the most boring bot ever.
Buddy: Oh, shut up!
But when he finds out Prowl also has a crush on his twin?
He becomes the "what are your intentions with my sibling" protective brother real quick and gives Prowl the shovel talk.
Is it because he thinks Prowl isn't good enough for his sibling? Not really, is mostly because he feels that it's his responsibility as Buddy's brother to act like this.
In the end, Bumblebee gives Prowl his approval to date his sibling and Prowl promises to Bumblebee that he will protect Buddy.
All righty! Part 2 of the last request!
Hope you enjoy!
Bot Buddy who's Bumblebee's twin with a crush on Prowl
SFW, Platonic, Romance, Familial, Cybertronain reader
The longer the team stayed on Earth the more Buddy fell in love with the planet.
From its people.
To the animals
To the plants.
It was so new and fresh, defiantly nothing that was on Cybertron.
They did miss Cybertron every now and then, but Earth was slowly becoming their new home.
Buddy and Sari had especially gotten close.
Buddy felt that they did owe Sari a bit, but it was mostly because they really did like Sari.
Buddy and Sari coming back to the base.
“And where were you two?”--Bumblebee
“We went to go see the new duck pond in the park.”--Buddy
Sari nodding.
“Yeah, and we got to feed them too.”--Sari
Sari and Buddy laugh a bit.
“Remember when that duck flew straight into your chassis?”--Sari
Buddy smiling widely.
“Only because you forgot to take the feed out! I still got feathers in me.”--Buddy
“Anyways, Sari I got the game set up—”--Bumblebee
“Not now Bumblebee. I’m gonna help Buddy paint their room.”--Sari
“Why? I’m much more fun than pain—and they left. Great…”--Bumblebee
Bulkhead sat next to him, patting his helm.
“It’s okay little buddy—”--Bulkhead
“I’m not that little!”--Bumblebee
Bee isn’t jealous.
He is very much.
He ends up nudging Buddy into hanging out with the team more so he can have more time to play with Sari.
This indirectly caused Buddy to start hanging out more with Prowl.
The two having a love for the organic nature of this planet often went outside of the plant to go look around.
It became their thing.
Buddy stumbled out of their room and running to the main room where Prowl was waiting for them.
“Sorry I’m late! I think Bumblebee mess up with my alarm’s.”--Buddy
Prowl chuckles a bit.
“No problem.”--Prowl
“I really thought you already left to the park by now. Why’d you wait?”--Buddy
Prowl stiffens a bit.
“You know more about the birds than I do.”--Prowl
“So that’s the only reason?”--Buddy
Prowl nervous sweats a bit before transforming.
“Shall we?”--Prowl
Buddy smiles at him and transforms.
“Ready when you are.”--Buddy
They never thought too hard about what was going on between them and Prowl. They were best friends, nothing more.
Best friends hung around each other all the time.
Best friends had sleepovers in each other’s rooms.
Best friends held servos sometimes.
Best friends sometimes felt a pounding in their chassis whenever the other was around.
Bets friends worried a lot about the others’ safety.
Best friends would take a blast to the chassis for the other.
Best friends would stare at each other for long periods of time.
Best friends often thought about each other when they slept—
Oh no…
They knew well this wasn’t some temporary thing.
They liked Prowl.
They really liked Prowl.
They needed to tell someone this.
And granted this was definitely not their best idea…
Buddy sitting with Bumblebee and Sari.
“So why do we have be here? Why not in the main room?”--Bumblebee
“Because I need to tell you guys something…”--Buddy
“And that’s something you can’t tell the team? Well, I’m all in for it! What is it?”--Bumblebee
“I…I…I like Prowl.”--Buddy
Buddy squints their optics shut not wanting to see their reactions.
Buddy quickly covers Sari’s mouth.
“Are trying to let the others know?!”--Buddy
“I knew it! I knew it! I knew it!”--Sari
“Wait what?”--Buddy
Sari giving them a smug look.
“I knew it from the first week you liked Prowl. I’ve been shipping you guys since.”-Sari
“Shipping? Never mind.”--Buddy
Buddy looks at their twin nervously.
Bumblebee busts out laughing.
“Nice one Buddy! But leave the pranks to me. We both know I’m better.”--Bumblebee
“Bumblebee, they’re not kidding.”--Sari
Bumblebee looks at his twin and then realizes their seriousness.
“Really? Prowl? Out of all the bots—you just had to pick the most boring bot in this side of the system.”--Bumblebee
“Hey! He is not boring!”--Buddy
“Buddy’s right.”--Bulkhead
Bulkhead is leaning a bit on the doorframe.
“Thank you, Bulkhead.”--Buddy
“Bulkhead! What are you doing here!?”--Buddy
“We heard Sari scream and came in and…”--Bulkhead
“Excuse me did you say ‘we’?”--Buddy
Bulkhead moves a bit revealing Ratchet and Optimus.
Buddy looks like they are going to faint.
“…How much did you hear?”--Buddy
“About the stuff we already knew?”--Ratchet
Buddy buries their face in their servos.
“At least Prowl did hear you.”--Bulkhead
“I didn’t hear about what?”--Prowl
Buddy had sprung out of the window of their room and landed hard on the ground outside.
Everyone moved towards the window.
Buddy is laying eagle spread outside on the slightly cracked pavement.
“On my way.”--Sari
Apparently, everyone knew, except about their crush except Prowl himself.
Observant their tailpipe.
The rest of the team managed to get Prowl out of the base for a bit to talk more to Buddy about their crush on the Cyberninja.
There are a lot of mix comments on how to woo or confess to Prowl.
Bee kind of doesn’t care too much about it.
He thinks that all of this is a bit much preparation for something that could fade away in a couple of weeks.
…That was until Bee found about Prowl’s little secret.
Bumblebee hiding behind Prowl’s tree ready to spook him for once.
Prowl comes in slightly pacing, clearly frustrated and nervous.
Bee stops a bit wondering what is happening to his friend.
“Come one Prowl! How hard is it to form a simple sentence. Why can’t you just say it.”--Prowl
Prowl stops a bit trying to regain his composure.
“Okay let’s see… Buddy, I like you. No that’s too straight forward. Buddy… ever since we met, I feel a special connection to you that I can only describe as affection. No… still not right. Hey Buddy, would you like to go out with me?”--Prowl
Bumblebee jumping from behind the tree.
“You like Buddy!”--Bumblebee
Prowl jumping already taking out his weapon when he realizes who it is.
“Bumblebee! What are you doing here!”--Prowl
“You. Like. Buddy.”--Bumblebee
Prowl freezes a bit.
“How much—”--Prowl
“I heard all of the horrible ways that your trying to ask them out.”--Bumblebee
Prowl sits on his berth with both servos on his face groaning.
Bumblebee walks in front of him with both of his servos on his hips.
“Okay Prowl, do you really like them?”--Bumblebee
Prowl removes his servos from his face.
