#Save her save her but right now she needs to be STOPPED
nan0ka · 2 days
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summary. he's like a living legend. but he still has only eyes for you. crazy, right?
content. highschool au, fluff, slowburn, childhood friends to lovers, umemiya may seem ooc, little angst.
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 TIREDLY you yawned as you stared at the two lonesome figures infront of the gate, silently wondering what they're talking about while you waited for a certain swept-back white-haired boy. Now you were pretty damn curious, but you have an Idea about the main theme of their conversation. You watched as he turned his back to her and started to walk up to you. Only to be stopped by a little yell from the persistent girl.
Your head went up to the someone who stood infront of your table as you were seated on your chair. You slowly stopped doodling all over your notebook while waiting for the girl to speak up her issue. No way in hell would she want to voluntarily talk to you. Because you recognized her as one of your classmate you don't have much contact with. So why is she standing there silently?
"Is there something I can help you with?" you spoke up first, impatiently waiting for her to say anything.
"O-Oh. [lastname]-san. I heard you are a good friend of Umemiya-san, so I wanted to ask you if you can... introduce me to him." her gaze was everywhere but on you.
But you couldn't blame her. You literally drilled two holes in her head with your [e/c]-colored eyes. And after hearing her reason to approach you, you deadpanned at the mention of his name before sighing out tired. This isn't the first time someone approached you to ask about that white-haired guy. Even people you never saw in your entire life reached out to you to meet him or to get a glance at him.
Was he some kind of legend or what?
If you answer no then she'd probably keep pestering you to meet him, you know with only one look. Another sigh left your lips as you stared at the clock. "Yeah sure." you muttered, watching how her eyes lit up and how she began to wear a bright smile. Just when you thought you were done with school and thought you can stay longer to doodle in your notebook, this girl came into the picture and ruined your plans.
Maybe if you've stayed a bit longer to do your own things, he would've gone home by himself. But as soon as you looked out the window, you grimaced slightly. "Ah. I thought wrong again." you turned away and packed up your things. Damn yourself for thinking like a naiv child. And damn him for not leaving you alone. "What did I ever do wrong to deserve this. Luck is never on my side..."
“—Umemiya-san, please let me thank you.”
The white-haired boy let out a melodic chuckle as he waves his hands around. He looked at the girl who was bowing down for saving her from some creeps last time. "Oh no. I did something natural as a Bofurin member. No need to thank me for it, really!" he smiled at her. The sun was shining down, but it pretty looked much like the rays of sunlight were only meant for him.
She stood up straight again to look at him again. The grip around her schoolbag was getting tighter. "No! I don't know how I'd end up if it wasn't for you. I really want to thank you somehow. Uhm— I heard you like the Café Potos. Maybe I can invite you to a meal?" she offered with her rosy cheeks. The man infront of her was really handsome. And it was hard for her to not blush around him.
"Please don't waste your money on me." he still wore the smile, his eyes softened. "Well then."
With that he turned his back to her. But she immediately got panic as she reached out for him. "Wait please!" she yelled, making him stop as he turned around again. "M-May I get your contact info?" she asked timmidly, holding up her cute decorated phone. "I... really wanna stay in contact, you know?.." she added, looking away to avoid meeting his eyes. The hot feeling in her stomach made her feel like exploding anytime.
"I'm sorry." Umemiya got the hint and apologized with slight frown. "There's a woman I already like."
"Oh." she froze on her spot, the hot feeling of embarrassment grew as she lowered her gaze.
"I've liked her for a long time. I don't think I'll fall out of love..." he explained, rubbing his neck. "I'm really sorry."
Blue eyes landed on his own hand. On top of his palm is a pressed withered flower, now a part of his necklace. The flower which was once a rose with a beautiful light-pink color. A memory of a bewitching, beautiful lady flashed in his mind. Shining [h/c] hair. Glittering [e/c] eyes. A graceful girl watering her pretty plants in the garden. But no flower can match her beauty at all. He'll never forget that.
With that being said, he turned around again and slowly made his way to you. His frown immediately was replaced with the happiest smile as he quickly ran towards you with open arms, attempting to let you feel his warmth and wrap his arms around your body. "Gross." you furrowed your eyebrows and dodged. "You dare to keep me waiting and now you want to hug me? Yeah, no way."
"Awh! [name]-chan, don't be like that!" he smiles at you brightly. "You're so mean!"
"Yeah of course. I just have something against you." you shrugged your shoulders and began to walk away.
"[name]-chan, don't leave me! I need to show you my cute little plants!"
The left behind girl stared at the boy who, just seconds ago, seemed like an independent man follow you with his phone in his hands while you calmly walked down the sidewalk, not really interested in whatever he was showing you. You, the girl who despises violence hanging up with the leader of Bofurin? You, the girl who always stood in the background. What kind of joke is this.
She noticed. You're the woman he talked about.
─ ⊹ ⊱ ☆ ⊰ ⊹ ─
  "You know. One day if your girlfriend sees how you keep clinging onto me, she wouldn't be happy about that." you sighed for the nth time this day.
"What am I hearing? Are you worried about my future girlfriend not liking you?" he tilted his head to the side.
"No, i'm just saying so you'll stop sticking  against me." you said without taking a glance at him. "Aren't you worried about your love life?"
"Nah, i'm in love with the most beautiful woman on earth."
As soon as he said that, you pulled out your phone and began tipping before stopping to show him your phone. "It is said that Bella Hadid is the most beautiful woman in the world." you showed your search results. He froze and stared at you while sweatdropping. "I don't think you're in your crush's league." you sighed. "Please give her up, yeah? Crush on someone else, Umemiya."
"Please..." he smiled at you again and gave you his hand. "Call me by my first name. And give me the answer. Taking my hand is yes, rejecting means no."
You eyed his calloused, rough hand. It's a bit dirty. Was it the soil from gardening? Or was it dirt from fighting? You don't really like to touch dirty things. At all. You were a bit of a germophobe when it came to touching things. So you hesitated. But in the end you lifted your hand and placed it on top of his, while your gaze laid on your now interwined hands. His hand was warm compared to your cold one.
"Hajime." his given name rolled out your tongue smoothly.
The excitment was visible on his face, as he bit his quivering lip. The smile grew to the biggest and brightest one. "Yeah?" he lifted his eyes from your hands and to look at your rather stoic face. The warm sun engulfed your both figures into it's depth, while the wind was blowing gently, letting your hair dance with it's rhythms. Perfectly in harmony with the shining. The silence was bearable, comfortable even.
"Is there anyone else who gets to call you by your first name?" you asked quietly.
"No. Nobody does. They call me by my nickname »Ume« or »Ume-chan«. Why?"
"Just wanted to make sure that I'm the first one." you answered before turning away. "I'm pretty special, aren't I?"
"Yeah, of course you are." only you can let him feel the same fuzzy feeling, of course you're special.
"Sometimes I wonder how you can keep up with this. Me." you're pointing at yourself, at your stoic personality as you kept walking further, him following after you.
"Don't know. You're special." he still smiles happily. He always smiles. But that's fine. You can always look at him, and he would look at you with the same warmth. He is much more special. More than you'll ever be.
"[name]." he called out your name.
"Do you like yourself?"
"Most of the time."
"Then you don't need to worry about my girlfriend not liking you."
"What? I think she'll hate me for touching your hand first."
"Uh huh. Sure."
At this reply, you furrowed your eyebrows slightly and your eyes went to him. He was still looking at you while following every step. "What are you even talking about, stupid?" you sighed. "Sometimes you're talking bullshit." and weirdly enough, you like to listen to his rant about—he can rant about anything and you'll listen, even though you don't understand. You avoided his stare.
While his eyes never left you, not even for a second.
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- NAN0KA [ may 30th, 2024 ]
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jamiebluewind · 2 days
Warning! Pet illness, xray
A friend of mine a few states away had a pregnant female cat walk onto her porch and decide she lives now. She had 3 kittens. Since my friend/roommate @winterpower98 was looking for her first cat, we (other roommate/bestie, Winter/Gaia, and I) decided to take a trip down to visit and see if one of the kittens would work for her.
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The thing is, she did fall in love with one! He's black with white markings, so the 6 year old had been calling him Eclipse. He's, curious, playful, and always trying to get into something. He loves Gaia. I mean LOVES her. And she loves him. Like... emptying her savings loves him.
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Right before we arrived, our friend noticed a little lump on his belly. They thought nothing of it. And then, it got bigger. And bigger. And bigger.
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After a week, we took him to a local vet to get checked out. He had a umbilical hernia. Luckily it stopped before his diaphragm, but the hernia was severe enough that he would need surgery to close it (a lot of articles talked about smaller ones closing on their own which is why we waited). He would also need special care for IBS symptoms and to keep his hernia from getting injured or obstructed before repair (which couldn't happen until he was big enough to go under anesthesia). He would need to come indoors for his safety and be separated from the others as his sisters pouncing on the hernia was causing issues (a week earlier than the 8 week mark).
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I was honestly expecting Gaia to say it was too much for her to handle. Even told her that nobody would judge her for not being ready for that level of responsibility. That we could find an organization that could take him and get him the help he needed and find him a good home. He has two sisters she could consider, there were plenty of shelters back home with cats under a year old, and we could even check the town we were visiting and places on the way back home, so there were options. I knew how much it took to care for a kitten with health issues (my current cat required months of specialized care and there were plenty of scares along the way) and Gaia has no previous experience with cats outside of hanging out with our cats, so that's just starting on hard mode.
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After a long serious talk on the responsibilities she was about to take on, she said she knew it would be hard but the thought of giving him up made her sick. That she would do whatever it took to give him a happy life for however long she has him. We aren't rich people, she's going back to college full time, she had only decided on him over one of his sisters that morning, and (again) this would be the first cat she has ever had. She went all in without a second thought.
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The original quotes from various vets willing to do the surgery (not all vets can) were pretty insane, but luckily I found a non-profit that did the surgery for about half. My other roommate and I fully support her and chipping in what we can.
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Eclipse is 8 week old and his surgery is scheduled in a month, but we are going to call in and check for cancelations since he's reached the minimum weight and age for anesthesia. Winter has been so busy caring for him that she's not had a chance to post about him, so I decided to do it on the drive home. I think the story is important because it raises awareness about an issue most don't know about and shows someone genuinely caring about a pet with special needs. As a disabled person who's went through a lot of ableism and survived abuse, it really hit me to see how much she loves him with her whole chest and doesn't ever approach his issues with anger or blame.
