#And Silco was still nursing when Mylo was conceived
goddessofroyalty · 2 years
In your Zaun Family AU were any of Vander and Silco's children planned or where they all accidents?
Viktor was definitively not intended but I feel like that one's pretty obvious.
After Viktor was born they do take precautions to not fall pregnant again. For about three years. And then they stop taking precautions. I don't know if I would say they were trying or planning on having a baby at first but they knew that by stopping to take precautions they would likely end up with another one. Just it was a... it'll happen when it happens kind of thing not a really intentional thing.
Then a couple years pass with still no pregnancy and while I don't think they started doing anything all that different in their attempts I do think they start wondering if Viktor will be their only.
And then of course they conceive Claggor. So I guess he was semi-planned (he wasn't a surprise at least).
It's actually because of those couple years of no pregnancy and the fact they are aware that nursing tends to decrease one's fertility that Mylo happened. They weren't taking any precautions because honestly they didn't think they would conceive again that quickly. But they were aware that taking no precautions does mean that there is a chance a pregnancy will result. So while he's a bit of a surprise I can't say he wasn't entirely unintended just a bit earlier than expected.
Then they started taking precautions again after Mylo was born. Probably up to about when they adopt the girls, and, well, then they have 4 kids 6 and under and have negotiated a political position for Silco in Piltover so are continuing to do what is necessary to not add another baby into that mix. After a couple years when things settle again they stop taking precautions, going back to the if it happens it happens mentality. And between their age and their lifestyle it just doesn't happen (except for the offshoot where it does).
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