“Of course I do.”--Prowl
“Meaning that you want to make them happy. Like the happiest bot in this world.”--Bumblebee
Prowl nodding.
“And wanting to protect them from any danger or Decepticon we ever come across?”--Bumblebee
“Yes, I would protect them with my spark.”--Prowl
Bumblebee stands still like he is thinking.
“I guess I approve then.”--Bumblebee
Prowl looking at him dumbfounded.
“Wait what? What do you mean?”--Prowl
“It means I approve you and Buddy getting together, duh.”--Bumblebee
“I…I would have thought you wouldn’t like us being together, at all.”--Prowl
“I don’t like the idea of my twin dating anyone, but I guess if you do what you said you were going to do, then I’m fine with it.”--Bumblebee
Prowl looking a bit hopeful.
“Thank you.”--Prowl
Bumblebee waving his servo.
“Yeah, yeah, now go work on those pick-up lines and confessions. Only the Allspark knows why they like you.”--Bumblebee
“They what?”--Prowl
Bumblebee’s optics widen at the mistake, while Prowl’s widen in happiness.
“Ummm… what? I didn’t say anything!”--Bumblebee
“Sari! I think I broke Prowl!”--Bumblebee
Prowl ended up confessing to Buddy later that week in front of the tree in his room under the full moon light.
He did think about doing it better in the park, but he didn’t want to risk something bad happening, and his room was the best place he could think of that also held significant value to the pair.
As a bonus, the team would be out on patrol while he would gather the nerves to confess.
The team returning from patrol.
“Remind me why Prowl couldn’t come today?”--Bumblebee
“He said he needed to do something and needed Buddy’s help with it.”--Optimus
“Hmmm. Wonder what that—”--Bulkhead
Bulkhead stops in the middle of the way.
“Bulkhead what are you—Oh.”--Ratchet
“What ‘oh’? What is—Oh. Oh!”--Optimus
“All right move it we can’t see!”--Bumblebee
Bumblebee and Sari move to the front to see what was going on.
On the sofa Prowl was sitting next to Buddy.
Buddy’s helm was resting on Prowl’s chassis as his arm went around their body, pulling them into a hug.
All while watching a nature documentary.
“HEY! NO KISSING!”--Bumblebee
Both bots jump up at the sudden noise.
Buddy begins to chase their twin around the base feeling like their entire face was on fire.
“Are you sure that’s what you want?”--Ratchet
Prowl sighs as Buddy manages to tackle Bee down.
“Wouldn’t have them any other way.”--Prowl
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the-lonelyshepherd · 6 months
"fanon lottienatters please stay away from me" oh!! shots fired!! 2,000 dead, 10,000 injured!! BUT curious about your specific definition for fanon lottienat and what you dislike about it <33
ohhhhh okay... alrrrrrr
this is like. one of my biggest issues. im not like a shipper, never rlly have been until yj but i dont like engage in discourse bc thats stupid.
But basically? Fanon lottienat just kinda strips anything thats interesting about the ship away. and makes it like. punk x preppy. loser x popular. ive even heard black cat and golden retriever which makes me want to rip my eyes out.
And its not even accurate to their characterization? at all? like youre flanderizing them but like..... not even their main traits. like ive seen people say "precrash lottie would be like charlotte from status update (curse that movie btw. the things i do for u courtney eaton) which is just. like not at all.
first off lottie is not popular. yeah, shes rich, but shes clearly somewhat of a loner (WHICH PARALLELS NAT?? WHICH MAKES IT MORE INTERESTING???) even courtney has said this in interviews. she feels ostracized, and a lot of it can be traced back to the flashback scenes we see, esp those about her relationship w her parents and her supposed mental illness. the 90s, especially the 90s in a high pressure rich family, was NOT a good place to have schizophrenia (and yeah theres the "she wasnt actually mentally ill" argument but that changes nothing because atp in the story her whole family and probably herself believed she was.
Then we have the nat characterization. The fanon "grumpy" to fanon lotties "sunshine". guys canonically nat smiles more than lottie. girlie was always grinning while lottie was experiencing the horrors all of s1. ofc they both went THROUGH it but that specific stereotype pissed me off sm i had to address it.
also, nat gets shown a lot as masc?? which is a fine headcanon but like for her style like the whole punk thing? she acc dresses relatively femininely.those are little irks abt nat but they bother me idc. too tired to write more on this rn but feel free to ask!
so basically taking this stuff into account - fanon lottienat uses a gross mischaracterization of both characters, especially lottie (also that suspiciously align w stereotypes HMMMMM) to literally make the ship more boring. You are making it a stupid and lame trope. You literally have these two insanely complex characters who mirror each other. Theyre not opposites attract, they are the same character in different skins. They're both loners, one because of her punk/rebel nature and nasty rumors, the other because of her mental illness and lack of closeness to people. Theyre both loners because of their social status and their fucked up home life. Theyre both providers - nat the hunter, bringer of physical and real food like the deer. Lottie the prophet, bringer of hope and, through the teams eyes, the birds, the bear, etc. Lottie who begs to be a martyr but is denied nat who runs from it but shoulders it anyways. They're both bleeding hearts they both give soul to the team and are some of the most genuine characters but they present it so differently.
The fact that the majority of content grossly mischaracterizes them and is the widely accepted fanon just.. sucks tbh. and the fact that people get so up in arms about them, and literally attack fans of other characters (lottielee fans... travis fans....) for no reason?? all these other characters do is contribute to what makes lottienat such a compelling and fucked up and interesting ship. i love them so much but lwk most of yall are insane and dont even appreciate them for what they really are.
thoughts questions comments concerns hmu
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f4nd0m-fun · 3 months
It was getting too long so...
Okay this was VERY long but I love it all. So much food, and very much alive when possible. And yeah they're very much venomous.
... oh gods you're making me hungry for food that isn't even safe even if it existed 😂
Also, I feel like Ivy's plants would, ah, sometimes move if they don't like where they're currently planted. If your neighbor is taking better care of your flowers then you might wake up and see them over there, you just learn to deal. 😅
Ooooo I love that. And I feel like, to Aquaman, it would be like speaking in Pig Latin + Esperanto mixed with the heaviest Scottish accent ever. He can tell it's words, but he can't really understand it.
Also, Bruce singing lullabies to the kids, just imagine. Jason or Dick or anyone shows up having a panic attack and Bruce starts calming them down. First in English, then aquatic, and slowly morphing into a lullaby.
Oh definitely, those other heroes will be struggling. Almost feel bad for them.
The medical professionals must be paid well, and Gotham University probably ends up with a very heavy metal degree that most people might assume is for vets not human doctors. 😂
Oh my gods Helena yes. Poor Supes, and I love the JL freaking out. Also, her bottle HAS to be a little pink, because of the blood that's probably in it. Also, I imagine they're born with weak venom, and drinking their parents' blood lets them process and produce stronger toxins.
