#And i think my anxiety is giving baby rosie anxiety. So i added many dog toys as well. My wishlist contains many practical items 😂
satans-knitwear · 2 years
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Lace with little chain detail 🥰
Treat me ~ Tip me
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roseduroi · 5 years
My Pooch, a Pretty Girl and Me
Pairing: Tom Holland x Reader
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: Tom loves it when his pretty girl sits in his lap 
A/N:This idea just popped up while I was staring at this post on Instagram. I wrote it down - it’s short, tooth aching fluffy
I haven’t forgotten any of the requests also, not even the oldest ones! I swear I’ll get to them. In fact, I can’t wait to get my hands on each one of them, they all look so eye-catching.
But I just can’t find the time to write. I used to write on my free periods at school, but now I try to take as many extra math classes as possible, (mentioning homework is pointless, I spend so much time on it :’))
I’m sorry!
English isn’t my native language, I’m so sorry for the mistakes. 
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“Hold on! Take a picture with my phone. I may or may not post it on Instagram later on.” Tom suggested, or more like gently commanded the girl with a silly look on the face and standing in front of him and his pooch as she photographed them. It's for memory, she had said and snapped a picture or two of Tessa and Tom sitting on the big green chair.
He shifted in his seat, one hand protectively wrapped around the dog and rubbing small circles on its chest as his other one slipped in the pocket of his soft grey sweatpants, searching for the device many so desperately were attached. He took the phone out, handing it to the girl as she reached out for his hand and smiled a bright small smile down at him.
She typed in the password, softly muttering the numbers and the letters under her breath as her finger pads touched the screen, sending warm impulses to the device and her heart as she could not miss the displaying memory on the lock screen of his phone. It was the two of them, with Tom smiling directly at the camera, with his arm wrapped around her waist and bringing her closer as hers rested on his chest as she was caught up in the moment, pecking his cheek, both eyes closed, and smiling.
“- three - zero - zero - zero,” she muttered the end, her thumb pressing the last digit and the phone unlocked. She didn't see, too concentrated on finding the Camera app and still reliving the memory from before and thinking, happy. But Tom had grinned. How damn cute she was, standing there in his pink hoodie and black jeans, tongue sticking out and nose twitching when she paid him no mind. She didn't hear him chuckle when she said the password out loud.
“Got it!” She rejoiced, flickering up her eyes at him. The girl beamed, taking a step back while focusing the camera on Tom and Tessa. “You ready?” She asked, watching him through the camera.
The male leaned into the chair, “Always, baby,” he smirked, spreading his legs wider, moving Tessa more onto his lap, petting her, caressing her shoulders, sliding his hands to her front, keeping them there. He tilted his head to the side, putting on a serious face and squinting to look cool, focused, more concentrated. The dog stilled, and a second of complete immobility, a moment of absolute stiffness, were enough for the girl to snap a picture or two and give him a thumbs-up, to praise him for nailing it.
“And captured!” The girl lowered her arms and grinned. She walked towards him, closer to the empty seat right next to Tom when his hand shot up and caught her wrist in his grasp, tugging her closer. He patted Tessa on the lower back with his other hand, maybe a little too forcefully he had given her that tiny push because she jumped off him and whined. But Tommy boy just smiled sheepishly back at his pooch.
“You hurt her feelings.” The girl pointed out, playing with his fingers of the hand that had caught her wrist moments before.
“Come here you,” He tugged the girl into his lap and she stumbled over his legs. “She was uncomfortable here long before. Tessa is very photogenic, but this place, right here, right where you’re sitting,” Tom breathed out, voice soft, barely above a whisper - his lips ghosted over her skin.
The girl gasped at the way the soft sloppy kisses felt against her neck, how protectively his arms were wrapped around her waist, keeping her close, how fulfilling it was for her to be sitting this close to him and feel the warmth radiating from his body, the butterflies in her belly that were tickling her softly.
“It’s yours; and only yours.” He pecked her nose, admiring the soft blush that had spread across her cheeks, painting it rosy red. He rubbed their noses together, she giggled. The bill of his cap standing in her way to actually kiss him; She reached out to take it off, marvelling at his messy brown curls. The girl brushed a strand of hair from his forehead, feeling the softness under her touch.
She put on his pink brill cap, sheepishly grinning at Tom, she unlocked his phone; Photo app was already opened. She showed him the pictures.
“It looks nice.” The girl commented, swiping to another one and the next one. “Your eyes are closed there. Though Queeeen,” She emphasised, zooming in on Tessa. Tom chuckled.
He brought up his pointing finger to the screen and swiped back. “I like this one.” He said, swiping to the side again to see if there were more than three taken photos. It was just three. He went back to the previous picture.
“Me too; you gonna post it?” She asked, looking up at him, taking in his freckled face, his soft pink lips that looked so kissable; the gentle shade of brown in his eyes as they were so focused on the device in her grasps. She almost leaned in, she almost pressed a kiss to his lips; she almost got lost in his eyes. But his voice and deepness in it brought her out of hypnosis to reality she was happy in.
“I think so.”
He took his phone from her hands. She laid her head on his chest, tucking her head under his chin. She placed her open palm on his heart, feeling it beat over the thin material of the dark shirt he wore under his jacket. She closed her eyes, how calming his heartbeat was... how fast she felt sleepy just by listening.
Tom glanced down at his pretty girl in his lap, frowning a bit when he didn’t see her eyes as he had wished, the brill of his cap hid the soft features he so oh so much loved. “Are you tired, pretty girl?” He asked, making the girl look up and then scoff (probably) at the brill when she realised the same problem and she took it off, the cap, tossing it beside them and then happily cracking a smile, soft and tiny.
“Just resting my eyes,” she nuzzled his chest, telling him quietly and then adding even quieter. “I feel secure with your arms around me.” The butterflies returned to her belly, tickling her, making her flush as Tom thought silently it was what was supposed to be felt – not fear, not anxiety but safeness, security and trust.
“I always watch over you.” He too admitted so quietly. “I love you, pretty girl.”
His eyes smiled, it felt so real – it was real. About how much a person could love, could care, share their soul and their heart, to be so vulnerable and yet so strong. It felt so real, he loved so much.
“And I love you.”
She whispered back, closing her eyes. She wasn’t asleep; she didn’t want to sleep, she was just resting her eyes, lying in his lap, in his arms. She enjoyed the warmth, she loved and was loved. Butterflies danced until the moment was over.
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