I don't ask for reblogs much, but I wanted to ask you guys to boost this. I linked Gaia's PayPal below if anyone wants to help take some of the financial burden off her, but you can also support her with messages and boosting this and her future post/s about Eclipse (cut her some slack guys, she's currently in tired new mom mode). I don't expect anyone to donate because I know you guys are mostly in the same shape as us, but I think showing Gaia support is just as important.
Now if you'll excuse me, the hyperactive boy got the zoomies and just jumped in the toilet XD
Edit: Late thing to add on, but a few days after posting this my other roommate/bestie Sarah decided to adopt his sister! Her name is Melanite, but her honey eyes have earned her the nickname Miel. Her and Eclipse have always been very close (often laying on top of each other), so it's great that they'll get to stay together.
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stillness-in-green · 2 days
Not-Really Chapter Thoughts BNHA 424
You know, I really think there should be a point at which Deku rushing in with no plan and doing whatever he thinks feels right should become Heroic Malpractice.
Just me?
Because, like, Shouto had a plan. He spent the time between the two war arcs specifically developing a brand-new combat technique that he planned to use to shut down Dabi's combat advantage without killing him. He convinced his dad not to change the plan like Endeavor was hesitantly sounding him out about[1]; he went out and talked and asked questions, and even if they weren't the right words every single time, he did his best and he did it with intention. If Dabi proves to be dead, it won't be because of anything Shouto did to him; it'll be because Dabi himself chose to stand back up, take a warp gate across the country, pick a fight with the guy who doesn't have the power set to shut him down without unduly hurting him, and try to replicate an Ultimate Move specifically tailored for someone with a balanced power set Dabi doesn't have.[2]
And if Dabi lives, it's still going to be because Shouto booked it across the country and used that same technique to stop him again.
1: Dabi surely would have preferred to fight Endeavor from the start, and it probably would have been the more "just" choice if it had to be one or the other, but Shouto is the nominal focal character between the three of them, so, critiques of the broader Hero-side decisions aside, Shouto's arc has to come first. This is one of those places where you can clearly see how much the decision to let Endeavor survive where Horikoshi originally planned for him to die hurts the shape of the later story.
2: Obviously ultimately if Dabi dies, it's going to be because his family and Team Hero made repeated choices to ignore and neglect him, culminating in the entire family swearing to deal with Touya together only to passively accept a battle plan that involved splitting them all and letting the kid who knows Touya the least be the one to fight him. But like, in the context of that fight, Shouto isn't the reason Dabi takes all that hurt.
Uraraka may or may not have had much of a plan, but at least the words she said to Toga reflected that she had been seriously thinking about Toga in the here and now, what Toga's told her, what Toga needs. If Toga dies, it will be because Toga chose to give Uraraka an unsupervised blood transfusion with no intention of stopping it. (With the same general caveats as in Footnote 2.)
But Deku? From the very beginning, Deku has been valorized by the manga for how much he doesn't plan. All Might tells him specifically that it's a sign of greatness shown by future "top Heroes" that, in some crisis situation, their bodies moved before they could think. Bakugou's Rising chapter is defined by him reaching that same state.
Deku claimed he wanted to save Shigaraki; he's sad in the latest chapter that he couldn't save Tenko's[3] life. But did he ever have a real plan to do that? With all the quirks he had at his disposal - both his own and those who would be in the flying coffin with him, or classmates whose presence he could specifically request - did he think hard and come up with a technique that would let him stop Shigaraki without harming him? Did he try to connect with the Shigaraki right in front of him by citing to the future?
3: And I have nothing but scorn for Deku's insistence on that name when "Tenko" goes out very pointedly calling himself Shigaraki Tomura.
Well, no. Deku obstinately yelled at the phantasms in Shigaraki's mindscape that he had no plan whatsoever. The only plans we saw him carry out were ones handed to him by the OFA collective that involved "breaking" Shigaraki's psyche; the only plans he came up with himself involved more efficiently breaking Shigaraki's body.
Way back in Chapter 130, Nighteye harshly scolded Deku by saying that his way of thinking was arrogant. He said, "Go after him haphazardly and he'll slip through our fingers. You're not so special as to be able to save who you want, when you want. (...) This world is not so accommodating that you can act the Hero because you feel like it."
It felt like something that Deku should have taken to heart, a lesson to be learned and applied later, but I never much got the feeling that he did. Nothing he did in that moment, in that arc, or anywhere else in the series afterward indicates that he thought Nighteye was right. He just chose not to talk back, and the arc ended with Nighteye dead and no longer around to pose objections to Deku's mode of heroism.
But Nighteye was right. Three hundred chapters later, Shigaraki is dead because Deku could not be arsed to plan for how he could stop Shigaraki without killing him. Because he let Gran Fucking Torino give him the intellectual out that killing someone could be a means of saving them. Because he followed his gut instincts of prioritizing the phantom Crying Child that he always saw as more valid and real than the human being standing in front of him.
Because he haphazardly acted the Hero and let his body move without thinking.
And he wants to act sad about it now? I hope Nighteye materializes in his bedroom to sneer at him every night for the rest of his life.
Incidentally, fuck All Might, seriously. "Wow, Deku and Bakugou, you two are the greatest Heroes ever. Fuck me and everyone else who fought tooth and nail, arm and leg, eye and earjack, life and death, to contribute to the pile of damage that was necessary to kill and/or save Shigaraki and All For One. You two got the last blows in, so you're the only ones who get the credit for it in my eyes. Hero Society is definitely going to be different and better with you two around."
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brokenpieces-72 · 2 days
Prom Knights
Gotham Knights x f!reader
Scenario: It's prom night, and you are super excited because your crush asked you out and you got advice on your outfit to look perfect for them. You got a loud dress and cut your hair. Originally you were supposed to take a limo, but your crush texted you to say there were some issues so you just get dropped off. When you get to the doors and wait for your date you text them to see where they're at. He texts back saying he and his date are almost there. The whole thing was a set up by him and your mean girl bully. You feel humiliated when you go to confront them, and they make it worse with mocking. You rush out, and call for help. Hopefully they weren't on patrol tonight.
When you call Barbara you're choking back tears as hard as you. You feel so stupid. When Barbara picks up she's bright and professional, right up until she hears your tone. Big sister mode activates, and she's asking what's going on. You tell her you just want to be picked up, and she comes to get you. When she sees the cut hair and the dress she's immediately hugging you and getting you in the car. During the drive back to the clock tower where she made sure you had a comfortable change of clothes, she asked if you wanted to make any stops for food.
You get sat down at the clock tower to properly explain what happened, self esteem low, and blaming yourself for not thinking it through. Like your crush would eve- NO! None of that! Barbara is not gonna sit here, and listen to you hate yourself for something that was the fault of a group of immature teenagers. You're wonderful, kind and generous to give them a chance. If they can't see your worth, they're blind, enough said.
Barbara then gets out her phone and asks for their names, and socials if you have them. Vengeance can be a dangerous thing, she knows, but this? This was personal and well deserved. While you shower to get the crap out of your hair and off your face, changing into your comfy sweats (including an oversized hoodie), Barbara gets to work on her laptop. She don't need the bat computer for this shit, she was willing to make it personal. Accessing their social media and using your phone (with your permission) she tracks your bullies' socials and gets to work messing with them. First she exposes them online, leaving multiple comments on their prom posts calling them out, along with posting screenshots of your text conversations. Second she gets the guys to help by posting comments from time to time to ensure no amount of deleting can erase your bullies' exposure. Finally, and you've finished your shower by now, and are curled with a mug next to her, she sets up bots and spam messages to be sent to embarrass them and subscribe them to free trials for a number of things that make you laugh and gasp.
You still insist you aren't worth it, and she just gives you a hug and reminds you, that sometimes it's the small saves that make being a vigilante fun. Especially when she gets to see you laugh and smile. Now would you prefer pizza or Chinese? What movie do you want to watch and throw popcorn at?
Okay so originally you weren't going to call Jason. You work with him the closest and you know he can take revenge to a whole new level. Honestly though, you can't think of who else to call. When he answers and hears your unsteady voice and sniffles, he knows. You just ask him to pick you up, and to bring a change of clothes but he already has an idea of what happened. Jason hangs up and as he gets your clothes, he calls up Tim. Tim is a little confused because Jason doesn't usually ask for help, except for maybe Barbara and Dick, but that's it. When Jason asks about you though (you and Tim go to the same school), Tim looks around the venue and just sees your laughing tormentors mockingly imitating your pain. Jason just asks for their names, and Tim gives the main two. Then Jason asks for a massive favour. Tim agrees, he hates them too.
Jason finally shows up with your change of clothes and wow yeah short hair and that dress? Not important, you need to go back inside that venue. You really just want go home, miserable this once in a life time night got ruined because you were gullible for a few minutes. No no, you need to go back inside. Trust him. But you're a mess, and they'll just mock you more. Clean yourself up, get changed and then come back. He'll wait. You do so, and you go back into the dark dance hall with him. Your tormentors see you, and decide to mock you for pulling a new date from off streets, desperately trying to make yourself look good. Jason straight up crosses his arms as they talk, and half way, he barks at them to shut the fuck up. They should be lucky he wasn't willing to deck a couple of losers who will only ever peak in highschool. They don;t get the chance to protest before someone goes up on stage to announce winners for prom night.
Most of them are via draw and you did win yourself a gift card. Lucky you stayed. Then your tormentors were voted king and queen. They of course rub it in your face as they excitedly hold hands rushing up stage like some cheesy highschool movie couple. You ask Jason if you could go now. He tells you to wait, focusing on the stage as the crowns are given, pulling out his phone to record. The two of them stand happily, waving like celebrities... And then the buckets of soapy, foamy, water get dunked on them. You cover your mouth in shock, and yeah it's childish, but Jason has a grin on his face, before texting Tim, "Thanks".
He takes you to the clock tower after. You rewatch that video with him a few times, smiling. He didn't have to do all this. Jason did. You're his friend and basically his sister. That's what older brothers should do.