I bet Dick and the other kids probably have the same weird food habits and their teammates aren't really sure what they're supposed to do. Sometimes Tim will fall asleep in the middle of lunch and whoever is in the same room will get to see his lunch run away. Probably a bit unnerving. 🤣
I like the idea they might do them for 'major holidays'. Not on the holiday, because Calendar Man (on the holidays is Gotham only, they fully expect him to show up, he's practically invited without saying anything outright), and that's the Outsider Galas. Not just one a year, but not like 20 of em either.
And yeah, aside from runaway food, Tim is pretty good with outsiders. He probably wouldn't eat 'normal' (normal for Gotham anyway) around his team if he didn't trust em or something either. This is probably another reason Bruce made him CEO. 😅
Yesss uncanny valley please. Everyone is freaking out internally, and yet at the same time they can tell they're safe... for now. Servers doing their job, and Gothamites not revealing anything, unless someone does something wrong.
Yesss the rogues. Honestly I just want an AU where the rogues are basically family.
"Oh yeah that's aunts Harley and Ivy, they can be fun but don't drink the wine."
Then (controversial I know but also heavily depends on the AU)
"That's Uncle J, we're on tense terms with him but he's got the best drinks if you don't mind letting a bit."
"There's not-dad Harv-"
"he's Uncle T right now-"
"-that's Uncle T, don't gamble with him or ask about his coin collection unless you want to stay a while."
"Don't mind Uncle Cobbles, he's a little competitive with B about their family histories, but other than that and birds he's pretty calm."
"Yeah don't mind Uncle John, he's probably more nervous than you are, doing spook him and you'll be fine."
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Yesss so many photos.
Also, there's two wedding photos. One he shows to outsiders, the other is up at the major as a painting and is the same wedding photo but underwater.
... Ras don't bother your son-in-law's friends please, they have enough on their plate. Seriously, stop. 😂😅
Bruce probably confuses everyone even more by knowing the assassins.
Oooo yes. Sharks, aquariums, oh my. I love all the animals you mentioned too.
... so I randomly looked up 'Victorian modern punk' because why not and...
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This was the top result.
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ssa-atlas-alvez · 1 year
Hi! I'd love to drop some thoughts on cowboy!reader.
I think they get tattoos that are symbolic of things/people that mean a lot to them. No fear of the permanence, because cowboy knows that if something means that much to you at one point in time, it'll always be a part of you anyways, tattoo or not.
So basically i can see the whole team discovering that cowboy!reader is half covered in tattoos (maybe on a really hot climate case etc) and they're like what do all those mean?! and cowboy is like well, i have one for each of y'all. then they all of course feel a need to guess which ones are representative of them. maybe only then do they realise just how much of an impact they've had on him. idk.
much love,
-🦕 anon (if that's available of course)
No warnings, also I love this idea so yeah! Also we're going to pretend that the 'plot' makes sense aha
Taglist: @xweirdo101x @xdark-acadamiax @ara-a-bird @heidss @chubbyboyinflannel @pendragon-writes @migwayne @bigolgay @technikerin23 @supercriminalbean @honestlycasualarcade @caffeine-mess @1s3v3n1 @oddmiles @kevyeen @stealing-kneecaps @criminalskies
It was ridiculously hot, you honestly felt like you were melting (and this coming from you, so it was ridiculously hot). And then a police officer bumps into you, spilling his freshly made (and very hot) coffee onto you whilst you were making your way to the briefing room set up for the case.
You huffed as you walked in, trying to get the shirt as far away from you as possible without actually taking it off. "Someone spilt coffee on me," You pouted, JJ chuckled slightly.
"You're going to need to change shirts," She said, as she was closest she fished through your go-bag, grabbing a shirt and throwing it at you. You caught it, shooting her a grin as you did so.
"Shirtless warning," You warned, they all rolled their eyes at your laziness to find a secluded place to change shirts. You quickly removed your shirt as you then tried to find the opening for your other shirt.
"Since when did you have tattoos?" Morgan asks with a grin.
You turned to him, "For a while now," You shrugged.
"What do they all mean?" Spencer asked, tilting his head.
"They've all got different meanin's," You said. "Some of them are for the people I've met and have impacted me, others are just pretty,"
"Pretty?" Morgan grinned.
"Yeah, pretty."
Spencer looked at your tattoos before pointing at one. A small black bird on your chest.
"Who's that one for?"
"That one's for my baby brother Aden," You grin, "When he was a kid he used to make me sing Blackbird when he was scared,"
"Have you got any for us?" Spencer asked curiously.
"Yep," You said, "I've got one for each of y'all,"
"Seriously?" Emily's eyes widen when you nod again.
"Of course," You said, "Y'all mean a lot to me,"
"Can we guess?"
"Sure," You grin.
There was silence for a moment as you stood awkwardly whilst the team's gazes travelled your chest and back, searching for tattoos that could be linked to the team.
"Is- Is that one mine?" Spencer asked, pointing to the small chess piece on your torso, a pawn with a shadow of the queen piece.
You nod, "Yep,"
"Why the queen shadow?"
"You're a whole lot more vital to this team than you give yourself credit for," You shrug, Spencer blushes.
"This one has to be mine!" Penelope chimes, pointing at the tattoo of her favourite octopus mug. "You seriously got this tattooed onto your skin forever?!"
"Yeah, why?"
"It's on there forever,"
"It's a reminder," You said. Seeing the slightly confused look on her face, you continued, "It's a reminder that you had an impact on my life, that you meant so much to me that I wanted that remind with me, forever."
"You're so sappy," Morgan laughed, you rolled your eyes. "Wait, is this one mine?" You looked, he was pointing to the small MP3 player with a set of headphones and you nod.
"Uh-huh," You said, "You take them everywhere, it couldn't have been anything else," Morgan rolled his eyes slightly.
"Who's is this one?" Emily asked, pointing at the fountain pen.
"Hotch," You answered, "His favourite pen is the fountain pen Haley got him one Christmas,"
"Oh! Oh! This one has to be Emily's!" Garcia exclaimed, pointing to the small black cat. "It's Sergio!" You laughed as you confirmed.
"What about this one?" Reid asks, pointing to the small butterfly. "Is that one for one of us?" You nodded.
"I got that for JJ," You said with a shrug, pink dusting over your cheeks, "She told me she collected butterflies when she was young,"
"When did you get it?" JJ asked softly, staring at it. It was a Palos Verdes Blue Butterfly, a rare and beautiful butterfly.
"Bout a year ago," You said with a shrug, "That conversation made me realise-"
That I had fallen in love with you.
"That I belonged on the team," You said, giving a small crooked smile.
"Wait, is mine a plate of pasta-?" Rossi asked. You grinned at him sheepishly.
