#And honestly I'd take Inuyasha's more boyish look over his any day of the week
shinidamachu · 1 year
So I thought of something... I HATED Sesshoumaru in the beginning, reminded me of all my brother's bad traits back then (we are now best friends). It was after he adopted Rin he started becoming a better person, like some others become better people when they become parents. So it was the two of the, a father-daughter combo I liked, without the other, they aren't much. Just see the time Sesshoumaru kills a man and uses his arm while Ah-Un watches over Rin while they go to steal tessaiga and kill Inuyasha again. Now again, he's just awful. It's not before he appreciates human lives because she introduces her to the good sides of humanity (like some children introduce their parents to the beautiful and not cynical parts of the world), he starts to see that their lives also have their worth and becomes a better person. Some characters come as duos to be whole..!
You bring on some excellent, absolutely valid points.
For me, it comes down to the fact that I usually find stoic characters such as Sesshomaru – with very few exceptions – extremely uninteresting.
As a woman of color who is very passionate about everything I hold dear – my family especially – Sesshomaru is particularly hard to relate to. And everything I've said so far also applies to Kikyo.
I understand the appeal, it's just that he never did it for me. It feels like the very reasons why people love him so much are precisely the things that drive me away.
For instance, his character design is gorgeous, but I've never felt attracted to him and, even if I had, his cold personality would have nipped that in the bud.
Don't get me wrong: I absolutely love morally grey characters. Sesshomaru just didn't make it to the cut because he has the charisma of a water cracker.
The few things I actually enjoy about his character – the dynamic between him and Rin, his almost romance with Kagura, the unexplored idea of a relationship with Kikyo – aren't even about him per se, but about other characters.
Compare this to Inuyasha, a male lead who's actually interesting, charismatic and three-dimensional. It's not a secret that his relationship with Kagome is my favorite thing about him, but take that away completely – along with his character development – and I'd still be crazy invested on his journey as an anti-hero because that's how compelling and relatable he is.
Sesshomaru, on the other hand, works just fine as an antagonistic side character, but to be honest, every time there was an episode centered on him I wish I was watching literally anything else. Toga and Izayoi's love story, Koga and the wolf tribe or just the Inugang doind whatever: any one of those sound way more appealing to me.
You say some characters come as duos to be whole and I agree, but it's also true that this can lead people to not care about them as individuals, which is exactly my case.
I guess people can interpret Sesshomaru as someone who was just seeking for his father's approval, but even this sounds more like headcanon than anything actually explored in the show. Sesshomaru feeling overlooked doesn't necessarily means Toga overlooked him.
He is biased and entitled and we never got to see Toga's perspective on their relationship, but the fact that he left Tenseiga to Sesshomaru shows that he knew his son well and loved him enough to give him what he needed instead of what he wanted, even if Sesshomaru couldn't understand his act of love for what it was at first.
It was never about Toga's legacy – because Tenseiga is just a part of it as Tessaiga – and it was never about his broken up family – because he didn't seem to give a shit about his mother. It was about Sesshomaru's hurt ego at seeing his half demon, "bastard" brother getting the sword he judged to be more powerful.
I'll give credit where credit is due and say that from all the Inuyasha characters who were supposed to be morally grey – Kikyo, Koga, etc – he was the one who had the best written redemption arc by far, Kagura being the exception.
I just don't think it's as perfect as people make it out to be. It was good and natural for where the story stopped – anything else would have felt forced–, but he still had a long way to go before I stopped seeing him as a lowkey racist, spoiled little brat.
Even if Toga had if fact neglect him and this fact had been properly shown, it still doesn't justify nor erase the awful things he did, especially to Inuyasha, who had to go through way worse stuff than daddy issues, mostly because of him.
Abandoning Inuyasha as a child and using the memory of his mother to steal the sword their father had rightfully left to him are just a few examples of why I think a fraternal relationship between these two is broken beyond repair.
It's great that Sesshomaru did become a better person – not that the bar was too high anyway –, but it shouldn't be on Inuyasha to forgive and forget just like that. Especially because Sesshomaru never even put on the effort to apologize and make things right.
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