You don't need to call Tim, Tim is likely already there, and saw it all happen. Wow people are pathetically stupid sometimes. He did warn you about it a couple times, but didn't want to overstep. Seeing the situation there's a hint of guilt. Doesn't take long for him to get a text that says "you were right". Not a message he wanted to see, and not one that goes unanswered. Tim leaves to find you, and enlists Bernard (I know he's not in Gotham Knights, I don't care) to help him. The two of them find you feeling miserable.
The two of them come over to you and sit next to you, letting you cry it out. Tim has already sent an extra text to Barbara, asking if she has any dresses in your size and if she can bring one to the venue. Bernard takes you inside to help clean up the runny makeup off your face, while Tim gets the dress for you. While you get changed they wait, brainstorming ideas of how they could get revenge. Tim thinks small bits of revenge can be petty, but this? Nah, this was justified. You got humiliated and your heart broken all at once. No way your bullies walk away from that Scott free.
You come out and they plan to hang with you for the rest of the prom. No way they were risking you being alone with that couple. It's small but you figure the best revenge is to prove that shit like this won't defeat you. Whether the bullies liked it or not you did have people who cared about you, you have friends. This was your night, the same as everyone else! Live a little. Unfortunately, your tormentors refuse to let you be happy. The girl decides to try and ruin the dress, that fits well enough by trying to come up and apologize to you. Tim is about to get between you two, but you already know what she's planning seeing the messy food she's brought as a 'peace offering'. Oh she's so sorry, it was all just an innocent prank, she's so glad you were able to come back to enjoy yourself, awww. As soon as you see the hand with the cupcake move, you swipe it from her, and take a bite. Oh wow you're glad you didn't miss these. Her stunned look is enough to make you smile, but what Tim does is pure classic gold. Tim fake trips with a drink in his hand. OH HOW HORRID HER DRESS, HAIR AND MAKE UP ARE RUINED!!
Tim just hands her the glass, saying the drink is called Karma. You burst out laughing as Bernard pulls you into the crowd of other students, with Tim close behind. God you guys look like corny teen movie kids, but you don't care. Was it childish? Maybe. Do any of you care? Nah, it was worth it.
When you call Dick he says he’s busy but will be there in a bit. He asks if you want to stay and he’ll grab you something to change into, or if you want to just head to the clocktower. Honestly you don’t really know. You wanted to enjoy yourself tonight, but you feel humiliated.
When he arrives he gives you more comfortable clothes to wear, but still nice, and offers to be your date for tonight since your other one is a piece of garbage. Yeah, Tim is in there too, so why don’t all four of you hang out and you enjoy being a normal teenager for a night. He knows you put a lot of work into school and your night life, along with work. Tonight you get to forget everything. Live for a minute. Yeah he brought a suit. Yeah you can have a hug too.
You go in and you just avoid the popular pricks, while looking for Tim and his date. The four of you enjoy yourselves and you don’t feel alone. Of course you tormentors can’t let you have a nice night, that would be asking too much. The girl tries hitting on Dick, but he’s not having it. Just constantly repeats no thank you, no, and please leave us alone. Didn’t stop her from taking minor jabs at you. You didn’t want to start a fight or give her a reason to make your night worse. Dick wasn’t having it. He’s getting frustrated now, and is close to doing some he really doesn’t want to do. All it takes is a final comment as she turns and walks away. He makes another comment about her rear after she made plenty of friendly comments about his. Oh she didn’t like that. Not like her ass existed to begin with.
You burst out laughing, unable to hold it in. Tim is shaking his head but laughing alongside Bernard. The girl’s date kept her from going off on Dick, who just sat there with the “I don’t care” grin. You grin and enjoy the night while the two bullies get dragged off by chaperones, telling them they are way out of line. Once the night is done and Dick even offers a slow dance, you go back with Tim and Dick to the clock tower. He says he’s sorry you had a shitty night at the start. If you want to just chill with him and Barb in the clock tower for the rest of the night he’d be up for that. You do and you have a good time. No more tears. You have family and friends who make you feel special no matter what.
Taglist: @yourlovely-moon @kaoyamamegami @h0n3y-l3m0n05 @sans-chara @1mommyrose4ever29 @smitten-haematite-quartz @tai-the-gemini @yuki2129 @whitetiger846 @graystorm444 @chibiduck @reaperxxxxzz @danielle143 @sobbingnshtting @cringeycookies @cryingpages @dcnocap207 @reaper-chan666
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ashsimpsalot · 2 days
Coconut oil & honey (Monkey Man Kid X reader)
A/n: I haven't written anything in so so long. Like a year long. This is a fluff fic erm... OKAY ENJOY
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Gentle love?
Gentle love.
He's 27 now, almost 28.
He's the age that his mother will forever be, and after 18 years, he's found that feeling he's been desperately craved, he's mistaken for trying to fill that hole in his chest by the only thing he's understands; pain.
The angry 13 years old boy with tiger stripes on his wrists would be baffled if he'd find out that the emptiness he feels is that yearning for love.
The stoic 20 years old boy with knitted eyebrows will scoffs if he's told him that he needs to open his heart bigger to fill it up.
"what is grief if not love with nowhere to go?" his woman had said while tracing his scarred palm with her perfect fingers.
She's perfect.
Who would've known that he'd find the missing half of his cursed soul in a cursed hotel? Not him.
"where'd you go, handsome?" you asked, sweeter than sugar cane, quieter than the night outside of her shitty apartment.
Just the sound of your voice had crafted a small, soft smile on his otherwise tight lips. "I'm right here, jaanu", " Kid would answer just as quiet as you, reaching behind, taking one of your hands out of his curls, planting a kiss on your palm ignoring the distinct smell of coconut oil and honey. By pure muscle memories you flatten your palm out and placed it on his cheek.
"you're getting all the oil on your lips and cheek, silly." you chuckled.
and right there and there he'd understand that half of his heart had spilled out of his chest and now free to roam the world in the form of his lover.
Kid's nights used to be filed with snoring men and loud voices of his mother's screams.
Now it's this, you sitting on the couch, him sitting on the floor between your legs, eyes pinned on whatever movie you decided to turn on, your fingers that are red with henna along with small ring he'd bought with whatever money left in his pockets wrapped around your ring finger that are willingly buried in his curls, working their magic.
A determine look on your face as you massages your homemade hair oil into his scalp.
He'd never know that the smell of the coconut oil and honey that hits his nose when he first met you would stay in his life for this long, and he's wish upon all that he knows for it to stay forever.
"lost you there again, bandhar." you said softer this time, he knows what that means, concerned. He almost whined when your fingers left his hair, he knew that you're done.
He shakes his head, held your hand and continue to do so as he settles to sit next to you.
"thank you." he whispered, kissing your palm and pushes his cheek against it next. You smiled. "you know I love playing with your hair. This is purely for my pleasure." you joked.
He didn't laugh, he shook his head. "not that, you saved me, you found the heart that I lost all those years ago, you.." he stopped, he realised he doesn't have the words to let you understand just how much you meant to him.
"I love you" you replied, you understood, you always do.
He smiled and leans in to kiss you. "I love you much more than you can ever imagine," he whispered, with his forehead pressed onto yours, colloused thumb softly rubbing on your chin.
He felt it again, the love you have for him spill onto him just by your hands, your hands in his curls, your hands on his cheeks, your fingers in his palm, your hand on his chest.
"I love you," he repeated, he'd laid down on the couch, pulling you with him, the desire to be close to you is too strong, you can't be closer, the only way to do that is to open him up and crawl into him, you've laid your head on his chest, eyes back on the screen. You're watching the TV and he's watching her.
"I love you," he repeats again.
"I love you" he repeats, not giving you a chance to reply.
"I love you," if you've forgotten.
"I love you," if you've doubted him.
He sighs and kisses your forehead. "I love you,"
You softly chuckle and move up.
"i love you," he said again, you had leaned in to kiss him to shut him up, hand caressing his cheek as you do so. He thought he'd die, he thought the love in his chest is too much it'll burst open and kill him.
"I love you too," your voice silenced him.
He smiled as you went back to lay on his chest, finger tracing circles on his chest.
He closes his eyes.
He knows now.
He's knows he's loved.
He matters.
He matters.
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laurenairay · 9 hours
how long I had to fight to be living my life – N. Blankenburg
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Summary: When Nora’s car breaks down, it’s just her luck that her ex-boyfriend Nick is the only one who answers the phone.
Happy (early) 30th birthday @wyattjohnston! I managed to hit bingo with the squares marriage pact, late night rescue, exes to lovers (for the free space), stranded, and ‘there will never be anyone else’. Only for you Demi, and literally only for you, will I write a fic for Nick Blankenburg. I hope you enjoy it!
Word count: 2.7k
Warnings: angst, childhood sweethearts, exes to lovers, mild mention of injuries
Title from Remember that Night? by Sara Kays
“No, no, no, come on!”
As her car sputtered to a stop, Nora groaned, smacking her hand against the steering wheel once before closing her eyes and tilting her head back. Of all the bad luck, she had to break down at 2am down a quiet street, in pitch black darkness with literally no-one else around. When she’d agreed to cover a couple of hours shift for one of her fellow nurses, she’d agreed without hesitation – the money was always helpful. But now, it just looked like that money she’d worked her ass off for would just be poured into whatever the hell had gone wrong with her car.
Perfect. Just perfect.
Her dad always made her save a couple of local 24-hour tow truck numbers, something which she’d always called him overprotective for…but now she was grateful for. Thankfully, the first one she called answered and agreed to pick her up immediately. The only thing was, due to the hour of the night, all they could do was tow it to their company yard until the morning before they could take it to a mechanic. And from their company yard? She had no way of getting home. Her dad wasn’t answering his phone, neither were her mom or her mom’s boyfriend. None of her best friends were either. Not that she blamed them – it was 3am by this point, a completely ridiculous hour, but all she wanted was to go home and go to bed and possibly cry. It had been a 15-hour shift so to have all of this on top of it? Not the best night she’d ever had.
As she scrolled through her phone, she was running out of options of people to contact – and then she landed on the one name she knew she shouldn’t call at all. Nick Blankenburg. Her ex-boyfriend. She didn’t even know if he was back in town yet but with no-one else answering, she had little choice. Come on Nick, pick up, pick up, pick up.
“Hello? Nora?”