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lara-cairncross · 6 months
Your TMNT fairies are so beautiful!! I have plenty of questions if you don't mind, sorry if it's a bother haha.
1. How did donnie damage his wings? Or did he appear with it damaged?
2. Did they come from the same laugh? (Probably, but since don's wings, I'm confused.)
3. Is it like the fairy camp situation with april?
4. Were they born at the same time? I mean, if they were born in the same laugh they can't be born at the same time, because it has to be a baby's first ever laugh.
5. What is Splinter's role here?
6. Like the lair games, do you think they participate in the yearly pixie hollow games?
7. Does donnie have his own workplace? Tinker fairies usually work in pairs or teams, right?
That's all for now! I'm so sorry if this is overwhelming, when I saw your AU I screamed because Tinkerbell is my favorite movie series and I love love LOVE the turtles so much and I was so excited and thought about all these scenarios! Sorry, I'm babbling. Anyway, I love these so much! No pressure though, sorry again once this gets to you. (Another apology because I feel bad)
Not a bother at all!! The fact that you're interested enough to ask me questions is a huge compliment 🥹🧡🧡 I'll do my best to answer everything!
Donnie was technically born with the damaged wing! The dandelion seed he was created from got attacked by a bird during its trip to Pixie Hollow, and as a result, his wing was severely damaged by the time he arrived. The wing brace helps him be able to fly, but he's still a much poorer flier than the abled fairies.
Yes, Leo and Donnie came from the same laugh! Hence why they're twins :D Their wing patterns are the same, but Donnie's is damaged on one side. Raph and Mikey, on the other hand, were born from the laughs of the other two babies! All four turtles were created from the same set of human triplets, just a different baby each time :)) Raph was created first, Leo and Donnie second, and Mikey third-- all on the same night!
I wouldn't necessarily call it a fairy camp? The four of them are just very adventurous, and ran into April a long time ago. She was lonely, and the turtles were curious about humans, so they all just kinda got along! And now they hang out in her garden a lot :DD
Kinda answered this one already lmao, but to recap, nope! They weren't all born from the same laugh! Instead, all four of them were created on the same night from human triplets :D Donnie and Leo are the only two who were born from the same child though.
Splinter is a bonafide rat in this au! He's kinda the turtles' surrogate father??? Idk, he basically just lives in the walls of April's house and occasionally goes to rescue them if they do something stupid while they're out on adventures lmao
I think Mikey and Leo would participate at the very least! Raph could also probably be convinced, and it wouldn't be too hard :D Donnie would probably be a lot more reserved about participating in front of people though :((
Yes, Donnie has his own workplace! He actually has two of them: one at Pixie Hollow, and a fairy-sized one in a corner of April's garage! She provides him with basically whatever human materials he needs (lots of paperclips lmao). And, like in the show, Donnie usually works alone on projects. He doesn't really have a "team", but he's not against working with other Tinker Fairies if they're having trouble with something, or if he finds the project interesting.
Hope that answers all your questions so far!! Feel free to send more if you have any, I'm having SO much fun answering these! No need to apologize ❤️🧡🩵💜
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ghostadjacentfae · 2 years
Okay so I’ve got a bit of a kinda sorta really specific af idea that I am 90% I’ll never get to despite loving to bits so imma throw it to the wild and maybe some of you will like parts of it too. Okay? Okay. 
Basic version: DP x DC prompt where Danny’s gotten deaged as part of another bid for the power of Ghost King. The title that Danny now is heir to. Jazz takes the now like 4-to-8 year old Danny, who barely remembers anything besides Jazz Good and Vlad Bad, and flees to Gotham to find help from somebody that Vlad won’t expect them to seek out help from. To leave Danny with while she goes into the Ghost Zone herself to look for help/a solution.
Longer one where I’ve gone a little very insane: 
DP x DC prompt where Vlad’s deaged Danny as part of another bid for the power of Ghost King. The title that Danny now has/is heir to. Either reveal gone wrong when trying to explain because how do they hide this or no reveal at all, just Jazz grabbing her even-littler-than-usual brother and booking it because there’s no time to explain if they’re to keep Danny way from Vlad. Couldn't go into the zone bc for as many allies as Danny has there, there's also so many enemies that could intercept them before they could reach those allies to inform that help is needed (and who knows, maybe the parent's Fenton removed access to their portal from their kiddos for some reason). Danny is still halfa obvs but he doesn’t remember any details about anything. Jazz is Home. Creepy vampire man Bad. Furries in black with masks Do Good (and Jazzy tells him to trust them so he will). Clowns Very Bad. 
 In Gotham, Jazz doesn't try the keeping low thing. Well she does; not using anything besides cash and fake names, ancients what she wouldn’t do for a shower but places want credit cards goddamnit, to not bring attention on them from Vlad. Maybe she’s got a burner to get updates from Sam and Tucker on, about the status of Amity or if they’ve gotten anywhere on their end of the search for a solution, but they all know Vlad is watching them so they don’t know where she and Danny are or what she’s doing. Which is that she goes out at night looking for the bats and birds on purpose to get help for her brother, making waves in the rumour mill but staying hidden during the day. It takes a while; longer than they have time for really and she gets more stupidly desperate. Danny’s with her for every stupid stunt, usually hidden for safety but never so far that she can’t get to him if in seconds if it turns out they’ve gotten tracked down. She won’t run the risk of leaving him in their safe house of the day without her to come back and find him gone.
She decided on Bats rather than Supers or others bc an overshadowed superhero??? Bad. The bats and birds are either Entities not unlike she and Danny are (liminal!jazz agenda my beloved (honestly most of amity park but that’s not quite relevant here)) and thus immune, or they're very trained regular people. Those can still pack a punch but it's not something she can't fight against if they can’t actually be trusted. Not something she hasn't already fought against in the months she’s been in Team Phantom. Not something she hasn’t already fought against while making her escape with Danny.
Leaving Danny with them is going to take every ounce of trust she can muster.
She finds Red Robin or Nightwing first I think and gives the most bare bones of an explanation. Doesn't mention deaged, simply at-risk heir to The Throne Of Infinity and there's a bid for the crown right now by a man that’ll be another tyrant, and "by the ancients, you need to protect him. I'm the best he's got right now but I can't keep him safe and find our allies". That they aren’t metas but there’s too much to explain. "Maybe Danny will explain if he can but just. It'd be so much simpler if we had super powers. Wouldn't have to worry about enemies overshadowing anyone to get them to shoot us if we were all just metas." 
She’s got a bag of Tech, just whatever she and Danny could grab and Go. And a third of it lost when Jazz dropped half of hers in order to pick up Danny to run faster. Think nearly finished schematics, a blaster or two, one Specter Deflector, what may or may not just be a toaster, and crammed into his bug-bag. Or school backpack. A corner of the bag is green with dried ectoplasm from a broken vial that got shattered in the mad dash. 
