#And also I've only really gotten one actual ending to STP so I don't know what the rest are like
therantingsage · 2 months
Ok I've been playing Slay the Princess and I feel like if you removed all the romantic subtext it really feels like the hero and the princess have N and Cyn vibes (or rather the other way around? idk). Like just in the inherent stress and tragedy of it all.
Two pairs of inherently connected characters, forced into a cycle of hurt, and pain, and desperation. Trapped. She's capable of immense cruelty and yet...still such a terrible victim of circumstance. You can't help but want to save her even though it can and will end in your own demise.
N's just that kinda guy about all the people he cares about tho so you could probably make the princess just about any character he cares about and the theming would be the same. But Cyn specifically in that kind of role is the most compelling to me. Change the romantic vibes to family ones and it just.....fits really well
Brainrot says make a crossover au. Also a platonic version of the Slay the Princess situationship genuinely sounds interesting to write and yet....I'm too busy writing one MD au thingy so I don't have the brainspace to write another :/ guess I'll just think about it
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