“H-Hi, Nick. Sorry to call so late,” Nora said softly.
He answered. Of course he answered.
“What’s wrong? Are you drunk?”
“We broke up 2 years ago and you’re calling me out of the blue at 3am. If you’re not drunk, then what’s wrong?”
Well he had a point there. But still.
“My car broke down. I was able to get a tow truck but I can’t get it fixed until the morning for obvious reasons,” Nora sighed.
“You need a ride?”
He offered? Just like that?
“Y-Yeah. If that’s okay. I know it’s not exactly ideal,” she murmured.
“I’m not leaving you stranded. Send me your location pin and I’ll leave right away.”
“Thanks Nick.”
His brusqueness wasn’t rudeness, not in the slightest. It was concern in his voice, she knew that much – she never thought she’d hear that again, not from him.
“You got a ride sorted yet?”
She flinched slightly at the voice of the tow truck driver behind her, to which he laughed softly, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Sorry, didn’t mean to scare you, honest. I got a daughter about your age and I know she would be freaking out right now if it was her.”
Well, that was a little more reassuring.
“Yeah, I’ve got a ride. He should be here soon,” she nodded, smiling even if it felt a little forced, “I’m not freaking out too much right now, I know things will get fixed.”
“Good, good. I’ll give you a call when we’re ready to take your car to the mechanic tomorrow and you can meet us there?”
“Yeah, sure. That sounds good. Thanks,” she said, trying not to think about how much the repairs would cost.
That was a problem for tomorrow.
The truck driver left her alone after that, heading back inside the building, but he left the light on to show her she wasn’t alone, which gave her a little comfort. The minutes felt like they stretched into hours while she waited for Nick, not all because of her exhaustion. She hadn’t seen him since they broke up those two long years ago, not even in passing. Sure, that had mostly been on purpose, but it didn’t make what was coming any easier.
Why had she called him?
Why had he answered?
Why had he offered to pick her up?
Before she could get any logical answers to those questions, the old familiar engine rumble sounded around the corner, and a car she never thought she’d see again pulled to a stop in front of her.
“Shit Nor, you look exhausted.”
Exactly what she needed to hear. With a groan, she picked up her bag and sent a wave over her shoulder, before getting inside the car.
“Thanks Nick, just what every woman likes to hear,” she said dryly, buckling her seatbelt.
“Damn it, I didn’t mean it like that,” he sighed, running a hand over his hair.
He looked good. A little too skinny maybe, end of season weight loss, but still…he looked good. Of course he did. He was Nick Blankenburg.
“Thanks for picking me up. Can we go?”
“Yeah course. Uh, where am I taking you?”
Right, because she’d moved out of her dad’s place after they’d broken up.
Nick stayed silent as she rattled off her address, plugging it into his phone before starting to drive. It wasn’t going to take more than 20 minutes for him to drive her, but she didn’t know how she was going to stay sane. Nick was just staring resolutely out at the empty streets, radio playing quietly, not really breaking the awkward silence.
It wasn’t that their break-up had been a nasty messy blow out. Yeah, there were arguments and stupid things said back and forth, but nothing that made her hate him. They’d just…grown apart. It had been hard enough with the distance of him at UMich – and all the rightful attention he’d had – she’d gotten jealous of girls flirting and he didn’t try hard enough to reassure her. His captaincy and dedication to the team was something he’d worked hard for, and she’d been so proud of him – but that focus had meant their relationship had slipped through the cracks. And with him trying to make it in professional hockey? Nick signing that first contract with the Blue Jackets had been the death of them.
She’d been so proud of him, just as he’d deserved, because he was finally making his dream come true. But she’d had to be honest with herself – they couldn’t handle the distance of just over an hour for four years, so how could they handle being over 4 hours apart when all of his focus had to be on his career?
The final time they’d seen each other had been the most she’d ever seen him cry. It was the most she had ever cried in her life too. The cumulation of what seemed like a lifetime had swirled down the drain and there was nothing left in either of them to try to fix it. But Nick had left with one promise – if she ever truly needed him, he would be there.
Nora hadn’t thought about that in a long time. Seems like her subconscious had remembered after all.
“So…long shift tonight?”
The familiar awkwardness in his voice made her crack a smile without her being able to help it.
“Yeah. My regular 12-hour shift plus another 3 hours to cover for another nurse,” she nodded, glancing over at him.
The immediate grimace on his face made her laugh, earning a twitch of a smile from him.
“That sounds awful,” he murmured.
“That’s nursing,” she said, shrugging.
His eyes darted to her voice briefly, before locking back on the road.
“You love nursing, don’t you.”
He could still read her that easily?
“Yeah, I really do. It’s like I finally know what I’m meant to be doing,” she nodded, smiling.
He smiled tightly at her, nodding back. The unease settled back in her chest, making her sigh softly.
“How’s hockey?”
Nick barked out a laugh, making her frown. What the hell had happened to him?
“I still love it, but I don’t think it loves me,” he muttered.
Well, fuck. “What do you mean?” she prompted.
It had hurt too much to follow his career after he left. She’d had every intention of keeping track of his games, but when it had come to it? It had been too hard.
“I got sent down to the AHL at the end of the season. I’ve had injuries all year. And it’s the end of my two-year contract now. So I’m really not sure what the hell is going to happen to me next season. If I even have a next season.”
For all the years she’d known him, she’d never heard this much bitterness in his voice. Not in AAA hockey. Not in Juniors. Not at UMich. Not in his struggles to get drafted. Not in their hard times. Not even in their break-up. What the hell had happened to him?
“Everything will work out,” she murmured.
“Yeah, okay,” he scoffed.
She flinched at the sharpness in his voice, something he immediately noticed by the way he cursed under his breath.
“I’m sorry. I didn’t mean-”
“It’s okay,” she said softly, interrupting, “I shouldn’t have asked.”
“You can always ask, Nor,” he replied.
“Pretty sure I lost that right two years ago,” she pointed out.
Nick huffed out a laugh, shaking his head. Nora was just glad the tension was broken. She still didn’t know what she’d been thinking, calling Nick – but at least they weren’t yelling at each other. That was a silver lining.
“There will never be anyone else who I’d be this honest to,” he shrugged.
Nora swallowed heavily, taking in a shaky breath as Nick glanced over at her.
“I can’t be the only person you talk to about this stuff,” she murmured.
“Who else am I going to trust?”
“You want to what?”
“I want to make a pact with you,” Nick said simply.
“We are 10 years old and you want to make a marriage pact with me?”
“You’re the prettiest girl in class and you’re one of my best friends. Why wouldn’t I want to marry you?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s not how it works, dummy,” Nora giggled.
“I’m not a dummy, you’re a dummy!” Nick shot back.
Nora just giggled harder, sticking her tongue out at Nick through her missing front teeth.
“Pretty sure you’re meant to be boyfriend girlfriend first before you get married,” she pointed out.
Nick seemed to think about that for a few seconds before shrugging. “Okay let’s be boyfriend girlfriend.”
“Really really.”
“So you’ll hold my hand? And kick Jimmy Smith when he makes fun of my curly hair? And eat lunch with me?” Nora asked hopefully.
“Only if you help me with my math homework. And pick the best bandaids for my knees. And stay my best friend forever,” Nick nodded.
“Best friends forever?”
“Who else am I going to trust?”
As the memory of those words rushed through her, Nora choked on a gasp, glancing over at Nick with tears in her eyes.
“You still remember?”
“You still remember?” she countered.
“My concussions haven’t been that bad, Nor,” he mused.
She winced. “I didn’t mean it like that.”
Nick nodded, accepting her answer. “I still remember, because making that pact with you was still one of the best things I’ve ever done.”
The tears truly stung at her eyes now, and she shook her head. “We were so young. And so stupid.”
“Maybe. But we were boyfriend girlfriend for 12 years so I think I did something right,” he smirked.
Boyfriend girlfriend. It sounded so childish, so innocent when he said it like that, but wasn’t that exactly what they were for 12 years? 12 long years and this is where they were now.
“Hey, what’s on your mind?” he murmured.
“I miss you.”
Those were not the words she expected to come out of her mouth, but it was far too late to take them back now. Even if Nick looked like he’d been stunned into silence.
“You miss me?” he eventually asked, surprisingly her slightly with how his voice was full of wonder rather than disgust.
“Can we pretend I didn’t say that?” she groaned.
“Absolutely not,” Nick shot back.
That slow grin that spread over his face was so familiar, so Nick, and it still sent a shiver up her spine. Damn it. The way his eyes crinkled with the force of his smile still filled her stomach with butterflies. Damn it.
“My mom still asks about you, you know,” he said softly.
“Oh my god, don’t bring Momma Blanks into this, that’s just mean,” she murmured.
Nick snorted, lifting one hand off the wheel to hold it up in surrender. It wasn’t until he put his hand back on the wheel and pulled to a stop that she realised where they were. Outside her apartment building. Where had that journey gone?
“I guess this is it then,” Nora said quietly.
Those words ached in her chest the moment they left her lips.
“Does it have to be?”
With Nick’s full attention on her now, it was hard to feel anything but completely consumed.
“We broke up, Nick. Two years ago,” she said simply, trying to guard herself.
“And they have been the hardest two years of my life.”
Nora inhaled sharply. “You chose hockey. As you rightly should have, because it’s the career you wanted for so long, but you chose hockey!”
“I know that! I fight and struggle and claw my way through each day, hoping to find what I’m looking for, and I can’t because I left that behind when we broke up!”
He was breathing raggedly, emotion pouring into his words, eyes so full of devastation that they broke her heart all over again. Nick swallowed heavily, huffing out a laugh, before shaking his head.
“I’m sorry for raising my voice. That wasn’t fair. I just…I miss you, Nora. Maybe tonight was fate,” he said softly.
“You think my car breaking down after a long 15-hour shift is fate,” she said dryly.
“Oh my god I don’t know why I love you.”
Even as he groaned dramatically, she knew he meant every word. He loved her. He still loved her. Even after two years, he still loved her? Nora didn’t know what was showing on her face, but Nick sighed softly before sending her a weak smile.
“We can pretend I didn’t say that,” he offered.
His voice was so quiet, so small, nothing like she’d ever heard before. He was nervous. She hated it.
“Can’t take it back now, Blankenburg. I heard you loud and clear,” Nora said simply, smile threatening to spill over her lips.