(I’m a little attached to it being Tim she leaves Danny with. Maybe he tries to pawn him off on one of his brothers, but Danny's already like, imprinted on him. Very "YOU promised Jazz to keep me safe. Jazz left me with YOU >:C" y’know? Or cuz she stressed so very much that he cannot be left without someone guarding him, and bats don't exactly want identity reveal he can't really be left in the cave under the watch of Agent A since Alfred needs to do other things, he gets handed around a little bit between them as heroes only and it's just Timmy's bad luck that he really likes this clever snarky little bean 's the one stuck with Danny on the occasion that plot happens. I just like Tim & Danny time.)
I'm thinking plot tool of Jazz with one of Wulf's claws? As a thing that lets her get into the Zone without portal access or the speeder after finding a Bat to leave Danny with. But no control of where she'll show up, hence not using it when their parents portal wouldn’t work. It Works Like That™ because I Say So™, tho if you have a less mystery McGuffin reliant idea this is by no means obligatory. Just an excuse on a silver platter.
Also tiny Danny, barely awake, trying to grab Jazz and saying not to go cuz it's dangerous/he needs her, only for his hand to go intangible through her. Did I mention yet that he doesn’t have control of his powers?
And of course, Vlad tracks Danny down. 
And he’s big bad.
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oriley42 · 1 month
long time reader, first time caller! i just read all of “adventures in polyamory” after watching approximately 3 episodes with amber in them, and it breaks my heart that you made me fall in love with her wilson-style (with reckless immediacy) while the way she’s depicted in the show is so…woman written in the 2000’s…so i’m here to shake a tin cup and ask for any amber headcanons you’d be willing to share
hello and welcome from KZ-HouseMD, the radio station for all your hatecrime-hits! ;) <3
loving Amber is so painful and so worth it; we will punch through the Noughties' misogyny together babes 🌈
headcanons and over-explanations ahoy!!
Amber's got a WASP-y background, and has spent her life both living up to and rejecting these standards. Unlike Wilson, who is delusionally attached to the idea of being Good and Normal but is unhappy living the reality, Amber recognizes that these concepts are absurd performances HOWEVER she logically recognizes that they come with benefits--and she wants those. "Love and respect" seemed impossible, because respect comes with being the best according to society's rules, and love couldn't survive that stifling environment. Now, she can hold on to the respect she craves: money enough to feel safe, wearing pearls and skirts to look proper and upper-middle-class femme, having a handsome-doctor-man-partner, an MD of her own + also still be herself, including un-ladylike cruelty, dishonesty, being part of House's chaotic evil orbit, sexual freedom, atheism, etc.
Amber has spent 110% of her life trying to get enough success to feel safe and stable and happy, so she hasn't developed interests and hobbies because who has time for that give me another coffee and another go at that medical text
Related: Amber hates everything about organized sports, but if she had the time and a friend (*cough* Thirteen) she could be one of those sapphics who gets incredibly obsessed with a women's soccer team or the WNBA
Also related: a sufficiently "productive" hobby I think she'd love is antiquing. Waking up at six AM to drive three hours and wait outside an estate sale and then barge in and make a grab for that antique bureau, fighting off old ladies and viciously snarling down the price--bloodsport for classy femmes!
Amber is a basic chocolate girlie. Caramel is a close follow-up. Vanilla is fine, and she'll pretend to like fancy amaretto or pistachio flavors etc but really she would prefer an Oreo. (Or two...) She will eat max veggies for Health tm and the spiciest food to prove she is Tough tm but really just wants a grilled cheese. A chicken nugget. A spaghetti. Food sensitivities + eating disorder, though she'll only barely cop to the latter, and will not be exploring the former thank you very much she's fine
Amber gets along well with older kids, where she can take on the role of Cool Babysitter, but I think she's secretly a little terrified of being left alone with the tiny incomprehensible, breakable ones, who don't follow the social contract yet and rely on her (!) for self preservation
Amber is naturally a night owl, but medical-land is all early bird, so she's mainly been sleep deprived for the last decade, since she refuses to have a 10 PM bedtime just because she has to get up at 5 AM to make her shift.
Amber's not that interested in fiction ("who has time for that in this reality?") but she ironically enjoys rom-coms for the absurdity, the laugh factor, and the easy comfort of a formula + unironically enjoys action movies because she likes seeing people get punched in the face repeatedly
Amber should take Taekwondo lessons so she can beat the ever-loving shit out of people for fun, and maybe she will after she realizes that the Lulu Lemons in her yoga classes are unbearable, and instead befriend some weirdos gathering at the local gym to spar (Wilson would think this is a great and very attractive idea, House would be annoyed+scared+horny because jesus now he has to wear an athletic cup full-time or she'll crush his nuts for target practice, won't she, c'mon Wilson it's not funny)
okay hitting the brakes here before this gets so long it demands a read-more! 😜 thanks for the ask <333
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sirwow · 10 months
Iv got a ton of headcannon RD thoughts in my head right now so under a cut (since I can be long winded lol) here I’m gonna talk a lot about them. Mostly pertaining to all of the characters
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So to start off
Intern (and my own thoughts on them):
My own version of the intern would probably be pretty static- very simple humanoid looking robot, uses wheels to be pushed or roll around so going up elevators is how they get up and down. Still controlled by a remote intern and due to being pretty prototyped they can’t do much other then what the robot it’s built for (pushing buttons!) They do have a simple display that shows a heart rate on their arm and a face display for basic emotions.
Samurai and Insomniac
These guys are weird so their backgrounds get to be just as weird. Samurai and Insomniac both came to Middlesea from Japan (Samurai) and Korea (Insomniac) to compete in a worldwide tournament of katana sparring. Insomniac ended up losing to Samurai after getting no sleep the night before and admittedly got a bit peeved about it. They had a run in when Samurai was celebrating at a nightclub and had a rematch on the dance floor. One drunken fight later they ended up at the hospital and have to be there awhile to sort out the paperwork. They’re on much better terms now and respect each other’s skills.
Bonus stuff: Samurai is bad at speaking English but is very good at writing it, Insomniac is vice versa this. Samurai due to the struggle to show emotions through words usually emotes things physically and doesn’t mind stuff happening as long as he gets to be included. Insomniac has insomnia because of the time difference and not being able to adjust
Logan and Hailey
I feel they’re probably about 15? Old enough to be highschoolers but still pretty childish at times. They’re also both in dance! (I mean com’on two kids being able to just break into slow dance together is pretty impressive) Hailey loves to talk about said fact but Logan is pretty self conscious about being one of the few boys in it. Big baseball fans but didn’t ever play it before lucky as they were a bit scared of being demolished. Met through the before mentioned dance class and hit it off very quickly. Other then that, they’re pretty typical, optimistic and overly energetic teens.
He’s not originally from Middlesea but instead a few towns over. Got kicked from home as a final choice by his parents when he kept avoiding to get a job and hyper focused on music making. They gave him 1500$ on the way out and still wanted the best for him but in his emotions, cut them off before jumping all the way to Middlesea by train. Shortly after arriving, Cole had his first very bad SVT attack from stress and trying to chug energy shots to stay awake after a very long train ride and got taken to the hospital. Now can’t decide if he wants to get out of the hospital already for music inspiration and to be free or try to stay longer for the sake of having a place to stay and see the new friends he’s made.
Gave up on music only a year after highschool when her less well off family couldn’t support her musical ambitions and chose to leave it behind for the sake of a career. Despite not having the title, basically acts as the cafe manager after most her team got laid off. It’s how she can get away with locking up early sometimes or just chilling in the cafe after hours. Dyes her nearly black hair green constantly and learned how to do it herself.
Mr and Mrs Stevenson
Mrs Stevenson is the owner of a bird sanctuary while Mr Stevenson has been retired for awhile due to previous injuries. He always called Mrs in the mornings as she had to always leave early in the morning to take care of her birds. The ones with bow ties are all rescues who were taken in since they were babies and lived at their house. Taught them all how to sing with her and Mr.
Small town mfer, always took care of his injuries at home and hasn’t really ever been to a hospital till now. Around 35 yrs old and works as a sulfur miner for a team of geologists. Has been mining since 20~ but that time has seriously been taking affect on his body now. Likely won’t be returning to his work after the hospital when he finds out the ramifications of his work. Everyone’s friend, even friendly and kind to Edega.
.. and that’s kinda all Iv got at the moment other then Lucky being thrown off from a real friend group after being in a fake one for so long. I don’t have a lot HCs for the doctors yet other then Ian sorre….
If you made it this far have some cocole doodles for your sake
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ultimatetattletale · 20 days
Hi sorry I died for a while but I've been waiting for my computer to be fixed so I can draw pretty stuff again (yes it's taken like 6 months). Now please consider my thoughts on what animals different danganronpa characters would be
I tried to make sure there weren't any duplicates unless the characters are related and some of these I've put more thought into lol
Yasuhiro is a goat but like the fainting ones because it sounds funny and I can see him freezing up and falling over.
Junko and ikusaba are both chihuahuas because they're super cute but stereotypically people say they're little demons and that fits junko, she seems innocent but is just a big meanie. And I see ikusaba as being like a buff chihuahua who's all awkward but could eat you alive.
Makoto and Komaru are ferrets, ferrets need other ferrets for inrichment and that's basically makoto he wants friends to be happy. Also I think ferrets are very silly, I have 4 named noodle, little man, chonk, and rebel (like Starbuck).
Kyoko is a cat, I felt like a cat could match many different characters but I believe that she fits a cat the most. Cats are cute but pretty solitary also I think it matches with the fact she isn't very scary compared to some characters (ik she's like mysterious type scary and stone cold but I think she's a cutie).
Fukawa is a skunk bc she's stinky.
Byakuya is a cheetah and I thought about this quite a bit, I had a few different ideas on what to pick but honestly I think since he's blonde he's obviously a cheetah!! Duh!!
Asahina is an otter bc swimming and cute.
Sakura... I had so much trouble deciding this one ommmgg 😭 I was thinking about bigger animals and like martial arts and I was thinking about a gorilla and how they like punch their chests. It's the best I could come up with.
Leon is a weasel because I could see a weasel trying baseball and not liking it very much.
Sayaka is a panda because people love pandas and I could see a panda singing pop music.
Chihiro is a bunny because cute and small, also he's like Judy hops cuz he and her wanna prove they're stronge or smth 💪🏻
Mondo is an alligator bc grrrr scary 🐊
Hijumi is a walrus bc his lips kinda look like a walrus and he's chunky like a walrus, I thought of a hamster too but I thought it fit another character better.
Ishimaru I can see being a Labrador dog bc he's a silly little guy. He'd be the dog that barks at flys.
Celeste is a fruit bat bc vampire bat is what she wishes she was so she tries to be scary and goth but she's just a cute fuzz baby.
Nagito is a wolf bc he's literally wolf in sheep's clothing but he's also kinda cute.
Hajime is a panther who doesn't know how to be a panther, he tries to be a house cat.
Teruteru is a mouse bc ratatouille but I wanted him to be a mouse bc they're smaller and I think someone else fits the rat better.
Twogami I was thinking maybe a pig who wears cheetah fur or smth, like he wears the animal skin of what he's imitating.
Pekoyama is a gazelle bc they're coooool.
Mahiru is a red panda cuz they're small and cute and red like her hair
Soda is a rat bc I can imagine him being a sewer rat who smells bad in his silly little jumper.
Sonia is a swan bc they're elegant and pretty like a princess.
Fuyuhiko is a honey badger bc they're not very big but they give 0 fucks abt anything.
Tanaka is a Vulture and everyone's like 'whaaat a vulture taking care of hamsters???? Craaazy he'll eat them' but really he loves his little guys and would never.
Nekomaru is a lion bc team work and big.
Akane is a jaguar bc big and grrrr.
Chiaki is a sugar glider bc tiny and cute.
Saionji is the basilisk bc I can see her Jesus running on water.
Ibuki is a parrot bc caawww and repeating people and singing bird.
Mikan is a possum bc they faint when scared and that's funny haha but also I think they're cute.
Kamukura is a panther but he knows how to be a panther and doesn't wanna be a house cat like Hajime.
Shuichi is a coyote bc he ain't a big wolf but he isn't a tiny dog, he's like in the middle and he's adaptable I'd say.
Kaede is a spider monkey cuz they're like very social but can be aggressive and I think kaede is a more bold but friendly character (ignoring pregame)
Amami is idk!!! I thought about it alot and I stuck with a tortus or a super chill deer.
Maki is like a black mamba cuz they're fast and when I think of an assassin I think of snakes. Also I believe black mambas aren't super aggressive unless bothered and I think this applies to Maki. She isn't aggressive really for no reason she might be sassy sometimes but she isn't gonna throttle you for no reason at all.
Himiko is a dove bc magician.
Kiibo is a chicken bc it made me think of the robot chicken TV channel thing.
Tsumugi is a fox bc cute and pretty but sneaky and will probably give you rabies.
Kirumi is an owl because she seems wise and owls are usually depicted as wise in media.
Ryouma is a poison dart frog bc tiny but will kill you with his tennis balls.
Korekiyo is a giraffe bc tall and lanky.
Tenko is a mongoose and honestly idk why I couldn't think of anything else except maybe that lizard that's like only girls and reproduces asexually so they're all female lizards.
Angie is an African wolf dog bc they work really well when hunting and it would be her little cult of dogs.
Kaito is a border collie bc they're really smart but cute and people always assume they're dumb but they're very smart and everyone says Kaito is dumb but honestly he's gotta be smart to be an astronaut.
Kokichi is a racoon bc he's a trash panda who would also give you rabies.