Nick’s own lips parted in surprise for a moment, before he laughed loud and clear, the most genuine things she’d heard from him all night. “Do you need a ride to the mechanic tomorrow morning?”
“You going to be my knight in shining armour again?”
“As long as you’ll let me, princess.”
She couldn’t help slipping back into her old teasing, Nick’s answering grin cementing it for her. Tonight had been dangerous for her heart, everything she’d been trying to protect herself against for the past two years. And yet here she was, flirting with her ex-boyfriend like nothing had changed.
“Give me a call when you need me?” he suggested.
“Yeah, yeah, I will do,” she nodded, slipping her bag strap over her shoulder as she tried to calm her racing heart.
But as she opened the car door, Nick’s hand shot out to stop her, his large hand surrounding her wrist easily. His thumb stoked over the thin skin in a way that made her shiver, something which he clearly noticed with the way he smiled sharply, heated.
“It really was good to see you, Nora,” he murmured.
“It was good to see you too, Nick.”
And as he let her go, she knew in her bones that this was the start of something completely new.
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yenonnoff · 15 hours
TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE! 28. what comes after heartbreak?
note: word count is 3.2k (^O^)
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atsumu was face-to-face with the person he used to call his “love.” what would usually be the feeling of butterflies or warm rush of affection through his body was replaced with pure contempt. now, he only saw a witch—a girl that had insidiously beguiled him into falling in love. 
atsumu was already inside the record store when he saw emma. long hair, rosy cheeks, full lips—the epitome of pretty privilege. from afar, she looked as approachable and friendly as a lily; however, get close and she might bite you like a venus flytrap. 
atsumu understood why he was so charmed by her all those years ago. nevertheless, that was then and this was now. a switch was flipped the moment the two broke up, and all the sweet affection was drained from him. 
one moment, atsumu was inside the record store; the next, he was sitting across emma in a nearby cafe. this was against everything atsumu stood for. however, he needed answers and he didn’t want to rush headlong into a sudden confrontation. he didn’t want to destroy his one sanctuary just because of emma.
“why are you here? how did you know i was here?” atsumu demanded firmly. a vexed wrinkle formed between his eyebrows, matching the guarded way he sat with his arms crossed over his chest. his body was completely tense. atsumu miya’s defenses were all up and his system was working overtime on full alert. 
“oh, please. it’s a public place for crying out loud.” she retorted. 
atsumu stared at her in disbelief, his frustration completely inflamed. “first, it was that photo you posted. now, you appear in front of me in the record store. how much more selfish can you get?” 
“what? selfish?! this was the only time i’ve been back to that scruffy place filled with junk. besides, i just asked around for your schedule. today’s your break and i know you always go there to clear your mind.” she drew in an exaggerated breath, her index finger twirling a strand of hair. she continued with a scoff, “especially after everything that happened last week, i had a feeling you’d come back here.” 
one thing about emma was that she always got whatever she wanted. but not here, not with atsumu. 
“never come back here again. i thought i made that clear when we broke up—guess i’ll have to drill it into your brain for you to actually understand. if you don’t leave me alone, i’ll reveal every single detail of what you did during the time we dated to the public.”
emma’s eyes widened. “are you crazy? are you threatening me right now?” 
that was another thing about emma: she only ever cared about herself. 
“our agreement was that i keep your shamefulness a secret. in exchange, you were to never associate with me again; never message or mention me; and never step foot near the places connected to me. this included the record store. you broke the rules first, i have every right to ‘threaten’ you.” 
atsumu’s body was less rigid now, but his eyes were still narrowed in earnest hatred. his disdain for emma ran deeper than anything anyone could ever imagine. 
when a waiter stopped by, atsumu waved an absent hand in dismissal. “i’m not ordering. i won’t be staying long enough for a drink anyway.” awkwardness swirled in the air and atsumu could feel the thundering displeasure coming from across the table. after the waiter walked away, emma grumbled, “could you have at least saved me some face? now i look desperate.” 
“funny. that’s rich coming from you.” 
“listen, i think there’s been a misunderstanding. i didn’t come here intending to break our agreement. i came here because i was worried about you.” 
emma’s third thing: her dedication to her cruel artifices, honing them like a mad lady. that was how she’d fooled him into becoming so disastrously lovesick. if he didn’t know better, he would’ve been swayed by her endearing concernment. 
“why would you be worried about me?” 
“because of the movie theater incident obviously. i recognized the denim hat you always wore, and that hoodie, it’s the one your brother gifted you, right?” 
atsumu’s gaze bore into her. he wanted to laugh at her absurdity but her words had brought up another issue he’d been dealing with: you. he hadn’t been able to talk to you all week. his mind was restless wondering how you’ve been doing. 
he wanted to talk to you in person, be surrounded by your warmth again and experience the fervid comfort you bring him just by being there. even now, in the disturbing presence of his ex-girlfriend, all he could think about was you. he thought about your worrisome craze for coffee, wondering if you’d like the small cafe he was currently in. he thought of all the puerile topics he’d talk to you about if you were sitting in front of him instead of emma. 
“still obsessed with me are we?” atsumu asked. 
to be honest, he was exhausted. he’d only come here to be alone in the record store absorbed by all the captivating music it had to offer. but no, he was wasting his time talking to a brick wall. he wished you were here instead. 
emma huffed, crossing one leg over the other. “honestly, how could you be so reckless? how could you get caught with a no name actress? good thing that guy cleared things up. do you know how damaging it could’ve been to you?” 
the fourth thing about emma was her shameless ideology: reputation and prestige mattered more than anything else. obviously this was all masked during the time they dated. for two years, she concealed her dishonesty and false compassion—even her friendliness and good nature weren’t real. she had played atsumu miya like a fool. and he often wondered if she ever went to sleep laughing quietly to herself while being cuddled in his arms. 
atsumu rubbed the bridge of his nose. of course he didn’t realize how damaging his actions could’ve been, he wasn’t even the one getting bashed on by randoms. it seemed—similarly to them—emma also lacked critical thinking skills. she failed to see that her fans were targeting you instead of him. so while she sat here blabbering ludicrously, you were probably still dealing with crazy fans in your comments. 
there was another thing atsumu couldn’t let go. how could she call you a “no name actress,” when you weren’t the one that paid your way into the industry? her comment was just ridiculous. 
“never talk about y/n like that ever again. i’m serious about my threat, emma. i wasn’t the one that wanted the agreement in the first place. you’re the only one who'll get hurt if i release a statement.” 
he prepared to stand when emma reached over and caught hold of his arm. he pulled away immediately, disgust written all over his face.  
emma let out a defeated sigh. “wait, please. look, i don’t think we ever got the closure we needed, so i came here to say i’ve changed a lot after we broke up. i don’t do that thing anymore…”
atsumu rolled his eyes. it’s been more than a year since they separated. what closure did she need now? 
“and by ‘that thing,’ you mean your habit of bribing people,” he sneered. 
emma’s gaze faltered. his words had made her hesitate. “yes, i’m just grateful to director sage and his film. it allowed all of these opportunities and sponsorships to come in.” 
atsumu’s hands curled into fists by his side, his knuckles turning patently white. at that moment, he wanted to scream at her. she’d learned nothing; this whole time, she barely needed to lift a finger. all those opportunities were handed to her after she paid for a role on director sage’s film. it was still bribery. she still paid her way to success. 
“then what about your current role? why am i hearing people say you paid for that too?” 
“what? where are you hearing that?” she asked, enraged. emma’s fifth thing: she hated being criticized and proven wrong. 
“you forget that everyone in the industry hates you. staff members talk shit behind your back and actors despise your guts. even director sage hated working with you. it’s astonishing really.” 
emma was too dazed to reply. she didn't know if it was true or not, but she hoped it was just an attempt to rankle her. 
atsumu continued after her silence: “tell me, did you or did you not pass the audition?” 
“this again? i told you, i stopped doing that stuff a long time ago!” emma groaned, tapping her index finger against the table frantically. “obviously i passed. that’s why i have the role in the first place.” her finger continued to tap, her feet flicking up and down in a similar rhythm. 
“liar,” atsumu said plainly. “you’re lying right through your teeth. you did it again, didn’t you? used your dad’s money to buy the role you failed to get.” 
“i’m serious!” tap, tap, tap— everything about her was becoming a nuisance. she was a disturbance to the cafe’s homey atmosphere; her honeyed voice, the one he’d once loved so dearly, had turned rough and utterly annoying. 
atsumu shook his head. “oh, c’mon. you claim you’re an actress but you can barely lie to save your life. stop doing that thing with your finger and foot whenever you lie, it might help you save some embarrassment.” 
“are you being for real right now?” 
“extremely. so stop it, emma. stop trying to be so glorious. stop trying to act like jolie.” he scoffed in disbelief, “did you really have to stoop so low?” 
he watched as her face twisted in confusion. “i know you tried copying her personality. did you know she still gets hate for it? when your quote-unquote fans noticed similarities between how you both acted, they went rampant on jolie for ‘copying’ you. you’re poison, emma. you only cause people harm.” 
emma waved a dismissive hand in the air as if his words were a pest. that action alone embittered atsumu beyond belief. he could still remember how jolie felt after receiving hundreds of tirades from people online. she was torn between being true to her selfless nature or containing it. she’d chosen the latter, and it was only recently that she started loosening up again. 
“i’m done. i don’t know why i wasted my time here with you. if you post another picture as a ruse to get people talking, i really am going to expose how you cheated on me.” 
that garnered an immediate reaction. “it wasn’t like that!” 
“right. on our business trip, in our hotel room, on our bed. who were you even fucking? some a-lister you randomly met?” 
“i was drunk!” her exclamation received stares from nearby staff members. emma’s drink had been on standby for a while now, except no one was brave enough to bring it to her. they didn’t want to get caught in the heated conversation, preferring to tend to other customers. 