Miu is a pelican bc she has a big mouth and doesn't shut upppppp!!
Gonta Is an eleghant bc usually elephants are pretty chill and they're suuuuper cute and big.
OK thanks for listening to my Ted talk I might post drawings of chiaki soon bc she's my favorite female danganronpa character and I love her
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microraptorreactor · 8 months
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No shade at Devsis (for this, specifically) but seriously there are a lot of characters in this game who are a) female, b) have a relationship with another woman that is VERY easy to interpret as queer, and c) are deeply traumatized. Don't get me wrong I love 5/6 of these character's episodes (I only dislike Ice Queen's because Icicle Yetti's voice got really grating on me very quickly) but is everything good at Devsis?
(explanations for my non-cookie run moots under the cut. Cookie Run lore is wild, y'all.)
from top to bottom, left to right.
Frost Queen is a god of frost who froze to death in the arms of her 'best friend' in a past life. She goes on to use blizzards to balance out life and death. (I think. I watched a breakdown and some cutscenes. in order to get this information you have to play an hour with the most annoying cookie available)(I do not like Icicle Yeti)
Moonlight Cookie was created to observe the dreams of mortals/watch over the city of wizards. She has a close relationship with the god of the ocean but can't leave the city to kiss her girl. Eventually, all the wizards leave the city and Moonlight is left to watch over it on her own.
Black Pearl Cookie was a gem mermaid who had a close relationship with a 'maid', Frilled Jellyfish Cookie (second from the right on the bottom row). She is bisexual however, and falls for the worst possible man after running away from home because she didn't get magic powers during the sea magic ceremony thing. The dude steals her kingdom's magic pearl (or maybe he gives it to her? I don't remember the specifics) which starts a war and kinda just fucks everything up. Black Pearl goes to Sea Fairy for help, but Sea Fairy starts a space program instead of helping so Black Pearl turns emo. Also, Frilled Jellyfish dies due to the war. (I said Cookie Run lore was wild)
Sea Fairy Cookie is really down bad for Moonlight Cookie and (unintentionally) makes it everyone's problem. She ignores the sea cookies while they are actively fucking dying and sorta just sits around for the entire plot. She is one of my favorite characters. Like go off girl make your lesbian pining an actual threat to everyone's safety.
Frilled Jellyfish Cookie has been mentioned already but she's just the sweetest little thing. She just wants to see BP happy, man. She does everything in her power to try to console BP and it just gets her killed in the end. Her dying words are her telling BP to leave her and get to safety, and that she will be fine. BP should have just kissed the jellyfish girl why'd she have to fuck around with Oyster :(
Golden Cheese Cookie. She's my favorite character. So for the sapphic part, she's weirdly flirty with Black Rasine Cookie (another desert-themed cookie with bird motifs) and I'm team 'the ancient heroes were poly' so if you ask me she was smooching White Lily and Hollyberry at some point in the past. For the tragic part, here's one of the wildest backstories this game has! Basically, GCC founded and ruled the Golden Cheese Kingdom, which I'm gonna call Cheeseypt because that's what it is. Cheeseypt is a relatively secluded kingdom, mostly interacting with the wider world through trading. At one point, Golden Cheese leaves her kingdom to fight in the Dark Flour War alongside the other Ancient Heros. What happens while she's out? Dark ENchantress (who happens to be GC's ex-close-friend) FUCKING NUKES ALL OF CHEESEYPT. Not even a 'oh they had to flee and they are still rebuilding :(' no ALL OF GOLDEN CHEESE'S FRIENDS ARE DEAD. Consumed by grief, because you know, everyone she loves is dead, GC buries them all under the kingdom and connects their souls to a digital city before entombing herself with them. She tunes the digital city so that everyone's wishes are granted, and all her citizens live lives of comfort and wealth because, for as much as she values her gold, her real treasure is her friends.
I would stop it here but the way the game ends GC's ark is also just fucking insane? so one of her close friends betrays her (for good reason tbh) and destabilizes the entire city. Faced with leaving everyone she loves behind, GC breaks down because there's nothing for her in the real world. Black Raisen cookie comforts her but explains that this eternal dream is going to end someday anyway. So what does GC do? She explains to her citizens that it'll feel like falling asleep, and shuts down digital Cheeseypt. The characters we met in Cheeseypt don't come back, by the way. There's no loophole. They are just possibly dead for real. (or definitely dead in Burnt and Cheesenburg's cases.)
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bitimdrake · 2 years
pssssst hey quick question on the dl - who is helena bartinelli??
i cannot answer anon questions on the dl, so answer on the up-high, which she deserves:
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a.k.a. Helena Bertinelli, a.k.a. Gotham's coolest and most notable antihero, crossbow-wielder, and purple bat-associated vigilante.
Helena was born to an Italian mob family, but spent her childhood blissfully unaware of the family business--until her entire family was slaughtered in front of her when she was eight. She stayed with family overseas for the rest of her childhood, learning how to fight and protect herself.
She came back to Gotham for both vengeance and justice, and became one of Gotham's many vigilantes. Though her focus is on the mob, she'll step in to stop any crime.
She's also a schoolteacher! Good for her.
She is discerning in who she chooses to kill, but she does kill. As you can imagine, this put her at odds with Batman for a long time. Helena is pretty much the premiere example of Bruce trying to claim control over every vigilante in Gotham, no matter how little right he has. The argument on killing/ethics is valid, but his default was basically "do exactly what I say and fall in line under my command, or stop completely," which is why he's an asshole control freak and why I'm constantly mad about how she was treated 👍
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She was an absolute mainstay of the Batfamily before Flashpoint (2011) and it is personally hurtful to me that people don't know her. (Like, to be frank? She had far more of a presence than Damian or (living) Jason in the post-crisis era.)
You could count on seeing her in any major Batfamily crossover, from Cataclysm to Battle for the Cowl.
She was central to the biggest Batfamily crossover ever, No Man's Land, where Gotham was locked off from the rest of the country and turned into a lawless wasteland. Bruce left to sulk for the first couple of months and in absence of any other vigilantes in the field (only Oracle having remained in the city), Helena donned the mantle of the Bat for herself to protect the city. And when Batman came back, in return for all she'd done, she got...yelled at, assigned impossible tasks and criticized for not achieving them, her costume stolen and given to someone else, lied to, abandoned in the face of impossible odds, and shot multiple times protecting kids. Absolute fucking hero, honestly.
She also was on the Justice League for a while, though admittedly I have barely touched that run. To my understanding, despite nominating her for the position, Bruce was also the one to revoke her membership there.
Fortunately! things improved!!
In the early/mid 2000s, Helena joined the Birds of Prey, Oracle's team, and found legit friendships and support there with teammates like Dinah Lance/Black Canary. She finally got more respect in the community, and had a much better time.