“you already gave that excuse,” atsumu said, his voice barely above a whisper. he was reliving hell just by sitting there. the memories of the heartbreaking incident were unfolding in his mind—the memories he wanted so badly to suppress. 
it just had to be on valentine’s day of all days. the two of them were invited overseas to partake in a modeling event; they were there for three days and on the last, emma reid got bored and messed up. 
atsumu learned two things that day: first was his girlfriend’s incompetency, and how she resorted to bribery to get acting roles. the next was her disloyalty and how their relationship was a complete lie. it all happened in a single evening. 
the last day of their trip was dedicated to solo activities only. emma had finished her duties early and was free to do whatever she wanted around the city. atsumu, on the other hand, was stuck at a stuffy and formal gathering. people of various reputable statuses were there and atsumu was invited as a guest by a brand he was modeling for. being social and talkative was one of atsumu’s strong suit—but it also led him to discovering a truth he never wanted to know. 
that night, a young man around atsumu’s age approached him with a smile. he was another model that was invited as a guest, and the two got along quickly. then, when the man asked about atsumu’s relationship, atsumu watched as he started to laugh boisterously. apparently he’s worked with her before. the world really was small. 
“oh, but isn’t her family really rich? i heard her dad’s loaded! looks like he dotes on her a lot.” 
“and?” atsumu asked, wondering where the conversation was going. 
“well, i heard she only gets roles and gigs through underhand tactics. y’know, like bribery, using her family’s name and wealth to—“ 
“but you only heard that though. it’s not true, just gossip.” 
he gave atsumu’s arm a playful slap. “hey, man! stop hurting my feelings, i have lots of connections so i know everything that happens in that industry. it’s fucking twisted honestly,” the young man laughed again. “i heard a director talking about it once, so my suspicions are cleared. do you want another dri—“
by then, his words were already drowned out by atsumu’s racing thoughts. his mind was engaged in a futile debate, but he already knew what was true and what wasn’t. atsumu was slowly piecing together all the coincidences during the time they filmed with director sage. he was always so distraught by her for no apparent reason; he was also much harsher on her compared to the others in the main cast. he was more displeased, more spiteful of the film despite it becoming a large success. connect that with everything else and a complete puzzle was formed. 
atsumu was too lovesick to see anything at the time. he was too convinced and blinded by her geniality to notice her hateful schemes. still, this was something the two of them could overcome… they could talk about it, resolve things, and he could help her become better. 
but could he? would his conscience allow it? would he be able to sleep soundly knowing he was with someone who stole opportunities from others? 
the rest of the event was a blur. when everything ended, atsumu rushed back to his hotel room, clinging onto the diminishing hope that everything would work out—that the two of them would still be okay after this. then, he saw someone leaving the shared hotel room: a man atsumu was sure he’d seen on one of the city’s billboards. the attractive man faltered when he saw atsumu in the hallway, and atsumu felt his world falling apart. 
a million assumptions ran through his mind and he reached the door in hurried steps, bypassing his girlfriend’s accomplice completely. the sight of her naked on their shared bed had said enough—said everything. 
clothes on the floor, crumpled sheets, tangled hair. all atsumu could do was whisper her name in crushing anguish. he stood there as she fumbled to shield herself with the blanket, shame overriding her previous smiling expression. she’d been caught. she’d messed up. 
he watched as she clothed herself, a swarm of emotions rushing through his veins. he swallowed his heartbreak and bore his defenses. he needed to prepare himself for the next few agonizing minutes. 
at first, he was calm. perhaps a bit shaken up, but he’d just returned back from an exhausting event. the collar of his dress shirt was digging into his skin, and he feared he didn’t have enough energy to argue. 
emma—beautiful and serene, the one person atsumu confidently loved with his whole being—sat in front of him avoiding eye contact. she didn’t say anything; she didn’t even apologize. the gesture made atsumu question their whole relationship. 
through her silence, atsumu found his strength to speak up. defend himself. he inevitably triggered a tug of war, a painful back and forth between him and her. both were persistent and defensive, becoming increasingly inflamed with anger.
their words sharpened into blades that pierced one another’s hearts at different angles. atsumu continued to sit while emma stood with ire surging through her body. she was on the verge of tears, overwhelmed by his barrage of accusations and questions directed at their relationship. 
did she even love him? did she even care about their future? about him? what was he to her? 
then, atsumu brought up her bribery and her facade instantly cracked. she didn’t give him any honest answers. the only thing that increased with her excuses were his sighs. so this was how they were going to end things. 
caught in the heat of the moment, emma admitted that atsumu was only a publicity stunt to her. she’d only dated him for more recognition and immersion into the acting industry. his good looks and charms were only a bonus. she’d said out of spite, hoping to hurt his feelings, and it’d accomplished just that. 
it was done: their relationship, their future, everything. 
atsumu moved past emma to pack his belongings. he’ll get a new hotel room and flight tickets; he’ll get to see his brother again, maybe even visit rin in his studio, or just invite all three of them (omi if he’s not too busy) to play beach volleyball. yeah, he’ll be fine. everything will go back to normal when he lands in tokyo again. 
then, emma grabbed onto his arm. she begged him to keep everything a secret—to have the faintest sympathy towards her. if emma’s cheating schemes were exposed to the public, even her family’s wealth wouldn’t be enough to calm down the media. her bloodshot eyes and tear stained cheeks had convinced him. while he might’ve been in love with a facade this whole time, he’d still experienced happiness. she’d kept him content and smiling for two years; keeping this a secret was the least he could do. 
however, if he was going to do this, she needed to agree to his conditions as well. peace was all he wanted and he’d set up the agreement with it in mind. 
back in the cafe, emma continued to insist on a false reality: “atsumu, honestly, i didn’t know!” 
he saw her tapping finger and felt something ugly and twisted wrap around his tattered heart. he felt regret for ever comparing you to her. clearly, you were far greater and more special than emma will ever be. he truly wished her the worst. 
“we’re finished here. i don’t ever want to see you again; i know how precious your reputation is to you.” he stood from his seat, his sudden action surprising the nearby weary staff members. “oh, and, stop with your stunts, they’re embarrassing. you should know better than to drag rin into this. he hates your guts as much as i do, maybe even more.” 
“what?” she craned her head upwards to stare at him. “but he always waves back when i see him in the studio. he… smiles sometimes too.” 
“here’s the nice thing about rin: he’s not an actor but he can still lie. did you know he tells us everything behind your back? he always has a good laugh, saying how stupid you are.”
“go buy some acting classes with your dad’s money for god’s sake. you have so much at least put it to good use.”
atsumu didn’t wait to see her reaction. he left the cafe immediately, calling for a taxi home.
masterlist ⌒☆ previous ⌒☆ next
fun facts:
atsumu was able to hang out with osamu, rin, and omi when he got back to tokyo. however, he fell into long periods of stagnation afterwards, finding it difficult to stop thinking about emma and their previous life together. it ultimately led to his year long hiatus.
the cafe staff members were lowkey eavesdropping, but they were completely clueless about what was happening. they're just teenagers trying to get a paycheck, someone help them. all they knew was that the girl messed up and the blond guy was right (as they should!).
please join the emma hate group along with me, atsumu, jolie, and rin (there are probably more members we hate this girl)
emma actually fumbled. why would you cheat on atsumu in the first place, please!!
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TEACH ME HOW TO LOVE! 。o♡ an atsumu miya smau
synopsis: when y/n l/n, a rising actress, decides to star in a romance film that could make or break her career, she’s unable to showcase her skills, revealing her inexperience within the romance department instead. worst of all, atsumu miya, her co-star and the main lead’s love interest, seems to hate her guts! with absolutely, unbearably zero chemistry between the two, an idea was proposed: spend time with one another in the upcoming weeks. will y/n be able to ignore her professionalism and listen to her heart? and will she, a clueless romantic, be able to pick up on the signs her co-star is sending her?
a/n: idk if my writing is inconsistent pls tell me if it is actually no actually yeah. hmmm anyways act 3 guys !!!
taglist is open! dm or ask to be a part of it! (those bolded were unable to be tagged)
⌒☆ @kqbukimono @empathum @clyver @chosoluv @oceansfloor @sunarots @marga-j @rukia-uchiha-98 @wyrcan @thechaosoflonging @rintarousgirl @ast4rg1rl @seiamor @saiewithakatana @usermins @literally-a-ferret @terrarain @iuspired @haruskatana @wolffmaiden @ris-krispie @vellichxrr6782 @animenaces-world @reignsaway @emii4evr @writing-for-the-hell-of-it @yuminako @tojirin @v3nusplanetofluv @vyvixen @secondary-character-25 @tenjikusstuff4 @444choso @mylahrins @deimmortales99 @hisfuture @staywhelmed8801 @dl-yum @nessaasstuff @milesmoralesluvs @101tsumu @ryeyeyer @cherrypieyourface @azharyy @mimi3lover @stayyyyyyyyyyyy21 @dazball @whykirbo
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miyazakira623 · 1 day
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Their THE KISS scene on season 3 episode 5 (yes i remember exactly dont ask why) it was REALLY powerful because it literally showed us the development between the two characters from them trying to kill one another (mostly rayla) to saving each other and Callum expressing it such a beautiful way by his speech with "Because she's Rayla" Playing in the background was just TO DIE FOR!!!! it was emotional, romantic, strong! It was everything! It wasnt forced it was just there in the perfect time. I can never stop praising the shows writers enough istg. Even rn im listening to that ost in the background.
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I cant lie bc it was adorable seeing these two being all lovey dovey with each other by kissing and hugging etc. But when season 4 begins, their relationship is just not there anymore. Yes there are bits and pieces but they're scattered everywhere. Callum reminiscing about her and their time together gives us half of the answer. Something happened that pulled them apart but what is it?
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When he was looking out in the balcony to the sky, their theme was also playing at the background but so soft and so weak that you felt the pain of Callum. It was a sad track, it was a tragic track. Raylas' memories are still there but not herself. And it made him so sad that the dude said it was NOT his BIRTHDAY but the ANNIVERSARY OF RAYLAS' LEAVING!!!! THIS BOY CARES ABOUT RAYLA MORE THAN HE CARES ABOUT HIMSELF!!!
From then on the relationship starts to have a second build up. Its like strangers to friends to lovers to strangers to ??? . The only difference of this build up compared to first three seasons is that there is already an established relationship, its just broken. So in a way they start again. Going on adventures, being there for each other in case either of them needs help. Callum doesnt let his feelings for her suppress his hurt which was also caused by her but little by little it starts to heal. It starts to fix.
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Here we see Rayla admit to her mistake of going after revenge and leaving the most important thing she has behind (aka callum obv) . Her admitting this out loud is so great to hear. Because she know she made a mistake and that mistake hurt Callum and she intends to FIX that mistake. She gives him the space he needs while also staying close enough in case he would need her. Just like Soren said "sometimes you need time to work through the weird, and then it'll work out or dont. The heart do what it do or dont what it dont"
And thats exactly what happens! With time the awkwardness becomes less and less and their hearts do the job. Their feelings for each other were never gone in the first place, and when they both finally realise that it just keeps getting better. In the form of saving friends (zym and soren) they remember how it felt working together which helps them get closer.
But even tho they act close their words are still apart. They dont admit it. They dont talk about it. They just go along with it. But then rayla gets caught sneaking runaans' bow. When callum orders them to release her even without knowing the reason why, rayla picks up what he's putting down. He trusts her, he doesnt push her to explain him anything becauss he knows that she will when she is ready. She sees that there is still a chance to make things just like before maybe even better.
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(Also in this scene when they're going to the grand bookery and they cross this path, she says "its an old wound that's healing" I cant help but feel like its a parallel to their relationship. The wound of leaving for two years but now finally working through it. Its just perfect)
So yep after everything she admits it, which is also perfect because she was the one that made a mistake so she does fix it and she does it right.
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"Im glad we could be here together, looking at the stars..." She says.
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And callum feeling the same way rests his head on hers. ITS JUST PERFECT AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!! THE WAY THAT THEY STILL KEEP TALKING ABOUT STARS AND THIS WHOLE SCENE HAVING AS MUCH POWER AS THEIR KISS SCENE AND DARE I SAY EVEN MORE (i dont know which wins bc i was jumping around screaming when they kissed after callums poetic speech LOL it was ROMANTIC ALRIGHT?! 😭😭😭😭 SAME GOES FOR THIS ONE)
And the thing is it is so easy to mess it up. They could've gone for route like "hey im back after two years of absence" "Oh hi its great to see you again" And its not just the characters and their relationships but also the world that you're telling to the audience. It is so easy to get it wrong ESPECIALLY if you are writing Fantasy. With so many kingdoms, dragons, elves and other species and also magic its very very simple to mess up. Im glad that they went this way with the story telling. Its more natural, more enjoyable and it just works perfectly.
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Innie / Hyunjinnie | fem!skz universe
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This theme may not be for everyone, but every now and then my mind wanders into the garden of the fem!skz universe and they do things to me (I do things to them - not sure). I'm personally obsessed with fem!hannie (see here and here) because she can be both needy and desperate, and also very demanding and dominant. But I have some thoughts on some of the other members too.
↳ fem!innie
fem!innie is a sophisticated bitch but with an air of indifference and a hint (a smidge… and it’s fake btw) of innocence about her. Tall, slender with long hair and a killer smile. She turns heads everywhere she goes. Boys and girls try to flirt with her but she isn’t interested. She just dismisses them with a smile and a wave of her hand. They usually think she’s saving herself for the right lover.
fem!innie who once she lets someone in her bedroom they see a switch flip. The innocent demeanor is replaced with a dominant, controlling woman.
In the boudoir or dungeon fem!innie wears leather lingerie. She ties you to the bed, gags you, and says the meanest things. Fem!innie loves to edge the fuck out of you until you’re crying for release. And she’ll laugh manically like it’s the most fun thing ever.
She uses riding crops on you to get your skin all welted. She’ll slap your pussy or balls… and then fuck you with the handle. She’ll dig her fingers into your skin until you bruise. She’s unghinged!
If you’re a guy, fem!inne will ride your cock wildly. But don’t you dare cum before her, or in her. You have you wait until she climaxes first. Then she’ll get off your dick and leave the the room, leaving you in tears. Eventually she’ll release you from your binds… but that’s the only release you’ll get.
If you’re a woman, fem!innie loves to overstimulate you. Im talking eat you out and finger fuck you with her long fingers (that she has coffin shaped nail extensions on). She won’t stop until you’ve cum 5 times… all while she’s riding your face. You’ll be crying and begging her to stop. But she won’t. Not until she’s finished playing with you.
fem!innie loves it when you surprise her with your own dominance. She loves the fight. A slap across her face makes her pussy clench. Call her a “fucking slut” and she’ll grind on your leg. And if you manage to tie her up and fuck her cunt with that riding crop of hers, she’ll be fantasizing about it for weeks while she plays with herself.
↳ fem!hyunjinnie
fem!jinnie is a complex little lady, although many don’t realise. They thinks she’s easy and usable to get their rocks off. All the men at the gentleman’s club where she works agrees she’s the perfect little pet. Some say she’s submissive and timid, others say she’s a fucking brat who needs teaching a lesson. Others say she knows exactly what to do to please a man. Some say she’s a good little cocksleeve that lets you tear up her cunt and throat repeatedly.
it’s because fem!hyunjinnie is a chameleon. She becomes whatever you need her to be. You need her to deep throat you? She’s your girl. You need her to take two cocks at once? Easy. You want her let you ride her face and grind your pussy on those plush lips of hers? She’ll lap you up like a starved woman.
For the most part fem!hyunjinnie loves it all. She’s super sexual. She’s into guys, girls, group sex, gangbangs, all female group sex with lots of toys. She even participates in a sex show where you can pay to watch her fuck someone. Fem!hyunjinnie really loves putting on a show. She loves the expensive lingerie and designer clothes she’s gifted from the older, richer men too.
Fem!jinnie is caught off guard when she meets you and you want to get to know the real her. She almost cries when you ask her what she wants you to do to pleasure her. No ones ever really taken the time to ask her that.
Fem!jinnie realises she loves soft sensual sex to start with. A gentle massage, maybe some body chocolate dribbled on her and you lick it off her body? Maybe she asks you to eat her out. You love to spend a good hour down there bringing her orgasm after orgasm.
fem!jinnie who bravely asks you to wear a strap and slowly make love to her, and then she’ll do the same to you.
fem!jinnie eventually begs you to get rough and fuck her so hard she can’t walk for days. She’s even gotten you to spank her for being a naughty girl.
fem!jinnie loves that she doesn’t have to “perform” when she’s with you… but… she sometimes sneaks you back to one of the rooms at the club and gives you a special performance just for you.
One time fem!jinnie took you to an art gallery and snuck you into a dark alcove just to finger fuck you until your juices were dripping all over her hand.
fem!jinnie is adventurous, multifaceted, extremely giving, but all she wants is someone to love her for who she is underneath.
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penny-for-thots · 3 days
Babe I'm gonna be honest this is gonna be a spicy req and I hope you're okey with it (but if you're not then it's okey too! I'm sorry if I made you uncomfortable :''<)
So I've been listening to Obsessed by Mariah Carey. And I had a thought where fem!reader got pissed off with Suo coz he let another girl touch him (to make our reader jealous) or vice versa 😉 maybe a lil nsfw Owo sjfjksjdkskxj
Thank you!
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ⓘ BOTH YOU AND SUO KNOW HE'S NOT SLICK. f!reader — spicy. teasing, jealous!reader, dom!reader, suo being himself, kissing, clothed grinding, light cursing, ear licking, referenced or almost hand job lmao, + lmk if i missed any.
girl- pls don't apologize cuz i fucking love suo and topics like this. (got a lil excited w/this one, had to stop myself). im 100% cool with spicy requests! they don't make me uncomfy at all <3
i need more of them actually, but im going to settle and get the ones out of my inbox first. the ear-licking part was inspired by 'just like putty' by @brainrot-of-a-thot ; hope you don't mind :]
should i do this prompt but reverse? thinking abt revenge pt 2 rn...
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suo is an asshole.
however, he's a huge one right now and he fucking knows it. that stupid, sweet- kinda- sorta- hot, charmer.
it wasn't rare for him to tease you or others, it was in fact, extremely common. it seems his antics have increased since the two of you have started dating. he never crosses the already set boundaries, but he does tend to step on the line.
he's a 2-year-old, he purposefully stares at you while he's doing something bad, daring you to come get him.
suo makes sure to apologize afterwards, buy you something, give you kisses, whatever you wish. its normally harmless things, but today suo just decided to strike a nerve. talking to that bitch.
of course, he's a gentleman, but he's actively avoided her for quite a while now. he has a girlfriend, and she's strangely obsessed with him. ever since that day he saved her from some thugs and handed her groceries back to her, she's been hooked. she is around your age, so she has a chance, which only pisses you off further.
regardless, the both of you are confident in your relationship, trusting eachother wholly when it came down to it.
you still do! though there's some irritation seeing her touching him.
like usual, bofurin saved the day! suo was walking back with sakura and the rest when he got stopped. he pondered if he should shut the conversation down, or should he indulge. then he remembered that you'd be doing your weekly grocery shopping right about now.
he smirked to himself and indulged in the girl's completely dreadful talking until he caught a glimpse of you in the corner of his eye.
he wonders what you act like when your truly jealous. what exactly would you say? do to him? suo nods like he's listening indulgently, letting the woman squeeze his arm, even hug it for a bit before he moves to push her off. then again, you were already doing that.
suo's eye watches you shove her off of him. "number one, back off bitch," you glare at the woman before turning to suo.
"number two, hayato suo."
suo swallows, having to prevent himself from smirking. that's the voice you always used when angry at him, and fuck- it's sexy. especially, with you're bossy demeanor, ugh.
"you might want to tell sakura and the others that you're coming to spend time with me tonight," you speak, staring up at him with a frown, your voice turning stern, "we have to talk." suo nods, swallowing his saliva as he watches you walk off with your groceries.
"yes, ma'am ... "
he chuckles to himself, whistling. his friends look at him weird. he hums with a smile. "it seems i've gotten myself in trouble with my pretty lady. im afraid i can't join you today!" suo winks.
sakura blushes, blinking in 2nd hand embarrassment at the thought of dating, though he wonders what suo meant.
nirei whispers in sakura's ear, albiet loudly. suo could almost see the steam leaving his ears. "nirei, i'd appreciate it if you wouldn't describe it to him that way," suo smiles, "regardless, i'll see the two of you later."
suo leaves with a wave, wondering what exactly you could have planned. it couldn't be that bad. it's not as if you have some secret sadistic side, at least that he's observed. then again, he's also never seen your cheeks that puffy. nor that strange look in your eyes. he shrugs, walking calmly to your apartment, making assumptions.
and whatever assumptions he made were wrong.