Additional relationships include:
A big sister/annoying little brother type thing with Tim, who may disapprove of her killing but simply likes making friends too much :)
A great relationship with Vic Sage/the Question
One single issue where she met Steph that presented SUCH interesting potential that I desperately wish had been followed up on
On and off romantic/sexual tension with Dick, depending on the writer, which culminated in a single hook up that apparently most people around here would rather pretend didn't happen, though I really don't think it's that bad
A complicated relationship with Barbara, partially due to clashing personalities and conflicting morals (with Babs being nearly as much of a control freak as Bruce), and partially due to a shared history with Dick because DC loves making women be catty
Surely others from her first solo or time on the JLA that I don't know well enough to list!
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She's rad and determined and takes no shit but cares a lot, and I love her. We deserve more stories tying her teaching day job into her night work. We also deserve more stories with her in general.
If you would like additional Helena beyond just cruising my tag, I recommend:
Batman/Huntress: Cry for Blood - far more Huntress than Batman, this is a great 6-issue miniseries about Helena reckoning with her past, ft the Question.
Batman: No Man's Land - if you have the time for it, a big storyline but worth it.
Birds of Prey vol 1 (1999) - Helena starts to appear around issue #57 and becomes a central character from there.
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callinskiiscalling88 · 5 months
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An Ace pokemon is their strongest
Includes All 7 dorms + Staff
This is your sign to totally ask my about my pokemon au I wrote a whole lore doc for it and even added some hisui stuff
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Riddle: Shaymin
Shaymin is a hedgehog and since Riddle is the grass gym leader in my au it just worked the best. Imagine it's flower is a rose though. (He probably wouldn't use it for the gym that's too op)
Ace: Scorbunny
I needed a lil rascal for Ace and Scorbunny gives such Ace vibes.
Deuce: Buneary
After the bunny event (can't remember the name of it for the life of me) I had to give him a bunny pokemon. I also wanted it to be a duo with Ace's ace. (tehehe ace and ace) For all you Adeuce-ers I have a drawing vision I'll create one day.
Cater: Ditto
Identity issues. I picture Ditto approaching Cater as Cater and he assumed it was a clone for the longest time. Ofc until he tried making it disappear and it didn't work.
Trey: Chansey
He's like the big brother of the group so I thought Chansey was perfect.
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I didn't wanna just base them off of their species since I was going to give them Pokemon Beastman types instead. (For example Leona is a Pyroar Beastman)
Leona: Lucario
I wanted a fighting type since he's the fighting gym leader. So when I was playing Legends Arceus and stumbled upon an alpha Lucario I knew it had to be. (Dunno how much it fits tho tbh)
Ruggie: Timburr
I needed a lil rascal for him. Someone who could snag something and run off. Also preferably a fighting type. Timburr fits the profile.
Jack: Lycanroc
He turns into a wolf...this one had to be a wolf. I wanted one that didn't give intimidating vibes and Lycanroc was my best bet. I feel like it's a very loyal pokemon and from what I know Jack is decently loyal. (I'm sorry I don't know much about Jackypoo)
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Azul: Grapploct
I know I said I didn't wanna go species based, but tbh it was either this or Vaporeon and I feel like I could find more similarities with these two. It's pre-evolution is a small little guy who works it's way up to it's strong version, similar to Azul working hard to become the successful man- teen he is today.
(this lil guy)
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Jade: Lapras
I needed something to pair with Floyd and just going for the eels felt too easy. Lapras has this elegance that Jade has so I thought it'd work
Floyd: Gyrados
(did I spell that wrong?) He totally caught a Magikarp when he was younger because he thought it looked funny then kept it. Look at it now!!
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Kalim: Donphan
I wanted an angry looking pokemon to contradict his friendly optimistic-ness. + elephant. He rides an elephant in Chapter/Book 4.
Jamil: Serviper
Jamil *Viper* Ser*Viper*
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Idia: Luxray
Almost went with PorygonZ but he likes kitties and as the electric type gym leader I had to go with Luxray. Lions are cats!!
Ortho: Rotom
Come on... Do I have to explain? Oh wait non-pokemon fans might be reading this, yes I do. Rotom can travel between devices and sometimes even the players Pokedex. (Encyclopedia of Pokemon) (Sun/Moon for example)
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Malleus: Meowstick♂️
Everyone keeps giving him a super op team full of legend/psuedo-legendary dragon types but instead I made him part Dialga (basically the god of time) so I could excuse it.
I can't see him getting many pokemon, most escaping their balls and leaving Mal down. But this Meowstick lives in his castle. He wanted to befriend it but it was really stubborn. Eventually they became comrades tho!!
Silver: Swablu
He needs an Altaria. It's a cloud bird (technically dragon but shhhh)‼️‼️Swablu doesn't evolve until level 50 though and he's still young so he needs to wait.
Sebek: Pom-Pom Oricorio
I LOVE HIS DYNAMIC WITH ORICORIO!! I picked it because it was an electric cheerleader and he's always idolizing Mal but there's lore origins
Sebek found Oricorio when he was younger and out playing with Silver. It was injured and about to faint (Pokemon's equivalent to dying) Silver insisted on rushing it home and having Lilia help save it. Sebek carried it all the way there and it grew attached to him.
I can see Baul having issues with him having a non-evolving Pokemon but give it time, it'll prove it can be strong
Lilia: Sneasler
Come on...Look at them.
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Sneasler is a Hisui exclusive actually, and Hisui is Sinnoh in the 1700s-ish. It also looks like it could be a soldier, look at it. Amazing. Perfect. I love Sneasler.
Extra: (You'll have to look these up yourself)
Crowley: Haunchcrow, it's in the name, it's a crow.
Crewel: Furfrou, dog you get to stylize, perfect fit
Vargas: Machamp (please say I didn't mix it up, the fully evolved one) Human like muscle pokemon absolutely perfect.
Trein: Lucius, Lucius is a pokemon in my au. shush it's just a rare species
Sam: Dusknoir, skull ghost type. Perfect for Sammypoo.
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So that concludes all their aces. Funsies!! I'm back in my Pokemon hyperfix so I'm brainrotting. This was one of many...
I have everything planned out but the lore doc only contains up to Scarabia's arc rn. (But still ask about anything I literally have most of it planned)
The Pokemon au focuses on Yuu, who gets sent to the TWST region (shush ik not creative) by Arceus (Pokemon God). Professor Crowley finds poor Yuu and offers to help them home, if they complete the Pokedex. (I had to type that out 4 times I kept accidentally deleting it)
Thanks for Reading
Octavinelle and Diasomnia are my favs rn because those (+ Pomfiore) I branch away from the main story the most. (Yuu gets into trouble with Azul let's just say~)
So ask about it, I wanna share the brainrot. (I'll probably make a massive lore post about it one day if no one does...I can't be contained)
Anyways have a wonderhoytastic day!!
Thanks for reading, Byebye!!
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