"letting her hang on you, really hayato?" you whisper in his ear, blowing on the already reddend skin.
your plump lips kiss everwhere but his lips. his cheek, his chin, right below and beside his lips. you just wouldn't kiss him on the lips. suo chuckles both from annoyance and amusement. "aw, come on, i was just teasing," his eye follows your movements.
a grunt leaves his chest when you sit down, rubbing your lower half on his lap as if to sement it there. "really?"
normally, he'd have no problem. however, his cock is out, a pink ribbon tied at the base of it. you feel it twitch beneath you. feigning ignorance, you tilt your head, "really' what? im not understanding, hayato?"
he chuckles with a nod, "alright, payback. i get it." his hands are squeezing your hips, he's lucky you allowed him touch, had you not, he'd be insane by now. "what? you feigned such ignorance when you let that bitch hang on your arm. you know i don't like her." suo smiles, "i just wanted to see what you'd do. i wanted to make you jealous."
he leans up a bit, "and i succeeded."
"mm, i guess. well- you're certainly going to see what im going to do," you smile. "i mean, im even willing to help with- this."
his eye watches your manicured nails ghost along the length of his leaking and twitching cock. "you need help don't you," you whisper, your lips centimeters from his, "hm?"
suo nods, his eye fluttering. "yes- " your eyes are staring into his as you feel his legs twitch, your hands cupping his balls to trailing up the length. "yeah?" you smirk, your painted lips smacking, dragging on his skin to meet his ear. you lick a stripe up his ear that has him shuddering, his grip haltering.
you smile as his lashes flutter, the tip of your tongue exploring inside and out of his ear. a breathy moan leaves him as the tip of your tongue swipes along the piercing. "swe- sweetheart," he gulps, near whimpering when you nibble on the skin. "please- "
"hm?" you lean back, admiring your work. his blushy red face, shuddering breaths, and angry red cock.
"i am going to help you because i am a gracious girlfriend ... " you sit down on his lap, hand wrapping around his length. "in return, i better not see her touch you like that, ever again."
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acheemient · 4 hours
Things I think Will happen in Season 3 (it's not spoilers if it hasn't happened yet!):
Crowley takes up the roll of Duke of Hell.
Aziraphale was put into the role of Supreme Archangel so Metatron could keep an eye on him/get him out of the way/control him
God has been removed from the Book of Life or has been trapped or whatever by Metatron since the Not Apocalypse (hence no God narration in season 2)*
Crowley was a high ranking Archangel who Fell when he went to Metatron with questions. Crowley's memories have been erased (Duh)
Nina and Maggie will be back
Crowley dies in Aziraphale's arms, but Az is able to miracle him back from the dead (foreshadowed in season 2 by the whole "Lazuri" measuring system)
Crowley tells Aziraphale, "I forgive you," at some point**
Ineffable Husbands retire to a cottage in South Downs (because Neil loves us and will do right by us)
A Nightingale will sing outside the cottage and will be the last image we see.
Things I think Might happen in Season 3:
Crowley HATES being Duke of Hell, but he does it to spite Aziraphale
Aziraphale HATES being Supreme Archangle, but he pretends he's Fine. Lots of fake smiles
The Second Coming is a baby, and the Ineffable Husbands have to deal with keeping a baby safe from both sides
The Them come back to help save the day
Aziraphale brings Crowley back to life with a very tearful kiss **
Ineffables free God/bring Her back/add her back to the Book of Life somehow
God narrates the ending scene of the Ineffable Husbands living happily ever after, now that She has been freed/brought backby the Ineffables
The Ineffable Husbands end up raising baby Second Coming as their own in their cottage (throw back to them raising the fake Antichrist).
Thinks I Want to happen in Season 3:
So many kisses (I think we will get one, maybe two) between the Ineffable Husbands
A Big Hug between Aziraphale and Crowley (I'm taking about Embrace levels)
Crowley sarcastically bowing to Aziraphale and addressing him as "Supreme Archangel"
Adam still has some of his Infernal Powers. Nothing like before, but some left over
The return of Anathema, but I think her story is done, so this is less likely
A sex scene or an allusion to sex (but it won't happen, so don't worry - see below)
The last scene shows Aziraphale, Crowley, and the Second Coming in their garden outside the cottage in South Downs living as a happy little family.
Things I think we Won't see in Season 3:
Coffee Theory ***
Body Swap Theory ***
A sex scene or an allusion to sex between Aziraphale and Crowley (even though I want it, Neil won't bring it up one way or another. He'll let us all make our own choice on that one)
Newt. I just don't see him coming back
These are all just my opinions. Please do not get angry about anything listed above if you don't agree.
* God's Ineffable Plan was always for the Apocalypse to be stopped by Aziraphale and Crowley. Metatron still wants Earth to be destroyed. He wants his war.
**I'm hoping the "I forgive you" is heartfelt. Possibly when Aziraphale kisses Crowley back to life. Imagine Aziraphale holding dying/dead Crowley in his arms, saying, "Pease don't leave me, I need you, please don't go, I'm sorry, I'm so sorry Crowley" (etc.). And then Aziraphale's eyes glow purple as his pulls up every bit of his power and presses his lips firmly to Crowley's lips (much like their first kiss), and we finally see Crowley lift a hand to Aziraphale's cheek to kiss back, and Aziraphale is SHOCKED and pulls away to look at a very weak smiling Crowley who quietly says, "I forgive you."
***I know some people really hang their hats on this one, and no insult to them, but I don't think Aziraphale needed any extra prodding or powers used to get him to go back to Heaven. It's enough that he thinks he's going to be able to make Heaven better and/or protect Crowley. I kind of feel like it cheapens Aziraphale's agency and the story.
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justallihere · 21 hours
Dain and Violet are meant to be besties and only besties.
“To you,” Dain said, and Violet laughed harder at the affronted look on his face. “He’d kill me and chop me up in tiny pieces to sprinkle at your feet if he thought it would make you happy.”
That line was so fucking funny bc its so true. Everyone and their mother knows who whipped Xaden is for Violet
Does Liam actually want to be squad leader or is he only saying he wants to, so Sloane has competition?
Sloane and Dain 👀👀👀👀 I can imagine Sloane is giving Dain the biggest stink eye and Dain is just 😊 BC EXCUSE ME THAT LINE????
Dain smiled at the back of her head indulgently
The motherfucking consequences of your actions Xaden 😊
“I wish you would have stayed home,” Xaden said. “Did you come by yourself?” He sounded tense, though not quite angry. “I’m doing what you married me to do,” she replied, and he made a sound that might have been a growl 
I love how Vi can actually aim and she doesn't have to be stressed out figuring it in the middle of a battle. Canon had me stressssed
WE GOT TO SEE MIRA 😭 Will the 3 siblings be seen together anytime soon? I need to punch Brennan
For a split second, I thought Xaden became a venin when Sgayel screamed but he has to know better in SITQ?? riGHT ???? RIGHT???
Now its Vi's turn to be concerned for her husband 😊. We love equality. Xaden has watched Vi be mended twice now right (stabbing and torture)?
Seeing strong women in charge and being COMPETENT will always be a kink of mine
“You know,” Xaden said unexpectedly in a low, hoarse voice “You make a very good queen.” 
Xaden is such a smartass, never change shadow boy. One of these days, Xaden's going to smooth out her furrowed brow and warn Vi against wrinkles LMAO
They are so in love, just kiss already jfc (and i saw this not in a pressuring way but in a disgusted way LOL)
She spat it out, and it rolled across the grass, bouncing once, twice, three times before it came to a stop. 
This was so funny though 💀 I'm imagining the head is bouncing like a soccer ball
“I believe your husband is about to lose consciousness, Violet.”  
Andarna is so snarky I love it
Vi is such a good queen!! I can't get enough. I noticed she always asks for people's names and thanks them for any help they've given. THATS MY GIRL!!!!
Listen Xaden Riorson is not fucking subtle and it's so funny that even DAIN knows it. Poor guy never stood a chance against him and he tried to get with Vi before she ever even knew Xaden in this world
Liam wouldn't mind being squad leader! And he'd be very good at it. He also just likes to push his baby sister to be the best she can be (and annoy her in the process)
If Dain can put up with Violet, then Sloane is nothing. The man...has a type
Vi's aim still isn't perfect, but it's better (two-thirds, so we'll take it). Her training with Felix works!
It's gonna be another second before all the Sorrengails are back together!
your honor they're in love (derogatory)
Andarna my baby girl!! Saving the day and being insufferably smug about it forever!!
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therantingsage · 2 months
Ok I've been playing Slay the Princess and I feel like if you removed all the romantic subtext it really feels like the hero and the princess have N and Cyn vibes (or rather the other way around? idk). Like just in the inherent stress and tragedy of it all.
Two pairs of inherently connected characters, forced into a cycle of hurt, and pain, and desperation. Trapped. She's capable of immense cruelty and yet...still such a terrible victim of circumstance. You can't help but want to save her even though it can and will end in your own demise.
N's just that kinda guy about all the people he cares about tho so you could probably make the princess just about any character he cares about and the theming would be the same. But Cyn specifically in that kind of role is the most compelling to me. Change the romantic vibes to family ones and it just.....fits really well
Brainrot says make a crossover au. Also a platonic version of the Slay the Princess situationship genuinely sounds interesting to write and yet....I'm too busy writing one MD au thingy so I don't have the brainspace to write another :/ guess I'll just think about it
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dylanconrique · 5 months
actual visual representation of me decaying in bed all day due to those bts pics of lucy in the hospital.
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lunaryuwu · 3 months
Guys i need advice there’s this girl that has some kind of misunderstanding with me and now hates me for petty reasons caused by said misunderstanding. I think she’s really cool and i used to look up to her(not anymore dgcdgshahbaaj) but i’m thinking about talking to her about this to save myself the anxiety. BUT i breakdown at every confrontation ever and will bawl my eyes out(i can’t help it i wish i could stop it too) plus i’m scared of talking to her one on one and i’m also worried that she won’t agree to talking about this in the first place(it’s probably just anxiety playing tricks on me but i’ll never know)
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emperorsfoot · 1 year
that voice whispering "this edible ain't shit", that is a trickster god
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